Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter 20 ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: The song is "Bring Me To Life" By Evanescence. I don't endorse the song, but it's friggin awesome, so do check it out.


Squall walked along the streets with a bounce in his step almost as though he were dancing his way through the quiet, sleeping, city. A dreaming fog following at his heels. But something was off about him, he looked a little different. There was a soft white glow around him, almost like he wasn't there in a physical sense but a materialization of himself.

/How can you see into my eyes, like opened doors.../

He was tracking someone, and that someone was Zell Dincht. Using his telepathic bond with the teen, the image of Squall moved along the streets seeking him out.

Zell was inside the shelter lying on his side, fast alseep. But, his body began to stir a little as though he could feel himself waking up, but he couldn't quite make it out of his dreams. There was a little fear running through him as well, even in sleep he could feel it coming.

/Leading you down into my core, where I've become so numb.../

Zell's eyes snapped open when he felt the pressence closer to him. He looked straight ahead at the large metalic door where he saw it pull aside, and there within it stood Squall. His head cocked in wonder of how he found him, and what he could want?

/Without a soul, my spirit's sleeping somewhere.../

Squall in physical form is still mounted on top of Edgar, eyes closed panting and moving gently up and down on his lover's lap. Grabbing a handful of Edgar's thick blond hair, the vampire leaned in to kiss him whispering, "Follow me..." into his mouth.

/Somewhere cold until you find it there and lead it back home.../

Spirit Squall gestured with his finger for Zell to follow. The teen stood, standing as though he hadn't actually brought himself to do it but rose from an unseen pressence in the room, that had wanted him to follow his mysterious aquaintance. When Zell moved the image off Squall took off down the street.

'Wait!' Called Zell chasing after him.

/Wake me up! Wake me up inside.../

The two figures rushed down the streets. One moving like a dancing dream and the other staggering like a nightmare that in itself was trying to wake up.

/I can't wake up! Wake me up inside.../

Zell reached a hand out and leaned to his side for support from a building that was beside him. Spirit Squall paused disappearing from up ahead. Zell looked back and forth for the strange young man but he was nowhere in his sight.

A low moan of protest came from the homeless teen's mouth, and he felt his body being pushed off the building from the side it was resting on. The image of Squall was there coming through the wall. 'I must be dreaming.' Thought Zell subconsciously. 'He just went through a wall.'

/Save me! Call my name and save me from the dark.../

Squall took off again when Zell caught his second wind; the teen reached out for him still. Zell's face pleaded for Squall to stop running. 'Please call out to me, wake me up...' He begged. 'I don't wanna dream this anymore.'

/Wake me up! Bid my blood to run.../

Squall's physical sense turned his internal heat up, drawing the pulse of Zell to his own. Edgar pressed a hand on his love slave's chest lying him down along the long end of the chair in a glorious arch. Squall moaned feeling his lord's member thrust deeper into him creating more body heat.

Zell's eyes flashed with a feeling he's never felt before, and his body burned inside. It pressed on him, asking him to hurry on. And he did...

/I can't wake up! Before I come undone.../

Knowing there was no escape from this dream, the dazed blond walked on confused. Spirit Squall continued to lead the way as though he were never interrupted from his journey home. Every now and then he slowed his pace falling right beside the sleeping yet alert teen, and he touched his arms and face, spinning him in a dizzing circle before taking his place back up ahead.

/Save me! Save me from the nothing I've become.../

Grabbing onto Squall's erection Edgar began to jerk on it, slowly at first then powerfully up and down thrusting his hips up against Squall to match his pace. Squall's eyes shot open with pleasure and he panted harder than before, extending an arm towards the window wishing for Zell to hurry to them.

/Now that I know what I'm without, you can't just leave me.../

'Please wait for me...' Pleaded Zell.

/Breathe into me and make me real... Bring me to life.../

Squall pressed Zell against a building leaning in towards his face, nose to nose and forehead to forehead. His tongue came out but he doesn't kiss Zell, instead he rushed off again leaving him wanting more.

And he pressed on.

/Wake me up! Wake me up inside... I can't wake up... Wake me up inside. Save me! Call my name and save me from the dark... Wake me up! Bid my blood to run... I can't wake up! Before I come undone... Save me! Call my name and save me from the dark... Breathe me to life.../

The two figures turned off at an innersection and Squall made his way towards a dark mansion at the end of the town. Zell remained on his heels, he didn't wanna be left alone. He felt alone... And it seemed this stranger was his only way of really being alive.

/I've been living a lie... there's nothing inside./

When the two of them reached the mansion, the dancing Squall paused his movements under a window in front of the house. Zell walked through the gates and over to the sprinting spirit standing in front of him.

Walking the few step ahead to where Zell stood, Squall wrapped the homeless teen up in his arms, and drew him into a kiss.

/Breathe me into life.../

Breaking the kiss only a moment they pulled each other back into it.

/Frozen inside without your touch, without your love darling only you are the life amoung the dead.../

They were elevated off the ground and up into the home behind them where Zell was simply dropped onto the large bed recieving a final kiss on the lips as the image of Squall vanished.

Zell's breath jumped back into his body giving much needed oxygen to his brain and he was now fully awake. 'Where am I?' He wondered with a hand going to his head clutching at his hair hard enough to pull it just to make sure he were actually awake.

The soft moaning in the room grabbed his attention and the confused guest stared straight ahead. 'Squall... and... the guy that...?' It was coming to him. But when... 'The guy that walkd me home! But what are they?'

Squall opened his eyes and smiled at Zell, beckoning him over to them. Zell's blood pulsed inside his body, maybe he should go to them...?

Crawling to the end of the bed the teen was taking off his clothing as he came. Squall was glad to see Zell willingly cooperate, he wouldn't wanna have to have Edgar bring him over to them.

Kneeling down on one knee, Zell leaned down in front of Squall and kissed him on his lips. The vampire's hands extended back grabbing a hold around Zell's back guiding him upward. Zell didn't need to be told once that he was supposed to be in a 69 position with Squall and... whoever this guy is.

Lord Edgar couldn't have been looking at a more beautiful sight. Being inside of Squall and pounding into him pushed the same force of movement of his lover's meat into this beautiful blond's mouth. While the side view between theirs bodies, he can see his lover sucking on his chosen in return.

Closing his eyes, a smile displayed across the head vampire's lips. His fingers tangled in Zell's dirty but still golden blond mop of hair. 'Don't forget to bite the boy' Edgar said telepathically to Squall.

Squall moaned inside his throat at the taste of Zell's cock. 'In a moment. I want to savour the taste of this human.' Bringing his arms up around Zell's hips Squall held them in place lifting his body up and down, removing then dipping the stiff member in and out of his mouth.

Squall's tongue swirled around and around, while his hands explored the plump buttucks. His nails started pricking into Zell's skin. The teen made no sounds of pain being too enraptured in ecstacy sucking Squall's gender. He found that his hands hands were boldly gripping deep into the skin of Edgar's hips.

Another moan came from Squall as he milked Zell dry from a climax he didn't even feel happen. "Aahhh..." Moaned Zell feeling himself be cleaned. He wasn't ready for the pain that came next when Squall removed his mouth from around his softening member to place it on a chunk of the flesh on his thigh. The vampire bit down deep into Zell's leg; the teen cried out in pain, his body jerking towards the pain before tensing away. The pain subsided and turned in to dark, divine pleasure causing Zell to suck harder and harder just as Squall had done to him.

Blood ran from Zell's thigh down over Squall's face when the vampire moved his teeth away to moan from his shuddering climax. Returning his teeth inside of Zell he continued the transformation of his saliva inside the teen's body. He had already accomplished the full blood drain keeping the vampire need there was next.

Edgar cupped Zell's chin lifting his face up to look at him and leaning downwards the homeless young man, he brought their lips together. Edgar's tongue circled around the short blond's mouth cleaning up his lover's essence.

Zell's tongue shot into Edgar's mouth sharing the desired juices during the kiss. Zell supported his body up wrapping his arms around Edgar's broad shoulders and he could feel Squall's meat bounce on repeat up against his slanted chest while Edgar continually pounded into the vampire until he came as well.

Wrapping his arms around Zell's waist, Edgar pulled the him up onto Squall's lap when he heard his lover whisper.

"Done." Squall sat up, placing Zell in a sandwich between himself and Edgar; the three of them delighted in a kiss.

First Edgar and Zell, with Squall licking their mouths between the shared kiss, getting a taste of their tongue in the process. Breaking the kiss with Edgar, Zell turned his head joining lips with Squall and the two engulfed each others mouth, while Edgar tweeked Zell's hardened nipples recieving a moan.

Squall turned away from Zell leaning over his shoulder to kiss his lover. The two of them ate each others mouths lowering their fangs to draw blood between their kisses. Zell's hips rocked back and forth creating a friction of heat between his and their thighs.

Once the two of them had seperated, Squall's forehead rested between Zell's shoulder blades and he panted. "Now..." Squall began to say. "Sleep."

Zell fell forward against Edgar, unconscious.

The next day.

Ring! Riiiiing! Selphie snapped up her sunflower sticker covered phone and held it up to her ear while hopping into her brown boots. "Hello?" She asked.

"Selphie? Right?" A voice she'd never heard before asked.

"This is she, who's calling please?"

"This is Cloud Strife," The voice said with a pause then went on. "I uh... I don't know if you know me but," he wasn't sure if he should say it or not. Zell was his summer love and all through summer it was just the two of them. Zell did mention Selphie, though, which is how he got her number in the first place.

Zell said if Cloud was to ever call and he wasn't home, he'd probably be over at Selphie's house. But can he tell her that he was Zell's lover?

"Oh yeah! Zell told me about you." Selphie shouted in the receiver bringing him back to earth. "Hehehe." She giggled to herself.

Giggling, a sure sign that a girl knows something. "So, does that mean you know about us?" Asked Cloud hoping he wouldn't have to explain or simply write Zell off as a friend, when to him he was more than that.

"Yup, everything." Selphie chirped. She crossed the room to get her hair brush then began to get the nightly tangles out of it brushing from top to bottom.

"Well, I wanted to tell him I'm sorry that I took so long calling, but I lost his number in my stack of boxes, then I had to get started with school and all." Cloud rambled aimlessly as though he were hoping Selphie could put an extra boost to his sincere apology.

Selphie herself was impressed with how easily spoken the guy was about his relationship. Most people are so boring, keeping it to themselves and all. "Lame-o-rama." She'd declare, and be on her way.

"So is he there? I'd really like to talk to him; I thought maybe since it's Thanksgiving time and he might not mind," Cloud was obviously blushing on the other end of the phone.

The gesture made Selphie grin widely, but it soon faded when she figured out what he was asking. "I'm sorry," her voice was loosing all it's cheerful sweetness. "He's... he's not here. I don't know where he is."

Cloud seemed taken aback. "I'm sorry did I say something wrong? I didn't mean to offened you, Selphie."

She shook her head. "It's not that, it's just that... Zell's not here anymore, and I don't know what to tell you. I'll let you know if I hear from him." She was pulling the phone away from her face to hang it up but she heard him saying something on the other end, so she brought it back up to her ear.

"Zell's father said something around the same thing when I called over there," Said Cloud. "And that was before he so rudely hung up on me." There was bitterness in his voice and he was either tired of getting the run around or he knew something was going on.

She was thinking; what should she say, what could she say? It was all so confusing, just when she was relaxing this had to come up. "Cloud..." She exhaled loudly before speaking again. "Zell isn't here because he... he's at his aunts house. He wanted to visit her, and she was sick, so he volunteered to take care of her until she got better."

Cloud was quiet. Very quiet.

"Cloud?" Selphie said, breaking the deafening silence.

"I guess that makes sense, but why was Mr. Dincht so angry then?" Asked the teen not about to be duped easily.

Selphie couldn't think of anything to say to that, so she shrugged remaining quiet.

Cloud sighed on the other end, figuring Zell didn't wanna talk to him and this was the story he was getting. "Well, if that's settled then..."

"Cloud he still loves you, but please don't ask me where he is anymore... Because to tell you the truth nobody knows." Selphie caved, she hated disappointing people.

"You mean he ran away?" Asked Cloud. "Do you think he might be on his way to my house? He has the address I think."

"He might be." Replied Selphie. She peeked out of her window and saw Sabin's car pull up. "I'm sorry I can't talk more, because I have to go to school now. I'll call after, if you still need to talk. And Cloud?"


"Thank you." She smiled and hung up the phone. 'Maybe Zell is going to Cloud's house that's why we couldn't find him last night.' Her smile brightened. 'He's gonna be safe I'm sure of it.'

Leaving her room, Selphie closed the door behind her and walked downstairs and out of the house.