Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where we came from and where we will go to ❯ Guilt and faith ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

7. Guilt and faith

"If we keep this speed up, we should reach Lindbulm tomorrow.", Zidane said, glancing towards the horizon, "I will so love to sleep in a proper bed again."

Kuja stood at his side and Akasha was a few inches behind the brothers.

"We should camp here tonight, so we can refresh a little before entering the town.", She suggested.

"Yeah.", Zidane replied, "We can collect some extra energy for tomorrow, then."

The three set up their camp. Some fish Zidane had caught the day before was now roasting on a nice fire and the two genomes and their new ally were circling the fireplace.

Kuja was staring into the flames, a slight expression of unease on his face.

"Kuja-san,", Akasha's voice brought him back from his deep thoughts, "is there something bothering you?"

The silver-haired genome kept silent for a while. There was indeed something bothering him- it would be the first town he'd enter after the end of the war…and even though he would disguise himself with the hooded cloak Zidane had bought for him, he was still worried that somehow his identity could be revealed…what would happen then? What should he say? …or do?

He knew he'd have Zidane's support, no matter what happened, but still…

"Kuja-san?", Akasha asked again.

"I'm sorry.", He replied, "It's just…I…"

Kuja suddenly found himself lost for words. Should he tell her what he had done? What would her reaction be like? He knew she hadn't personally affected by the war and didn't know who exactly had been responsible for it, but still, Kuja was unsure what she would say or do once she DID know.

He took a deep breath, clearing his mind. And he listened, hoping that there would be some inner voice telling him what would be the right thing to do.

` I should not lie to her' , he thought, `She is such a nice girl, I want her to know…maybe, she'll understand…if not…I don't know…but telling the truth seems like the right thing to do'

And so, he gathered all his courage and started speaking.

"There are a few things that I should tell you about me.", He said, "I do not know if you will like what you will hear, but…please listen."

Akasha just smiled warmly and nodded her agreement.

So, Kuja told his story, from his time on Terra until his miraculous survival of the Iifa Tree.

Akasha didn't move or speak during the whole story, just sat there with an attentive look on her face.

When Kuja was finished, he dropped down to the ground, crossing his legs.

"Now you know", He said…and sighed, "If you hate me now, I will not blame you."

He stared at the ground.

"I do not hate you, Kuja-san.", came a sweet answer from Akasha, "Though I would understand the people who do. And I now understand why you wear this hideous cloak most of the time. But I have not experienced the events of the war, and I have just met you, and during all that short time, I came to really like you. I like to make up my own mind about a person. I do not care what others say. I am willing to be your friend, if you let me."

Kuja was really taken aback by her answer. She was really extraordinary. Where could such an amazing person come from?

"well, while we're having this storytelling time, how about you telling us something about yourself, Akasha?", Zidane said, "We still only know your name and some of your magic, but we'd like to know where you're from and stuff. Right, Kuja?"

Kuja was still staring at Akasha as if she was a product of his imagination.

`Is he blushing?', Zidane wondered.

"Helloho, Gaia calling Kuja!", He exclaimed.

"Ah, sorry.", Kuja replied, snapping out of his awe.

"So you two want to get to know me?", Akasha asked.

"Uh-huh.", Zidane said.

"We are really quite curious about you", Kuja said…hardly managing not to say "I am really quite curious…".

Something about her fascinated him…

"Alright then.", Akasha said, "But there is not much I can tell you…at least not now…please understand that there are a few things I need to keep to myself yet."

"…okay…you surely have your reasons.", Zidane replied.

Kuja just nodded, waiting eagerly for her to move on.

"Thank you for your trust…I appreciate people having faith in others. But let me move on now.

I come from the Realm of gods. That is the dimension where all the gods who created and watch over this world live. They send me here as their messenger to fulfil a certain task. What exactly that task is, I cannot tell you…not now, that is. I might someday, but now, I have to keep this a secret.

Basically, this is all I can tell you about myself. I am sorry if I am confusing you."

"It's okay.", Zidane said, "But tell me, are you yourself a god, I mean goddess?"

Akasha laughed.

"No, I am not.", she replied, "I was merely given some of the gods' power. You could say I am their child in some way."

"I see…", Zidane said.

"Fascinating…", Kuja added, again staring at her in awe.

So she knew the gods…real gods…powerful gods…maybe she could tell him of any of these gods had something to do with his and Zidane's rescue from the Iifa Tree…

He decided to ask her once, but not now. He was tired and decided to go to sleep.

Strangely, his dreams were not the usual nightmares, but just flashing images of Akasha…smiling, laughing, talking…

For the first night since a long time, Kuja had a pleasant night.

AN: Finally! Laziness is a bad thing for an author…

So Akasha's origin is revealed…though her motives remain a secret…I a so evil ^.^

Now comment or I'll order Kuja to cast Ultima on you, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!