Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"There you are." The increasingly familiar voice alerted Zell, who stood from the bench he was sitting on, when he saw Locke show up. "Sorry. I had a ways to walk, Spanish class is a mile from here." Locke explained falling into step with Zell, as he's already leaving.

The two of them were walking home together. Quietly, much to Zell's chagrin; the silence kept him from finding a breaking point to ask Locke which way he swung.

'Think! What can we talk about...? I don't even know what he likes.' He looked over at Locke, who was gazing ahead, though not up but below; his foot is kicking a rock along their path. "So... Where do you live?" Asked Zell. It was a pretty good conversation starter, concidering he was walking him home.

"Conway. Have you been there?"

Zell looked as though he wanted to laugh but replied with a smile. "Yeah I know where that is; that's the same street my bo-..." Zell caught his words and corrected himself saying. "That's where a summer friend of mine used to live. Which house is yours?"

"638." The brunet replied.

This was unbelievable! Locke moved into Clouds old house! How did he miss that? He used to go by there all the time just to stare at it, and remember his lost love. Now his possible new lover is living there! 'Life does travel in a cycle.' Thought Zell.

"What?" Asked Locke seeing the grin on Zell's face.

"Nothing. It's just that you live in my friends old house."

Locke made a sound of an "Oh". They fell silent again. "So, Zell," Locke said breaking the silence. "What kinda stuff are you into? For after school and on the weekends."

Zell shrugged, turning them down another street. "I like to draw, but that's more of a one person kind of thing." He thought for another few seconds. "Hmm? Usually, I wait for my best friend Selphie to drag me off somewhere, but when she's not around I go to the movies or the arcade."

"Selphie? I think I sat with her at lunch.. the cute brunette girl."

Zell nodded, while thinking. ' 'scute, that means he's straight - that or really sick.' Because, to Zell, Selphie Tilmitt has no attractiveness whatso ever. He's known her forever. It would be too weird.

More silence, then Locke said. "I like video games alright. Do they have any pool halls around here?"

"Sure, at the bowling alley. Nowhere else that I know of though, that'd let guys our age in anyway." He glanced up to see what street innersection they were on, then he continued his sentence by adding. "My dad may know of some places. He goes all the time with his friends."

Locke laughed to himself as though Zell had said something funny, but the short blonde just shrugged it off. "... So Selphie, right?" Began Locke. "Are you guys just friends or is she more than that?" The brunet nudged Zell's shoulder. This time it was Zell who laughed, the thought of him and Selphie together would have made even the quietest person tear up with laughter.

"I take it that's a, no?" Locke leaned himself forward looking at Zell's face. "There is nothing going on with Selphie and me," He made sure to stress the nothing. "I've known her since she was in a walker. We're practically siblings."

Locke nodded. That ever present silence again, though this one is loud with verbal personal thinking. Zell wasn't sure about what was going on through Locke's mind, but he was beginning to think that the guy had interest in Selphie. Knowing that, his dream bubble of having him popped. Although, Selphie is currently seeing someone... Maybe he does still have a chance. He was new to the whole 'gay thing' in a way, so he's never actually turned someone or even knows if it's possible.

"Why?" Dincht heard himself saying. "You wanna go out with her or something?" The sweetest laugh Zell's ears ever heard came from Locke's mouth and the boy shook his head.

"Nah, she's not my type, too much talk in her. Besides, she told me she was seeing someone."

'What does that mean? That he asked her personally or did Selphie just tell him?' Wondered Zell, feeling his brain about to run circles with the question.

"What kinda person are you into Zell?" Asked Locke.

'Person? Why would he say person?' Zell continued to think. Then pulling himself back to earth he replied. "I don't know... good-looking, nice personality..." he, of course, was describing what little he knew of Locke. "I guess just someone who doesn't mind doing some of the stuff I'm into and I can do some of the stuff they're into."

Locke nodded as though he could relate to that feeling. Time to turn the question around. "So, what kind of girls are you into?" Asked Zell, eagerly, awaiting the answer.

Locke shifted on his feet, looking a little uncomfortable. "I'm not sure..." He said lowly. "A little of everything, I guess. I'm flexible... But, Zell, there's something you gotta know, it's just I don't know if I should really tell you."

This was going just like Zell hoped it would! Was Locke gonna tell him that he's gay, and has feelings for him? "Tell me what?" He asked.

Locke deflated with an inward sigh; Zell knew that was the sound of backing down. "I'll tell you tomorrow. I can see my house from here." With that stated the man-of-his-dreams took off running, calling over his shoulder. "See ya, Zell!" He waved and continued his hurried pace home.

"Man." Zell said quietly and turned in the opposite direction to take himself home.


"That blows! Why didn't you push harder to get it out of him." Selphie was saying over the phone. Zell had called her right when he got in the house. After she finished her daily report of what she had done all day, down to Rinoa's fingernail polish, Zell went into full detail about his encounter.

"Pushing people to do stuff was never my strong suit, besides, I don't wanna seem like some over-eager prick who doesn't respect other people's business." He heard Selphie clear her throat. "You know I don't mean you. On a girl it's normal, that's all they know how to do."

"Fuck you." But she laughed anyways. Once she recovered from her laugh session she asked, "Are you gonna ask him tomorrow or Monday? You said you had homeroom, Lab, and Math together, right?" Her voice went a little dulled, because she was getting something in front of her and moved the phone away from her mouth a little.

"I'm not sure." Zell wondered if he'd even see Locke tomorrow. It was the customary to get the shit you need for school over the weekend. Then rest at home in dread of the coming week. Locke may have made other plans. Although. He is new in town, and he had asked what he liked to do in spare time, maybe he could go over there and invite him to do something with him.

"I think I might have something," Zell said after his long pause. "I'm gonna stop by his house on the weekend to see if he wants to do something. D'you wanna come with us?" Because with Selphie there, Locke would rather hang out alone with a one-legged dog playing fetch than listen to her chatter for another two seconds.

"Okay, I'm not doing anything anyhow. Sabin's gotta work - and who's trying to hang out at the mall all day?" There was a soft audible squirt sound in the background; Zell raised an eyebrow. "Selphie you're not?" He began to ask but she cut him off with a stream of "No's".

"I'm putting some lotion on my hands, dummy, don't be so perverted - and anyway, that only works for boys. A girl would get an infection."

From his blindspot he saw the curtain across the street move over; Selphie waved to him and he waved back.

"I'll see ya at ten, okay?" He pulled the curtain back over.

"Okay. Bye." Selphie hung up her phone.

He set the receiver back on the base. Rolling over onto his back, he placed his hands behind his head and sighed. "Locke Cole... If there's anyone out there better than him, I'd like to meet 'em."

# #

Across the ocean, in the State Penn. A guard walked along the cell blocks making sure everyone was getting into bed. "Lights out!" He shouted at one of the prisoners, who was resting his back against the cell wall. He had a cigarette in his mouth, and was just lighting up.

The man had a beard and a dazed look about him, as though he were drunk out of his mind but he is sober. His black hair was clean, but looked shaggy on top of his head, even his cadet-blue prison clothes were dingy. After blowing out a puff of smoke, he gestured with his head towards another of the beds in the room where a stiff-as-a-corpse body lay resting.

"I'm not closing my eyes with that guy in here." He took another drag from the cigarette without releasing the smoke. "He hasn't moved since you brought him in - and that was two months ago."

The guard looked at the sleeping figure. "He's been tranquilized; now go to sleep." He ordered.

The prisoner muttered something under his breath at the inefficient guard; however, he moved over to the bed and climbed, lying down to, hopefully, sleep. Once the officer had moved away from the cell, the same man had moved down to the lower bed climbing on top of another prisoner. The two of them conversed for a second, while making-out and undoing zippers.

Their low moans filled the cell block when they progressed into each other; one into a hand and the other into his anus. The lights in the hall shut off one by one. When the light over cell block G cut off, a pair of eyes opened.

Muffled screams and yells were heard through the cell block from the other prisoners, pulled violently from their tryst. The figure leaned back and let out a loud roar of freed pleasure. An officer that had the night shift patroled the hallway to the cell block. Flashing his light inside this cell and that one, he ordering prisoners to get off each other and go to sleep.

"Fucking fags." He muttered under his breath.

When he got to cell block G, at first, when the light went shining by he saw nothing. But as he swept the beam of the flashlight in the other direction, silverish orbs caught his blind spot. He turned his head looking at first without the glow of light; maybe it was just the moon coming in from over head. But when the light flickered off then came back on, he shined the beam into the cell seeing the sleeping prisoner sitting up on the bed, leaning on the back wall.

This was the first time the guard has ever seen this prisoner in an upright position. His spiked brown hair covered his face from clear view. His eyes were gun-metal silver-blue. And his face was beyond handsome. His physique made even the unflattering prison uniform look good! The bar number on him was 15463. Squall Leonhart.

A smirk hit the cop's face and he placed his hands on his hips. "Well whoopdie fucking doo. You're awake." He saw that the prisoner didn't particularly care for the light in his eyes and the cop ran it left and right making it rush past the guy's vision. Squall narrowed his eyes at the man, but a smile appeared on his face.

"What the fuck have you got to be happy for?" Asked the officer, freezing the light on him. "What the fuck?" He whispered lowly, seeing the stains of red all over Squall's mouth. The famed seriel killer ran his tongue over his mouth, as though licking a smile on his face. The cop gulped and turned the flashlight to the other prisoners. "Oh, God!" He shouted.

The two bodies were still attached to each other, but not in a usual way. Squall had drained them empty; and with his fist, he punctured a hole in the man on the bottom side and shoved the other man's dick inside of it. Their blood was smeared all over their faces; and the smell of death and cum filled the cell.

The officer covered his nose with his forearm to ward off the stench of torn open bowel. How had he missed it? So abruptly enamored with the sudden alertness of the other prisoner. Turning the light back to Squall, he jumped out of his skin seeing the prisoner right in his face! Squall reached through the cage bars and pulled the man roughly into them. "Aaahh!" He cried out when his face slammed into the cold iron bars.

Squall's fangs dropped from their sheath and his grin broadened. Opening his mouth he bit into the screaming guard's chin, luring blood out by scraping his tongue up the underside.

"A-ahahaaaahh!." He cried in pain.

The loss of blood drained his face pale and he tried pulling himself free, but he could not escape the prisoner's immense strength. Some of the other prisoners in the other cell blocks had started waking up to see what the noise was about. Squall was so enthralled in biting the guard, that he had pulled his head through the sturdy bars crushing the man's skull and killing him instantly.

The vampire opened his mouth letting the blood from the cop's mouth run into his own. Squall ripped the cell door away, officer still attached and all, then he tossed it aside. He stepped free from the so-called prison and looked about.

"Yeah, man, you rock!" One of the prisoners shouted, shaking his fist through the bars into the air.

Squall's vision turned towards the man, he looked exactly like the savage seriel killer the cops had described him as. Stalking over to the cell across from him that was making the most noise, Squall tore that door away, as well.

"Thanks!" Said three of the prisoners inside as they left the cell, while another one cowards in a corner.

"Don't come any closer!" He begged feebly.

"Hhhhhh," Hissed Squall, his eyes flared with evil. Two of the prisoners were still standing beside him, charged and ready for some cop bashing action when they heard the sirens go off. Squall looked at the men grabbing the one closest to him, sinking his teeth deep into the man's collar.

"Aaahhh!" He screamed.

The other prisoner began to shrink away in fear saying. "Yo... What the fuck are you doing to him, man?"

Just as the prisoner made to flee, the cops came into the hall and started firing! Squall looked towards the commotion and laughed. Looking around the room he jumped onto the ceiling running across it on all fours over top of the group of officers, who were dumbfounded as to where he went. The lights were still off and no one was around to turn them on.

"Up there!" One of them said seeing the flare of Squall's night vision gaze.

Dropping down from the ceiling, Squall landed on a chubby guard crushing him to death. He then dove onto another one smashing him into a cell in the distance. He bit into his neck like any normal vampire, moving away to strangle more blood free from his body.

"Fire, men!" A guard commanded.

The small force aimed towards the cannibal murderer. Squall picked up the man he'd just bitten into, and held him as a human shield.

"No, don't shoot!" The guard called out, he wasn't dead yet. Unfortunately, the officers were already firing. "Aaahh!" He screamed dying mostly from loss of blood than the bullets.

Squall kicked the man away and into the firing squad then he stood up. They swayed and wobbled around on the floor in a pile up, tossing their bloody comrade aside. "Kill that freak! Kill him!" Shouted the commanding officer.

'Yes, I remember now.' Thought Squall, completely in his senses now. 'I've been jailed.' He advanced on the cops, digging his claw-like nails into one of them, ripping him in half by the breast plate.

The vampire had been in the park with his Lord, hunting. They had killed 30 that night, but were insatiable with hunger; never satisfied, unless in bed with each other.

"Squall," Said his Lord. "I want more bodies."

Squall licked his neck adoringly and whispered against it. "Yes, my lord. As you wish." He took to the sky as though he could fly, but he is merely caught in the atmosphere when he jumps. Sailing a distance, he gently landed to the ground then jumped again.

A family was there in the distance, or at least he thought so, but they were really undercover cops! Normally tranquilizers would have no effect on a vampire, unless they had garlic extract in them. And even then it's just a bad case of internal hives. But with all the human blood he'd consumed that night, it put him out for a while. It was a strange sort of body lock. The rest of the cops showed up at the park taking turns shooting darts into his back.

Squall growled at the memory and slashed another cop's throat out. The other officers were horrified, covering themselves from the splattering blood.

The vampire roared loudly, jumping on another guard's back biting into his neck. 'I'm going to rip you all apart one by one!' He mentally declared. Once that man's legs had given way, Squall climbed off and looked for his next target. The chaos was halted upon the riotous sound of dogs barking in the distance, then a strangled silence fell over them.

The door at the other end of the hall ripped open, turning the heads of everyone within the room. There was a man there, his eyes glowing just as Squall's.

"Fire!" Shouted a cop.

Squall took three bullets to the chest but he didn't seem fazed. The man at the end of the hall felt otherwise about the attack. He walked into the hall, with his arms spread out. A metallic tugging sound went into the air and the cell doors pulled free with each one he passed. The lights overhead were powered on, but that was just a brief power surge before they exploded in the pressure. Each bright flare revealed the newcomer. He looked about 6'2", with long blond hair, and ocean-blue eyes with just a slight goldish yellow kiss close to the pupils.

The prisoners inside ran free hoping to escape this massacre they had watched unfold; only their hopes were dashed as they passed by getting ripped to shreds by an unknown force.

"Aaahhh!" Screams went up into the air. Some men made it out, and others barely had a leg to stand on.

"Stay back, you fuckeeerr!" An officer shouted firing at the blond man. The stranger looked directly at the guard, his eyes turned completely golden. "What are you doing to me...?!"

His head lumped up as though he had a creature inside of it not just roaming around, but trying to get out. The other cops looked at him screaming before they ran. "Nooo aahhh, aaahhh!" The guard's head exploded, dropping the body to the floor.

Squall walked over to the intruder, pleased as he was pulled into his strong grip. "Lord Edgar."

The two of them kissed, smearing the blood around Squall's mouth onto his own. His lord and lover broke away to say. "Come." A gust picked up around them, shading them into shadows. They were gone.

X x X

Commentary: Thank for understanding, thanks for reading, and have a healthy and safe week.