Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ What's Left of Me ❯ A Lot Like Love ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Sorry that the last chappie was sooooo long. The others shouldn't be that long, but I can't say for sure yet.
Disclaimer: I'll own Final Fantasy VII when pigs fly, rocks breathe, and my birthday becomes a national holiday. Which is never.
Tifa tossed in her bed, small beads of sweat dotting her forehead. She sat up suddenly, startled. For some reason she had been having nightmares lately. Every time she woke up and looked around her empty room, she felt cold and alone. She wished someone was there to comfort her, and strangely, her first thought was of Vincent.
She wasn't sure why, but that night she spent by his side had awakened deep feelings in her. At first, she felt compassion for him, and she wanted to sweep away his broken past. She wanted to comfort him and let him know things would be alright. But the day at the dojo her feelings had changed completely. She realized how right he made her feel, as if she had always belonged. He made her feel things Cloud never had.
But she had not seen or heard from him in several weeks.
She lay back on her pillow, closing her eyes. She vaguely wondered what he was doing as she fell into slumber once more.
Vincent sighed deeply as he stared at the night sky. It had been four weeks. Four damned weeks since he had last seen Tifa, and he had not rested since. His mind was constantly in a roar of thoughts and emotions. There wasn't a moment he didn't think about her, or recall the way her hands felt against his face. Her gentle voice echoed in his ears, reverberating in the back of his mind. She haunted him, and the only thing that bothered him was that he couldn't appease his need to see her once more.
Every time he closed his eyes, he recalled the anger and hurt in her eyes that day at the dojo. He wanted time to stop so he could go back and fix it. He never wanted to see that look in her eyes again. It was weird, but she made him feel so out of his element, and it wasn't entirely unpleasant.
He looked down at the envelop in his hand. Barrett was having a get-together to celebrate Christmas in a few days. He knew he would be there, and he hoped Tifa would be too.
It wasn't entirely his fault that he hadn't gone to see her, though. He had been visiting Cid in Rocket Town, and the trip there had been quite long and irritating, seeing as he had had to take a chocobo part of the way and an airship to Cid's air field, and he hadn't particularly wanted to make the long journey back on chocobo. Cid had informed him that he would be flying in for Barrett's little get-together, and he had decided he would just travel with Cid on the ship.
He sighed. Maybe the Christmas atmosphere was getting to him. For some reason, thinking of her made his heart leap in his chest, turning his brain to mush. He had spoken to Cid about his feelings, but had not told him who they were for. He recalled that day vividly.
Cid laughed deeply, patting Vincent's shoulder roughly. “You're kiddin' me, right?” he asked, sobering for a second.
Vincent crossed his arms before his chest, eyeing Cid. His look had no air of jest about it.
Again Cid burst out laughing, shaking his head. “Imagine,” he gasped, wiping his eyes. “Vincent in love.” Once more his laughter began.
Vincent blinked, staring at Cid. `Love?' he thought. `I love Tifa?'
Ever since then all he had thought about was Tifa. And every day he asked himself the same question. Why? Why Tifa? Certainly she loved Cloud, even if he was too dim to notice.
He sighed. “I love Tifa,” he said softly. “And that's all that matters.” He didn't need to know why. It didn't change the fact that he did. Or that she probably didn't return his affections.
Tifa looked at herself once more in the mirror. She noticed Cloud's reflection behind her, and she turned to him. “How do I look?” she asked.
He nodded. “Nice,” he said. He turned. “Let's go.”
Tifa felt her smile fade as he walked away. He seemed so distant. Ever since he had come back, she kept thinking of how changed he was. She felt as if she no longer knew who he really was. She sighed.
Oh, well, she thought. It's Christmas. I won't let Cloud's mood spoil the night.
Several minutes later, Tifa found herself, Cloud, and Marlene in the ball room of the local hotel. It was decorated beautifully, and music played softly. People they didn't recognize that Barrett had invited danced on the floor, and the air was filled with the light hum of their chatter. They were instantly greeted by Barrett. After a brief hello, he swept Marlene away to visit with her and introduce her to some of his business associates whom he'd told all about her.
Cloud eventually drifted to the food, where Red XIII and Cait Sith were already gorging themselves. This left Tifa standing alone in the midst of the room. She hardly seemed fazed, though, as she gazed at the faux trees and snow. She loved the way the light from the chandeliers glinted off the tinsel, and she swayed lightly to the music, watching the people around her dance.
She watched as they talked happily, smiling and laughing. She thought it was odd, as she felt so distant from the good cheer radiating off the people around her. She knew she should be smiling and laughing as well, but she found it difficult to muster the strength.
Suddenly a voice interrupted her thought. “Howdy there, Tifa!” Cid called, walking toward her.
She smiled warmly. “Cid,” she greeted him. “How's that craft of yours holding up?”
Cid grinned. “Aw, she's doing fine,” he said. He scratched his head. “Flew her here, actually. How are you and Marlene getting along?”
“Good,” Tifa said, glancing over Cid's shoulder. Her breath suddenly caught when she saw Vincent step into the crowded room.
Cid followed her gaze, grinning like a fool. “Ya know, Tifa, I think Vince's found himself a girlfriend,” he said.
Tifa fixed her gaze on him, shocked. “Huh?” she managed.
Cid nodded proudly. “Even came to me for advice,” he said haughtily.
Tifa stared at him a moment, then looked back at Vincent. She felt her heart suddenly drop into her stomach. How could he have a girlfriend? She thought that they were bonding and forming a relationship. “Well, then I'm gonna go talk to him,” she said.
Cid nodded, stilling grinning. He stepped back as she walked by.
Tifa felt her heart pounding in her ears. What would she say to him? She felt uncertain. Would he even act as if they had spent that time together so long ago? She felt her steps slow. Suddenly she wasn't so sure anymore. She looked at him, and their eyes locked across the room. She felt her breathing become shallow as he started toward her.
Finally, he was arm's length away from her. “Tifa,” he said quietly.
She stared into his crimson eyes, trapped in his gaze. His eyes were so tender. “Yes, Vincent,” she said slowly. She let her gaze travel from his eyes to look at him.
He wore the same red cloak and bandana as always, but his dress underneath was much simpler. He wore his usual black with silver buckles, only this time he wore black boots with it. But never had he looked so tall, dark and handsome before.
He held out his hand to her. “Would you like to dance?”
She smiled a little. “Of course,” she said softly.
As he led her to a spot on the floor, she suddenly remembered what Cid had told her. Once they stopped, she rested one hand in his, and the other on his arm. She felt him tense beneath her fingers, and she met his gaze.
“How have you been, Vincent?” she asked, trying to make light conversation.
“Alright,” he said, his eyes never leaving hers. “You?”
She shrugged. “I can't complain,” she said quietly, avoiding his gaze. “Cloud is home for Christmas, and Marlene is happy.” She smiled a smile that didn't reach her eyes. “What more could I ask for?” Other than my own happiness. She met his gaze. “Cid tells me you have a girlfriend.”
His eyes widened in shock. “Really?” he asked. He glanced at Cid, who had joined Cloud at the food table. Big mouth. “Well, I'm afraid that's not entirely correct.”
Tifa watched him, her heart suddenly leaping. “Oh?” she asked.
He looked at her once more. “There is someone,” he said slowly, “but I'm not entirely certain I should say anything to her.”
Tifa arched an eyebrow. “Why?” she asked. She felt her slight jealousy give way to concern. She wanted him to be happy, and didn't understand why she suddenly felt the way she did.
He looked away. “I don't think she would return my affections,” he said quietly.
Tifa smiled reassuringly. “All you can do is ask,” she said softly.
He glanced at her, nodding. “I know,” he said. His eyes shifted to the dancers around them. “I know.”
Tifa still had a smile on her face as she watched him. She couldn't believe how happy she felt at the moment. Seeing Vincent again had lifted her spirits tremendously. She opened her mouth to speak. She had missed him terribly and suddenly felt compelled to tell him so, but the words never left her mouth.
“Hey, you guys!” Yuffie's voice suddenly filled the room.
Both Tifa and Vincent turned to look at her. A wicked grin covered her face. “You two are under the mistletoe,” she giggled. “You know what that means.”
Tifa looked at Vincent, then at the ceiling. She felt a blush heat her cheeks. A single branch of mistletoe hung from a chandelier above them. She looked at Vincent, noticing a similar red on his cheeks. Their eyes locked.
“Indeed we are,” Tifa said, smiling nervously. She realized that Vincent was slowing pulling her closer. She felt her heart threatening to pound out her eardrums and her blush deepened.
“May I?” he whispered.
Tifa closed her eyes, not having time to answer. She felt his lips press gently against hers, sending a warm shiver down her back. She felt Vincent's arms wrap tightly around her as he deepened the kiss. Tifa decided it was a good thing as her legs had turned to jello. The sound of their friends' whoops and catcalls served to ruin the moment. Tifa pulled away, blushing furiously. She turned her face away from Vincent.
“Tifa?” he whispered. His eyes searched her face, but she refused to look at him.
She slowly pulled from his arms. “I need some fresh air,” she said quietly. She walked from the room.
Vincent stared after her, stunned. He could feel all eyes on him, but his gaze was glued to her retreating form. Was she upset? Angry?
He looked away as Yuffie ran after her. He noticed Cid walking toward him.
“It's Tifa, ain't it?” he asked, his face solemn.
Vincent looked away. “Only if she wants it to be,” he said softly.