Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where the lost ones go ❯ Without you, I'm nothing ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
2. Without you, I'm nothing.

The landscape flew pass him in a blurry as Cloud let his motorcycle accelerate even more. He never cared much for scenery anyway.
This last year he hadn't cared much about anything.
When she had died in his arms, a part of Cloud had died with her. He wasn't the same, nor was the world.
It was hard to say exactly what had changed, but something was different. Maybe that was just the effect Aeris had on the people she touched.
She changed their world.
The pain had not decreased by each passing day, but remained an open, bleeding wound. Even his dreams were still haunted by her. No, 'haunted' was the wrong word. She was still as sweet and alive in his dreams as she had been in life. It hurt so much every time he woke up to remember it was just a dream.
The only part that could have bothered Cloud if he had let it, was every time she told him to move on. Told him to let her go.
How was he supposed to do that? How do you let go of your heart?
The blonde man turned the motorcycle to round a small hill, and was so lost in his thoughts that he nearly didn't see the figure bolting out form the forrest and in front him.
Cursing, Cloud hit the brakes and tried desperately to turn the machine away from hitting whatever it was.
High speed and loose gravel almost sent Cloud crashing into the ground, but experience won over surprise and he managed somehow to come to a spinning halt. Panting hard, he first made sure he was still alive, then gazed quickly back at where whatever it was had crossed his path.
Not a trace of anything.
Shaking his head, Cloud got ready to continue his trip from nowhere to nowhere, when his mako-enhanced eyes caught movement by the bushes.
There was something there!
Getting off the motorcycle, Cloud pulled out his Ultima sword and cautiously approached where he'd seen movement.
When Meteor had been hovering above them, burning crimson in the sky, it had affected the monsters roaming the planet. Making them bigger, stronger and even more foul tempered! There was still plenty of them wandering around, and Cloud knew even he would have a difficult time facing one alone. Still, curiosity made him inch closer...
At first he thought it was a white sheet that had somehow bewildered it's way out there like some bad parody of a ghost, but then he became aware of it wrapping itself around a figure. It reminded him of a lab coat, or something.
Lowering the big sword a little, Cloud stepped closer. "Hey, are you ok there?"
There was no reply, only a slight shivering under the white clothing.
The blonde man frowned and swung his sword on his back before crouching down. "Come on, I know I didn't hit you so get on out here. You here alone? On foot?"
He saw a slender and bare leg poking out from under the coat, and Cloud shook his head baffled. "What are you doing out here?"
A few more unanswered questions later, he reached out and touched what he figured to be a shoulder. He felt the figure flinch.
"I'm not going to hurt you," Cloud soothed, prying the reluctant form out from under the bushes. "Relax. You're safe now."
Mako eyes widened with disbelief as he finally got a look at the one guilty of almost making him crash his precious bike.
It was a young woman. Her eyes shut tight, while her hands tried to push him away. She was awfully pale, and Cloud could see faint traces of old bruises. Her brown hair danced as she shook her head numbly, despite it being tangled and dirty and Cloud could only stare.
"But..." Cloud wasn't aware of his grip on her shoulders tightening, "but it's impossible..." His eyes roamed over her, his brain refusing to believe what his sight told him was there. "You died!" The blonde man started as the young woman finally forced her eyes open and gazed at him, and his voice trembled as he whispered in disbelief, "I saw you die!"

The monster was dangerously strong, but slow. Sephiroth noticed how it didn't make a single sound as the Masamune cut through it's side, almost like it didn't recognize pain. Was it some kind of zombie? The smell would surely suggest it, but it did bleed. Zombies didn't bleed, this thing bled a lot. Black fluid spewed from the wounds and stained the blade of the Masamune. Whatever did bleed could die!
Sephiroth moved with deadly grace, attacking and avoiding the counter attacks. Once again, the feeling of power run through the silver haired man's veins, and he felt like a predator again. A part of him wanted to prolong the fight, like a cat playing with it's prey, but he was aware of Aeris' presence and the issue of not wasting time.
Shortly after, the monster lost his head.
Cid got up on his feet, absently brushing grass of himself as he watched Sephiroth clean the Masamune with a cloth. "What the hell was that thing?!"
Shrugging, Sephiroth put the Masamune in it's sheath and walked over again, "who knows. I can tell you what it is now; dead."
Aeris gazed nervously at the monster's fallen form, "if one came here, then it's likely there are more that will follow..."
"What are you sayin'? That there'll come more monsters here? Because of me?!" Cid exclaimed, waving his arms. "What the hell for?! I don't owe no one money or anything! Why is someone after me?!"
Aeris glanced over at Sephiroth, who could only shrug again.
"Your guess is as good as mine, Highwind," the former general stated, "I was just told to make sure you stay alive, and that danger was comming your way."
Crossing his arms, Cid shook his head. "no way! Impossible! You must have gotten the wrong Cid Highwind!" When something didn't go the way Cid wanted, the pilot found that the best way to deal with it was to firmly deny it.
"So what do we do now?" Shera's voice came from beside him, and Cid glanced over at her. She was awfully pale, but was thinking practically as always.
Aeris forced her eyes away from the monster once again, "let's start by leaving this place." She saw Cid was about to object, and took his hand before he could voice his anger, "think about it, Cid. Even if this is some mistake, they will return to try again and that would endanger everyone in this town. Including Shera."
The blonde man considered it, wanting to object anyway, then resigned with a sigh. "Alright. Guess there is no way around it. Just let me get my weapon and materia."
Sephiroth finally dared to relax when the pilot, followed by Shera, entered his house. He'd been afraid that the hot-tempered pilot would be impossible to reason with, as rumour would have him believe, but that was obviously not the case. Hard hearted, foul language and stubborn, Cid Highwind was a man who, despite his traits, didn't want his surroundings to suffer because of it. Rare to meet someone with an ounce of sense these days, the former general mused.
A light touch on his arm caught Sephiroth's attention and he glanced over to see Aeris by his side.
"Are you ok? It didn't hurt you, did it?" Aeris asked softly, gentle worry in her eyes. The look that had, if it hadn't been for his firm resolve, would have reduced him to a heap of melted Sephiroth on the ground. There was love in that look.
Placing a hand over hers, Sephiroth gave a warm smile. "I'm fine. That thing was hardly a challenge."
Then the world exploded into pain, as the ancients cut into his mind and rammed images along with orders into him.
Grasping his head, Sephiroth stumbled as he gasped for air. It was so hard to breathe when they did this to him, the force of their actions numbed his entire body and pain raged through him. Not even Jenova had managed to hurt him as bad as they did every time...
"Sephiroth?" Aeris' voice brought him back, and her worry soothed his distraught mind. "Are you ok...?"
Forcing his eyes open, Sephiroth slowly became aware of that he was kneeling on the ground and that Aeris had her arms around him. Sighing wearily, he let his head sink to her shoulder for a few seconds. "I'll live." He wondered if that angered the ancients...
"I hate it when they do that to you," Aeris declared in a soft, shivering voice by his ear. "I hate seeing you in pain. You've suffered enough." It was hard to understand that the gentle voices that had comforted her through lonely times and given her courage could be so cruel.
Sephiroth managed a faint smile with a touch of bitterness, "I don't think I'll ever have suffered enough for their taste. But... it's ok." As long as he was allowed to stay with her, Sephiroth could take whatever punishment they threw his way. "Right now we gotta get to Midgar as soon as it's possible...!"

Rufus ShinRa finished reading the latest report, signed it and leaned back with a sigh. Finished. Good thing, as he was bored out of his skull!
Smirking, he pushed the button to the intercom, "Sasha, what is up on Miss Lockhart's schedule?" Rufus had a little time off before the next meeting, and nothing would brighten his day more than a visit to the woman now living with him.
His secretary's voice brought him back to reality, "that would be Martial Arts, Mr ShinRa."
Damn. Rufus cut a face, "that will be all, Sasha."
He leaned back and stared out the window. Rufus had once entered Tifa's training, knowing full well the snazzy outfit looked damn good on her and offered to train with her. Ok, so he was no expert on hand to hand fighting, but that was not the reason for him being there. Who would ever turn down the possibility of a close encounter with Tifa? Unfortunately, she had quickly discovered his less than noble reason for being there and had decided to teach him a lesson. Rufus left the dojo with a sore back, an aching arm and a seriously wounded pride. However, she had felt so bad about it that Tifa had in fact kissed and made it better later. Oh, so much better.
The fiery haired man grinned slightly, then unknowingly pouted. If she was training that would mean she would be busy for at least three more hours. Dammit, he missed her! Rufus hadn't seen her since this morning, and it made him restless. Dealing with soulless business men and empty words were tiering to say the least, and he needed the light Tifa Lockhart brought into his dreary life badly! She could give him new strength by honouring him with her smile, and the world seemed a place worth saving when she laughed. If there was a thing such as angels, then Tifa Lockhart was the brightest of them all.
He'd fallen in love with her, kicking and screaming while dragging his feet, but had come to realise that life was cold and lonely without her. Rufus ShinRa had prided himself throughout his entire life that he was never dependant on anyone, and she had changed all that.
She had made him feel.
Rufus picked up a pen and tapped it absently against a note pad. All this thinking about Tifa made him only miss her even more...
Getting up, he pulled on his white jacket, but decided against the white coat. It was suffocatingly warm. Usually he wouldn't complain about warm weather, but it had been going on for weeks now!
Giving a few orders to his secretary, Rufus then sauntered towards the dojo. He'd promised to take her training seriously, but that didn't mean he couldn't visit? Just looking, no touching, was fair, right?
He approached the dojo silently, halting to lean against the door frame and watch as Tifa was pounding viciously at a sandbag. The sight was breath taking...
Only a fool would go against Tifa Lockhart, he numbly realised, seeing the deadly grace in her attacks. Hands that was perfectly capable of breaking every bone in the human body, that would touch his face with feather like caresses. And those legs...
"Rufus!" Tifa's voice snapped him back to reality and he started guiltily.
"Uhm, yeah, hi!" Rufus blurted out, mentally slapping himself for his incredibly bad inarticulately. Gathering himself, he smiled his charming smile to the brunette who was gazing suspiciously at him, "I just had to see you. I missed you."
The admitting brought softness to Tifa's wine coloured eyes and the tension drained out her.
"Rufus, that is so sweet of you," she walked over, marveling at how he was finally able to say such things. Rufus ShinRa was not used to voicing his feelings, and she had spent many months in frustration over his emotional analphabetism. "Are you finished with you meetings?"
Shaking his head, Rufus straightened and flicked back a fiery lock of hair, "no, but had some time to spare. Figured I was allowed to visit, even if I'm banned from training with you."
Blushing, Tifa picked up a towel to dry her damp face, "I didn't say you were banned from training with me, Rufus! But I mean serious training, not just playing about!"
Rufus huffed, "I wasn't playing! I was very serious, I tell you."
Tifa had to smile, feeling her blush deepen even more. His hands had strayed a little too daringly during that one time he'd joined her in the dojo, and she had realised he wasn't taking her seriously again. Rufus had a tendency to treat people around him like children, as he was a little too confident about his own superiority. Tifa sometimes just had to remind him to treat her like an equal. Those lessons were few and far between now, unlike the first weeks she had spent under his roof.
"You, Rufus ShinRa, are hopeless!" Tifa declared, poking a finger at his chest, ruining the effect with a teasing smile.
Grinning, Rufus pulled her close and silenced her with a kiss.

Cid Highwind attached Comet materia to the Venus Gospel and sighed. There. He was all done and ready to leave.
After the fight against Sephiroth, no, wait, Jenova, or whoever it was, Cid had hoped to lead a somewhat quiet life in Rocket Town. Focusing on his flying machines of all kinds, and making Shera not regret marrying him was the two things he was aiming to do for quite some time!
But no, as always, destiny had to spit in Cid's eye, and now he was caught in the middle of something that lead monsters to attack him! Great!
Picking up an extra pack of cigarettes that he placed behind the band of his flight goggles, Cid then turned to leave.
Shera was standing in the doorway, watching him.
"Don't worry," Cid declared walking towards her. "We'll get this sorted out in no time! I'll be back before you even have the time to miss me!"
Shera fought down the tears threatening to flow and swallowed hard, "I understand that you have to leave... but... I want to go with you this time, Cid. I don't think I can just sit here and wait again..."
An uneasy feeling came over Cid, and he shifted restlessly. "Shera... This could get dangerous... I don't want you in no danger."
Shera wrapped her arms around herself, "I understand that too, but I would rather be with you in danger, than to sit here and go slowly insane in safety. I promise I will stay in the back, on board the Highwind, do whatever you tell me, but please don't leave me again!"
An unfamiliar twinge of uncertainty cut through Cid, and the pilot hesitated. He wanted her safe, but was Rocket Town really safe anymore? It was no way to tell if whoever it was out to get Cid knew that he had left. What if there came a second monster? But then again, to bring her would put her in danger as well.
Which was the lesser of the two evils?
By bringing her, at least Cid could keep an eye on her.
Besides, it was all a big misunderstanding anyway... It would be sorted out quickly, so maybe it would just be a nice little trip.
Cid sighed and leaned on the Venus Gospel, "well, hurry up then! And don't do no woman-packing! Just basic necessities!"
Gasping with relief, Shera placed a hand over her heart. He would let her come along? Starting to life, Shera decided she had to hurry before he changed his mind! "Right away, Captain!"
Cid glanced after her as she ran off, smiling slightly. Shera still had to shake the habit of calling him 'Captain', but it didn't bother him anymore. She always called him by his name when it mattered, and that was more than enough.
Glancing out the window, the pilot almost expected to see Meteor in the sky. It was the same ominous feeling in the air, but the sky was bright blue with not a cloud in sight. The sun was shining brightly and it was hard to think that he'd almost been killed.
And outside Aeris was waiting with Sephiroth.
How weird was that?!
Cid couldn't shake the way she had been looking at the silver haired man, and he had the eerie feeling that there was more than friendship between the two. It would destroy Cloud... The pilot absently lit up a cigarette as his thought wandered to the blonde man for the first time in months. He wondered where Cloud was... The last Cid had heard he'd been traveling all over the place with his beloved motorcycle. Even Tifa had lost track of him eventually. The girl had been heartbroken, certain it was because of her decision to team up with Rufus ShinRa, but even Cid knew that wasn't the reason. Cloud could never forgive himself for not being able to rescue Aeris. Well, it would now appear that she was in no need of being rescued after all. The flower girl was looking better than before, and Cid couldn't help but to feel glad for her. Someone as utterly pure and gentle as Aeris deserved to be happy.
Cid exhaled and turned to stared at the door where Shera had vanished, "move yer ass, woman! I told you not to pack the entire house! You got one minute, then I'm leaving!"
One unfortunate thing that had happened, Shera was getting better to deal with his harshness and could call his bluffs, and somehow he knew she called this one too. In exactly one minute, he would wander in and offer to help her, and having seen his packing skills, Shera would decline and finish up.
Mumbling, Cid decided he would at least wait half a minute longer than usual. That would at least give the impression that he wasn't completely predictable...

Dusk was barely settling over Midgar, and Rufus shifted restlessly.
The party had already started, but he didn't really pay attention. He was waiting for Tifa.
Although the official reason for the party were the closing of a huge business deal with Costa Del Sol's mayor, but most participants knew it was really for Rufus and Tifa's one year anniversary. What they weren't aware of was the tiny box the young man was nervously clutching in his pocket.
Dear Planet, who would have thought that Rufus ShinRa could feel so nervous that he was ready to throw up!
Absently correcting his hair, Rufus drew a calming breath. Ok, what was the big deal? So what if he was going to propose to the woman who was responsible for making him funding several orphanages and made his life worth living? It wasn't like she was going to turn him down! ...She wouldn't do that, would she?
Rufus paled.
No, she claimed that she loved him, and he believed her! Tifa was just about physically unable to tell a lie! Still, that didn't mean she wanted to be chained to someone like him for the rest of her life.
Shaking the gloomy thoughts, Rufus straightened slightly as he clutched the box with the ring again. Only one way to find out...
No sooner did the door open and the woman in his thoughts entered.
For a moment Rufus almost forgot how to breathe.
Tifa smiled carefully before approaching him, and her white dress seemed only to strengthen the angelic image as it draped around her forms perfectly. The diamonds he'd given her to wear, despite her awed objections, sparkled from her necklace and earrings. Her deep chocolate brown hair was elegantly set up, with soft strands cascading down to slender shoulders, and Rufus felt the lack of oxygen become urgent.
Wine coloured eyes smiled at him, as Tifa stroke his arm while tilting her head quizzically, "are you alright, Rufus? You look a little flustered..."
A year ago, no one would have believed Rufus capable of feeling anything, but now he knew they could all see the raw emotions racing through him.
"Uhm, yeah," Rufus gathered himself, offering his arm. "You just took my breath away, that's all. You look beautiful! Now, I don't know about you, but I could sure use a drink."
Blushing, Tifa accepted his arm and they walked slowly over to the display of champagne, "you were always the smooth-talker, Rufus."
Rufus handed her a glass with a smile, "just telling the truth, Miss Lockhart."
However, as much as he clutched the box, Rufus found himself unable to open his mouth and say the words he'd been planning for weeks. It just never seemed the right time, and people kept comming over and interrupting!
His only comfort were the danced he spent in Tifa's arms, and the soft kisses they stole in secrecy.
After a lifetime of loneliness and anger, Rufus realised that, for once, life was good!
Then he heard someone scream.

Quickly gazing over, Rufus automatically scanned for his guards whereabouts and what the noise was about.
Five or six men dressed in dark clothing were running through the room, armed with strange guns, and they were heading straight for him.
Tensing, Rufus automatically reached for his shotgun, only find it missing. He never wore it inside the ShinRa building, and now sorely regretted it.
The guards quickly intervened, but there was gun fire and the ShinRa soldiers fell over without being able to even injure the intruders.
Several more gun shots, and Rufus blinked as Tifa threw her arms around him and clutched him hard in fear. He was shot?
Standing and staring stunned at the men approaching him, Rufus felt warm liquid seeping through his shirt, but was puzzled at the lack of pain as he absently wrapped his own arms around the trembling Tifa.
So this was how he was going to die?
Then at least they weren't going to touch Tifa! Rufus gathered himself to launch his own attack, when suddenly a figure came out of nowhere and the attackers scattered frantically.
All Rufus could detect was a hint of black and red as his rescuer moved, but his attention quickly turned to the woman in his arms.
"It's ok now," he soothed, stroking her back. "It's over."
Tifa didn't respond, and Rufus tensed. "Tifa?"
Leaning back slightly, he then had to catch her as her legs gave in. "Tifa!" Rufus was horrified to see the blood staining her dress, and gently lowered her to the floor. "Tifa, no! What... NO!" Placing a hand to the bleeding wound, Rufus touched her cheek to make her open her eyes. "Tifa! Tifa, look at me dammit!"
People were running around, and he heard gun shots, but didn't bother to raise his gaze. This could not be happening! Fate could not be so cruel!
Someone crouched beside him, mumbling a Cure3 spell and Rufus felt the wound close beneath his hand, yet the brunette showed no signs of opening her lovely eyes. He needed a Phoenix Down!
Gathering the limp Tifa in his arms, Rufus got up and glanced over at the one who had cast the spell.
She seemed vaguely familiar. Ah, yes... The flower girl.
The flower girl gazed over as someone approached, and Rufus followed her gaze to find the one who had interfered with the attack approach them. Long black hair obscured crimson eyes, and a red cloak hid his form from prying eyes. Vincent Valentine met his gaze calmly, with one limp form under each arm. The men responsible for the attack were complete strangers to Rufus' eyes, and his mind was still scrambling to catch up.
"They were obviously not to be caught," Vincent declared silently, letting them fall to the floor. "Poison pills."
Footsteps made them glance over as another person approached them, this one carrying two limp forms as well. In the background, a woman screamed at the sight.
"One got away," Sephiroth declared tensely, letting the bodies join with Vincent's discarded ones. "These two remained to stall me while the last one got away..."
"You," Rufus said venomously, "is this your doing?"
The flower girl placed a hand on his arm, gazing pleadingly at him, "you have to trust me, Rufus. Sephiroth is here to help."
Vincent frowned slightly at the sight of Tifa, "they were after Rufus ShinRa. Her injury must have been accidental."
"No," Rufus said in a distant voice, "she protected me." His head was starting to hurt, a strange suffocating feeling spread through his chest.
A door slamming reveal another presence, and Cid Highwind was cursing loudly as he was carrying a limp form over his shoulder, "the bastard dropped dead the second I got my hands on him!" He then started violently at the sight of Tifa and let the man fall to the floor, "what happened?!"
Rufus frowned in deep thought as he gazed down at Tifa's lovely face. She was so pale. Was she breathing? Yes. Barely.
"She got caught in the gun fire," Vincent declared silently. Knowing if he'd just been a few seconds faster, then...
Cid shook his head frustrated, "what the hell is going on?! First some monster shows up at my doorstep, wanting a piece of me! Then some ninja-wanna bee's crash ShinRa's party to kill him! Has everyone gone insane?!"

Phoenix Down didn't work.
Rufus stood watching Tifa on the hospital bed, as he had been for hours. It seemed to him that time had stopped. He would forever be trapped in that moment at the sound of a gun shot, and how she threw her arms around him. Her blood had been so warm.
The doctors could tell him nothing. Maybe she would wake up. Maybe she wouldn't.
Blood loss had left her in a coma, and there was no way of telling how deep it was. She was beyond their reach.
Rufus numbly let his hand slip into his pocket and pulled out the small box. The ring. He hadn't had the courage, and now it might just be too late.
He shivered and tightened his grip around the little box until his hand hurt. But that was nothing against the hurt inside him.
Every nerve in his body sang with pain, his skin tingled with agony and his head was throbbing. His world was collapsing around him, and all Rufus could do was to stand silently by and watch.
"Are you ok...?" The flower girl had approached him again, and Rufus didn't bother to answer.
Was he ok?! Of course not!
The flower girl shifted uneasily, gazing at Tifa's silent form as well, "it wasn't your fault, Rufus."
Oh, wasn't it his life they were after? Weren't the bullet mean for him, not Tifa? If there were any justice in the world, he would have been hit with that bullet, not the woman who didn't even have the heart to kill a spider. Rufus swallowed hard, but remained silent.
"Rufus, listen to me," the flower girl requested, "those men... They might come back to try and finish what they didn't succeed doing this time..."
Didn't succeed? Wasn't their aim to kill Rufus ShinRa? Tifa Lockhart had been the only thing that made his life worth living and they had taken her away from him. They had killed him in every way that mattered.
There was a long silence, then she seemed to realise that he wasn't about to answer her. The flower girl sighed and wrapped her arms around herself, not knowing what else to say. What could she say?
"The lost city," Sephiroth said from behind them.
Rufus hadn't heard him approach, but didn't bother to look at him. By all accounts, he should be surprised that the former general was in fact alive and not clinically insane anymore, but that too had lost any meaning to him.
The silver haired man walked up to Rufus' other side and gazed seriously at him, "ask the ancients for help. You saved this planet too, maybe they will listen to you."
For the first time, Rufus' blue eyes focused and he gazed over at Sephiroth, "are you saying the ancients has the power to save Tifa?"
"I'm saying you have nothing to loose," Sephiroth shrugged, his mind still reeling from moments before when the ancients had rammed the new orders into his mind.
Gazing back at Tifa, Rufus lifted a hand to place it against the glass that separated him from her, "nothing to loose..." If there was the slightest chance that he could save her, then Rufus would do it.
"Will you take me there?" Rufus asked in a voice that didn't even sound like his own.
Sephiroth nodded, and the flower girl looked even more worried. That should have worried him too, but it didn't.
"Give me an hour to prepare," Rufus declared and turned away from the sight that tore at his soul. Either he would get her back, or he would join her in the darkness.

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