Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where the lost ones go ❯ In the arms of the angel ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
8. In the arms of the angel

Cloud shifted nervously, drawing an absent hand through his hair before knocking on the door. It was hard to believe, but here he was to take Aeris out. Just the two of them. In this last year, he'd gone over everything he wanted to do differently if only he could have turned back time. One of them was to spend as much time with Aeris as possible, protecting her with his life. He would never fail her again! Cloud knew the vision of Aeris dying in front of his very eyes would never leave his soul, and now he could only hope to create better memories for later. Her smile. The way her hair danced when she walked. Her laughter. Everything.
The door opened and Aeris sent him a faint smile, "Hi Cloud... I'm ready..."
Cloud smiled as well, abruptly holding forward a red rose, "I, ah, got it for you..."
The surprise and happiness in her eyes were bright as the morning sun, and yet Aeris almost appeared sad as she slowly accepted it, "Cloud... That is so sweet of you. Thank you."
The blonde man blushed sheepishly as she reached up and planted a kiss on his cheek. He took a step back and rubbed his neck awkwardly, "W-we should get going..."
Nodding, Aeris closed the door behind her and accepted the arm Cloud held out for her, "Where are we going?"
"I know this place... It's n-not very fancy, but it's nice," Cloud explained, trying to not to stare at the woman by his side. How often did dreams come true? A year ago he would have given anything for a second chance, and now Aeris was walking by his side. A year in agony was worth this moment.
Aeris was gazing down at the rose in her hand, fighting to stay focused and not let her mind drift away. She owed Cloud so much, and this was how she repaid him? After what she had done to him, letting him believe that she was dead for over a year, she deserved to die for real. "I'm sure it's a really nice place, Cloud."
Slightly relived by her faith in him, Cloud nodded eagerly, "It is! Even Tifa recommends it, and you know how fuzzy she can be about restaurants. Her bar always were spotless, and she wont go anywhere that isn't!"
True to his word, the restaurant was a cozy place, and Aeris was feeling even more guilty for enjoying herself. Cloud was so happy by her just being there that he came out of the shell she worked so hard to bring him out of a year ago. His mako eyes were bright and she was pained to see the golden locks of his hair fall the way she loved. Cloud hadn't changed much, still being the man she was so drawn to. Still the man who made her happy with his tiny smalls. His inner strength still shone so fiercly that she would have killed for him right then and there.
And yet Aeris was in pain.
Cloud hadn't changed. She had.
The stars were shining brightly when they were walking back, and Cloud smiled as they halted in the street while gazing up. "Good thing Rufus got rid of the top floor. The slums seems a totally different place now that you can actually see the stars..."
"It's not really slums anymore, Cloud," Aeris corrected as she slowly gazed up at the sky as well. She was wondering if he was looking at the stars as well...
Cloud gave soft laugh and glanced over at her, "You're right. Reeve has done an amazing job with this place!" He then slowly reached out and stroke a lock of her hair away from her face, his heart thundering nervously as she glanced over at him. "I'm so sorry," he whispered agonized, "I'm so sorry I couldn't save you...!"
Starting slightly, Aeris quickly took a hold of his hand and held it to her cheek, "Cloud... It's time you realise that you cannot blame yourself for what happened... There was nothing you could do. We can't change our destinies."
Cloud closed his eyes and shook his head, "If only I had been faster... If only I had done something, not just standing like a fool! If only I could have met that sword, and not you!"
Tears were filling Aeris' eyes and she walked over to place her arms around him, "I never blamed you."
"I do," Cloud whispered as he placed his own arms around her, holding her close to his heart.

Jessie was running for her life. She didn't know if they knew she had escaped, but she knew what would happen if they caught her again.
Jessie was dreaming, but that was the one thing she didn't know. All she knew was that she was running for her life, knowing she could never let them catch her!
Nobody had heard her screams for the entire time she'd been there, so nobody would save her this time either. Jessie was on her own. Hearing creatures roaring behind iron doors, Jessie had the sickening feeling that she was not the only one they did experiments on. Humans, monsters and animals. They were all here.
Guards! Jessie leaned against the wall as she had peered around a corner, seeing the two armed men by a door. A door that was probably the exit.
Panting, Jessie closed her eyes briefly. What was she going to do now? She couldn't go back! Never! But those guards had guns!
"Think!" She hissed silently to herself, pressing a fist to her forhead as if she could threaten out an idea out of her frightened mind. "Think!"
Days, weeks and probably months passed in a blur so Jessie had no idea how long she had been there. The last thing she remembered was talking to Cloud after fighting the ShinRa, then an explosion... Then... waking up here in a white cell...
Strangers calling her by a number rather than her name, refusing to answer her questions or even reply to her in any way. It was like she didn't exist.
But the pain did exist. The needles and the test were all very real.
Who were they and what were they doing to her? Jessie had no idea, but she knew she had to get out of there!
And one day, her chance came.
Jessie took it!
The guards were laughing at something, and the sound made Jessie's stomach clench in fear. She had to get out of there, but how?!
A howl caught her attention, and Jessie stared at the door opposite of where she was standing. It was risky... It could mean her death... But so would staying in that cursed cell of hers!
Jessie drew a deep breath and ran over to the door, her hands trembling beyond her control as she began to unlock it...
Gasping for air, Jessie sat up in her bed and gazed wildly around the room.
A dream. No, a nightmare. A nightmare about her past.
Trembling, she got up and walked over to the window. The stars were shining in the sky and Jessie sobbed silently. Her heart was still thundering with fear, like it had when she escaped from that dreaded place. The darkness in her room refused to let her forget about her dream, and Jessie sank down on the floor.
She was so scared. And so alone.
And like before, nobody heard her tears and nobody came to save her.

Dawn had barely broken and Sephiroth had already been traveling for hours. Luckily Trigger was a chocobo who enjoyed a challenge, and was currently trotting merrily along with light steps. Only Sephiroth's heart was heavy.
Was this a mistake? The last time he'd been close to Jenova, she had manipulated him easily and left him without control. He was not ready to give up on his newly found freedom just yet, not even for 'mother'! Yet he had to face Jenova once again...
A couple of green eyes and chestnut hair wandered into his mind, and Sephiroth shook his head briefly to shake the memory of Aeris away. She'd haunted his dreams that night, and lack of decent sleep made him grumpy. Well, that's what she used to tell him anyway...
No, Sephiroth shook his head again, let her go. It's over.
Hours later he barely reacted when the chocobo's clawed feet were running over restless ocean water rather than firm ground, feeling oddly empty in some way.
The former general closed his eyes briefly, wondering if it was impossible to change what destiny had decided? Could he move the stars that said Aeris belonged with Cloud? Was an iron determination enough to make his wishes come true?
Of course it is, a voice whispered in the back of his mind.
Sephiroth opened his eyes and smiled, "Ah, there you are. Never far away, are you, Jenova?"
A mother always looks after her child, the voice slithered through his head, even if that child betrays her most cruelly!
Sephiroth shuddered, feeling the familiar feeling of Jenova stirring inside him, "You always were full of empty words, Jenova. Now be quiet." She wasn't real, he told himself. Not his mother. Aeris had shown him that, opened his eyes.
Focusing, he saw the beach line in the horizon and urged Trigger to run a little faster. The closer he got to the crater, the stronger Jenova would become. "I'm not becoming your puppet again, Jenova, but we will be working together once more!"
Was there a soft laugh inside his mind?
Clenching his jaw, Sephiroth silenced the sound by the force of his will and kept his eyes on the horizon.
Finally reaching the dry land again, the silver haired man figured he had a few more hours left before dusk and quickly calculated the fastest way over the mountains to the Norther Crater. Sephiroth let Trigger trot in her own pace, knowing the chocobo had to be tired as well. "I'm gonna buy you some extra good greens, ok?"
The gold chocobo warked merrily and Sephiroth laughed silently. Sometimes he could swear that the bird understood his words!
But he had no doubt that it was the chocobo's lightning reflexes that saved his life as Trigger leaped to the side just as huge claws rammed into the ground where they'd just been. Claws connected to an enormous arm, which again connected to an even bigger body. Rather ungracefully clinging to Trigger's neck to prevent himself from falling off, Sephiroth straightened as he saw the giant monster sneer angrily at it's failed attack. The former general had the feeling that the monster did not to intend to miss again!
Trigger was already running at an incredible pace before the monster could raise it's claws again, and Sephiroth heard it howl angrily. Glancing down at the small bag he'd attached to his waist, Sephiroth knew the infected materia would make monster able to follow them even if they did manage to out run it. Trigger couldn't keep this pace up the entire night until they reached the crater, not after traveling the entire day. The former general closed his eyes hard, forcing his mind to work out some plan, and was nearly sent flying to the ground as Trigger suddenly changed direction abruptly to the left. Sephiroth exhaled sharply as he barely managed to hold on, but lost whatever breath he had left when he saw the second monster that had caused the chocobo's sudden manoeuvrer. Two monsters?!
Sephiroth swallowed hard as he saw the first monster come stomping down the hill as well as the second monster were chasing after them. This was bad! This was very bad!
Just as they reached the top of a hill, a ball of fire flew by so close that Trigger lost balance, clearly showing the bird's fatigue, and Sephiroth didn't even have time to curse as they fell.

Sephiroth scrambled up on all fours, frantically groping through the snow until he found the small bag with the infected materia. Tying it to the belt again, the former general glanced over as Trigger got up as well. The bird appeared unharmed, but was breathing hard from it's sprint and the shock of the fall.
A howl cut through the air, and the first monster appeared on the top of the hill looming over them. It looked simular to the monster that had attacked the airship, only it's hands were grotesquely enlarged and it had to drag them as it walked. The second monster wasn't far behind by the sound of it's roars. Sephiroth realised there was no way to avoid a battle. The chocobo had given what she had to give, and now it was up to Sephiroth to save himself.
Gazing over at Trigger, Sephiroth pulled out the Masamune, "Run. Get away. Now!"
The chocobo made a quizzical sound, tilting her head in confusion. Surely he did not mean for her to leave him here?
The former general smirked, cutting the air with his deadly sword, "I'll be fine! No GO! MOVE! GET OUT OF HERE!" He turned his back to her, focusing on the monster trampling down the hill as it's companion was appearing on the top. "I said, get away!" The silver haired man lashed out his sword at the startled chocobo, and Trigger warked frightened before she turned and ran. Sephiroth sighed satisfied, before jumping away just seconds before the claws of the monster hit the ground where he'd been standing. "Alright uglies," Sephiroth raised the Masamune as he leaped up in the air, "It's just you and me now. You ready to die?"
If it had only been one monster, Sephiroth realised he might have stood a chance, but with the two creatures aiming to rip him apart he just had to focus on avoiding their attacks. In the end, he would tire and they would kill him. He had to counter attack somehow, but a opening never came!
Any human would have been dead after minutes, but Sephiroth was still able to keep them at a distance after an entire hour. A crazy plan was forming and the silver haired man knew it was unlikely to succeed. It was his only choice. He ran between the monsters, dodging their attacks but not running away, waiting until the right moment, then leaped up in the air as the monster with the huge arms lashed out after him. Missing Sephiroth, the monster hit the other creature instead, it's claws tearing through the grey skin. The wounded monster howled insanely, thrashing in blind rage and severed a huge arm from it's unintentional attacker.
Landing beside them, Sephiroth afforded himself a small smile. Success!
Then the tail of the wounded monster flew at him, and Sephiroth's eyes widened. He was too slow, and the spiked tail impacted violently with his mid-section, throwing the former general through the air as he screamed with pain. Blood flew from the wound a spike inflicted in his side, and Sephiroth hit the ground hard on his back, feeling his breath being knocked out of him. He could hear the monsters fighting each other, but he was unable to get up. His entire body ached so bad, and was numb from the impact. His head was spinning and wouldn't stop! Finally he noticed that the screaming had stopped, and Sephiroth knew that one of the monsters had won. That monster that was now stomping it's way towards him with thundering steps.
Sephiroth coughed, feeling the blood spread in his mouth, and tried to force his body to move in vain. He'd been right back then, he wouldn't be returning to the house in Icicle town...
He managed to open his eyes a glitch, seeing the one-armed monster towering above him and felt a strange sense of panic. He didn't want to die yet!
A flash of gold flew over him, aiming straight for the monster's face and Sephiroth heard Trigger wark furiously as she set her claws in her enemy.
Reptilian eyes opened completely in surprise and disbelief as he saw the golden chocobo attack the monster twenty times it's own size, letting her sharp claws tear at the grey skin. Attacking, leaping away before attacking again, Trigger soon had the monster leaking it's black blood from multiple wounds and it was thrashing blindly after the bird.
Anyone who has heard a chocobo scream in pain would tell you it's one of the worst sounds in the world. Chocobo's are rarely used in wars, and only by the most heartless ones. A chocobo, angry or happy, would use it's light warks or soft cooing. They were naturally cheerful, even when running from hungry monsters aiming to eat them. A chocobo in pain let's out a piercing scream, a sound that should never come from a gentle, carefree creature.
Sephiroth started violently as Trigger screamed when the monster's claw hit her, and he could only stare as blood flew through the air as she was flung to the ground.
Then anger flooded him, and Sephiroth stumbled to his feet as he reached out for the Masamune. The sword flew to his hand from where he'd dropped it and the silver haired man took a step forward as the monster aimed to continue it's attack on the silent form of Trigger, "Hey! I'm the one you want! Over here, you bastard!"
The monster turned to face him, lifting it's remaining claw, and Sephiroth charged. "You'll pay for that!"

Already severely injured from the second monster, as well as from Trigger's attack, the monster was no match for a furious Sephiroth, and when the Masamune cut through it's throat it fell heavily to the ground to never get up again.
Falling to his knees beside Trigger, Sephiroth was panting for air and twitching with pain. He was bleeding and suspected several of his ribs were broken, but his hands were trembling as they reached out to touch by the blood-stained feathers. "You idiot... I told you to run, didn't I...?"
The chocobo was breathing short and fast, but tried to lift her head with a soft coo of apology.
"Shut up," Sephiroth growled, digging out his Restore materia. A second reason chocobo's weren't used much in battles; Chocobo's were magical creatures and materia one had about 1/3 of it's designed effect on them. Great against attack materia, hopeless when you tried heal materia."If I let you die, Aeris will never forgive me, ok?!" He closed his eyes and threw the first Cure3, almost loosing courage as he saw how little effect it had, but forced himself to throw a second one. Then a third. Sephiroth exhaled wearily after throwing the fifth Cure3 and saw the wounds finally closing, he felt ready to pass out, but the cold wind told him that if he did; Sephiroth would never wake up again. Glancing around, he saw a small cave under the hill they'd fallen down and he got up on shaky legs. Dusk was settling over them and nightfall would bring the temperatures even lower. Sephiroth had only enough energy to throw a single Fire1 magic, so Restore was out of the question to use on himself and the former general tied his belt around his stomach to slow down the bleeding. Gently touching his ribs, the jabs of pain confirmed that they were broken. "Lovely," Sephiroth muttered, remembering how he hadn't bothered with bringing ether or potions as he didn't foresee any fighting. Really clever!
Sephiroth reached down into the small bag and pulled out Trigger's bridle, glad he brought it along despite that he never used it. He kneeled down beside the panting bird and snuck the bridle on despite the weak objections. The materia might have healed the worst wounds, but it could never take away the pain in the stunned nerves and convince the body it was not going to die. Just because an injured man was cured with materia didn't mean he was safe, there was still a great risk of dying from the shock the body had received.
"Come on, Trigger," Sephiroth muttered, tugging at the reins. "Get up. You gotta get up." He frowned as the chocobo barely reacted, and pulled the reins harder. "Dammit, bird! Get up, unless you want to die here!"
Barely lifting her head, Trigger sent him a hazy look and gave a soft coo as a plead for mercy.
Sephiroth hardened his heart against the pitiful sight and yanked at the reins, "If you stay here, you'll freeze to death! You're no ice chocobo, remember?! Even they take cover at night! So get up!" He yanked again, even letting the loose end of the reins slap over the chocobo's neck. "Get UP!"
Slowly and painfully, the huge bird was gathering her feet beneath her and Sephiroth groaned with pain as he pulled her to her feet. "That's it... Come on... Up you go..." The silver haired man lead her towards the small cave, yanking her along every time she halted and ignored her pleading sounds. Only when they were safely inside and out of the snow did he let the golden chocobo lie down again, and soon Sephiroth had a small fire going. He was freezing as well! And so tired...
A soft coo caught his attention and Sephiroth glanced over at Trigger drowsing by the fire, "I wont apologize! I did it to save your life! So what if you think I was a bit harsh? You'll live thanks to it! Ungrateful poultry!" Then he blinked surprised as the chocobo inched her way over to curl up behind him, snaking her graceful neck around him to rest her head in his lap.
A few seconds later, as he let the warmth she provided sink in and the softness of her feathers against him eased the tense muscles, Sephiroth let a gentle hand run over her head. He'd never liked chocobos. He still didn't. But... he liked this one. The one who had saved his life and nearly lost her own.
Chocobos were renowned for their cowardness and they were never loyal to their masters.
Trigger had returned to fight a futile battle against a huge monster to protect her master.
"You're alright, featherbrain," Sephiroth murmured as he leaned back against the warm chocobo. "Just don't tell Aeris I said that, ok?" Then his own injuries and weariness caught up with him, and the world started to fade away. Aeris... Sephiroth missed her... Wished that she was there too... Like it had used to be... Just the two of them...
Somewhere, far away, he thought he heard a worried wark, but Sephiroth couldn't stay awake anymore.
He just wanted to sleep.

The PHS shattered the peaceful silence as it began to ring loudly, and Tifa blindly reached out to fumble for it on her night table. An irritated grunt confirmed Rufus' annoyance at the rude awakening, but he merely hid his face to Tifa's neck and tried to will himself asleep again. Finally finding the noisy machine, Tifa opened her eyes just a glitch to see the identity of the caller. Cloud? Tifa brushed her hair out of her face and pressed the button, "Mm yeah...?" She smiled slightly as Rufus shifted beside her, inching even closer as he was spooned against her back. "What did you say, Cloud...? I'm sure it's nothing to worry about..."
Rufus opened a blue eye, giving a mental sigh as he could almost hear the whining tone of the blonde. Why couldn't Tifa just hang up? She was too kind sometimes! Having one arm around her waist, Rufus placed a warm kiss to Tifa's shoulder blade as he let his hand slide over her stomach. "Hang up..."
Squirming and giggling, Tifa slapped his hand lightly, "What's that, Cloud? Nono, it was nothing. Just Rufus, ah, snoring. Yeah. N-now I'm sure you needn't worry about anything."
Rufus lifted his head and glanced offended down at her. He did not snore! This meant war!
"I know it's strange, Cloud, but things have changed since the last time we were gathered," Tifa had to smile as Rufus stroke away her hair and began a teasing attack of kisses up her neck. She absently tilted her head into the pillow to bare her skin, "Listen, Cloud... Can't we talk later?" It was getting increasingly difficult to focus, especially as Rufus' hands were following up on his attack. "No, I understand that... Y-yes, I agree, but..." She was unable to resist as Rufus gently eased her over on her back, turning her face to his with a gentle hand on her cheek. The brat prince was grinning. Tifa huffed frustrated, "But Cloud... I just... Yes, I mean, no, of course not!" She got no further as Rufus caught her lips and more of her resolve seeped out of her. Breaking the kiss, Tifa turned her face away to try to calm her breathing, "Cloud... What? N-nothing. Now, listen, there is nothing to be done about that n-now..." She closed her eyes hard as Rufus continued to torment her, and Tifa wanted to cry with frustration. She was SO going to get back at Rufus for this! Later. Tifa opened her eyes to gaze into Rufus' teasing eyes and she swallowed hard, "Cloud? I'll talk to you later..."
Rufus chuckled satisfied as he heard Cloud's puzzled 'what' before the PHS was switched off and fell to the floor from Tifa's limp hand, "Wise choice."
Tifa frowned, placing her hand behind his neck, "You're going to pay for this, you know..."
"Looking forward to it, actually," Rufus murmured, happily obliging her guiding him down into a kiss.
Tifa smiled into their kiss, giggling softly as they became even more impossibly tangled in the sheets.
That was when Rufus' pager went off, bleeping loudly as if announcing the end of the world.
Rufus lifted his head abruptly and glared over at the contraption on his night table, "You're kidding me?!"
Laughing, Tifa slapped his shoulder lightly, "And you complain about my calls?"
Rufus cursed and grumbled as he crawled over to grasp the pager, peering at the identity of the caller before throwing it to break into pieces against the wall. "Too bad it's broken. Guess they're just going to have to wait."
"What if it's important?" Tifa tired to reason, failing to hold back a giggle as Rufus crawled back to her.
Rufus huffed, stroking a finger over her tempting lips, "Nothing is more important than you."
Tifa softened, "Rufus... That is so sweet of you..." She reached out to caress his handsome face, but blinked surprised as he took a gentle hold of her wrist.
Rufus glanced at her hand, before meeting her eyes, "Nothing should matter more to me than my future wife, should it?"
Tears came to Tifa's eyes as she glanced at the ring on her hand as well, seeing it glimmer in the semi-darkness. "Have I mentioned that I love you, Rufus ShinRa?"
Humming, Rufus leaned down to gently assault her neck with kisses again, "I seem to vaguely recall it... But feel free to mention it again at any time!"

Tifa had just said a reluctant goodbye to Rufus by his office, savouring the promise that they would spend the evening together just the two of them, when she found a familiar person waiting outside her dojo. Blinking surprised, Tifa tightened her wrist guard absently as she walked over, "Aeris? Is something wrong?"
Green eyes flickered nervously and Aeris fidgeted with her sleeve, "I just... I need some advice..."
Those words surprised Tifa even more. She would have never thought Aeris would come to her for advice on anything. She and the ancient had never been on unfriendly terms, but they were far from close. Cloud was always between them. "Sure, if there is anything I can do, I would be glad to help."
The smile Aeris sent her was of pure gratitude, and Tifa wondered if she had been worried that her plea would be refused. Still, it had to be important to make Aeris turn to someone she only knew as a silent rival for the blonde swordsman. "Let's go inside, and you can tell me what's on your mind."
The two entered the silent dojo and was soon seated on a small bench, while Tifa was growing increasingly curious. A year ago, Tifa had watched in quiet pain as the cheerful flower girl had stolen the heart of Cloud, and left her in the shadow of her brilliance. Now it was Tifa's eyes that were shining and her face flushed with happiness. Aeris appeared pale and tense. She looked so different from the person Tifa remembered. "So what's the problem, Aeris?"
"A year ago I set out to stop a crazed murderer from ruining the planet, with every intention of getting my mission done and return to you guys. Only..." Aeris swallowed hard and stared down at her hands fidgeting in her lap, "Only, instead of a cold soldier of chaos, I found a lost soul desperately seeking to belong in a world that did not want him. Sephiroth grew up with no parents, confined in laboratories and put on display like a trophy after sending him into blood-soaked wars in the name of glory. After a life of pain and no kindness, Sephiroth was easy prey to Jenova's promises of love and revenge. He didn't stand a chance." Aeris dared to sneak a peek at Tifa's face, waiting to find disgust and disbelief. She was relieved to find neither, only gentle curiosity. "At first, I pitied him. Then I realised he was not beyond rescue at all. He responded to a gentle approach and even showed interest when introduced to something new, something not painful or violent. He even enjoyed the snowball fight we had! Yes, the great Sephiroth played like the child he never got to be. But... I think it was when we danced under the Northern Lights that I realised... that I was falling for this wounded man... Falling badly..."
Tifa raised her eyebrows, unable not to be surprised at what Aeris was telling her. Everything sounded so different from the Sephiroth she thought she knew, but so many had that opinion about Rufus as well. "So... you didn't stay with Sephiroth to make sure Jenova didn't regain control over him again?"
Shaking her head, Aeris stared at her hands again, "No... No, I stayed with him because I wanted to. Because... I love him."
Now Tifa started, unable to hide the shock at the words the flower girl whispered so softly. She loved him?! Her murderer and nemesis? But when Tifa thought back, on the trip back to Midgar, Aeris and Sephiroth had been distant from the others and touched each other with the intimacy beyond friendship. Smiles. Glances. The sings were all there. "But..." A thought struck Tifa, "Cloud...?"
Tears were filling Aeris eyes and she sniffled silently, "That's where I need your advice..."
"You don't love him anymore?" Tifa asked cautiously, not doubting the pain in the flower girls voice.
Glancing over at her, Aeris managed a ghost of a smile, "have you stopped loving him?"
The question baffled Tifa, but she gave resigned smile in return, "Cloud Strife is not a man you stop loving." And it was the truth, no matter how much she loved Rufus, she could never be indifferent to Cloud. However, her love for him had changed. Just as strong, but more like from a sister to a brother.
Aeris nodded, wiping a tear away, "I don't know what to do..."
Tifa reached out and took her hand, "do you love them both?"
"Yes," Aeris sobbed, "but... I need Sephiroth. And he needs me!" She bit her lower lip to keep the break down away, squeezing Tifa's hand in gratitude, "I just don't know what to do..." How did you hurt a man who loved you so openly? A man who had suffered such agony because he thought you were wandering in the Lifestream. What words did you use to destroy a person more dear to you than your own life? And how was she going to live with herself if she did so?

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