Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Winds of Fate ❯ Unexplained Meetings ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Winds of Fate

A FF8 fanfic by Brenton Braswell

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the series of the Final Fantasy series. They all belong to Squaresoft and are being used without permission. All original characters, Lisa Hawkwind, Daniel Kunteais and others are copyrighted by the author and are not to be used by anybody without my permission. If somebody has a problem with that, all I could say is, tough luck.

Before anybody thinks this is a sequel to "Blades of Destiny", I'll say it is not. Even though I've used Lisa and Dan before, I decided to use them one last time. If you want to read my other fic, just type in the title or click on my penname.

I'd like to dedicate this fic to Ginger Ninja, Lady Aliena, Destiny, and Sasha Janre.

Character direct thoughts are in parentheses

In the last chapter, something happened a few hours after time compression. A negative after effect of time compression brought a very powerful man named Kale Akaisura through time. After arriving in the present, Kale was very heavily injured from a battle he took part of before time compression happened. He walked into the Tomb of the Unknown King and with some magic, made it his resting place where his body and powers could fully heal. Going into a trance like sleep, Kale slept for one year.

One year later, Lisa Hawkwind and Dan Kunteais were in Deling City to finish up an mission in helping out the military get rid of an anti-government group that has been killing of lone soldiers of the Galbaldia military to get their message heard. With much skill, Dan and Lisa were able to help in the downfall of it and capture their leader. After getting ready to leave, and going to the train station, Lisa felt a strange feeling she couldn't comprehend what it was. She thought a little about before getting on the train to Timber. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen.

Elsewhere just outside of Deling City, Kale had woken up fully refreshed and ready to explore and get the information he needs so he can carry out his plans to take over the world. Upon arriving in Deling City, Kale was immediately amazed at all the sights he took in. He let down his guard and was pushed into an alley by a bunch of street punks. They demanded Kale give up any money he has, but Kale refused. Kale showed a sample of his powers when he is attacked and five of the six street punk leave. One stayed and foolishly tried to fight Kale but realized he was overmatched. He begged for his life and Kale made him swear loyalty to him. Now Kale has one person with him who can provide him with information and clothes. Being tired after all of that walking from the Tomb of the Unknown King, Kale forced Mick to take him to someplace for the night. Now Kale will get a big shock about what he will find out. What are his plans to rule the world? Is Kale the only one to come to the present because of time compression? Find out in this chapter of Winds of Fate.

Chapter 2: Unexplained Meetings

(Date: July 12, 4018. Time: 00:42 hours. Place: Timber)

Lisa Hawkwind stood outside of the Timber train station waiting for her companion Daniel Kunteais. They arrived in Timber about over 15 minutes ago. They had just completed a mission where they had to help the Galbaldian military eliminate an anti-government group. Now Lisa was in the process of waiting for Dan.

Lisa stood around by the outside in the cold waiting for Dan. She looked down the road and the left and right wondering where he was. (Where the hell is he?! I hope he's not goofing off now. He knows this is the last train going to Balamb and the next one won't be through until 7:45 in the morning. I hope he is not goofing around anywhere.) She looked at her watched and saw that they had three minutes until the train would leave. (What the hell is he doing that's so important, he forgets to look at his watch?) She impatiently waited the remaining three minutes and saw that he was nowhere in sight.

"All aboard!" The train attendant yelled. A few people rushed to get on the train after paying for their tickets. In a minute the doors were closed and the train pulled off.

Lisa looked at the train as it pulled off and went into the underwater tunnel. (This is just great! He better have a good reason why he didn't make it this time. Now we're going to have spent some extra time and money here.) Lisa then walked down the stairs of the station and took a left. Lisa was glad the streetlights were working or else it would be truly hard to see at this time of night. She walked slowly to the one place most people would go to this time of night. (I hope Dan isn't getting himself drunk.) She stopped to look at the lights in a house go off. (Oh, what I wouldn't give to be back at Balamb Garden and in my bed. Dan, you better enjoy this time right now. Tomorrow, I'm going to throw you to Sasha and let her punish you.)

Lisa then walked down to the steps leading to the bar. As she got closer she could hear the music coming from out of it. She then opened the door and walked in. When she looked around she saw a few men playing pool, a few men and a women talking at some tables, and a few people at the bar drinking and conversing among one and other and one slumped in a drunken stupor. (Nani? Dan isn't here? Where else could he be? Well, I guess I might as well go search for him.) She then turned to leave when she felt a hand slap on her butt and grab it.

"Hey sweet thang, how about you and me go somewhere so we can have some fun?" Asked a man in a vest and pants. He still had his hand on Lisa's butt and it didn't look like he was letting go anytime soon.

Lisa tensed up when she heard it. She turned her head. "You must have a death wish or something," Lisa said with an angry look on her face. "I suggest you remove your hand and apologize right now for your vulgarity or else."

"Or else what?" The man asked arrogantly.

Lisa could tell the man wasn't drunk and he needed to be taught a lesson in respect toward women. "You've been warned," said Lisa. She then grabbed his wrist and squeezed hard. The man cried out in pain. Lisa turned around while still having a good grip on his wrist. (Now to teach him some respect toward women.) She then swiftly swung and connected with a knee to his very sensitive area in between his legs. Now the man was really in pain. Lisa let go and the man as he bent over and grabbed his groin. Lisa then gave him a solid uppercut to the chin, which sent him stumbling back and crashing into a table. All eyes were on her now. "Let this be a lesson in respecting women."

She started to walk out when the man said, "I didn't want you anyway, you fucking bitch," said the man while holding his jaw.

Lisa stopped and walked over to him. She unsheathed her Katana and put the tip of it to his groin area. "Now what was that?" Lisa said with a smirk.

The man was scared now and said, "Nothing!"

Satisfied, Lisa sheathed her katana, walked over to the bartender and gave him 100 gil to pay for the table and chairs that was ruined. "Well, I guess he finally got what was coming to him," the bartender commented. "I'm glad you didn't kill the bastard for messing with you, a SeeD." Lisa then looked at the man and seen the realization he came to after he heard the bartender's comment. He paled a little and went over to the other side of the room. Lisa then walked out of the bar.

She walked a few feet and stopped. (Okay, where else could Dan be other then here? I know. He's at the weapons shop. He was saying how he would like to check it out before we go back to Balamb after the mission was done earlier.) She then walked up the stairs and to the weapon shop.

"Ah, another customer I see," said the owner as Lisa walked in. She spotted Dan and shook her head. (Like a kid in a candy store.)

"Hey Dan," said Lisa. "Because of you, we missed the train." Lisa said with a very sour look on her face.

Turning around, Dan said, "Oops, sorry about that Lisa, I wanted to check out this katana right here." He then showed her what he was talking about. It was a katana with a light blue blade, a red handle and a black sheathe accompanied it. That was a katana named Demon hunter. The blade part was made out of admantine, one of the strongest metals you could get in the world. It also had a good resistance to magic attacks and could block some of them. He then sheathed the sword and walked up to the counter. "Okay, I'll take this katana and this sword polish."

"That'll be 9400 gil," said the man at the counter.

Dan then paid the money to him, strapped the sword to his back with his other sword and walked out with Lisa. (Man, being a level 25 SeeD sure does have its perks.) "Sorry about that, I had to buy this katana from here. The weapon shop in Balamb didn't have it and this in one of the places that had it."

"Well, I hope it was worth it because we'll have to stay at a hotel until the first train going to Balamb comes at 7:45 in the morning," said Lisa. "We both know you really like to sleep in late."

"Yeah, well, I'll just get some more sleep on the train," said Dan.

"How much money do you have on you?" Lisa asked.

Dan checked and saw that he only had 200 gil left. "Only two hundred gil left," he replied. "I guess we'll have to go to a cash machine."

"Nah, I got you covered," said Lisa. "I really don't want to deal with any muggers at this time of night. You'll just have to pay for the car rental when we get to Balamb. I know I don't want to walk, and I'm sure you don't want to walk back to Balamb Garden."

"Thanks Lisa," said Dan.

"Just don't pull one of those not wanting to get up stunts in the morning," said Lisa. "Well, let's go." Lisa and Dan then walked next door to the hotel. "We'd like a room for the night." Lisa said.

"That'll be three hundred gil," said the woman in red behind the counter. Lisa handed her the money. "Thank you, here's the key to your room."

"Thanks, could you give us a 6:00 wake up call?" Lisa asked.

"Sure," said the woman. "Enjoy your rest."

Lisa and Dan then went to the room. Both took one of the three beds in the room. Lisa then went in the bathroom and changed out of her uniform and into some baggy jogging pants and t-shirt and came out. Dan also changed out of his uniform and into something similar. Soon, both of them then lay down on the beds and tried to go to sleep. "Could you turn off the light?"

Dan just nodded and turned off the light. (Man, even in those clothes she looks sexy.) Dan had to admit, Lisa was one of the most beautiful young women that he's ever known. Of course they've been friends ever since they met each other during cadet training, but Dan had fond feeling toward Lisa. He gazed at her form. (God she looks so beautiful, even when she sleeps.) Both were really good friends and comrades with each other, and Dan didn't want to ruin their friendship by saying he has feelings for Lisa. (I wonder does Lisa have similar feelings that I have? Well, only time will tell.) He then turned toward the window and closed his eyes. After a minute, he was lightly snoring.

Lisa turned and looked at Dan's sleeping form. (Well, looks like it doesn't take much effort for him to go to sleep.) She then sat up on the bed and swung her legs over the edge of the bed and noted that the moonlight coming through the window would be enough to see what she needed to see. She then took off the tiny gold pendent around her neck and opened it. Inside of it were two pictures, one of her father and one of her mother. (I wished that we would have been able to spend more time together before…) Lisa silently said while looking at the tiny pictures. Her mother was a beautiful blonde-haired woman. Every time she sees her grandfather, he comments about her looking more and more like her mother. She smiled at the memory. Her father was a strong and handsome looking man. As she looked at the pictures, she felt moistness coming down from her eyes. (I wish you could be here now to see the kind of person I turned out to be.) The faint memories that she had of them were some of the memories she hoped she would never forget. She put the pendant back around her neck and went into the bathroom to wash her face. After she was finished, she lay back down in bed and closed her eyes. (Wherever you are, I hope you two are looking over me and proud of the person I've turned out to be.) With that last thought, she went into a peaceful and relaxing sleep.

(Time: 06:00 hours)

Lisa was woken up by the phone and thanked the desk woman. The blonde-haired young woman then looked at her companion to see that he was still asleep. She decided to leave Dan the way he was and took her shower. After that was done, she did all of her little things in preparing and dressed in her SeeD uniform. Once she was finished, she walked out to see Dan was still asleep. Lisa frowned. "Wake up you lazy bum," Lisa said while shaking Dan. That didn't work. (Well, looks like I'm going to have to do this the hard way.) She went in the bathroom and filled the cup in there with very cold water. She came back and threw it in Dan's face.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Dan exclaimed after getting a rude awakening. "You know, there are more pleasant ways to wake up a person sleeping."

"I know," replied Lisa. "But this is the most effective way that works." Lisa grinned. "Well, you got more than 30 minutes to take a shower and get dressed."

"Okay, I won't take that long," said Dan. Dan then took his shower, did all of his little things and got dressed in his SeeD uniform. "Okay, I'm ready to go."

Dan and Lisa then walked out of their room and went to the counter and turned in their key. "Thank you for staying at this hotel, please come again!" The woman at the counter chimed.

They then went to a bank machine close by and Dan got out some money. Thankfully, it was too early for any muggers to be up. They then went to the train station, paid for the ticket and boarded the train. Once in the SeeD cabin, Dan quickly went for the little bunk bed that was in it. "Wake me up when get to Balamb," said Dan before rolling over to go to sleep.

Lisa then sat on the couch and waited for the train to depart. She picked up a weapons monthly issue and started to read it to check out any new katanas and upgrades she could make to her current one in the near future. (When I get back to garden, I'm going to request to turn in the report of the mission later, and get some well-deserved sleep.) She hoped nothing strange was going to happen and that she doesn't feel that strange feeling she felt back at Deling train station.

(Date: July 12, 4018 A.C. Time: 08:12 hours. Place: Deling City Slums.)

Kale woke up groggily and in a bad mood. This bed that he was given was a tad on the uncomfortable side. He then walked into the bathroom and used the shower. (An interesting piece of ingenuity. It's too bad we didn't have something like this back at my castle.) After taking his shower and drying off, Kale got into his body suit and strapped on his ruined armor. (I'll need to get some clothes today. This armor makes me look out of place here and I don't want to draw too much attention to myself before I put my plan into action.)

He then walked out of the bathroom and asked Tommy where Mick was. He said he didn't know. "He's out getting some breakfast," said Jimmy.

"Good, I haven't eaten anything since I've arrived here and I'm kind of famished," Kale commented.

The door to the run down building opened and Mick walked in carrying two bags. "Okay, breakfast time. I got some sausage Mcmuffins with some hash browns and orange juice. I also got some donuts if anyone doesn't want the first," said Mick while lying down the food on the table.

Kale then went to examine the food and gets his food first. Mick, Jimmy, Tommy, Mike, Shawn, and Guy knew to let Kale get his food first and wait until he started eating. He made it clear to all of them that he's their new master and threatened to kill them if they disrespected him even in the slightest way.

After looking at the sausage patty in between the two pieces of biscuit with in an egg and cheese mixed together, he took a bite out off it. After eating the first bite, he seemed satisfied with the food of the city. (So, this place has some decent food after all.) He also examined the hash browns and orange juice in the same fashion before he took a bite and drunk the fluid. "I give you permission to eat your food now," said Kale.

The rest then dug into the bag and pulled out their share of the food. (Man, we should have never bothered him last night. If he didn't have those weird powers and stuff, the boys and me would have taken off on him during the night.) Mick thought. Everyone ate in silence with a few comments from time to time about the food from Kale.

After they finished with that, Kale then examined the doughnuts with a little bit more scrutiny before taking a bite out of one. (Sweet. But not as delicious as sweet apple pie.) After getting a few, Kale felt satisfied and stretched out. "Now that breakfast is finished, you'll take me to a clothing store so I could get some new clothes Mick," said Kale.

"Me in a clothing store," said Mick. "You've got to be kidding, I won't look cool going into some clothes store. It's going to ruin my rep with the other gangs around here."

"I wouldn't worry about your rep," said Akaisura. "You should worry about me plunging my sword in your gut if you don't do what I say," Kale said casually. "Remember, you now serve me and your life is mine to take as I see fit. Is that understood?" The six didn't say anything. Kale then threw his hand in the direction of a ruined table in the corner and shot a ball of fire, thus destroying the table. "Do I have to repeat myself, and start throwing fireballs at you?"

"No sir," said Mick. "I mean yes sir, we'll do what you want." Silently, Mick really hated what he did last night.

"That's good," said Kale. "Now, lead the way to this clothing store you talk about. I want to get some clothes so I won't draw the wrong attention and have my plans disrupted before they even begin to be put into action." Kale walked over to the stairs and hooked his sheathed broadsword to his belt around his waist and walked out with Mick.

After about twenty-five minutes of walking along the streets, Kale and Mick finally came to the shopping arcade of Deling city. He saw men and women walking up and down the street going into stores and just walking by. He then looked at some of the women. (So, the women here are not so bad looking after all. There's more to this place than I thought.) He was looking through stores as Mick was ahead of him walking to their destination. He looked in one store and what he saw instantly caught his interest. "Stop Mick," said Kale. "Before we go to the clothes store I want to examine this one." Mick then stopped and walked into the store with Kale.

Kale looked left and right and saw weapons on the wall and on some stands. He then came upon a similar weapon on the wall that he found at the tomb-like place he slept in. A man came out from the back and went over Kale and asked, "What can I help you with sir?"

"I would like to know what kind of weapon this is?" Asked Kale while pointing to a gunblade on the wall.

"That's a gunblade. A sword and a gun combined," answered the man. "One of the most unique weapons that's been made in all of history if you ask me."

(Sorceress war? What is he talking about?) Kale then looked at the silver gunblade. He took it down from the wall and weighed it in his hands.

"Right there in your hand is the revolver gunblade," continued the man. "It's the first level of gunblade that you can use. There is also another model of the beginning level gunblade, but I don't have that in stock right now."

"You said it was a beginners' level weapon. There are stronger and better looking gunblades?" Kale Questioned.

"Yeah," answered the clerk. "There's about eight more types of gunblade that can be made by having your gunblade with you and the right materials. This weapon is real popular among SeeD. If you want that one, that is about 400 gil. It's 400 gil because it is already made. But if you bring me the right materials I can get one made for you at 250 gil."

"No, that won't be necessary," said Kale. "I've got my broadsword, and that's all I'll need." Kale put the gunblade back on the wall.

"So you carry a broadsword," commented the man. "If that's what you're interested in, I've got a fine selection over here." The man then led Kale over to the other wall of broadswords.

Kale looked them over for a while and marveled at the craftsmanship of the swords. "I won't be needing one now, but I might come back later to get a extra one." Kale and Mick started to leave when another weapon caught his eye. He made Mick explain about the shotguns, rifles, and handguns. (So these are popular among the military forces of the world.) "Well, let us be on our way," Akaisura said.

The two then walked out of the weapon shop and to a clothing shop. Kale saw the assortment of things there. With Mick's help, he picked out some clothes to make up an outfit. After coming out of the changing room, Kale was in a black shirt, black pants, black boots, and a long black leather trenchcoat and black gloves. (Man, this guy is huge.) Mick silently commented. Looking at how Kale's muscles filled out his shirt. "I like the gothic look, it makes more of a fuck off statement," said Mick. Kale then strapped his belt with his broadsword around his waist. "Let's pay for that and get out of here."

They then walked up to the counter and paid for Kale's clothes. After they were out, Mick helped Kale remove all of the tags. "Now to go get some information about this place. I've heard some interesting things from the man at the weapon store and I think I'll get better information from somewhere and not from you," said Kale.

"Well, I'm outta money," said Mick. "I guess I'll have to mug somebody else to get some more."

"I saw the type of money that you use," said Kale. He untied a bag from off of his belt. "Will this be of any use here?"

Mick looked in the bag and saw a lot of gold coins. "Damn, this is a shitload of gold you have here! We could maybe take it to one of the currency exchange places and see how much we'll be able to get. Gold is hard to come by around here and we should get a lot of money for these. These look old and look real valuable," Mick commented. They then went to a rare collector's store and see how much they can appraise the gold coins for.

"I'll give you two about fourty thousand gil for all of these coins," said the man behind the counter.

"Yeah," said Mick. "You've got yourself a deal." The man then paid Mick the money and the two left.

"You can handle the money," said Kale. "You know a lot about the money system, where as I don't know too much about it."

"Yeah," said Mick. "Well, let's go to the library, that's the only place you can get some real accurate information."

The two then walked to the library. On their way there, Kale stopped as a woman latched onto his arm. When Kale looked at her, she was a brunette in a red tank top and a black skirt with the biggest breasts Kale has ever seen in his life. "Hey big boy," said the prostitute. "For one hundred gil, I'll give you one of the best time of your life." Kale looked at Mick and Mick nodded for him to go on.

Mick was in the process of paying the woman, "Not right now, how about later?" Kale asked. "I need information right now on this place. If you find a friend here that Mick can have some fun with too, he'll give you two hundred gil. Just wait here for us to come back."

"Sure big boy, don't take too long," said the hooker.

Kale and Mick then walked off to the library. (I hope the information I need won't take too long to get. It's been awhile since I've been with a woman.) Once they were in it, Kale marveled at the amount of books that was there. (More than I had in my castle.) Mick walked Kale over to a computer and Mick sat down in a chair. "What is this thing?" the man from the past questioned.

"It's a computer. This thing here will give you any information that you may need instead of reading the books here," Mick answered. "Okay, what do you want to know first?"

(Hmm…. What should I ask first?) "What year is this?"

"That's easy, I don't even need a computer to tell you that," commented Mick. "It's July 12, 4014 A.C."

(What a strange date?) Kale thought. "What does the A.C. stand for?"

"After Centra," said Mick. "You know, the Centra Civilization."

Kale's eyes widened. (After Centra? That must mean I'm four thousand years from where I came from.) "I must be 4000 years from where I came from."

"Huh?" Mick said. "What are you talking about?"

"Never mind," said Kale. (What could have caused me to be here?) "What is the sorceress war?" Kale inquired.

"The first one or the second one?" Mick asked. He got a confused look from Kale. Mick just shrugged his shoulders and typed in, 'What is the first Sorceress War?'. "It's a war that took place over 17 years ago. It was a war where sorceress Adel of Esthar waged war on the world to take it over. It mysteriously ended, and Galbaldia has no record of how sorceress Adel was defeated," said Mick while reading and telling Kale the important pieces of information.

(That's interesting.) "Now tell me about the second sorceress war," Kale commanded.

Mick typed it in and did as he said. "The second sorceress war happened over a year ago. It was when Galbaldian aligned itself with a sorceress named Edea. During her parade, she killed the former president and was attacked by Balamb Garden SeeDs."

"What is this SeeD? I've heard that name about two times today," Kale stated.

"I could tell you that without looking it up," said Mick. "They're specially trained mercenaries that are said to accomplish nearly any mission given to them. They don't have any ties to a certain country and will nearly take on any mission based on the morals and serverity of the mission. If it wasn't for them, we'd all be dead. They saved the world from time compression."

"Time compression?" Kale asked.

"Yeah, during the second sorceress war, it was confirmed that sorceress Edea was possessed by a sorceress from the future named Ultimecia," said Mick. "She wanted to compress time so she can be the only one living in time and space. Some SeeDs from Balamb Garden stopped her and saved the world." Mick then stopped after looking at the look of anger that etched Kale's face. "That was over one year ago. Didn't you say you were from 4000 years in the past?" Kale nodded.


All the screaming from Kale got the attention of a young female librarian. She walked over to him and said, "excuse me sir, you'll have to keep your voice down or I'll have to ask you to leave." Kale then turned toward the young woman and snarled at her like a wild beast. This scared the young librarian and she went back over to the desk. (Crazy lunatic! I'm not getting paid enough to take abuse from people like him.)

After a minute, Kale was breathing hard and calming down. "You okay man?" Mick asked.

"Yeah," said Kale. "I'm just in a foul mood right now. Something some good sex will be able to cure. Let's go find that woman again." Mick nodded and they left out of the library. Kale need to clear his thoughts, and what better way than to have sex. He needed to clear his head so he could think of his next move and what will be the greatest threat to him.

(Date: July 12, 4018. Time: 10:13 hours. Place: Balamb city.)

The sudden jerking of the train to stop immediately woke Lisa from her light nap she had on the couch. It also woke Dan up and he didn't look too happy about.

"We are now in Balamb. Please remember to take all personal items and belongings with you before you depart the train. That is all, I hope you've enjoyed your trip," said the conductor's voice from the intercom.

Both Lisa and Dan got their duffle bags and weapons and exited the train. Once they were off the train, Dan yawned and stretched to try to wake up fully, but it wasn't working. "Next stop, car rental place and back to Balamb Garden to get into my comfortable little dorm," said Dan. "Do you want to stop to get something to eat?"

"No thanks, I'll just eat in the cafeteria when we get back," said Lisa. As they walked to the car rental place, Dan and Lisa came upon the Card Queen and Dan challenged and lost to her. They then continued their short journey to the entrance of Balamb city. Once they got there, they saw their good friend, Sasha Janre. Sasha was the same height as Lisa, but had a little more in curves in the right places in Dan's opinion. She had brown eyes, black hair with two blonde bangs that started from the top of the middle of her forehead and when down to the sides of her face and stopped at her chin and the rest of her long black hair in a ponytail. Right now, she was wearing a light blue long-sleeved shirt, a loose dark blue skirt with some biker shorts under it, and some black shoes. Around her waist, she had a belt with a Lionheart gunblade in a sheath and on her hands she had some Ehrgeiz fighting gloves on. She was slender looking and very athletic looking like every female SeeD in Balamb Garden.

"Hey Lisa, Dan!" Sasha yelled while waving and leaning up against the Garden mission van. She waited until Dan and Lisa got closer before she said, "So, another successful mission I take it."

"Yeah, but it would have been a little more bearable if I didn't have to wear those skimpy clothes," said Lisa. "Also, this joker right here really thought he was funny by making smart aleck comments about me wearing them. Don't worry, I gave Dan a good punch to the gut to shut him up."

"Oh did he," said Sasha with a grin on her face. Sasha then quickly jumped up toward Dan and grabbed his neck. She then pulled him down and put him in a headlock and started to give him noogies. "Next time, don't give Lisa so hard of a time."

"Aahhh!" Dan cried out. "Okay, okay, I won't do it again to her." Dan said while submitting to Sasha. "Why do you women always want to abuse me?"

Sasha reluctantly let Dan go and watched as he tried to smooth his black hair back into place. She turned to Lisa and said, "I thought you two were going to get back earlier?"

"Yeah, well, we would have but Dan had to go shopping for a new katana and we missed last night's train," said Lisa. "So were you waiting for us?"

"Yeah, I was worried something happened to you two when Dan didn't be goofy and pound on my door to wake me up early this morning," said Sasha. Dan and Sasha are really two good-hearted people with senses of humor. Dan considered Sasha his favorite playmate when it comes to goofing around and vice versa for Sasha. "So I decided to come with Squall, Quistis, and Zell when they visited Zell's ma for breakfast. I saw them exit out of Zell's house and go somewhere else in Balamb. I guess they had some other business to attend to. I guess we'll have to wait for them to come back before we get a ride back, or do you two want to walk back to Garden?"

"I'll wait for them," said Dan. "I'm just a tad bit exhausted to be dealing with some bite bugs right now."

"You shouldn't be too exhausted," said Lisa. "He slept for the whole train ride. I guess we'll wait for them to get back."

"Sugoi," said Sasha. Dan and Lisa just joined Sasha in leaning against the vehicle. Daniel Kunteais, Lisa Hawkwind, and Sasha Janre were all level 25 SeeDs. They took the SeeD exam together and all made it into SeeD over four years ago. Headmaster Cid didn't like to play favorites when he assigned missions, but when it came to the three working together, they accomplished all of their missions given to them. The three of them was kind of like one of Balamb Garden's dream teams.

Elsewhere in Balamb, a man in red jacket, white shirt, blue jeans and boots leaned against a wall. He had blonde hair and grayish blue eyes. Strapped to his belt was two pair of metal nunchuku. (A/N: The hand-held kind instead of the big ones that Selphie fights with.) Just by looking at him, you could tell he was in a foul mood. (I don't know how much longer I can take living among these weaklings. Just being around them is making me weak. I can't believe me, Jaden Knightstar, warrior extraordinaire, is reduced to living like this. I am meant to live a life full of action, but lately there's been little of that around here.) Jaden was very pissed at how things were turning out for him. (Over a year ago, I'm instantly teleported from the battle to this time and I have to be nursed back to health because of my injuries by them. Then, I come to find out that I'm four thousand years from where I was living. Then I find out how I came to be here. The only plus side of this is that I've found Narrak, Jakob, and Mei-len. I wonder where you are Kale? You just used your power a few times, but I couldn't get a fix on your position. Once Narrak, Jakob, Mei-len and myself find you, we'll take over this world with you leading us.)

Just then a drunk stopped a few feet away from him and pointed a knife in his direction. "Give me all of your money, or I'll have to gut you," said the drunk.

Jaden looked at the man and narrowed his eyes. (That's it!) Jaden just snapped and walked over to the drunk. "So you want to gut me? Here I am, come and get me."

The drunken man took a lazy and fast swing at Jaden and the pissed warrior caught his hand and grabbed his arm. He started twisting it until he felt a snap. He then smirked as the man cried out in pain. Jaden then picked him up by his neck with one arm and punched the man in the gut with his other hand. He then threw him to the wall hard and fast and there was a sickening crunch. The man's neck was broken and he fell limply to the ground dead. This surprised onlookers and some quickly left. (Who's next?) He then looked across the street. His eyes rested on a man in a business suit.

The man cringed as Jaden looked at him. He wanted to move, but his legs wouldn't respond. Jaden then pointed his arm in the man's direction and yelled, "GET OVER HERE!" He whipped his hand toward his chest and the men started to lift up by some unknown force and quickly flew across the street. When the man was close enough, Jaden punched him so hard he flew back across the street.

At the same time by the Entrance to Balamb, Lisa whipped her head up and got off the van. (There's that feeling again. What is this I'm sensing?)

"Something wrong Lisa?" Dan asked as he saw her look in a certain direction with a look he'd never seen before. The look of surprise, it was one that she didn't wear too often.

"I don't know?" Lisa replied. "I've felt something like this before we departed for Timber. I don't know what it is? I'm starting to get that sinking feeling when something isn't right."

"You are?" Sasha asked. "I've learned to trust your instinct Lisa, I think we should check it out." Lisa and Dan nodded and they ran in a light jog with Lisa being in the front to lead them in the general direction.

Back to the area where Jaden was, some more people decided to run and some were too shocked to even move. Two big muscle-bound men in workout clothes then came over in Jaden's direction. "Who the fuck do you think you are to just beat up people when you feel like it?"

"Your executioner," said Jaden. He then pulled on of the pair of hand held nunchuku from his belt and quickly rushed toward the men. They were surprised and Jaden quickly swung and hit on of the men in the jaw, thus throwing him to the ground. The other one took a swing at him and Jaden just ducked and punched him in the face with his free hand.

Both men were one the ground slowly getting up from their injuries and ran away. He put his nunchuku back on his belt. (That wasn't that fun. They didn't stay and play with me. Well, I guess destroying some buildings around here will improve my mood.) He held both of his hands up to his chest level and concentrated. After a few seconds, two red balls of energy appeared just a few inches above him. He threw one close to a group of people and purposely missed and it hit the building behind them. The explosion threw some of the people to the ground. The people got up, they all scrambled in different directions and ran away screaming. He then threw the other ball of energy at a nearby outdoor restaurant close by. When it exploded, fire instantly engulfed the building. He looked at the two burning buildings and smiled at his handiwork. (Now this is more like it. To see the fear, and cause destruction to these weaklings is just what I needed today.) Jaden then laughed like a maniac. Once he was finished, he looked down the road to see who was going to come and challenge him. (Just give them a little time, and somebody will be along that I can kill today.)

Some distance away up on a hill, Lisa, Dan, and Sasha looked on as they saw the two explosions and the fire that quickly ignited. (Damn, what's happening over there?)

"Shimatta," said Dan. "Just when you think the day was going right for a while, this had to happen."

"Come on let's go and check it out before something bad really happens!" Lisa yell while sprinting the down the street. Dan and Sasha followed closely behind her matching her speed. (It's quite a distance, but I think we can make it.)

Not too far from Jaden, Squall Leonhart, Quistis Trepe, and Zell Dincht as heard the explosions and went in the opposite direction the people were running from. When they came upon the street that all the commotion started, they saw two burning buildings and a blonde-haired man in a red jacket, white shirt, blue jeans, brown boots and two pair of metal nunchuku on his belt standing in the middle of the street like he was waiting for something. They ran a few feet toward him and stopped just ten feet away from him. "Look, I don't know what you're doing here, but I would get out of here if I was you," said Squall.

"Why should I get out of here when I caused this?" Jaden replied. The three SeeDs eyes widened at the realization of his words.

Zell narrowed his eyes, "Why the hell would you want to do that?!!!"

"Because I was bored and I needed some entertainment," Jaden replied. He looked at the whip and the gunblade that Squall and Quistis had at their sides. "So you three seem to be warriors of some kind, am I right?"

"You're damn right!" Zell yelled. "We're SeeDs and you chose the wrong town to go and start destroying!"

"Oh yeah," Jaden replied. "Are you the three that'll make me pay for my crimes?"

"Yeah!" Zell yelled. "You're going down!"

Squall, Quistis and Zell then got in their battle stances with their weapons at the ready. Zell then charged at the man like a bull and started throwing punches and kicks toward him. Jaden dodged them with the ease and ducked a spin kick from Zell. He then quickly took one of his nunchuku from his belt and quickly swung it and connected with Zell's stomach. The force of the blow made Zell bend over and grab his stomach. He instantly whipped the nunchuku in to Zell's face and connected knocking him back. Jaden then rushed toward Squall and Quistis, and Squall rushed forward too with the Lionheart gunblade to the side ready to swing.

Jaden then flipped and dodged the slash Squall was aiming at him, and came down at Quistis in a flying kick. After he connected with the kick to Quistis's upper torso, she was thrown back on the ground. Jaden turned around charged at Squall while taking out his other nunchuku and twirling both around while rushing at Squall. Squall then swung two diagonal swings at Jaden and watched as he dodged them. He was instantly put on the defensive with Jaden wielding the two nunchukus and blocking the blows with the Lionheart.

Zell slowly got up and put his hand on his face where Jaden connected with his weapon. He watched as Squall blocked the blows. (Damn, he's good.) Zell then cast protect on himself and Quistis and waited for Squall to get clear off the blonde haired psycho. He did that to reduce the damage they would receive because he really put some power behind those blows.

Squall kept on blocking the nunchukus looking for an opening in the man's offensive. He saw it and quickly jumped aside and slashed toward Jaden's legs. Jaden saw this and instantly flipped backwards to avoid the swipe of the light blue gunblade. Zell immediately cast protect on Squall. (Good thinking Zell.) Quistis charged from behind Jaden and Jaden turned around to dodge the swings of her Save the Queen whip. He dodged the swings of the whip with a little trouble and was hit on the arm one time before somersaulting over her. The move stunned Quistis and as she was turning around Jaden struck two hard times to her ribs and did a side kick which threw her back.

Squall instantly cast Ultima when Quistis was kicked out of the way and away from the blast radius of spell. Jaden saw this and quickly jumped high up into the air and avoided the spell. Still up in the air, he swung one of his nunchuku at three threw and released a crescent shaped wave of energy at them. When it hit the ground, it exploded and threw the three SeeDs back and visibly hurt.

By this time, Sasha, Lisa, and Dan had just come to the street running down it and saw as the three were thrown back from the explosion. "Zell-kun!" Sasha yelled while running toward him. Dan then cast triple curaga on Sasha, Lisa and himself to replenish their energy from that entire running session through the streets. He then cast triple curaga on Squall, Zell, and Quistis. Sasha immediately went to Zell's side and supported him in standing with his arm around his shoulder. "Are you alright Zell-kun?" Sasha said worriedly.

"Yeah, nothing a few elixirs and curagas can't fix," Zell said while smiling at her.

Dan helped Quistis up, while Lisa ran in front of Squall and gave him a hand up. "Are you okay commander?"

"Yeah," said Squall.

Lisa then turned toward the blonde-haired warrior standing in the middle of the street a few feet away from them. "So you're the one I've been sensing," said Lisa toward Jaden.

"You sensed me?" Jaden asked. "Hmm… That's interesting. Well, at least I have three more people to kill."

"You're not killing anybody today!" Sasha yelled while leaning Zell against the building. She cast aura on her self and unsheathed her Lionheart gunblade. She then ran forward into her Renzokuken limit break. Once she was close enough, she slashed with much skill and speed toward Jaden. Jaden skillfully dodged the slashes and jumped back. Sasha jumped back too and let the second part of her limit break take over. "Hell's Fury!" Sasha yelled. She jumped up in the air and slashed her gunblade two times and released two red energy crescent beams of fire at him. Jaden saw this and just hit them with his nunchukus and knocked them into a closeby building. They instantly exploded and engulfed the buildings in flames, thus adding to the already chaos-filled scene of destruction.

Jaded quickly threw his had forward and out shot a red ball of fire that speed fast at Sasha, and hit her throwing her back. Zell rushed over to her and cradled her head in his lap since the blow took a lot of energy from her. He cast curaga on her and it healed her but she didn't get up. "You okay, Sasha-chan?"

"Yeah, I'm alright," said Sasha. "I think I just got some bruised ribs for that blast he sent at me. Other then that I'm all right." Now Zell helped Sasha up and supported her in standing.

Lisa just looked at Jaden with a look of hatred. (Nobody hurts my friends and gets away with it!) She unsheathed her katana and did a few slashes before getting into her battle stance.

Jaden lifted one of his eyebrows. (By Hyne, I've seen those slashes done by Alexander Hawkwind before he starts fighting. No, it must be a coincidence that she does those swings at him.) Lisa then charged at him with her katana to the side. She then started swinging at Jaden, this time Jaden was having a little trouble at dodging the sword swings sent his way. (She's really skilled with the katana, and she fights just like Hawkwind. Its got to be a coincidence that she fights like him.)

Jaden then retaliated with at few blows of his own at Lisa and got through her defense and was hit on the cheek. As she was turning around reeling from the blow, she quickly came back at Jaden with a spin kick, which connected with Jaden's head, promptly making him spin and fall to the ground. Like a snake, he quickly got up and struck out with one of his nunchukus into Lisa's stomach. Lisa dropped her katana because the pain was too hard to ignore. She then crouched down and held her stomach. She then looked up to see Jaden jumping up into the air and coming down fast spinning his nunchukus above his head.

Without warning, Lisa quickly felt a feeling, and energy build up in her right hand. Like a reflex, Lisa pointed her arm in Jaden's direction and fired off a small blue ball of energy like a gun at Jaden. Jaden was promptly hit and thrown back by the impact and explosion. Lisa's eyes widened at what she just did.

Getting up slowly, Jaden was surprised the girl did that technique. (Just like Alexander Hawkwind. I have to make sure, just in case I may be wrong.) "What's your name?"

"Why do you want to know?" Lisa said while picking up her katana and getting in a battle stance.

"I want to confirm something before I leave," said Jaden. (If she is related to who I think she is, Kale would and the others would want to know.)

"Lisa Hawkwind," said the female mercenary. "Why do you want to know?"

(I knew it wasn't just a coincidence.) "I see," said Jaden. "Well, I'm Jaden Knightstar. One of your enemies, and if I get the chance, I'll be your executioner. Tell me, are you very skilled with your powers?"

Lisa got a confused look from Lisa. "Powers?" Lisa asked. "What are you talking about?"

(Now this is surprising. I would have thought Alexander would have had his teachings and a warning passed down through the generations.) "Tell me, is there others in you family?"

"Why the hell do you want to know?" Lisa replied.

(So there are others, this day wasn't a waste after all. She probably doesn't know about her powers, but the others might know about them.) "You just answered my question," Jaden stated. "Well, I guess you get to live today, but next time, you'll have to answer to my leader." He jumped up in the air and cast some magic, and disappeared.

Now this was really freaking out the six. "Are you alright Lisa?" Quistis asked. "You took some hard blows there." She then cast curaga on Lisa and the red mark where the nunchuku hit her face vanished in an instant.

"Thanks," said Lisa. She sheathed her katana. (What was that I just did? What was that man talking about?) Lisa looked down and felt a little scared. "What was he talking about?"

"I don't know," said Dan. "Probably some crap to throw you off your game and bother you."

"Who are these two Quistis?" Squall asked out of the blue.

"Oh yeah," said Quistis. "You haven't met these two before. Met Lisa Hawkwind and Daniel Kunteais. You haven't met them because either you were on a mission or they were on one at the time during the past year."

"Nice to meet you commander," said Dan. "Put it there." Dan then put out his hand for Squall to shake. Squall just looked at it and decided not to shake. Dan then pulled his hand back and smoothed his hair. "Okay." Lisa just nodded at Squall, and Squall returned her nod.

"Well," said Zell. "I guess some things never change about you do they Squall?" Sasha, Zell, and Quistis then broke out in laughter. Dan would have joined them, but he didn't get the joke.

Lisa then turned around to look at the place the man that called himself Jaden Knightstar disappeared to. (Powers? What did he mean by that? And how did I shoot that energy? If there were ever a time in my life that I was so confused, this time would top them all.) The six SeeDs then turned to see some police cars and fire engines come down the road. (Late as usual I see. I'm going to find the answers to my question sooner, or later. Right now, I just want to take a short nap.) The six then talked two the policemen and tried to explain all that happened. Lisa had to admit, what just happen today, she would have never in her life would have dreamed of. (I guess SeeD will have to fight once more.)

(Date: July 12, 4018 A.C. Time: 10:40 hours. Place: Dollet docks.)

Zechariah Hawkwind, an old man that had Japanese style shirt that was blue and pants, that was also blue, stood by the Pier staring out at the calming sea. He had white hair, a slightly long white beard and was in shape for a man his age. By his side, two katana on a belt, one was his, and the other was a very special one. (So, it's finally beginning. What Alexander warned us about that would happen. Kale Akaisura has finally appeared along with his warriors. I should have known he would appear after time compression ended. I felt two powers in Balamb, one that is unfamiliar to me, and Lisa's power. Hyne, I should have taught her how to use it, I'm glad she was able to use it now.) He then looked in the distance across the water. (I won't be enough. I'm glad I called Cid yesterday and told him I was coming today. What I'm about to tell Lisa is long over do.)

"Okay, the boat is ready to go to Balamb," said a man in an all blue uniform. "We're ready to leave whenever you are Zechariah."

"That's good," said Zechariah. "Thank you for giving me this ride to Balamb, I'll try to pay you back later."

"You don't need to," said the man. "If it wasn't for you a few years back, I would have been dead after those monsters attacked me."

Zechariah nodded and got on the boat. After one of the men, untied the boat from the dock, it speed off toward Balamb.

(Date: July 12, 4018 A.C. Time: 10:45 hours Place: Deling City.)

Kale lay in bed with the woman who was sleeping beside of him. (I guess I must have been too much for her. That was the best sex that I've ever had in my life.) He put his hands behind his head and thought for a while. (So, I guess I'm not the only one taken from that battle. That was Jaden's power that I've felt. Also, another that was like Alexander Hawkwind's power, but different in a way. I guess the first thing I should do before anything else is find Jaden and all those who were transported from the battle to this time. The second thing is to kill all of those of the Hawkwind Lineage and others that are of close relation to his powers. While I'm at it, I'll have to destroy this force named, SeeD. They also seem to be a threat to my plans. They're the biggest threats to any plans I have to raising an army and taking over this world. For now, I'll just enjoy my time here with this woman when she feels up to having another go at sex again.) The woman then stirred from her light nap and started kissing Kale once more. He returned the kiss with the same passion. (These next few days will be rather interesting, to say the least.)

Japanese words used

Nani - what?

Sugoi - cool. This word has two meanings, good and bad. I just used the good.

Kun - added to the male's name, it's like showing a form of respect.

Chan - added to the female's name, it's like showing a form of respect.

Shimatta - Damn it!

Author's Note: Well, that's the end of chapter 2. About that last part with Kale, let's just say my man has different needs than some bad guys. Also, if you think Kale is to tame to be a bad guy, wait until later. I would make him evil incarnate, but he would be too crazy. The psycho acting one of his warriors is Jaden. Okay, Kale is a warrior from the Centra civilization from over 4000 years to shed some light on his character. The next chapter will be more specific about him and go into why he became evil and some more action. Also, Lisa Hawkwind along with a few other people will get a shock about what they're going to find out. I know some people were wondering when Squall and everyone else would show up. Well, there here and will be throughout the entire story. I decided to make Seifer appear in here in a dramatic fashion. So did you like it? What did you like about it? Tell me in your review. Don't forget to review before you hit the back button. That would really make my day. Thanks in advance.