Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Card - The Fated Meeting ❯ Chapter 12 – Clash of Friends and Enemies ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 12 - Clash of Friends and Enemies
Seifer yawned as he looked at his watch which read 5pm. “Damn we have been traveling for about 8 hours now. Good thing we are in Esthar. I just hope those SeeDs didn't see us.” Seifer thought as he turned to look out the car window.
~ Flashback ~
“Damn Laguna! This road fucking sucks, whoever labeled this a road should be fucking shot!” Seifer yelled as he got out of the car and looked at the flat tire shaking his head. “Yes Seifer, why not yell louder, I don't think Garden heard you!” Allen says as he steps out, pissed that Seifer's little outburst woke him up.
“I mean it's a flat tire, big deal. Cars get them all the time. What's wrong? Can't change it?” Allen says looking at the tire. “Well not without a jack or something to lift up the car. We didn't have time to pack that before the base was attacked!” Seifer says while looking right at Allen.
“Just get the spare tire ready and watch this.” Allen says with a smirk as he grabs the side of the car. “Ok Griever, I need you strength, I know your juctioned to me.” Allen said in his mind softly as he slowly lifted up the side of the car enough for Seifer to change the tire.
“Whoa! How in the hell did you do that?” Seifer asks with a shock look on his face. “Hurry up and change the damn tire. This GF strength isn't going to last forever!” Allen says through clinched teeth at Seifer. Seifer quickly changes the tire as Allen then sits the car back down, breathing in and out slowly. “How exactly did you do that? I mean I didn't think GFs gave enough strength to allow that!” Seifer says still kind of shocked.
“Well it seems they do. But we aren't alone. I heard some people back that way, we need to hurry.” Allen says as he quickly gets back in the car. Seifer follows but not before he spots some SeeD members heading their way as he orders the driver to floor it.
~ End Flashback ~
Seifer looked straight ahead hoping that they weren't seen, but that hope faded as he saw something fly overhead. “Wake up! We got visitors!” Seifer shouted to Allen and Quistis. Allen quickly woke up and looked around, then spotted what Seifer did after looking out the window. “Stop the car, they want me that's fine. We can fight them here and now, in the middle of this open space. No one will get hurt that way.” Allen says softly as the car stops.
Allen softly wakes up Quistis and looks at her. “Listen we got company you stay here. Seifer and I will see if we can quickly end this.” He says softly, kissing her before stepping out of the car. Quistis reaches over and grabs her weapon, stepping out after him. “I want to help, I will just not watch ok?” She says softly.
Allen just nods as he draws out his Gunblade and Seifer does the same. “Well Seifer you want the Commander or should I take that honor?” Allen says with a small smirk. “A rematch with Puberty Boy? I thank you for the kindness.” Seifer says while smirking. “I guess I will take the Sorceress and the Cowboy...” Allen says smiling.
“Are you sure you can take her? I mean she will use her powers most likely.” Quistis says softly. “Let her, I am more then a match for her powers.” Allen says then points straight ahead as there are people walking towards them. “Looks like it's time for the fun to start.” Allen says looking at Seifer.
Squall slowly comes to a stop as he looks in front of him. He sees the two he's suppose to capture and then Seifer. “So that's where he went.” Squall thinks as he looks at them. “Seifer did you change sides yet again? I mean didn't you learn the first time?” Squall asks him.
“Just shut it. We are getting to Esthar even if we have to go through you.” Seifer says with a grin on his face. “Fine, if you truly want to fight. Rinoa, just try to knock them out.” Squall says as he watches her lift up her hand. Seifer looks and mutters, “Well damn. We are in trouble…”
Allen smirks as he quickly waves his hand in front of them, as the magic attacks from Rinoa are canceled out. “Sorry. You won't be getting us with those today.” Allen says with a smirk. Squall watches in disbelief as the attacks are easily canceled out. He then nods to his team as they charge towards the others. “Well here they come. I say we go greet them!” Allen says as he runs towards them with Seifer and Quistis right behind him.
Seifer and Squall's Gunblades meet as Seifer has a cocky grin on his face. “Just like old times!” He says as he swings towards Squall, who barely manages to block and counter his attacks. Squall quickly swings up knocking Seifer's Gunblade to his side as he knees him in the chest, knocking him to the ground. As Seifer hits the ground, he quickly delivers a kick to Squall's knees, taking him to the ground also.
Quistis manages to dodge Zell's and Selphie's attacks, but can barely do so. Quistis quickly snaps her whip towards Zell, catching his feet as she yanks really hard, causing him to fall face first into the dirt, not moving. She quickly pulls her whip back towards her, but not before Selphie manages to get a hit in to Quistis's side. Quistis winces at the hit as she quickly snaps the whip towards Selphie managing to make direct contact to her chest, knocking the wind out of her, watching as she falls to the ground, trying to catch her breath.
Allen was easily deflecting all of Irvine's shots, with his Gunblade, as he also dodged Rinoa's magic. “Ok Cowboy enough playing with you.” Allen says as he charges toward Irvine who was reloading as his fist quickly connects with Irvine's jaw, sending him skidding in the dirt, his gun landing a few feet away from him. “And as for you Princess, you better bust out those Sorceress powers. Because I am going to kick your ass too.” Allen says as he smirks and charges toward Rinoa.
Rinoa looked around for anyone who could possible help her as she saw most of her allies down, something inside of her snapped and she went Angel Wing. “Now the fun begins.” Allen said as he watches her go Angel Wing. He started dodging her very powerful magic, as she started to get more and angrier. He just smirked and taunted her while dodging each magic attack and striking her shield with his Gunblade. “Is that all poor little Sorceress Rinoa has? Not much without your Knight are you?” Allen smirks while taunting her with that.
Allen watches as Rinoa turns her sights towards Quistis as he growls. “Not today!” He quickly takes off running, as knocks Quistis out of the way as a Demi spell hits that spot. He breathes heavily as Rinoa smiles. “I got something for you to smile about right here bitch! GRIEVER!” Allen quickly says as people look to him as Griever slowly appeared in front of him. “Griever! Show her the meaning of pain!” Allen orders the big GF as it takes off running towards Rinoa.
Rinoa quickly pours more of her magic powers into the shield around her as Griever begins to beat on it. Each time one of his massive paws hits the shield she cries out in pain. Slowly Seifer and Squall pull themselves up, their heads turning in shock as they watch the summoning of Griever. Then they come to see what the GF's told them was true.
Quistis is unable to move as she watches Griever get summoned and begin to attack Rinoa. “No, please no. Don't let it be true…” She says softly as she realizes what this means. She realizes that Ultimecia somehow is inside of Allen, meaning SeeD would now go after him. She realized as much as she loved him, that they would never be safe. “SeeD's sole mission is to hunt down Sorceresses.” She thought softly as she cried.
Rinoa cried out in pain again as the shield around her finally gave out as Griever roared in victory, stepping towards her, about to finish her off. “Griever stop.” Allen said softly as the Big GF looked his way and walked back over to where he was. “Ok Griever, please return.” He says as the GF nods and disappears, leaving him standing their alone with his Gunblade still drawn, his eyes slowly glazing over.
“You weak fool. Destroy the Sorceress and her knight!” Ultimecia shouted inside his mind. “No Ultimecia. I told you I would not kill in your name. We do things my way. What exactly do you plan to do? I will tell you what you will do. Not a damn thing.” Allen says to her. He can hear her laughter and he tries to shrug it off. “Poor boy, you don't understand anything. She has a Knight so her powers are under control. But you don't have a Templar.” Ultimecia says still laughing.
“What in the hell are you talking about?” Allen says growling. “A Templar is a female knight. Just like she needs a knight to keep her powers in check, you need a Templar. But Templar are chosen differently then Knights. Now, I will destroy them myself.” Ultimecia says while laughing.
“You will do no such thing. I know what a Templar is.” Allen says softly. “Then you know you don't have one. Meaning your power will be out of control.” Ultimecia says still laughing. “I do have a Templar. You know as well as I do that's her. Regardless of what you try to say it won't make a difference.” Allen says. “Poor fool. You still don't get it. You have not done the rite to make her a Templar. So she isn't one. Enough of this talk, I will destroy them all!” Ultimecia shouts.
Allen's eyes suddenly open as they are dark red, as he looks at Squall helping Rinoa up. “Ah, the Sorceress and her Knight, this makes things much easier. You will pay for what you did to me!” He yells as he charges towards Squall with his Gunblade out. “Squall watch out, she's inside of him!” Quistis shouts to Squall who is able to block Allen's attack in time.
“Ultimecia, can't you give it up already? We defeated you!” Squall says as he begins to fight with Allen, as their Gunblades meet causing showers of sparks as the others have gotten up and are watching the fight. “Without a Templar, I can control him. I will use him to defeat you!” Allen says as he swings his Gunblade towards Squall's face, catching the same scar that Seifer made, cutting it back open.
Squall just gets mad as he charges Allen, unleashing his Lionheart Limit Break. But Allen just easily blocks each blow of the Limit Break, laughing the whole time. “Here, let me show you a Limit Break!” Allen says laughing as he spins his Gunblade around on his fingers, air gathering around it. “Dephier Shot!” He says as he stops his Gunblade and pulls the trigger, a shot hitting Squall dead in the chest, knocking him to the ground.
“I can't move…” Squall says as he breathes heavily. “That's right, now you die.” Allen says as he stands over him, about to pull the trigger on his Gunblade again before it's knocked away by Seifer. Allen turns to face him, “Ah, the failure of a Knight has come. What are you doing may I ask? I am doing what you couldn't do.” Allen says to Seifer.
“Ultimecia, go to hell.” Seifer lifts his Gunblade, pulling the trigger and firing point blank range into Allen's shoulder, as he grabs it and sees the blood. “Damn you!” Allen quickly holds his hand towards Seifer before casting Thundera and knocking him flat on his ass. Allen then grabs his Gunblade, grabbing Rinoa and holding the Gunblade to her throat. “I wouldn't try anything. I will kill her.” Allen says as he slowly walks towards the car, dragging Rinoa.
Once he's to the car he hits her over the head and knocks her out, throwing her into the car, as he takes off with it. Quistis and Seifer just watch unsure what to do, knowing the only way to save him, was to take his life. “Seifer, if anyone has to do it, let me. He told me if this was to happen he wanted me to do it.” Quistis says looking at the ground. “Well let's go see Laguna first.” Seifer says as they head towards a second car while the others help Squall up. They get into the car and drive off at top speed towards Esthar.