Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Until The Day I Die: A Squikku and Tiduna Story ❯ The "L" Word Sucks! ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"I didn't even know what the paper was," Rikku said, grabbing one of her fries and eating it, "I just saw Tidus clutching on it for dear life, I figured it was important." Lulu, Wakka, Tidus, Yuna, Squall, and Rikku went out to a fast food restaurant to celebrate Yuna's freedom from Seymour.

"Are you serious?" Lulu asked, "That paper could've been anything and you just threw it up there?"

"You mean at Seymour's head." Yuna giggled, sipping her milkshake.

Rikku shrugged, "I never said I was a good thrower! And I take chances."

"Tell us about it," Wakka spoke up, "Jumping off a building to save Squall? Pretty extreme, ya?"

Rikku looked down, "I said I was sorry!"

"There's no need to apologize, Rikku." Yuna smiled, glaring at Wakka, "You reacted with your emotions, people do that when they're in-" Rikku kicked, trying to stop her from finishing her sentence.

"OW!" Tidus cried out, rubbing his knee, "Who kicked me?"

"Sorry, Tidus!" Rikku apologized sheepishly, kicking again.

"Ow!" Yuna cried out, "What was that for?"

Rikku glared at her, silently telling her not to say that word. It was true, Rikku did you-know-what Squall, but she couldn't tell him because she knew he wasn't ready to hear it. If she told him, he would freak out or worse, break it off with her.

Yuna gave Rikku a look that said 'I'm sorry but you do!'. Rikku rolled her eyes, sitting back. Yuna didn't understand how afraid Squall was of commitment and having people depend on him. If she told him, he would think something bad was gonna happen to her because he believes that bad things happens to the ones he loves.

"Did I miss something here?" Tidus asked confused, his leg was still in pain, "Damn, Rikku, you know how to kick!"

"Thanks!" Rikku smiled happily.

"So...we're all going out tomorrow, right?" Lulu asked, trying to get rid of the weird tension in the air.

"Yup!" Rikku and Yuna squealed happily, "SHOPPING!"

"We just went shopping, Rikku." Squall sighed, he didn't want to go through the great torture of watching her change into her many 'creative' clothes.

"Not that kind of shopping!" Yuna smiled, "Though I do need new clothes." Tidus groaned, looking at her. She smiled sweetly, causing him to blush and wrap an arm around her.

"We're going to Luca!" Rikku said, trying to get Lulu's fries but Lulu smacked her hand away, "Ouch, Lu! You don't need them! You're fat enough!"

"Rikku!" Lulu yelled angrily, getting up to grab her until Wakka held her back.

Rikku grabbed onto Squall, trying to hide in his jacket, "I was just playing!" She shrieked.

"Anyways," Yuna continued, smiling at them, "Luca has this new market street. They sell almost anything there."

Lulu calmed down, sitting back in her seat, "Yep. I plan on getting more moogles."

Rikku peaked out of Squall's jacket to see her sitting back down, "I want a monkey!" She smiled.

Squall looked down at her, "A monkey? You're gonna buy a monkey?" He asked, disbelieving.

"Yeah!" Rikku said, sitting up, "Why not?"

"You can't even take care of yourself, Rikku. Let alone a monkey." Lulu said, glaring at Yuna for trying to take her fries.

"I can too take care of a monkey!" Rikku said, defending herself, "And what about you? You already have a million of moogles!"

Lulu shrugged, "You can never have too many moogles."

"I think it'll be cool if Rikku got a monkey." Yuna spoke up, "We can dress it up and train it."

"Thank you, Yunie!" Rikku smiled, "At least someone believes in me." She began looking at Squall.

Squall shrugged, "Monkey's are annoying, hyperactive creatures." He bit into his hamburger, ignoring everyones stares.

"So is Rikku." Wakka muttered before taking a sip of his drink.

"Hey!" Rikku yelled, throwing a fry at him, "I heard that!"

"Sorry!" Wakka apologized, picking up that fry and eating it. Lulu gave him a disgusted look.

"There's a difference," Squall said, "I can stand Rikku."

"That's because you can kiss her, touch her, and do unmentionable things to her." Lulu responded, not even looking up.

"LULU!" Yuna and Rikku yelled. Rikku began blushing, glaring at her.

"Exactly." Squall responded, causing Wakka and Tidus to laugh.

"You guys are such....GUYS!" Yuna said, rolling her eyes.

"And we're proud to be!" Tidus said, smiling cockily at her.

"Well I think I heard enough for tonight. I'm going for a walk." Lulu said, getting up. She looked at Rikku who looked back up at her. Lulu tilted her head towards Yuna and Tidus, giving Rikku a knowing look.

Rikku nodded, knowing what she meant.

"And you're coming with me." Lulu said, grabbing Wakka.

Wakka dropped his hamburger, staring up at her dumbly, "I am?" He asked.

"Yes." Lulu grabbed him, dragging him out the restaurant.

Tidus and Squall watched in amusement. Wakka was so whipped....

"Why don't she just buy him a leash?" Squall asked, grabbing Wakka's fries and handing them to Rikku. She squealed, happily accepting it.

"I think a whip will be better." Tidus said, giving Yuna Lulu's fries. Yuna smiled, grabbing them.

"Come on, Squallie." Rikku said, standing up, "I wanna go somewhere."

Tidus smiled as Squall stood up too, "I bet a leash will look so good on you too, dude." He teased.

Squall glared at him, "Shut up! Don't say a damn word." He replied, letting Rikku drag him out the restaurant. Tidus laughed at him as they left.

Yuna gently tapped him on his shoulder, causing him to turn and look at her, "Yes, Yuna?" He asked.

"Let me have your hamburger." She smiled sweetly.

Tidus nodded, quickly handing her his hamburger, "Yes, ma'am!"


"Where we going?" Squall asked, walking to his convertible.

Rikku shrugged, "I don't know." She got in the car as Squall opened the door for her.

"You don't know?" He asked confused, "But you said you wanted to go somewhere."

Rikku smiled, watching him get in the driver's seat, "I just wanted to leave to give Yunie and Tidus alittle time alone. They haven't had enough time together yet."

Squall put the key in the ignition, "That's why Lulu left too?" He shook his head as Rikku nodded, "You girls are weird."

"Hey!" Rikku smiled, hitting his arm, "You know you wanted Tidus to be alone with Yunie too!"

Squall thought a moment, "Yeah....but that's only because we'll be alone too." He replied, smiling at her.

She smiled back, getting an idea, "I know where we can go!" She said happily.

"Where?" He asked cautiously, not trusting the look on her face.

"Just trust me, Squallie!" She replied, looking forward, "Follow my directions."

Squall shrugged, why did he always get this weird feeling in his gut when she said 'trust me'? He started the car, "Ok, but you gotta promise not to get us lost."

"Me?" Rikku asked in shock, "Us Al Bheds know our way around!"

"Right." He said, driving off.


"Finally alone." Tidus smiled, holding Yuna close to him.

Yuna giggled, blushing, "Yup. All alone. Just you, me, and all this left over food."

"I can die happy now." Tidus replied, grabbing Squall's drink.

"You do know we're gonna have to pay for this, right?" Yuna asked, looking at him with a smile.

Tidus's face turned to complete shock, he spat out Squall's drink, coughing and choking. Yuna began patting him on the back.

"Are you ok?" She asked concerned, if she knew he was going to react like that she wouldn't have mentioned it.

"Yeah...*COUGH*....I'm just....*COUGH* *COUGH*....are you serious? Are we gonna have to pay for ALL of this?" He asked.

Yuna laughed, rubbing his back comfortingly, "Don't worry. Rikku taught me a trick to get out of paying the bill."

Tidus looked at her in concern, "No offense, but Rikku's a thief. If your little trick don't work, we can get in trouble."

Yuna smiled at his worried face, "Don't worry! I've done it plenty of times. Trust me."

Tidus stared at her, his mouth opened. Now he knew how Squall felt everytime Rikku said that to him. Whether Rikku and Yuna knew it or not, they weren't so innocent. Sure they were nice and polite, but deep inside they were trouble waiting to happen. Squall and Tidus knew that, that's why they always carried around their weapons when it came to being around them. Tidus glanced at Yuna's waist, seeing her guns in her belt. Yuna and Rikku did the same, carried around their weapons just in case. They all liked thrills, and Yuna and Rikku were the thrill-makers.

"Squall and I need serious help, I think we're addicted to danger." He muttered to himself, forgetting Yuna was there.

"What was that?" Yuna asked, curiously.

Tidus looked up at her in shock, "Nothing!...What's your plan?"

Yuna smiled, satisfied that he trusted her. "Hold my hand tight," She said, grabbing his hand, "Rikku and I do this anytime we don't have enough strength to fight fiends."

Tidus nodded, waiting for her to do it. "FLEE!" She yelled out, quickly running out the restaurant without any one noticing.

Tidus opened his eyes, noticing they weren't in the restaurant anymore. He looked at her, shocked that she could run so fast. If it weren't for him being an athletic Blitzball player, he probably wouldn't have been able to keep up.

"Shocked?" Yuna asked, laughing as Tidus slowly nodded his head, "I'm just full of surprises, huh?"

"Yuna, baby," Tidus smiled, placing an arm around her, "You're my dreamgirl."

Yuna giggled, blushing. "I got an idea!" She smiled, jumping up. Tidus could tell she was related to Rikku.

"What?" He asked curiously.

"Let's go to the springs!" She replied, grabbing his hands and pulling him towards their chocobo.

"The springs?" Tidus asked, liking the idea. They had their first kiss there... "What time is your curfew?"

Yuna looked at her watch, "We have an hour...let's go!"

Tidus smiled, nodding, "Ok."


"The beach?" Squall asked as they walked up to the shore.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Rikku asked excitedly, grabbing Squall's hands and jumping up and down, looking at the water.

"Yeah." Squall responded, admiring the view. It was night time and the stars and moon were shining brightly, making a beautiful reflection on the water.

"I knew you'd like it." Rikku smiled, pulling him towards the water.

"What are you doing?" Squall asked, watching Rikku walk into the water. 'Well at least she has her clothes still on.' He thought. He didn't know if that was a good or bad thing though.

"You owe me a swim, mister!" Rikku said, giving Squall a playful glare, "That day at the beach wasn't exactly what you promised me...with the whole 'we can't be together' stuff....So we're going swimming now!"

Squall smiled at her. She looked determined to get the swim he owed her, and she was right about the beach thing. But it was dark and they could get cold..."Rikku, it's dark and we could get cold."

"So!" Rikku smiled, running into the water without him, "C'mon, Squallie! Just one swim?" She pleaded.

"Don't even think about it." Squall said, walking into the water too.

"About what?" Rikku teased, going deeper into the water.

"Rikku, you're gonna get wet and cold and your dad's not gonna be happy."

"Pop's is never happy." Rikku smiled before diving under water.

Squall quickly jumped in the water, diving after her. He spotted her swimming away underwater. 'Oh no you don't!' Squall thought, speeding up to catch her. He quickly grabbed her foot, pulling her toward him. Rikku yelped as Squall pulled her up to the surface with him.

"Cheater! Cheater! Cheater!" She pouted angrily, glaring at him, pushing her hair out of her face.

"I didn't cheat." Squall replied, "I just did the smart thing and grabbed your foot which was closest."

"I wanna redo!" Rikku smiled, "And I get a head start."

Squall wrapped his arms around her waist, "Hmm...let me think about it." He thought a moment, "No."

Rikku gasped, "You meanie! You're no fun!" She pouted.

"I'm a meanie?" He asked, doing his best 'shocked' expression, "I don't think so."

Rikku smiled widely, "So you agree that you're a sweetheart now?"

"I thought I was a meanie?" Squall asked confused, smiling at Rikku's confused expression.

"Stop confusing me with your confusion!" She smiled, hitting his shoulder.

"I can't help it! You're so easy to confuse! And it's soooo adorable!" He replied, trying to sound like Rikku.

Rikku glared lightly at him, knowing he was mocking her, "Whatever." She replied, crossing her arms and looking away like he would do.

Squall's jaw dropped, "Are you mocking me now?" He asked.

"..." Rikku was acting like she wasn't paying attention.

"You're asking for it..." Squall threatened. Rikku glanced at him, trying to hide her smirk.

"Fine!" He said, pulling her into a kiss. Rikku smiled, responding back, wrapping her arms around his neck as he held her up.

"I knew it." Squall smiled, pulling away alittle, "Not even the Great Squall Leonheart can resist a great kiss."

Rikku giggled, looking up at the moon, "I just love the moon, don't you?" She asked.

He watched her stare at the moon, fascination deep in her eyes. "You know," He said, "Some people think that the moon's boring and depressing."

"Who?" Rikku asked, outraged, "I don't think so." She looked back up at the moon in admiration, "It's dark and mysterious. That's what makes it beautiful and interesting. People would think that it looks lonely, up in that big dark sky by itself, but I know it's has all those stars to keep it company. Like one big happy family, you know?" She asked, turning to smile at him.

Squall looked at her in shock, thinking about what she just said. He had a feeling she wasn't talking about the moon when she said that though. She was smiling at him, waiting for him to respond.

"Yeah, I know." He replied, looking up at the moon.

"Good!" Rikku smiled, satisfied with his answer, "Now what do you think of the sun?"

"It's beautiful." He replied, pulling her into another kiss. Rikku smiled, wrapping her legs around his waist. Once she did that, he felt something go off inside of him, that's when he realized he wanted to do more. He released her mouth to move down to her neck, gently planting kisses up her neck and jaw. Rikku took that opportunity to nibble on his earlobe and neck as he moved his hands up her shirt, grabbing the bottom and lifting it up.

Rikku stopped what she was doing, lifting her arms so he could pull the shirt off over her head. He succeeded, throwing her shirt somewhere as she began kissing him again. He let her lift his shirt over his head, she stopped, noticing his chain was stuck to it. He took his shirt and chain off, throwing them, not even caring that was his Lionheart necklace.

Squall pulled Rikku back down into a kiss, moving his hands up her back to her bra strap. He didn't realize what was going on until he heard Rikku moan his name. That brought him back to reality.

He quickly stopped, pulling away, seeing that Rikku was just in her bra and shorts and his shirt was off. 'Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! What the fuck was I thinking?' He thought, mentally kicking himself for being so careless and stupid. He was about to have sex with the water? How romantic of him. What shocked him the most was Rikku didn't try to stop him. He thought she was against premarital sex...obviously she wasn't completely against it. He wasn't going to do it, take her here. Even though he really really wanted to. He wanted their first time together to be special.

"What's wrong?" Rikku asked, concerned.

"Nothing." He lied, looking around for their shirts. They were nowhere to be found, probably sank underwater. 'Just great.' He thought, looking at Rikku's almost bare chest, 'Don't look!' He quickly looked away. "Uh...we should really be getting you home." He said, letting her go.

"...ok." She said, still confused, "Only one problem, Squallie."

"What?" He asked, looking up at her, trying to control hisself from kissing and touching her again.

"I seem to have lost my shirt." She smiled, looking around the water.

"Yeah." Squall said, looking around too. This wasn't good, not only will her dad freak out about her being wet and shirtless, but he was stuck with seeing her without a shirt until she got home...that was torture. He just had to make sure he kept his hands to himself until she was safely home.

"We'll stop by your house first." She said, swimming to shore.

"W-what?" He asked, panick and shock filling his body.

"I need a shirt." Rikku said, "We have enough time to go to your house and get me one. Who knows? I might even dry up to."

Squall sighed, placing his head in his hands, "Why is God testing me?" He muttered.


"There!" Yuna shouted, smiling and pointing up at the sky, "Did you see it?" She asked. Her and Tidus was lying on the ground looking up at the stars.

"I missed it again!" Tidus complained, turning to look at her, "How come only you can see the shooting stars?"

Yuna shrugged, smiling, "I'm special I guess."

"You're not lieing." Tidus responded, kissing her lightly on the lips.

Yuna smiled, gazing at him, "Thank you, Tidus." She said, caressing his cheek.

"F-for what?" He asked, trying to control his hormones.

"For keeping your promise to me." She sat up, leaning up on her elbows, "You saved me from a life of sorrow."

Tidus shrugged, blushing, "I couldn't let Seymour take you away from me."

"From you?" Yuna asked, amused.

"I-I meant...your friends and family." Tidus stuttered.

Yuna smiled, "You are great." She leaned over, kissing him.

Tidus quickly recovered from his shock, grabbing Yuna by the waist and settling her ontop of him. His hands roamed up her shirt, moving around on her back. Her hands wandered down to his pants, unzipping them.

Tidus succeeded in unstrapping her bra, slowly pulling it off as Yuna concentrated on pulling down his pants. A cold breeze blew by, causing them to shiver and stop.

Yuna looked down at him in shock, quickly jumping off of him. Tidus sat up, noticing his pants were almost off. He quickly pulled them back up as Yuna struggled with putting her bra back on without talking off her shirt.

"I'm sooo sorry, Yuna." Tidus apologized, zipping up his pants, "I shouldn't have done that."

"No no no!" Yuna said, fidgeting with her bra strap nervously, "It's my fault too...I shouldn't have done what I did too."

"Let's just....let me take you home." He said, not looking at her. He was too ashamed.

Yuna nodded, not being able to look at him either. She let him give her a boost onto the chocobo, as he climbed on infront of her. They began leaving, not saying a word to eachother.


"This is good enough." Rikku smiled, quickly putting on one of Squall's shirts.

"Good." Squall replied, not looking at her. Rikku watched him, embarassed and ashamed that she did what she did at the beach. She always promised herself that she wouldn't do anything sexual with anyone until they got married. But Squall began touching her and kissing her and that promise went out the window....she never really felt lust or wanted anything more in her life then that moment. She probably would've slept with him if he hadn't stopped. 'Great!' She thought sadly, 'Now he probably thinks I'm big Calli!' Now things were going to be more awkward between them, as if it wasn't complicated already. She could see Squall was uncomfortable, and he was usually so good at hiding his emotions when he wanted to.

"Uh...ready to go?" She asked, looking at him nervously. 'He has to hate me...not more then I hate myself though.' She thought shamefully.

"Uh...yeah." Squall responded, quickly slipping past her out the door. 'This is too awkward.' He sighed, waiting for her to follow him. He watched her silently close the door and walk past him down the stairs with her head down. He frowned, not liking that she was blaming and hating herself for what was about to happen earlier. It wasn't her fault, and yet she put all the blame on herself.


Squall pulled up to Rikku's house, seeing that Tidus and Yuna were just arriving. Yuna quickly jumped off the chocobo, waving a quick good-bye as she ran onto the porch and waited for Rikku. Tidus waved back, looking down shamefully. Squall could tell his date didn't go so good either.

"Um...bye!" Rikku said before quickly getting out to join Yuna. Tidus and Squall watched them quickly run into their house, shutting the door.

Tidus got off his chocobo, walking to Squall's car, not taking his eyes off their front door. He stopped, slowly turning his head to look at Squall. "We need to talk." He said, complete seriousness on his face.

Squall gave him a weird expression. He swears Tidus had to be a girl in a past lifetime, why did he always want to share his feelings with him? Squall nodded anyways, wanting someone to help him with his situation too. Whether he liked it or not, he needed help to make sure things get set straight again. Since he couldn't talk to Rikku, Tidus would have to do.

Tidus got into his car, whistling for his chocobo to follow them. Squall started the engine and slowly drove off, the chocobo following behind.


He parked by the side of the road, not wanting to go too far. He turned off the engine, not looking at Tidus because he was still trying to take in what happened earlier between him and Rikku.

"Yuna and I almost had sex." Tidus said, causing Squall to look at him in shock. So it wasn't only him and Rikku having those kind of problems? It was Tidus and Yuna too? That was kind of a relief for Squall.

Tidus wasn't looking at Squall, he was staring at the dashboard with shame, "I can't believe I almost took advantage of her like that. I know she doesn't believe in premarital sex." So it wasn't only Rikku who didn't believe in that? That means Tidus must feel like he a selfish asshole.

"Either does Rikku." Squall said, looking down at his steering wheel, "But that didn't stop us from taking off eachothers shirts and almost having sex in the water."

Tidus looked at him in shock, "Are you serious? Man, this isn't good! We're fucked! Yuna can't even look at me."

"Rikku thinks it's all her fault." Squall sighed, "Now she feels guilty..."

"You want to tell her it's not her fault and you're sorry for being a selfish asshole for trying to get a free lay." Tidus said, looking back down.

Squall nodded, a little grateful that Tidus understood.

"What we gonna do?" Tidus asked, looking up at him. Hoping that he had some plan or strategy.

Squall thought a moment. What were they going to do? He didn't know. He was actually hoping that Tidus would know. "Don't make them uncomfortable. Make them feel like everything's ok and maybe things will go back to normal...then take them shopping." Squall replied, thinking that plan might work.

Tidus smiled widely, liking the plan, "Ok! I can do that!" He replied happily.

"Good." Squall said, smirking, "Now get the hell out of my car."


Once they walked into their rooms, Yuna flopped down face first on her bed as Rikku sank to the floor.

"I'm such an idiot." Yuna muttered on her pillow.

"Not more then me." Rikku sighed, trying to keep herself from grabbing something and throwing it with frustration. She really needed to break something or scream.

"I need to punch something." Yuna muttered, turning to lay on her back and stare at the ceiling.

Rikku stared at her, slowly getting up, "You just read my mind." She walked to their stereo, turning it up loudly.

Yuna sat up, looking at her in confusion. Rikku smiled at her, sensing her confusion. That's when Yuna remembered, when they were frustrated or angry they would go to their room, blast the radio, and scream. Rikku once told her, 'Sometimes when I got a lot on my mind, it just helps to go 'Aaaaaaahhhhh!''

"3..." Rikku started.

"2..." Yuna smiled.

"1!" They said in unison, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" They screamed, letting out all their frustration.

After awhile they stopped, Rikku walked to the stereo, turning it off. "So what happened to you?" She asked, sitting on her bed.

"Tidus and I...were getting too intimate." Yuna sighed, "I was going to take off his pants...we almost did what I was against. He must think I'm a complete loser!" She flopped back down on her bed, "Now things are awkward and I'm confused."

"Me too!" Rikku said, jumping up to pace back and forth, "Everything was fine until we started kissing...then something in me wanted to do more. I didn't even care about my beliefs, Yunie." She stopped to look at her distressed cousin, "I didn't care because I love him and it didn't matter that we weren't married...I wanted it and I wanted it to be with him."

Yuna stayed staring at the ceiling, knowing what Rikku meant. She felt exactly like her. She loves Tidus, it didn't matter to her that they aren't married. You can marry someone and sleep with them, but that means nothing if you don't love the person. It was like Yuna marrying Seymour and sleeping with him, it wouldn't feel or be right. It had to be Tidus.

"I know what you mean, Rik." Yuna said, sitting up again, "And if we're thinking and feeling this way, the guys must be too. They must feel guilty or like they were taking advantage of us because we know they're not virgins."

"Tendo banjandc. (Dirty perverts)" Rikku smiled.

Yuna nodded, smiling too, "We just have to go to school tomorrow and act natural."

"That's not gonna stop things from being awkward though." Rikku said.

"I know!" Yuna cried out, about to flop back onto her bed until she saw a very visible mark on Rikku's neck, "Er...Rikku, you might wanna look at your neck."

"Huh?" She walked to the mirror, turning her head to get a good look at her neck. "RA PNYHTAT SA! (HE BRANDED ME!)" She cried out, looking at the redish-purple mark on her neck, "I guess I have to wear my hair down tomorrow."

"Really?" Yuna asked, shocked, "You never wear your hair down."

"Do I have any other choice?" Rikku asked, collapsing in her bed as Yuna fell back on hers.


"I had the best night yesterday, bruddas!" Wakka smiled, running up to Squall and Tidus, hitting them on the back, "How 'bout you two."



Wakka stared at them in confusion, "Did something I don't know about happen again?" He asked, shaking his head in shame. Everytime his lovelife with Lulu goes good, Squall and Tidus's is in the dumps.

Before they could respond, Lulu walked up to them, kissing Wakka on the lips. Squall and Tidus watched in amazement. They never saw Lulu show that kind of affection for someone before.

"Hey, Lu." Wakka smiled happily, wrapping an arm around her.

"Wakka." She greeted back, smiling. She glanced at Tidus and Squall's shocked faces, "Good to see you guys too."

"Hi." Tidus smiled, still alittle shocked.

"Whatever." Squall said. Lulu taking that as his way of greeting people.

"So what you guys do this time?" Lulu asked, lightly glaring at Tidus and Squall. Tidus moved nervously as Squall shrugged, ignoring her question.

"How do you know they did something wrong?" Wakka asked curiously, looking down at Lulu.

"Well my first clue was that Rikku wasn't hogging up the bathroom today. Which means she didn't bother to spend time on making herself she's wearing her hair down."

"Rikku's wearing her hair down?" Tidus asked shocked.

"Yeah." Lulu smiled, looking at their shocked expressions. Even Squall looked completely surprised. They didn't know Rikku long, but they knew that she never wore her hair down. "And Yuna didn't bother fixing her hair or anything either...I'm worried. My fashion-obsessed friends didn't care about their appearences."

Tidus and Squall looked down, feeling even more ashamed. Now Rikku and Yuna were depressed and it was their fault...great.

"You mean to tell me that Rikku and Yuna are walking around looking all bummy?" Wakka asked, smirking at that image.

Lulu nudged him in the ribs, "Us girls never look bummy! And if you ask me, I think they look damn good. See for yourself." She tilted her head towards the two girls coming down the hall.

Squall and Tidus quickly looked up, spotting Rikku and Yuna. Rikku had her hair down like Lulu said, it going down to the middle of her back. Squall never noticed how long it was. She wore a tight, small black t-shirt with bright yellow writing that said, 'Sunshine' and tight little jean shorts. Yuna's hair wasn't straight like she always had it, it was more wavy, a good wavy. She wore a little green shirt that showed a lot of cleavage and jean shorts.

Squall and Tidus gaped at them, wanting to do what they almost did yesterday to them. They quickly pushed those bad thoughts away as Rikku and Yuna walked up to them, smiling brightly.

"Hey." They greeted, holding their books tightly. They were still feeling awkward, having Squall and Tidus gaping at them wasn't helping either.

"Hey." Wakka and Lulu greeted back, smiling and waiting for Squall and Tidus to say something.

"Er....hi." Tidus finally said, finally looking away from Yuna to the lockers.

"'Sup?" Squall said, nudging Tidus, reminding him to stick to the plan.

Tidus straightened up, looking at Yuna with a smile. He knew it was gonna be awkward...but he had to act like he would any other day. "Let's get you to class, beautiful." He placed an arm around her as they began walking down the hall.

Yuna was shocked and confused but she quickly recovered. It was good to have cocky, over-confident Tidus back. "Ok." She smiled.

"We'll meet you in class, ya?" Wakka said, grabbing Lulu's hand and following them into the classroom.

Squall watched them, satisfied that his plan was working. He looked to see Rikku smiling, anxiously waiting for him. Now it was his turn to make her feel better by being his regular Squall self again. How that made anyone feel better...he had no idea, but Rikku liked it. The only problem was he had to keep himself from staring at her, if he did she would begin to feel uncomfortable. But he couldn't help it, she looked really beautiful and attractive today.

He smiled, holding a hand out for her, "Shall we?"

Rikku seemed to relax, happily accepting his hand, "Kay!"

He grabbed her hand, pulling her closer to him. He felt it was a stupid thing to do, but he couldn't help himself, he had to be close to her. Rikku didn't mind, she wrapped an arm around him as they walked to their class.

"You look very beautiful with your hair down." He complimented, holding the door open for her.

She stopped, giggling nervously, “ see...about that...” She moved her hair from her neck, showing him her hickey, “I had to...cover this.” She blushed.

He stared at her neck in shock. Not only did he almost do something wrong, but he left a very visible mark on her to remind him and her of that night. "Er...sorry about that." He apologized, looking down shamefully.

Rikku smiled brightly, putting a hand on his back, "It's ok, Squallie. You didn't do anything wrong. It'll go away soon."

He looked at her in shock. Did she just say he didn't do something wrong? So that meant that she wasn't mad at him for what he did? He was about to ask her until the teacher ordered them to sit down. He was forced to sit in his seat which was on the other side of the room, away from Rikku.

"Time to write your penpals again." Mrs. Lee smiled as all the students went to their computers.

"Yippee!" Rikku cheered, running to her seat, "I like my penpal!"

"I hope mines is more happier this time." Yuna said, frowning. Or at least she wanted to know her name.


Rikku quickly clicked on her message, waiting impatiently for it to open:

Rikku, huh? That's a cool name! Wow, it's good to kinda meet another thief! We stopped travelling for tonight so I have time to write to you....I hope everything goes good with your cousin. Hopefully she won't have to marry that jerk...arrange marriages suck, believe me. My father says if I don't find someone by time I get back to my hometown with a suitable husband...he'll choose one for me. Sometimes I hate that guy! Ever since my mom died...he began treating me more like a duty then a daughter. Cloud promises he won't let my dad force me into marriage...I told him it's ok and for him to just worry about his promise he made to his childhood friend. I can handle myself...which is weird...because everytime I say that, Vinnie gives me this weird look. Well at least he's starting to listen to me instead of ignoring me. He tells me not to worry about the whole marriage thing...I wonder why? Hmm...Vinnie is just full of surprises! Squallie huh? That's a funny name...he sounds like someone I use to know...anyways I hope you guys are happy together! As for the me liking Vinnie thing....shhh! Don't tell anyone! -Yuffie

Hey Yuffster! Don't mind if I call you that, do you? Anyways all is good and well with Yunie and my friends. Tidus is with her now and Wakka and Lulu kissed and made up...YAY! Too bad Yunie and I didn't have the chance to help them...REALLY?! You're father sounds alittle like mine...he can be very hard-headed at times. My mom died too...leaving me, my dad, and brother. It's nice of Cloud to volunteer to help you...and Vinnie seems to want to protect you...I'm sensing he likes you back! You should go for it! You can even help him get over his dead girlfriend! Squallie and I are good...there's only one big problem...and I can't even discuss it. All I have to say is the "L" word sucks!


Squall wasn't really up to writing to his penpal. He was still trying to cope with what almost happened between him and Rikku. And his...unacceptable feelings and emotions for her,

Squall? What kind of name is that? You don't like being in charge of others? I can understand that but if you say you have a big destiny then doesn't that mean you have to get use to being in charge because soon or later you will be. Believe me, I know. Rikku, huh? What's she like? I think you shouldn't tell her about your whole "destiny" thing because she might want to help. If she's anything like Aeris...she'll be determined to throw herself in danger for you. Yuffie like Vincent?...Naw, never in a million years! They can't stand eachother! -Cloud

It's a better name then Cloud, that's for sure. I know...and Rikku's trying to help me out with that little problem. But so far the only person I care about is her. She's bright, perky, energetic...let's put it this way, she's everything I'm not. I agree but I don't think I can leave without telling her the'll just seem wrong. Rikku is like Aeris then. This girl faced her fear to save me and jumped off a building...I tell her not to sacrifice herself for me but she won't listen. You never know, fate works in mysterious ways.


Yuna? That's a beautiful name. I do believe I'm gonna see my childhood friend again...but I can't tell him how I feel. He thinks of me as a friend...nothing more. Why would he when I lied to him so much, but he doesn't know this yet. I would really love to give you name to call me...hmm....Lenne? That's good. Call me Lenne. I had a weird dream with some silver-haired boy in it...I can't remember his name but it started with an "R" and I felt like I knew him my whole life. But I didn't even know him...I have to see him again. Falling in love is never an option, Yuna, it's a gift. But sometimes that gift isn't so good. I know what you mean about forced marriages. I am being forced too...but I rather die then marry that guy. You should leave with Tidus...don't let this Seymour guy win.

Lenne, it's good to have a name. If your friend is a true friend he's sure to forgive you. You have to tell him or those lies will weigh you down and make you weak. Silver-haired boy? Is that the guy that you can't leave without? Everything is ok with the marriage thing now, I was saved by my friends and family. I can always count on them. Now Tidus and I are together and I couldn't be happier. I wish I could help you with your situation...if you ever need any help...just ask, k?


TIDUS? Oh my god! Riku and Kairi will never believe me! We all been wondering where you went to. You, Wakka, and Selphie...we miss you guys so much. Is Wakka and Selphie with you? If they are, tell them I said hi and Kairi misses Selphie! You met a girl? You are actually going to stay with one girl? You were always a flirt as Kairi and Selphie would say. You better treat her good...wait..she's getting MARRIED? Gosh, Tidus, you sure know how to pick them. I hope she doesn't go through with it so you can have a chance. HEY! Kairi can depend on me too you know! -Sora

Yes it's me, is there any other hot guy out there named Tidus? You can't tell Riku and Kairi though. And sorry I can't tell you my location...but Wakka is with me and he also has a girl. Her name is Lulu and she has a slight attitude, but she's cool. Selphie's not with us...Selphie left too? When was this? Yes I met a girl! We saved her from being married so now her and I are together. She's I know how you feel when you see do love her still right? How is Kairi anyways? She was like a little sister to me. And Riku? Is he still the cocky, over-confident jerk? LOL, I'm guessing yes. -Tidus

Tidus sent his message, feeling a little homesick. He missed the islands...those were carefree days. But he would never give up the days he has now with Yuna, somehow he got this sick and horrible feeling they were going to end. Like Squall, he had to leave to do something...but he couldn't tell Yuna.

He turned to see Wakka happily typing to his penpal. He wondered who he got...If he got Sora, Wakka had to have gotten someone from the island too. Probably Kairi...or Riku, maybe even Selphie. Which reminded him...when did Selphie leave? It was only suppose to be him and Wakka. Tidus wanted to ask him about it and tell him he got Sora, but he didn't want his memory erased. He liked his memory. He'd have to find a real secret place to ask Wakka.

"Time to log off and go to your next class." Mrs. Lee said, watching as all the students turned off their computers and grabbed their stuff, "Tidus and Wakka, may I have a word with you?"

Tidus and Wakka stared at her nervously nodding their heads. Yuna, Lulu, Rikku, and Squall stared at them in confusion, wondering what they did this time.

"Go on, we'll catch up." Tidus said, giving Yuna a smile to tell her everything was going to be ok.

"Ya, see ya soon." Wakka smiled.

Squall shrugged, grabbing Rikku's hand and walking out the door. Lulu and Yuna were a little reluctant, but they eventually left.

Once everyone was out the class, Mrs. Lee closed and locked the door. That made Tidus and Wakka more nervous. Did she know they knew that they were talking to people from other worlds?

"I know you guys know." She smiled, reading their minds, "We did it purposely. We made your hometown friends your penpals."

"So you guys knew I know Riku?" Wakka asked, confused.

"Riku?" Tidus looked at him in shock, "Your penpal was Riku? I had Sora."

"Really? How is that lil brudda? Is he still-"

"Boys." Mrs. Lee said, interrupting their oncoming conversation, "I'm sure you guys can tell eachother stuff later, but now I have to tell you something very important."

"Sorry." They muttered in unison.

"Quite all right, boys." She walked back to her desk to sit down, "You see, You two are the only ones that know this. So you have to keep it to yourselves. No telling your girlfriends or any of your friends, got it?"

Wakka and Tidus nodded. So that meant Squall didn't know either? It felt kind of good to know something he didn't. They also didn't want to know what would happen to them if they did tell...Mrs. Lee had this weird murderous look in her eyes.

"Uh...Mrs. Lee, you're scaring me." Wakka said, looking into her eyes.

"That's the point." She smiled, raising up to unlock and open the door for them, "You may leave now."

"You sure you ain't gonna stab us in the back as we walk out the door?" Tidus asked, cautiously walking past her out the door.

"Don't be silly, Tidus," She smiled, watching them walk out the door, "That wouldn't be fun, now would it?"

Tidus and Wakka gulped, they began running to their next class.


"What Mrs. Lee want with you guys?" Yuna asked as Tidus and Wakka ran up to them, breathing hard.

"...Nothing." Tidus answered, looking around cautiously to make sure no one was listening to their conversation.

"Why did you guys run here?" Lulu asked, "I know you guys didn't miss us that much."

"What's with all the questions, huh?" Tidus asked, still looking around.

"Ya, we can't run to class looking all frightened and paranoid without being questioned?" Wakka said, walking to his locker when he felt it was safe.

"Defensive!" Rikku yelled angrily, "We're just concerned! That's what people do for the ones they love, they get concerned!"

"I wasn't concerned." Squall said, leaning against the locker, "I didn't even care."

"That's why your such a good friend." Tidus said, standing next to Yuna and putting an arm around her.

Squall flipped him off, not bothering to look at Tidus's huge smile.

"Squallie!" Rikku gasped, glaring at him, "Do you always have to be such a big meanie to your friends?"

"Yeah, Squallie." Wakka mocked, Squall gave him a death glare, "We're your friends. And we love and care for you, the least you can do is show us that love back, brudda."

"There's no way I will ever show love to anyone." Squall responded, missing Rikku's sad and disappointed expression, "Especially you two idiots."

Tidus and Wakka looked at him with hurt expressions, but they all knew that they were just pretending. Tidus and Wakka knew that Squall wasn't exactly the nice buddy-buddy type when they became friends with him. Somehow his selfishness and independence helped him make them become his friend even more. He wasn't like the other guys in school who would hold their tongue to fit in, Squall spoke his mind, alittle too much though.

"That's ok, asshole." Tidus smiled, pulling Yuna closer, "I don't need or want your love. I have a more beautiful, attractive and loving person to love me." He kissed Yuna on the cheek, causing her to blush and giggle.

"Ya, brudda." Wakka agreed, holding Lulu, "We got our women to love us. The only person that should be concerned about your love is Rikku."

Rikku turned quickly, pretending to look through her locker for something. There was an awkward silence as Squall stood there and said nothing. She was hoping he would say something to at least hint that he loved her or will...but he said nothing. He just stood there, arms crossed, staring at nothing. That made her sad and upset. She loved him, but that was just a one-way thing because he didn't love her back. All he did was "care" for her because he believed he was incapable of loving someone again. So did that mean he'd never love her?

Rikku slowly turned her head to look at Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, and Lulu. They were staring at Squall, waiting for a reply too. Yuna and Lulu already got what they wanted to hear from their guys, Tidus and Wakka weren't afraid to tell them they love them. Rikku envied them for that, they knew they were loved. She was still worried that Squall would dump and leave her again. It wouldn't be hard for him to do since he didn't love her.

"That was suppose to be the part when you say, 'I do love Rikku', man." Tidus said, breaking the silence.

Squall began to stare at the floor, his mouth a closed thin line and face emotionless. It was obvious to them he wasn't going to say anything.

Rikku slammed her locker shut, she couldn't bare to stand there any longer. "It's ok." Rikku responded, quickly picking up her backpack, smiling happily at them, "I know I'll never be that important to him. The "L" word sucks anyways, right Squall?" She barely glanced at him before she walked away to her next class. They heard the hurt and disappointment in her voice. Yuna and Lulu watched Rikku in shock and concern. They knew Rikku loved Squall already, it must hurt to not have that feeling returned.

Squall quickly uncrossed his arms, pushing away from the lockers, watching her bewilderly. "Rikku!" He called after her, but she didn't stop. Sighing, he leaned back against the locker. What made her say such things? He thought she understood how hard it was for him to discuss his feelings, especially around other people. What really hurt him was that she thought she'd never be important to him...she was really wrong about that one. She is the most important thing in his life, rather she knew it or not, he'd die for her. But he couldn't tell her that...and he definitely couldn't tell her he did love her. She would just end up hurt in the end.

Squall knew Yuna and Lulu were giving him death glares, waiting for him to go after her and tell her he did love her. He wish he could too, but he couldn't. So he just stood there, forcing himself not to run to Rikku and pour his heart out.

"You're not going to go after her?" Lulu asked, anger deep in her voice.

"Why should I?" Squall asked, glancing up at her and Yuna.

"Because she's your girlfriend!" Yuna yelled. Squall never saw Yuna yell or be this angry before, she reminded him alittle of Rikku. "Believe it or not, Squall, Rikku's not like those other little girls you use to date! She puts others first, especially you! And you treat her like just another girl in this school!"

"You have no idea what you're talking about!" Squall snapped, glaring at her angrily. He treated Rikku better then anyone he has ever met in his life. He knew she wasn't just some other girl...she was his girl. Rikku was someone special and dear to him and he'd rather kill himself then treat her badly.

"Yes I do!" Yuna snapped back, Wakka and Tidus stared at her in shock, "You play with her heart, Squall! Are you with her or not? Do you love her or don't you? YOU NEED TO MAKE UP YOUR MIND!"

Squall glared at Yuna as she got in his face, "I'm with her ain't I?" He muttered angrily.

"For how long?" Yuna asked, staring up at him angrily, "How long will it be until you realize that you do love Rikku then you leave her because that's unacceptable for you? Because we all know Squall Leonheart never gets attached. Don't drag my cousin on!" She stepped away from him, turning to walk past Tidus and down the hall.

"Yuna!" Tidus yelled, she didn't stop or respond either.

"Yuna's right." Lulu said, looking at Squall, "If you don't believe in loving someone, what are you doing with Rikku? It's obvious she wants more and you just want a little highschool girlfriend to have until you leave." She looked away from him to Wakka, "I gotta get to my sewing class. Tell your friend when he's ready to grow up and accept his responsibilities and emotions, Rikku will be waiting." She gave Wakka a quick kiss on the cheek and walked away.

Wakka and Tidus looked at Squall in shock. No one has ever went off on him like that, especially girls. People accepted Squall the way he is. No one expected love or emotion from him, no one even cared that he had that, especially the girls. They just wanted a quick moment to themselves with the great Squall Leonheart,

"Those girls are harsh, ya?" Wakka asked, trying to hold back his smirk.

"Who knew Yuna could get pissed?" Tidus asked, "Remind me to never get her mad at me."

"I gotta go to class." Squall responded. He began walking down the hall, leaving Wakka and Tidus to stare at him in bewilderment. Lulu and Yuna were right, and he hated that. He needed to hear those words out loud though, he needed to hear that what he was doing was wrong and it was hurting Rikku. That had to be fixed soon, she didn't deserve to be thrown into his little games.