Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where the lost ones go ❯ Off the edge of despair ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
4. Off the edge of despair

The lost city was as melancholically beautiful as always, the air thick with mysteries not meant for humans to understand. A peaceful silence resided there, and light banished darkness from every corner.
Halting by the path that lead out to where Aeris had said her final prayer, the group stood in silence and Sephiroth could feel the glances sent his way.
The former general found it almost painful to look where he had driven the Masamune through the slender body of Aeris, an unforgivable crime to him no matter what she said to soothe his guilt.
Rufus stepped forward to enter the plateau, and Cid moved to follow him but was halted as Sephiroth held out an arm in his way.
The pilot glanced confused at Sephiroth, who merely shook his head.
This was Rufus ShinRa's moment. It was all up to him now.
The ancients were whispering and murmuring in the air, and Sephiroth followed Rufus with a worried look. It wasn't going to be easy...
Rufus knew he should be worried. Should be afraid.
He wasn't.
He was there to get Tifa back, and nothing was going to stop him. He wouldn't allow anything to stop him!
Halting in the middle, he glanced around and hesitated. What was he supposed to do?
Rufus turned to ask Sephiroth if he had any more bright ideas, when suddenly something invisible rammed into him. Staggering back, he automatically clutched his head as voices began to speak inside his mind. Their words nothing but gibberish, Rufus fought to breathe and force them out.
Calm down, Rufus ShinRa!
A voice boomed over the rest, and Rufus trembled at it's force.
Then stop talking all at once, Rufus thought angrily and felt his head beginning to ache infernally.
There is no use in fighting us, Rufus ShinRa! The human mind is nothing against our powers!
That voice was not going to shut up or turn down the volume, was it?
Rufus gritted his teeth, forcing himself calm.
Sephiroth said you could give me Tifa back, the young man shouted mentally and closed his eyes to shut out the bright light that was beginning to bother him.
Tifa Lockhart is not for us to give! She may return from her straying path if she chooses to, but why should she want to return to 'you'?!
Taking an unsteady step back, Rufus fought down a shivering breath and willed his mind to work.
Because she loves me, he argued stubbornly to the voice only he could hear.
How can Tifa Lockhart love 'you'?!
Images of people suffering in the slums of Midgar flashed in front of his eyes, people appeared that he had ordered to be executed, women crying and men cursing his very name. And Rufus saw himself in all his arrogant glory, poised high above the slums and deep in luxury.
That's not fair! I've changed! Rufus thought furiously, knowing most of these crimes were over a year old.
Maybe Tifa Lockhart is happier now?
Ice cold fear struck Rufus. No, that was not possible! She wouldn't just leave him behind like this, and be happier without him!
I don't believe that! He repeated inside his head, clutching his hair hard enough to make it hurt. Pain was good. Physical pain he could endure, but not this constant agony in his heart.
Maybe she doesn't want to come back to you?
"Stop it!" Rufus' scream pierced through the silence. He drew a strained breath, shaking his head as he kept his eyes shut hard. It couldn't be true! He refused to believe it! Yet Rufus felt his confidence crumbling. Maybe Tifa had found her peace away from him? He'd always known he didn't deserve someone as kind and gentle as her, but he'd loved her with everything in him. She had patiently thawed the ice he'd surrounded himself with for years, and had learned him to feel again. His life was still a harsh and sometimes cold thing when he had to deal with the people he did, and sometimes he'd seen it pained her. She was constantly trying to make the world a better place for everyone, even the nobody's in the slum. Who could really blame her if she wanted peace?
Maybe you could never make her happy, and it is only your selfishness that is refusing to let her go?
The anger had now left Rufus, and he shivered miserably as his own thoughts were tossed at him by this bodiless voice booming inside his head.
The fiery haired man swallowed hard, remembering the last time Tifa had smiled to him. Her eyes. The scent of her. The feeling of her in his arms.
Why should she return to 'you'?!

Sorrow swept away his last ounce of strength, and Rufus crashed to his knees.
Why should she return to him?
"Because I love her," Rufus whispered distantly, staring emptily down at the ground as his eyes were stinging. He closed his eyes slowly, feeling the tears gently run down his cheeks.
Rufus ShinRa had never cried in his entire life, even the old woman who had helped him into this world had commented the eerie child's silence.
Now, he wrapped his arms around himself helplessly as tears flowed freely, "because I need her!"
Because life simply did not make sense without her! Because every day was grey when she wasn't there to greet him with her bright smile. Because she made him laugh, and simply held him close when he felt bad. Because he was willing to do anything to be with her again.
Then you will fight for this planet once again with your angel by your side...
Rufus didn't notice the piercing light as he had his eyes closed hard, but his eyes opened as he felt gentle arms wrapping around him and a familiar scent.
He didn't ask, nor hesitate, only wrapped his own arms around Tifa and hugged her hard against him.
The brunette closed her own eyes as well, feeling like she had finally found her way out of a huge maze and returned home. "Oh, Rufus... I missed you so much..."
She was on her knees in front of him, dressed in her old fighting gear she had used in their journey a year ago, and was perfectly real.
Pulling back slightly, Tifa frowned and took his face between her hands to force him to meet her eyes. Starting, she drew a gentle thumb over his cheek, "Rufus.. y-you're crying...?"
Smiling through the tears, Rufus let his own fingers run through her thick hair, "you're back..."
"Yes, I'm back," Tifa declared softly, her eyes warm with affection. "I heard your voice..." She absently corrected a lock of his hair, knowing his vain side. "I was so scared they had hurt you..."
Rufus' eyes flickered with pain, "I would have preferred if they had. No injury nor death could ever be as painful as loosing you, Lockhart. Don't you ever pull a stupid stunt like that again!"
Tilting her head, Tifa dried away another tear from his skin, "if it would mean saving you, I will do the same thing."
"Stubborn woman!" Rufus scolded, then merely pulled her close again. He was terrified of waking up and finding it all a dream.
Tifa smiled and hugged him tightly while resting her cheek on his shoulder. She was home again. She had been lost, but a light had guided her towards this place. This place was like a beacon to lost souls, and she had followed it, but only when she heard Rufus' agonized voice.
Then Tifa blinked. And blinked again.
"Rufus..." She mumbled silently, not completely trusting her eyes.
"Yes?" Rufus replied, relieved the tears were finally drying up. Not very manly, was it?
Tifa leaned back and met his eyes, "is that... Aeris?"
Getting up, Rufus helped her up as well. "Oh. Yeah. That's her." He remembered he'd forgotten to ask how that was possible.
Nodding, Tifa seemed to take in this information, then drew a slow breath before meeting his eyes again, "and the one beside her... that wouldn't be... Sephiroth, would it?"
"Uhm, well, that would be him, yeah," Rufus scratched his neck sheepishly. He had no idea why the silver haired warrior was there either. But who cared, as long as Tifa was back?!
Taking a gentle hold of her chin, Rufus tilted her face upwards and smiled slightly before stealing a soft kiss. "You're back... You came back to me..."

A few meters away Aeris was tugging Sephiroth's arm excitedly, "look! Look! Isn't it romantic?"
The silver haired man glanced over at Cid, who rolled his eyes at her words, and Sephiroth cleared his throat with a grin, "yeah, uh, very romantic."
Still, the pilot was undeniably happy to see his old friend back again and Cid felt an enormous weight being lifted of his shoulders. Red's death was still haunting him, and it didn't pass a day when he didn't hope that Yuffie would finally open her eyes.
So the infamous Cid Highwind was really a softie, he just made damn sure nobody knew.
Vincent seemed to be still gazing at where the bright light had appeared and Tifa had walked out of. Crimson eyes were piercing the place, like he was trying to will something to happen.
"Cid! Vincent!" Tifa exclaimed happily as she and Rufus joined them. A quick hug to the awkward Vincent, and a warm hug to the gruff pilot.
Aeris tried a smile as Tifa turned to face her, giving a little wave. "Hi again, Tifa. Glad to have you back."
Sephiroth's eyes narrowed as he measured the martial arts woman. He felt a nagging feeling that she would win in a fist fight, and that thought did not settle well with him.
"I thought you died," Tifa said carefully neutral, almost looking like she expected Aeris to vanish in a puff of smoke at any time.
Aeris cut a face, "I did. Sort of. The ancients woke me up again, and my mission was to reach Sephiroth in time while you dealt with Jenova."
Ah, yes, Sephiroth...
Tifa glanced at the former general, who looked tense enough to bite her if she came too close. "And why is he here?"
"'He' can speak for himself, thank you!" Sephiroth snapped, not used to being put in the back of things. "I'm here because the ancients told me to. Like the others, I expect you think that thing you so easily defeated in the Northern Crater was me? Like the others, you are wrong! Jenova and the clones could easily take my form, remember? The meaning was that I was to die for my sins, but Aeris willed it otherwise. So, here I am, doing the ancients bidding."
Raising a dry eyebrow, Tifa placed a hand on her hip, "and you expect us to just trust you?"
Sephiroth gave a mean smile, "frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn wether you and your friends trust me or not. My job is just to keep Cid Highwind safe, and that I don't need your trust for."
Aeris frowned and jabbed an elbow in Sephiroth's side, "behave, you!" She then sent Tifa an apologetic smile, "it's a long story... But you can trust him. He was the one who suggested Rufus should come to this place."
Tifa rubbed her eyes confused, feeling like the world had turned insane in the time she had been gone, "but... what about Cid?"
"Hell if I know!" Cid exclaimed, lighting up a cigarette. "But someone thinks it's fun sending weird monsters after me!"
Rufus frowned at the pale look on Tifa's face, and took a step forward, "let's just get back to the airship. We can explain on the way."
"For once a good idea!" The pilot declared merrily, grinning at the withering look he received.
Aeris felt the tension lift from the group, and saw Sephiroth ease down as well, "I agree. Let's go back."
Tifa nodded, then hesitated before glancing over at Aeris with a silent question, "does Cloud know...?"
Now it was Aeris's turn to pale, and she avoided her eyes as she gave a slight shake of her head.
Tifa hummed thoughtfully, then smiled as Rufus took her hand and gave it a light squeeze. Everything would be alright now.

Vincent watched them leave, hesitating a few more seconds as he kept looking at where Tifa had appeared, before turning to follow.
She's not here, Valentine.
The voice startled him, and Vincent spun around to see a faint flicker of light where he had been staring.
"Show yourself." The former Turk ordered, placing a hand on the hilt of Death Penalty.
Your question reached us loud and clear, but she is not here.
Forcing himself calm, Vincent lifted his chin slightly. "I asked no question."
Of course you did. Your heart and mind were filled with the question of the destiny of Lucrecia.
Vincent felt like the voice had manifested a hand and slapped him across his face, and his calm wavered for a few seconds.
True, he had wondered. When he'd seen Tifa appear like a ghost, he wondered if Lucrecia was wandering in darkness as well. If her soul had finally passed on, or if she still roamed this earth with her tormented mind.
He now had his answer.
A year ago, Vincent hadn't thought a brief affair with a woman he'd barely learned to know would end in the child waiting for him back in Wutai.
That was how he had learned Lucrecia was in fact alive, after all these years, and she had tried to take that child by the help of Chaos, the strongest demon dwelling inside Vincent.
Her mission had failed, but Vincent was agonized to find the woman he so desperately loved was no more than a faint reflection of the bright Lucrecia that had sealed his fate. He'd left her there, behind the waterfall, unable to do anything else.
Vincent had sworn to let go, but late at nights... in the silence... he was wondering.
Staring at the stars, and wondering where Lucrecia was. How she was doing. If she was thinking about him. If she ever would forgive him for his sins.
Vincent turned to leave when the voice came once more.
You have a promise to keep, Valentine, or the group will not be complete.
The former Turk frowned confused and glanced back at the flicker of light, "a promise?"
Someone else is waiting for you here in the darkness. Fulfil your promise, and the fairytale will come true.
The light vanished and Vincent silently followed where the others had left.
A promise? To whom? The fairytale would come true?
Just as he was about to leave the lost city, Vincent froze. He blinked. It couldn't be that easy? Surely not! ...Could it?
He remembered back a year ago, when they were leaving the crumbling Northern Crater.
Yuffie. She was hurt bad.
"You know what...?" Yuffie asked, her voice drowsy and her eyes barely open, hazed with pain, "I never even got to find a cool boyfriend... Did you know that?"
The former Turk shook his head absently, replying just as distant, "no, that I did not know, Yuffie."
Tears began to run down Yuffie's cheeks and she sobbed silently, "I don't wanna die, Vince... I haven't even been kissed yet! How pathetic is that?! Maybe Sephy did me a favour, huh?"
Vincent gritted his teeth, vowing he would not let die even if it meant he had to follow her into Deaths Kingdom and yank her back. He'd failed too many to let Yuffie down now!
"Yuffie," Vincent said in a firm voice, "you stay alive, keep fighting and do NOT give up, and I swear I'll kiss you myself!"
Giggling softly, Yuffie rested her head on his shoulder, "Vince... you old flirt..."
Vincent shook his head and marched on. No way. It couldn't be that easy.
Still, the words spoken from the flicker of light haunted him;
'and the fairytale will come true!'

For the second time in equally many days, Cloud found himself watching the sunrise.
He and Jessie had been traveling all day, and he was impressed that she didn't complain as they'd made camp. It wasn't like she was used to sitting on a motorcycle racing over bumpy terrain, so her body had to be aching infernally, but she never uttered a single complaint.
Maybe she had been through worse?
Cloud let his eyes wander over to the slender form standing on a small hill where she could see the sunrise reflected in the ocean. He wondered what they had done to her, but was almost afraid to ask. It wasn't really his business, and if she wanted to tell him she would in her own time.
One thing was for certain: Jessie intended to enjoy life to the fullest from now on.
Every sunrise, every sunset, the feeling of a light breeze and the smell of newly cut grass. It was all wondrous to her, and Cloud couldn't help but feel a little ashamed that he had taken all these things for granted.
Aeris was also telling him about the miracles that happened every day. The blossoming of a flower was a miracle in her eyes.
An angel would know about miracles, wouldn't she?
The pang of loss hit him again, and Cloud turned his gaze to the ground. Over a year since he'd failed her, and he still missed her as badly as the first day he'd been without her. He didn't care what the dreams said! He was never letting her go!
"What's with the look?" Jessie was standing in front of him, her face bright with excitement and happiness. A sunrise was all that took to make her happy?
Cloud forced a smile, "memories." He straightened from where he was leaning against the motorcycle called Fenris, "you ready?"
The first they had to do was to reach a town and get some supplies. Some clothes for Jessie that actually fitted her, and a weapon so she wouldn't be defenseless.
"Yupp! All ready!" Jessie glanced a final time back at the sun, "looks like another glorious day!"
Trying to ignore the uneasy feeling her words gave him, Cloud straddled the motorcycle, "yeah... Looks like it... Now, I think Junon is no more than a few hours north of here... We should get going."
Jessie nodded and climbed up behind him, sliding her arms around his waist. "Lead the way, Strife!"
She rested her cheek against his back as they raced off, sighing satisfied at the feeling of her hair whipping in the wind. Maybe she could get a proper shower when they were in town? There was only so much you could do by a river and monsters lurking in the bushes.
Jessie had never been outside of Midgar until she'd woken up after the explosion at the pillar. At the time, she hadn't even been aware that she'd left Midgar, only realising it when she had bolted out through the exit door and was greeted by the bright sun.
Junon was the harbour city, one of ShinRa's key cities, and the lair of Rufus ShinRa if she was not completely mistaken. Well, it used to be Rufus' place until, as Cloud had told her yesterday, Sephiroth had killed the old man ShinRa and left the empire to his brat prince. That brat prince that was now on the throne of Midgar.
Conversation was pretty futile on a roaring motorcycle, so the ride to Junon was completed in silence.
The only thing Jessie knew about Junon, the city, were the legends of how polluted ShinRa had made it. It didn't surprise her.
Whatever the filthy ShinRa put their hands on, it would be tainted and soon destroyed. ShinRa sucked the life out of everything!
Both Jessie and Cloud was stunned at the sight that met them when Fenris came to a halt just inside the city gates.

The tiny town that had been suffering under the harbour fortress was now a blooming trade-post, and ShinRa soldiers were mingling with happy inhabitants.
Cloud knew he was starting, but couldn't help himself. Seeing the huge machines barely visible by the beach, filtering and cleaning the water, did not improve the size of his mako eyes.
Then it dawned on him, and the blonde man gave a warm smile, "Tifa..."
Jessie glanced over at him, clearly lost. "What? Tifa? She's here?"
Cloud shook his head, motioned for her to get off the bike and followed himself, "no, but this is her work. Only Tifa would be able to make Rufus ShinRa take responsibility for this!" He was still marvelled and a little lost as to how his childhood friend could find anything to like in the brat prince.
"I can't believe Tifa ended up with 'him'!" Jessie exclaimed, cutting a face. "It's like... going against all that we fought for! ShinRa is the enemy!"
Cloud paid a young boy to keep an eye on Fenris before turning back to the brunette, "well... He 'did' fight with us against Sephiroth... and he helped us out several times on our way... Now, I'm not saying I like the guy, but he seemed to have a heart under all that ice after all."
Huffing, Jessie raised an eyebrow, "I doubt that. All ShinRa's are foul creatures! All they think about is money!"
"But with Tifa by his side, she wont allow him to continue his father's ways," Cloud explained with a faint smile, gesturing towards the town. "Just the changes here from a year ago is amazing! And I'm willing to bet my life it's Tifa's doing!"
Walking over to a booth with an eager merchant, Jessie perused the garments for sale, "maybe. But I still don't see how anyone could ever fall for a cold bastard like him."
Cloud sighed, waiting for her to make her decision while silently praying she wasn't as shopaholic as most females tended to be and took forever. "I didn't understand it at first either, but who am I to decide what she does with her life? I just want her to be happy, and for now it looks like Rufus ShinRa, for whatever reason, does that."
Smiling, Jessie sent the blonde man a gentle look. Just like she'd always thought, Cloud was much more than what met the eye. Not that what met the eye was bad, heavens no! But under that silent surface, there was a lot to be gently discovered.
To his utter surprise, Cloud felt a slight blush at the look Jessie sent him and blinked puzzled as she turned back to the items the merchant was waving in front of her. He never really had understood women, and once again found himself feeling that he was supposed to understand something, but didn't.
However, to his relief, Jessie had soon picked out her new outfit, went inside, changed, returned and was now asking his opinion as she turned around for him to see. "Well, whaddya think?" She smiled at him, holding out her arms and tilting her head as she awaited the verdict.
Heavy hiking boots, shorts and a tank top. The trademark bandana in place, deep crimson.
"You still need a weapon," Cloud declared, and walked over to the weapons booth.
Slumping, Jessie sighed, then followed him. "Not much of a fashion critic are you, Cloud?" She shook her head at the sword he held up towards her with a quizzical look. Jessie had never really gotten the hang to wielding a sword in way that she wasn't in any immediate danger to hurt herself or her companions. Shaking her head at the staff Cloud held up, Jessie began to peer at the different weapons herself. Then a smile crept forward as she finally recognized a weapon she knew how to use. It had been years since she'd wielded something like it, but at least she had some idea unlike how to swing a sword!
"I'll take this!" Jessie declared, picking it up, and Cloud glanced puzzled at her choice.
Paying the merchant his gil, Cloud turned to watch Jessie while scratching his neck, "you sure about that thing?"
Grinning, Jessie let the tip of the whip hit the ground with a loud snap with a flick of her wrist, "guns are really more my thing, but this will do for now." She'd seen the guns they sold here, and didn't trust any of them not to blow up in her face!
That was when she noticed Cloud had turned deathly pale and was staring at something behind her.

Turning abruptly, Jessie immediatly saw what had caught his attention.
A news sheet was hanging on the wall behind her, and the headlines were screaming; ASSASSINS FAILS. RUFUS SHINRA SURVIVES. TIFA LOCKHART SERIOUSLY INJURED!
"Oh, no..." Jessie whispered, placing a hand over her mouth to choke the sob threatening to break free.
Cloud silently walked over to read, a hand trembling as he placed it on the bottom corner to keep the sheet still in the light breeze. A small group of men out to get Rufus ShinRa at some party. Tifa got in the line of fire. Seriously injured. In a coma. Not certain if she would wake up. No official comment from Rufus ShinRa.
Red fury flared up inside Cloud and he unknowingly clenched his hand into a tight fist. He'd trusted Rufus! He'd trusted that he would take care of Tifa, and now she was badly hurt! He remembered the last time he'd spoken to her, Tifa trying so desperately to convince him that she missed Aeris as much as he did while her eyes were shining with happiness and her cheeks were flushed from Rufus' departing kiss. Cloud realised she would be happier without him in her life, so he had slowly removed himself from her until the day he simply hadn't returned to Midgar. She'd been hurt at first, but it was for the better.
Or, so he had thought.
Now she might never wake up again, just because Cloud had to trust the brat prince to keep her safe! He should never have walked away! He'd been unable to save Aeris, and now he'd failed Tifa as well!
For a second his eyes flickered at the picture on the news sheet, and a strange start went through him.
Frowning, Cloud smoothed out the sheet again and stared at the picture. It was taken after the shooting, guards and Rufus with Tifa in his arms. But... what was Cid doing there? And, if his eyes didn't deceive him, that person on the left looked an awfully lot like Vincent.
Ever since the final fight, AVALANCHE had slowly drifted apart, and the only person Cloud had spoken to in the last 6 months had been Barret.
Granted, Rufus had started up a new flight program, but that didn't explain why Cid would take the trip to Midgar as he shunned the politics and bureaucracy, and most certainly did not reveal why Vincent was there!
Something was strange about this picture...
Mako eyes widened and Cloud forgot to breathe, leaning closer. That person in the back... the one almost hidden behind a fleeting shadow...
A slender form with a twisted braid? Was his mind playing tricks on him? Was he really that desperate that he began to see things that weren't real? Because it couldn't be real, could it?
Closing his eyes hard, he shook his head before opening them again and focusing hard on the picture.
No, it was too blurry to confirm or deny what he thought he'd seen, and he let his gaze relax slightly. That was when he became aware of the shadow had a slight silver shine to it, like long silver hair. Like someone moving fast to get out of the picture frame.
Breathing strained, Cloud straightened and forced himself calm. Now he knew he was seeing ghost, but he was wondering when the image of Sephiroth would stop haunting him as well. He knew the former general was dead, he'd killed him personally! Twice!
Still, the silver haired man was sometimes looming at just the back of his mind. A ghost Cloud wanted to let go, but wouldn't release him!
"Cloud?" Jessie's voice snapped him back to reality, "are you ok?"
Cloud nodded absently, "yeah... I'm fine... Don't worry..."
The brunette had gathered up her whip, and it hung in a coil by her waist. "Now what...?"
"Now," Cloud declared, meeting her eyes firmly, "we go to Midgar. I have a few words to say to Rufus ShinRa and I want to see Tifa."

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