Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Card - The Fated Meeting ❯ Chapter 1 – The New Trainee ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 1 - The New Trainee
A message comes across the intercom “SeeD Testing Starts Today, Last Time for Registration is 1500 Hours.” Seifer just quietly walks down the hall as he looks over the nice mission objective and thoughts crossed his mind: This is the first time we have used fake missions to test SeeDs, I hope Squall is right about doing this, and why do I have to be the bad guy again. I am supposed to meet Quests and Rinoa at 1300 hours to do get the exact directions.
Seifer kept walking as he soon passed a new student he had never seen before and he always made it his mission to test each new student in combat in the Training Grounds. Seifer just watched the young man keep walking, not paying attention to any one else as Seifer gets an idea. “Hey kid” Seifer yells as the young man turns around, “meet me in the Training Grounds in 30 minutes, that's an order.” He simply watched the young man turn around and walk off, as Irvine who had been watching walks up to him. “Hey Seifer, do you have to fight everyone?” Says Irvine.
“Well I haven't seen him around here, and all new recruits are suppose to fight me.” says Seifer. Irvine simply shakes his head and says “Well that guy has been here since the defeat of Ultimecia, from my understanding he arrived at the same time she was defeated.” Seifer looks up, thinks for a minute then comments “Don't you think that is alittle weird, for the guy to SHOW up at the exact time of the defeat of Ultimecia? But he was wearing a SeeD tryout outfit, why?
Irvine blinks then looks at Seifer and says “Maybe because he is going to try to become a SeeD?” Seifer shakes his head before opening his mouth “But you have to go through 4 years of training, unless you get special permission from the headmaster.” Irvine looks at Seifer, laughing abit, “Maybe you should go speak to him then, I must get going, we have a test to plan, see you on the field.” Irvine tips his hat to Seifer before walking off. Seifer simply shakes his head before checking his watch and seeing it was almost time to meet the new guy in the Training Grounds.
Seifer simply gets on the elevator going down, then it stops and he steps out walking toward the Training Grounds. As he walks there he decides after the fight to go speak with the Headmaster about this new guy and why he was given special permission. Seifer simply enters the training ground, spotting the new guy leaning up against the wall, as Seifer draws out his Gunblade, “Come on Kid let's see what you got.” Seifer smiles at this remark
The young guy says nothing, but simply pulls out a Gunblade also with a similar look to Squall's Lionheart Gunblade. Seifer notices it and then charges the young man hoping to keep him off guard, but as soon as Seifer goes to swing, the young man disappears and then reappearing behind Seifer swinging his blade toward Seifer, who quickly dodges it. Seifer looks at the young man while thinking: Damn, either he's fast or he knows good magic, looks like I may have to get serious.
Seifer simply holds his hand out as a small glow starts to appear in it, but before he could get his limit break off the young man gets in front of him, using his blade to knock Seifer's blade away, then puts his knee into Seifer's stomach and his fist into his jaw, knocking him into the ground, causing him to slide abit. As Seifer laid on the ground, he could feel his blood running as he breathed heavily, not even Squall had managed to do what this guy was doing, and he wasn't even winded.
Seifer slowly got up, pulling his blade back charging the guy as the young man smirked, appearing behind Seifer and striking a blow to the back of his head, knocking him out cold. When Seifer finally came too he noticed he was in the hall to the Training Grounds with Quistis and Zell standing over him. “Are you ok Seifer?” Quistis asked. “Does he look ok? Looks like the monsters ganged on him and paid him back for his beating them up.” Zell said laughing abit.
“The….kid….did this….” Seifer manages to get out, as they look at him. “I think we should get him to the infirmary Zell, help me get him there.” Quistis said while helping Seifer up, “Yeah Yeah” Zell snickered while helping Quistis take Seifer to the infirmary, as they slowly made there way news got around the Garden fast that Seifer had been over ran by monsters. As they got Seifer to the infirmary, Quistis and Zell start discussing what could have done this to him as a page comes over the intercom “Quistis and Zell please report to the headmaster's office!” They simply look at each other nodding, as they leave Seifer in the Doctor's care and they head toward the headmaster's office.