Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter Eleven ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

disclaimer: The song ain't mine. Credit goes to the insanely talented singer Gackt. The lyrics aren't even really in english, I translated it. But just thought I'd say so see ya.


'It's amazing how different the world looks when you no longer have a home to return to... Cold, scary... And I can't help but feel an inkling that I'm not going to survive this.' Zell hugged his arms around himself; wishing more than anything that he had taken the jacket that was invited to him. But he couldn't, he had to leave. And if Selphie came back with the jacket for him, Zell would have broke down in tears.

All the jackets or warmth in the world would never provide him with the comfort of a home. The comfort of people loving him... Nothing.

The homeless teen looked both ways before crossing the street, then he made his way to the park. That's where most runaways go, so it must offer some kind of comfort or protection, right? "Move it asshole!" Someone in the distance shouted.

Zell looked in the general direction of the voices, the light sound of a scuffle, but doesn't see anything. 'Oh, yeah,' He thought. 'tonights gonna be swell.'

Sitting down on a bench, he let out a visible sigh as the cold air wrenched around his body, never letting him forget for a moment that he would surely be freezing tonight. 'Of all the times for winter to try to kick in.' The blond rubbed his arms vigorously breathing as lightly as possible to conserve heat.

Zell looked from left to right, then forward. He was alone in this, and that was that. Downcasting his head, a visible sigh, Zell squeezed his eyes shut. He couldn't let the tears come out, not right. He doesn't wanna cry for himself. Crying only meant he was gonna let this defeat him, and he wouldn't let it. No matter how scary things got or how uncomfortable the adjustment would be.

"Rrrr..." He growled angrily. 'I could kill myself for getting caught!' He argued. "Why? Why hadn't I locked the door?!" His breath shuddered out after his outburst, causing the boy to shrink back into himself and tremble to reignite his body heat. "Why did I not take Selphie's call?"

Wind blew sneakily by. 'What am I gonna do? What am I going to do!?' The teen thought. "Oh, yeah..." Reaching beside him to his backpack, Zell dug around inside for a sweater, with luck, he'd grabbed the sleeve of his warmest one. "Alright! Bring on the heat." The homeless teen slid the fleece sweater over his head, then he stuffed his arms through the sleeves. After a few adjustments he returned to rubbing his arms for more heat.

"Hahahaha, you can't catch me!" A little girl shouted as she rushed by him. He watched after her path seeing the child's father bringing up the rear to catch her.

"Come back here, honey, it's time to go now!" He called out wanting the girl to stop, but his laughter only seemed to tell her it was okay to play a little longer.

"Psssh." Zell mocked shaking his head. "What a lie that is. One day they love you, then they act as though you could get run over by a car for all they care." Looking up at the sky, he confirmed that it was still too light out to make sleeping on a bench not look like a homeless bum. He didn't wanna be arrested just to be thrown back into his house, then back out again. No way.

Slipping his backpack on over his shoulder, Zell stood up and began to walk while not entirely sure where he was going. But at this point he really couldn't care less just as long as he didn't have to sit around looking pitiful. Walking in a loud silence between other peoples noise, the little blonde managed to hear his stomach crying for food.

"At least I can take care of this." He dug into his pocket and pulled out the three bucks for his lunch Selphie's mother had given him. "Good thing fast food is so cheap." Stuffing the money back into his pocket, he made his way through the park into the city.

Meanwhile, at the Tilmitt home...

"Shut up!" Shouted Selphie at her parents. She has been a wreck since she got inside.

After Zell had just up and left from her house, she went back inside crying her eyes out; accompanied with snapping at everyone and anything that got in her way.

"Selphie pleeease," Her mother cried out. "tell us what's wrong."

"No! I'm never speaking to either of you again!" The shattered teen dropped down on her bed pulling a pillow up to her chest, with which she cried into it. Her parents stood at the top of the stairs looking at her door wondering if they should go in.

"We've got to do something, honey. She'll make herself sick crying like that." Her mother said with a voice flooded with worry.

"It's all your fault! Now he's gone away and he's never coming back..." Selphie cried a little harder hearing herself.

Her mother looked at her husband again, and he shrugged. They knew what she was talking about, but what could they do? If Zell was gone he was gone. But who knows... maybe he found someplace to stay after all.


Zell returned to his bench to eat his dinner; thankful for at least having that. 'Alright,' He began to think while chewing. 'Tonight the bench, tomorrow... I'll find someplace to go. Maybe I could hide out on a train out of here and make a new life for myself in a different town.' He crumpled the paper of a hamburger in his hands then stuffed it into the brown bag, taking out a box of fries he started into them three and four at a time.

"At least it's getting dark." He noted looking into the sky. The moon's dim glow started to show behind a tall tree, leaving blue blush marks on his cheeks. 'I hope Selphie doesn't hate me now.' He smiled to himself. 'She'd probably beat me to death, if I went back to her house.'

"Hey..." A man said out of nowhere. Zell's head shot up looking to where the voice had come from. "You lonely?" He asked.

"N-No, I'm, um, waiting for a friend, actually. He's a big burly guy... uhh," His eyes flicked back and forth. "I think I see him over there now." Pointing, Dincht got up from the seat and casually walked a distance before breaking in a sprint across the park. The man sat down where Zell had been, picking up the spilled french fries helping himself to them and the other hamburger.

"Fuck this." Zell stated running down the street. "I'm staying in a house tonight, whether he likes it or not."

Tearing down the streets, Zell banged his shoulder against the side of a brick building from a sharp turn. 'Ah.' He held onto the stinging limb but shrugged it off and continued on his way to Locke's house. 'I hope he's home.'


A dog started to bark but that was at another house. 'Come ooon... answer.' He rang the bell again. The curtain over the window moved aside and Locke's face appeared in the gap. The brunet sighed and rolled his eyes moving away.

When the door opened, Zell took a step forward only to have a hand placed on his chest shoving him back. "What are you doing here?" Asked Locke.

"You gotta let me stay here, just for tonight, I swear I'll be gone in the morning." Zell pleaded.

Locke shook his head and moved back to close the door, but Zell put his foot out stopping it.

"Please... Locke, I'm serious. I won't stay any longer than tonight, I'll be gone the minute the sun starts to show even a little bit."

Locke lowered his eyes, still shaking his head. "No." Looking up into Zell's eyes he said. "It's too tempting; I don't want you around. Who's to say this one night won't turn into another night, then another, until eventually we'll be caught."

Zell couldn't believe his ears! Did Locke still have feelings for him at all? "I'm not asking you to sleep with me, I'm just saying that I need a place to stay; this town is full of weirdos, and I don't wanna be around when they decide to act on it." There was silence. "Please..." Zell looked hopeful.

Locke merely backed away closing the door.

"No! Locke, please let me in!" He banged on the door. "Please!" Tears stung at his eyes; he backed away from the door kicking it before he turned away and started walking. He didn't want Locke looking out his window watching him cry. He'd never give him that satisfaction.

Sniffling, Zell wiped a hand across his eyes. What could he do now? He walked back to the park through blurred eyes. 'So I'll sleep on the bench tonight. It's not like I actually have to sleep, I'll just stay up and wait for daylight.'

Walking along the sidewalks, the homeless teen looked between a small pile of homes that he was passing by, and through them he saw Selphie's house on the other side of the street. Her light was turned off, which was unusual for her. But he could understand her need to be alone and in the dark for a while. Who knows.. maybe she might even be out on a date.

'...Nah.' Stepping over the small fence outlining the grass of the park, he continued on his way in. Zell's eyes searched for the 'hobo' that had scared him off from before but didn't see him. 'Thank God.' Choosing a bench that was far enough into the park for his own safety of the street lights, Zell slipped off his backpack, resting it on the bench to use as a pillow before lying down on it. 'This isn't so bad, it's almost like camping.'

Shifting until he was resting comfortably on his side, Zell just stared out into the darkness with a sigh. 'Please don't let anything happen to me...' He thought. Feeling the weight of sleep wander through his mind like a snake getting ready to claim the prize of his opened eyes to make him sleep. Slowly, they blinked open and closed over and over.

Dincht curled his legs into himself. 'I can't fall... as...' He shook his head rapidly to remove the haze, but it only seemed to make it worse. '...leep.' That was it.

A shadow moved along the bushes, watching the short blond's eyes drifting in and out of sleep. When the shadow saw no signs of them opening, like a hawk to prey the dark figure rushed forward towards the dozing teen, reaching his dirt and who knows what else soiled hands towards him.

Just as Zell's eyes opened, he felt the impact of his head against the arm rest of the bench. "Ow! Hey!" Someone had made off with his stuff! "Get back here!" Zell shouted, standing up. Regardless his anger he didn't dare chase the person down. They could have been carrying a knife or something. Still looking after the attacker, Zell fell down on his seat. "Fuck!"

His cold hands went up to the side of his head feeling warm sticky blood trickling down his fingers. 'Oh man...'

Across town.

A hungry growl echoed through a brunet's throat as he bit into his fifth human of the night. Even through the strong scent of blood from the victim he was now devouring, Squall could still smell the fresh scent of another's blowing through the cool winds.

'Sweet.' A smile snarled across his face. "You were lucky." Pressing his lips against the man's neck, he then brought them up to his victim's cheek and kissed a blood red lip print. "Hmhmhm." Squall snickered. "Return to the mansion when you wake, I'll be there."

With a leap, he took to the air like a bird landing every once in a while to jump again, higher and soaring faster. Squall's gaze looked around the park searching for where the scent was coming from. '...There.' Dropping slowly to the ground he landed behind a tree. 'It's that guy from before.' The vampire noted. 'If he's here his boyfriend must not be that far away.'

Squall sniffed at the air shaking his head. 'No. He's alone.' His face scrunched a bit. 'That's odd. Every time I've seen that punk he had that brunet attached to his hip, or I should say the other way around.' Squall stepped out from behind the tree but quickly recoiled when he heard Zell start to speak in angry spaced words.

"This can't - be - happening! Aaahhhh!"

The angered blond yanked his arm into the sleeve of his sweater and folded off the top; he then proceeded to press it to his forehead like a gauge to clog where, Squall assumed, the teen had been cut. "I hate you! You stupid bastard!" Zell then shouted. "I hate..." Tears began to flood from his eyes onto his lap.

Squall cocked his head just watching the scene that was unfolding before him. He didn't get mankind, always crying from lost love. 'He's moving.' Squall watched as Zell sprinted across the park to where the playground area was. If he was going to make his move now would be the perfect time. The park is dark, and there are no street lights to entice kids to stay out late because their parents can see them.

It's one thing to kill and not care, and it's another thing to stay in secret to avoid humanity finding out and gathering their bravest men to hunt them down when they rest. The story of Squall's life. Although he was lucky everyone at the facility that night was killed, so their secret was safe. But who was to say another slip-up wouldn't occur.

Moving swiftly, the vampire trailed Zell to the park. Stopping every once in a while to avoid the disgruntled blond looking back and seeing him. When the two had arrived; Squall slipped through the darkness to a safe spot to watch Zell from. Dincht sat himself down on a swing and gently swung forward and back. Sniffling and whimpering as he did so.

The moon moved gently from behind the clouds, showing its lovely pale blue light down on the playground. Spotlighting anything in its path as it did so.

Here... in this blue world

The dim moonlight traced the playground to another set of equipment, the merry-go-round. Zell sniffled quietly and shuddered feeling the wind blow by him. 'Zzzzeeell...' It called quietly.

People searching for truth all say the same thing

"Stupid... God! How could I be so stupid!?" Zell let tears roll down his face again. "I loved you... You asshoooole!" More tears. "I love you..." He corrected quietly to himself. "How could I be so stupid?" He remained quiet. "How?"

Unwavering world, like snow covering the street, it's extending inside of me

'Zzzeeellll...' The wind called again as the moon traced the grass to another piece of equipment, the monkey bars, that are set up as a giant caged dome at the tip of the playground. Patched with faded colors attaching the bars together. Zell's vision watched as the moon made its way past him to the other side of the playground where the structure sat.

The world tinged with dim colors

He looked up, shocked, when the moon hit the top of the structure. There was someone up there! Sitting with his legs pulled into himself; and he noticed Zell, too. A smile stained his face in the blue light and he winked at him.

Believe in loneliness

The stranger moved slightly upon seeing Zell stand and come towards him. The curious homeless blond figured the strange young man was leaving, since he saw that he wasn't alone. But something kept his feet moving towards the structure... or rather.. the stranger.

In this world,

The stranger was still atop the monkey bars but his position changed, and he was now on his hands and knees waiting to greet the approaching teen, who was now making his way up to him. When Zell was at the top of the monkey bars the stranger leaned forward bumping his nose against his, eliciting a tiny smile from the blond.

I have seen many demons coming

The stranger smiled, too, showing a slight fang from the corner of his mouth. Squall continued to back away from Zell but playfully, wanting him to follow. Moving close, going back, then close again. This time he pressed his lips faintly against Zell's before slipping back down inside the large cage.

Yet haven't once met a god...

Zell heard Squall make a sound of laughter, causing him to wanna laugh as well. His was a slight struggle once having climbed it, but he slipped down into the monkey bars as well following after the stranger's path. Squall leaped through an opening at waist height to him. Zell hadn't noticed that the strange teen had taken a little flight during his leap as he rolled across the grass to a standing position.

If you don't throw away all your relationships when you must. That's a horoscope

The moon playfully followed the two's path leaving its blue streak to mark where they had been. Zell chased after Squall who grabbed a hold of the merry-go-round giving it a little spin. Zell hopped onto a standing place that was across from the stranger, and the two smiled at each other. When the merry-go-round gave Squall's back to the slide the vampire hovered backward to the ground, and he rushed towards the slide going up the front where one would normally slide down.

Both kindness and cruelty

Zell did the same, scraping his fingers as he went up the slide holding onto the underlining for support. He didn't feel the pain he just continued after the stranger, so down the stairs he went. Squall had slowed his path by the swings pressing his back against the bars waiting for Zell. When the pursuer had reached him, they were at a stand-still.

Squall took Zell's hand, bringing the injured fingers to his lips. He sucked the blood away, cutting Zell a bit more with his lowering teeth. Zell pulled his hand back drawing in a sharp breath from the pain. Confused, he watched as Squall moved away from him again.

What is this moving thing?

Zell had to know. The stranger didn't seem to be real. He looked down, pained by his bloody fingertips.

Both in cowardice and rage

Frightened, yet angry for being hurt instead of helped, Zell followed him. Squall continued to playfully leap and prance away from his follower, until he came to the larger slide at the end of the playground.

What in the world am I doing this for...

Zell again touched the stranger with his fingers on the cheek, leaving bloody streaks against his face. Squall wrapped his arms around Zell's back spinning them so that the blond was seated on the playground equipment; it scared him, causing his heart to race. What was he thinking by allowing this?

Squall leaned forward and began to kiss him, which took even him by surprise even more than allowing the stranger to suck his fingers. The two of them kissed heatedly in the darkness yet light of the moon.

When Squall leaned forward pushing Zell backward to lie down, the vampire vanished. Zell's back came down on the slide hard, snapping him out of the haze he had been under. 'Where'd you...?' He wondered soundlessly.

Inside of my memories, who do I faintly see...

He sighed and adjusted himself to a sitting position. 'Locke...?'