Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter Twenty One ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

At the homeless shelter. Zell is just waking up. Somewhat. His eyes are shaded over and his skin is as pale as a ghost next to a white wall. At first the teen just laid there, awake, he thought but with his eyes closed. All the others in the shelter were roaming about, wide awake and ready for whatever it was they do in a day.

"Come on, he looks dead." He heard a familiar voice that sounded close enough to be at eye level to his face.

"Poke him." Said another just as recognizable.

Zell's eyes shot open and the two guys smiled seeing that he had woke himself up. "Zell," Shadow started saying. "About last night.. we thought maybe you'd like to do another one with us. Y'know..." He glanced at Zack. "Get some real experience with the big dogs."

Zell said nothing, just glared at the two. The trio had a long awkward pause about who was going to speak right then; the one whom should be agreeing to go with them or not remained quiet; and the pair who were trying to convince him were silent due to not wanting to repeat themselves.

After what felt like forever Zack stood and walked away, the faint words: "Fuck him." said over his shoulder.

Shadow didn't wanna give up though. Patting the exhausted ghost on the shoulder, he stood as well saying. "Think it over, Zell, the offer still stands; and you can make some big bucks selling shit from people's houses..."

Getting no response, he departed from the cot.

Zell downcasts his eyes pulling his knees into himself. 'What happened to me?' He wondered. 'Was I really bitten last night...?' Looking between his legs at his bare thighs, Zell noticed two little dark red stubs peeking out from his boxers. Moving the fabric over, his eyes went wide. There are two little red dots on him! Right where he felt that strange guy Squall's teeth sink into him last night. And that was no 'love bite'... his teeth seemed to purposely be trying to pierce Zell's skin and from the show of it, it had worked.

'Why would he bite me? ...Unless?'

Terra sat down next to Zell handing him a plate. "Breakfast." She smiled.

Zell took the food from her and started into it. He shoved it in fist at a time down his throat even though the portions were small Zell felt completely full before he really even had it swallowed.

"You must have really been hungry." Terra said cocking her head running a hand under her nose.

The two of them were quiet for a moment without a word. Zell glanced over at her and asked. "What? I must be really popular this morning. Huh?"

She laughed to herself quietly and shook her head. "It's not that, it's just that you weren't here last night after you came in... Where did you go to?" She asked.

Zell shrugged and dropped the plate to the floor, saying a little icier than he wanted. "What's it to you?"

"Hmm? I was just worried." Not a care in the world over the tone.

"Well don't be, I can take care of myself." Snapped the blond as if she'd confessed to murdering his child or friend, and he was having none of it as far as fear went.

"Did you see the news last night?" She then asked. "There's a killer on the streets roaming around the area... He broke out of prison, and he's been attacking people left and right that are out way late at night..." Still Zell said nothing. "I just thought I should inform you, in case you wanna go night prowling or something."

Just as she got up to leave Zell looked at Terra's face; reaching out an arm he pulled her back down onto the cot. "Where'd you get that black eye?" He asked.

"This? It's nothing." The girl said calmly as ever. "I... Cid just... didn't watch where his hand was going, that's all."

Zell's eyebrows shot up at the name. "Cid did this to you?"

The girl's mouth twitched to say something but she became silent and instead nodded.

"Terra, you've gotta call the police on this guy... He can't just do this to you." He looked her in the eyes.

"And tell them what?" She asked. "That my ex hit me when I saw him at the park... The police will ask where I live, and tell me they can't help me after that... So please." She stood again without his protest. "Just let it go."

Walking away, Zell followed her with his eyes until she was out of his sight. He then scanned the room resting his painfully sharp vision on Zack and Shadow, who are sitting on a cot to a far off corner of the room. Standing up on shaking legs, Zell staggered over to the pair, collapsing from his own weight when trying to sit down.

"Can we help you?" Asked Zack, ready to shove the kid back where he'd come from.

"I wanna go out with you guys tonight..." He stated firmly, looking directly into Shadow's eyes to show that he was serious. "But as long as we go to the location of my choice..." His voice said: no if's, and's or but's about it.

Shadow grinned, he liked Zell's bold approach. And with a nod, the leader said. "Alright, but mind telling us where we're going first? I usually like to case the place before I pay it a visit."

"To an apartment building."

"Apartment?" Shadow mused. "That's a hard place to work, you sure?"

Zell nodded, stood then walked away. 'Cid Highwind,' He thought. 'needs to be taught a lesson about hitting girls and I'm just the one to teach it.'

# #

Selphie walked out of her house adjusting the straps on her bookbag. Just as she was leaving her house the Dincht's were coming out. Mrs. Dincht was being wheeled down the stone walkway on a stretcher. Mr. Dincht was bringing up the rear, locking the door after himself.

Selphie planned to just watch what was going on, until Frank turned to face her pointing a finger. "You see what our son did to my wife?" He then shot his finger in the direction of Brandy. "He's putting her in the fucking hospital from a heart attack."

Selphie turned her nose up at the man, saying. "I'm surprised to hear you call him that, because the way I see it you never had a son." Her hands jumped to her hips. "I thought you didn't like human beings."

The man narrowed his eyes at the mouthy girl. But she just shot him a dirty look back. "So don't ever call him your son again, because he's always been gay. And he would never take it back, not for you or anybody... So get your facts together before you start running at the mouth." With her nose shot into the air, she walked to her boyfriend's car and climbed in.

"What was that all about?" Sabin asked, watching his girlfriend shove her bag into the back seat of the car. She then crossed her arms turning in the seat with a pout on her face. "...Selphie?" He started.

"Just drive." She hissed.

Holding a hand up in defense, he did as she said. "Alright, alright. Don't chew my head off."

Selphie was in no mood for sarcasm today, she just wanted to get through school then go back to searching for Zell, with Seifer, right after. She laid her head against the window beside her and sighed. 'I wish today would hurry up.' She sobbed mentally.

Shooting glances in her direction, Sabin opened his mouth to talk then said lowly into loud. "I wouldn't... there's a pothole coming up Selphie, and..."

But it was too late they were already passing over it. Her head banged against the window. "Ow!" She held her hands up to her head shaking it. "That hurt!"

Sabin laughed with a shrug. "I was trying to tell you about that."

The glum girl's hand shot out swatting at her boyfriend. If she had just ignored Sabin, maybe she would have still been looking out the window to see a short blond leaving a large building with two other guys behind him.

After settling back in her seat once through dealing out a punishment, Selphie returned her arms across her chest and sighed. "Loser." She commented sticking her tongue out, but a sweet smile came after. 'Well... at least there's Sabin... and I know he's not going anywhere on me...'

The big blond smiled down at his frustrated girlfriend, and continued driving. He had something special planned for her later. He just hoped that she'd like it. She's been too upset lately. It was disheartening.


School seemed to drag on forever, as they were just hitting lunch at what felt like 11:45 at night rather than in the morning. Why does life love screwing with the impatient?

"I asked Locke out yesterday."

"Who cares." Replied Selphie ready to walk faster but she paused instead. "Wait, what did he say?"

Rinoa cut her eyes at her best friend crossing her arms over her chest. "So now you're interested, maybe I don't wanna tell you."

"Fine. I don't really care anyway." Said Selphie entering the cafeteria.

Rinoa grabbed Selphie's shoulders, shaking her excitedly. "He said he'd think about it! Do you know what that means?!"

Selphie's face quirked up and she closed her eyes thinking. 'Yeah, you're gonna be a beard to a sell out homosexual. Or, like Zell, fucked and forgotten.' Releasing a sigh, Selphie slouched her shoulders being led to a table by her overjoyed friend.

"Selphie, come over here." Tifa said grabbing the startled girl by the arm. Tifa placed a hand on Rinoa's chest pushing her back from Selphie so she could take her away.

"Hey!" Cried Rinoa in distaste. "Do you mind? I was talking to her."

Tifa turned and walked up close getting in Rinoa's face. "And now your not. Wanna say otherwise?" The bully challenged.

Rinoa, sadly, shrank away shaking her head. Tifa snorted a laugh then resumed in taking Selphie over to her table. Selphie's seen this before, and she wasn't in the mood to play twenty questions again.

"Tifa if you're gonna ask about Zell, Seifer already knows." She exclaimed.

"It's not that, can't we just want you to sit with us?" The cold Lockhart stated, pushing down on Selphie's shoulder slamming her onto the seat creating a dull thud from forcing her weight.

"Eat." Said Seifer to his gang, who quickly did as he said. "Selphie, I got my mother to make a list of a bunch of places that specialize in missing persons." He spoke freely knowing that attention wouldn't be on them. When Seifer said to do something his group never failed to do it.

"Great!" Cheered Selphie. She really couldn't believe how passionate Seifer was about helping her, or himself, but whichever as long as Zell is found. "Do you want me to call some after school? I have two lines at my house, if you don't."

"I have a cell phone shrimp, get with the times." Stated Almasy. He handed a sheet to Selphie. "You'll call these ones and this will be my set."

She nodded looking down at the paper. "Wow... all these people are in Dollet?" She asked.

"No, they're from all the towns I could think of." He explained. "I figure we've got a better chance with other people looking for us than we do going ourselves."

"Wow. This must have taken forever to get." She applauded.

"Yeah, well it did," Seifer's tone turned serious. "So don't lose it."

Saluting. "Got it."

Locke had an ear to their conversation and he didn't like what he was hearing. It was bad enough rumors were going around about what really happened; and why Zell wasn't at school. Luckily, no one had connected the two... yet. But with both Selphie and Seifer looking now, things could get ugly, fast.

Everyone stood from the tables stretching their arms and legs groaning that they had to return to class now. Much like Selphie, though for different reasons, they all wanted the day to hurry and be over as well.

Seifer walked slowly through the lunch crowd, purposely; he had a sneaking suspicion that Locke was around and he wanted to do a little digging. Following the arrogant newbie, Seifer turned onto the stairwell just as he had.

Remaining hidden around a corner he watched Locke as he met up with an albino guy at the end of the stairs. 'Who is that?' He wondered holding an ear to their conversation.

"Are you still coming over tonight?" Asked the white-haired stranger.

"Yeah, of course." Said Locke moving in close to him. "You sure your parents aren't gonna be home?"

"Yeah, they're going out of town for about a week." He looked over Locke's shoulder cautiously making Seifer wanna listen even more. "So you and I can have the whole week for ourselves."

"Good..." Locke whispered something Seifer couldn't hear, but there was no mistaking the sight of them kissing.

Gaping Seifer shook his head. 'Son of a bitch.'

Locke smacked his lover on his jeaned butt.

"Cut it out, someone might be watching."

The newbie laughed at the words before walking through the windowless double-doors.

The strange guy with white hair smiled in anticipation for later as he started up the stairs. "Oops, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." He said when he bumped into Seifer.

The blond merely started to clap his hands together repeatedly in a steady tune. The stranger smiled at the nut and tried to go by but Seifer pushed him back. "Bravo boy."

"Boy? Right. Let me by." He pleaded.

"You know, if it weren't for your almost masculine voice, I'd swear Locke found himself a she-man." Seifer spoke as though he hadn't heard him at all. "What's your name?"

The stranger was becoming annoyed. "Setzer." Bad enough he doesn't know this person, but now he pressumed to know his business with Locke. "Who are you?" He asked.

"No one special... but, man, imagine how cool it would make me look if I told everyone that you and Locke were fucking in the stairwell." He smiled seeing the horror shifting onto the once smiling face. "Yeah, that'd make me top gun wouldn't it." He said in a mocking tone.

"You don't know what you're talking about?" Said Setzer. "Nobody would believe you." He tried going by again but Seifer was persistant in holding him back.

"Now you see that's where the funny part comes in." Seifer went on. "Nobody saw you two but me; and I'm the kind of guy everyone believes or else..."

Setzer believed him. After all he kept him where he stood for this long. But what were his motives? "What do you want from me?" He asked. Ready to give up anything just to be out of trouble.

"Information on Locke... You help me and you won't be busted."

"Anything." Setzer replied quickly. "Just, please, don't tell; I have a girlfriend to concider, and..."

Seifer waved a hand. "I don't care about you life story..." Placing a hand around Setzer's shoulders, Seifer started back up the stairs. "Walk with me a minute, tell me whatever it is you know about Locke Cole, and I'll leave you alone."

Setzer nodded to agree. And he went with Seifer, ready to spill all and anything he knew about Locke.

X x X

Commentary: Sorry about the inconsistency of posts, but this place keeps going under maintenance. I don't know if it's just me getting nothing but errors or whatever, because I see reads going up on days I have no access, so I don't know. But, I will post when I can. Thanks for reading.