Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Zell walked into homeroom and took his usual seat. As though he had a change of heart the bogged blond got up and went to the back of the room taking a seat where Locke usually sat. He needed to talk to him, and homeroom was as good a time as any. The brunet entered the classroom whistling, but his voice froze when he saw Zell sitting in the back. Quickly averting his eyes away, Locke sat himself down up front diagonal from Rinoa's seat.

He cocked an eyebrow wondering what Locke was doing? He's never sat in the front row, not even in lab. Locke asked Zell to sit in back with him after the first day. 'What's with him?' He wondered getting ready to stand.

"Have a seat, Mr. Dincht, you're not going anywhere." Said Mr. Wallace just getting in.

Everyone knew the guy was outside smoking his lung full before class, he even takes cigarettes from some of the student smokers most of the time. He was one to talk about loitering. Zell sat back down in his seat, he could wait for class to start. It's not like Locke had anywhere else to go either, they are in the same class.

Watching him, he thought Locke looked as though he was in another world. His posture was different, it was more: 'Leave me alone' than, 'I'm actually really friendly'.

'I don't blame him, after what happened, I'm still rattled, too.' Thought Zell, looking down at his empty desk. Everything he needed for school was at home in his backpack. It was like being naked at a fancy party - - and best believe everyone would notice. Leaning forward he tapped Rinoa on the shoulder. "Hey." He whispered.

"Hi, Zell." She said with a smile.

Zell smiled back, though he didn't really want to, then he asked. "Can I maybe borrow some of your loose paper and a pen and pencil for today?" He looked at her with pleading eyes, but before he could even finish his sentence she had turned around pulling out a wad of paper for him.

"Sure, how much do you need?" She asked, passing back a chunk to him already. "That's enough, thanks." Rinoa then handed him a pen and pencil as he asked. Looking at it, the pencil was littered with a squiggle design of red and yellow. The pen was plain, medium point, grey and black and it clicked up to use it. His dad used to steal a ton of them from work.

As though his words got caught in his head, he thought about what would happen after school. 'I'm never gonna walk into my house again.' His eyes began to well up with tears and he lowered his head. The bell sounded. Everyone started getting up to leave, or rotate where they were sitting. Zell looked up to see if Locke had moved as well, but he remained where he was.

Standing, Zell walked to the front of the room and took a seat next to him. "Locke can I talk to you, it's important." He asked.

Locke glanced at him, but kept his head down. His entire face looked shaded over with gloom. Zell had no idea that this would hit him so hard; maybe his mom found out somehow? Zell's parents could have called the Cole's, just like they called Selphie's. He could be out on the streets, too!

"Don't worry, Locke, we'll get through this." Zell said reaching out, placing his hand on his boyfriend's shoulder. He made no response to the touch. 'Locke, I'm so sorry.' He thought.

When the door was shut, Mr. Wallace walked around the room handing out papers to everyone.

"What's this for?" Asked a girl named Stacey.

"We are going on a field trip next week, to a science lab, in Deling." Mr. Wallace was saying and a burst of cheers went up into the air. "Shut up, shut up." He said casually. "Don't think we're going there to get out of class. We're going to ask questions, and see how the real scientists work."

Zell looked down at the slip of paper. "You'll need your parent's permission. Don't try to forge it, I'll know. And pack a lunch." He returned to the front of the room and sat at his desk, then fished around the drawer for something.

A male student raised his hand, asking before he was called on. "Sir, can't we just stop for some fast food?"

"Yeah!" The class cheered clapping and making an uproar.

Mr. Wallace smiled into a laugh then lowered his voice saying. "Not on your fucking life, boy. That's all the hell I need.." He pulled the key out and walked to the cabinet where the safety glasses were kept. "You people happy because you got your way." He went on finishing his thoughts. "Man, you must have lost your damned mind."

'What's with that guy?' Wondered Locke.

Zell was gazing down at the slip of paper running the word: 'parents' in his mind, over and over. What was he going to do?

"Come get your safety goggles. Let's go." Everyone got up and walked to the back of the room.

Zell remained where he was, then slowly forced himself out of his desk. "Mr. Wallace?" He said walking to the teacher's desk.

"Mr. Dincht?" The man replied.

"I can't go on this field trip; we have to go to a funeral on that day." He lied.

"Sorry for your loss." Mr. Wallace said, though half-assed.

Zell sniffled when handing the sheet back. The teacher snatched a few tissues from a box at the corner of the desk and shoved them into Zell's hand. "Thank you."

He didn't wanna make a scene. It wasn't like him to cry. Going to the back of the room, he took the last pair of glasses from the cabinet, closed it then walked back to his desk. He doesn't need this. Right now Zell wanted to be left alone. Not sitting in class feeling like an idiot because he couldn't keep his tears down. Especially in front of Mr. Wallace - - that guy is a nightmare!

"Find your partners, and get busy; the lab sheets are in the back. If you have any questions, try to figure it out on your own before coming to me."

The students went to the back of the room choosing a table they were happy with.

Mr. Wallace stood up from his desk and walked over to Zell putting a hand on his shoulder. "Come here." He said, leading him into the hall.

Locke watched them leave before going to the back finding himself someone to partner up with.

"Why don't you go to the library and find something to read." Suggested the cranky lab teacher.

Zell made a face, and blinked. "Wh-what?" He stammered.

"Don't make me repeat myself." The man said. "You're obviously not in the mood to pay attention, and the last thing I need is someone blowing up my damned classroom because of it."

Zell smiled and nodded. "Wouldn't want that." He took the slip from the teacher's hand and stuffed it into his pocket. "Thank you." He walked down the hall to the library. 'Hmm. Mr. Wallace isn't so bad after all.' He thought.

"And don't come back to my class tomorrow pulling this baby shit on me, got it." The grouch returned to the room.

'Well, that compliment is not written in stone anywhere.' He waved the man off and went down the hall. He glanced into each classroom he passed, wondering if Selphie was near enough to the door to see him. Maybe he could get her out of class with him? 'I think she has health first, damn.' Zell walked quietly down the hall, to the library.

He could feel some of his sorrows slipping away from him once inside. At least he won't be distracted.

'I've gotta keep my emotions in check...I can't loose it now, just need to be alone with Locke to discuss what we're gonna do, and everything will be all right.'

Zell showed the librarian his pass then he walked to a table and took a seat. It was quiet, regardless the other class that was in there at the time, but they were at the other half of the room watching a movie. He got up and walked around the library, looking for a book to read while he waited for his class to be over. Hopefully the rest of the day would fly by so he could get out of there.


Zell was in the hall looking through the crowd of people for Selphie; he felt a finger dig into his back. Turning his head he saw Locke walk by. He smiled fondly. He was hoping he'd get to talk to him sooner than later. Selphie would have to wait.

Walking down the hall, he followed Locke to their usual meeting place. When he got inside, speedy Locke was already seated on one of the chairs fluffy red cushions, staring ahead at the stage. Zell walked over to him taking the seat. He leaned over to give Cole a kiss, but he was pushed away.

"What?" Asked Zell.

Locke sighed and looked down into his lap shaking his head. "I can't do it anymore. Yesterday was... bad, Zell. It was that one side of the edge that not even the worst of people wanna walk on and I can't risk it. Not anymore." Locke's eyes remained in his lap, he just couldn't look up at him.

'I'm not hearing this.' Thought Zell, shaking his head to ward off the words between Locke's words. "What are you saying exactly?" He asked him.

Locke was silent.

"What? Tell me!" Zell demanded.

"Zell," The brunet balled his fist into each other, giving them a squeeze. He then looked at Zell to show him that he was serious as he said. "We can't see each other anymore."

"No," Zell could already feel his eyes burning from the tears again. "You're lying." He shook his head and stood up. "You can't do this to me!" He shouted down at him.

Locke lowered his eyes and stood as well. "I just did." He said quietly. "Zell, what happened can't happen a second time. Not to me." He looked up at him. "That's why we can't see each other."

"So, we'll run away. That way you and me can still be together... It won't be scary if we're together." Said Zell, with plead in his voice.

"No... I'm not gonna run away with you. It's over... Deal with it."

Locke stepped away, walked to the door but paused to look over his shoulder. Just in time to see Zell crumple up into a chair. His eyes saddened, he even thought of turning back. But if he weakened, he might end up on the streets like Zell.

"Listen, we had fun while it lasted. But good things come to an end... Don't be sad... You'll be fine."

Zell wasn't listening to his ex's half-cocked words. He obviously doesn't care about what happens to him anymore. Locke showed that by opening the door, leaving him there to himself. Sniffling, Zell wiped his hand across his eyes feeling new tears replace what he'd dried away.

Selphie saw Locke leaving the auditorium as she was between changing classes. She wondered if Zell was in there, as well. "Hey Locke," she walked through the students to get to him. "Were you just with Zell? Is he still in there?" He continued walking, giving her the cold shoulder. "Whatever, asshole!" She called out.

Going to the auditorium she opened the door and saw Zell slumped in one of the chairs crying his eyes out. She walked over to him and wrapped him in her arms; he hugged her back.

"What's wrong? Are you still thinking about..."

"He broke up with me." Zell sobbed.

Selphie looked taken aback. "What?"

"Locke, he broke up with me..." He wiped his eyes on her shirt. "He said it was too risky for us to be together, and then he..." His words broke and he started crying again.

Selphie's eyes narrowed for a second, then she snuggled her friend to her. "It's ok, Zell. You don't need that jerk anyway." She said as nicely as she could. Selphie had to bite her tongue off to avoid saying what she really wanted.

"You go on to lunch. I need... I'm gonna stay here for a while." Zell said, sitting up and fixing himself up. "I'll be there in a minute."

Nodding, Selphie stood up and left the auditorium. "Son of a bitch." She mumbled, heading for the cafeteria. Once she was inside she scanned the room for him. There. Like a missile she stomped over to him. "Hey, Locke," she said turning him around.

Selphie then pulled her fist back then smashed it into the brunet's face, knocking him to the floor.

"Ooohhh!" The cafeteria shouted standing up to look at the falling boy.

"Selphie?" Rinoa said, coming up behind her. "What are you doing?"

Selphie continued her assault on him, punching Cole on the chest and in the gut, straddling over him to ensure that he wouldn't get up. "You fucking prick, how could you do that to him!?" She shouted. "It was your fault, too!"

"Cut it out!" Locke shouted trying to hold her hands back. "I had to do it like that, so he'd get it!" He squeezed her wrist to keep her from attacking him.

"He "got it" alright, and now you are!" Pulling her wrist free she continued the beating, moving to his face.

"Selphie, stop!" Rinoa shouted.

"What is going on in here?" Said the principal. Looking down seeing the little brunette beating the life from another student, the man pulled her back off of him. She flailed around to get free.

"You stupid fucker, I hate you! I hate you!" She was pulled from the cafeteria and heard halfway down the hall.

Rinoa helped Cole from the floor. She removed a tissue from the mini pack in her pocket, placing it to his bloody nose. "What was that all about?" She asked him.

Locke didn't answer, he only titled his head back to stop the blood from flowing. A heavy arm came around his shoulders, followed by a booming laugh.

"Beat up by Selphie Tilmitt. Now I've seen everything," It was Seifer. "What'd ya do, Cole? Sleep with her and spread it around school that she wasn't any good."

"Leave me alone." Locke said when pulling himself free.

"Well you must have done something." Tifa joined in, putting an arm around him next.

"It's true." Said Rufus, touching Locke's chest lightly, then pulling it away to wipe his hand clean with a rag.

"I said leave me alone." The brunet walked out of the cafeteria to the bathroom across the hall.

Seifer's posse laughed to themselves and returned to their table. Everyone else in the cafeteria were in full swing talking about what had just happened. Half of them believed what Seifer had said, saying they heard that the two of them were going out.

When Zell walked into the cafeteria, everyone looked at him. He lowered his head and walked to Seifer's table, not seeing Selphie at her usual. 'I wonder where she is? And what is everybody looking at?' Sitting down, he almost gasped out loud seeing Vincent grinning. He was slapped on his shoulder by him when their eyes met.

"You missed the fight of the century, Zell." He said.

"What do you mean?" He cleared his throat from the tears that were still sitting in it.

"Your little girlfriend Selphie, gave Locke a reason to think about constructive surgery." Quistis stated.

"What does that mean?" He asked again. Because there was no way he was hearing that right.

"She and Locke had a little fight. Selphie was winning, fifteen to nothing." Rufus commented.

'Oh no, she wouldn't?' Zell rolled his eyes. 'Of course she would, what was I thinking telling her?' Looking around for the girl, Zell figured she must be in the principal's office. "Where's Locke?" He suddenly asked.

"Bathroom." Said Rufus.

They were silent. "Mind telling us what happened?" Tifa was dead serious, too.

Zell couldn't tell them what happened. Bad enough his parents knew but did everyone else? "I don't know why Selphie does what she does. Ask her." He said feebly.

Lunch was still returning to it's normal clatter, same with Seifers table. Only Zell could feel the tears in his eyes welling up again. His shoulder was gently shaken from the inward crying he wouldn't let out.

"Zell?" Tifa said looking at him. He leaned onto her shoulder and started crying.

"Uuuhh," Her eyes widened frantically. "There, there... Don't cry." Tifa looked at her friends mentally screaming: a little help here. They all reached out a hand patting him on the shoulder.

After school. Zell and Selphie are walking quietly along the street. She still looked genuinely pissed. But he looked extremely sad, hurt, and basically dead inside.

"I'll run away with you." She said.

Zell laughed and shook his head. "No, it's better you stay at home. I'll be..." He cleared his voice and tried again. "I'll be fine." They reached his house. His eyes nearly bugged out of his head. "All my... clothes and stuff." They were tossed carelessly in a box and set on the side of the street.

His parents were really going all out, and why? Just because he was gay. They're the ones that are disgusting, not him. Sighing, Zell reached down into the box picking up his clothes.

"You want me to get you one of my suit cases?" Selphie asked rubbing her friend's back.

'I have to...' He nodded.

Patting him on the back she told him. "I'll be right back."

When she dashed off, Zell picked up his bookbag and dumped its contents to the ground. Taking out a notebook he wrote a note to Selphie ripped out the paper and stuffed it under a rock.

He then took the most of his clothes and shoved them inside the bookbag. 'Selphie...' He looked at her house one last time then walked down the street. He couldn't stay here, not near any of it.

When Selphie returned she skipped across the lawn but stuttered to a hault. "Zell?" She looked around. "Zell I got the suitcase, where are you?" Blinking, she cocked her head. 'Maybe his parents let him back in.' She looked at the house, it was quiet. Looking down she saw the paper peeking out from the rock. Picking it up, she unfolded it and read: "Dear Selphie, I'm sorry. Love Zell." Her eyes welled up, she leaned forward and cried.