Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where the lost ones go ❯ Shattered dreams ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
10. Shattered dreams.

"Sir? Mister President?!" Reeve desperately called out to get his attention, "Rufus, please!" He knew better than to try an attempt to physically restrain the fiery haired man, as Reeve was painfully aware over of that he was no fighter and Rufus would gladly punch his lights out. "You cannot...!"
The explosion had Rufus on his feet before Reeve could react, and just as quick picked up his shotgun before running out of the office to seek the commotion.
The first rule of staying alive through dangerous times was not to take unnecessary chances, and Reeve was the grand master of that. When someone wanted you dead, you generally didn't run straight into their waiting arms! Still, he called out pleas to deaf ears as Reeve watched Rufus run down the hall.
This was crazy! ShinRa soldiers were positioned everywhere to deal with this situation! They were highly trained and paid to protect Rufus, and lately they were even showing signs of becoming loyal to the brat prince unlike their dislike for the old President ShinRa.
Rufus ShinRa was a cold bastard, but he had the face of an angel and a silky smooth voice. Words were his tools as much as his beloved shotgun, and Rufus could use them to make the worst appear to have happened for the best.
Reeve's dreams for Midgar would take forever without Rufus' face on the TV screens! And chaos would surely erupt if they lost their leader in this time of rebuilding!
But Rufus didn't even hear the other man call out his name as he ran down the halls. Blue eyes shining with determination. They wanted Rufus ShinRa? They were going to get him, and this time no innocents would suffer! He would never hide, nor run away!
His racing heart and boiling anger were suddenly deflated with the infusion of puzzlement when Rufus exited the ShinRa building to find a group of soldiers surrounding someone who was cursing in a very familiar, shrieking voice.
"Lemme go, you goons!" The voice demanded furiously, "Don't you know who I am?! I will count to five, and if you buffoons haven't released me by then... Hoo boy, you're in trouble! Now, ooone...!"
Rufus walked closer and the soldiers stepped aside to give him access.
"Twooo...!" A slender frame, short dark hair and a weapon that should be too big for her small hands. "I'm serious, you guys! You don't wanna see what happens by the count of three! You're SO going to regret this! Oh yeah, you're going to regret this for the rest of your soon to be short lives! Two and a haaaalf...!"
Placing the shotgun in it's holster underneath his white trenchcoat, Rufus closed his eyes briefly before flicking away a lock of his hair. "Yuffie... You're roaming the earth again, I see..."
The young ninja spun around to face him as the soldiers released her, and she grinned widely. "ShinRa brat! You're just in time to save your troops!"
Rufus stared blankly at her. She called him a brat?
Yuffie cackled satisfied and hoisted her over-sized weapon on her back before placing her hands on her hips. "Lost for words, ShinRa? Never knew YOU would be that happy to see me! But then again, I can only disappoint you! You're really not my type!"
Rufus blinked, then started with offence. "W-what?!"
Before the fiery haired man could utter another word, Yuffie absently started brushing dust off herself. "Damn mines! Good thing I have lightning reflexes, supreme ninja skills and amazing intelligence! I would have gotten in if it hadn't been for that final mine! Pretty good security for a snob, ShinRa!"
Rufus drew a sharp breath, his hands tightening into fists by his sides like they were wishing they were around Yuffie's neck. "Why, you little...! All this, was you?!"
Grinning, Yuffie crossed her arms and tilted her head, "No need to be embarrassed, ShinRa! I'm a superb ninja, I can sneak through anything!"
A single heartbeat away from pulling out his shotgun and fire all his remaining shots at the young woman, Rufus suddenly froze as he felt someone watching him. Forcing himself calm, Rufus glanced around. "Show yourself!"
Yuffie tapped a finger on her chin as she smirked. "Maybe the ShinRa dweeb isn't a complete idiot..."
Materializing out of the shadows, Vincent appeared as unfazed as ever while walking towards them. "It was my idea. I wanted to test the security."
Rufus huffed offended, "Thanks for the vote of confidence! But why is the tasmanian devil here to torment us again?"
"What did you say?!" Yuffie yanked forward her weapon again, even angrier as Rufus merely laughed at the sight.
Vincent's crimson eyes rested calmly on Rufus, "Two more monsters are on the loose, and out to kill the one carrying the infected materia. I saw Cid is still here. Who's traveling north with the materia?"

Cid heard the explosion, but the ShinRa soldiers had quickly surrounded him with orders to keep him there and keep him alive. The pilot considered fighting his way through them, but realised it would only be foolish. They were only trying to protect him, and Shera was soon by his side to keep him from heading towards the commotion as well. The wait felt like hours, before a message was sent over the soldiers communication systems that there was no danger and Cid was free to wander again. The blonde watched the soldiers apologize sheepishly to him before slinking away, a strange feeling of numbness creeping over him.
"Cid?" Shera gently stroke his arm while gazing concerned up at him.
Cid sighed and managed to send her a faint smile, "It's nothing, Shera. Don't worry. Finish up on yer work, ok?"
She frowned slightly, knowing him too well to believe that nothing was wrong. "Where are you going, Captain?"
"Jest need to think a bit," Cid muttered, turning away. "And I expect those blue prints to be ready when I return! Understood?!"
Nodding, Shera swallowed down the pain of being pushed away from the man she loved. "Roger that, Captain."
Cid wasn't sure where he was going himself, just that he had to go somewhere or turn insane. These last days he'd been completely bound to the ground, and this was the longest Cid Highwind had been grounded for 7 years. The sky was calling out to him, and his heart was bleeding as he was unable to reply. His wings were clipped and he was slowly choking.
Wandering aimlessly for almost two entire hours, Cid ended up sitting on the ceiling of an abandoned house in the slums and gazing longingly up at the sky. The blonde pilot found it hard to believe that for not so many days ago he had lived his carefree life and the blue sky was his second home. Now he was chained to the ground, grotesque monsters from dark nightmares brought to life and out to kill him. And the question would not leave his mind; Who?
Who was behind all this? Who was it that wanted him dead so badly? Who had created such monstrosities just to shed his blood? Who had anything to gain from his death? Who was his enemy?!
Cid inhaled deeply from his cigarette, watching as the column of grey smoke dance towards the heaven he longed to reach. He heard the steps and recognized who it was long before the person sat down beside him, but Cid was relieved when he didn't get the usual questions spawned by well-meant concern. At least it meant that Shera hadn't sent him to check up on her husband.
For a while, they both sat staring at the sky in silence, then Cloud finally glanced over at him. "Give us time, Cid."
Nodding, Cid inhaled from his cigarette again. He had complete trust in that his friends would uncover the answers, he was just wondering if he would be able to stay sane while they were seeking them. It wouldn't have been so bad if he'd at least been allowed to help, but Cid was wrapped in cotton and stuffed into a dark closet for safe keeping. Hell, he was barely allowed to work on the Highwind, but the Venus Gospel had aided him in getting permission to at least do that!
Whoever it was that was out to kill him, they were doing a pretty good job! Take away the sky from Cid Highwind, and you just about took his life from him.
Strange how poetic and thoughtful you got when someone wants you dead... Especially when you realise how that you basically like being alive!
"So what was the ruckus about?" Cid asked, tipping the ashes of his cigarette.
Cloud smiled, relieved to be able to deliver some good news at least. "That was the unmistakable sound of Yuffie being back among us!"
The pilot chuckled surprised, the news bringing much needed happiness to a heavy heart. "I told you that runt is too stubborn to be kept sleepin' for ever! 'Sides, who else is gonna bugg the hell outta us? Nah, knew she would be back! So that was what Valentine jumped overboard to do... I'm guessing our goth-buddy arrived with Miss Noisy?"
"Yeah, but he and Rufus darted off to whisper secret stuff so I didn't get to ask him how he did it," Cloud mumbled, oddly uncomfortable at how the former Turk had barely granted him a nod as a greeting. But then again, Vincent Valentine wasn't renowned for his open nature and hearty displays of affection towards his comrades.
Cid glanced over at Cloud again, this time with a teasing smile. "So... how's Aeris?"
The effect was immediate. Cloud turned beet red, and smiled sheepishly. "Uh, well, she... It's kind of hard to believe, you know? Everybody dreams of a second chance, right? So how to react when you actually get it? It's like... It's like a dream come true! I'm just saying, Cid, I'm not going to mess up this time! I'm going to do anything I can to keep me and Aeris together!"

It was strange how everything seemed different from when he had left. Sephiroth found that the scenery wasn't as crappy as he remembered it to be, nor was the bird songs that annoying, really. He didn't feel like summoning Meteor again either.
Strange indeed.
Sephiroth had set out to face Jenova once again, carrying with him infected materia that was sure to attract huge monsters out to kill him until he was beyond dead, but he was three times as determined when returning from that mission than when he'd set out to accomplish it. He was ready to fight!
Knowing Aeris, it was preferable that he settled things without bloodshed, but there was always a possibility that Cloud could have an 'accident' on a mission and end up dead. It could happen.
The silver haired man smiled at the thought, absently petting Trigger's neck. Possibilities were good!
Midgar could be sighted in the horizon, and Sephiroth urged the golden chocobo to increase it's pace. He wanted to get back as soon as possible, eager to see Aeris again. He knew he'd been too hasty to judge what had happened, and that she really hadn't done anything wrong. Her meeting with Strife that evening was most likely a completely innocent ordeal, and he could dislike it without blowing a fuse like he had. And still knowing Aeris, she was probably worried about him. Aeris always worried about him. Nobody used to worry about him, until she stepped into his life. Of course, there were people who didn't want to see him hurt or damaged in any way, but that was just to protect their research. Aeris wanted him to be safe and happy.
In her arms, he was both.
Reaching Midgar, Sephiroth raised an eyebrow at the increased security, but had to compliment Rufus on his foresight. The attack on Midgar would come, but now they were prepared for it apparently. The question was if Sephiroth could get past the checkpoint.
"Sir! Welcome back, Sir!" A young soldier eagerly saluted Sephiroth, standing in what looked like an almost painful attention. "We've been awaiting your arrival, general! Please enter, Sir!"
"I'm not really a," Sephiroth began, having lost the title of general the second he turned against ShinRa back then, but one look on the worshipping face of the soldier told him it was useless. "Very well, soldier. What's the status?" He might as well get some information.
The gate closed behind them, and Trigger walked in a lazy pace to allow the eager soldier beside her to keep up.
"Sir! The soldiers are armed and ready for any attack, sir! Security at code 2, and Turks have been employed! We're ready for anything, Sir!" The soldier managed to throw in another salute, somehow able to keep his straight attention even while walking.
Sephiroth gave a slight, absent smile. Wondering if this young boy had ever been in a single battle, or knew what kind of monsters they were up against. Ignorance was obviously bliss apparently.
"A-and Miss Aeris will be so relieved to see that you have returned well," the soldier stuttered, blushing at his daringness.
At the mentioning of her name, Sephiroth quickly gazed down at him, "What did you say?"
Swallowing hard, the soldier nervously saluted for no reason, it appeared to be a nervous twitch under the reptilian gaze. "Ah, well, Miss Aeris has been coming to the gate every day to inquire after you and hopefully greet you when you returned. Yesterday she was down here three times, Sir."
Sephiroth stared emptily ahed. She had been going to the gate every day in hopes of seeing him in the horizon, waiting to be there when he returned. The Chocobo Sage had been right after all; Sephiroth had been an idiot!
"Where... might I find Miss Aeris at this hour?" Sephiroth inquired nonchalantly, trying to appear calm at least.
The soldier lit up again, relieved that he hadn't said anything wrong. "She should be on her way right now, Sir! She always brings tea to the soldiers on watch duty around this time, Sir! Sir, yes, Sir!"
Jumping off Trigger, Sephiroth handed the soldier her reins. "Take her to the stables for me, would you? There's something I have to do..."
He knew he didn't have to use the usual threat about treating the chocobo to the best of the best and that he would check up on that later, because the soldier was staring at the huge bird with almost as much awe as he had showered on Sephiroth. "Of course, Sir! It would be my honour, Sir! Sir, thank you, Sir!"
Grinning slightly, Sephiroth returned the fevered salute with a regal one, then turned and walked hastily towards the ShinRa tower. Aching to see Aeris again, wondering how she would react to find him back as her waiting had not been futile.

Aeris checked a final time that she had remembered everything, peering into her basket once more as well.
Tea? Check. Cookies? Check. Chocolates? Check. Dry socks? Check.
Well, it looked like everything was in order. Turning of the lights in her room, Aeris closed the door silently behind her and walked down the hall.
Maybe they would spot Sephiroth in the horizon today? The soldiers were trying so hard to cheer her up, and she was relieved to be able to hide with them for a few hours of the day. She sighed as she stepped outside of the building, and the heat hit her like a ton of bricks. The sun was still shining, and Aeris found that after a year in the icy village, her tolerance for heat had decreased. She never thought there would come a day when she would long for rain! And she could tell the earth did as well.
"Aeris! Hi!" A voice greeted her happily and Aeris turned to face him with a smile.
Walking over, Cloud reached out a hand. "Want me to carry that for you?"
Aeris hoisted the basket slightly, "It's not very heavy..."
"That's ok," Cloud took the basket from her and smiled sheepishly. "Where are you going?"
Aeris began to walk down her usual path, "Down to the gates."
Again? Cloud thought, seeing a pensive look on Aeris' usually so cheerful face. "I'm sure the guards are really appreciating it. Your cookies are the best, after all!"
Smiling faintly, Aeris remembered the first time she had served them to the blonde man by her side. It had been a happy day. Aeris closed her eyes briefly, telling herself to be strong. Rufus' words constantly came back to haunt her;
"I must congratulate you, Miss Gainsborough, you handled the situation most clumsily. You acted weak in a situation where someone had to get hurt, and you ended up hurting Sephiroth much crueler than needed."
And now it was time to act strong, and hurt the man who loved her higher than his own life.
"Cloud...?" Aeris hated how her voice was trembling!
Halting, the blonde man smiled with utter trust. "Yes? Is something wrong?"
Aeris had stopped as well, staring at her boots. She had no idea how to start. She didn't even know what she wanted to say, much less how to say it!
Cloud carefully put the basked down on the ground, took a step towards her and took a gentle hold of her chin to make her look at him. "Whatever it is, you know I want to help you if I can. If you will let me."
Tears flooded Aeris' eyes and she bit her lip to keep a sob silent. Why couldn't Cloud just be a complete bastard? It would have made things so much more easier! Why couldn't she just forget about their past and any feeling she might harbour for him?! She didn't want to hurt him!
It was no hard task to see that Aeris was struggling with something, and Cloud shifted uneasily. He'd never been any good in these situations. He had the feeling that a pat on the back and a 'there-there' wouldn't do the trick. So, he just kept quiet and pulled her into a gentle embrace.
Aeris closed her eyes hard, feeling a tear leaking down her cheek before moistening Cloud's shirt. "I... I'm so sorry, Cloud!"
Blinking puzzled, Cloud stroke her back reassuringly. What did she apologize for? Ah, for letting him suffer through an entire year in the false belief that she was dead. "It's okay, Aeris. We're together now. Don't think about the past."
"No, it's not okay," Aeris whispered, clutching him hard. "Nothing is okay. I'm such a terrible person, Cloud. I hate myself!"
Cloud started, glancing down at her. "Aeris! You're the kindest person I know! You couldn't be terrible even if you tried." He then smiled gently and caressed her cheek with a warm touch. "And you're just as beautiful as you're kind..."
Giving a faint shake of her head, Aeris sighed agonized. "Cloud... I'm not... You have to..."
Cloud was sad to see that she still wasn't at ease, feeling it was almost unnatural to see anything but a smile on her face. "Nobody can be angry with you, Aeris. Nobody." And his hand slid back behind her neck as he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.
Aeris tensed, her hands going up to his shoulders to hesitatingly move him away. When Sephiroth kissed her, he took her breath away. Left her trembling and weak. This kiss was... nice. Warm and affectionate, but so very wrong. And she could feel the burning gaze before she even got the chance to tear loose and spin around to face Sephiroth.
Frozen in mid-step, the former general was looking at them with a disbelieving look.
Cloud started as he recognized the look in Sephiroth's eyes; It was the same gaze that had reflected in Cloud's own eyes as his reflection stared back at him while he was watching Aeris sink into the water at the lost city. It was the eyes of a man who'd just lost everything.

"Sephiroth!" Aeris exclaimed as he spun around to stalk away.
Fear made her heart race wildly as she ran after him, ignoring Cloud's started call of her name. Dear Planet, she had to try to explain. Why did it have to happen like this?! It only happened in bad romance novels! He had to listen to her! Everything couldn't have been in vain, could it?! "Sephiroth, wait! Please!"
Sephiroth halted, but didn't turn back to face her as she came to a halt behind him. "Did he force you?" His voice was dangerously low, seething with promises of violence.
Aeris hesitated, knowing Sephiroth would march straight back and kill Cloud if she said so. She couldn't live with that either. "No... But, Sephiroth, it wasn't..."
He made sign to stalk away again, and she reached out to touch his arm.
Gasping frightened, Aeris started violently as Sephiroth spun around and had the Masamune's deadly edge by her neck. "You stay the hell away from me, you hear?!"
Aeris was unable to speak, seeing the hurt radiating from the eerie eyes. Like any other predator, Sephiroth reacted with deadly force to defend himself when he was injured. And the fury flooding his senses told her it was no use talking to him now. He was not ready to listen to anything she had to say.
Sephiroth took a step away, slowly lowering the Masamune. Then turned and marched away. Away from her.
"Aeris!" Cloud was suddenly by her side, eyes wide with worry. "Are you ok?!" Once again he had failed to protect Aeris from Sephiroth's sword! So much for promises about doing better the second time around.
Tears were running freely now as Aeris shook her head, watching numbly how Sephiroth was stalking away from her. "No... I think everything just turned not-ok."
Cloud shook his head confused, placing a light hand by her arm. "What are you talking about?"
Yanking her arm away from him, Aeris turned to face him. "You really don't understand, do you?" Fear and guilt made anger rise and she knew she really should just keep her mouth shut, and not make things worse!
Frowning, Cloud crossed his arms. "No. I don't."
"I love him!" Aeris exclaimed, almost hysterical. "That's why I've stayed with him all this time. That is why I've been down at the gates to await his return every day! I love Sephiroth! There! I've said it! Now you see what kind of person I am! Now do you hate me too?"
A cold feeling spread in Cloud and he drew a shivering breath, trying to sort through what she just had thrown at him. "No... I don't hate you... But I think I'm just gonna talk to you later..." And so, the blonde man walked away from her with a hurt look in his eyes as well.
Now she'd lost them both.
Aeris sank to her knees, hid her face in her hands and cried.
Sephiroth had to listen to her, had to let her explain. She loved him! She needed him! They belonged together!
And Cloud... Aeris could only pray that he would forgive her...

The image of Aeris in Cloud's arms flashed constantly in front of Sephiroth's eyes, and he found it almost hard to breathe.
So many feelings were battling inside him for dominance.
Anger. No, red fury! Hurt. No, torturing agony. Sadness. No, unbearable sorrow. And loss... Irreplaceable loss.
So that was why she had been waiting for him? To tell him about them herself. To make sure he didn't hurt the puppet. Let Sephiroth down gently.
The former general didn't know where he was going. All he knew was that he had to get away from them. From her.
Sephiroth clenched his hands into tight fists, trying to keep from loosing control. He felt like screaming. He felt like killing someone, anyone. Make someone suffer as he was suffering.
He was leaving the rotten city, that was for sure!
That was when a surge of pain rammed into his head, making Sephiroth stumble a step as he clutched his head with a mute scream.
The voices of the ancients were clawing inside his mind, pounding into him that he had a mission! That he was to stay and ensure Cid Highwind's safety. He was now their soldier, and he was going to obey orders.
"You can't force me," Sephiroth gritted out, the increasing of the pain making blood trail down from his nose. His legs were trembling, and his body ravaged with convulsions. He heard the orders that he was not able to go against them, but a flicker of stubbornness remained. "I'm not afraid of death! Kill me, I don't care!"
For a second, everything turned black. A horrible pain raging through him, with voices murmuring in the darkness of destinies worse than death.
Sephiroth was down on all four when he came to again, coughing blood and heaving for air.
His eyes were distant, the pain barely registering in his mind. His thoughts were still swirling around the ancients voices telling him to leave Aeris alone. He was not worthy of her. A fallen daughter of the Planet was too good for something like Sephiroth. Sephiroth heard the smugness in their voices, knowing they'd blamed him for Aeris' choice to give up her powers for him.
Right now he wished she'd never done that.
Stumbling to his feet, Sephiroth swayed unsteadily while moving his hand over his chin, smearing the blood even worse.
He would not be allowed to leave Midgar, and the ancients wouldn't let him die.
Trembling, the silver haired man felt the taste of defeat bitterly.
Sephiroth was trapped.
A minute later, he was slowly making his way towards the ShinRa tower. Being a tool was nothing new to Sephiroth, and maybe if he played his part well enough they would set him free? Let him join the Lifestream? It was a long shot, but there really wasn't anything else to do.
Fury calmed and settled in the depths of his heart to harden into cold bitterness and determination. That was better. Calm was always the best answer, and he was able to think much clearer. Sephiroth might have lost this fight, but the war against the ancients were far from over!
He was going to make them regret bitterly doing this to him!
The former general smirked as the doors to the elevator closed after he'd entered, and Jenova gently stirred inside him.
"There now, mother-dear," Sephiroth mumbled absently as he was gazing at his own reflection in the glass wall of the elevator. "It appears that you were right all along, doesn't it? Too bad that doesn't make me want to join hands with you again. You're no better than them, anyway. So shut up."
And Jenova obeyed.
For now.
She had all the time in the world.

The scientist sighed annoyed at the knock on the door to his lab, but peered up from his microscope. "Enter!"
A soldier entered and saluted. "We've just gotten the reports from the scouting teams."
Straightening, the scientist felt a flicker of interest. "Yes?"
The soldier shifted uneasily, clearly uncomfortable in the company of wailing test-subjects and failed experiments dying with agonized sounds. "Uhm, the Alpha team reports that they located Number 88 and Number 45. Both neutralized."
The scientist frowned slightly, not pleased that two of his most successful experiments had been killed. Who would be powerful enough to defeat two such finely homed weapons like Number 88 and 45?
"However," the soldier continued, "there would appear that the ones who'd battled against Number 88 and Number 45 were not completely unharmed either. Blood samples have been retrieved."
The news lightened the loss a little, and the scientist nodded his approval. Those blood samples could give him the answers he wanted, and the identity of the person that was ruining his mission! "And the runaway subject?"
"Delta team reported that she had been sighted in Junon, accompanying a man with a motorcycle. His name is Cloud Strife." The soldier knew the name well. Everybody did. Cloud Strife and AVALANCHE had defeated Sephiroth and prevented Meteor from destroying the planet.
A short silence followed, then the scientist smiled unpleasantly. "Cloud Strife, eh? Hojo had a little fun dabbling with his DNA, if I recall correctly. Jenova cells were also injected into Strife, but with no great success. Our little stray has gotten herself a protector, but it will make little difference. Find Strife, and you'll find my specimen!"
The soldier saluted, "We believe that they set course for the city of Midgar. Scouts have already been deployed!"
Nodding, the scientist fanned him away and didn't move again until the door closed and he was alone again.
That was, he was never completely alone. His experiments were all watching him. Some with fear, others with anger. The scientist smiled slightly, the prospect of getting his runaway specimen back lifted his spirits and he felt inspired again to continue his work.
"Too bad you don't understand the greatness of what you're honoured to be a part of!" He let his eyes wander from specimen to specimen, walking over to check on some tubes entering the semi-conscious body of a Nibelwolf. "And soon we shall have the name of the one who is responsible for killing your brothers!"
The scientist made a mental note to remember to give orders to take the warrior alive. A warrior capable of killing such beasts were worth taking to pieces and study!
Picking up a chart, he studied it while humming a light tune. Suddenly things had gone from dreary to quite interesting!
The future was looking bright indeed!

Suddenly everything is quite a mess in the FF7 world...
Until next time, thanks for reading!
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