Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter 18 ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Zell swallowed hard lumps forming in his throat, as the four of them: Reno, Clyde, Zack and his self reached a large house just off the side of the road. The three amigos were hunched over as they ran along side of the dark home.

He bent over as well, mimicking them in the rush to catch up to them. He didn't know how he let them talk him into breaking into someone's house, but he had eventually agreed, and here he is now. There conversation had been brief when they left the shelter. Explaining how they were a trio of bandit robbers, who'd steal anything they could from pockets or purses, but mostly took everything from homes when people were away on vacation or they knew the family were heavy sleepers.

Zell can still hear them boasting about themselves.

The four walked through the alley ways into the darker parts of town where there wasn't much light from the moon or the street lights that lined the area.

"Call me Shadow from now on, none of that Clyde shit, okay?" The ring leader, Zell assumed, told him.

With a nod, the blond outsider felt a little more comfortable seeing that the guys actually did plan on letting him in on things, rather than taking him out somewhere to kill him or beat him up - or worse.

Stepping forward to garner attention, the red-head placed a hand on his chest saying. "I'm Reno. And no hard feelings, right?"

"...Yeah, right." Replied a still uneasy Zell.

He might trust Cly - uh Shadow, but Reno was a different story. He belonged to a different shelter; he actually liked being out on the streets, even if it's just due to stealing. Reno has also been to jail more than once, but it was on weak charges, which is why he's back out on the streets. Also, judging by the large bandage on his shoulder Reno is one tough character to mess with, since he's able to stand after receiving, from what Zell could see, such a deep puncture through the shoulder.

"And this guy here," Shadow points. "is Zack."

The guy turned his nose up a bit, but said "hello".

Zell nodded to show that he's got all their names down. But what he didn't get is why they needed him, until they made it to the silent home.

He snapped out of recollection. "You want me to do what?" The newbie asked.

The others looked at him as though he were the dumbest person in the world, putting Zell back in that uncomfortable place as an outsider. But he didn't exactly wanna break into someone's house. What if they were caught? He couldn't survive prison when he can barely survive being homeless.

"Come on Zell, it's not that hard." Zack explained. "We're gonna help you up into the window and you're gonna go around to the front door and unlock it. Simple as that." He kindly pats the hesitant newbie on the back.

Zell sighed. He doesn't know about this.

Rolling his eyes, Shadow slapped a hand onto Zell's shoulder saying. "Hey, if anything happens we're gonna be right here. We shelter guys stick together, no matter what."

'Really?' Wondered the blond, feeling a slight wave of courage. 'Maybe I should just do it with them, what have I got to lose?' Nodding, Zell smiled and says. "I'll do it."

Grins lit the faces of the others and they patted Zell on the back and head to tell him he'd made the right decision.

Cupping his hands together, Shadow knelt down a bit underneath the window. "Now step on my hand and I'll give you a boost."

Doing as he was instructed, Zell placed his sneaker into Shadow's hand, and was elevated up to the window. Reaching for the screen, he paused hearing. "Wait." From Zack.

The guy dug into his pocket pulling out a spare pair of gloves; that only then Zell noticed everyone else was wearing. "Wouldn't wanna forget these." He said casually.

"Right." Taking the black leather gloves from Zack, Zell slipped them. He made sure they were a perfect fit before reaching for the screen on the window and yanking it free. Pressing a hand to the glass, he used his strength to slide the window open. "I got it." He informed with a slight cheer in his voice.

Pulling himself up from the - whatever he had grabbed a hold of inside. The newbie robber pulled up into the window in a sitting positon, then he dropped down inside being cautious as not to make a sound. His blood was pumping hard, and he knew he couldn't fuck this up. Zell widened his eyes waiting for them to adjust to the darkness. He turned his head from left to right looking at the objects in the kitchen slowly begin to reveal themself through the darkness. Taking a step forward he heard the others leaving to go around to the front of the house. He hoped.

Walking into the livingroom, Zell had to freeze again to make sure his eyes were better adjusted to the darkness before going inside. The livingroom was a little crowded and he had to make sure he didn't bump into anything small that might have been lying around from a kid or dog.

"Hurry up." He heard Zack saying.

'Alright alright, I'm coming.' Zell rolled his eyes. Reaching the door, he turned the lock. No sooner had the three heard the click, had the door come swinging opened causing Zell to take a few staggered steps backward. Shadow reached out a hand and caught him from falling. "Thanks." The blond intruder breathed.

The four looked around the room at optional locations, then Shadow, Reno, and Zack spread out. Zell had no clue what to do and for the most part he stood where he was and watched as the others walk around the livingroom, shining their flashlights on the objects in the house. Zack grinned and reached for a hefty wallet that was just left out on a side table drawer.

"Keep looking; my parents always used to keep jewelry and junk in the side tables." The dark haired young man instructed.

Zell still couldn't get his legs to work, and he balled his fist giving them a little pounding to try but it recieved no response. 'Come on, come on.' He coached. 'I don't wanna look like a boob on my first job.'

Reno's laugh filled the room as he pulled a drawer opened. "We got watches folks." He dangled them by the golden straps. "Pretty nice, huh?"

Shadow crossed the room to his friend, shining his light on them before taking one from his friend, and padsy's grasp. "Yeah... wow, this ain't no cheap shit."

'Come on legs, move!' Zell was practically screaming at himself mentally. This was so embarrassing. 'What is that?' Looking up towards the stairs, Zell saw a dim light coming from the hall. 'Oh shit.' Waving a hand for attention; he felt the rest of his body freezing up like his legs. He became like a deer caught in headlights. Someone was awake, but Zell couldn't find his voice!

The pair were admirring the watches still, and Zack was too busy searching behind paintings and under couch cusions.

"You..." Zell tried and continued flagging his hands at them.

Zack finally turned his attention on Zell about to ask him why he was just standing around when he saw that the boy was pointing at something.

Flashing his light towards the stairs, he saw the light in the hallway and quickly turned his light off.

"Honey, I swear I saw something." A woman's voice said.

"Shit, someone's awake." Zack informed them, heading over to his friends and pulling Shadow by the shirt. The two looked towards the stairs and saw the light as well, only it was brighter like it was actually coming from the hall rather than a bedroom. Reno's eyes sparkled hearing the woman's voice; he reached behind his pants to his belt strap pulling out a nice sized knife.

"I'll get 'em." He stated, but Shadow grabbed his shirt from behind.

"No, let's go." He ordered.

Reno looked at him as though he weren't making any sense, but when Shadow narrowed his eyes the bloodthirsty gave in.

"Come on, Zell." The ring leader ushered.

The three of them had to steer Zell out of the house, leaving the front door ajar. As they made their way away from the home; Zell thanked the Gods that he regained the use of his legs so they could make a clean get away.

"The front door is open." The woman's husband said with a little panic in his voice. Slamming the front door shut, the man went directly for the phone and dialed for the police.

The three young men sprinted into the darkness, not caring if any of the others were following or not. Zell tried his hardest to keep up with them, not wanting to be left behind in the escape. "Where are we going?" He shouted to be heard.

"To the dump!" Shadow slowed a bit, grabbing Zell by the bicep adjusting the already winded blond's pace to a faster one. "Keep up, Zell, if you wanna run with the big boys." He stated.

The four of them reached the town dump in approximately fifteen minutes, panting the entire way having never slowed their running pace. Once past the opened gate they slowed to a stop outside of a large blue van.

"Well, that didn't go how I planned." Reno mentioned, opening the back doors to the van. A police siren sounded in the distance. The merry trio laughed. "Puleeze, they only wish they could catch us." Mocked the red-head before he vanished inside the back of the van. Shadow and Zack went inside as well. Zell didn't stand around for the Welcome mat, and swiftly climbed inside closing the doors after him.

"How much did we get?" Shadow asked, lighting up something that was a lot thinner than a cigarette.

Zack counted through the bills in the wallet silently, a grin broadening on his face the higher the number count. "Looks like we hit the jackpot with this one." Waving the money like a fan, he replied to the question. "Two hundred fifteen."

"Fuck, let me see that." Said Reno, who is now sucking on the thin stick of weed after Shadow. Taking the money he counted it out for himself and smiled. "And just imagine what those watches will bring in."

"Yeah," Shadow took the money. "We all get about fifty five and we'll sort out the profit from the wa..."

"Hold on," Zack raised a hand. "What fifty five? Zell, here, didn't do shit."

Shadow made a face at him and shrugged with his hand. "What the fuck do I care? He opened the door for us, and that's enough for me. Cut him some damned slack."

Zack bit his tongue, Zell could tell, but he said nothing more.

Zell felt like he didn't really deserve anything either. However, if Shadow said so, than who was he to go against him. The trio were silent a moment as though they were waiting on Zell to do something. So rather than look like an ass, he decided on just asking them.

"So... what happens now?"

The three of them glanced at each other; Shadow then shrugged almost as though he were embarrassed to say what he was about to. "Well, we were kind of hoping you'd of wanted to go back to the shelter. But since you seem to be staying... How are you at oral sex?"

'Sex?!' Zell's eyes widened a moment. He couldn't have said that, could he? "What.. what do you mean?" He asked stupidly.

"Giving a blowjob, maybe anal shit. Y'know," he shrugged. "stuff like that."

"Umm..." Was all he could say.

Zack ran a hand across Shadow's cheek, kissing it saying. "Fuck him, climb on." The two of them laid back on a dusty matress that was nicely placed inside the van. Reno drew the curtains in. "I ain't gay either, but I'd never pass up a blowjob." The red-head said scooting uncomfortably close to Zell.

"Uuuhh...haha." The newbie thief scooted nervously away.

Reno made no other attempt, he just remained where he had placed himself and continued smoking.

Zell almost wanted to cough from the cloud that was filling the air, but he held himself. The last thing he wanted was to be laughed at over second-hand hacking. Although, he really didn't think any of them would have noticed anything he was doing right now. His blood could have splashed across the van, but they would neither know nor care why. A low moan brought Zell from his thoughts and he looked over at Shadow and Zack.

The two of them were completely nude tucked together on the matress grinding into each other. Zack was on top with his fingers missing somewhere inside of Shadow. Regardless his feelings, Zell couldn't help but get hot flashes watching the two of them.

"Mesmerizing, isn't it?" Reno said startling the voyeur.

Zell caught his nerves holding a hand to his heart. Reno moved touchably close to him again, causing him to back away. "Um, I'm kinda... still hung up on somebody. I'd feel really wrong doing anything." Zell stated lamely, referring to Locke as the someone. He couldn't help himself; regardless what Locke had done to him, Zell still felt something for him.

"Hey," Reno said scooting closer. "I'm not looking for a date, I just want you to suck it." Invading his space further, he whispers. "Or... I could suck you." He grabbed a hold of Zell's crotch giving it a squeeze.

Zell swallowed hard feeling his Adam's apple jump in his throat. "I can't." He backed up feeling his hand brush something nylon and he looked over his shoulder at it. 'A backpack?' Pushing Reno's advance away, Zell reached for the bag and pulled it opened.

This was his! 'What the hell?' He wondered.

"Ha, I stole that from some twink sleeping on a bench in the park." Said Reno. "Pretty funny, huh?"

Now Zell was angry, bad enough this guy had tried stealing his money. But he had been the one to wreck his first night out on the streets by stealing his clothes! Reno was saying something quietly to himself. Who the hell cared. Zell shoved past him and angrily fled the van. "Fuck you." He stated before slipping the book bag on and leaving.

'Ha, who needs him.' Thought Reno. The red-head began to remove his clothes to join in with his friends, who gladly pulled him down with them.

Zell walked aimlessly through the streets, praying he knew his way back to the shelter from where he is. All the while he walked he felt his anger growing then fizzling. It was confusing. But he couldn't shake the heat from his pants after seeing zack and Clyde, then feeling Reno's - despite officially deciding to hate him - hand on his crotch.

Through a Zell whispered lowly. "Locke...Why..?" He walked a disatnce more before he paused. Looking over his shoulder back where he had come from, Zell weighed the possiblity of going back. It was way too dark out right now, and he really doesn't wanna get mugged or something. However, he really only had two options. Possible mugging or the midnight romp the trio of thieves planned on having with him. They seemed to except his refusing. Maybe he could just sit up in the front instead; and ignore the... pleasureful, sounds of ecstacy...

Shaking his head he continued walking. "No, forget it." A branch snapped from somewhere distant but near enough to hear. 'Looks like the party's over.' He thought slowing his pace. But there were no faint voices to identify his comrades.

Zell continued to walk along, pausing only a second to look back over his shoulder. It was getting freaky now, why weren't they saying anything? Are they that high? "Alright, you guys! I know you're back there," Looking down, Zell muttered. "Quit fucking with me, and help me get home."

There was a weird, almost... bombing sound behind him. Like something were falling out of the sky. Just as Zell was about to turn around he's slammed to the ground. "Aaaahhh!"