Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Notes: The song is "Missing" by Evanescence. I think I spelled it right. Enjoy

X x X

Squall arrived back at home with a worn face. He marched silently down the long halls of the mansion passing rooms that swam audibly into him with sounds of pleasure or pain from other vampires staying at the manor with Lord Edgar and himself, or are merely passing through and needed a rest from travel. It was a good opportunity to hear about hunting grounds in other areas by allowing other vampires to pass through.

Once Squall reached his destination, he walked over to the bed falling down onto it and remaining whichever way he landed in at the moment. 'What was I doing?' He wondered. 'Nearly exposing myself to that human, just because he was... lonely. Have I suddenly grown a heart?' Yawning, he rolled over and sighed. 'What is this?'

Sitting up he made note of the lump in his bed hidden under the thick blankets that covered it. 'Oh yes, the guy from the park.' He recalled. Grabbing a handful of blanket, he pulled it free from the teen's face and upper body. "You're free to go. I no longer wish to have you as my slave. I think I may have found someone a little better."

Standing, Squall walked to the window taking the teen by the shirt collar dragging him along with him. He pushed the tall windows open and looked down. "That's a shame." Licking away the blood stained kiss he'd earlier pressed to the young man's cheek at the park, he smiled when he saw life return to his eyes. The pod came back to life gasping for air as though he had been underwater.

"Wh-where am I?" The young man panicked seeing that he was being dangled out of a window. Flailing his limbs, he snatched at the vampire's hand.

Squall smiled brighter. "Tidus... Was that what your friend said to you in the park?" The teen seemed to freeze hearing the voice as though it had come out of nowhere. "Yes, I know, I get the stares a lot. But, Tidus, my dear boy... I'm afraid your services are no longer needed."

Seeing that Squall was the one holding Tidus out of the window he began to flail wildly again. "Please, d-don't drop me."

Squall's smile broadened and he extended his arm out of the window a little farther then drew him back inside only enough to get them face to face. "Don't worry, you'll survive the fall." Squall moved him back outside. "It's them you should worry about." His gaze slanted directing Tidus's eyes downward as well.

Arms were reaching up from beneath the ground, cold and pale, clawing at the air seeming as though they could sense the boys fear. "No, please no!"

"I would help you, but..." Turns his face up. "I really don't have any say."

"No! Please no!" To this he received a shrug before he was hurled out the window. "Aaahhhh! Somebody help me!"

"Ahhahahahaha." Squall watched as Tidus hit the ground - still alive just as he said he would be. However, the undead vampire-zombies below had other plans for the writhing meal. Tidus, with aching limbs, back, and a sincerely broken arm, got up and ran. An arm shot clear out of the ground almost as though it had extended just at the right time to get at him. "Whoa!" Tidus hit the ground face first, but he pulled at the grass trying to free himself.

Chunks of the teen's flesh was torn away each time the hands lost their grip, causing him to scream in pain over and over. "Somebo-dy plea-ase... help me." He cried into the grass. "Aaahh!" He was sucked under ground.

"Ahahahahaha!" Squall laughed applauding the scene that had just been played out. Closing the window he then turned away stuttering to a clumsy stop. "Lord Edgar." He knelt down bowing his head.

His Lord's smile seemed to glow in the fire's light. Touching under his lover's chin, Edgar lifted Squall's head and looked at him. "I'm glad you're back." Edgar's vision turned out the window then back to Squall. "You may stand." Edgar released Squall's chin, and after wandered to the sofa at the other end of the room sitting down. He then beckoned for Squall to come to him, gesturing with his fingers and eyes.

Squall obediently went over to the couch sitting down beside Edgar to be touched and petted as he so loved.

"My little one," Lord Edgar sniffed at him. "You've been playing with humans again."

"I was only doing it to..." Squall began, being silenced by a soft finger to his lips.

Stroking Squall's hair, Edgar replied. "I don't care what you do. I only ask you be careful, remember what happened the last time." His fingers traced downward touching his slave's neck where most of the darts had gone.

"Yes. I'll be careful." Said Squall.

"As I know you will." Edgar's touch left from out of Squall's mouth where then played along Squall supple lips, gently tracing them. He removed samples of blood there. He brought the tips of his fingers to his lips tasting the sweetness of Zell's blood that lingered there. "He has good blood, whom ever he is."

"Is?" Squall said innocently.

"I know you let him live." Edgar pressed his lips to Squall's kissing him tenderly before moving away, saying quietly. "Better you bring your toys home with you, otherwise someone else might play with them." Meaning himself. "And that wouldn't be very good for anyone, would it?"

"No, my lord."

Edgar smiled and looked at the window. "Perhaps we will both go and play tomorrow night." He stood with Squall's eyes on him the entire time. "It will be fun." The younger vampire smirked. Edgar nodded and departed the room. Squall looked at the sealed window. His ear twitched as though he had heard something in the distance.

But ignoring it, he went to his bed and relaxed, ready to let the sleep spell of the morning hit him. 'Bealertmyfriend, I may come to play with you again.' He declared revealing a sharp silvery fanged smirk.

# #

"Sabin, what brings you here this morning?" Marie Tilmitt asked. It was strange for Sabin to be over at the house this early in the morning. Something must be up.

"I thought I'd drive Selphie to school since I don't have a class this morning." The tall blond replied.

The girl's mother nodded, saying. "I'll go see if she's ready." Stepping aside, Sabin came into the house following Mrs. Tilmitt to the stairs.

"Selphie!" She called upstairs. "Selphie, honey, Sabin's here!." The woman walked to the foot of the stairs calling. "Come on, you don't wanna be la-..."

Selphie appeared at the top of the stairs adjusting the straps to her backpack. She smiled when she saw Sabin.

"Well finally. What, did you get lost?" Her mother teased.

Selphie walked by her turning her nose up, "Humph." Bumping her hip against the banester just to avoid brushing into her mother, Selphie followed her boyfriend out the front door. The tall blond remained quiet for most of the walk to the car, but he just had to ask her.

"What's up? You're usually all smiles with your parents."

She shrugged and climbed into the car. Sabin went around to his side getting in as well. The car pulled away from the curb and drove down the street. Selphie turned on some music and hummed along to the tune until Sabin turned it down.

"Selphie?" He said again with a little more force but all the girl did was laugh to herself.

"Ahhh, calm down Sab'. I'm ignoring my parents because they wouldn't let Zell stay with us, that's all." She leaned forward and turned the music back up.

"That's not all." Sabin stated, turning the music back down. "Why would Zell need to stay with you? He's a runaway or something?"

"Or something." Shifting uncomfortably, she said calmly. "Zell got kicked out of his house because his parents found out the big secret."

"What secret?"

Selphie rolled her eyes. "You know. The seeeecret, that he goes this way." She patted her thigh.

"What?" Sabin was obviously clueless as to what she was getting at.

"That Zell is gay, you boob." Rolling her eyes to the sky, Selphie crossed her arms and chewed her tongue then quietly said. "And my parents thought that he was gonna spread it to me so they, too, kicked him out the next day."

"...Wow...That sucks." Sabin lowered his eyes a second. It was a little surprising that Zell was gay, true, but he didn't deserve to be kicked out because of it. "How long has he been gay?"

"Sabin, don't tell me your like everyone else? Cause I'll get out this car right now - in motion or not." Selphie stated in all seriousness.

The blond shook his head saving himself saying. "No, I just never would have guessed."

"Oh... Well it's no big deal, okay."

He raised his hands in defense saying a stream of 'okays'.

"But what about you? What's with driving me to school this morning? Even when you don't have a class you never drive me."

Sabin shrugged. "I just thought I would."

"You're lying."

"Okay, okay... I'm bringing you to school because I saw the news this morning." Sabin went on explaining. "They said there's been a series of murders in this neighborhood and I didn't want you to be out alone."

Selphie's grinned broadly and she gave his arm a squeeze. "That is so sweet! But it's daylight. Nothing ever happens in the morning." She laughed to herself.

"Yeah, that's what they tell you. But this isn't a movie, this is real life. And murders happen all the time, so... better safe than sorry, I guess."

"Well, thank you." She felt the car stop. "I guess I'm off. You wanna walk me in, too?" She teased sweetly.

"Very funny." He leaned over and gave her a kiss. "Bye, Selph'."

"Bye." She opened the door and stepped out. "Have a good day." Selphie ran to the building seeing Rinoa step off the bus. The two girls joined hands and started talking up a storm. Seeing that Selphie was safely inside the building Sabin pulled out and drove away.


"Miss Tilmitt." A man quietly said. The girl didn't respond. She has been gazing out the window since she got in class, lost in the clouds. "Miss Tilmitt?" The teacher said again.

A girl tapped the tip of Selphie's desk with her pencil, snapping her out of her trance. "Huh?" Asked the distant student. The teacher had already approached her desk by now and asked her to come with him into the hall.

"Yes, sir? I was reading." Defended Selphie innocently.

"Noo, what you were doing was looking out the window. What's so interesting out there that was distracting you from your work?" He asked.

"Professor Sephiroth, I'm sorry. I'm just a little distracted today... Maybe all week... Or a year." She spoke quietly in defeat.

Professor Sephiroth placed his hand on her shoulder and sighed. Selphie looked down waiting to be sentenced to detention, but instead was shocked to hear the man say. "Selphie... I can understand if something going on in your life may effect you, but, you can't let it interfere with your work."

"No, sir." She sniffled.

He was weakening, he hates when girl's cry. "Selphie... Selphie don't cry. Do you wanna see the school guidence counselor?" Professor Sephiroth offered.

"No, sir." She continued to sniffle and choke back tears. "You don't understand, I lost a friend... and I don't know if I'm ever gonna see him again."

"I see... Well, your friend is in heaven now Selphie, and..."

"He's not dead!" She snapped at him, but bowed in apology. "I'm sorry. I just... I'll pay attention; I'm sorry for disrupting class." Turning away, Selphie walked back into the classroom and took her seat.

The professor stood there in wonder of what could be the matter if her friend weren't departed.

At the park.

"Mommy he won't move!" A little boy, who could be no older than five, shouted. "I'm going down!" He called out again letting his weight rock forward, the little boy slid down the slide popping Zell on the top of his head with his sneakers.

"H-...wha-...?" The blond cracked his eyes opened and looked around through the blur. "What's... Where am I?" Sitting up, Zell rubbed his eyes looking around. 'Oh right the park.'

"This is a public place young man, you can't just go sleeping anywhere you wish. Little kids play here." The boy's mother was saying, coming from beside the swingset where her other son was playing. "Do you want me to alert the authories?"

"I didn't know this was... I mean, I'm sorry about..." Said Zell in a drowsy haze.

"Just go. Please, just go." She pointed to the exit. Zell stood on shaking legs and began to leave. "Don't you have a home to go to?"

~Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.

"Mommy was he a hobo?" Her son asked.

"Probably. God, who knows if he urinated anywhere." She looked around as though she were expecting to see a yellow puddle someplace, pulling her skirt upwards, the woman then scooped up her children, and said. "We're leaving, come on."

Starting to tear up. "But mamma!" The little boy was tugged along until they were safely out of the park.

Zell walked along quietly with his head down, looking back after the park where the woman had been. 'Now I have to face another day...' He thought sadly. 'Maybe they've cooled off? How could they not, having to think about the reality of their son sleeping outside... alone and scared.'

Without his knowing it, Zell wandered to the side of the street that would take him to his house. He has to see his parents. Because maybe they were missing him, maybe they wondered where he was all night... They had to have.

~Maybe someday you'll have woke up..

Looking up at the window where his parents room is, he saw his mother sit up into view; even at that distance he could see she had bags under her eyes that were never there before. She rubbed her tired eyes and stood. With hope that he'd be seen, Zell gave a small smile as she approached the window. His hopes high...

~And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one: "Isn't something missing?".

Only to see her frown at the rain clouds mouthing: "God what a day" and close the curtains over.

~You won't cry for my absence, I know -
You forgot me long ago.

Lowering his eyes in sadness and defeat, he wandered away from his house. He knows they don't care. But.. thinking that just maybe they do was enough to keep him hoping that he may one day, again, walk through that door and be greeted with smiles and hugs. 'Did they just move on and forget me?' He asked himself.

~Am I that unimportant...
Am I so insignificant...
Isn't something missing
Isn't someone missing me

Selphie, try as she might to not, continued to look out the window at school, hoping against hope that she would see her friend walking by. But with her eyelids squeezed tears back into her eyes knowing that he wouldn't.

~Even though I'd be sacrificed,
You won't try for me, not now.

Leaving away from his home, Zell was now wondering where he would go. He didn't even know where the homeless shelters were located in this town or any town for that matter. 'A shelter...' He scoffed. 'From what I understand, it's like throwing yourself to the lions in there.' With his head hung low, Zell continually looked up every once in a while to notice his surroundings, so that he wouldn't end up both homelss and lost.

~Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone.
Isn't someone missing me.

Sniffling, he wimpered lowly. "Mom, dad, Selphie... Locke... Don't you care that I'm gone?" He looked at another large glass window that went by. 'Don't you care that I'm all alone?' He wondered seeing his sad reflection.

~Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
I know what you do to yourself,
Shudder deep and cry out:
'Isn't something missing
Isn't someone missing me'

'Maybe I could apologize?' He figured. 'Tell them I won't be gay anymore... But I can't lie about myself, not for them.' He wanted to cry. 'They don't care if I do or I don't, they won't take me back.' As he walked by a record store, two people exiting shoved him aside, one of them elbowing him in the face. "Ahh! Rrr..." He growled touching his bruised forehead seeing a speck of red from where a fashion-zipper on the sleeve caught his skin.

~And if I bleed, I'll bleed,
Knowing you don't care.
And if I sleep just to dream of you
And wake without you there.
Isn't something missing
Isn't something...

"Out of the way, loser!" One of them shouted before disappearing between an alley way.

'No.' Pushing himself off the wall, Zell looked after the creeps and growled. "I am not gonna let this town win..." He wiped his forhead with his sleeve.

"Stop! Theives!" The owner of the store shouted, but did not pursue.

Panting hard with angry emotions. Zell nodded, mentally confirming to himself. 'If I wanna survive... I gotta make myself tougher.'

x x X

Commentary: Adding music was so dorky lol. But that was my style once upon a time. Why cut it out. The songs are great, just give them a listen on stream.