Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter Nineteen ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"AAHHH!" Zell fell to the ground, hard. Whatever had dropped out of the sky landed right on top of him, clawing and digging at his skin. The boy flailed beneath the attacker trying his hardest to push it off. "Rrrr..." Digging his foot into the thing's stomach he felt the weight suddenly lifted off of him. "What...?"

Rolling over onto his back, Zell looked up into the sky seeing something large flying away. "What the hell was that?"

The dark figures soared through the sky at a tremendous speed, never losing it as it smashed into a large brick building. "Oooff!" A laugh then escaped the wounded's mouth. "Lord Edgar." A tight and high voice said casually.

Edgar dropped his large fangs, leaning in close to the other vampire's face. Even through the fog of exploded brick, Edgar could see the vampire's pale white makeup to appear as a clown, complete with blue and red eye liner, plus tiny red lips from a woman's lipstick. He had often prized himself as a clown, and performed on the streets to get his victims to come to him so he didn't have so much work to do insofar as hunting was required for food.

Though why he was in the junk yard tonight like some common Strigoi, Lord Edgar didn't know but he'd find out. "I'll bet." The higher power said. "Kefka you may have any human you want, but leave that one alone."

Smirking, Kefka turned his red rubber nose up. "And why should I?" Teased the clown.

Edgar laughed quietly but loud enough to be heard before fisting a handful of the clowns clothing, and pinching the red-dressed nose between his fingers as if the entire appendage was made out of rubber and he intends to pull it from the clown's face.

"Hey!" Kefka shouted, unfortunately opening his mouth wide enough for Edgar to shove his fist, rubber nose and all down the clown's throat.

"Because if you don't, I will personally see to your death and keep you as a hand-puppet jester."

Kefka's face began to redden feeling the rubber ball lodge itself into his throat. Coughing into hard chokes, a low squeek sounded with every involuntary movement of Kefka's throat.

Yet somehow he managed to say through the coughs. "I'm not..." A pause. "under your command; and last time I checked..." Another pause and a squeak. "Lord Laguna is my master."

"Than he is a fool to let you wander the streets alone, when..." He laughed. "vampires like me are out on a hunt." Edgar removed his fist from the clown's mouth. "You might be killed."

Kefka laughed despite what had just happened, and he grabbed at Lord Edgar's grasping hands to pull himself free. "I'm sure you would." Kefka ensured. "But I'll back off the boy, though not because you say so..." Adjusting his now freed clothing, the clown straightened himself up and started away saying. "He reeks of cigarette, and it burns my nose everso."

"Mm hmm. Get lost Kefka. Go work the corner as you usually do." Edgar commented before departing as well, but in the opposite direction. If Zell is going to be at the dump, then he might be in serious trouble. A goofball like Kefka was hardly someone to worry about. It's the Strigoi that worked the dumps that troubled Edgar of the young man's safety.

Plus, there is Squall, who is at the other part of town searching for Zell. "Young crushes are far too much trouble." Edgar muttered. "Why do children even bother trying to do it on their own?" He walked steadily thinking to himself as he did so. 'Maybe there's an easier way than finding both of them and bringing them together.' Edgar raised his wrist looking down at his watch. "11:42, hmm. My little lover had better hurry or he'll miss his chance, and all will be ruined."

Jumping into the air, Edgar flew off in the direction of the town dump. Maybe there would be a way to get Zell back to his home without freaking him out. He could never bring him directly through flight, Zell would die of fright. It's better it happen naturally than for him to interfere... After all, he himself is a vampire. He might be tempted to bite the child for his own brutish desires, and that wouldn't be fair to Squall.

Looking down over the area, Edgar lowered himself to the grass. 'There he is.' He spyed behind a tree. Zell had his head hung low, muttering to himself about what just happened. 'What he sees in this wide-eyed naivete, I don't understand.'

Coming from behind the tree, Edgar stepped into the path of young Zell and cleared his throat. "Excuse me."

"Huh!" Zell gasped, jumping back out of Edgar's unattempted reach. Catching his breath he looked at the beautiful man saying. "Shit! You scared me."

"My apologies." Was all he said, then he began to walk. "I was just walking along here and saw you coming through. I thought, maybe I should accompany you to your home."

The younger blonde cocked an eyebrow at the stranger. He seemed honest enough, and not perverted in the least. Maybe he should just let the man walk him home, he didn't exactly know the way anyhow. Walking up beside the stranger, Zell agreed silently to let him take him home.

"Good." Edgar said quietly. The two were silent as they travelled the area. Both seeming as though they wanted to say something, but neither felt the place to get it out. Finally Edgar looked down at the shorter teen and asked. "So where is it that you live?"

Zell kept his tongue silent, wondering over which answer to give. He could go with nowhere, or he could say I have no home but I'm staying in the homeless shelter somewhere in town.

"The shelter it is then." Edgar said out of nowhere.

"Huh?" Zell stared up at the man. 'How did he?'

Edgar smiled kindly and looked away from Zell's gaze. "I don't mean to make false accusations; it's just that your clothes are stained and ripped, and unless I missed my guess.. you haven't changed them since you put them on. Am I right?"

'Hit the nail on the head.' Thought Zell remaining silent.

"I'm sorry if I've offended you." Said Edgar.

Zell shrugged. "I'm..." He cleared his throat. "I'm not usually this quiet. It's just that... I don't know. I'm feeling kinda low lately."

Edgar pursed his lips then relaxed them. He knew not of how to calm humans and their - blehh, emotions. So figuring it was as nice a gesture as any he said. "That's too bad."

The two of them made a left by a large sign advertisizing some local band. Edgar kept his eye on the troubled teen all the while feeling the engery from the air around them to locate Squall.

Zell looked around the area as well wondering when they would get back to the shelter. Nothing seemed familiar to him. 'What if this guy is leading me off somewhere and plans to kill me after... Just my luck, I guess.' Zell shrugged his returned backpack higher up on his shoulders to re-adjust the weight it had on his back. 'I don't remember it being heavy; those three must have put something else inside.' He shook his head in dismay. 'I can only imagine what that is.'

Edgar listened to the teen's inner ramblings and decided to keep his attention on the location of the shelter; walking there was becoming a chore. If he could just distract the human from what he was doing. He knows where the place is. Sticking his foot out beside him, Zell's unseeing eyes tripped right over it and he went falling face first towards the concrete. Reaching out for his shirt, Edgar caught a handful of it suspending him from the ground.

Zell hadn't felt the two of them speed ahead so suddenly before he was being straightened back up to his feet. "Are you all right?" Asked Edgar, wiping down the teen's clothing.

Zell pushed the intrusive hand away and nodded, yes. "Yeah, I'm fine." He replied, feeling a little embarrassed.

Edgar smiled and nodded. "Good. I'm glad..." he glanced up and pointed a finger. "Looks like we're here."

Zell turned seeing the shelter behind him, and he blinked in stupafied wondering how it was possible. 'I could have sworn it was farther away than this.' Shrugging it off, he turned back to Edgar and with a single nod he said. "Thanks, for walking me back. I really appreciate it."

"Sure." Said Edgar beginning to leave.

Zell watched after him a moment saying to himself. "Sure." He then slid the door opened and walked inside closing the large metal door behind him.


"Please aahh, aaararrrrrr..." Squall took a little detour from finding Zell, and decided to eat his dinner. He had a man pinned to a tree writhing beneath his talons. The vampire's claws broke through the man's forehead puncturing holes that poured of blood.

Squall licked where the blood dribbled underneath the man's chin, savouring the rich taste the nameless human seemed to have over his other victims. The anguish on his face, as well. Ahhh, it could send chills through a vampire's genitalia. Moving back a bit, Squall tried pulling his hand free but it was stuck. He snickered before veering his head. "I know you've become attached, but..." Slamming his head into the deceased's, Squall pulled his fingers free on contact. "I'm already married." He commented.

A chill ran up Squall's spine hearing the sirens pulling up behind him. Turning towards the street he saw four cop cars pulling up, and several officers climbed out of them. "This is the police! Put your hands up over your head!" The officer shouted.

Every cop out there circled him into a closure around the tree; the guns aimed in his direction. Squall kept an eye on each and every one of them, turning light circles.

"Put your hands up!" The cop shouted again.

Squall wasn't about to do what the man was asking of him. There was no way he'd be jailed again. Something in the air tickled up the vampire's sensitive nose. He quickly breathed it in. 'That smell.' It was Edgar's scent. He wanted him. But what about the cops.

"Ahaha," He smirked pausing his movements. The cops knew Squall was dangerous and they awaited his next action. Slowly, Squall began to lift his hands into the air just as the officer had asked. "Sorry, but I can't stay." The vampire whispered. The cops adjusted their stances ready for battle. "But my master needs me." When Squall's arms rose high enough to be extended outward in front of him. "Bye-bye.

Their cries of pain rang into the night as blood gushed out of the holes in their skin. Squall had a fit of insane laughter tossing his head back as the remaining three cops fired at him. The vampire stalked across the grass bringing his claws out. He swung an arm back before pounding it into the cop's chest, where he then hurled him into the darkness.

The last of the two cops just backed away from fugitive's approach, allowing him go through. The vampire didn't have the time to hide his identity so he let his morals down and leapt into the sky disappearing.

"What the fuck...?" Asked one of the men pulling the cap off his head scratching it.

Squall arrived at home through the window. His vision cased his bedroom before he settled on Edgar sitting on a long chair, completely naked and in heat. His right hand was gripped around his throbbing member while the left stroked it.

He paused his slow lazy movement seeing Squall standing there then, releasing himself, he opened his arms pulling the boy into them. Squall dove into the kiss mouth opened and togue ready to explore. He knew what Edgar was getting at.

If he couldn't find Zell, Zell would find them by the heat of his blood. Breaking the kiss, Squall stripped himself of his shirt, then raised his hips up from Edgar pulling his jeans down over his rear before sliding them off completely with a little help from his lord. Positioning the his beloved, Edgar parted Squall's lower cheeks helping him sit down on his burning heat.

A moan escaped Squall's mouth and he bounced up once, to adjust himself. The two resumed their kiss with furiousity, their hands revisiting their lover's favorite areas, touching a few of their own favorites as well.

Edgar's hips pressed on upwards again and again, loving the silk in the tunnel it just couldn't get enough of backing in and out of. Squall moaned into his lover's mouth ready to spend the night alone with him, but his lord bumped his nose into his letting him know he had a task to carry out.

With a light smile, Squall kissed Edgar one last time before beginning his telepathic communication with target. 'Zeellll...' His mind whispered to the sleeping figure. 'Come to meeee...'