Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Squall's eyes shot open and he moaned feeling his lord still inside of him. Edgar was still deep asleep on top of him. His long golden hair resting along Squall's forearm that is hugged around his back. The brunet closed his eyes and sighed in pleasure. "My lord." He whispered.

Edgar stirred then opened his eyes. He looked at Squall and smiled, planting a kiss to his lips. "You're awake." Squall gave a nod, still hugging him until he pulled away. "I thought you'd be out for days once falling asleep again." Edgar continued his thin conversation while advancing to the top of the bed. "A drink?" Lord asked, resting his back against the fluffy headboard.

"The tranquilizers have worn off." Answered Squall to the unasked question. He joined Edgar at the top of the bed, watching as his lord poured a deep yellow wine into his hand for him to drink. Opening his mouth, Squall lowered his tongue into the dip of Edgar's palm lapping the liquid away.

Edgar's beautilful smile lit his face and he poured more into his hand, with Squall's mouth was still at his palm. The vampire drank it away as he had before, taking care to lick underneath Edgar's hand as well. Unable to catch all of the warm liquid, some fell onto his lap. Looking downward he reached to wipe it away, but Edgar brushed his hand aside and lowered himself into Squall's lap enclosing the wet member in his mouth.

Squall arched his body to the contact, feeling his teeth lower lustfully. Edgar sucked his lover clean then backed off of him. "I have work to do," He moved to Squall's face and kissed him. "You may play tonight, if you're well enough." Moving away from the bed, lord Edgar walked out of the room.

Squall looked after him, then down at the bed to his tattered prison clothes. Growling, he scoops them up and walked it to the fireplace where he tossed them in. The flames thanked him for the revival by engulfing the tattered threading of the clothes within it. 'I've been away for two months... but tonight...' His eyes turned a burning red. '...I hunt.'


A woman's scream filled the night air, before dying down to gone. Squall ran his bare forearm across his mouth to remove the blood, then licked away what was there. The vampire threw his head back with laughter, and kicked the woman's leg.

"It's so good to be dead!" He announced. He picked up the limp body, dancing around in circles with it. "Shame you can't say the same thing, huh?" Squall continued his waltz with her, feeling his victim's hand give his a squeeze. "Well look at that? All that time away I must be getting rusty." He moved his mouth to her ear whispering. "I thought you were dead."

Squall shoved her into a tree. The force erupted a pained grunt from her. It was small but it popped out. Bark dislodged and scattered beneath her back to the grass below.

"I guess this means you must be," Grabbing her wrist, he held it up to his mouth. "Double-dead!" He bit into her wrist hearing a faint sound of protest from her before she was completely drained of her blood and lay still on the grass. Dead.

"I think I heard the screams this way." A man's voice said.

Two orbs of lights appeared out infront of him. Looking ahead of him he saw two men in uniform. Cops. Shrinking away, Squall took off running. At normal pace on his feet at first, but to gain speed he leaned down on all fours sprinting out of the square.

A car screeched to a halt when he jumped on the hood. "What the fuck was that?!" The woman in the passanger side screamed.

Her husband looked past her out the window and shrugged. "I don't know," he looked over his shoulder out the rear window of the car the best he could.

"Did we hit somebody?" His wife asked.

The man got out of the car and walked around to the front. Nothing. Turning around to get back in the car, he growled.

"What is it Frank?" His wife asked.

Frank gestured with his hand to the hood of the car. "That son of a bitch got dirt on the hood."

The man brushed his hand over it then his shirt sleeve, making sure it was completely gone before he got back into the car. "I'm telling you, Brandy, by the start of next year, we're moving." The car wheeled forward then picked up it's normal speed.

Squall looked across the street from inside a bush, turning around he sat down on the grass rubbing his arms. "Hhhhrrr, I've gotta get over that." He said to himself.

A brief flash ran through his head of that night. Being surrounded by a swarm of cops all shooting him, here and there with tranquilizer darts. Then restraining him with stun guns pulsing with electric energy. Shaking away the memory, Squall stood and walked into the larger park area to find his next victims.

# #

"Here's some money." Zell's mother was saying, the next day. "Don't spend it on junk food or anything else in general. That's for your school supplies and nothing more."

Zell turned away from his mom so she wouldn't see him rolling his eyes.

Brandy smacked him on the back of his head. "And don't roll your eyes at me; act like an adult and I'll treat you like one."

"Yes, mother." Said Zell.

"Smartass," His mother remarked. The woman walked into the living room over to her husband, who was reading the morning paper.

Zell grabbed his jacket and slipped it on. He was beyond ready to leave.

"Get in here, boy." His father requested out of nowhere.

Zell returned to the living room and stood beside the arm chair adjusting his jacket. "Yeah, dad?" He asked.

"Here." He stuffed a few more bills into his pocket. "A real man always has a fifty with him, for his... extra friends." The man winked at him.

Zell scrunched his face wondering what the hell it was his father was getting at. "Um, thanks. I think." Turning away, he waved to them. "I'll be back sometime around 1:00."

"Twelve. Your father and I are going out, and need you to watch the house." His mother stated, stopping Zell in his tracks.

"Why do I have to watch the house? It's not going anywhere." He commented.

Frank folded the paper inward, saying. "Do as your mother says."

Dropping his shoulders, Zell said "whatever" then walked out.

"That boy is looking for a good pop in the mouth, my father would have set me straight in a heartbeat if I'd mouthed off." Pointing at his wife. "You let him get off with too much."

Brandy waved his comment off and grabbed her knitting.

Outside. Zell saw Rinoa and Selphie leaving her house with a tall guy. Seeing the blond hair, he thought for a second it was Seifer, but realizing that couldn't be right he walked over to them saying. "Hey!"

"Hey, Zell!" Shouted Selphie, waving him over. Once Zell reached the group, Selphie slapped the backs of her hands against the tall stranger saying. "This is Sabin. Sabin, this is my best friend the whole world over, Zell."

The two of them shook hands.

"Hmm, you don't look anything like I pictured you." Said Zell. "You're taller."

Sabin laughed with a nod. "That's what everyone says when she introduces me as her boyfriend. Especially when you're dating someone shorter than you are."

"It's true," Rinoa piped up. "I said the same thing just an hour ago."

Cocking an eyebrow, Selphie looked Zell over and smiled. "Where're you heading to today?"

"Notebook shopping, what about you?" He returned the question.

"Weeee are going to the mall," She put a hand on everyone she referring to. "I need some more shirts, and Rin' wants to get some hats, and Sabin looks really hot driving, so we'll be seeing you later."

"Tch. Maybe not, my mom wants me home by twelve and it's already ten thirty two." He checked his watch.

"I could give you a ride to save time." Sabin offered, but Zell shook his head. "No, I think I'll walk. It's not that far."

"Suit yourself." The tall blond said.

The three of them loaded into his car; Selphie and Rinoa waved goodbye to Zell, who did the same.

"I'd better hurry or we won't have anytime to ourselves." Rushing off, Zell sprinted to Locke's house, hoping he hadn't changed his mind about going with him.


They arrived at Wall Market within twenty minutes. Zell explained his current rush and Locke understood. Cole's mother rushed him around loads of times, it was no big deal. As they walked around, Zell continuelly checked the list of supplies he'd written down off the teacher's papers. So far he grabbed six spiral notebooks and three binders.

"Why the hell does this shit cost so much?" Zell mumbled to himself.

Locke chuckled in the distance ahead, saying. "Spoken like a true nerd."

"I am not a nerd." Retorts Zell in mock annoyance.

Locke shrugged and picked up a stack of notebooks, he then pulled out a pen from his pocket and uncapped it writing something inside the first one, after which, he put it back on the shelf. "Zell," Locke glanced up to make sure his companion hadn't walked away from him.

"Yeah?" He paid him no mind as he looked around for a trapper keeper and some pens.

"What's your phone number?" Locke asked casually.

"555..." He paused looking over at Locke. "What are you doing?" Going over to him, he looked down at the notebook and read: For a good time call Zell Dincht at, 555-...

Locke scratched the back of his head laughing. "It was a joke." He explained seeing the anger in Zell's expression.

"Ha ha, asshole." Not amused, he walked away from him.

Locke followed, grabbing him and holding back his retreat. "I was just messing around. Plus, I was gonna buy this one. I swear."

Zell cocked an eyebrow, taking the notebook from Locke and held it up saying. "It has a kitten on it."

Locke shrugged. "I like cats."

He sounded so pathetically sincere, Zell handed the book back to him dropping the whole thing. "We better hurry up, my mom's probably halfway here ready to drag me home so they can leave." Checking everything in his hand, he looked to Locke. "You got everything?"

"Yeah, my mom did all that stuff before we moved. I should be set for the next two years." They stepped in line waiting behind at least six people. Locke tapped Zell on the shoulder to get his attention and he said. "I can hang out with you, since you're gonna be stuck at home."

Zell exploded inside, this was just like with Cloud! If life doesn't secretly have it in for him, Zell might actually have a chance with Locke. "The line's moving." He heard his crush saying. Zell walked forward still waiting for three people to leave.

"So can I?" Locke asked again.

"Huh? Oh, sure." Zell said it as if Locke had asked him to cut in line rather than asking if he could come over. But inside his heart was racing a mile a minute, and he couldn't wait to get home!


"Oh my god, are you not the cutest thing I've ever seen!?" Zell's mother said when the two walked through the door. "Frank, look," She steered Locke over to the couch where Zell's father sat. "Who does he remind you of?" She asked him.

The man looked at Locke, bored, then at his wife replying. "How the fuck should I know."

Brandy rolled her eyes before kicking her husband's foot. "He looks like Duncan Andrews, you know, Jane's son." Frank shook his head. "Oh, forget him." Brandy said and turned her attention back to Locke. "You look exactly like my friend Jane's son..."

"Duncan." Locke finished for her.

She laughed joyfully, nodding. "And his voice is just as adorable as his face?"

Frank rolled his eyes standing from the couch, he grabbed his wife's arm and steered her to the front door. "We're gonna be late if you keep that up." Calling over his shoulder, he said. "Zell, lock the door behind us. And don't mess up the house."

Zell did as he was told, locking the door. "I'll never hear the end of that." Said Zell returning to the living room.

"The end of what?" Asked Locke sitting down on the couch.

"My mom's gonna keep bringing it up that you look like this geeky little six year old, which by the way, you don't."

Locke smiled to himself. "He's ugly?" He asked.

"Yeeah. Have you ever seen a six year old with acne?"

Locke tried picturing it, but blurred it from his mind. Zell sat down beside him and grabbed the remote pretending to flip through the channels.

'Moment of truth time, he could have just been fucking with me yesterday.' The blond thought.

Settling on Cartoon Network, Zell cleared his throat. "So, when did you... if you are, I mean - - and if you're not then.. I'm sorry."

Locke looked at him, knowing what he was getting at, so he replied to the slightly asked question to save Zell the heart attack.

"Yup, I'm gay. And I've known since..." He thought it over. "Since I was thirteen."

"Wow... I only just found out over the summer." They were quiet. "Did you have a boyfriend back then?" Asked Zell.

Locke nodded, but then he looked hesitant. "I don't know if you could really call him a boyfriend, he was more like my... way of knowing."

That struck Zell as weird. Was Cloud just his: way of knowing? They were together practically the whole last month of summer. They kissed, and touchd, and everything - - sure they never exactly went all the way, but what they did was pretty close.

"Do you guys still talk?" Inquired curious blond, looking back up at Locke.

Cole shrugged. "Not at first. He moved away in the middle of the year and we lost contact."

"What do you mean "by not at first"? Are you guys talking now?"

"You know the guy that was in the locker room on Friday?"

Zell nodded, then widened his eyes. "That was him?!" Locke nodded. 'Fuck... That means they'll probably be getting back together. Locke was watching him go to the bathroom... Great.'

Figeting beside the blond, Locke went on saying. "But, he's seeing someone else. A girl." Zell thought that was interesting. "Took me by surprise, too. He remembered me and all, but he told me he was just young and trying new things back then. And that he's always been straight."

There was no remorse in his voice, or even a hint of pinning for. Maybe Zell does still have a chance.

"He knows how I feel, though; and he's not homophobic either, so we're still friends."

"That's good." Zell said half-hearted. This guy could change his mind at anytime and want Locke back. He wasn't a jealous person, but he didn't exactly like competition either.

"What about you?" Asked Locke.

"Um, yeah. I had a boyfriend over the summer, Cloud, but.. he moved away." There was silence and they quietly watched television to fill the void. 'Maybe I should just ask him out, do guys do that whole dating thing?' Zell wondered. 'Ggrrr, so many questions.' He grumbled inside.

"...So you and Cloud, are you still talking to each other?" Asked Locke.

Zell nodded. "Yeah, I guess. I'm waiting for him to call me when they move into their new house."

"Where's he moving to?"


Locke thought over the distance. "That's pretty far." They were quiet again. "So, you think that in the meantime, if you guys aren't gonna... y'know... Maybe you and me could..." He trailed off.

'Is he asking me out?' Zell wondered, getting his answer.

"See each other." He finished.

The television timing was comedic, as a vampire character just said: "Yes, dude, yes" to her boyfriend who asked her to move in with him. Zell wholeheartedly mimicked the reply. Go out with Locke? Yes, dude, yes!