Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Winding Roads ❯ A ballroom with a desperate need for lighting ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Okay, well, here we have it, chapter 5. (Ooooooohhh, do you feel the excitement? No? Well, do you feel the dark, looming, dread? Good, that was the right answer. Anyhow, as you all know this is the place where I say . . . stuff. Okay, I don't own FF9 (Although I do have frequent dreams of swimming in a pool of mandarin orange Jell-o and winning the lottery.) Or any of the characters associated with it. I would also like to thank these people:

1.Senator Bob Dole
2.suzanami (I wouldn't forget to mention you)
3.The strange moaning person sleeping on my couch
4.Puddin' (who is staying awake at *looks at watch* 6:04AM to help me with this thing, Neither of us has slept in, oh, almost a day . . .)
5.Sir Stump (naturally)
6.My set of four Inu-Yasha plush dolls (ah, the entertainment)
7.The strange moaning person who is *still* moaning on my couch (mind out of the gutter, she's asleep you perverts.)
8.I would also like to thank myself (don't I deserve some credit here?)
9. And of coarse, ~*Punk Zell Dincht*~ ( Yeah, I noticed that stopped sending out the Author Alerts, do you want me to write you when I finish a new chapter?)

Aright then, on with the sho-er-story.

Rated: R (Amarant decided to drop out of the Finishing School I enrolled him in)
Author: Peach Goddess (nope, no one new or interesting here.)
This chapter started on: 9/8/2001 (at 6:04AM)
This chapter finished on: 9/18/2001
"Winding Roads: chapter 5"

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His achy joints cried out as he pushed himself from his seat, his old knees taking the worst part of the onslaught. That cane was around there somewhere . . . ah, there it was. A wrinkled hand firmly clasped around the head of the cane, dents and scratches evident along its fine oak surface, marring the elegant look the painted black staff once possessed. After the exhausting task of pulling himself from his chair he hobbled warily to the door. His taloned hand supported his weight on the molding of the door as he lifted the cane up and rapped it harshly against the door. The small Mog appeared within seconds, bowing her small head dutifully, patiently awaiting her orders.

"Mogita," The man rasped, still quite tired from his strenuous but brief exercise.


"Bring me my cloak and ready the carriage, I will be leaving for Court as soon as possible."

"Yes, Master. At once, Master," and with that Mogita scurried off to do her Master's biddings, he had been acting so strangely these past couple of days she had begun to worry about her Master's state of mind. She quickly scurried down the echoing hallways, excited and pleased that her Master was getting out of the expansive house, he was moving less and less these days. Her tiny padded feet hardly making any sound as she scurried along on the cold stone floor, skidding a bit as she came to a sudden stop in front of her destination. Mogita turned the brass handle on her door and slinked through into the closet only to return moments later, weighed down by a heavy black cloak. She kicked the door closed behind her and started back, although at a much slower pace than she had originally started with. Her sensitive ears twitching slightly as she passed the numerous doors that lined the hall, one in particular caught her attention. She glared at the door as the soft sound of scratching found its way to her small ears as she walked past. She would have to talk to her Master about getting rid of the vermin in here.

Mogita rushed the rest of the way to her Master's chambers, tripping over the flowing onyx cloak just outside her destination, straightening her posture and picking off any balls of lint and dust she could find before entering the room. Her Master was still leaning against the doorframe, impatience and exhaustion ruling over his wrinkled face.

"It certainly took you long enough," He rasped.

"S-sorry master, I think we might have an infestation."

"I'll look into it. Are you just going to stand there like a statue all day or are going to give me my cloak?"

Mogita jumped as her Master's biting voice reminded her of her job. Her small purple wings began to flap furiously, having to work twice as hard because of the heavy cloak. After about a minute of fumbling in the air Mogita finally managed to drape the cloak across her Master's drooping shoulders. He grunted gently, his own, yet distant, way of saying thank you. Mogita smiled joyfully, she loved making Master happy.


Freya's face paled drastically.

"W-what? There must be-it has to be a mistake," She whispered breathily. Bullon, still looking nervous beyond all belief, tried his best to comfort the hysteric Dragoon.

"Now, it isn't all that bad is it? You will be the ruler of our people! We cannot think of anyone else who would fill the position better than you, Tashii. And we, Minister Bullon of the new Burmecia, pledge our allegiance to you, Freya Tashii."

"I-I thank you . . . I suppose . . ."

"Come now, Tashii! Much to do, much to do! We shall show you to your rooms," Bullon said excitedly, His hand on the small of Freya's back, gently leading her into the Court hall. Freya numbly allowed him to guide her around, not paying much attention to all the sites Minister Bullon pointed out.

" . . . this is where you will eat when you have royal guests . . .Tashii, are you listening to me?"

Freya's head shot to look at Bullon.

"Oh, no. I'm sorry Minister, I wasn't paying attention."

"No wonder! We should have noticed sooner, Tashii! Your exhausted aren't you? We will ready you for bed at once," Bullon exclaimed, obviously ashamed for not noticing Freya's red and tired eyes earlier. Bullon once more began to lead Freya down the halls, his hand still on the small of her back, guiding her and making sure she didn't run into one of the numerous statues that littered the hallways of the Court. They walked in an uncomfortable silence for a long time as Freya marveled at the size of the newly built Court; it was about three, maybe even four, times bigger than before.

"We are sorry, Freya Tashii," Bullon meekly whispered.

"What are you sorry about Minister?"

"We didn't answer your question before. We must be getting absent minded in our old age."

Freya said nothing.

"King Puck has gone missing."

The Dragoon stopped in her tracks, although her body begged her to keep walking so it could collapse into the warm and dry bed they offered her. Her green eyes widened as she searched Minister Bullon's downcast face for any joking smiles or shifty eyes. Both were absent from his face.

"I-what? Is the reason you called me here because King Puck went missing?"

Bullon mutely nodded.

"What is the trouble then? King Puck runs away all the time, but he always comes back!"

"Not when he's been missing for six months."

Freya laughed heartily. "Now I know for sure your lying! The Royals and Officials of the other city's surely would have noticed that their letters are unanswered!"

"Not if We wrote back in King Puck's place," Bullon gulped, his hands wringing his tail nervously.

"You did what?," Freya gasped, it was a deadly offense to impersonate Royalty and Bullon had outwardly admitted he committed a crime to the new ruler or Burmecia. He was either bad at keeping secrets or had a nagging death wish.

"O-one of the higher Priests under us found out what we were doing a few weeks back, he said he was growing suspicious that he hadn't seen the King in so long, even though we told them that we were the only one allowed to see him, because he was so easily distracted from his lessons. He convinced us to look at King Puck's will and follow the orders listed, for that is what we do when such an occasion arrives. His first order was to alert everyone of his passing so that they could grieve and move on with their lives, King Puck always hated it when people worried over him, he said it made him feel like a baby. Next on his list was to appoint a new leader."

"So did you randomly draw my name out of a hat?," Freya huffed in anger.

"We were getting to that, Tashii. No, your name was not drawn from a hat, we don't know if you will believe this, but King Puck chose you to take throne."

"I don't understand Minister Bullon. If the King fails to do his duties aren't you supposed to take over?"

"Normally, yes."

"But this is an not a normal situation, is it?"

"You do not see us sitting on a Royal throne do you, Tashii?"

"I'm sorry, I'm being rude aren't I?"

"No worries, Freya Tashii."

The Queen shifted on her weary feet, rubbing her furry knuckles on her tired eyes.

"Minister," Freya began with a yawn "do you mind if we continue this somewhere with a chair? If we continue standing here I think my feet will melt into the floor."

Bullon looked around nervously, he seemed to do that a lot, Freya mused. He nodded before opening a seeming random door and pulled Freya into the room, the darkness blanketed over her immediately.

"Umm, Tashii?"

"Yes, Minister?"

"We are not to sure where the torches are in this room, could you help us find one? We have flint, its just we cannot see an inch in front of our face."

Freya's hands groped along the walls blindly, searching for the elusive torch, and almost immediately tripped over some random piece of furniture. She hissed in pain and massaged her injured leg with her right hand, her left still running along the wall.

"Oh for the love of-ouch(another piece of furniture) Where is Amarant when you need him?"

"Who, Tashii?"

"Never mind. Any luck Bullon?," Freya asked hopefully.



Minutes past with the silence still hanging heavily in air, only broken by random sounds of crashing and Freya's string of colorful curses. Just as Freya was ready to collapse and drape herself over the next thing she tripped on her hand closed around the cold metal of the quested object.

"Ah-HA!," Freya yelled triumphantly.

"Did you find one, Freya Tashii?"

"Yes! Finally! For how large this room is I'm surprised there aren't more in here."

"Well, this room isn't used very often."

"It's not even three years old and its already abandoned? Perhaps that's a sign that you built the Court just a wee bit to big, Minister."

"It's a Ballroom, and his Highness, whilst he was still around god rest him, wouldn't be caught dead dancing with a girl."

"So he wouldn't dance with one but he chose one to take his place? Curious."

"Not really, Puck Tashii admired you more than anything," Bullon explained, bellowing from across the grand room.


"Yes, now walk over to us, Tashii so we can light the torch."

Freya groaned and rubbed her assuredly bruised knees.

"Can't you come over here, Minister?"

"No, our hearing is not as good as it used to be, Tashii. Besides, once you walk into the center of the ballroom there won't be anymore furniture for you to trip on."

"True," Freya agreed and she waved her arms around blindly, trying vainly to knock any chairs and the like out of her walking way.


"Yes, Tashii?"

"Keep talking so I can find you."

"Oh, yes, we are sorry."

"So tell me," The Queen engaged "why did Puck admire me?"

"Well, you were the closet thing to a friend he had around here, do you need us to speak louder?"

"No your fine," Freya said, turning away from her current direction and started to head to the left of the room.

"He used to talk about you for hours on end, Puck Tashii always enjoyed the stories knighting and legends of your travels. When he actually met you we had to listen to him ramble for days on end about how noble and honorable you are, you really made quite the impression on him."

"A good one I hope."

"A very good one indeed, Tashii."

Silence fell over the room once more.


"Sorry, we were lost in thought for a moment."

A large hand grasped Bullon's shoulder and squeezed gently. Freya held the torch out in front of him, her ears twitching as she heard him fumble with the flint, sparks occasionally igniting in the darkness. The torch crackled and sizzled as the wick caught and the room was cast in an eerie light, shadows dancing along on the walls of the grand ballroom, the crystal chandelier sparkling gently in the glow of the faint light. Bullon smiled a wrinkled smile, the reflection of the flame dancing in his warm brown eyes.

"Freya Tashii?"

"Yes, Minister?"

"You look horrible, go to sleep."

Freya tossed her head back and laughed, her voice echoing off the walls of the large room. Time passed and finally Bullon realized her laughing had turned to sobbing, large tears rolling down her tired face and splattering on the tiled floor. He wrapped an arm around Freya and she leaned her head on his shoulder, her tears soaking through his holy robes.

"Shh, Freya Tashii," The Minster whispered soothingly "It'll be alright, just wait and see."

Freya just continued to cry.

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All right, there it is, chapter 6. I know it's a very Freya oriented chapter but I felt it should be on account of the previous chapter. The next chapter is (as of yet) planned to be very Amarant oriented to even things out, okay?
-Peach Goddess