Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where we came from and where we will go to ❯ Where will we go now? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2: Where will we go now?

Kuja had positioned himself near the entrance to the cave, gazing out towards the huge crater - formed by a seemingly forceful explosion where the Iifa Tree had once been - , which could be seen from up here. He could only imagine how immense the explosion must have been, leaving behind a crater that was twice the width of the Iifa Tree and all black, no signs of any kind of life remaining. He felt odd, as he was supposed to die together with that tree. But here he was, all well and without any signs of his life ending soon. Had whoever saved Zidane and him possibly managed to unbind him from this fate? Was that even possible?

"Darling, I'm home!", Zidane's voice brought him out of thought.

"I'm not your darling.", Kuja replied.

"I know that, I was just teasing.", Zidane grinned broadly.

"You're back fast.", Kuja said.

"Yeah, I didn't have to go very far, fortunately.", Zidane replied.

"So, what did you get us?", Kuja asked.

"Alright, let's see..", Zidane answered and opened his knapsack, "There we have some clothes, simple, but clean. Some soap to clean ourselves up, a comb for my short and a brush for your long hair and some fresh meat."

"Good," Kuja said, "Have you also found a lake or something where we can wash ourselves?"

"Yep.", Zidane replied, "Just five minutes from here is a waterfall. The water's cold, though, but it's the best we can get. I don't mind a cold shower, you?"

"Better than not getting clean at all, I guess.", Kuja simply said.

"Alright, then let's be off for a shower."

"I'll be right behind you.", Kuja said.

So Zidane quickly gathered the soap, the comb and hairbrush and the new clothes up in his arms and got going.

The waterfall was rather small, but it was enough for the two Genomes to shower themselves off.

At first, Zidane had stared wildly at Kuja as he had undressed.

"What? Is there something on my face?", Kuja asked.

"Sorry, it's nothing.", Zidane said and quickly turned his head away, obviously embarrassed.

"Oh come on, there's nothing you haven't seen already.", Kuja sighed, but then decided to drop the topic and just get himself cleaned up.

The cold water rushing all over his body was a true relief, not only of all the dirt on him, but also of all the worries inside of him. The water washed it all away and as he got out of the water, he felt like this was the beginning of a whole new life.

"Will you get dressed now or what?", Zidane asked from behind him.

"Oh, right.", Kuja just said and reached for the clothes. He decided for a white shirt with long sleeves, a pair of black pants and some black boots. Once he was dressed up, he turned towards Zidane, who was wearing almost the same, just that his pants were light brown.

Kuja slightly laughed.

"Now we really look like brothers", he said, then grabbed the hairbrush while Zidane, quickly combed his short blonde strands.

Kuja was still occupied with getting at least some order back in his silver locks when Zidane started heading back to the cave, but he just followed, careful enough not to fall over some rock.

When they arrived, Kuja's hair still was messy and he was really pissed.

"You look like you need some help.", Zidane said.

"Have a try, it can't really get worse anyway.", Kuja sighed and handed him the hairbrush.

To Kuja's surprise, Zidane quickly managed the long silver strands like they had been his own.

"There", He said after a few minutes, "All smooth and shiny."

"Impressive.", Kuja replied.

Zidane just grinned, then began preparing some food.

While Zidane was cooking, Kuja got all reflective.

"Zidane?", he suddenly asked.

"Yes?", Zidane questioned back.

"What are we going to do now?"

"Uhm, I dunno…haven't thought about it, yet.", Zidane admitted.

"Nevermind then.", Kuja said, then went silent again.

During the rest of the day, it was Zidane who was now sitting at the entrance of the cave, casting a yearning look over the landscape and sighing from time to time.

"You miss her, don't you?", Kuja asked, sitting next to him.

"Who?", Zidane asked stupidly.

"Your pretty canary.", Kuja said.

"You mean Da- err Garnet.", Zidane muttered.


"I really miss her, she must think I am dead.", Zidane said.

"Then go to Alexandria and prove the opposite.", Kuja suggested.

"I dunno.", Zidane sighed, "It's not that I don't want to return to her, but not now. I know this sounds strange, but but I don't feel like just appearing in the castle saying `Hi I'm back!' "

"I see.", Kuja said, "Then what now?"

"No idea…", Zidane replied, "Where do you wanna go?"

"Me?", Kuja asked, obviously surprised, "I don't know. But there aren't many places I can go now. I guess I won't be very welcome in most towns."

"Oh yeah.", Zidane said, "Even if we tried to explain, most people wouldn't trust you."

" `We'?", Kuja asked.

"Yeah, I think I should stick with you for a while, just to make sure you'll behave."

Kuja sighed. What was he supposed to do now? Where should he go?

"What about Desert palace?", Zidane asked.

"Uhhhhhh…", Kuja was obviously embarrassed, "It doesn't exist anymore."


"Because I thought I didn't need it anymore and blew it up."

"That was stupid, Kuja."

"How was I supposed to know I would need it again?", Kuja asked.

"Whatever, just forget about it.", Zidane said disappointedly.

"So what now?", Kuja questioned.

"Well," Zidane began, "we have enough reserves for a week or so, so we can stay here for a while. Enough time to think of what to do next."

"Agreed.", Kuja said, then cleaned the two bowls with some water they had taken with them from the waterfall.

"Wow,", Zidane awed, "I never expected you to do THAT."

"So?", Kuja questioned, "One of us HAS to do it, and as you have done quite a lot already, I thought it would just be right of me to do it."

"My, my, you really changed.", Zidane said.

"Yeah, I guess so.", Kuja replied, "Why shouldn't I accept this second chance I have been given? I must at least try to live a life in peace and satisfaction."

AN: There you have C2! I still don't own Zidane and Kuja. But I do own my personal Kuja-clone *laughs*.