Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Winds of Fate ❯ Twist of Fate ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Winds of Fate

A FF8 fanfic by Brenton Braswell

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the series of the Final Fantasy series. They all belong to Squaresoft and are being used without permission. All original characters, Lisa Hawkwind, Daniel Kunteais and others are copyrighted by the author and are not to be used by anybody without my permission. If somebody has a problem with that, all I could say is, tough luck.

Before anybody thinks this is a sequel to "Blades of Destiny", I'll say it is not. Even though I've used Lisa and Dan before, I decided to use them one last time. If you want to read my other fic, just type in the title or click on my penname.

I'd like to dedicate this fic to Ginger Ninja, Lady Aliena, Destiny, and Sasha Janre.

Character direct thoughts are in parentheses

In the last chapter, Lisa and Dan missed the train going to Balamb following their mission and were forced to stay till the morning. The following day, both got on the train to Balamb and wasn't aware of what was going to happen.

Elsewhere in Deling city, Kale had Mick take him to get some clothes and information. After getting a new outfit and getting some gil, Kale made Mick take him to the library. Upon arrival there, much to his dismay, Kale discovered that he was four thousand years from where he came from. After finding out how he came to be in the present, he was infuriated. After he calmed down, Mick and him went to find that prostitute that he met earlier.

Meanwhile in Balamb, Dan and Lisa met up with their friend Sasha, who was waiting for them since they didn't come back earlier. Unknown to the three, one of Kale Akaisura's warriors, Jaden Knightstar was in Balamb also. Being annoyed as he was, a drunken man trying to mug him was all it took for Jaden to explode into a rage. Lisa suddenly felt when Jaden used his power, and was confused to why she was the only one that could sense it. Lisa, Dan, and Sasha ran toward the place Jaden started causing havoc when they heard explosions in the distance.

Squall Leonhart, Quistis Trepe and Zell Dincht were closer and met with Jaden first and fought him. After being hit with a surprising move, Squall, Quistis, and Zell were at Jaden's mercy until Lisa, Dan, and Sasha came running down the road. They immediately helped them up and Sasha rushed at Jaden with her renzokuken limit break. Jaden dodged all of the slashes and flicked away her attack like it was nothing. He then shot her with a ball of energy, making Sasha go down in the same way Squall and the others did earlier. Without hesitation, Lisa then fought Jaden. As they fought, Jaden had his suspicions about Lisa being the descendant of his enemy in the past. When Lisa was hurt, Jaden was about to fatally injure Lisa when something surprising happened. Lisa felt power radiating in her hand and like a reflex, shot a blue ball of energy at Jaden, thus stopping his assault. Jaden and Lisa as well as everyone else were surprised at what she did. With a little questioning from Jaden, Lisa revealed her name last name was Hawkwind. After confirming the information that Lisa was the descendant of Alexander Hawkwind, Jaden disappeared with some magic. Being left there without any answers to what just happened, the six SeeDs cleared up all that happened with the Balamb police.

Kale felt the energy of Jaden and an unknown but familiar power; he then came up with what he needs to do to in order to conquer the world. Find all of his warriors that ended up in this time with him. Secondly, He planned on killing all the descendants of Alexander Hawkwind, and eliminating SeeD, for they are the biggest threat to any plans he comes up with.

In Dollet, Zechariah Hawkwind, Lisa's grandfather, also sensed the power being used by Jaden and Lisa. Without too much trouble, he got a friend to give he a ride to Balamb. Once he gets there, he'll explain something he should have did a long time ago. Well, find out what he's going to reveal to her in chapter three of Winds of Fate.

Chapter 3: Twist of Fate

(Date: July 12, 4018 AC. Time: 11:10 hours. Place: Balamb Garden.)

To say the least, this day was turning out to be one of the most confusing days for Lisa Hawkwind, Daniel Kunteais, and Sasha Janre. Squall, Quistis, and Zell was also confused, but not as confused as Lisa about what she did in Balamb just a less than half an hour ago.

After the garden transport vehicle stopped in the parking lot, the six mercenaries filed out. Lisa was still looking confused as ever and was slow in getting out. (What is this power that I have? Why did that man want to know my last name?) Lisa wondered while looking down at her right hand. She looked and saw that it was normal and none of the skin in on it was different.

Dan looked over at Lisa and saw that she had a confused look on her face. (Damn. What just happened in Balamb must have really shocked Lisa. I guess anybody would be confused when something like what happened today, happen to them.)

"I think we should report what happened to the Headmaster," Squall immediately said. "This may be the first sign of trouble or something big happening."

"I think Squall is right," agreed Quistis. "If this is something big, let's hope it's not as bad as the Ultimecia incident."

"You know Quistis," interrupted Sasha. "When I did my limit break against him, and he was dodging my moves, I couldn't read his thoughts to anticipate which way he was going to dodge next."

"Read his thoughts?" Squall asked.

"Yes Squall," said Quistis. "Sasha is psychic, meaning she can use telepathy to read minds, levitate objects with her mind, and communicate with others through her mind. Only a few like, Headmaster Cid, Lisa, Dan, Dr. Kadowaki and myself knows that she is."

"What?!" Zell blurted out. "That means she can read my mind when we're sparring. Do you Sasha?"

"Nah, I don't need to do that to beat you hotdog boy," joked Sasha. "I can beat you anytime, and if I remember correctly, I'm one up in wins in our matches."

"That's Mr. Hotdog boy to you," said Zell. "How about we go at it after we finish giving Headmaster Cid our report?"

"Yeah, anytime," said Sasha. "But before that, I'll probably need my ribs to be taped. That blast from Jaden really hit me hard, and I think they're bruised."

"Yeah sure," said Zell.

"Well, let's go," said Squall. Everyone started to walk out of the parking lot except Dan and Lisa. Squall looked back, "Are you two coming?"

"Yeah, we'll be with you in a little while," replied Dan. Squall nodded and walked out with Sasha, Quistis, and Zell. He then looked at Lisa as she was looking down at the ground with a confused and scared look on her face. (Man, I wish I could do something to help Lisa get answers for her questions.) Dan then walked beside Lisa and put an arm around her shoulder. As Lisa looked up at Dan, he said, "Don't worry too much about what happened Lisa. I'm sure there's a logical explanation to all of this. Sasha and I will stay by your side and help you look for answers." Dan said in a reassuring tone.

Lisa weakly smiled, "Thanks, you two are the best friends anyone can ask for." She then quickly hugged him and blushed a little bit. (I hope I can find some answers soon.)

"Well, let's go," said Dan. Both then walked out of the parking lot and around the circular walkway to the elevator. They saw Sasha waiting at the top of the steps, so they walked up and saw as the elevator descended.

"Don't worry Lisa, I'll stick by you while we're looking for answers to what happened today," Sasha said reassuringly. Lisa just nodded, and the three got on the elevator and took it up to the third floor.

After the doors of the elevator opened, Xu stood up from her desk and said, "The headmaster and the others are waiting for you. You three can go in now. Oh yeah, Dan?"

"Yeah Xu?"

"After your meeting with the headmaster, could you tell me what happened in Balamb?" Xu asked. "We got a phone call about what happened in Balamb from the authorities. I think they were very sure that you six caused the destruction there."

"Yeah, sure," said Dan. "Well, I think they'll find a couple of witnesses somewhere." Xu nodded and sat back down at her desk, resuming the paper work she was handling.

The three then walked in the office and saluted the Headmaster. "At ease," commanded Cid. The three took down their hands and stood in a relaxed position. "So tell me what happened Squall?"

"Sure Headmaster," said Squall. "There was this man there that wrecked havoc in Balamb. Zell, Quistis, and myself were alerted when he blew up some buildings and saw people running." Squall coughed and then continued. "We immediately engaged him when he said something about wanting to kill us."

Zell immediately interrupted, "The way he fought was intense. He surprised us with an attack, one that didn't look like a limit break. It was like he did it using some weird power or magic."

Headmaster Cid nodded, "What happened after that?"

Quistis then spoke, "After being hit with this attack we were at his mercy until, SeeD's Hawkwind, Kunteais, and Janre came running down the streets and assisted us."

The headmaster then addressed the three, "How did you get there so fast? I can imagine you were at the garden vehicle before all of this started."

Lisa, Dan, and Sasha looked at each other for a short while before Lisa nodded and stepped forward. "We got there so quickly because I felt sensed something a few minutes before the buildings blew up. Once I sensed something was wrong, Dan, Sasha and myself were already headed in the general direction when the explosions occurred." Lisa just stopped and looked down.

(So, it's finally happening like Zechariah said it would.) Cid thought. "You may continue. I'm sure that's not all that happened."

Lisa nodded. "Once we got there, we helped Squall, Quistis, and Zell. Sasha then cast an aura on herself and attacked with her limit break. This man dodged all of her slashes and flicked off her limit break like it was child's play. She was immediately hit with a ball of energy and I engaged him. When we fought, he had a hard time blocking and dodging my slashes and thrusts. It was like he was hesitating when we fought. He caught me with an unexpected blow to the stomach that made me double over in pain." Lisa then hesitated in continuing, "Then as he was about to deliver a fatal blow, I felt something like energy gathering in my right hand. Like a reflex, I pointed my hand at him and shot a blue ball of energy at him like a gun." Lisa then looked down and confused.

Dan looked at Lisa and continued for her, "After she did that, the man revealed that his name was Jaden Knightstar. For some reason, he wanted to know what Lisa's last name was. After he learnt it, he disappeared with some magic."

Cid looked down with a look on his face, one that many in the office never saw him with. He looked back up and said, "This my be the beginning of something that could be trouble. I want you all to be on standby, I don't think anything is going to happen in the next few hours, so you can relax for the time being. You're dismissed." The six saluted and started to walk out when the Headmaster said, "Ms. Hawkwind, would you mind staying here for a minute?"

"Sure Headmaster," said Lisa. "I'll be down in a minute Sasha." Sasha waved and went down in the elevator. "Yes Headmaster? You wanted to talk to me about something?"

"Yes Lisa," replied Cid. "I want to know, do you know how to do what you did in Balamb?"

Lisa shook her head, "No Headmaster, I guess what I did happened on instinct."

(That's interesting. So I guess Zechariah and myself will have to explain everything to her later.) "Well, don't leave garden anytime soon. I'll call you up later to explain something," commanded Cid. Lisa had a confused look on her face. "Don't worry about the reports on your mission, they're not important right now. That is all."

"Yes sir," Lisa saluted. She then left out of the office and saw that Dan was talking to Xu. She just went passed him and took the elevator down. Once she was down there, she saw Sasha putting Irvine's arm in a hammerlock.

"Ahhh!" Irvine exclaimed from the pain. "I'm sorry, I won't say anything like that to you again."

"What did he do to deserve this Sasha?" Lisa asked. Sasha whispered in Lisa's ear when she got close enough. "He said that? The pervert!" Lisa then saw as Sasha increased the pressure and as Irvine yelped out in pain. "I think he's had enough Sasha."

"Yeah," answered Sasha. Sasha let up the pressure considerably, but didn't let go of Irvine's arm. "Next time you say something like that to me, I might do worst to you, or tell Selphie about your flirting."

"Okay," said Irvine. "I won't and I'm sorry!" Sasha then let go of his arm and Irvine walked away.

Sasha then turned toward Lisa, "So, what's so important that the headmaster wanted to talk to you in private?"

"Something about explaining something to me later," said Lisa. "I wonder does it has anything to do with what happened earlier?" Sasha just shrugged. "Oh well, let's get you to the infirmary and get those ribs looked at. You did take a direct hit from that blast of energy, whereas Squall and the others were only hit by the explosion of one of them." Sasha nodded. "Are you sure you're up to sparring with Zell today?"

"Yeah," said Sasha. "He already knows about it. I'll warn him not to aim for that area, if he does, I'll really have to kick his ass." Lisa just nodded and they continued to the infirmary.

(Date: July 12, 4018 AC. Time: 11:33 hours. Place: Deling City Slums.)

Ever since Kale and Mick got back, Kale had been sitting on the couch in a meditative position. To say the least, he was freaking out Mick and the others when he started glowing red from time to time.

(Now if this isn't the weirdest thing that I've seen, I don't know what was.) Mick thought as he and the others watched Kale. After Kale finished meditating, Mick asked, "Sir, may I ask you what you was doing? I mean no disrespect, but that looked weird."

"Well, to someone that's never seen it, it would," answered Kale. "I was just concentrating my aura to send out an energy signal that only my warriors would feel. My warriors can find me easier that way."

Mick and the others just nodded. They really didn't understand what he meant, but they weren't going to argue. "Other warriors?" Tommy asked. "So there are more people that can do what you did earlier?" Kale just nodded.

"Get the door, that's them now," said Kale. After Kale said that, there was a knock on the door. Mick and the others just looked dumbfounded. "I said get the door, or die!" Tommy then scrambled to the door and opened it. Four people then walked in not caring about courtesy of its inhabitant's. Kale then got up from the couch. The three men and one woman kneeled down in front of Kale and bowed their heads. "Ah, so I see I wasn't the only one taken from that battle. I should have known you would have started destroying things sooner or later Jaden."

The four then got up and Jaden said, "well, you know me, I was never one to want to live the peaceful life. I need a life full of action."

Mick then interrupted the conversation, "Excuse me, lord Kale, but who are these people?"

Kale narrowed his eyes and backhanded Mick across the room. "Next time, don't interrupt me when I'm talking to my warriors." Mick nodded after getting off the floor. "Well, if you must know, this is Jaden Knightstar." He gestured to the man he was just talking to. Jaden wore a red jacket, white t-shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes. He had blonde hair and grayish blue eyes. He had two pairs of metal nunchuku strapped to his belt. "Next to him is Narrak." Narrak wore a full green ninja suit with a mask around his nose and mouth. He had black hair and eyes and had a sheathed katana strapped to his back. "The tall one is Jakob Krentac." Jakob was a six foot four bald muscular man with a black vest, blue baggy pants, and black boots. His weapon was a halberd that was strapped to his back by a strap going around his huge muscular torso. "And lastly, this beauty is Mei-Len Kuntagi." Mei-Len was a beautiful woman with black hair, brown eyes and a figure that most women dreamed to have. She wore a purple oriental form hugging dress that covered her neck and went down to her mid thigh level with slits on the sides of the bottom to allow for maximum ability of movement. She had fighting gloves on her hands for her weapons. "I wouldn't try anything with her if I were any of you. I've seen her kill men for invading her private space, and trying to put some moves on her." Mei-Len just smirked at the six.

"Who are this six fools, my lord?" Narrak questioned.

"Just what you said Narrak," answered Kale. "Six fools who tried to mug me, but now they serve me. I don't know why I should keep them around now. Maybe just for entertainment." Kale smirked. "So, how long have you been in this time?"

"About a year," replied Jakob. "We got as much information we could on this time. We even have a small army of Galbaldian soldiers who defected after the second sorceress war. We've told them about destroying SeeD and taking over the world, and they agreed to follow us."

"Ah, I see you four have been busy while I slept and recovered," commented Kale. "Where are they now?"

"We have a camp by the ruined Galbaldian missile base in the desert," said Mei-Len. "The men don't complain and are ready to follow you into battle Kale."

"That's good," said Kale. "Have you located all of the descendants of Alexander Hawkwind yet?"

"I've located a woman living in Dollet with Hawkwind blood in her," said Jakob. "Jaden said he fought against a young woman named Lisa Hawkwind in Balamb. He said she fought like Alexander, and unleashed a surprising show of power. He also confirmed that she was a SeeD."

"Hm… Very interesting," said Kale. "Did she know how to use the power and techniques of Alexander?"

"No my lord," said Jaden. "I was caught off guard when she used one of his techniques against me, but she said she didn't know how she did that."

"This is surprising," pondered Kale. "I would have thought Alexander would have left the legacy of his techniques and power passed down through generations. That's not to say that he hasn't done it. Have you confirmed how many Hawkwinds live in the world?"

"No," said Narrak. "But we'll find all of them soon. We'll also have to be wary of them. There's no telling if they possess the techniques of Alexander, and I suggest we tread carefully."

"Excellent advice," said Kale. "So, who wants to hunt down that Hawkwind woman in Dollet?"

"I would like the pleasure my lord," said Jakob.

"Then it is yours," answered Kale. "Mick, give him some money to catch a train to Dollet. I don't want to alert the others of the Hawkwind clan by using our powers to get there. I want to take care of the SeeD, Lisa Hawkwind myself. There's no telling if she was lying, or if she's the strongest of the Hawkwind's. Seeing her family die will make her angry and reckless when we fight." After saying that, Mick gave Jakob the necessary gil he needed to catch a train to Dollet.

"So, what's our next move Kale?" Mei-Len asked.

"I'm not sure," said Kale. "But when I come up with it, I'll tell you." Jakob then took his leave. "Well, relax for the time being, there's no telling when you will get a chance like this again." With that said, Kale and everyone else relaxed for the time being.

(Date: July 12, 4018 AC. Time: 11:54 hours. Place: Balamb Garden, Lisa's Room.)

Lisa lay down in her bed thinking of what transpired not too long ago in Balamb city. She had changed out of her SeeD uniform and was wearing a white SeeD insignia sports tank top, black jeans and black socks at the moment. (How did I do that technique of shooting that ball of energy?)

Lisa then had a flashback of that episode. She remembered getting hit so hard in the stomach, she dropped her katana and doubled over in pain clutching her stomach. Lisa looked up and saw that the man jumped up high into the air with both his nunchukus spinning. (That's when I felt that power build up in my hand.) The power then filled her hand, and without thinking about it, she pointed her hand and shot a blue ball of energy at the man called, Jaden Knightstar.

(Geez, this is so confusing!) Lisa thought as she rolled over to her side. She then sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. (Maybe I should stop thinking about that right now. I need something to take my mind off of all this craziness, what should I do?) Lisa Pondered. (I know, I'll go watch Zell and Sasha spar for a little while. Even though they started a few minutes ago, they should be still going at it right now.) Lisa then got off of her bed, put on some black gym shoes and put on her belt with the katana sheathed to the side. (I guess I might as well take this, there's no telling if this place is going to get attacked.) Before she left out of the door, she turned around and looked in her dresser drawer. After a little rummaging through it, she pulled out some Ehrgeiz fighting gloves and put them on. (I'm glad I went with Sasha when she was gathering up items to make these. I'm surprised the headmaster let Selphie pilot the Ragnarok, take us to Trabia and the Island Closest to Hell, and fight the monsters for the things we needed.) She stopped looked at her self in the mirror, straightening her short blonde hair out and making it neat. (Well, I'm sure nobody will yell at me for wearing this tank top, I'm barely showing any skin.)

Lisa then walked out of her room, through the dorm section, and to the elevator. She pressed the button and waited for the elevator to come down. Once the doors opened, she went in and pressed the second floor button. (I'm sure they'll be in the second floor gym this time.) After the elevator went up and stopped on the second floor, she got off and walked forward and took a left turn. She passed some empty classrooms and remembered that this was summer break for the cadets.

She then came to her destination and walked into the gym. She saw Zell and Sasha on the middle of mat, both panting real hard and sweating like they were out in the desert. She also saw a few people around the mat, watching with interest. (Well, I guess I should expect they would have a small crowd, their fights are always a good form of entertainment, and very intense. Hell, if they get a bigger audience, we should start charging admission every time they spar.) Lisa silently joked. She then decided to join the small group of spectators and watched the little sparring match.

Sasha and Zell was slowly circling each other, having their guards up, and trying to anticipate the other's next move. Sasha wore her light blue long sleeved shirt, with the dark blue loose skirt and biker shorts underneath, and black gym shoes. Zell wore his regular garb except for his red and black jacket. Zell then came forward with a few punches toward Sasha's face, which were blocked. After blocking, she then caught Zell with an unexpected foot sweep, and jumped in the air with her fist cocked back. Zell saw this move and rolled out of the way, then tried to foot sweep Sasha, but was surprised when she back flipped and avoided it. Zell got up and the two were in the same position they were in earlier, neither getting the advantage, nor losing it. Both had been sparring for about fifteen minutes, and when they first began, both landed some good blows against each other. As the time stretched out, they were more cautious to be caught off guard.

"What time is it?" Zell asked unexpectedly.

"About two minutes to twelve," said somebody in the small crowd.

"We're going to have to postpone this match," explain Zell. "I promised I would meet Mina in the cafeteria around noon, and I need to take a short shower before I go there."

This response got a frown from Sasha, "So you're quitting? If so, that means I won." Sasha grinned. She knew this would get Zell into finishing the little sparring session.

"You didn't win Sasha," Zell immediately said. "Let's just call this a draw."

Giving up, Sasha nodded. (I don't see what he sees in her, she treats him like shit some of the time, and he doesn't even notice.) "Well, remember Zell, I'm still one up in the wins." The small crowd dispersed, but Lisa stayed by the mat.

Zell just nodded and started to walk out of the door when Rinoa came through. She was wearing a gray sweatshirt, black biker shorts and her black gym shoes with some maverick fighting gloves. "Where are you going Zell?" Rinoa asked. "I thought we had a little training session today?"

Zell slapped his forehead. "I forgot about that. I'm sorry Rinoa, but I made a little engagement to meet Mina."

Rinoa looked a little hurt, "That's okay, maybe later or tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure," replied Zell. "How about you spar with Sasha for right now? I'll tell her to take it easy on you, okay?"

Rinoa looked across the room for a second at Sasha and Lisa. "Yeah, I'm game."

"Great!" Zell Exclaimed. He then yelled across the room, "Hey Sasha, could you spar with Rinoa right now?!!!" Sasha turned away from talking with Lisa and nodded. "Thanks, and don't worry, we'll continue the sparring match later or tomorrow!" Zell then walked out the room. Rinoa then walked over to the mat where Sasha and Lisa were talking to each other.

(Authors Note: A fellow author and friend, Sasha Janre, made this next part and I would like to thank her for it. Thanks a lot Sasha!)

Rinoa bit her lip as she looked over at her opponent, Sasha Janre. (Okay, no backing out of this now, Heartilly. You wanted to be stronger, and what did you do? Bring Zell's sparring partner! Don't you remember the time they went at it and knocked each other OUT?!) Rinoa's mind slowly drifted off to the said time when the two martial artists knocked each other out cold...

"You ready to be beaten once and for all, Hotdog boy?" Sasha challenged, as she looked over at Zell, who was smirking right back at her. "If I recall, we're in a deadlock, aren't we?"

"Oh, that we are," Zell nodded, tightening his gloves, and looking at her, then at Rinoa, who was watching from a safe distance in the [Training Center]. They were both wearing their normal sparring clothes: Zell, in his cut-off denium pants, red basketball shoes, and his black shirt. The infamous jacket had been discarded on the grassy floor. "And this time, I'm gonna be one up on you, Janre!"

"Yeah right, Dincht, maybe I could distract you with hot dogs like I did the last time!" Sasha laughed, as Zell turned red. Even Rinoa had to laugh at that one. Sasha was wearing denium cutoffs as well, although not as baggy as Zell's, and a SeeD insignia sport tank top. Her black basketball shoes looked like they had seen better days, and they had. To make it *fair* the pair had decided they would both use their Ehergiz gloves and one magic spell. Only one. She tied up her hair in a tight ponytail, letting only her blond bangs out. Zell had Diablos junctioned, along with the encounter-none ability, so a wandering gnat or worse, T-Rexasaur would not interrupt the battle.

"You ready Janre? Or need more time to do your make-up and hair?" Zell sneered, getting into his well-practiced fighting stance. Rinoa could not believe how calm they were! To the extent they were *joking* around! But, maybe there was a method to their madness, or Sasha's anyway.

"You should talk, Dincht. Remember that time you got all nice and dressed up for Seifer?" Zell's face dropped as Sasha brought up *that* incident, Zell had been hit by a Jsenkyo spell, {which was cast unknowingly by Rinoa during her Angel Wing limit break} and was turned into a girl for a short time. He had decided to get Seifer back and dressed up...well, like those ladies who work the corner in Deling City. "What, you getting memory lapses on me?"

"Iie!"{No!} Zell snapped, and then grinned. "Or, what about the time in our little Truth or Dare challenge you had to striptease?" It was a challenge from the infamous Seifer of course, back when Ultimecia wasn't a threat, and Sasha gave him a Squall-like deathglare. "You looked so…*experienced* in that dance, Sasha!"

"Shut up Dincht! It was a dare, and hanging out with Irvine does rub off on you unknowingly," Sasha hissed. "Okay, you know what? That's it!" She rushed at Zell, startling him, and not giving him enough time to get ready. She aimed a spin kick right at his ribs, which he blocked, and he caught her foot, steadying her, and causing Sasha to hop around on one foot. He laughed, but when he tried to spin her around, she blocked him and jumped, raising her free foot, and turning her body counter-clockwise, which caused her free foot to knock Zell right in the jaw. Zell let go immediately, and rubbed his jaw, his face set in a funny expression.

"An ensaguri? {The Japanese name for the move} I didn't think you knew that," Zell commented, as he set his jaw back in place with a small snap. Sasha said nothing, but stuck out her tongue, and Zell took that as his final straw, rushing at her, and landing a heel drop. Sasha didn't faze much, as he knew she wouldn't, and landed one punch to his mid-section, which he wasn't protecting. Zell staggered back, and when he rushed back at her, she dropped to the ground, making him hit the ground with a drop toehold. "Itai, {Ouch} dirt! GROSS!" He spat out the bits of soil that had found their way into his mouth, then as he got up, a little slowly, found himself face first in the earth again, as Sasha had sweep kicked him. "Okay, should've known that too."

"Hai!" That you should've." Sasha waited all of five seconds before Zell came back up at her, unleashing a serious of punches and kicks, most of which were hard to block. Rinoa was amazed at how fast the blond martial artist was moving. His metabolism must be incredibly fast if eating all those hotdogs didn't slow him down. Then again, he never got them. Sasha hit Zell with an elbow, causing the two to break apart for a moment. It wasn't long before the two friends were back at it. Sasha somehow got her arms tangled up in Zell's while blocking his punches, and it was difficult to get un-tangled. "Oi, Zell, how do we keep meeting like this?"

Zell laughed. "That I cannot answer, Sasha. But what if Mina caught us like this?" Mina, the pig-tailed girl that worked in the library was Zell's girlfriend, as everyone surely knew would happen sooner or later. Recently, he hadn't been able to see her lately because of his SeeD schedule, and had apologized profusely for it. He tried to get their arms free, but it wasn't easy.

"Maybe we could tell her we're in yoga class and our morning practice went horribly wrong?" Sasha suggested sheepishly, and then she grinned. "I know how to get out of this."

"Oh? How?" Zell asked, wanting to see his own arms again. Sasha closed her eyes, and before Zell's very eyes, de-materialized, leaving Zell standing there like a moron. "Okay, nice parlor trick, Janre, but come back here so I can kick your ass!" His 'prayer' was soon answered as Sasha elbowed him in the back, sending him almost crashing to the ground. "Okay, that is *not* only dirty, but that *hurt*!" Sasha rolled her eyes as Zell continued to whine. Sasha decided to shut him up, and the only way to do that was one of three ways: 1) stuff a hotdog in his mouth, 2) Get Mina to kiss him to shut him up, or 3) hit him with a final move in your limit break that rivals My Final Heaven.

Sasha decided it would be number 3, as she didn't have any hidden hotdogs with her, or Mina, because she had something against her. (Stupid Mina...she treats Zell so badly, then expects to have him there *all* the time when he's a SeeD and she's a fucking cadet!) She saw that Zell was getting ready to use My Final Heaven and prepared to gather the right energy for her own final limit break, Lion's pride which was just as powerful as Zell's My Final Heaven. Zell saw this as well, and prepared himself. He hadn't seen it, and was eager to see how it fared against his own. He felt the ending of his energy gathering, and jumped up, ready to unleash it. Sasha was ready too, and jumped too to meet him. The two attacks clashed, energy fusing together causing a massive explosion, which blew Rinoa back, and she fell into the water, some 50 feet away from where the two martial artists were fighting.

She got up, and walked over to where she felt the two powers. They were weak, incredibly so. And then she saw why. Zell and Sasha had knocked each other out. They lay on the ground, breathing, but not conscious. "Ooh, they really did it this time!" Rinoa fretted. She pulled out her cellphone, and dialed Squall's office number. "Squall? It's Rinoa! What's the matter?! Zell and Sasha were sparring, ne? And they knocked each other clear out! Get someone here to take them to the [Infirmary]!" She hung up, and soon, Irvine and Squall came and took the two to the [Infirmary]. "I don't believe it. Knocked out. BOTH of them! That was intense," Rinoa muttered, following Squall out.

That was one incident Rinoa could never forget. "So, you don't mind if you spar with me Sasha?"

"It's not a problem," Sasha stated. "I'll go a little bit harder on you because I've seen Zell spar with you, and you're getting good. I think you would probably want to raise the difficulty a little." Rinoa nodded.

Lisa then looked at what Rinoa had on her hands. "Maverick fighting gloves? So I guess he started you without padded gloves?" Rinoa nodded. "Well, I think you and Sasha should fight with padded gloves and footwear. I would be really unfair for her to have Ehrgeiz fighting gloves, the most strongest type of fighting glove that I know of, and you with Maverick fighting gloves."

"Nah," said Rinoa. "Zell started me without padded gloves, so I can feel the sting of every blow, and become more cautious when sparring.

"Okay," Lisa answered. She then got close to Rinoa and whispered, "You should go with some padded gloves, Sasha hits really hard, even if it is just training. I tell you from past experiences from sparring with her. Oh yeah, try to avoid hitting Sasha in her left ribs, she was hurt in a battle earlier today." Lisa then stepped off the mat.

(Author's Note: This next part was co-wrote by Sasha Janre, and myself. I'd like to say now that I don't have anything against Rinoa, and I won't tolerate flames about this part. Somehow, someone will ignore this and complain about it. Anyway, on with the story.)

Rinoa looked over to her opponent, and bit her lip nervously. She knew this was just a training session, but sometimes, they could get real intense. She still couldn't forget when Zell and Sasha knocked each other out that one time.

"Are you sure you want this, Rinoa? Sasha asked, looking at Rinoa. "I mean, you could get seriously hurt if we take it up a notch…do you want close range or weapon combat?

"I'll try for close range combat," Rinoa said nervously. "I have to learn how to defend myself without my weapon. There can be no telling when I get disarmed of my weapon."

"That's good," Sasha nodded, and getting into a fighting position. "You ready? We're going take it slow, since you're a beginner, okay?"

"Okay," Rinoa replied nervously while getting into a fighting stance.

"You don't need to be nervous," Sasha smiled. "I'm not going to fight you like I do Zell!"

"Okay," said Rinoa shaking off some of her nervousness. Rinoa then came at Sasha with some punches aimed at her head. These were easily blocked, because that's the first place a beginner would try to aim their attack.

Sasha kept Rinoa at by while the taller girl tried to keep attacking at the head. "Word of the wise: Try to attack somewhere other than the head." She emphasized her point by quickly hitting Rinoa in the gut, and then dropped to the ground, sweep kicking the sorceress. Getting up slowly, Sasha tripped her again with another sweep. "You're going to have to get up faster than that if you're going to fight," Sasha stated.

Rinoa fumed, silently wondering if Sasha was punishing her for something. Quickly, she got to her feet, and tried a spin kick, which actually got in. (Yes!) Rinoa silently celebrated. The kick caught Sasha off guard, but it didn't faze her as much as Rinoa thought. Sasha came back with a sidekick that caught Rinoa in the stomach. Rinoa staggered back, and unable to keep her balance fell flat on her butt. "Ow!!" She wailed. She saw Sasha approaching and tried to think fast. As soon as the shorter raven-haired girl came over, Rinoa sweep kicked her. Sasha got up faster than Rinoa did, and grabbing Rinoa's arm, Sasha had the young sorceress trapped in a hammerlock. "Ow!" Rinoa cried out as Sasha applied a little pressure. Rinoa noticed that her other arm was free and she threw an elbow, that caught Sasha square in the face. Hurt from the blow, Sasha released the hammerlock, staggered back a little trying to get her bearings straight. Rinoa pressed her advantage and punched Sasha in the gut two times and spin kicked her in the head, thus throwing Sasha to the ground.

"Heh," the older girl smirked, and Rinoa shuddered at the look on her face. "You're learning. You're not as hopeless as I thought." Without warning, Sasha jumped to her feet, and began an assault of punches and kicks on Rinoa, keeping the pressure on. Rinoa was able to block a few of the punches and kicks, but couldn't keep it up, and was constantly hit until she fell to the ground. "Are you done?" Sasha asked, looking at her fallen sparring partner. "Maybe I shouldn't have pushed the pressure. You couldn't handle it." (Let's see if this gets a rise out of her with that insult.)

"Um…Sasha, you know you should really take it easy on her," commented Lisa from the side of the mat.

Rinoa was really upset at that comment by Sasha. She quickly got up and grabbed Sasha's shirt, but was surprised when Sasha grabbed her arm and tossed her over her shoulder. She hit the ground hard, and was really hurting.

Sasha cringed, visibly wishing she hadn't done that. "Sorry about that Rinoa, Judo lessons…" She pulled the young sorceress to her feet as Squall walked into the gym.

"Sasha, I told you, that you should have taken it easy on her," scolded Lisa.

"I did!" Sasha protested, casting a quick cure on Rinoa. Squall then walked over to the three young women. "But the move that did the most damage was that Judo move…reactionary thing…"

"She wasn't taking it easy on me!" Rinoa exclaimed. "She was coming at me like she has some kind of grudge against me!"

"Rinoa," Squall said patiently. "It was a sparring session. You should have been prepared for any level of difficulty. In a real battle, your enemy won't be as forgiving as Sasha."

"I know Squally, but she came at me like she was fighting Zell or somebody just as good," protested Rinoa.

Sasha looked at Lisa with a look that said 'Squally?' Lisa just shrugged, and Sasha continued in her defense, "No, Rinoa. I decided to see how you would fare if I wasn't taking it easy on you."

"How I would do!" Yelled Rinoa. "You know I'm not up to that level yet!"

Lisa then interrupted, "It wasn't a high level attack. You should have seen when Sasha and I first started sparring. She took it easy on you compared to how she took it on me. I wouldn't be too upset, you did way more better that Dan would have done when Sasha turned up the juice on him."

"Oh yeah!?" Rinoa retorted. "Why don't you and Sasha fight here and see how good you do!"

(Okay, now Rinoa's attitude is getting way out of line.) Sasha silently commented. "She doesn't have to prove anything to you," said Sasha. "Face it, you're just weak."

"Weak?!" Rinoa screeched wanting to charge at Sasha, but Squall held her back.

"You know Rinoa," added Lisa. "If you can't control your emotions, you get real reckless when fighting."

Rinoa violently struggled against Squall's grip. She then broke it and charged at Sasha looking ready to strangle someone.

Sasha stood as Rinoa charged, then stopped Rinoa as she grabbed her arms. "Rinoa…" she began tiredly.

"Let me go!" Rinoa yelled, trying to get out of the grip but was unsuccessful. Remembering what Lisa said earlier about Sasha's ribs being hurt, Rinoa threw a knee that caught Sasha in the midsection, really trying to hurt her.

Sasha gasped, and clutched her midsection, more importantly her ribs, which was injured earlier that day against Jaden Knightstar, and she groaned. That was the last straw. Sasha then quickly got up and went into a fury of punches to Rinoa's face and midsection, before Lisa and Squall was able to get hold of her and stop the assault. Squall cautiously broke away from her and helped his girlfriend up. "Dammit Heartilly, I was trying to be nice to you, but it's too damn frustrating!"

Rinoa dodged around Squall and punched Sasha in the face. Sasha expertly broke the hold Lisa had on her, and answered Rinoa's punch with a spin kick, which caught Rinoa on the side of the head. Rinoa's eyes widened before she fell to the ground, out cold.

"Ouch!" Lisa cringed. Squall just shook his head and went over to try to revive Rinoa from unconsciousness. "She should have stopped after we had to hold you."

"Well, the only way to stop a charging Rhino is to knock her out," spat Sasha. "You should get Princess some help with that." She brushed off her sleeve and turning on her heel, walking out of the gym. Lisa quickly followed behind her angered friend and see if she was all right. Before Sasha walked out, she was holding her lower left ribs.

(A/N: That's the end of the part we co-wrote.)

"Hey Sasha," cried out Lisa. "Slow down!" Sasha then stopped and waited for Lisa to catch up with her. "How are your ribs doing?"

"After what that bitch did, they're in more pain now," hissed Sasha while pushing one of her blonde bangs out of her eyes.

"Let me try to heal it," said Lisa. Lisa then gently put her hand on the spot Sasha said the pain was, she closed her eyes, and started to concentrate. She then cast curaga on the spot. "How does it feel now?"

"Much better, but it still aches a little," answered Sasha. "How did your cure spells get so strong?"

Lisa shrugged, "I don't know? I wonder does it have to with what happened in Balamb?"

Sasha then shrugged, "Maybe or maybe not. Ever since I knew you, you've been very good with magic."

Suddenly, the three chimes for an announcement rung over the intercom system. "Lisa Hawkwind please report to the Headmaster's office, I repeat, Lisa Hawkwind please come to the headmaster's office. That is all," said Xu's voice over the intercom.

Lisa then looked at Sasha, "Well, I guess he's going to explain whatever he said he was now."

"I'm coming with you," Sasha quickly said. Lisa looked in confusion. "If it's something important to you, I want to be by your side to support you in case it's bad news."

"Thanks," Lisa whispered.

The two young women then walked to the elevator, and when they got there, they saw Dan in a black t-shirt, and denim blue jeans, holding the doors open. "You ladies going up?" They nodded and stepped into the elevator.

They then took it up to the third floor. After exiting, they saw Xu standing in front of the doors. "What are you two doing here? Only Lisa was called up."

"Well, we're here for emotional support, if it's bad news," said Dan. "Anyway, if it's real important for Lisa, it's important for us also."

Xu didn't look like she was buying it. "Come on Xu," said Lisa. "I'll say I wanted them to come with me."

"Okay," said Xu. "But be prepared to leave as soon as you get in, Sasha and Dan. I'm sure the Headmaster will tell you to leave." Xu then moved out the way and opened the doors.

As soon as the three walked into the room, Lisa looked at all the people in the room. Headmaster Cid, Headmistress Edea, Squall, and her eyes widened when she saw the fourth figure in the room. (It's been so long since I've seen him. Grandfather!) Feeling like a kid again she rushed over to him and hugged him. "Grandfather! I'm so glad to see you."

"Yes," said Zechariah. "It's so good to see my favorite granddaughter. You look like your mother at that age." Lisa just smiled.

After Lisa and Zechariah stopped hugging, Headmaster Cid immediately noticed two extra people. "Sasha, Dan, I didn't call you up here. I'm going to ask you to leave."

"Please don't headmaster," said Lisa. "I wanted them to come up with me."

"Sasha? Dan?" Zechariah asked. "So these are the friends that you talk so highly of in your letters. I don't mind if they stay Cid." He then motioned for them to come into the room. Sasha and Dan walked more into the room by the group.

"Well, if you say so old friend," nodded Cid.

"Old friend?" Lisa asked.

"Yes," answered Cid. "I met Zechariah when I was running around trying to find funds to build garden."

"I see," replied Lisa.

"Lisa, this isn't a pleasure visit," said Zechariah. He then got everyone's attention. "I should have told you about this a long time ago."

"What are you talking about Grandfather?" Lisa wondered.

"About what happened in Balamb, and what's going to happen in the next few days," said Zechariah Hawkwind. "I guess all of this started back in the Centra Civilization with your ancestor, Alexander Hawkwind, and the person he once called a friend, Kale Akaisura." Lisa nodded. "Back in the Centra Civilazation, certain people had powers that was linked to their bloodlines and genes. Most of the people that had this power abused it and tried to take over Centra. Alexander and Kale were two very good friends and fought in the same army. Both had this power and used it for the good of Centra. During all the wars over control of Centra, the General of the Army was unexpectedly killed and the position for general was empty. The only two that had the experience and knowledge to fill in as the new general were Alexander and Kale. The king that they worked under knew of Kale's ambitions and greed and chose Alexander as the new General." Zechariah paused.

"That's not all grandfather, is it?" Lisa inquired.

"No, that isn't," the elder Hawkwind answered. "Being insanely jealous and mad at Alexander, Kale defected to the enemy's army and was able to become the general in no time. Also in a little while, Kale was able to sway the favour of his army to following him and he assassinated the king he was working under. He then became the ruler of this opposing kingdom and became Alexander's enemy. Along with his army, and his GF, Phoenix, Alexander was able to fight Kale and his army to a stalemate. After this happened, Kale decided to have call for one final battle against Alexander and his army, winner take all. Alexander accepted and met Kale on the battlefield. It was long and bloody battle between the two armies and rivals, until something strange occurred. After this strange occurrence stopped, Kale and four of his best warriors disappeared from the battlefield. Alexander's army was able to wipe out the remaining army of the enemy with heavy casualties on his side. After that day, Alexander was confused about what happened to Kale Akaisura and his generals. Being the wise man he was, he left a legacy of his techniques and a warning down through the generations of the Hawkwind family. Cid and myself have confirmed the occurrence being time compression."

Lisa was wide-eyed at hearing all of this. She took the expression off of her face and asked, "What does all of this have to do with me?"

"More than you know my, dear granddaughter," sighed Zechariah. "It seems that time compression has brought Kale and his warriors to this time. Only people of the Hawkwind bloodline, certain other bloodlines have the power inside themselves to fight against him. You're the strongest of Hawkwinds in this generation Lisa."

"Are you saying people like myself wouldn't be able to defeat this warrior from the past?" Squall interrupted.

"No, even though you may be skilled and powerful, Kale will always have the advantage with his magic and techniques using his power," answered Zechariah. "Only those of the Hawkwind bloodline, and a few others have the power. Right now, I think Lisa is our only hope in defeating Kale." Lisa's eyes widened at what was said. "I'm sorry for not telling you this earlier Lisa. I should have trained you in the usage of the power and techniques that I know."

"I'm the only one who can defeat Kale Akaisura?" Lisa muttered while looking down. Sasha then put an arm around Lisa's shoulders to comfort her.

"Unfortunately Lisa, you are," asked Zechariah. "Even though your uncles and aunt have been trained by me in their powers, but they aren't strong enough to face Kale. I had you put through different kind of training."

"Yes, he did," added Cid. "After Balamb Garden was built, Zechariah came to me a few years later, asking a favour. Zechariah told me this story, and of his fears about this evil coming in this generation. I told him of SeeD and of the kind of training that they go through. I suggested that Lisa attend Balamb Garden and become a SeeD for part of her training. Zechariah said he would come back later and train you with power and the techniques that he knows of. He made me promise to give you the GF, Phoenix, which was passed down through the generations of the Hawkwind family. I guess that time has come for the second part of your training Lisa."

Lisa then looked down in disbelief. (So, all this time that I've spent at Balamb Garden, and becoming a SeeD is to prepare me to fight an evil from the past. Why me? Is fate this cruel?) "So all of my life, I've been preparing to face an evil only those of the Hawkwind lineage can take care of?"

"Yes, I'm sorry to have thrust such a burden on you Lisa," Zechariah said apologetically. "Along with the techniques, and Guardian Force being part of the Hawkwind legacy, Alexander passed down his sword, which amplified his power." Zechariah then took the katana off his belt and handed it to Lisa. Lisa looked at the fine scabbard and the hilt of the sword.

"You know, that looks like the sword that I saw this man wield in my dream," said Sasha unexpectedly.

"Is that so?" Zechariah wondered. "Then tell me about this dream."

"Okay," nodded Sasha. "Well, I saw this blonde-haired man in silver armor and this big army behind him, and I also saw this muscular man with brown hair, in silver armor too and a big army behind them. Without warning, the two armies charged each other, with magic being shot off, strange powers being used, and a whole lot of other stuff. The two armies clashed together, and there were all kinds of brutal killing on both sides. It was intense, and crazy at the same time. Those two men that were commanding the armies was fighting long and hard injuring each other in the process. Then something happened, and the one with brown hair disappeared from the battlefield. That's all I saw before I woke up."

"You know," said Zechariah. "You just explained the battle that Kale and Alexander last fought in. What are your last names?" The question was directed toward Sasha and Dan.

"Janre," answered Sasha.

"Kunteais," replied Dan.

Zechariah smiled at their answers. "I wonder if fate has brought you three together? Janre and Kunteais were the last names of Alexander's closest comrades and friends. It seems you're not the only one who has the power to defeat Kale, Lisa. I guess I'll have to train you two in some of the techniques too? Do you know how to do any thing?

"I do," said Sasha. "Well, I'm psychic. I can read minds, levitate objects, communicate to people through my mind, and I have this handy trick where I can de-materialize and appear in another spot."

"That's good," Zechariah nodded. "And you Dan?"

"Nope," said Dan. "I really didn't know about any of this until this today. I do have a good sense of humour though."

"That's good," Zechariah laughed. "At least Lisa, won't have to carry this burden alone."

"This is good," said Edea. "Do you need access to the gym or the training center when you train them?"

"No," replied Zechariah. "We'll need someplace more open, like outside of Garden when I train them. I know you wouldn't appreciate a few extra doors in your gym." Dan, Zechariah and Cid laughed. Everyone else didn't laugh at the little joke. "Well, I'd like to begin their training as soon as possible. There's no telling what Kale will do now. He might even get cocky enough and try to attack Balamb Garden."

"Um…you don't mind if I change and get showered first do you sir?" Sasha asked.

"No, I don't," replied the elder Hawkwind. "You should probably change too Dan, we'll be training real hard and those clothes won't do for training clothes. Meet Lisa and I down at the front directory with your weapons. Most of the techniques that I show you involve having your weapon with you." Dan and Sasha then left out of the office and took the elevator down.

(I wonder if my life has been determined by the winds of fate before I was born?) Lisa wondered. She would have never thought something like what her grandfather just told her ever happening to her. "Do you think I can do it grandfather?" Lisa suddenly asked her grandfather.

"Yes," said Zechariah. "I have faith in you, and I believe you can do it. Don't doubt yourself, for doubt leads to fear, and fear leads to failure. I know we'll come out of this alive." Lisa nodded as she got on the elevator with her grandfather and took it down.

"Well, I guess we'll be thrust into action once again to fight an evil that threatens the world," commented Cid. Squall just nodded.

(Date: July 12, 4018 AC. Time: 12:30 hours. Place: Deling City slums.)

Kale sat on the couch thinking up plans on what he's going to do. (First, I'll meet this small army that Jaden and the others have gathered for me. From there, I'll come up with what to do next.) "Well, if everybody is well and rested, take me to this camp you speak off," said Kale. "But before we do that, we'll have to take care of some loose ends."

"I see Kale," Mei-Len then walked over to Tommy, grabbed him by the neck, and snapped it. She then let his body fall down on the dirty floor.

"What the Fuck?!" Mick cried out.

Narrak then went to the other four, unsheathed his katana, and with fast moves and techniques, he killed them.

"What are you doing Kale!?" Mick asked.

"I'm getting rid of a few loose ends," said Akaisura. He unsheathed his broadsword, "I have no more use for you, and if you can't fight in my army, then you're worthless to me." He then advanced on Mick. Mick stumbled back toward a corner. He then threw the money down.

"There's the money," said Mick. "Why kill us?!"

"Because there's no telling when you would betray me," answered Kale. "Plus, you know too much, I don't want my plans jeopardized because of trash such as yourself." Kale then charged Mick and plunged the broadsword into Mick's gut. He twisted it to inflict more pain on Mick and smiled at the pained expression on Mick's face. After he took his sword out, Mick fell to the ground and bled to death. Kale then picked up the money, "Let us depart to this camp you've told me about."

"Yes sir," said Jaden. "We have a couple of jeeps waiting outside the city, that way, we won't have to walk."

"That's good," replied Kale. The four warriors then walked out of the room. (Now to begin my plans to take over this world. Lisa Hawkwind, I'll enjoy hearing your tortured screams of agony and pain before I kill you.)

Author's notes: That's the end of chapter 3. I was planning to put a little more in here, but that'll be in the fourth chapter. So, did you like it? Well, this chapter should've explained most of the stuff for you, if not, just email me and ask me what you want to know. Now I know this is crazy to say, but I do not want any flames about that little part with Sasha and Rinoa. If you saw that part as a Rinoa bashing part, well, that's too bad. I'm not doing any kind of bashing in this fic, if you see it as that way, then that's too bad. Anyway, if people wanted to know, I'm going to have Seifer in the next chapter along with Raijin and Fujin, of course. Anyway, don't forget to leave a review before you click that back button, or go to another site. Well, stay tuned for chapter 4.