Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Winding Roads ❯ A Giant in a bar and a bounty hunter with serious issues ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Just so you know I decided to make Quina a girl, I'm getting tired of the Qu's being referred to as an 'It' and come on, a pink dress? It's either a girl or has serious problems . . .(Thanks to ~*Punk Zell Dincht*~ for pointing out I made Quina a she and forgot to mention it) Okay, anyhow, here it is, chapter two of . . . umm . . . I dunno' at this point, but if I ever find out I'll let you know, okay? Right-e-o then here it goes, the standard disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy 9, Freya, Amarant, or any of the other characters in this story, if I make one up at some point I stake claims on them, but that won't happen for a while, I'm lazy. Oh yeah, I made up a last name for Lani.
Rating: R (for language)
Author: Peach Goddess
This chapter was started on: 8/20/2001
This chapter was finished on: 8/24/2001
E-mail address:
"Winding Roads: Chapter 2"

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He reached a large gloved hand up to his mouth, smearing the blood splattered on his lips and chin, stray drops dripping down his nose to mingling with his beard. It had been a good hunt, but it had been a wonderful kill. The blood pounded in his veins, wanting to tear more apart, wanting to taste more blood and stain his hands crimson even more. Shaking those thoughts from his mind he stood back once again to look at his prey. It was dead at the first contact with his claws, but he decided to further mutilate it for his own enjoyment. He was distracted from admiring his work, bloody and tattered at his feet, by a quite noise of disgust coming from behind him. He turned and glared at the interruption, telling without words that he wasn't happy at all with the disturbance. She merely scoffed and turned up her nose at him. He was growing impatient with her. Very impatient.

"If you do not like what you see, why do you still follow me, Bitch?"

The woman didn't seem at all offended at the derogatory remark; in fact, it seemed to have the opposite effect all together as a smug look crossed her face.

"Amarant, you wouldn't survive without me, face it, you are not a people person," Lani boasted "and to even get one job as an assassin you have to pull more goddamned strings than a harp."

"Was that a slice of eloquence in your words? Are you fully turning into one of those damn kept women? Ah well, good riddance, Bitch. Never liked you anyway. Now run off to your lover and leave me the fuck alone," Amarant grunted, beginning to slink off into the woods again with a fuming Lani following behind, stomping all the while.

"Amarant! Wait the fuck up," Lani bellowed. Amarant didn't slow down, but seemed to pick up his pace a bit more.

"You Son of a Bitch! You're impossible, you know that? I wasted five fucking years of my life following you and I still don't know a goddamned thing about you, except for the fact you're a double crossing Bastard who left me all alone and went gallivanting around saving the world with a bunch of goody two shoes Mama's boys! Yeah, so I'm a goddamn 'Kept' woman now, so fucking what? It pays better than following you around and the sex is a hell of a lot better!"

Amarant stopped at that, turning around slowly with an amused look spread thinly on his face.

"I'm sure it is, considering that when I think of the sex I had with you I realize I would rather screw cattle than bed you again. And while we are on the subject, I never asked you to follow me, in fact, I made it very clear that I wanted you to leave me the fuck alone Lani, but no, I apparently had tuna in my shoes and you are a fucking, starving, idiotic puppy!"

Amarant continued his stride deeper into the woods, stopping when he heard no footsteps behind him. The hunter looked over his shoulder, his face blank of any emotion. His expression stayed the same as he saw angry tears spill down the Axe Woman's face, her fists balled so tightly he nails would have dug into the flesh of her palms if she didn't bite her nails so often. Amarant's thoughts were disturbed by a shrill sound coming from the woman behind him. Lani tilted her head back as a bitter laughter rolled out of her mouth and off of her tongue.

"You so pathetic Amarant, so fucking pathetic that I, Lani Callo, feel pity for you. I tried so hard to hate you, but then I saw you, the real you, and I felt so much goddamned fuckin' pity I felt some of that mystical 'Maternal Instinct' all those old wrinkly women talk about," Lani growled.

"You thought of me as your child and you fucked me?"

"I never said I was a good surrogate mother, I have needs too you know."

"Feh, run along and play with your Keeper Lani. I'm tired of you and don't want to spend my time fixing a broken toy."

"I know that's as good a 'good-bye' as I'm going to get from you," Lani sighed and turned around, she had a long way back to Dali, hopefully Gabriel, her 'Owner', as he insisted on being called, would be home without any of his other mistresses. She needed a good tumble right about now, and the money was every thing but un-welcomed.

"If you knew that, then you know me better than you though you did."

Lani's head shot back around to stare at an empty clearing, eyes darting to the tree's canopy as the leafs gently swayed at the disturbance that had past.

"That sneaky little Bastard . . . I'm sure as hell gonna' miss him."

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Amarant was alone now. The thing he had longed to have for years, solitude, now seemed . . . lonely.

'I don't miss people, I miss insulting them, making them feel insignificant and self conscious.' He mused; secretly knowing he was making up excuses. He didn't need anyone. None. Not one fucking soul. He was happy. He was so damn happy he felt like vomiting up daisies.

"Aw, fuck it, I need booze."

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Why was she so attracted to cities? She just left one and here she was, back in one in less than a week, wandering the dirty cobblestone streets of Lindblum, breathing in the vile and rotten stench of garbage wafting from the ally ways, being pushed around by the agitated crowds filled with people in a constant hurry to get somewhere else, and dodging the haggling vendors who would grab you by the arm in a no-nonsense grip and lower their prices until you bought one of their gaudy wears. No, not her, not today, not ever again not to this Burmecian! She would resist their pushiness and urgings she would-

"Miss? Might I have a moment of your time, this moment could change your life," A voice said, pulling her forcefully back to his booth.

Freya scratched her head in wonder and admire at how the strange man had managed to make it seem like a good idea to buy a paperweight shaped like Lindblum castle and a picture frame painted in the ugliest blue paint Freya had ever laid eyes on. She hurried away from the aisle of booths, with her purse significantly lighter, before another one of the master manipulator salesmen could sink their money hungry claws into her again. She collapsed onto a bench in a lush green area, complete with carefully tended trees and grass and even children running around playing games unfamiliar to Freya. She smiled a bit as she saw them weave around the trees, kicking a red ball at each other and at tipped over trashed cans, fashioned to be goals of some sort. A green-eyed girl with platinum blond curls ran up to her, sent by the other children to fetch the stray ball that rolled under Freya's bench. The girl flashed Freya a toothy grin, well, as tooth as a grin could be when you didn't have your two front teeth that is.

"Hewwo," The girl greeted.

"Hello," Freya responded.

"I'm Tamari, wooh arw you?"

"I'm Freya, I'm a pleasure to meet you Tamari," The Knight said while taking off her helmet in greetings. Tamari's eyes went wide as she saw the top of Freya's head.

"You hafe coowl eaws, can I feewl them?," Tamari asked through her thick lisp. Freya nodded her consent and dipped her head down to Tamari's level. The grin on Tamari's face grew as she tugged on the ears atop The Burmecian's head. Freya cringed a bit as the small chocolate covered hands reached up to tug none to gently on her sensitive ears. She grinned and bared it though; she always had a soft spot for children. It was at that moment a stranger made himself noticed. Freya's eyes darted up to the presence behind Tamari and gently pulled the little human's hands away from her aching ears. She dug her foot under the bench and gingerly kicked the ball out for Tamari to pick up, which she did.

"Fank you Fweya," she called running along to play with her friends again, who then pelted her with questions about Freya's ears, all of the questions were answered eagerly before the gaggle of children skipped off to play once more. Freya slipped her helmet back on and stood up, giving a small bow to the man in front of her, who gave the same courteous bow back before joining Freya on the bench sitting a polite distance beside her.

"Freya Crescent I presume," The man stated, his rat-tail busy stretching the kinks it had gained from most likely riding a Chocobo, while his hands patted away some dust that had gathered on his worn leather armor from his journey.

"If that is your presumption then you are correct."

"I have come from Burmecia to give you a message," He informed her while Freya gave the Burmecian once over with her amused green eyes.

"Really? I never would have guessed. I thought for sure you came from Conde Petie," The man flushed a bit at being made fun of by one of the greatest Dragoon Knights to ever walk the planet, but soon shook off his embarrassment and continued his planed speech.

"Anyhow, My name is Sulli and I have a message from the Minister of Burmecia for you Miss Crescent," Sulli explained with a grim look on his face. Freya took the envelope that was presented to her with confusion etched onto her features.

"I don't understan-"

"Please, read the letter and return home immediately. It's of extreme importance that you do so. I have been sent to make sure you return safely."

Freya's temper was beginning to wear thin. "Wait just one damned minute. I will return to Burmecia, but I will do so as I see fit, which by the way is without you escorting me! I have been wandering on my own for years and I certainly do not need you to baby sit me the two-day travel back home. Tell the Minister I will be back within the week, no discussions about it," On that note she stood up and wandered down the busy streets again, leaving behind one angry Sulli.

"I'm going to get it for sure now. Good going Sulli old boy."


Freya stomped blindly into a building, which turned out to be pub, but she wasn't complaining at all, she needed a drink. You see, when Freya gets upset one of two things happen. One, she beats the living daylights out of the person on thing that made her upset, or two, she drinks. And since the Burmecian population is dwindling to a dangerous low, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to take another of her kind out. Questions filled her mind as she slid onto an unoccupied bar stool and mindlessly began tapping at the oak bar with her taloned hand, the red waxed sealed envelope resting under the other hand which was pinned to the counter top, protecting the document from thieving hands. Why would they want to send her home with an escort? Normally they would ask her to escort some random government official some odd place. Freya slapped herself gently on the head. The reason would probably be explained in the letter. Feeling quite stupid for ignoring the obvious for so long she lifted the letter off of the counter and began to crack open the seal on the letter with one of her claws.

"What's the point in coming to a damn bar if you don't buy something to drink?"

Freya dropped the letter back on to the bar top and spun around, hand grasping at her in fright. Her expression softened as she saw who was behind her.

"Gods Amarant! You gave me quite the fright," Freya whispered breathily, still out of breath from being so startled. Amarant looked sullen and ominous. Obviously he hadn't changed a bit. He slid onto the stool beside her, although he didn't fit on it nearly as well as she did.

"Why the fuck do they make these things so small?"

"Obviously to piss you off. It's a conspiracy Amarant, and I'm working on bringing it down from the inside."

Amarant chuckled dryly and shook his head a bit.

"Those fuckers, I knew they were all against me. Oi! Waitress! I'm not getting any fucking younger, only more pissed off!," Amarant bellowed to the frail girl who wandered shyly over to them, most likely intimidated by Amarant's yelling.

"C-can I-I he-help-p y-you, Sir?," The Waitress squeaked.

"Were you raised in a barn, Wench? You always take the fucking ladies order first!" The Waitress jumped and turned to Freya.

"I-I'm sorry, r-really, v-very so-sorry," She stumbled. Freya smiled encouragingly.

"It's no trouble at all. I'll just have a hoggle of ail. And Amarant will have-?"

"I want the second strongest drink you got mixed with the strongest drink you got, then I want you to find and even stronger drink than that and toss it all together, and if I find one damned ice cube in it I'll pull off your fingers and use them to fish em' out. Got it?"

The Waitress scribbled furiously on her notepad with a shaky hand and nodded dutifully.

"I-I'll be b-back s-s-soon."

Freya tilted her head to the red haired giant stooped beside her.

"That's quite a drink you ordered, Amarant."

"I'm twice your fucking size, Rat. That ail you ordered is like putting a teabag into the ocean, in other words I need a hell of a lot more booze to get fucked up than you do."

"Thanks a lot, now I want some tea."

They lapsed into a silence until a different waitress came back with their drinks, although when she saw Amarant she became just as petrified as the first. Freya could have sworn she saw him grinning.

"You enjoy that don't you?," The 'Rat' questioned.

"Enjoy what, Wench?"

"Bringing fear to the hearts of the millions who meet you."

"Oh. That. Yeah, I guess I do. People are fucking idiots."

"I suppose that's one way of looking at people."

"Yeah, and I'm not gonna' stand on my god damned head to get a new one."

Freya laughed a bit and ran a talon around the rim of her mug, watching the leftover froth slid down the sides and pool at the bottom of the glass.

"It's been a while," She said pointedly. Amarant grunted in response.

"You the first person aside from Garnet and Zidane I've seen in years."

"What's that Sissy up to now any how? Hopping about in a shiny red cape saving damsels in distress?"

"I only wish, he's done a total personality transformation and now reminds me of my old Uncle Graven. In other words he's stifling boring and needs to pull out the pole he has jammed in his ass," Freya finished rather uncharacteristic.

"I saw Vivi a while back."

"Did you?"

"I just told you I did, why the fuck are you questioning me?," Amarant teased in gruff voice.

"Oh, I'm questioning you for many reasons, but they really aren't important so I won't bother you with the specifics," Freya replied smugly. She looked at the Mirror behind the bar, looking at the illusionary rows of bottles that the mirror reflected. Her eyes wandered up and glanced at the clock, Freya let out an almost inaudible hiss.

"I have to go, I didn't realize how late it was getting," Freya explained while she stood up, she vaguely noted she was still shorter than him while she stood, although just barely. Amarant looked up and stuck his bottom lip out in mock disappointment.

"Aww, is the little baby gonna' miss her bedtime?" Freya glared and smacked him playfully on his arm.

"No, I'm leaving Lindblum tonight," She announced throwing some Gil unceremoniously down on the bar. "I'm going back to Burmecia."

"Well I'll be damned, you paid for your own drink. Most ladies insist the man does, like he has a fucking bottomless pit of money in his wallet."

"I'm no lady, Amarant."

"I know," He stood up and downed the rest of his drink, his face twisting oddly at the bitter taste of the liquor in such a large amount. He too threw some Gil onto the counter and looked at her expectantly.

"What?," Freya questioned.

"Well, I don't know how the hell to get to Burmecia, so lead the damn way Rat Girl." Amarant couldn't hide his smirk as Freya's face took on a completely surprised look.

"Your . . . coming with me?"

"Why the fuck not? It's not like I have anything better to do."

"It's just that I . . . Oh, never mind. Come on Amarant, We have a long walk ahead of us," Freya sighed and straightened the strap on her shoulder holding her pike in place. Amarant looked at her and tilted his head a bit.

"Oi, Rat, how long is this damn trip exactly?"

"Two days, a day and a half if we don't dally around here any longer."

"Dally? What the fuck is 'Dally'?"

"You shush your mouth or I'll shove my pike where the sun doesn't shine," Freya felt that was a good note to leave on, and she did, the giant following behind her with his feet stomping harshly on the old, creaky, floor boards. Her clawed hand gave the door a shove outwards and she stepped outside, holding the side of the door so her companion could pass through. She smiled a bit as she saw him with a large hand full of beer bottles and a satisfied smirk on his face. When she peeked into the bar the smile grew to an out right grin at table of angry, but frightened, looking men with
their mouths agape at the sudden disturbance in their drinking fun. Freya looked to Amarant with a reprimanding look.

"What's that look for, Rat? They were done drinking, they just didn't know it, aside from that they should be thanking me, this stuff is fucking bad for you anyway. Kills brain cells or some thin'. . .," Amarant defended, tossing one of the now empty bottles against the side of the bar, watching with a satisfied look as the bottle smashed and the small glass shards spread onto the ground unceremoniously. He walked over and tread on the glass with his large feet, humming as the remnants of the bottle became small and smaller as he rocked on his heels. He looked back to Freya, his tipsiness beginning to show.

"What do you say, how about we get the fuck outta' here?"

"I couldn't agree more, well, I will, but not so crudely."



"Spoiled Rat."

"Uncultured Fiend."


"Scum bucket."

The inhabitants of Lindblum heard the profanities and the sound of more shattering glass echo down the empty cobblestone streets, off of the adobe walls and oak doors for what seemed like ages, until the duo passed through the old iron gates and began their journey to the City of Rain. When they left an eerie silence passed through the city, a city of fear and wrongful accusations, a city of blood and death, a city of tears and sobs of families mourning the loss of their own, a city which now had peace and laws, a city now shadowed in death.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~

Emetine wiped a line of sweat for her forehead with a worn handkerchief as she continued to sweep the floor that hadn't properly been cleaned in ages. She hated her job. The hours were horrible, the pay was worse, the outfit she had to wear barely covered anything, and a bunch of strange drunk men were always trying to cop a feel. The couple that was in here earlier was the strangest she had seen in all the time she had worked here, which was much longer than liked. They seemed to find joy and companion ship by insulting each other and threatening to other with bodily harm. She sighed and rested her warm head down on the cool counter, closing her eyes in the short moment of bliss. She didn't want to think of weird people right now, she just wanted to go home and curl up with her cat and take a long and well-deserved rest. Emetine opened her eyes slightly, shocked to find an almost open parchment envelope sealed in blood red wax with an impressive crest stamped into it. She fingered the edge envelope excitedly, could this be a letter from a secret admirer who wanted to take her away from her horrible lifestyle? Or maybe it was a letter from some long lost relative's lawyer telling her she had inherited a fortune to spend as she pleased. Her parents always said she was a dreamer and that it wouldn't get her anywhere in life. Ha! Look who has a mysterious letter that would change her life!

Without any further ado, Emetine cracked open the seal, almost sad as she saw the beautiful coat of arms depicted in the wax break, it had been a beautiful picture. She quickly unfolded the letter with a large grin on her face, eyes traveling down the paper at an alarming rate while he smile slowly fell into an angry scowl. She threw the paper back down onto the bar and stamped her foot angrily.

"What the hell type of language is this stupid thing written in? It looks like someone gave their Chocobo a well of ink and a quill and said 'Have a blast, Birdie'!"

She stamped and jumped on the paper with frustrated tears streaming down her face and onto the letter, smudging the ink and making it even more illegible than before. Still note done venting her frustration she picked up the letter and ripped it in two and began tearing it into small confetti like pieces before gathering them all up into a wrinkled paper ball and tossing it into the dustbin. Emetine swiped at her eyes with the back of her hand and let out a dry sob. That will show people to mess with her emotions like that. Finally satisfied that the paper was long gone and soon to be forgotten, she half-heartedly began her sweeping again, waiting for her prince charming, hopefully in person this time.

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The small Mog shivered in fear as its Master let out a string of curses and balled up the note in his clawed hand.

"Sulli really did it this time. I will make sure his punishment is swift and thorough."

Mogita took a hesitant step towards the chair where her Master sat, hardly moving to hinder the risk of injury; Master was getting on in age after all.

"M-master," Mogita squeaked.

"What do you want?," Her Master spat.

"W-why are you s-so angry?"

"Because one of my own made a grave mistake and put another one of my own in danger, that's why I'm upset Mogita," The man explained, anger slowly draining from his voice as he patted Mogita gently on her furry pink head.


"'Oh' indeed little one. I do not think any trouble will come from this, but I don't want anything to endanger my friend."

"Why is your friend so important?," The little Mog questioned.

"My friend is all we have left Mog. If my friend can't help us then no one can."

"Why can't-"

"No more questions, I'm tired and need to rest, but Mogita would you do one thing for me?"

"Of coarse Master! What do you need?"

"Pray for my friend."

"Alright, goodnight Master."

"Goodnight Mog."

Mogita watched as her Master's head lolled off to rest on his shoulder, shortly followed by a gentle snoring. Mogita flapped her deep purple wings, slowly lifting herself off of the ground holding onto a large blanket; which was still partially dragging on the floor. She set down on the head of her Master's throne and did her best to shake the blanket out to cover him entirely, quite the task to try when the blanket was three times your weight, but Mogita always tried, she loved her Master. When the blanket was arranged almost satisfactory she hopped down to the floor and walked out the door, she didn't like flying much, it made her fell sick sometimes. She walked down the hall to the small chapel sealed by large, polished, oak doors. She pulled on the small silver latch that her Master had put in for her, her often ordered her to do things for him, but the fact she couldn't open the large doors had hindered that greatly until Master had a smaller door installed into each larger door just for Mogita.

She stepped through the miniature door and paused and looked at the statue of the deity she was about to pray to. The woman's eyes stared down at her knowingly as though she knew all of the problems and answers in the world; her gentle smile was comforting to the Mog even if she was just a statue. Mogita kneeled down and bowed until her it touched the shining mosaic floor. The warm feeling the candles and incense gave off calmed the Mog as she clasped her paws, as well as she could without any thumbs, and began to pray, for her Master's friend.

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Wow, I finished this part in four days! Don't count on the next chapter being done that quickly though, I'm going to be busy the next couple of days. If you liked my story, please, be nice and drop me a line at: , or you could do the easier thing and scroll down a bit and review my story in the handy provided box below. Thank You.

-Peach Goddess