Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where the lost ones go ❯ Ain't missing you at all! ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
11. Aint missing you at all!

This was so stupid! So incredibly silly! He would have betted his entire fortune that he would never allowed himself to sink so deep as to end up in this situation! In fact, he would have been willing to bet whatever was asked of him. He was that sure! There was no way he would end up like this! And still...
Rufus leaned back and placed his feet leisurely over the corner his desk, smiling sheepishly. "Yeah, Tifa. I miss you too." He glanced out the window and chuckled silently at the reply he got. "I'll be sure to remind you of those words later this evening. Yeah, I'll try to keep the meeting short, but you know how these people like to talk!" The fiery haired brat prince laughed silently at Tifa's reply, "Tifa Lockhart! And this is the mouth you kiss me with?" And laughed even more at the reaction he got from the woman he was set on sharing his life with. Rufus' eyes got a tender look and he gazed at the picture of Tifa on his desk. "Fortunately you're so lucky that I still love you despite your language, Lockhart." He reached out and stroke a finger over the picture, smiling gently. "Yeah? Well, you should be. For all I know, you could only be marrying me just for my good looks and my money." Snickering, Rufus leaned back into his chair again. "You know, I happen to be the most-handsome-man in Junon three years in a row!" The reply was the proof of Rufus' influence over Tifa's increasing sarcasm skill, and the young man laughed satisfied. "If I'm so horrible, then why are you marrying me?" Rufus hummed softly at the response, "And I love you too..." He closed his eyes and sighed. Strange how Tifa was only one floor away, and it felt like she was on the other side of the world. His schedule was simply too busy, but that was going to change. Rufus was cutting back on his work load, at Tifa's request, and was soon to be busy planning his wedding. If only he could persuade Reeve from making a public circus out of it... Rufus wanted Tifa to have her special day without journalists buzzing around her like oversized gnats. "Don't you think I'd rather spend time with you than being cooped up with dead boring officials? Hopefully we'll seal the deal today, and I'll have some free time. Yeah, I said I was going to go over the guest lists tonight, didn't I? You're so enticing when you're all bossy, Tifa." Rufus laughed as he could almost hear her blushing over the phone. "Maybe later I'll let you..." At that moment Rufus opened his eyes and saw Sephiroth standing in the doorway.
Yelping, Rufus straightened abruptly. Pulling his feet down quickly, he managed spilling his coffee cup and send papers flying as he jumped up to avoid the hot liquid. "Aaah! Tifa, talk to you later! Gotta go! Bye!" Rufus hung up and stared at the mess, before slowly gazing over at the silver haired man. Yupp, this was officially the most embarrassing situation he'd ever been in. "Heh, Sephiroth... Uhm, hi, welcome back! How long, ah, have you been standing there?" Rule number one in Rufus ShinRa's book of snobbery: Always appear to have control over the situation. Stay calm, and do damage control.
Sephiroth managed a faint smile. "Long enough."
Rufus swallowed. Damn. He could feel the colour creeping over his face. "Yeah, heh, women, you know?"
The words seemed to have a strange affect on the former general as Sephiroth almost flinched. "The materia poses no threat anymore. Mission accomplished."
Frowning, Rufus shifted uneasily. Sephiroth sounded too much like the old him. Like the mechanical soldier he'd once been. "Okay... And everything went well?"
Sephiroth gave a curt nod, before walking over to stare out the window.
Something was obviously bothering him.
Rufus glanced down at the mess once again, before daintily stepping over coffee soaked papers and joined Sephiroth by the window. "So, you've just seen me make a complete idiot of myself, I think it's only fair that you share something in return."
The words brought a small smile to Sephiroth's face and he glanced over at Rufus. "You have an interesting way of thinking."
"Ah, there are countless interesting aspects about my character," Rufus declared smoothly. "But I believe we're talking about you?"
Sephiroth hesitated, having no reason to trust the son of the man who was partly responsible for making him into the monster he was. But then again, he didn't really have anyone to trust. "It's of a... personal matter."
Rufus flicked back a fiery lock of hair, "And that just happens to be my field of expertize! How about I pour us some drinks, and you tell uncle Rufus all about it?"
Sephiroth chuckled as he watched Rufus wander over to the mini bar, that really should just be called a pub. "I don't drink alcohol."
Rufus glanced over and raised a dry eyebrow, a silent question if he were serious?
"I can't hold my liquor," Sephiroth explained, having learned that the hard way. A single glass of whiskey had lead to countless more and gotten him involved in karaoke and a couple of other things he were happy not to remember!
Smirking, Rufus nodded and poured a single glass of something. "Very well, Sephiroth. Then I'll do the drinking, and you merely talk."

"Would you like me to take a look at that?" A voice asked gently, having years of practice with a bad temper.
Vincent had found a silent spot in the Highwind's hangar, and was repairing a few wires in his golden arm. He glanced up to see Shera smiling carefully to him, and the former Turk didn't reply for a little while. Most people were, to put it mildly, startled and disgusted at the sight of his claw-like hand. Vincent was used to it by now, and found himself a little puzzled at the lack of revulsion in Shera's face. She looked like she'd asked if he wanted help to tie his shoe laces. It was still odd to Vincent to be treated like a human, instead of the monster he really was. Like the monsters that resided inside him. "I'm certain Cid does not wish for you to waste your time instead of working on the Highwind."
A flicker of pain flashed over Shera's face, and she sank down beside him. Taking the tools from him, she absently began working on the complex interior of Vincent's arm without difficulty. "The Captain seems to be a bit preoccupied himself lately..."
Vincent spent most of his time watching people instead of speaking up and joining their conversations. He could easily see there was something bothering Shera. "Cid is not himself?"
"This waiting... The uncertainty..." Shera sighed, not taking her eyes of her work. "It's wearing him down. You know how restless he gets when he's been in a place more than a few days. And he'd never been one to accept help either. The thought of any of you getting hurt because you're trying to protect him does not sit well with him either. His problem, so he should deal with it, he says." Shera dared to glance up and meet Vincent's crimson eyes, "I'm afraid he might to something reckless... And get himself hurt... Or worse..."
Silence fell over them as Shera returned to working on the wires, and soon she put down the tools with a faint smile. "There. That should do it." Getting up, she met Vincent's eyes again. "Thank you... for listening..."
Vincent gave a faint nod. He was good at listening. It was the comforting part he never learned.
The former Turk watched as Shera walked away again, before getting up as well. Shera had pointed out a weakness that both Vincent and Rufus ShinRa had failed to take into consideration: Cid Highwind himself.
Leaving the hangar, Vincent paused briefly outside as the bright sun light washed over him. Frowning, he crouched down to pick up a hand full of dry earth. It drizzled soundlessly between his fingers, landing in a small heap.
Vincent straightened and absently brushed his hand clean as he gazed up at the sky. Not a cloud in sight.
Ten minutes later, he was returning to the room that had been declared as his, and felt a little awkward in the presence of fine luxury. It was a long way from the Nibelheim basement, or the small house in Wutai. Still, Vincent forced himself to settle by a table and started dismantling his weapons. It calmed his restlessness to clean the deadly guns, and it made it easier to think. And there was a lot to take into consideration.

Sephiroth was feeling better, in some strange way. There was nothing Rufus could say that could make things better, but at least now Sephiroth didn't feel like he was going to explode at any moment. The memory of Aeris' betrayal didn't hurt less, but at least Rufus could understand how it was like to loathe Cloud Strife. The only piece of advice the fiery haired ShinRa gave Sephiroth were three simple words;
"Talk to her."
The idea did not sit well with Sephiroth. Not yet. He was too angry. It had been too easy to pull the Masamune. He would never hurt her, but Jenova would. All it would take was one second of loosing control. That thought was even more horrible than the memory of Aeris in Cloud Strife's arms.
"Sephiroth!" Cloud's voice snapped like a whip behind the former general as he was walking down the hall from Rufus' office.
Speak of the devil.
Halting, Sephiroth clenched his hands into tight fists. Gathering himself briefly before turning to face the blonde man. "If you value your pathetic life, Strife, you stay away from me." His voice was deadly calm, unlike the flaring anger raging inside him.
Why didn't he just kill Cloud? It would solve everything!
...Because that was not what Aeris would want.
His words had no effect, and Cloud marched over to stare angrily at him. "Aeris is crying because of you!"
The thought of Aeris crying made a jab of pain run though Sephiroth, but his eyes merely narrowed in contempt. "On the contrary, Strife, this is all your doing. Both of you. Did you honestly think I would just be a good sport about this and walk away quietly? Go to hell!"
Cloud looked ready to yank forward the famous Ultima sword, and Sephiroth almost hoped he would.
"If someone should go to hell, I think it's pretty obvious who that should be," Cloud replied venomously. "Or have you forgotten about what you did? How you nearly destroyed the very planet, simpering to some alien you called 'mother'? Have you conveniently forgotten the faces of all the people you murdered as well?"
Sephiroth swallowed hard, unable to defend himself against the harsh truth. But he hadn't forgotten. Oh, no. He remembered. Every night and his every waking moment, he remembered. "What do you want from me, Strife?"
Cloud forced himself calm, "I want you to make Aeris stop crying. Tell her that she's better off without you. And leave. We don't need you."
With a bitter laugh, Sephiroth shook his head. "Can't do that." Not even if he wanted to. The ancients wouldn't let him leave, and anger wouldn't let him ease Aeris' pain. But she would be better off without him.
"I can see you haven't changed," Cloud declared dangerously silent. "It's still all about you. It doesn't matter that the kindest soul on this planet is crying because of some misguided friendship with you, as long as you get to hurt someone. Wasn't it enough to ram that damn sword of yours through her?!"
Sephiroth felt himself tremble, with equal amounts of anger and hurt. "What does it matter? You won, Strife. Aeris' heart lies with you. Her tears will dry up soon enough, as time will ease her guilty conscience and you two will live happily ever after. Leave me alone!"
Cloud hesitated, the words bringing new hope to his heart. If Sephiroth believed Aeris' was truly in love with him, everything could not be lost? It was the former general who'd been with Aeris for almost a year now, so he should know! Shouldn't he? "Then you will talk to her. Tell her it's over."
Sephiroth met his eyes, held the gaze with burning malice. "No."
Sneering with anger, Cloud stepped closer. "You're a cold blooded bastard, Sephiroth. Don't you care about her at all?"
Too much, Sephiroth thought, I care about her too much. "Leave me alone." He was not going to make things worse for Aeris by meddling in her affair with Cloud, but he was NOT going to make things easier for her either. His pride wouldn't allow it. His crushed heart demanded she'd feel some pain as well, even if it was only brief guilt for betraying him.
"You selfish monster!" Cloud finally snapped, giving Sephiroth a hard shove. "How can you hurt her like this? Hasn't she been nothing but kind against you? Can you name me one other person who would be willing to do the things she has done for you? How can you not even talk to her? Make things right, either way!"
Because I don't want to hear her apologies and how you two were meant to be, Sephiroth thought. "Leave me alone, or I swear I'll kill you!"
Cloud instantly went into a fighting stance, reaching back to pull forward the Ultima sword.
"Cloud!" A voice warned suddenly, and Rufus walked between the two. Having heard the ruckus, he'd come to have a look. And it was obviously a good thing that he did.
Cloud breathed strained, but let his hand fall to his side and eased up on his stance. "You're in my way, ShinRa."
Blue eyes narrowed, and Rufus flicked back a fiery lock of hair. "Back off, Strife, or I'll take on your battle challenge myself! Focus on the enemy outside of Midgar, you idiot!"
Cloud hesitated, but saw that the brat prince showed no sign of backing down and finally gave up on his fighting stance completely. "It's not over."
"Yes, it is," Rufus declared with finality. "I wont tolerate any provocations from you, Strife. Sephiroth has given me his word that he wont seek a confrontation. Now I want your word as well."
Glaring at the silver haired man, Cloud let reason win over heart and exhaled. "Alright. Fine." It was what Aeris would have wanted him to do.
Rufus watched as the blonde left, sighing relieved as there had been no actual fighting. Then he noticed Sephiroth was gazing curiously at him. "What?"
Sephiroth wondered if Rufus had stepped between them to stop an inconvenient fight, or if he'd done it to help Sephiroth. "Nothing. Thanks, I guess."
It was clear that the man had no idea what friendship was, and Rufus knew in some ways he was as green as Sephiroth when it came to that subject. Being the rich son of the president of ShinRa inc didn't inspire to a lot of true friendships, or any kind at all. "Yeah, well, you're welcome, I guess."

The scientist slowly straightened from the microscope, a shiver of excitement running down his spine. The first three samples of blood gathered up in the ice lands had proven to be nothing but chocobo DNA, despite how there was no sign of the corpse of the bird. Strange. But the forth sample. Ah, yes. Human, no doubt, but with severe influence of some foreign DNA. Some unknown substance, mutated with the human cells. It couldn't be, could it?
Walking over to the file cabinets, he proceeded to leaf through several files before finding what he was looking for. Bringing it back to where he was working, it took only a few moments more before he could confirm the presence of Jenova cells in the blood sample. Nothing like the amount in Strife's blood or any of the other clones. No this was something exceedingly more strong and deadly.
Sephiroth was alive?
It would explain the defeat of the enhanced monsters sent after Highwind, and suddenly everything made sense.
Straightening from the microscope again, the scientist took a few seconds of silence to let the thought sink in. Sephiroth, the greatest warrior ever, was alive. But why would someone like him side with Cid Highwind? And this surely meant that the creature called Jenova was still active? Was that the reason for their travel north into the ice lands? Were they seeking the power of Jenova? Was the alien creature still conscious down in the crater?
So many possibilities!
The thought of infusing his already enhanced creatures with Jenova cells...!
A knock on the door interrupted the thoughts, and a soldier entered. "The report on Midgar is back, sir."
Nodding, the scientist accepted the file handed to him. He glanced through the pages, pausing briefly on a picture containing the blonde pilot talking to some ShinRa guard. "So, he IS hiding in Midgar. Rufus ShinRa is foolishly trying to keep him alive for some reason. Do we know the full extent of Highwind's allies?"
The soldier motioned towards the file in his hands. "We have received photographs of most of them, and have just identified them. As you concluded, Rufus ShinRa is one of them. So it is natural to think Tifa Lockhart is as well. Our suspicion that it was Cloud Strife that picked up the fugitive was correct, and both have been identified hiding in Midgar. Recently the young lady of Wutai arrived as well, along with a character we have yet to identify, most probably to aid in the protection of Highwind."
"I see," the scientist mumbled, then pointed at the photo of a young woman with braided hair and pink dress. "And this woman is...?"
Shifting uneasily, the soldier cleared his throat. "There, ah, is some discussion as to the identity of that one. Our sources seems to believe she resembles the ancient that battled against Jenova a year ago, despite our reports that the great Sephiroth did in fact kill her."
The scientist gave a sinister smile, his eyes locked on the photograph. "Aeris... So you did survive after all? And fighting the good fight again. How predictable. But you might prove to be of some use to me... Yes, I do believe you will be quite useful indeed!"
His eyes were not dwelling on the girl on the photograph, but on the figure barely caught on the film as the person was leaving. A person wearing a black coat, and there could be seen just the smallest glimpse of silver hair.
"I want a full report on every person you have identified, and the ones you are lacking. I want to know everything about them. Including Aeris Gainsborough." The scientist ordered, persuing through the other photos. "Oh... And bring me the files on Sephiroth."
"Sephiroth?" The soldier asked confused, "You want the files on Sephiroth?"
The scientist glared over at him, instantly annoyed at being questioned. "Yes! Are you deaf?! I want everything we have on Sephiroth, and the Jenova project! Everything!"
Saluting, the soldier left in a hurry. Not wanting to anger the other man any more, risking to become a specimen himself.
"AVALANCHE, Sephiroth and ShinRa are uniting?" The scientist hummed thoughtfully, placing the photographs over a small table before letting his hands move over them. Halting, and tapping on each face in turn. "This turns out more interesting by each day..." He then picked up a faint picture of Jessie walking out from a building, "And you will soon be with me again, my pet. A weapon such as you is the only thing worthy of challenging the mighty Sephiroth."
Laughing softly, he turned back to his microscope. "So little time, and so much to do..."

Aeris was amazed to find that the church was still standing, and her flowers still blooming. She smiled faintly at the hole in the ceiling that had yet to be repaired, remembering well the day when Cloud had dropped into her life. Literarily.
The blonde man had come crashing down from above, landing by some miracle in the soft flower bed. Aeris always knew it was the planet's way of protecting it's warrior. Maybe it wasn't coincidence that she met Cloud? If the planet wanted something to happen, it usually did. But even if it were so, Aeris didn't mind. She had spent so many happy days with Cloud. So many happy memories.
Smiling softly, she kneeled down to tend to a small flower. Back then, everything had been so simple. She had everything planned. Her and Cloud's future. Together.But that was then...
Aeris' smile faded and she closed her eyes. Wouldn't everything have been easier if she'd just stayed with Cloud in stead of going to the lost city herself that night? All her life, she'd always done what others told her. Always put their wishes and needs above her own.
She didn't want to leave like they'd told her to, didn't want to part from the man she had grown so close to. Aeris knew she would never meet someone like Cloud again, and she'd been right.
She'd met Sephiroth.
Aeris had feared him, pitied him and laughed with him. She'd fallen into him, letting him wrap himself around her to block out the world. Loosing the ancient, and finding Aeris, Sephiroth had been her darkness and her light.
She would always love Cloud, but her heart and soul belonged to Sephiroth.
Getting up, Aeris brushed the dirt of her knees and slowly made her way out of the church. It was time to talk to Sephiroth.
Arriving at the ShinRa tower, she smiled a greeting to one of the guards she'd met several times at the entrance gate. "Hello! Off to guard duty again? Did you hear that Sephiroth is back!"
The guard nodded with a slight smile as well. "Hello, Miss. Yeah, I heard. Didn't take him too many hours before he found his first fight though. I wonder if Cloud can defeat him again?"
Aeris paled, fear raging through her. It couldn't be! They wouldn't! "C-Cloud? Fight?"
"Yeah, the last I heard they were about to clash right out side of Mr ShinRa's office!" The guard confided, almost in awe.
Heart racing, Aeris ran inside as she tried to keep the horrible images of what might have happened from flashing in front of her eyes.
Sephiroth, please, don't. He's hurt, and I know you're angry, but you two should blame me!
Turning a corner, Aeris almost ran straight into a familiar person with silver hair and eerie eyes. Trembling, she drew a shaky breath, "Cloud... No... Sephiroth! Where is Cloud?"
Sephiroth's eyes narrowed, and the instant joy of seeing her face vanished in a surge of anger. She was worried about Cloud, was she?
Aeris felt sick with fear at the lack of a reply, seeing the fury in the reptilian eyes. "Oh, please, don't say... You didn't?"
A razor sharp smile marred Sephiroth's face, and he tilted his head slightly in mock concern. "Are you worried that I left little pieces of him all over the walls?"
Starting at the hostility and the harsh words, Aeris shook her head in confusion. "This isn't like you, Sephiroth... What did you do to Cloud?"
"What do you know about me anyway?" Sephiroth sneered. "If you knew me well enough, you wouldn't have to ask me such questions!"
Aeris tried to gather herself, eyes flickering nervously. "You didn't hurt him..." Her own words seemed to wake her up from her worried frenzy, and Aeris exhaled relieved. "Sephiroth, I'm so sorry..."
Sephiroth snorted annoyed, trying to forget how it felt like to hold her in his arms. "Save your words for Strife, Aeris." He moved to brush pass her, but her petite hand landed on his shoulder and he couldn't move. Refused to meet her eyes, but was unable to pull free.
"What you saw," Aeris began in a silent voice. "It wasn't what it looked like. I know how that sounds, but it was a mistake."
No kidding? Sephiroth thought bitterly, but remained silent.
Aeris stepped closer, "I told him, Sephiroth. I told him I love you." She was a little uneasy at the lack of response, and reached out to gently touch his cheek as his face refused to meet hers. "That kiss meant nothing. It was a mistake. A misunderstanding."
Sephiroth suddenly met her eyes so intensely it made her catch her breath. "Yet you rush over here to protect him! His name being the first thing you speak to me since that dreadful scene! You're still in love with him!"
Aeris hand sank and she swallowed hard. "Not like it's with you and me, Sephiroth. What we have is different..."
Sephiroth leaned in close, his lips almost brushing against hers. "What we have... is nothing!" And left her to her silent tears and agonized shock of his dismissal.

Jessie waved goodbye to Cid and giggled slightly as he was doing his best to find something to complain about her work, in vain. Well, that would give him something to do all night!
She'd had the pleasure of meeting Yuffie earlier, and felt much lighter at heart after a few minutes with the energetic ninja. With someone as optimistic like that on their team, there was no way they could loose! Cloud and Sephiroth was probably enough to defeat the biggest of armies, but Yuffie provided them with much needed fighting will! It had been such a relief to see Cid smile again. The pilot had been so quiet lately, and it was good to hear him cursing again!
Jessie's mood lifted even higher as she stepped out of the elevator, to see Cloud standing outside her room and knocking on her door. "Cloud! Hi!"
The blonde man turned to face her with a faint smile, "Jessie. Working late again? Maybe I should have a word with Cid about over-working our best mechanic!"
Blushing, Jessie walked over while waving off his words. "I am far from the best mechanic here, and don't you dare complain to Cid. Working on that airship is the most fun I've had in ages! Cid and Shera are really sweet to me. So are the crew. It's like I'm a part of their team already."
Cloud gave another faint smile as he watched Jessie unlock the door, "Cid always welcomes free workers. But you really should make sure you don't wear yourself out, Jessie. You're still recovering, remember?"
Jessie entered the room and motioned for him to follow as well before closing the door and turning on the lights. "When I work, I don't have time to think." She brushed away the uneasy feelings she always got about her time in that horrible place. "So, to what do I owe this honour?"
"I just..." Cloud sighed and walked over to the window. "I just felt like..."
Nodding, Jessie removed her oil-soaked jacket and gloves she had shoved into her back pocket. "Sure. You want something to drink?" She knew Cloud was never good with words, and had a hard time expressing any feelings that might bother him.
Cloud glanced surprised over at her, then smiled again. He knew he could count on Jessie to understand. She always did. "Don't mind if I do. Something strong."
"Something strong it is!" Jessie declared cheerfully and walked over to pour him a glass of whiskey. "You just relax while I shower off all this oil, ok?"
Blushing, Cloud awkwardly accepted the glass she handed to him. "I don't have to... If y-you want me to leave... I mean, it's late and you're probably tired..."
"What I am," Jessie interrupted, "is covered in oil. So you just sit tight, and I'll be right back."
Cloud swallowed as she winked at him and disappeared into the bathroom. A special lady indeed! He smiled distantly, gazing into his golden drink. Remembering the first time he saw her, and the pain he felt when the pillar had collapsed and he knew there was no way she could have escaped. Biggs and Wedge too. Sipping his whiskey, Cloud glanced out the window again. So many had been lost, and memories were all that he had left. But now he was wondering if memories were enough...
He must have lost himself in his thoughts again, because suddenly Jessie's cheerful voice was right beside him.
"So," she dried her wet hair with a towel, having changed into clean clothes as well. "What's on your mind, Cloud?" It was hard to believe that he was actually there. Right by her side. So close that if she reached out, she would touch him.
His mako eyes were sad and filled with troubled thoughts, and she knew those melancholy eyes would follow her into her sleep.
There was just something about Cloud Strife that made you want to follow him wherever he went, even to hell's gates. Kindness and strength were one in his heart and his friendship were forever.
Jessie knew she was staring, but couldn't help herself.
The blonde man emptied his glass in one swallow, "Aeris."

Sephiroth stood by the window, gazing down on the street and watched as she was leaving the building, probably walking back to that church again.
He slowly raised a hand, placing it on the surface like he wanted to touch her.
Even when she'd been standing right in front of him, it had felt like she was miles away. In Cloud Strife's arms. Being kissed.
Swallowing hard, Sephiroth moved his hand slightly, almost like he was longing to caress her skin again.
But this was life, right? Dreams never became reality, and this last year had been a dream. The most wonderful dream, but still a dream.
Sephiroth exhaled, closing his eyes as he leaned his forhead against the cold window.
Would she bring Strife to the house in Icicle town?
Would Trigger sleep with her head in Cloud's lap?
Sephiroth pushed himself away from the window, walking over to sink down on the bed and pulled out the Masamune. The one thing nobody could take away from him.
There was no use in him torturing himself like this.
The future would bring what the future would bring. And all he would do was to wait.
And tell himself he didn't miss her at all!
And know he was lying.

A lot of arguing and lack of action in this chapter, but I promise that will be made up for in the next chapter!
Well, be sure to let me know what you think!
R&R, people!
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