Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Five

The three friends walked to Pizza Hut from the batting cages. Locke said he'd pay for lunch since Zell was paying for the movie snacks and Selphie was buying the tickets. "Pepperoni and mushroom." Said Selphie to the waiter.

"Extra cheese and pepperoni." Locke said. Zell didn't really care either way. "I'll just share with them." He said. The waiter told them they'd be served in a moment and he walked to the counter to fill their orders. The three of them were silent, not knowing what to say to each other as far as a face to face went.

Selphie swung her leg sideways, kicking Zells foot to get his attention. 'Say something.' Her eyes shouted at him. Locke watched their interaction and smiled pulling a handful of napkins free from the dispencer. "Where'd you used to live?" Asked Zell. After getting the amount of napkins he was satisfied with Locke looked at Zell replying. "Fishermans Horizon. My dad made us live there, but he's not really my father just my step father."

'He's such an open book,' Thought Selphie approvingly. "What about your birth dad, do you know where he is?" Asked Zell.

"Tch. Don't make him out to be a hero, that drug-addicted bastard." But he said it with more atittude than anger. "Here you are." The waiter said placing a tray infront of them with a large pitcher of Pepsi.

"Thank you." The hyperactive girl said, then cocked her head back and forth saying. "Although, what did he do really except bring it to us." Locke chuckled to hisself grabbing a slice of the extra cheese and pepperoni. Selphie took two of the sausage and mushroom and Zell grabbed one of each.

"So go on with the story, was he abusive too or just a crackhead?" Asked Selphie feeling a sharp jab in the ribs from Zells finger. "Ooow." She mouthed, giving him a glare.

"It's okay, I don't mind at all." Locke reassured the little blonde to keep them from banging each other up the entire meal. "He was just a dead beat druggy, so my mom left him. We moved to F.H. and that's where she met Conrad and they've been tight since." He paused adding. "Although, the family fun times I can do without."

"Who couldn't." Selphie remarked.

Zell huffed in disbelief. "What, am I part of the only disfunctional family in Dollet?" Selphie and Locke looked at Zell while he spoke. "My parents never do any of that with me, my moms a nervous wreck when she's not trying to better my life, and my dad..... I don't even wanna get started on him."

Lockes mouth twisted to the corner of his face, he could imagine what that must be like. Sliding his foot forward, he touched the tip of his sneaker with Zells but the little blonde jerked it back thinking it was an accident and he blushed.

"You know what pisses me off," Selphie was saying, in her own little world. "They never have the right pizza seasonings anymore." Oh yeah, she was lost to the world.

By the middle of the meal, Locke was picking sausage from Selphie's half and sticking them on his own, she didn't care too much she was only in it for the mushrooms and she had had her fill with four. Zell ate the rest of her half and Locke ate enough to leave one of his behind.

After paying for the pizza, the three of them left Pizza Hut and went to the movies to see, Underworld. It was Selphie's choice since she was buying the tickets. They didn't buy that much to eat during the movie because they were still full from lunch. At the most they got a large box of Dots to share, a few packets of Sugar Babies and a large Sprite also to share.

Locke and Selphie were really into the movie, but Zell couldn't tear hisself away from Locke. His scent was drifting into his nose, he smelled a lot like cinamon so there was a good chance he was wearing 'Inferno' which was the newest cologne on the market.

'Why would he wear cologne just to hang out with friends?' Zell wondered. Leaning closer to the brown haired boy, Zell took another whiff. 'I wonder if it gets stronger when you're hot?' Shaking his head, he backed away from Locke. 'This is pathetic, I've gotta calm myself down before I end up doing something stupid.'

Settling back in his seat, Zell watched the movie with them, finding it a little boring because he'd missed most of the plot sneaking glances at Locke. "Ohhh wooow!" Selphie cheered as low as she could. It sucked for her to have to whisper. "That was so cool."

"Yeah." Agreed Locke. They watched as the vampire woman shot holes in the floor around her and fell through. Locke and Selphie jumped up from their seats shouting, "Awesome!" with their fists in the air. Sitting back down Locke placed his hand on the arm rest, feeling Zell's beneath it.

He quickly pulled it back whispering. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Zell whispered back, while thinking. 'Sorry for what, making part of my dream a reality.' Locke rested his hands in his lap, making a boat out of them. Selphie glanced beside her at Zell and Locke.

'Time for me to go.' She touched her watch and set it to beep in three minutes. In the meantime, she finished the rest of the snacks herself because they had stopped eating them, out of what she figured was shy discomfort.

Beep, beep! Beep, beep! Selphie looked down at her watch. "Shoot, I have to go." She stood. "My grandmother's coming to visit and I'm supposed to be there for the whole, look how big you've grown deal."

The two boys watched her get up and grab her little carry bookbag from the seat. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, okay?" Adjusting the straps she waved walking out. "Enjoy the rest of the movie."

Zell shook his head in disbelief. 'That girl is good, I'll give her that. I could have never come up with the grandma thing.' Locke was fidgiting next to him, getting Zells attention. "What's up?" Asked the little blonde.

"What time is it?" Zell pressed the indiglow on his watch.

"A little past one thirty." He let the botton go, putting them back in the darkness again. Locke still seemed a little anxious over something and he finally said. "You wanna go?" Zell thought he would never ask. Standing up to show that he obviously did, they dropped their boxes and things to the floor and walked out into the afternoon sky.

The two of them walked quietly along the streets not saying anything, either from being too shy or the avoidance to what they were afraid might slip out. Wondering where they were, Zell looked up at the street crossing. 'Lansing.' He mentally noted, hearing Locke sigh beside him.

"Zell...." He trailed off. Zell could wait, as long as Locke wasn't gonna ask him what he was doing all day and think he was weird for it if Zell managed to tell him a real answer. "What we were talking about before, the other day after school..... Did youuu...?" He wet his lips and looked down.

More silence until. "Gods I wish there was an easier way to say this." The brunette said out of nowhere. "Say what?" Zell asked.

"What do you think of.....?" Again Locke trailed off on him.

'Whaaat?' Zell pleaded. 'What do I think of what?'

More silence. They continued their walk just looking straight ahead and not saying anything. A stray dog walked by, sniffing both of their hands before wandering away. 'Just come right out and say it.' Locke coaxed himself. He looked over to Zell, who was looking downwards at his shadow.

"Zell...." The little blonde turned hearing his name. "I... I like men." Zells eyes widened hearing that. He had to have been mistaken. "Locke did you-...."

"I see my house." The brunette cut him off. "I better get going." Zell shoulders slouched and he mumbled. "Oh."

Locke patted him on the back and ran ahead a bit. Stopping suddenly, Locke turned around and shouted. "Hey Zell!" The little blonde turned to face him with question. "What I look for in a person is good looks, a nice personality and they have to be someone who doesn't mind doing some of the stuff I'm into and I can do some of the stuff they're into."

Zell smiled dimly and shouted back. "Sounds like we've got a thing for the same type of people!" Locke shook his head, backing up as he talked. "No, just for each other!" After that was out the brunette waved, turned around and ran to his house.

"Than he did say it," Zell couldn't hide the huge grin on his face behind a house. His heart even started hurting in his chest. "Locke's gay......" He whispered liking the way it sounded from his mouth.


Zell ate his dinner as though it were the best tasting stuff on earth, he even ate the carrots and he hates carrots! Floating upstairs, Zell collapsed on his bed turning the lights off. "Locke Cole," He sighed out, closing his eyes. His hand found its way to his chest and he brushed it lightly up and down hisself.

"Gods I need you." Zell breathed out. He continued to fondle his chest, brushing scissored fingers past his nipples. The little blonde opened his eyes and saw Locke sitting in a chair beside his bed watching him. He was wearing the clothes he'd first seen him in and his hair, regardless the bandana, was fallen into his face and Gods did he look sexy.

Locke leaned forward in the chair, reaching out with his finger tracing the back of Zells hand gently pursuing it to go lower. Zell could only comply by lowering his hand and unzipping his jeans. He and Locke reached into the opening beginning a tug of war with his penis as the rope.

Locke removed his hand and let it search lower in Zells pants grabbing his balls, giving them a squeeze. "Uuuhhh." Zell breathed out.

Knock! Knock! The door burst open, popping Zell's thought bubble as he yanked his hands from his pants looking in it's direction. "Zell honey..." His mother was saying as she walked in.

"What the fuck mom, I'm getting dressed." He sat himself up on his elbows. "Can't you wait to be invited in?" The blonde yelled mildly at her.

Brandy put her hands up in self defense and backed out saying as she went. "Alright, alright. I was just gonna ask you if you wanted dessert, sheesh." When the door closed again, Zell let his head drop back down on the pillow and he sighed loudly.

Zell looked back over at the chair and of course Locke was gone. 'I am sad.... I better call Selphie though, she's probably wondering if I got back yet.' Picking up his phone he pushed the speed dial and waited for her to answer. After three rings she picked up the phone trying to rip the sound tape with a single. "Yyyyeeesss?"

"Selphie! I have the best news!" He rolled over onto his stomach, and supported himself on his elbows as he spoke. "When we were walking home from the movies Locke told me that, he's into guys!"

Selphie screamed lowly, saying. "Oh that's so great! Does that mean you two are gonna get together now?" She asked, hoping the answer was, yes. Zell didn't know about all that, but maybe him and Locke could see each other on Sunday. "Speaking of which... Thanks for leaving us alone at the theater, you're a standard babe."

Selphie laughed to herself. "Remember that on my birthday, when you walk into an expensive store." Zell nodded and said. "I will." Scooting up to a sitting position he moved the blinds with his fingers and looked out the window. "Open your blinds."

Selphie sat up in her bed and pulled the string to the blinds. They waved to each other and Zell pulled his blinds up as well, sitting on his window seat. "I think I'm too excited about all this though, I don't wanna lose him like I lost Cloud." Zell was saying.

Selphie waved the words away, shaking her head. "You didn't lose Cloud, he moved." She heard Zell make a sound of 'whatever'.

"It's the same difference." He retorted for his emotions on the subject. "Besides that, I nearly got caught masterbating imagining the guy watching me. Hopefully mom didn't see anything I was doing." Selphie broke into a fit of laughter. "It's not funny I never would have lived it down, especially if my father found out."

"Oh puleeze, like he never did it as a kid." Selphie commented. "I'm sure he didn't, my dad is so fucking homaphobic even touching himself is gay. You know, cause he's a man." Selphie laughed even harder this time.

Zell tried not to but he started laughing too. "It is funny. How can people be so fucking stupid sometimes?" He wondered aloud. "I don't know...." She paused a moment. "So are you gonna ask him out tomorrow just the two of you? Cause I'm hanging out with Rin' tomorrow and I can't chaperone you two meaniiiiing...."

"Meaning what?" Asked Zell although he knew perfectly well what she was getting at.

"Meaning nothing, have fun like little boys do and you'll tell me aaaall about it." She said.

"Ha. You don't have to tell me that, you know I call you every night." Selphie made a sound to agree then said. "Yup, cause you're not my boyfriend." She made kissy sounds through the phone and Zell did the same.

"Bye, I'll see you at school." Selphie said goodbye as well and they hung up.

'Time for dessert.' He thought climbing under the blanket.