Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ What's Meant To Be ❯ Chapter 1: Iced In Memory Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
What's Meant To Be Author's note: Man we have a long way to go!!! I hope that you actually like the rest of what I'm about to write Quisty and BlackenedRose. I really appreciate you reading my fic and reviewing it, you're the best!!! Well you wanted more and so I'll give you more. Sorry it took such a long time. Oh yeah, Quisty I read your Tears Of Blood, good stuff!! Disclaimer: Yada yada, I don't own any of the characters, SquareEnix does so blah any of you who want to sue me, cuz you can't! Ha!!

Chapter 1:

Rinoa watched the fibres making up the pillows case, finding it to physically painful to cry any longer she decided to watch into something even more uninteresting, remaining motionless for another couple of hours. Besides, she felt as if she'd done enough crying already. She didn't know what she needed to do now but...she decided to lay in misery.
Becoming increasingly aggravated with her new attitude, she noticed once again she was moody and miserable. Telling herself over that she had a reason to be this way wasn't enough and soon resulted in a sudden surge of negative energy. She abruptly jumped from the bed and screamed as loud as she could, turning as smoothly and swiftly round and punching the wall. Driving her fist forward through the air and into the stone, a change in the walls smooth flat surface invisible. Sighing she felt another part of her inside crake and fall away.
Still in the position of when she'd delivered the punch, the muscles still tensed she whimpered for a moment. Not even giving a second thought to the fact that it was 4 in the morning and students might have been alarmed by her scream. Her arm slipped and her fist unclenched as she limply stood forward again. All the emotion draining away from her facial features, her eyes suddenly sparkled again as she looked into air.
Rinoa didn't even care what other people thought about this event and their judgement of her reaction, she didn't care at all. She was so confused and lost with how she should be reacting to this, the consciousness, but somehow someone or maybe something unfamiliar had just taken over and she'd soon forgotten about herself. Something she knew the old her would never allow.
All this time alone was another problem. Although lately she'd allowed it, it was changing her from the Rinoa her friends had grown to love and enjoy. A sudden weak self hatred had flared inside her ever since she'd started moping around when Squall wasn't with her. She really couldn't remember how she'd used to smile in a morning before her and Squall had begun dating. Well, she didn't want to either.
Glancing across the room to the dull white handset of her telephone in the corner of the room next to the door where she'd thrown it earlier. She always used to phone up Selphie and ask her to come over when she worked herself into a state, or even Quitas, Xu or Kara sometimes. Kara was an old friends of Rinoa who had decided to join Balamb garden, escaping the boredom she'd faced living in Timber. Funnily enough the two had met by accident in the cafeteria and squealed and hugged for the rest of the week. Talking about the gap of absence in each others lives, that was shortly after the Ultimecia incident when everything had turned semi- normal again. Long brown hair and shallow blue eyes, her bright smile and confident attraction brought any guy moaning at just the thought of her. Whatever the time was, Rinoa always used to do that...and it was so tempting. The involvement of any of her friends would have to play in her problems when she did call them over would be unfair but they never minded, what were friends for hey? Yet this time round it was a problem that would up set them just as it had Squall...
Sighing she let her tired loose limbs collapse, rest in non response to anything her brain wanted her to do, this included standing. Falling to her knees roughly she some how pushed the normal girly squeak of pain and let herself fall sideways and rest her head on the floor...
Still in view of the phone she wondered whether Squall was still awake. The need for attention now was beginning to surface again and she realised instantly the familiarity of the situation. She wasn't sure whether Squall would even want to talk to her now. There was a dreading feeling that he was sleeping but in anger, that he was swearing in his dreams. Bitter at her for accepting this, he wouldn't just let her go and forgive her for it. He wouldn't accept that it wasn't about him. Yet she knew deep down that he wasn't like that at all.
Watching the blank emotionless Squall as she'd talked to him earlier on, that new openness being stripped so very quickly from his whole being. She'd witnessed it in horror, how he'd walked away as soon as he could or attempted to any way. She'd hurt him and she really hadn't meant to, in fact she didn't even really want to tell him first. She wanted to talk it through with people so she could address the subject a lot more sensibly and controllably, so Squall could see that she was serious about it. So he could see that this wouldn't change a thing, she'd come back and that was the end of it. Instead she sniffed and stuttered with her sentences and didn't even inform him of too much and definitely without any professionalism. A new personality she and the girls had dreamed of acquired. An immaculate profession walking down the paths of Garden and being watched after in their strides...a girly dream...
If it wasn't for the fact that curfew was still on she would probably be taking a walk. Just to the Quad or somewhere she could feel a sense of calmness, which wasn't her bedroom for the moment. Knowing that she wasn't going to get any where by simply just laying and staring she stood up to attempt more sleep...

Selphie giggled furiously and hopped from foot to foot, somehow her butt still on the seat, as Zell whispered in her ear Squall's latest idea of a little present for Rinoa. Both seeD's unaware of the two disturbed teens hidden away in shadows far away in locked dormitories. It was in the middle of 3rd lesson and the cafeteria was deadly silent except for the two energetic instructors-to-be and a few kitchen staff tucked away behind the counters...
"GET OUT!!!" She cried with excitement.
He nodded pleased with himself and folded his arms. Whispering into her ear was a little over the top but he wouldn't want the kitchen staff hearing a couple of words and rumours spreading horribly throughout Garden, they both knew how Squall hated being the centre of attention.
"He's already bought her a ring and a necklace - she's so lucky! I can't wait to see her!" Suddenly disturbed by Zell's facial change, into one of anger.
"You can't tell her anything Sef!" He almost yelled. Fearing for his own life, Squall had wanted it to be a surprise but even Squall wasn't good at surprises himself but if Zell threw away his only chance...well he'd feel guilty for the rest of his life.
Selphie, finding it immensely hard to keep still from all the motioning sulk she was playing, frowned in difficulty as she fought a deep battle within herself to keep her mouth shut. Eying her greasy bowl of chips, laying in front of her on the table she shifted again not sure she could keep such a promise. Knowing Zell's eyes were boring into her she decided it was better to keep looking away as to not feel guilty.
"Selphie..." The low serious tone of voice and the deep down turned head continued to pressure the mouth-shuted Selphie to win that self battle she was still fighting.
"Fine!" She outburst stubbornly. "Like I'd want to tell her about it any way..." She folded her arms across her chest and turned her head up to look at the junior cadets art work in frames around the room, not admiring it but looking for something to focus on.
"Not even Quistas or Xu and definitely not Kara! Promise me!" This time there was weakness present in his voice, desperation. He wished he could cram all those whispered words back into his mouth and spill to his bedroom wall, that way no one but his four walls would know about it.
After squealing a little more she finally agreed and turned back to face him. The original bright smile appeared as she clawed in for more information...
"So...what's it look like?" She questioned in some what of a demonic voice.
Raising his eye brows at her expression and how close she was leaning towards him made him began to chuckle but soon clicked on to something else. Changing his face again to suspicion...
"Hey girl, this is only gonna make you want to tell other people more." Zell pressed folding his arms, feeling slightly intelligent with himself.
"No!" She shook her head almost violently, making the stopping of the motion very hard as her vision continued to spin. Somehow she'd grown used to this energetic streak and continued talking. "Please!" She begged in a painful tone, pressing her hands together in a pray position and looking up at him with big puppy dog eyes.
Sighing heavily he unfolded his arms and leaned forward, watching her eyes with seriousness...
"Think diamonds...think white gold..." An evil grin on his face.
She was shaking her head with an equally creepy smile.
"No...way..." She murmured in awe.
"Yes way." He nodded slowly.
"She is gonna freak out!!!" Selphie squealed again. Almost bouncing in her seat. She had a right to get this excited for one of her best friends didn't she? Breaking down to earth again with another serious look she questioned. "When?"
"Well...ya know that he's loved her a long time...well...they've been officially" at this point Zell was raising two fingers on each hand and bending them while saying the word with a sarcastic tone. "dating for a year next week on Monday..."
Knowing this was only going to wind the girl up further he braced himself by holding the table only to be thrown over with it. Realising Selphie's manic giggling as he fell to the floor in a heap with the up turned table, only imagining how she was dancing...

My god...he's here...why am I so nervous about this? Just keep cool, when Zell comes everything will be alright...then it won't just be me...oh gosh...
Rinoa shuffled her feet and clasped her hands behind her back, looking at the floor constantly. Already she'd sneaked a peak down the corridor and noticed Squall walking towards her, his hands in his pocket and a slight unfamiliar smile on his face. She leant against her dormitory door, trying to prove in some way that she was looking hot by doing this...
Her eyes trailing all over the place, he was taking her to his dormitory for the first time. Not just her bugging him on the door this time, he'd actually invited her round and then revealed later that he was also bringing Zell along and they would go ice skating. They all had the weekend off. Balamb still hadn't completely industrialised itself but it had grew larger and eventually opened more entertainment facilities, one being a Ice Rink.
I'm gonna be tripping all over the place...I could fake being sick right now and rush in home and that would be that...he's getting so close to me now...this is it...I'm screwed...
"Heya." She heard his faint deep voice call out to her.
She smiled brightly, sweating a lot now, she thanked her common sense for wearing her strongest perfumes today so he wouldn't notice her body odour. It was disgusting to think about it but she wasn't even wearing extra layers today, it was stupid, she knew that, she probably was going to freeze on the ice. She just felt more relaxed in her old clothing of a long blue cardigan and tight black shorts and matching sting sleeve top. Although the common relaxing feeling of her own usual garments didn't have the effect she'd wanted, she was still nervous, a little faint and sweating a load. The faintness becoming more of a problem as he stepped towards her, slow in his breaths.
Taking a strong deep breath she replied, holding the giddiness inside as smoothly as she could...
"Heya!" Her eye lashes fluttering again.
She always pet talked herself before meeting him, she treated this relationship as if she would any other relationship she fell deeply in love with. Tried to act cool or entertaining. It had been different when they hadn't been dating because then they were just friends, even if they had loved each other. Both had been slow to react to what they were actually feeling, even if it was weak compared to what they had now.
Today, was just like another outing with Squall. She was petrified of messing up and making a fool out of herself. They were still early on in their relationship and they were both still a little unease at the prospect of showing an 'un-cool' side of each other. So she repeated to herself in the mirror several funny things to say, tried to reassure herself that everything would be just fine, she'd have loads of fun and not mess up. When they'd first gone out one on one she felt so nervous at the acknowledgement that there was a tomorrow and if she messed up, she'd had to live it down. Although it had eased, it was still there.
"You ready?" He asked sweetly, his posture revealing that he could act smooth for a little while.
She nodded enthusiastically and twisted around on her feet, still looking like the shy rebel he'd met back in Timber. How strange it seemed that he'd never seen it then that she'd be here with him now, that they'd have gone through all that time and crisis with each other.
Thinking about the Ice Skating was the most horrifying problem she was facing at the moment. She'd only skated a couple of times in her life and had miserably fell to embarrassment and friend's amusement. He'd told her that he went whenever he could and this image got her hysterical every time. The idea of Squall ice skating like a pro, it wasn't something she'd ever pieced with his personality. Apparently he and Zell went a lot, especially before the Ultimecia incident. There was a "really nice" place in the Northern Continent that they used to go to. She'd never heard of it. Any way, the thought of Squall ice skating had encouraged her to accept his invitation, it seemed too funny to pass. Although that seemed incredibly nasty, she'd fall and he'd laugh so it was fair game... "We have to go get Zell from his dorm down the hall." Squall commented casually turning his body slightly towards the direction he intended to take her in. She nodded her head quickly... "Yeah, that's cool." She smiled sweetly, this time connecting eyes for more than a second. He turned to walk in the direction of Zell's room and Rinoa some how managed to walk after him. The support with Zell being there was also something that had given her a little more strength to come along to this. Somehow any way, she saw it as more of a possibility that someone else would fall and she wouldn't have to be so embarrassed if she did. As usual when people interact the back and forth questioning began... "So!" She chirped. "How are you doing then?" Walking in synch with him she turned her head to see his slightly turned head and sweet smile that he lit when she questioned him. Thinking that talking to each other would calm each others nerves a little. She knew he was comfortable with these kind of scenarios either, or she thought she knew he didn't enjoy her joining him in his leisure time.
"Yeah, I'm fine. And you?" Knowing he'd most likely get a longer reply than he'd given her he continued to watch her expression, not watching forward any longer.
"Yeah, I was a little bored sat in that stupid little room but hey I'm here now I guess." Shrugging her shoulders as if deciding herself whether the statement was completely true. "Done anything interesting lately?" Her eyes fluttering again as she made eye contact with him, it was so automatic, as if she wanted him to see her as beautiful in everything she did because she wanted him to have something worthy of him.
"Not really. You?" Again, not too many words but he couldn't help the habitat.
" I said sat in a room and drew a bit...didn't turn out well but hey at least I tried!" She hadn't meant it as in to fish for compliments but she'd become used to not loving herself utterly. She was just replying what he'd asked though, maybe she should have just gave him a straight forward 'No'. He wouldn't be interested in her drawing, cringing at herself she turned her eyes away and continued walking forward, her head hung a little.
"I'm sure there fine." He reassured her, watching as her ebony bangs closed off her half profile facial features from him. Her posture turned into something he couldn't find familiar, or ever in Rinoa's character.
She shrugged again than smiled, looking up a head of her again to the constant lining of doors of the dormitories...
"I dunno...doesn't matter though." Blinking for a second, purposely closing her eyes for as long as she could without it looking as if something was wrong.
She could feel the difference inside herself as well. Soon to feel a darker side of her that Squall didn't know about began in ripple on her surface, play with her emotions and control. Shaking herself out of it she noticed Squall pacing a little quicker and step in front of her, passing her to walk over to a door where he hit it twice.
Immediately the door swung open and the eternal energetic Zell loom his head through the door with a huge cheeky grin springing across his face. His famous tattoo fitting with the rest of his spunky features and blonde spiky hair.
Both sorceress and knight a little taken a back by the blondes instant appearance watched in amazement as she jogged out the room and slammed it behind him, pacing out into the open corridor and taking an extremely deep breath, flexing his arms out and bending back...
"Smell that air? You know what it smells of!? FUN!!!" He breathed out after his out burst than stretched a bit in front of the two allies.
Looking at each other with side ways glances the couple sighed and turned to walk away. Regretting inviting him instantly. Zell was left to watch their backs as the two seeming sluggish teens walked away. Frowning he soon chased after them, gripping both their shoulders and pushing himself into the middle...
"So how's you all doing?" Zell still unaware of the boring replies he'd gain in return...

Approaching the new ice arena, now in eye sight. Rinoa slowed her steps, a sudden impending doom over coming her thought. They'd all had a nice relaxing laugh on the way that had made her half forget about this event but now they were actually there.
Where did that lush confident girl go? Oh man, there getting a head of me and were so close now.
Girl, if your gonna be such a wuss about it than just pretend to faint now!
Ok I don't like you so can you go away, your not the side I asked for and there's no way I could pretend to fake. I can't act, I'm crack up laughing half way through!
Your know if you go in there your gonna make the biggest fool out of yourself.
Shut up, I don't need reminding...oh god were at the doors.
Squall turned to look at Rinoa who was looking strangely paler than usual, he stared at her with a little concerned. As soon as she noticed Squall looking at her, she gave a quick nervous smile and carried on walking. Trying to breath deeply, and walking out of Squall's view she could feel herself panicking...
Just don't have a panic attack or anything Rin. They'd laugh at you so bad if they knew you were thinking this way...
Stopping for a moment she turned to see the boys catching up, Zell looking a lot more excited than Squall. The young gunblade master smiling awkwardly at her, as if the expression wasn't for his face and his skin wouldn't stretch the way he wanted to. Still, she thought it was the cutest thing in the world and couldn't conceal the giggle. Looking a little embarrassed he walked past her with Zell closely beside him.
You can do this...
Walking swiftly through with a new fake confidence she stepped through the double doors of the ice arena, glazed with different advertisements for tournaments a lessons available inside the arena at several different days and times. Ignoring all of them she watched as the boys paid at the office.

The next step...putting the ice skating boots on correctly. Feeling conscious that the boys had been done with tieing there's at least 10 minutes ago and were now watching impatiently as she attempted to do hers, 'the safe way'.
Looking up she giggled nervously as if to cover up the embarrassment than looked down and continued to tie them as tight as they would pull...
"I'll be done in a minute." Rinoa managed, her tongue hanging half way out her mouth.
"That's what you said ten minutes ago when we'd finished doing ours." Zell murmured with a chuckle at the klutz sat in front of him, obviously in difficulty. Looking around the changing room at all the other people exiting to venture out on the ice. He could see a little of the arena and the people whooshing past with bright fun loving smiles pasted a cross there faces.
"Shut up you." Rinoa spat, finally perfecting her lacing.
Sighing in relief she stood up suddenly, beaming with pride that she'd finished. Than wobbled at the realisation that she wasn't in normal shoes but balanced on two strips of some kind of strong metal, Rinoa didn't understand or even care to learn about the materials of life. Unless it was something from a main stream fashion store with a new stock of the next seasons clothes.
Dipping one side of her lip, expressing that she wasn't sure about how she was going to do this. She looked the boys in the eyes, noticing the smirks they were both masking. The hysterical laughter was just a mental image in her head, they were going to see her skate...and they would simply crack.
"So are you ready now?" Squall said, some sarcasm present in his tone.
Picking up on it, Rinoa scowled at him and began to stride off as smoothly as she could towards the rink she knew would cause her social death...
"Yes I am thank you!" she shouted towards Squall.
Soon stopping as she came into an open area where she could see the whole arena. The transparent plastic screens covering the viewing seats surrounding the ice and it's players. The DJ just above the ice rink playing chart topping recent tracks. The empty sections of the ice rinks screens where people would enter and exit the ice. She couldn't step further without falling, her ankles were already hurting from walking in these things. Although they really weren't designed for walking, she still thought it was bad of the makers.
"What's wrong Rinoa?" Zell asked in a mocking expression as he walked past her, a huge rub in the face that made her want to slap him right there on the spot.
Squall just laughed as he passed but did give her one concerned gaze as she stumbled after them towards the gate where they'd enter the ice field. Hesitating and reminding herself to take deep breaths she clung on the end of the screen for a while, watching all the show offs on the ice already. This was all just discouraging her way too much.
She turned her head and for a moment she felt that there was a huge light source coming from the main entrance/exit. So inviting to just run from the situation at hand. Gazing at it she began to turn her body towards it when suddenly she heard Squall's voice pull her out of the trance...
"Come on." Squall said kindly, although Zell had already started skating round in a circle with the rest of the group.
Gulping she shook her head...
"I can't do this. I'm gonna fall!" Rinoa moaned, pleading with Squall to just let her off and watch. "I don't mind just sitting here." Pointing to the row of chairs circling the ice rink, she smiled and nodded.
He shook his head with a laugh...
"You'll be fine, honest. Load's of other people fall down too, it's no biggie." She couldn't quite make out whether he was becoming instantly impatient or was genuinely trying to reassure her.
Looking around however didn't give the impact of his sentence too much of a reassurance for her. The only people she could see falling over were kids under 10, at most. Shaking her head she felt him take her hand slowly from the side of the screen end and pull her lightly.
Still a little shaky, she watched her feet constantly. The sudden slippery texture of the ice took her off guard and she immediately clung to the edge again, her feet still on the ice however. Slowly gaining her own balance and some kind of understanding of the surface and the shoes she stood by herself, a lot more quickly than she realised.
Squall smiled and began skating with her as she slowly began to slide across the ice, going any faster could create everything she'd ever feared happening and she wasn't about to let her own confidence be shattered this early on in the game. Feeling her cheeks blush slightly as he picked up his pace this was something she hadn't expected.
He's trying to get me to follow him, no way!!!
Looking up nervously as he turned his head back to watch her she slowly and steadily did pick up the pace to maybe 0.001 miles per hour....
"Squall, don't be a bully! Slow down!" Trying to be nice and joking but a deep hostility bubbling at the last two words.
Shaking his head he continued the way he was, seeming to not even have any concentration of doing so. Scrunching her nose up into some sort of a hiss and frowning she pushed herself again, a little quicker until she was level with him...which only resulted in him going faster....
"Forget this!" Rinoa shouted, sticking her tongue out at him and skating over to the side. Slamming her body into white chest height wall. She gripped in tightly and sulked for a little while. Minutes later she felt the wall shake as she continued to just look forward into the transparent plastic.
"You coming back on yet?" Squall asked with a big grin across his face.
"Shut up." she snapped.
Turning herself around with difficulty, eventually resting her elbows on the wall. Squall watched somehow in awe at her awkwardness with the situation. Her eyes focusing on anyone that skated fast. What was it he saw? Fear? Envy? He smirked again...
"You were doing fine." He leaned over to her.
Finally she spotted Zell having a good time, almost speeding just to annoy her. She didn't even feel competitive this time round. She knew she didn't have a chance in here, this wasn't her grounds. She just didn't skate...
"So far but I'll..." She looked down to the floor. "fall and I'm so scared." Her words seeming extremely babyish to anybody but her. She knew he wouldn't understand what she was trying to express. He was the big strong knight after all and nothing seemed to discourage him any more. Except anything social....
"It won't matter if you do." Squall replied calmly.
Blood boiling she turned her head round to him and screamed...
"It soooooo does!" And that was it. No structure to the comment. Just the high school style 'sooooo does'.
Waiting for something more the gunblade master continued to watch his girlfriends chocolate eyes. Nothing came and he still waited, a smirk growing even bigger. He knew he was getting close to recieving a slap but it amused him far too much to see her like this.
Rinoa looked around nervously, she knew she had to say something else....but didn't. Than turned her head away to face the crowd. Deciding that Squall wasn't going to let her just stand her she let go for a moment. Just to stand and see if she could still balance like she could five minutes ago. Picking up every scrap of couage the poor young women had she strode out on the ice again. If she did fall and embarrass herself she could always just scratch his eyes out later...
Following out behind her she felt his presence near her. Usuallly her knight being so close would bring her comfort and security, not now. She knew he was watching her, he was pressuring her to go faster. She laughed playfully and tried to increase a little more.
Squall skidded past after she speeded the tiniest bit, making her lose her breath. He looked gorgeous and he was just dreamily skating away...and away...and away and he was leaving her by herself!
A new sense of panic over came her and she had to skate into the wall again. Gripping tightly she turned to see everyone looking so uninterested in her, everyone but Squall. Who kept giving her sincere smiles when he passed. She noticed a rather cocky Zell skating with some jag in his strides and suddenly...he tripped.
Laughing out loud she suddenly noticed Squall stopping next to her to look in the direction of the embarrassed blonde trying to recollect any confidence he had that had shatttered in his fall, giving an unsure look towards Rinoa she continued to laugh...

"That was too funny..." Rinoa giggled. "And than when you tripped over the STEP!!!" She cracked up in fits of laughter again.
"And you didn't fall over once." Squall noted.
"That's cuz she didn't do anything but hold onto the side." Zell grumbled in his hands still suffering from the burning embarrassment.
Rinoa laughed again and watched as Squall walked a little a head of her with Liam, realising some kind of relaxed comfort she was now finding being with him. As if nothing could go wrong and she was a fool to have worried about falling over. Who was she kidding, she was just relieved Zell had fallen over, twice. But the things that had developed between them...somehow she'd escaped however she used to be. And some kind of happiness that could live with her for a thousand years had retained in her heart and soul....something that graced her steps.
Focusing on him as she stepped, not on herself. She was intrigued with the things she was learning from him when she used to believe there was nothing he could teach her that she wouldn't know.

That day had been the slow beginning to how she felt now. Those days were the dancing mornings, and the dancing nights...the smiling sleepful nights. Those days were over and now she had to contemplate the reality she had with her. Those days somehow had changed and now things were so much more intimate. Fun hadn't been lost but the intimacy that had grew between them had created a deep gash at her when he walked away from her, for even just a few minutes...
Time together had meant they'd grown closer and inevitably their love too but...somehow she'd lost some of the youngness of their relationship. It was still fresh but lacking some of it's newness...
The black haired sorceress flickered her eyes through some of his letters to her...some of the diary entries she still had...
It seemed too much to damage him in a way she knew she would by staying away for 2 years and not even realising it herself. Their was also fear of someone else...someone tall and dark and beautiful. Someone that would snatch him away. There were several things she had yet to accept and this was becoming too cruel.
Turning her head to the window, the bitterly beautiful blossom sun rise over the sea stung her sight. Her heart ached and hung so heavy. Time away from him, time not talking about it was a waste. Looking around for the phone she raised her weary body over to the floor where she'd thrown it. Somehow there was some knowledge that he was awake...some inner voice told her that...
"Squall..." She murmured to the air...

To Be Continued...

Author's Note: Man i'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages. I've been busy with emotional stuff and family problems, I know when I read fics I hate to read excuses so just take my apology instead. I will try to complete Chapter 2 ASAP. The story will get rolling, i promise, well it's not really an adventure. Just like a view of development. AHHH Shut up Meowy Hime. Thanks so much to any one that read. And as always R & R!!!!