Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Unions an Reunions ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“Welcome Brothers and Sisters to our Reunion.” Sephiroth announced to them all. Rufus, Reno, Rude, Elena, Tseng, Tifa, Yuffie, Cait Sith, Cid, Nanaki, Barrett, Cloud, Vincent, Loz, Yazoo, and Kadaj all surrounded Sephiroth. In the shadows stood Hojo who watched the group. Hojo couldn't tell who was who; they all looked the same for all of them wore black capes. “Let the ritual commence.”
Sephiroth muttered some words that no one understood. A beam of light came from the pedestal which was surrounded by everyone. This was also the same place that Sephiroth had killed Aeris. The lifestream came out of the ground to the pedestal.
“What is that?” Reno asked.
“Be quiet.” Yazoo ordered. “He is concentrating.”
“Look at the light. Its almost as if its…No, it can't be…” Nanaki trailed off.
“Look at the light.” Vincent told them. “That is `Holy'.”
“Can you be too sure?” Sephiroth sneered.
“Did you betray us brother?” Loz asked cautiously.
“Heh, heh. Ahahahahaha. I have won. Mother is alive!!!”
“That, my friends would be `Ultima'.” Rufus said.
“Look closer.” Vincent pointed.
“HOLY SHIT! Its…..” Barrett's voice cut out.
“Welcome back to earth `Mother'. Ahahahahaha, Heh, Heh. How was your long slumber?” Sephiroth asked the being.
A young girl walked off the pedestal, down the stairs. When she came out, everyone saw a young girl with long brown hair. She wore a pink button up dress and had boots on. Everyone was in shock. Cloud ran up to her.
“So mother was actually…?” Kadaj was confused as was everyone else.
“its Aeris.” Tifa was in shock as Cloud ran up to kiss Aeris.
“Tifa are you alright?” Reno asked the sleeping Tifa.

“I had a dream that….” Tifa stopped as she saw Reno laying next to her. She would never get to sleep again…