Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where the lost ones go ❯ Estuans interius ira vehemeti ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
6. Estuans interius ira vehementi!

Jessie had never seen an airship before, so unlike the happily surprised Cloud, she eyed the machine with awe and suspicion. Their trip to Midgar had been more or less uneventful, when suddenly this huge airship had come out of nowhere and sailed pass over their heads.
"Cid!" Cloud had declared, pulling out an device to push a blue button.
Managing the motorcycle with one hand, the blonde waited for an answer, while Jessie prayed nothing would disrupt the motorcycle's path and cause a painful crash.
"Cid!" Cloud shouted over the motorcycle's noise, obviously getting a reply on the device, "how much for hitching a ride to Midgar?" A short pause, then Cloud grinned, "take a look down, Cid! Yeah? Make that two passengers!"
Closing the device, Cloud glanced back over his shoulder to briefly meet Jessie's eyes, "you ever been on an airship?"
Jessie shook her head.
Decreasing the speed until they were barely moving, Cloud watched as the huge airship was slowly sinking towards the ground in front of them, "you're gonna love it. Trust me!"
Jessie didn't reply, merely tightened her grip around him slightly.
Finally the airship had landed, and a groaning sound was heard as the cargo ramp was going down to let them load the motorcycle as well.
Driving over, Cloud halted the bike just by the ramp and waved to the blonde man who came walking down to greet them. "Hi Cid!"
"About time you showed yer ugly face, Spikey!" The pilot greeted, "was getting worried you might have fallen into the Lifestream again!"
Cloud and Jessie got off the motorcycle, and Cid gave Cloud a quick hug, petting his back hard enough to knock the air out of the younger man. Then the pilot focused on Jessie, "and who's this then?"
Cloud motioned towards Jessie, "this is Jessie. Jessie, this is Cid Highwind. You remember I told you about him?"
Jessie nodded, reaching out a hand, "yes, I remember."
"All lies, whatever he told you! And, no, I did not walk intentionally in on Tifa in the shower!" Cid declared, taking her hand briefly while grinning to the blushing Jessie.
"Jessie, is that you?!" A voice called out, and the three turned to see Tifa come running down the ramp.
Even before Cloud had returned to join AVALANCHE, the group had consisted of Barret, Tifa, Wedge, Biggs and Jessie. Tifa had been there herself to see Jessie fall from the wounds inflicted by ShinRa guns, and was unable to do anything as the area was ruined by explosives. The wasn't even a remote possibility that anyone had survived! Wedge, Biggs and Jessie were all lost that day.
"Tifa, you're alright!" Cloud exclaimed happily, and Tifa came to a scudding halt in front of him as she blinked confused. Why shouldn't she be?
Jessie gave a trying smile, immensely relieved that her friend was alright after all, "we read that you were injured..."
Oh. That. Tifa smiled sheepishly, not really wanting to get into a heavy explanation now that she was finally reunited with Cloud, and one of her best friends hadn't died after all! This was turning out to be a really Halloweenish week! All the dead was rising! "You know how the papers always exaggerate! It was nothing really!"
Cloud smiled faintly, gazing down at his boots. "I'm glad you're alright, Tifa. I was worried." He glanced up to see Rufus ShinRa standing in the cargo entrance, and silently vowed to have a harsh word with the brat prince later. Tifa had gotten hurt, and Cloud was going to make damn sure Rufus didn't let that happen again. That was when Rufus smirked. And Cloud heard boots softly touch the ground behind him, like someone landing behind him with feline grace and stealth.
Cloud spun around and the world stopped.
Reptilian eyes were locked on him, lips smirking and hand resting on the Masamune.

Cloud had barely time to draw a startled breath before his instincts kicked in. Ignoring Tifa calling his name, Cloud shoved Jessie into Cid's arms, into safety, and pulled out his Ultima sword from where it was attached to his motorcycle. "You killed Aeris, you bastard!" For over a year Cloud had lived with the agonizing knowledge that he had failed to protect Aeris, and now the guilty one was standing in front of him again. Sephiroth only seemed to smile at the words and Cloud sneered before he shot forward to attack.
Moving faster than Cloud could see, Sephiroth had the Masamune pulled and easily fended off the first lash from the Ultima sword.
"That's all you got?" Sephiroth murmured silkily, low enough only for the blonde to hear.
Cloud exclaimed furiously, sending of a series of vicious attacks. Sparks were flying every time Sephiroth parried his sword with his own, the raw force behind Cloud's attacks not even affecting the silver haired man at all.
Pulling back, Cloud leaped up in the air and Sephiroth quickly followed, their swords colliding several times mid-air.
Landing smoothly, Sephiroth smirked even wider as Cloud was charging at him. That's it, he thought smugly, charge at me. Give me an excuse to kill you. Your friends are my witnesses. I did nothing, you just came at me. It was kill or be killed.
The former general took a hold of the Masamune with both hands, eyes locked on Cloud. He had underestimated him in the past, Sephiroth was not going to make that mistake again!
Sephiroth slowly backed up a couple of steps as he parried off Cloud's every attack without much difficulty, but the silver haired man was pleased to see that Cloud Strife had indeed turned into a very skilled swordsman. Any normal swordfigther would have had problems keeping the furious Cloud at bay, but Sephiroth was not just anybody. He locked their swords against each other, leaning forward as Cloud did the same, each trying to push the other back, and smirked at the hate radiating from the mako eyes. "your sword skills have improved, Strife. But you wont be able to defeat me this time."
Each swordsman pushed back and leaped a little distance away, measuring each other.
Then they charged. Clashing together, sparks flew by each fierce attack and parry, and Cloud suddenly realised that Sephiroth had yet to make a single attack. The former general had only been defending himself the entire time, and Cloud managed to draw a sharp breath as he realised his mistake. His final attack cut only through air as Sephiroth ducked, and the Masamune's blunt edge hit the blonde man's fingers painfully and sent the Ultima sword flying out of his hands.
Stumbling back, Cloud felt the blunt edge then impact behind his knees, and could only endure the humiliation as he fell straight on his behind while Sephiroth slowly straightened.
Cloud swallowed hard as he saw Sephiroth raised the Masamune for the final lash and he could only comfort himself with the fact that he would be with Aeris soon.
The sun glinted off the deadly sword, and the Masamune flew towards Cloud.
"Sephiroth, no!" A voice screamed, and Cloud closed his eyes hard. A second passed, and he became aware of that he was still alive, even if the Masamune had halted just as it met his neck, a thin line of blood running from the nick in his skin.
Cloud slowly opened his eyes to find Sephiroth glaring hatefully at him, breathing hard, but making no move to finish off the deadly attack.
Like an apparition, she was running down the ramp and came towards them. Tears running from her beautiful green eyes. Her hair in a twisted braid, dancing behind her as she ran. Like an angel, Aeris was running towards him just as perfect as year ago. No, there was even more beauty radiating from her now.
Halting behind the former general, Aeris slowly reached out and placed her hands on his dangerously tense shoulders and rested her cheek to his back, "please... Sephiroth, please don't..."
Sephiroth shivered, aching to drive the Masamune just a little deeper, and it would all be over.
Closing his eyes in defeat, Sephiroth drew the Masamune away from the blonde man and exhaled as he felt Aeris leave him to rush over to Cloud. He didn't stay to watch, slowly walking inside the Highwind again under every ones uneasy stares.

Aeris fell to her knees in front of the frozen Cloud, reaching out to examine the cut on his neck. "Cloud! A-are you ok...?"
Afraid to wake up and find it had all been a dream again, Cloud hardly dared to breathe. "Aeris...?"
"Yes," she barely managed to meet his eyes, guilt tearing at her. "It's me."
Cloud reached out a trembling hand, touching her cheek with awe. "You're... alive!" Was it really possible to wish something hard enough for it to become true? Pure happiness flooded his mind and Cloud wasn't even aware of doing so before Aeris was in his arms, hugging her close. The pain in his heart was finally starting to ease for the first time since he'd watched her disappear into the waters of the lost city. He had refused to believe what his dreams had told him, and this proved that he'd been right to do so! Aeris was meant for him.
Aeris closed her eyes hard, feeling the tears run down her cheeks. She'd missed him so much! His agony was her own. Her cowardness had kept her from facing him earlier, but now she was trapped. It was time to confess her sins. "Oh, Cloud..."
Blushing, Cloud released her and leaned back, realising what he was doing and that they were very much in public. The blonde managed a faint smile, drying away a tear from her face, "no more tears..."
Everything was going to be alright now. They were together again.
Slowly blind happiness was giving way to logic and Cloud shook his head confused, "how...? How is this possible?"
Aeris avoided his open and quizzical eyes, taking his hand as she got up, "not here. Let's go inside the Highwind. We can talk there. In private."
Stumbling to his feet as well, Cloud gave a sheepish smile as he saw her tiny hand holding his. Her hand was smooth and warm against his, so it couldn't be dream! It didn't matter how it was possible. All that mattered was that she was here with him.
Jessie watched as the two entered into the darkness of the Highwind.
The last days Cloud hadn't been any more talkative than when she'd first gotten to know him, but the few times she managed to make him utter several sentences it was about the flower girl.
He'd thought she'd died a year ago, but apparently, that was not the case. The girl leading Cloud away was very much alive.
Jessie told herself she was happy for Cloud. She'd seen the unbearable pain in his eyes every time he thought or spoke about Aeris. That pain was now gone. That was good. Right?
So why did it hurt to see him leave hand in hand with the flower girl without throwing a single glance her way?
"Come, girlie," Cid said surprisingly soft for his usual gruffness, "time to meet my precious baby; Highwind airship. The queen of the skies!"
Jessie didn't have to force the grateful smile she sent the pilot, and actually felt a little better as Tifa snuck an arm around hers and declared they were heading inside to catch up.
Cid scratched his neck, "are ya telling me I gotta roll in Spikey's heap o'junk all by myself?!"
Tifa smiled brightly, glancing back at him, "Of course not, Cid! Rufus is more than happy to help!"
The fiery haired man had been temporarily lost in thought, but started to life as he heard his name. Eyeing the dirty motorcycle with something less than enthusiasm, Rufus raised a dry eyebrow, "I am...?" He unknowingly stroke a hand over his white jacket, liking that colour just the way it was!
Halting in front of him, Tifa sent him a sweet smile and her big eyes, "please?"
Blue eyes narrowed as Rufus easily recognized her attempt to manipulate him, and he did not like it.
Two minutes later, Rufus was cursing softly as he and Cid pushed the huge motorcycle up the ramp. Just because he recognized Tifa's tricks, that did not mean they didn't work!

She couldn't see him, but Aeris felt Sephiroth's eyes on them as she lead Cloud through the hall inside the Highwind. She had to deal with Cloud first, then Sephiroth could yell at he wanted. She owed Cloud this much.
The doors to the meeting room closed behind them, and Aeris released the blonde man to take a few steps away.
There was a short silence, as Aeris didn't know how to begin and Cloud was still waiting for her to disappear in a puff of smoke.
Reptilian eyes. Silver hair. The sun glinting of the deadly Masamune.
Cloud started violently and spun around to stare at the doors, "Sephiroth is here!"
Aeris nodded, "yes, he's here." She finally turned to face him as he spun back around to stare at her. "It might be hard for you to understand right now, Cloud, but Sephiroth is our ally now. There is no reason for you to attack him."
Taking a step towards her, Cloud gesticulated agitated, "he attacked you! I SAW him run that cursed sword straight through you! That's all the reason I need!"
Aeris reached out and gently took his face between in hands in a soothing motion, "I understand you're angry, Cloud, but it's me you should be angry with."
"What? I could never be angry with you, Aeris," Cloud seemed to calm, confusion winning over fury. She had such a strange look in her eyes. That look made him uneasy.
Releasing him, Aeris drew a deep breath to gather her courage and avoided his eyes. "I guess I'd better explain, huh?"
Cloud reached out a stroke away a lock of her hair with a warm smile, "that would be nice." He then cleared his throat and pulled back his offending hand. It wasn't like him to be this imposing on other people's space, but he couldn't NOT touch her. Every touch told him that she was actually real. Her warmth chased away his fear of waking up.
Almost flinching at the affectionate gesture, Aeris swallowed down tears, "back then... at the temple of the Ancients... When Jenova manipulated you to give the Sephiroth clone the black materia... and made you... attack me..." She saw him pale and his mako eyes radiated guilt, "you passed out, and I watched over you for a while. Then the voices of my ancestors came to me. Telling me to go to the lost city. Alone." Aeris wondered if Sephiroth was listening too. She couldn't feel him close, but knew it hardly took an effort for the former general to hide himself from her. "I didn't know what would happen, but I knew I was going to face Sephiroth. And I had to do that without you straying from your path against Jenova. So the ancients let me die."
Cloud started violently, his mind reeling at the thought of the ancients putting the fragile Aeris through something like that on purpose!
"I wandered the Lifestream briefly," Aeris continued, "then I returned that very night." She turned away from his disbelieving look, "I set out to deal with Sephiroth and left the fate of the Planet to you. Sephiroth was just as surprised to see me like you were, and it was not easy to reach his soul. For a little while, I was certain I wouldn't be able to turn him back from the path of destruction he was so determined to walk. But... I refused to give up. And in the end... Sephiroth opened his eyes." Aeris heard Cloud breathe, but didn't dare to turn around and face him. She wondered if she would ever be able to face him again. "The Sephiroth we fought against, the one who summoned Meteor, was manipulated by Jenova. When he realised what he was doing, Sephiroth turned to side with the Planet and became our ally. It wasn't him you fought down in the Northern Crater, but a mere clone. Sephiroth was with me all the time, and has been ever since."
Silence followed, as Cloud let her words sink in. A part of him wanted to deny what she said was true. It couldn't be true. But he knew it was. Aeris would never lie to him. Still, she had been alive all this time? So the dreams hadn't been a figment of his grief-stricken mind. It had been Aeris' doing all along! Hurt, confusion and denial fought for dominance inside Cloud, and the blonde stared emptily at the floor. It was too much to take in at once. "Why didn't you tell me...?"
"Would you have let me go?" Aeris asked silently, already knowing the answer. They both did. "And after the battle... The ancients made a deal, for Sephiroth to live he had to become a soldier of the Planet. They give him orders and missions for him to repent his actions. This last year I've been helping Sephiroth with his missions."
Cloud gave a faint smile. That was the Aeris he knew. She was even willing to throw her life away to help a cold blooded murderer like Sephiroth. "So you've become Sephiroth's guardian?"
Aeris shook her head weakly, "no... I just..."
"I understand," Cloud said softly, his gentle hands stroking her arms as he stood behind her. "nobody can trust Sephiroth. You've stayed with him to make sure he didn't burn down another town. Always placing others needs in front of your own, so you gave up your own life and wishes for their safety."

At that moment, Sephiroth realised that he'd heard enough and silently walked away. A suffocating feeling in his chest and a sick feeling in his stomach.
Could it be true? The silver haired man knew she'd had strong feelings for the blonde, but maybe she never got over them? Maybe she had stayed with him because she felt she had to? Because she didn't trust him not to stray from his path again, Aeris was forced to give up on Cloud Strife and guard Sephiroth instead.
The thought made him clench his hands hard, and his eyes burned in a strange way. Could it really be true?
The airship shuddered to life and took off from the ground, but Sephiroth hardly noticed.
With Cloud Strife within reach, maybe Aeris would see what she was missing out on and decide to abandon Sephiroth to his fate.
If she was in love with Strife, Sephiroth would prefer if she left with the blonde. He did NOT want her pity. He never had.
Yet the thought of a life without Aeris seemed like a horrible prospect, and Sephiroth swallowed hard. He hadn't felt this uneasy in years.
Sephiroth knew Aeris was still in love with Cloud Strife, yet she had declared her love for him as well. But it was easy to settle with less when you had no other choice and shared a house with that person.
Anger and despair battled inside Sephiroth and he placed one hand absently on the hilt of the Masamune. Would Aeris had forgiven him if he had killed Strife?
With the blonde dead, everything would turn back to normal, wouldn't it? With Cloud Strife gone, there was no one else in Aeris' heart but Sephiroth!
It wasn't fair! Sephiroth sneered frustrated, shoving a crew member aside as he strode towards his cabin. He and Aeris was supposed to live happily ever after, dammit!
Entering the room, he slammed the door shut before leaning heavily against it. Sephiroth closed his eyes, feeling anger leave and resignedness settle in. He was never meant to experience happiness. He should have known that by now. Nothing good in his life ever lasted...
Sinking down to sit on the floor, still leaning against the door, Sephiroth leaned his arms on his upraised knees while staring emptily ahed.
It was over.
The second the doors had closed behind Aeris and Cloud when they entered the conference room, Sephiroth had felt her slip out of his hands.
So now what? Did he become furious and kill everyone? Was he supposed to be a good sport and shake hands with Cloud Strife and wish them well? Or simply curl up on the bed and cry his eyes out?
Sephiroth snorted despicably at option number two. Not bloody likely. Though he felt like doing both option number one and three, in any order.
Darkness stirred at the back of Sephiroth's mind, like a dog that had been dormant and felt the scent of blood in the air. Malice tentatively reached it's tentacles throughout Sephiroth's veins, while insanity opened a sleepy eye to the ruckus going on and wondered if it's banishment hadn't been forever after all?
Clutching his head, Sephiroth groaned silently and closed his eyes hard. The prospect of cutting Cloud Strife into tiny pieces were a little too enticing for his own good.
No, he was not going to returning to that state again! The former general used his iron will to force himself under control again, refusing to give Cloud Strife the pleasure of being right.
Sephiroth drew a deep breath, feeling painfully lonely.
She had promised that he was never going to be alone again, had she lied?

It had still been dark when he'd entered the room, but now dawn had come and left while the slender figure on the bed made no signs to move.
Vincent wasn't sure why he was hesitating as much as he did, but there was something sacrilegious about his mission in that room.
Sunshine was pouring in from the window, and it caressed pale skin while machines made the beeping noises that confirmed a regular heartbeat and a dripping sound came from the IV line. If it hadn't been for those machines, Yuffie could almost seem like she was only asleep.
The former Turk hadn't moved from the chair by her bed for the last five hours, merely watching her.
The first months after the fight in the Northern Crater, Vincent had spent countless hours in this room. He still did, but Rain's pregnancy and his daughter's arrival demanded more of his attention as the time had passed.
But Vincent hadn't forgotten his promise.
The others in AVALANCHE had tried to assure him it hadn't been his fault that Yuffie had slipped into the coma, but he would never forget how frightened the young girl had been when he'd carried her out of the Crater, telling her he would not let her die.
They'd tried everything, but Yuffie had to be the best in everything as always. Even diving into a coma, she had to do it so thoroughly that they couldn't reach her by normal means.
Her injuries would have killed any normal person, but Yuffie had never been the average girl and it didn't surprise anyone in Wutai that the girl was still hanging on. But every day that passed pulled her further away from them, and Vincent knew they were running out of time.
So he was willing to try anything...
"Someone else is waiting for you here in the darkness. Fulfill your promise, and the fairytale will come true." The voice in the lost city had told him, and Vincent had dismissed it as nonsense.
But the words simply wouldn't leave him be.
"Yuffie," Vincent said in a firm voice, "you stay alive, keep fighting and do NOT give up, and I swear I'll kiss you myself!"
Giggling softly, Yuffie rested her head on his shoulder, "Vince... you old flirt..."
A promise.
Moving his human hand over his face, Vincent sighed. The signs were all there. The promise. The fairytale. Nothing to loose.
Vincent slowly got up, gazing down at the silent Yuffie. A sight that he never would get used to, even after watching her lie like this for over a year. Yuffie simply did not keep still. It was as natural for her like a fish on a bicycle.
"Forgive me," Vincent whispered, leaning down and hesitated once more. A tainted murdered, he shouldn't even be let near this child, but he had promised her. She was still alive, still fighting and had never given up.
Closing his eyes, he let his lips met hers briefly and warmly, then pulled back slightly.
Vincent sighed, closing his eyes again and cursed himself to even beginning to hope.
"Not... much of... a kiss, Vince..." Yuffie's voice whispered groggily, and the former Turk started to life.
Vincent sat down on his chair, staring intently while trying to keep form shaking the young girl awake. "I'm afraid it's the only kind I can give you. The woman I live with and my daughter wouldn't allow any other kind."
A faint smile played over Yuffie's face, "just kidding with ya... That was... nice..."
Vincent actually held his breath as he watched her eyelashes fluttered, and couldn't move as Yuffie opened her eyes to look at him for the first time in over a year. "Welcome back."

Midgar was approaching fast and Rufus could see how the restoration of the ShinRa tower were just about complete after Meteor's almost destroying it completely. Good, things were going according to plan. The hysterical PHS call from Reeve after discovering that Tifa was gone had given Rufus the chance to get an update on everything that was going on, as well as order the defense of Midgar to a Red Alert level.
They still had the infected summon materia with them, and that would mean more monsters would follow them.
However, these were only brief thoughts passing through his mind, as Rufus was clutching the real object of his frustration in his right hand.
The ring.
Cloud Strife's arrival was a thorn in Rufus' already tormented side, and the look in the mako eyes promised Rufus a patronizing scolding of letting Tifa get hurt. The pain of the knowledge that he had failed to protect her was bad enough, he did not need a smug ass to rub it in!
It didn't matter. Rufus was still planning on giving Tifa the ring, still planning on asking her the Question. And once he got her alone, Midgar would be the perfect place.
They'd been through enough, it was time they made it official. Rufus knew he wouldn't look at any woman like he did Tifa Lockhart, and the thought of anyone thinking she was free prey was enough to make his blood boil with fury.
He needed her kindness to teach him how to be gentle, and he taught her to stand up for herself.
Give and take. Day and night. Light and darkness. They fitted together perfectly, and Rufus found himself at peace for the first time in his life when he was in her company.
Slender arms went around his waist, and a cheek rested against his shoulder blade as Tifa sighed satisfied, "you look thoughtful."
"Still recovering from the dust that attacked me from Strife's bike," Rufus muttered grumpily, stroking her arm lovingly.
Giggling softly, Tifa hugged him, "Rufus ShinRa traumatized by a little dirt?"
Turning around in her arms to face her, Rufus grunted offended, "it was no 'little' dust-monster, I tell you. The next time, the damn bike can be left behind for all I care!" He stroke away a dark lock of hair from her face, trying to read her eyes. He knew the relationship between Tifa and Cloud Strife was undefined, at the best, and he always got nervous whenever the damned blonde was around. Cloud was the only person capable of making Tifa do something against her will.
Tifa gave a faint smile, feeling his unanswered question. "You shouldn't worry, Rufus. With Aeris back, he doesn't know I'm alive."
Frowning, Rufus let a finger trail over her tempting lips, "does that bother you?"
"Of course it does," Tifa sighed, turning to rest her head against his chest. "It always hurts when a friend ignores you."
Rufus still wasn't satisfied, but let his arms go around her and held her close, "want me to shoot him?"
Unable to keep from it, Tifa giggled and slapped his arm half-heartedly, "Rufus!"
"Hey, I'm reasonable... Just one in the leg?" Rufus suggested benevolently, "my bullets should leave him with a severe limp for the rest of his life, even if he uses Restore materia immediately."
Giggling louder, Tifa tried to squirm free in vain, "let go! I'm gonna hit you, you know!"
Rufus grinned, holding her firmly against him, "I know. Guess I just gotta hold you like this forever, huh?"
Sneaking her arms around his waist again, Tifa smiled widely as she snuggled closer, "sounds pretty good to me!" It was amazing how Rufus ShinRa was always able to put a smile on her face again. How he refused to let her put herself down, but made her walk tall and with pride.
"Lockhart?" Rufus asked silently, placing a light kiss by her temple.
"Yeah, ShinRa?" Tifa replied, closing her eyes to listen to his heartbeats. That sound always soothed her nerves and made her feel calm. At peace. Safe.
Rufus smiled faintly as the Highwind lowered itself over Midgar, "keep your evening free, ok? I got a surprise for you..." And he opened his hand to gaze at the sparkling ring he held right behind her back, "and I think you're gonna like it..."

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