Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where the lost ones go ❯ Soldier Girl ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
20. Soldier Girl

Brown eyes with a tint of gold behind glasses, sleek black hair pulled back in a ponytail, his usual lab coat over plain clothes, Hojo was smirking slightly as he was waiting for the shock to settle and the three to realise that he was in fact real and there!
Cloud was the first one to flicker to life, and his mako eyes narrowed with fury. Pulling out the Ultima sword, he went into a fighting stance, aiming to send Hojo back to wherever he came from.
Snorting with contempt, Hojo shook his head. "Yes, of course, something you don't understand then quickly pull out that ridiculously over-sized sword and start waving it at it. That will solve everything, won't it?"
To hit utmost horror, Cloud realised it was happening again, what always happened when he'd been under Hojo's calculating look. The sword slowly lowered itself, and Cloud shifted uncertainly. Hojo had his own way of tearing away any confidence in his victims, and made them feel like lower than dirt.
Hojo didn't even flinch as the Masamune slowly appeared by his neck, but glanced over at Sephiroth. "I'm already dead, Sephiroth. There is nothing you can do to harm me. None of you simpletons can."
The silver haired man was trembling agitated, part with fear and part with anger. This man. This man was responsible for everything Sephiroth had been put through.
"Can you cure Cid?" Rufus suddenly asked, crossing his arms as he leaned slightly back against his desk.
Having almost forgotten his presence, Hojo gazed over at him. "I most certainly am your last hope. Ironic, isn't it? But I'm fairly sure that Highwind has been a lost cause since his entrance to this miserable planet."
Rufus frowned, got up and walked over to gently push away Sephiroth's sword-arm, removing the Masamune from Hojo. "Enough with the snarky comments, I already got that position covered. The ancients sent you here to help, is that so?"
Something reminding of annoyance flickered over Hojo's face and the scientist turned his gaze away from them. "They didn't give me much choice in the matter. Either I cure Cid Highwind, or they will keep my soul in limbo forever."
"And what is that about?" Rufus motioned towards the gold chain around Hojo's ankle. It appeared to just vanish into the floor, like some ghost chain holding him trapped to something beneath the ground.
Hojo glanced down as well, a disgusted sneer marring his face. "That... is a reminder. To keep me in my place, so to speak. It would seem like the Cetra does not trust me."
Sephiroth sheated the Masamune and stalked out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him.
Tutting, Hojo grinned slightly as he gazed at the door. "He can't be taking his usual dosage of mako treatment or that door wouldn't be standing."
Cloud swallowed hard and stared numbly at the scientist. "He's your son..." How could anyone treat his son like that? So cold and uncaring.
Rufus saw how Hojo tensed and anger flared in the usually so cold eyes, and was silently grateful that the golden chain was indeed present. Hojo might not be their enemy anymore, but the brat prince knew he was most certainly not their ally either.
"I did not come here to exchange pleasantries," Hojo snapped. "Bring me to Highwind so I can get started, and the sooner I can leave this place!"
Casting a quick glance at the numb Cloud, Rufus then returned his focus on Hojo. "Very well. I will bring you to him."
The two left the room, silently walking down the desolate halls. It could almost seem like the people had sensed something evil had appeared and fled the floor.
The silence lasted until they entered the elevator, and Rufus was puzzled to see the golden chain follow Hojo like the floor was made out of liquid. "What will happen if you can't cure him?"
Hojo clenched his jaw, but it was impossible to say wether it came from the prospect of what the ancients would do to him, or Rufus having the nerve to even consider that the great Hojo would fail. "Every infection has a cure."
"Not Jenova," Rufus countered smoothly, feeling slightly smug at the sharp look Hojo sent him.
"Jenova is different. She's not an infection, but a blessing to the ones lucky enough to be honoured with her powers!" Hojo drew an agitated breath as the elevator came to a halt and the doors opened. "But a simpleton like you wouldn't understand, just like your father!" And with that, the scientist stalked out to the elevator, the sun light glittering on the ghost-like chain around his ankle.

The needle entered rather painlessly, and it took only a few seconds before it was withdrawn and a medic gently dabbed the tiny wound with disinfectant.
Cid sighed, clenching and unclenching his hand while managing a faint smile to the worried face on the medic.
It was no way of hiding it. The pain was increasing, the angry red streaks trailing from the wound grew longer and the wound had turned a worrying dark colour. All this the pilot could deal with.
It was the cold numbness spreading from the wound that terrified him.
Standing outside the room, Shera was watching Cid and the medic through the observation window.
Seeing Cid like this... Shera wrapped her arms around herself and forced back the tears. It was tearing her apart to see her beloved pilot without his flight goggles, pilot jacket or even his cigarettes. Wearing merely blue jeans and a white wife-beater, Cid reduced to a mere mortal and not the great Captain.
The medic said something else to Cid, who merely nodded and gently bent his wounded arm to his chest to cradle it with his other arm. Sighing, the medic gathered his things and exited the room to halt beside Shera and gaze back at Cid as well.
"How is he doing?" Shera asked silently, not taking her eyes of the still form inside the room.
The medic shook his head, "I don't know... The infection doesn't appear to slow down, and all we can do is give him painkillers while they're searching for some cure..."
Biting her lip to keep from crying, Shera managed to gather herself. "He's going to be alright! He has to!"
At that moment, Cid glanced up and smiled faintly at the sight of her. They hadn't really had the chance to talk since he'd returned in his messed up state, but he knew she was probably worried sick. Getting up with a pained sound, Cid held his injured arm to his chest with his unharmed one, and walked over to halt in front of the window.
The infected soldiers had proved how easily the insanity spread, so besides a few medics and nurses; Cid was completely isolated in a room that could only be opened with a special key card or from the outside.
"How are you feeling?" Shera placed a hand against the window, aching to ease his pain in any way she could.
Her voice was muffled through the glass, but Cid still felt relieved at the mere sound of it. "Like shit."
Laughing silently, Shera bit her lip from crying once again as the pilot actually placed his unharmed hand against the glass where she had her hand as well. "Everything is going to be okay, Cid! You have to believe that!"
Closing his eyes, the blonde tried to hide just how tired he was feeling. The pain just kept getting worse, now only barely subdued by heavy painkiller. The cold had spread through his entire arm and half his chest, while he still had no idea why this was happening to him! Just because some insane freak decided that Cid might be a descendant from some ancient family, then he had to start some war and ruin everybody's lives? "Don't ya worry, Shera. You just make sure nothing happens to that little self of yers, ok?"
Shera lost the fight against the tears and she drew a sobbing breath. "Don't you dare give up, Cid!"
Why not? Cid thought numbly, it would solve everything, wouldn't it? If he died, then that Jinrei would have no reason to continue this lame-ass war of his and the others would be spared at least. He was cold, tired and in agonizing pain. Why not end it? It was the sound of a small fist hitting the glass that made his blue eyes start open and Cid was gazing at his reason for fighting. No, he couldn't leave Shera behind. He'd promised to stay by her side, and Cid was not going to let her down again. Besides, staying alive would annoy the hell out of Jinrei, and Cid couldn't let that chance slip him by!
Managing a faint smile, Cid straightened slightly. "I said for you not to worry, Shera! Ya not getting rid of me this easily!"
Shera's relieved laugh was cut short as the pilot suddenly clutched his injured arm, biting back a scream as he stumbled a few steps back. Panic shot through her, and Shera instinctively placed both her hands against the window. "Cid!"
He heard her calling his name, but the feeling of something almost alive shooting from the wound to tear through his veins most excruciatingly drowned his mind with agonizing pain. Cid didn't even notice how he fell to his knees, clutching his arm tightly as another scream broke free. His bandaged shoulder was turning dark with blood, and cold sweat broke out on his skin. Something was happening to him! Whatever made those ShinRa soldiers crazy and start attacking their allies, it was also happening to him!
Was that a the sound of a door opening? Someone shouting. "Stop!" Running steps.
Suddenly gentle arms wrapped around him, a soft voice sobbing his name as his cold form helplessly sagged against her. "Shera... No..." Cid whispered distantly, tensing as he refused to let his mind sink into the beaconing darkness.
"It's ok, Cid," Shera whispered as she stroke his hair and rocked him gently. "I'm not leaving you. You're not alone, Cid, remember? I'll help you fight this. Everything is going to be ok."

Aeris was humming softly to herself as she gently patted the soil around the tender stem of the small flower she'd just planted, before leaning back to admire the work. Yepp, everything was comming along nicely! Her once tiny patch of flowers were now twice it's former size, and Aeris had positioned herself on a blanket while planting for hours. With the images from the horrible experience on Leviathan 2 haunting her every time she closed her eyes and Sephiroth hanging with the other boys, Aeris had decided to do something with her time instead of driving herself to a nervous wreck.
So she'd returned to the church with a small basket containing a big blanket, plants and food. Only seconds after planting the first flower, Aeris was already feeling slightly better. Each white plant was in memory of the ones who'd fallen under the horrible fate that struck so many on that boat.
Sephiroth hadn't said a word, despite how his eyes revealed how much the ordeal had shook him up, but big boys weren't supposed to show any emotions or fear apparently. Aeris snorted at the thought, wiping her hands clean. Silly men!
Suddenly the door slammed shut, dust drizzling from the unstable ceiling, and Aeris gasped startled as she quickly gazed back.
Sephiroth was leaning against the door, his eyes burning furiously. For a second, he didn't move, merely glared. Then he pushed himself into a stalking pace towards her, his fists clenched fiercly by his sides. "He's back!"
Aeris blinked confused, scooting over to give him room to sit on the blanket. "Who is?"
Ignoring her offer, Sephiroth started to pace in front of her. "Who do you think? Hojo! The damn ancients brought him back to find some cure for Cid!"
"Hojo?" The name brought a shudder of fear through Aeris and she swallowed hard to gather herself. "They wouldn't bring someone like that back without a means to control him, Sephiroth. They're using him, like they did to me and have done to you. But if he can help Cid, then..."
Sephiroth suddenly kneeled in front of her, his hand going behind her neck to make her straighten up in a kneeling position to face him. "That man is responsible for everything that happened to me! He ruined my life, all in the name of his precious science! He has no right to be alive!"
Aeris realised her heart was thundering, not with fear, but she'd rarely seen Sephiroth this furious. "Killing him wont undo anything, Sephiroth. The past cannot be changed, so we have to focus on the present and the future. No one else has been able to find a cure for this infection, but maybe he can?"
A few more seconds passed in silence, then Aeris held her breath as she felt Sephiroth loosen her hair and let her ribbon fall gently to the ground.
Carefully undoing her braid, Sephiroth's face was unreadable as he let his fingers slide through the wavery lengths. He loved seeing her with her hair loose, as the only time she had it that way was when she was going to bed or when she'd just woken up. He should have known she would beat down his anger with logic, but fury was still seething within him and the sense of injustice was tearing at his very soul. His mind was flooding with countless violent images of what he could do with the Masamune and Hojo, and he was loosing the fight against the urge to act on them.
Aeris started slightly when Sephiroth's lips claimed hers almost forcefully, his hand not releasing it's firm grip behind her neck. Had it only been a taste of anger in that kiss, Aeris would have pushed him away. But there was something else as well, the taste of frustration, uncertainty and the unmistakable feeling of love.
And need. A need that seemed to burn right underneath his skin, seeping over to her wherever she was in contact with him. A need that shook her to her very core, empowering her and almost startling her all at once. But the trust he had placed in her, Aeris also placed in him, so she let him deepen the kisses and met his advances gently.
Sephiroth felt himself calming the instant Aeris let her hands move up to slide behind his neck, her form relaxed and warm in his embrace as his arms went around her. His fire kindled something inside her, and her calm eased the raging demons inside him. Darkness and light, they were hopeless opposites and just as hopelessly dependant on the other. She was the one thing that made sense in his life, and could make everything tolerable as long as she was there.
Aeris didn't object as Sephiroth gently lowered her down on the blanket, welcoming him into her embrace as he followed and shivered delightfully at the feeling of his uneven breath against her neck. No one could ever make her feel like this except him. No one could make Aeris feel so alive with his mere presence, and making her blood reach dangerously high temperatures with his burning touches.
Forcing his brain to work again, Sephiroth hesitated briefly and met her eyes with an unspoken question.
Smiling, Aeris let her fingertips move over his features with feather light caresses. "I love you..."
Sephiroth shuddered at the pure power of those words and leaned down to capture her lips again, not needing her to say anymore, aching to show her just how much he loved her as well.

Aeris couldn't help how her eyes drifted shut, lost in the feeling of Sephiroth's hand sliding down her side and the promising sensation of his closeness. She could almost sense how his heart was thundering as fast as hers, and there was a sneaking sense of female pride that she could make this man react so strongly. Sephiroth made a muffled groan against her lips as she raised her hips impatiently against him and Aeris was satisfied at the feeling of his fingers momentarily digging into her thigh as his control was tested. She was getting braver now. Their first time, back in their little house in the snow covered lands, she had been so nervous and Sephiroth had been so gentle.
The silver haired man lifted his lips from hers and gave a slight smirk. There were times when he treated her like she was made of glass, and Aeris was the first to remind him that she was tougher than she looked. And then there were the times when he knew she acted tough, but was as fragile like the flowers she loved. The first time they'd been close, when he'd woken up the sight of her standing in front of his bed and a flustered look on her lovely face, Sephiroth knew it had taken all her courage to do just that. And he loved her even more for it. She always knew what he needed, but Sephiroth felt pretty certain he knew what she needed right now and was eager to deliver.
Aeris sighed disappointed as Sephiroth slid over to lie beside her, already missing the intoxicating feeling of his weight on her, but her breath got stuck in her throat as his nimble fingers trailed up her buttons to undo her dress from the top. It was a sight to behold how easily his hands undid the tiny buttons, but Aeris was awkwardly aware of the blush spreading over her face as he slowly pushed the garment open to bare the lovely sight underneath. She was about to squirm nervously when his hand suddenly caressed one white cotton covered breast, and Aeris whimpered while arching into his touch. If this was a sin, if this was what her ancestors felt an angel like her shouldn't feel, then Aeris never wanted to become an angel. She had her angel and heaven in the man so close to her now.
Sephiroth felt all his blood rush south for the winter at the feeling of the softness beneath his hand, and suddenly impatience tugged at him. Luckily, it seemed to apply for Aeris as well, receiving no objection when he wanted to slide off her dress entirely. Kneeling beside her, he found it almost impossible to concentrate as she lifted her hips to let him remove the bothersome clothing and the pink dress was quickly guided down her legs and tossed aside. For a heart beat, Sephiroth was merely breathing and gazing down at her. Her long, slender legs. Trembling stomach. Alluring breasts. Nervously fidgeting hands. Adorably flustered face and desire hazed eyes. And her hazel hair spread out like a halo, where she was lying like an angel among white flowers. And he had no idea how she made the modest underwear look so damn non-angelic at all!
Aeris' smile faded and she frowned slightly. This wasn't fair! She sat up as well, reaching out to undo the straps covering the chest she longed to caress. The man was wearing too much clothes! Quickly undoing and pushing the shoulder pads away, Aeris sighed satisfied before she slid his jacket over the strong shoulders and his torso was bared to her admiring touch. She would never tire of exploring the wonder that was Sephiroth's body. His muscled grace was breath taking, and sometimes she would watch him walk by her and remember how those muscles felt when they were dancing under her hands. Those times she would turn red as a beet, and Sephiroth would grin if he caught her.
It wasn't easy to keep still as Aeris let her hands slide over him, her lips running along his collar bone, so Sephiroth let out a pleading sound while tilting his head to give access as she worked her way up his neck. Usually he savoured her touches, but today there was a fierce impatience burning in his blood. He needed her.
The knowing smile on her face nearly broke his iron control, and Sephiroth drew a sharp breath when her hands landed on his belt and started undoing it as well.
She always knew what he needed.
Sephiroth tensed as Aeris removed his belt and started to work on his suddenly so confining pants, placing a firm hand behind her neck to pull her into a kiss he hoped would save his sanity. Instead he found her teasing him, luring his tongue to come over and play while her hands wrecked havoc on his already trembling body. Only years of training in SOLDIER allowed him to keep from embarrassing himself as her tiny hand slid inside his pants and carefully locked around him, but Sephiroth couldn't keep from moaning to save his life.
Aeris once again felt that flicker of power as Sephiroth devoured her mouth like he needed her more than air, him obviously unaware of his hips moving to meet her touch, but his hands were dangerously close to returning the power to him when she felt the straps of her top being pushed over her shoulders and the garment was tossed aside to join the rest.

Sephiroth placed a careful hand around Aeris' wrist and removed her hand with a regretful groan. He was not ready to collapse like a school boy just yet!
Even more inflamed by the smug look in the hazed eyes under her lowered eyelashes, Sephiroth decided it was pay back time. Urging her to lie down, he paused only a brief moment to remove the now suffocating pants before stretching out beside Aeris on the blanket. The little vixen wanted to play?
Aeris' smile quickly vanished as Sephiroth placed a hand on her breast, but she arched with a whimper when his mouth descended on the other. She wasn't even aware of her hands moving over to tangle and grasp his silver hair to urge him on. How was it possible that he could send these raw shocks of pleasure through her? His caresses made her tremble and squirm with unsated desire. Even his skin was almost scorching against hers.
Sephiroth was quick to realise that her moans, her squirming against him and the feeling of her breasts were doing nothing to calm the raging desire in his own blood.
The silver haired man let a hand slide down her stomach and felt as much as he heard the gasp she made when it found it's goal.
Closing his eyes hard, Sephiroth had to pause slightly as he hid his face to her neck, letting a skilled hand caress her half way into bliss. Breathing hard, he tried to tell himself to calm down. He'd been so angry before coming to see Aeris, and it seemed like all that pent up energy was roaring to be released.
But he would never hurt her.
Fingernails digging harshly into his shoulders brought Sephiroth back to the matter at hand, and he managed a faint smile at the flustered impatience on Aeris' face.
Her wish was his command.
The flower girl placed a firm hand behind his neck and pulled him over to a desperate kiss, hoping he would stop teasing. Her heart simply couldn't take anymore.
Aeris let out a small mewl as Sephiroth lifted himself up, and she reached out her arms to eagerly welcome him and the feeling of his body over hers.
Brushing away a lock of her hair, Sephiroth smiled softly down to her and stole a few soft kisses. It was getting even worse to keep his control, especially as one of her slender legs curled itself over his lower back.
Slender fingers slid up Aeris' arm until braiding with her fingers, and the hands clutched the other tightly as she whispered his name.
Pushing himself into her was the sweetest torture Sephiroth knew could exist, her heat and tightness beyond his comprehension making his need for her grow beyond impossible. Her voice breathing his name, their hands locked, and their bodies combined, left Sephiroth trembling helplessly.
He was balancing on the edge. The need to unleash the tension inside him was dangerously close, and the silver haired man couldn't do that to the gentle Aeris.
Slowly releasing her hands, Sephiroth supported himself on one elbow while letting his free hand trail light fingertips over her damp face. He loved her.
Seeing the battle in his eyes, Aeris was desperately trying to get her brain to function and not simply dwell on the fact that she had the world's most beautiful lover inside her and ready to bring her to heaven again. But, alas, her brain was struggling hard to overcome the sensations Sephiroth brought her by merely breathing when being so close and caressing her face. Only when her hands slid over his powerful back did she feel the tension in the muscles. Aeris smiled.
Sephiroth closed his eyes and groaned when Aeris slid her other leg around him as well, moving her hips up against him. Only she could reduce him to this state.
Desire quickly overcame philosophy, and Sephiroth moved a hand to her hip before allowing his body to find that rhythm that sent pleasure through them both. She met him eager and willing every time he pushed himself back into her, but Aeris felt the tension in the back she was clinging to and once again the female in her reared her mischievous head. Letting her soft kisses turn into teasing bites at his neck, Aeris heard the strained groans from him that his control was wavering and was instantly encouraged. Her hands became daring, her legs tightening to urge him on and the increased heat added a few unintended sounds that made him tremble.
Sephiroth closed his eyes hard as he heard her breathing huskily into his ear;
"Don't hold back, Sephiroth. Let me feel you."
The silver haired general lost the battle, his iron will crumbling and instincts taking over.
Aeris gasped as his fingers tightened their grip on her hip and Sephiroth let himself go. If his brain had been functioning at all, he might have been surprised at Aeris merely urging him on, but all he could focus on were the pleasure of it all. Anger, frustration and tension all were drowned in the need that made Aeris' nails dig almost painfully into his back. Sephiroth shuddered hard at the desperate whimpers she was making, but was determined to bring her with him before he allowed ecstasy engulf him. He couldn't stop his harsh movements against her as his young lover was with him every second. When her muscles tightened even more around him, when Sephiroth felt the shivers running through her, he allowed himself a brief moment of pride before Aeris tore him into a thunderstorm of sweet release. Vaguely noticing his own cry mingling with hers, the silver haired man clutched her as tightly as she held onto him for as long as wave after intense wave of pleasure lasted.
For a moment, he was certain he had either died and gone to heaven, or passed out completely, as when Sephiroth finally lifted his head it was only due to his iron will he had the strength to do just that. He had to see her eyes. Had to know.
Aeris slowly raised her eyelashes and smiled drowsily. He always worried about her, silly man. One day she would really prove that she could take anything he could give, but for now she was satisfied with the lovely feeling of having him this close without a tense muscle in the back she was carefully caressing.
Smiling as well, Sephiroth moved to eased down beside her, only to glance puzzled at her when she held him back. "Aeris... You need oxygen too, remember?"
Aeris merely shook her head, clutching him tightly. "I love how you feel."
Sephiroth hoisted himself up on one elbow and used his free hand to stroke away a few of her bangs clinging to her damp face. "Rest now, Aeris, or you'll start giving me ideas my body is not quite ready to act on." He smiled at her giggle, placed a light kiss on her forhead and hummed softly until she was fast asleep. Only then did he inch over to lie beside her, wrapping his arms around her to hold her close after placing his coat over them.
And for a precious moment, Sephiroth was happy. Gazing up at where the sun sent in a few rays through a hole in the ceiling, he was content lying there with the woman he loved, surrounded by flowers and peace.

It was evening when Jessie stumbled a few steps more before her legs wouldn't carry her and she crashed to her knees. Instinct made her reach out her hands and prevent herself from falling flat on her face as she fell forward.
Hanging her head, she was fighting to breathe and her entire body was trembling.
It was hurting so bad now.
Jessie had heard about what had happened at Costa del Sol and the terror of seeing the ShinRa soldiers brought to Midgar act like mind-depraved predators had made the pressure inside her build even worse.
Cloud had seen the pained expression on her face, but Jessie had fled before he could ask. He already knew too much, and Jessie was certain if Rufus ShinRa or Sephiroth learned that something was happening inside her that she couldn't control, they'd either throw her out in a second or use her against Jinrei.
No, she'd had enough of being used! She did not want to become a helpless being in someone else's control again!
Whimpering, Jessie closed her eyes hard as waves of undefined nature rushed through her like nausea.
She'd known all those injections Jinrei gave her must have done something to her, but Jessie had merely pushed it away. She didn't want to believe it. Didn't want to know. If she closed her eyes long enough, then maybe it would all turn out to be just a dream? A nightmare?
No, it was real. All too real.
Jessie's eyes opened wide as her body started to convulse. A hard knot forming inside her chest as she was slowly pulled up to a kneeling position, and she drew a shivering breath.
Then Jessie screamed. And kept screaming.
Her skin glowed brightly when a huge ray of piercing bright light exploded from her. The ground shook as the ray tore through every building and obstacle on it's way without even slowing down, shattering windows in a wide radius around it's origin. It had the aura of something capable of cutting straight through the very planet.
Then Jessie's shrill, white world of pain was engulfed in darkness and this time she couldn't stop her fall as her scream went silent as well.
Half unconscious, she limply dropped over on her side, the ground coming up hard to greet her.
How long had she been trapped in that state? Jessie wasn't sure if it had been seconds or years, but it had confirmed her worst fears. The signs had all been there, but Jessie had prayed so hard that it would all prove to be some mistake! That she wasn't one of Jinrei's creations, and that it would all go away!
What had that man done to her?
Her mind was starting to drift into blissful unconsciousness when she heard voices approaching her, shouting and footsteps.
I'm so sorry, Jessie thought anguished as she was unable to keep the darkness at bay anymore, calm finally settling over her.
Once again an unknown amount of time passed until when Jessie became of her surroundings and realised she was in fact lying on a soft and warm surface. Forcing her eyes open, Jessie blinked against the light as she glanced around and found herself in some hospital-looking room.
"Jessie!" Tifa suddenly appeared by the bed, taking a gentle hold of a limp hand. "Can you hear me? Are you ok?"
Managing a faint nod, Jessie glanced around in the room to find it desolate except the two of them. "What happened?"
Tifa exhaled relieved, sitting down on the edge of the bed without releasing Jessie's hand. "I'm the one who should ask you that. There was some kind of explosion or something, tearing up huge parts of buildings in the slums. Luckily it was just the ruins of the abandoned sector, or I dare not think of how many people who could have been killed. When we arrived, you were lying on the ground. I was so afraid when you wouldn't open your eyes or even answer me... Did you see who did this?"
Turning her face away, Jessie felt the tears well up again. What was she supposed to say to that? If she told the truth, then...
Tifa frowned worried, squeezing her hand carefully. "I'm sorry. You must be exhausted. Never mind. You just rest and don't worry. We'll take care of everything!"
"Cloud?" Jessie asked silently, unable to look at her friend's face.
Knowing that Jessie would have preferred to wake up to his face, Tifa shifted slightly uneasy. "He had to tend to some things." Adding quickly; "Rufus had to threaten him to leave your side, but the explosion damaged Midgar's defensive walls and it had to be dealt with as soon as possible."
Closing her eyes, Jessie made a decision. "Tell Cloud I need to talk to him?"

General Joy was marching down the hall with long strides, a smug look on his handsome face and a thick file underneath his arm.
The attack on Costa del Sol might not have been a complete failure after all! Rumours would have it that Cid Highwind was sick and there was a huge possibility that it was from being infected with the virus. Soon the damn pilot would be dead, hopefully taking some of his friends with him, and all that was left was retrieving the runaway and defeating Sephiroth.
Joy's smirk wavered slightly as he remembered the brief encounter with the silver haired general in Costa del Sol, and he instinctively knew he was lucky that a grenade had interfered. Something in that inhuman gaze of Sephiroth's said that he was still the most powerful warrior on the planet and only dirty tricks would have saved Joy from the infamous Masamune. Joy did not like that thought. He would have to make sure, personally, that Sephiroth was killed and stayed dead this time!
All he needed was the little soldier girl!
Halting outside a door, Joy sighed briefly before knocking. Jinrei was spending way too much time in this room, ignoring his other projects. Waiting for a reply, Joy opened the file and checked his rapport once more while idly wondering why that huge blob was so important.
Everyone knew the name 'Jenova', but after seeing the creature, Joy was not impressed. He couldn't see how that thing could provide anything helpful, much less be an ally. The blonde man frowned at the lack of reply, and knocked again. Still no answer.
Carefully opening the door, Joy glanced inside the room.
Jinrei was pacing in front of the tank, muttering and throwing insults towards the silent tank that contained the Crisis from the Sky.
Joy cleared his throat as he entered. "Sir? I have the rapport from the Costa del Sol attack."
"Yes, very well," Jinrei answered absently, casting glances towards the tank. "Place it on my desk. I shall read it later." He halted in front of the small window and pointed towards Joy. "You see him? He's the one who will be destroying your boy with a toy of mine! What do you think about that, Jenova?"
This time, Joy actually got a look of worry. Jinrei was trying to talk to the huge lump of flesh? And expecting it to answer?
Jinrei cursed and started to pace again, glaring over at Joy. "You know that wench wont answer me? Me!" He gave a disbelieving laugh, throwing his hands up into the air. "She will talk to HOJO, of all nerds, but not ME! The greatest scientist ever alive! I can make all her dreams come true, all I need is a little of her power and knowledge!"
Joy's worried frown deepened. "Sir... Maybe you should take a break?"
Jinrei halted abruptly, staring wide-eyed over at him as if he'd suggested the scientist should jump in front of a train. Then something flickered in the cold eyes and Jinrei's shoulders sank slightly and sanity came toddling back into his gaze again. "Yes... I do believe you're right... I think I will do just that. Thank you, General. That will be all."
Joy gave a faint salute, and slowly backed out of the room, not relaxing until the door was closed and he was half way down the hall.
He'd always thought that Jinrei was a little more than a bit original, but that Jenova-thing was having a bad effect on an already fragile mind! Still, Joy decided to wait a little while longer and see what happened, After all, he had faith in Jinrei, having seen what the man was capable of.
And Jinrei always had the secret of the content in the syringes that had made Joy able to become the strongest and fearless leader of their army!
"General Joy!" Lee called out as he entered the hall as well from some laboratory. He saluted the older man after coming to a halt in front of him. "I heard there was trouble at Costa del Sol?"
Snorting, Joy turned his face away. He did not like it when others learned that things hadn't gone exactly as planned even with Joy involved. "The ShinRa army arrived sooner than we thought, and that damn Sephiroth was there."
Lee's eyes widened slightly and got a look of awe. "Did you really see him?" If he were half the man the rumours would have him to be, Lee knew the sight had to be amazing!
"Yeah, he's a cold bastard, alright," Joy muttered, then turned back to gaze at Lee. "But we have more serious things to discuss! A massive outburst of energy was released in Midgar. It looks like our soldier girl is awakening! At last!"
Fighting down a flutter of excitement, Lee managed a professional nod. "And if Highwind is really infected, then there's nothing stopping us!"
Joy glanced over at the room that lead to Jenova's tank. "Is that so...?"

A week ago, Cloud declared the the world was going crazy with some guy chasing to kill Cid, Aeris was alive only to claim she was in love with her murderer and Tifa was getting married to her life-long nemesis!
As he was waiting for the elevator to come to a halt at his designated floor, Cloud realised that a week ago things were pretty normal considering what had happened afterwards.
Zombie soldiers, there were really no other way to describe them, spreading the mysterious infection, Hojo was their last hope to fight it and there was someone wandering around Midgar with a weapon strong enough to tear through half the city and cut straight through the defensive wall!
No, Cloud would have been pretty satisfied to have things back to the way they were a week ago, minus the guy wanting to kill Cid.
A plinging sound announced he'd reached his destination and Cloud exited the elevator with a sigh. He was almost dreading to see Jessie again as he walked towards her room, knowing her face would only painfully remind him of the final evidence that he couldn't really protect anyone. How could he let her end up facing that person with such a dangerous weapon? Cloud would never have forgiven himself if Jessie had been killed. She was just about the best friend he had, and could always make him feel better after a bad day.
Knocking on the door, Cloud gazed down at his nervously shuffling feet.
"Yeah?" Jessie's voice said, sounding tired and awfully fragile.
Poking his head in, Cloud put on a bright smile. "I heard there was a lovely girl who requested my presence?"
Looking so small and lost in the hospital bed, Jessie's smile tore at his heart. "Cloud! Well, I'll be sure to find out who other besides me who want to talk to you, but could you spare me a few minutes?"
Cloud laughed silently as he entered the room and closed the door behind him before walking over to sink down on the chair beside her bed. "Funny, Jessie. Real funny. Now, what's on your mind?"
Jessie's smile vanished and she gazed down at her fidgeting hands. "I... I have a confession to make..."
A horrible feeling of dread came over Cloud and he instinctively knew he didn't want to hear it. "What? Don't tell me you're in love with Sephiroth too?"
A tear trailed down Jessie's cheek as she laughed silently while shaking her head. "No... It's about yesterday... About what happened..."
"Do you know who did it?" Cloud asked silently, leaning slightly forward to rest his elbows on his knees and hoping it wasn't what he already had a suspicion about.
This time Jessie nodded.
Closing his eyes briefly, Cloud gathered his courage before he could look at her again. "It was you."
Jessie drew a sobbing breath, gazing pleadingly at him. "But I didn't mean to! I-I don't even know what I did! It just... I don't know!"
The next minute, the only sound were Jessie's silent crying and Cloud was staring absently at the floor. He'd known, seeing the strange things that had happened around her, but hadn't thought it would go this far. The damages had been devastating, entire buildings reduced to rubble. Exploding cups and shattered light bulbs were one thing, but the amount of power that had been unleashed yesterday was on a completely different level. And if Jessie were unable to control it, that made matters even worse.
"What should I do?" Jessie finally whispered, gazing at him with frightened eyes.
Cloud didn't gaze up immediately, lost in thoughts. It was clear that this power could easily strike one of her allies as well as her enemies if she didn't learn to control it, and that was not taking into consideration that using it might be harmful to Jessie as well. Keeping it a secret seemed like a really bad idea, and Cloud wouldn't have hesitated in advising her to talk to the doctors here if not for a small detail; Hojo would just love to get his hands on a power this strong. Cloud did not trust that the scientist was under control, and would rather die than to let Jessie fall into his hands. She'd suffered enough.
"Cloud?" Jessie called meekly, feeling sick with fear that he was withdrawing from her with disgust and fear. Had she been wrong to tell him?
Drawing a deep breath, Cloud got up and gazed down at her. "For now, I suggest you rest and get your strength back. Don't tell anybody about this, ok? I'll deal with it."
Jessie blinked confused. "But I..."
Cloud smiled gently, taking her hand in his while stroking away a tear with his other. "Don't worry, Jessie. Trust me."
And she did.

Hojo stood gazing in through the observation window as the woman was gently wiping Highwind's forhead with a white cloth, giving softly spoken words of encouragement. He had told the woman it was unnecessary for her to expose herself to possible infection as there was nothing she could do for Highwind's condition, but the insolent creature had merely brushed pass him and entered the isolation room. It was clear that the painkillers were having a diminished effect, and the wound had turned an even darker colour. Hojo was almost disappointed to discover that the doctors had actually done a half-decent job of researching the virus, but they didn't have his brilliance so it didn't worry him that they hadn't found the cure yet.
Turning away, Hojo placed his hands behind his back and wandered back towards his lab. It had taken him years to perfect this walk, and the damn Cetra had reconstructed him several years younger! He was certain they had done exactly that to annoy him, and it annoyed him even more that it worked!
Entering the silent room, Hojo made a few quick check ups on his experiments, finding several of them showing already promising signs of being able to slow down the progress. The nature of the virus was simple to understand and Hojo felt a little insulted that someone would invent and unleash something like it. All it did was spread and kill? Where was the beauty of that? It showed no signs on increasing strength or any enhanced skills. It slowly broke down tissue, and when it spread to the brain the subject would turn into what superstitious simpletons called 'zombies'. It had no real purpose as it would not distinct friend from foe, thus making it useless as a weapon without taking too many friendly casualties. No, it was uncontrolled and barbaric.
Hojo removed his glasses and rubbed his weary eyes. When the Cetra had returned him to this hell-hole, they'd forgotten to remove the need for sleep. Another slip-up he was sure was done to annoy him. And, yes, that worked too! Sleep was a weakness, and one he'd always been unable to shake. Humans were frail and weak creatures, and only a handful of them intelligent enough to have the right to breathe.
Jenova had been his key to end these flaws, and Sephiroth's mere presence told of what could be accomplished! Hojo put his glasses back on, but didn't open his eyes. It was strange, but he felt Jenova's absence like a part of him was missing. Ever since he'd injected himself with her cells that night in Nibelheim, her voice had been with him and guiding him. She'd been the only one who'd ever understood him, realised his brilliance! She had the power he craved, and was willing to share it with him.
Sneering, Hojo opened his eyes to glare at the golden chain around his ankle. The Cetra had taken her from him, and now he was all alone.
For now, they had the upper hand.
For now.

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