Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Winding Roads ❯ A rat in the castle and a man with a pot on his head ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
All right then, well, this is my first Final Fantasy 9 fic. It's starring Freya, for I have found there to be a shocking lack of fics starring the Dragoon out there. *tisk tisk* I don't own any rights to FF9, except the ones I received when I bought a copy of the game and the practically useless strategy guide, but other then that it's all Square soft, baby.

I rate this story: R (for language)
Written by: Peach Goddess
This chapter was started on: 8/1/2001
This chapter was finished on: 8/6/2001
And my e-mail address is: confused@crosslink
Winding Roads: part 1
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Her eyes remained in a blurred and unfocused state as she looked towards the window leading to the outside world, the place where she wanted to be the most. Then of coarse, anywhere would be better then here, she mused while looking warily down the far end of the table where a rousing discussion about the taxing of Alexandria was being held. She was usually better at sustaining her impatience, but, well, this was just boring. Freya sighed and looked down at her lap where her napkin was placed. She began twisting the fabric, trying to see if she could accomplish the ever so elegant napkin swan . . .

"What do you think Freya?"

Freya's head shot up as she was acknowledged. She looked down to the far end of the table where Zidane was perched, next to Garnet, of coarse.

"Excuse me, Sire?"

"I asked what you thought about tax hike, good or bad? You just seemed left out of the conversation so . . .," Zidane trailed off, fully expecting her to apologize and give her opinion on the matter.

"I do not think you should ask what I think, it does not truly matter. You are King, these are your people, not mine, Your Highness," Freya deduced. She often wondered how that drudgingly boring man down there was once the man who had leapt head first into danger, blindfolded, gagged, and strapped to the back of five rabid Bandersnaches, probably more times then Freya could count. Over the years Zidane had changed, and not for the better in her opinion. After marring Garnet he settled down a bit, but after that it seemed like every time she saw him he acted less and less like himself and more and more like those vain and petty nobles that littered the streets of Treno.

"Yes, but I would still like your opinion, if you are willing to share," Zidane prodded, obviously thinking this was an exciting conversation worthy of everyone's opinion. Freya set her quasi-napkin swan onto the table and bowed gently, her yellow ribbon on her tail now visible over her helmet, which she had refused to take off all dinner even after Steiner mumbled about her being a 'Stuck up Rat with the manners of a Thief', a joke he found amusing but Zidane hated more then formal functions without caviar. Freya straightened from her gentle bow and stood straight, her chin held high, with her sky blue eyes staring down at the King.

"I have traveled a long way, I wish to rest now, Your Highness, Your Majesty," Freya said with a voice that left no room for discussion, turning to Zidane and Garnet in turn and trying to show them as much respect as she could muster for the pair now and days. To think the people she had admired so much had turned into the people she could barely stand to be in the same room with. Freya did another quick bow before turning and pushing open the heavy marble doors on her own, following the path she knew by heart, up the stairs, to the left, three doors down and she would be there. Every one who had traveled with the group, even some who didn't, but were associated with one of the crew or had helped along the way somehow, had their own room at the castle, though Freya was the one who was there the most. She breezed up the stairs and numbly found her room, standing long enough to kick off her boots before falling back into the comfort of the bed.

She missed everyone so much, Vivi, Eiko, Quina-how long had it been since she had seen them all? Two maybe three years? That sounded right . . . Vivi was living in Black Mage Village with his people, making the most of his life and helping the others live theirs to the fullest, Eiko had unofficially become the daughter of Regent Cid and Lady Hilda of Lindblum, and Quina . . . wow, Quina . . . she had most likely finished her Gourmet training by now . . .

Freya somehow managed to kick herself under the covers as she rolled over onto her side and thought of the memories she had gained traveling with the old group. They all had places to go, all of them. The dwellings of her people had both been destroyed, even though Burmecia had been rebuilt, allegedly better then before, it just wasn't the home it used to be. The Dragoon sat up in bed, looking towards the ancient grandfather clock in the corner, realizing she wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight Freya stood up and stretched her arms above her silver haired head, pushing a stray strand behind her neck as her hands traveled back down to her sides. She walked around blindly for a bit, waiting for her eyes to adjust so she could find her boots, luckily it didn't take long at all and her feet were covered in the worn shoes in a matter of moments. She sighed and reached under her pillow and pulled out her small dagger and placed it into the hidden strap in her boot, it had been a gift from King Puck to show how proud he was that one of his Knights had helped save the planet. She wasn't one who usually liked to fight with knives, but they were somewhat handy at times, Freya thought, feeling for any lumps in her soft leather boot that would give the location of the small knife away. Feeling none she stood again and trotted softly to the table, her clawed toes protruding from her toeless shoes made a slight scraping sound as she walked over to the other side of the room.

She carelessly plunked the helmet onto her head and reached for her Pike, The Dragon's Hair, which leaned against the wall near the table her scarlet headgear was resting on. She swiftly moved to the door and pushed it slightly ajar, if the guards would see her leaving at such an un-godly hour they would assume she was up to something, they were trained by Steiner after all. Freya finally stepped out into the hall, surprised to see Cinna stuffing various statuettes under the pot on his head. She coughed a bit to get his attention, which caused Cinna to jump into the air and turn to the Knight worriedly, fear clearly written on his features. Freya smiled to him and held up a talon toped finger to her thin lips. Cinna released a breath of relief and followed her as she began to walk out of the castle, more like sneak but it wasn't hard to get in or out of the castle at night, the main guards asleep at the post, well, they were trained by Steiner after all.

One short Gondola ride later and Cinna and Freya were resting peacefully in a small, hole in the wall, filthy, stinking, tavern and Freya was loving every minute of it. It felt so good to put her elbows on the table and not cross her legs that she let out an almost inaudible sigh. She peered over her mug of ale, the worst she had ever tasted, and looked at the thief admiring his valuable plunder with wide eyes.

"You know, stealing from royalty is retaliated with beheading, friend or not," Freya informed, breaking the silenced they had lapsed into. Cinna sighed and tried in vain to pry a ruby from the dragon statue's scales with a table knife, giving up in a matter of moments and slamming the figure onto the table frustrated with his futile attempts.

"Don't ya' think I know that? It's hard being a thief anywhere now and days. All of the City's and their goddamned treaty to cut down on crime, half of Tantalus in resting in a goddamned hole with fifty fuckin' other people, all of em' headless," Cinna said, eyes glazing over with more emotions that Freya could count.

"I am sorry for your losses, but I don't see how this," she explained, motioning to the figures "will help with your troubles."

"You gotta' steal big, Woman. If you steal to often people will recognize ya' and then you might as well go home and start carvin' yourself a damn coffin. This hit is big enough for me to stop, go find a town somewhere and get a job, I won't last long if I keep up this lifestyle. I want to be around long enough to have a couple of little Cinna's bouncing on my knees."

"Who are you going to get to buy those statues off of you, Cinna? The Castle is going to have a search going on for the stolen loot, who's going to buy such hot items?"

Cinna leaned back in his chair and locked his hands behind his head, looking very smug all the while. "I have that all planned out. I have a friend down at the weapon store in Lindblum who is going to melt these baby's down and forge weapons with em', willing to pay me a bundle too. Only problem is I need to pry these damn jewels out, but that's very minor, nothing a good pounding with my hammer wouldn't cure," He commented, reaching down and motioning to the trusty hammer at his side. Freya smiled to spite herself.

"What about you, won't there be rumors flying about you and the Castle thief, Freya," Cinna asked pryingly.

"Oh yes, but I'm starting on a quest today and won't be around to hear them, such a pity too. I'm sure they would have woven magnificent stories about my illicit outlaw lover and our elopement."

Cinna exploded into laughter and stood up, pushing in his chair and dropping his plunder into an average brown belt pack, stumbling a bit at the added weight to his stride.

"Woman, if I could get a girl like you I would be a very happy man, remember that, alright?"

Freya stood up and patted the fellow traveler on the back, wishing him luck and a good life, playfully tilting the pot on his head. She watched as he left the bar, or as well as you can watch someone through a window that hadn't been cleaned in god knows how long, but never the less she tried to watch him as he slinked into the shadows and headed to Alexandria's gates, waving, even though he was well out of range to see it. Freya slumped back to the table reluctantly, now feeling her loneliness weight down on her shoulders.

The Demi-human reached into her pack and tossed some gil onto the table, more then she owed but the times were tough, and she had more than enough to last her for a good long time. Freya silently to the door, shivering slightly as the cool night assaulted her skin, her short fur serving its purpose, warmed her up immediately. She padded gently down the empty cobblestone streets, nobody dared venture out for fear of being accused of thieving of some other crime. Only an eerie silence accompanied Freya to the gate to the city, and she couldn't imagine anything better then what she felt stepping out of the uptight city and out into the free plains of the world. She was free again, and she was damn happy about it.