Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Winds of Fate ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Winds of Fate

A FF8 fanfic by Brenton Braswell

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the series of the Final Fantasy series. They all belong to Squaresoft and are being used without permission. All original characters, Lisa Hawkwind, Daniel Kunteais and others are copyrighted by the author and are not to be used by anybody without my permission. If somebody has a problem with that, all I could say is, tough luck.

Before anybody thinks this is a sequel to "Blades of Destiny", I'll say it is not. Even though I've used Lisa and Dan before, I decided to use them one last time. If you want to read my other fic, just type in the title or click on my penname.

I'd like to dedicate this fic to Ginger Ninja, Lady Aliena, Destiny, and Sasha Janre.

Character direct thoughts are in parentheses

In the last chapter, the six SeeDs went back to garden and made their report about the incident in Balamb. Being disconcerted about what happened in Balamb, Lisa was reluctant to tell what happened, but she did. As they were leaving, Cid told Lisa not to leave Garden because things would be explained later.

Meanwhile in Deling city, Kale was sending out a signal for his warriors to follow and find him. In no time, the other warriors found him and informed Kale of the progress they've made. They also told him about the small army they raised, and about Lisa Hawkwind and another Hawkind residing in Dollet. Jakob was given the pleasure of carrying out the elimination and left by train to Timber and then Dollet.

Back at Balamb, everyone was relaxing and going along with their days, but Lisa was still troubled. To take her mind off things, she went to watch Zell and Sasha spar for a little while. That was short-lived and Sasha and Rinoa sparred for a little while. After they finished, Lisa was unexpectedly called up to the Headmaster's office. Going with Dan and Sasha, Lisa found out that her grandfather had came from Dollet to tell her something. He told her of Kale Akaisura, her great ancestor, Alexander Hawkwind, and the power that resides in all with Hawkwind Blood. He also said that she would be the only one to defeat Kale. He also told her that all of her time at garden was to train her for fighting against Kale and his warriors. This was a great burden on her shoulders, but most of it was lifted when they found out, Sasha and Dan were the descendants of Alexander's closet friends and have a similar power in them. Now, Zechariah Hawkwind is going to train Lisa, Sasha, and Dan in using the techniques left by Alexander.

Also, back in Deling city, Kale decided to go to see this little army his warriors assembled for him. He also killed Mick and his five friends since he deemed them useless to him. Now that everything has been explained, find out what's going to happen in chapter 4 of Winds of Fate.

Chapter 4: "Fate works in mysterious ways"

(Date: July 12, 4018 AC. Time: 13:30 hours. Place: Balamb Garden.)

Now things seemed to be making more sense for Lisa Hawkwind since her grandfather traveled from Dollet to Balamb Garden. Even though things have been explained for her, that didn't mean things were going to get easier.

Lisa, Zechariah, Dan, and Sasha sat in the cafeteria finishing their little meal. Dan opted they get something to eat because Lisa and himself haven't ate anything all day. Zechariah agreed, and the four are just finishing their meal.

"Hey Lisa, Dan, Sasha!" Selphie chirped while coming from another table. "I just heard about what happened in Balamb, are you going to be alright?"

"Hey Selphie," said Lisa while turning to look at Selphie. "I'm okay. You don't have to worry, I feel fine now." She then looked at her grandfather. "Selphie, I would like to introduce you to my grandfather, Zechariah Hawkwind. Grandfather, this is Selphie Tilmitt."

Zechariah stood up and shook Selphie's hand, "I'm pleased to meet you Ms. Tilmitt."

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Hawkwind," smile Selphie. "Are you sure you're going to be alright Lisa?"

"Of course I'll be alright," Lisa waved off. "Are you doing anything right now?" Selphie shook her head. "You don't mind if she watches as we train, do you grandfather? She wouldn't be in the way, and I would be more relieved if somebody like her would be able to watch us."

"No, not at all," answered Zechariah. "I guess she would have seen you three use your powers sooner or later. If she knows about your powers now, she won't be distracted while fighting in a battle."

"Well, I'm finished," commented Sasha while stretching her arms out. She was wearing a Black SeeD insignia tank top, black pants, black gym shoes. Dan was wearing a dark blue jogging suit for his training clothes, and black sneakers. "Well, I guess the sooner we get started the better."

"Yes, go get your weapons and meet me and Selphie just outside the garden," ordered Zechariah. The three got up and left for the dormitory section. "Excuse me Selphie, is there anyway we can train and not get attacked by monsters?"

"Sure," replied Selphie. "I have Diabolos as one of my GF's, and I can equip the encounter none ability."

"That's good," said Zechariah. "Well, let's be on our way." Selphie and Zechariah then left out the cafeteria and toward the entrance of Garden.

Back at the dorms, Lisa and Sasha had just gotten their weapons and were waiting for Dan. "Should we take our little pouches with all the necessary items in it. You know, potions, x-potions, phoenix downs, remedies, and the sort?" Sasha asked Lisa.

(I guess that wouldn't be a bad idea.) "Yeah, sure," answered Lisa. "Just in case we have to suddenly have to go somewhere and fight against Kale's warriors." Lisa then went to her dorm and got the small pouches and tossed one to Sasha. Both tied one onto their belts as Dan came out of his dorm. "You ready?" Dan nodded and the three headed for the entrance of Balamb Garden.

After about four or five minutes of walking, they met Selphie and the elder Hawkwind at the entrance. The group of five then travels a small distance away from Garden and stopped. "This should be good enough," said Zechariah. "Now the basis on using your power is concentration and focus. Think of when you use your magic, you have to concentrate and focus. Using your power needs a greater effort of concentration on your part. Since this is the first time in using your powers, the three of you will have to first work on your concentration through mediation. Now close your eyes." Zechariah instructed the three while Selphie looked on. "Now try to think about nothing and try to concentrate on the power in you body. Feel it and let it flow through you."

(Feel it and let it flow through me. Okay that shouldn't be that hard to do.) Lisa pondered. Lisa blocked out all the thoughts in her head and concentrated. At first, she didn't feel anything.

"Don't try to hard," commented Zechariah. "Let it come to you and concentrate." After about a minute or so, they still weren't getting the results that he expected. Unexpectedly, Lisa started to glow blue, while a moment later, Sasha glowed red and Dan, a light orange color.

Now Lisa could feel the power inside of her and was amazed that she had such power. (I didn't know such power has been passed down through my bloodline!)

"Now open your eyes," commanded Zechariah as he and Selphie looked at the three. They had different colored auras flowing around their bodies. When Lisa, Sasha, and Dan opened their eyes, they saw their bodies glowing for a short moment before they turned back to normal. "What you three just did was awaken the sleeping power inside of you. Now it will be more easier to access, but it will still take some practice to get used to."

"Man, I can't believe I had this power inside of me," commented Dan.

"Yes, all three of you do," said Zechariah. "This power existed in your bloodlines and was passed down through the generations of your families. It is now time to start teaching you the techniques passed down through the Hawkwind family. Could you step back a few feet Selphie?" Selphie nodded and did so.

"To begin with your training," said Zechariah, "I'll start you out with this basic technique, gathering your ki and firing it off like a gun." Zechariah turned to his right and pulled back his right arm to his side and started concentrating. "When you do this, concentrate and let the energy flow into your arm or arms and create a ball with the energy, or hold it inside of your hand." He did this and a ball of light blue energy appeared in his hand. He threw it and it traveled quite a distance before hitting the ground and exploding. "The only thing about this technique and all the others I show you is that using them too much can take their toll on your body, and weaken you. You should use them sparingly. Now you three try it."

The first one to try was Lisa. She got in a side stance, brought her hands together like she was cupping a ball, and started to concentrate. "You have to push the energy into your hands," said Zechariah. Lisa nodded a little and started concentrating once more. She then felt the energy flow into her arms, and energy outside of her body gathered toward her hands. "Now concentrate on forming the energy into a ball." Lisa did just that and a light blue ball of energy started to appear in her cupped hands. "Don't overdo it for the first time, that should be a good amount to start you off with. Now throw your hands forward and release the energy." Lisa then quickly threw her hands forward and the ball of energy released from her hand, it went some distance and then hit the ground, exploding. (Very good. Now let's see if Dan and Sasha will have similar luck in doing this on their first time.)

"Whoa!" Selphie exclaimed. "That's the kind of power you have?"

"Yes it is Selphie," answered Zechariah. "We have this power, but our enemy has it as well. That is why I'm training them in the use of it, so we won't be overwhelmed whenever and wherever they decide to attack. Well, who wants to try next?"

"I will," said Sasha while stepping forward.

"Okay, do you remember what I said to Lisa?" Zechariah asked the raven-haired girl with the two blonde bangs. Sasha nodded and pointed her hand out into the open field of the Alucuid plains. She concentrated and started gathering energy in her hand. Red looking energy started to make her hand glow and when Sasha felt she had enough energy, she shot it off like a gun, and it exploded after going some distance. (Hmmm… very interesting.) "Okay Dan, you're last to try this move."

Dan nodded and stepped forward with his hand cupped like he was holding a baseball. He gathered the energy and formed it into a ball, and held it. He then cocked the ball over his head like he was pitching, raised his leg a little, and then threw the ball of energy just about the same distance. It exploded just like the others. (Crude, but effective.) Zechariah pondered. "You don't mind if I see your limit breaks, do you?" Zechariah asked.

"No we don't grandfather," replied Lisa. "We'll have to go into the forest and fight some T-rexuars though. The enemies out on the plains are weak and will probably die in the first few hits of them."

"Very well," said Zechariah. "Let us go."

So Zechariah, Lisa, Sasha, Dan, and Selphie went into the forest. "Well, I guess we don't need encounter-none if we want to be attacked," said Selphie. She then unequipped the ability and they waited for a minute or two, the five felt the ground rumbling from footsteps and the leaves in the trees were shaking.

Suddenly, in front of them, about fifty feet away, a t-rexaur is seen walking toward them. "I'll go first," said Dan. Dan walked about ten feet ahead of the four, unsheathed his sword and cast aura on himself. The T-rexuar stops not too far away from Dan and roars at Dan. Dan catching a whiff of the foul breath, Dan joked, "Dude, have you ever heard of breath mints?" Dan then goes into the limit break, shoots seven crescent beam waves from his katana in slashes that hits the overgrown lizard, the last one with the added effect of Bio. Being poisoned, the dinosaur staggers back a little bit. Dan then does an impressive forward somersault, coming down in a overhead slash, slashing the lizard on it's head, inflicting major damage, and finished up with a powerful jump spin kick to the lizard's chest. The t-rexuar flew back from the kick hit the ground hard. The t-rexuar got up slowly, but then slumped down to the ground dead as the bio spell took its toll. "I call that, Bio Cross Slash," Dan informed them.

"Very impressive," commented Zechariah. "To make it more powerful, concentrate some power into those blast, and in the overhead slash, charge some energy into your sword." Dan nodded. "So, who's next?"

"I'm next," said Sasha. Sasha stepped forward and waited for another t-rexuar to come. When one did come stomping it's way toward them, Sasha quickly cast Aura on herself. She then rushed forward into a demon slice, with her spinning around with the Lionheart gunblade hitting the dinosaur many times. When she was finished with that, she jumped back and rushed forward casting a blizzaga spell and went into the renzokuken limit break. After about the seventh hit, her blade glowed a light blue and she slashed the lizard with the ice slash. It really froze the lizard and she did on final overhead slash, which broke the frozen t-rexuar into many pieces, thus killing it. "That's the Blizzard of Fury," said Sasha.

"Another impressive display," said Zechariah. "When you do those first strikes where you spin around, concentrate some energy into and those second set of sword slashes, do the same. That's how you can make your limit break more powerful." Sasha nodded. "Okay, let's see your limit break Lisa."

Lisa nodded and stepped forward. Lisa cast Aura on herself as another t-rexuar came stomping toward the five. She then rushed forward with great agility, started slashing her katana in skillful motions at the dinosaur, and added some jump kicks and spin kicks in the combo. After about ten hits, she jumped back, and then did a great flying kick to the t-rexuar's chest while her sword caught fire. In an amazing display of agility, Lisa did a twisting somersault behind the lizard and slashed it down it's back while burning it at the same time. The t-rexuar not being able to take any more damage, slumped to the ground dead. "That's called, Rage of the Phoenix," Lisa said. Selphie then equipped the encounter-none ability again.

"Excellent," said Zechariah. "To make that more powerful, concentrate your ki into your katana and legs when you attack. That way, it'll hit extra hard. Well, let's get back on the plains and train some more. I'll show you some more techniques that I know, and we'll try to make up some unique techniques for you three. The five then walked out into the Alcauld plains once more.

(Date: July 12, 4018 AC. Time: 14:00 hours. Place: Plains of Galbaldia, by the destroyed Missile base.)

As Zechariah is training Lisa, Dan, and Sasha, Kale is going to the little camp to greet his small army. He should be slightly surprised at how many troops he will have.

After riding for about close to an hour and a half, the jeeps that Jaden, Narrak, Mei-Len, and Kale are in finally gets to the small camp. (So this is the camp they were talking about. Primitive, but it'll do for right now.) Kale and the others file out the jeep and starts walking toward the tents. "You five really have been busy to have assembled this small army," commented Kale.

One of the soldiers noticed Jaden and went to attention and saluted. "Welcome back sir! Did your trip go as planned?"

"Yes, it did," answered Jaden. "I want you to assemble the men over here, and hurry up."

"Yes sir," said the soldier. He then ran off shouting out orders and telling the men to assemble at the front of the camp.

Now Kale had to admit, these were some fine soldiers to have assembled so fast. (Now all I need is to acquire a bigger army, and a base, and I can begin my plans for world domination.) "So, are the rest of the soldiers in the Galbaldian army this disciplined?" Kale asked Jaden.

"Not really," Jaden replied. "We had to put them through a little training, and worked on their fighting skills as well. Before we did that, the men weren't as good of soldiers as the ones in your army from the past. Now they are twice as deadly than before and willing to carry out your orders without fail."

"That's good," smirked Kale. "Well, announce me as the new leader."

Jaden nodded and stepped forward. "Troops, your new leader is here. His name is Kale Akaisura, and he will lead us to victory when we destroy SeeD." Jaden then stepped back and let Kale talk.

"As Jaden said, I am Kale Akaisura," announced Kale. "I'm your new leader and expect nothing but the best from you. When I begin my plans to take over this world, you will be a big part of it and I don't want to see any of you slacking off. Those who do will die by my sword if you don't die in battle." He then turned to Jaden. "I want you to assemble a small squad of soldiers to accompany us when we go to Timber to find the Hawkwinds living there. Mei-Len, I want you to take a squad and assist Jakob. I'm sure you will need to if the others of the Hawkwind family do feel his power and go to assist the Hawkwind woman." Mei-Len and Jaden saluted Kale and went to pick the soldiers that are going to accompany them. (This is excellent. Once I eliminate all the Hawkwinds from the face of this planet, and take care of SeeD, there will be no one to stop me.) Kale pondered as he watched Mei-Len and Jaden pick out troops.

(Date: July 12, 4018 AC. Time: 14:15 hours. Place: Dollet)

Jakob Krentac, one of Kale Akaisura's warriors, just arrived in Dollet. After taking a train to Timber, and catching one to get to his destination, Dollet. He really anticipated the destruction and death that he was going to cause during his mission to destroy the Hawkwind that resided in Dollet.

(Not a bad looking place if I do say so myself. Too bad I'll have to destroy part of it when I kill the Hawkwind woman that resides here.) Jakob then walked down the street and past the car rental place. To say the least, Jakob was an intimidating character, being six foot four, muscular, bald, and having the halbard on his back. The people that saw him walking down the street quickly got out of his way, but he stopped in front of an old man. "Can you tell me where somebody with the last name, Hawkwind lives?"

The old man then looked up at Jakob, "You must be looking for Zechariah, well he's not here, but his daughter, Sahara, is in town. Do you need directions to find her place?" Jakob nodded. "Well, it's not too far from here. You just go down the street, take a left, walk two blocks, and then take a right. It should be the third house down from the light."

"Thank you," said Jakob. (I guess this is going to be easier than I thought. If Jaden were doing this, he would have already blown something up by now, and started threatening people. Doing it that way would have probably alerted her and might have given her a chance to escape. I'm glad I was given the pleasure to eliminate her. I wonder, will I she put up a good fight before I kill her?)

"Are you a close friend or something?" The old man suddenly asked.

"No, but I've got some news that will probably kill her when I give it to her," answered Jakob before walking off. (Literally.)

The old man looked as Jakob walked down the street. "Hmmm… strange fellow, that man is," muttered the man to himself.

Not too far away, Sahara Hawkwind, Zechariah's daughter and Lisa's Aunt, watched as her son and daughter played outside with the other kids. She was a middle-aged woman in her late thirties, had light brown hair flowing down her back, and wore a red blouse and dark red skirt that was loose and went down to her knees and brown boots. She also had a katana strapped to her belt. (I hope dad is wrong about what we felt. I don't know what I would do if some maniac came and killed my children.) Not wanting to think thoughts like that, Sahara took out the roast from the oven, and glanced out the window one more time to look at her two children as they played with their friends. (There, dinner is ready, time to get the kids.) She then took off the oven mitts and walked outside. She walked outside and away from her house and across the street. "Bobby, Maria, dinner is ready! Let's go in the house and get you cleaned up."

A boy with brown hair at the age of ten, and a young girl with brown hair at the age of eight came running toward Sahara. "After we eat dinner, are we going to leave for show tonight?" Bobby asked.

"Yes," smiled Sahara. "All that you have to do now is get cleaned up and eat dinner."

"Okay mom," said Maria.

Sahara then walked with her arms around her children's shoulders and back to the house. "ARE YOU SAHARA HAWKWIND WOMAN?!!!" A voice said from behind her.

She stopped and tensed up as her children were turning around to see who called their mother. She then turned around and saw the six foot four muscular bald man in a blue vest, black baggy pants, and boots with a halbard weapon on his back. (My god, he must be one of the people father warned me about.) She then sensed the power that was radiating off of him. "Why do you ask?" Sahara said with eyes narrowed and her brow furrowed.

(So, she wants to play games does she? Well, I have no time for them.) Jakob silently said. "So, I see that you are," Jakob said while smirking. "Since you are one of the threats to my master's plan, you'll be eliminated."

"Mommy?" Maria asked. "What is he talking about?"

"Something from a long time ago," Sahara answered. Sahara knew not to tell her children about the legacy left by their great ancestor. They would have been too young to start training and developing their powers. Her father didn't want to get them involved and told her that Lisa was one of their only hopes. She also knew of her power and was trained by her father, Zechariah, to fight against this evil. "Kids, I want you to go into the house, now," commanded Sahara.

"It's too late for that," said Jakob. He then shot a blast of energy at the three Hawkwinds. Sahara quickly used a technique and put up a shield in front of her and her children. The shield blocked the ki blast, and Sahara quickly jumped forward away from her children and unsheathed the katana sword from her side.

(At the same moment in Balamb Garden.)

Zechariah, Lisa, Dan, and Sasha looked up as they felt a sudden power. They then looked in the direction it came from. (That's the direction of Dollet.) Zechariah immediately noticed.

"What's wrong?" Selphie inquired.

"There's trouble in Dollet," answered Zechariah. "We'll have to get Cid to assemble a team of SeeDs and get there fast."

"He's right," said Sasha. "Let's go get changed out of these workout clothes and into our SeeD uniforms."

"You probably won't have that long to do it in," said Zechariah. "We can't waste any time."

"You and Dan can go change Sasha," said Lisa. "I'm going as I am."

"Right, come on Dan!" Sasha yelled while taking off for the dormitory section. Dan quickly followed behind her. Selphie, Zechariah, and Lisa then ran for the elevator and took it up.


"So, Alexander did have his legacy passed down through the generations," sneered Jakob. "I guess I'll have a little fun with you after all."

"Bobby, Maria," started Sahara. "I want you two to get in the house right now." She then looked back to see that they were still shocked at what she and the tall man did. "DO IT NOW!" Sahara yelled. The two children were broken out of their shock and instantly ran in the house. (I have to lead him away from the house. I don't want my children to get hurt while we fight.) Sahara then took off running away from the house, and down the street.

"So she wants to play cat and mouse does she," whispered Jakob to himself. "You may run Hawkwind, but you will never be able to hide from me!" Jakob then took off into a light jog not wanting to tire out that much when he caught up to Sahara. (I know what she's doing. Leading me away from her house so her children won't be injured. Well, once I kill her, I'll come back and kill them. We can be rid of three of the Hawkwind bloodline.)

(Balamb Garden)

"We need you to assemble a small team of your finest SeeDs Cid," demanded Zechariah. "We need to get to Dollet to stop one of Kale's warriors from overpowering and killing my daughter and grandchildren."

"Right, I'll get them now," said Cid. He took the small lift up to the bridge, and went over to the intercom system. He clicked it on and let the three chimes ring, "I want SeeDs Dincht, Trepe, Leonhart, Janre, Kinneas and Kunteais to immediately report to the parking lot. I repeat, SeeDs Dincht, Trepe, Leonhart, Janre, Kinneas and Kunteais immediately report the parking lot. Prepare yourself for combat before arrival. That is all." Cid then took the small lift down to the three.

"Thank you old friend," Zechariah thanked him. "Well, let's go!"

Selphie, Lisa and Zechariah then took the elevator down to the first floor. After getting out, Selphie immediately headed for the parking lot with Zechariah and Lisa following quickly behind her. When they were almost there, they saw Dan and Sasha sprinting toward them from the dormitory section in their SeeD uniforms. They immediately ran in the parking lot and Selphie prepped the Ragnarok for departure. Lisa decided to wait outside the Ragnarok for the others to come. In half a minute she saw Zell, Irvine and Quistis running in the parking lot. After another thirty seconds, Rinoa and Squall came running. "Hurry up, you're the last ones!" Lisa yelled while running up the steps into the Ragnarok. After they were in, Lisa raised the steps. Selphie took that as a sign to open the roof of the parking lot and the Ragnarok took off vertical into the air and toward Dollet.


After running about two blocks, Sahara was feeling tired and stopped to take a breather. She turned around to see Jakob walking toward her from about a block away. (We should be far enough from the house so the kids won't get hurt.)

After about a minute of walking, Jakob was about twenty-five feet away from Sahara and stopped. "I see your motherly instincts made you think about your children first and lead me away from your house," Jakob commented. "Well, when I kill you, I'll go back and take care of them."

"You won't kill me," spat Sahara. "And you won't lay a finger on my children." She then got into a fighting stance with her katana leveled forward at waist position and pointing at Jakob.

"So, the mother hawk finally bares her claws," said Jakob while taking the Halbard off his back and getting in a fighting position. The people around just looked on as the two people stood in the middle of the street and held battle stances ready to fight. A few onlookers were smart and ran when they saw both get into fighting positions. The brave ones decided to stay and watch.

After a tense moment of holding their fighting stances, Jakob and Sahara rushed each other and the two weapons clashed together. Jakob started to push his halbard, a pole with a curved and sharp blade at the end, down forcing Sahara to her knees. Sahara angled the katana and let the blade of the halbard slide off as Jakob pushed down. Being out of her awkward position, Sahara did a spinning slash at Jakob. He brought the weapon vertical and blocked the blow, and swung it toward Sahara's neck. Sahara ducked and came back with some more slashes and thrusts. Jakob blocked and dodged these attacks and sent some swings back at her which Sahara skillfully blocked.

Jakob jumped back a few feet and raised the pole upward in a vertical position. (Let's see her block this.) He swung the weapon in a downward motion while saying, "Kuntai-sa!" A wave of energy was released from the downward slash. Sahara saw this and skillfully rolled to the side and the blast flew past her and hit a car. The car blew up and that sent the spectators scattering and running for their lives.

Getting up from her crouch, Sahara rushed Jakob with her katana to the side. She immediately started concentrating and slashed her sword in a upward diagonal motion while running forward and unleashed a blue crescent wave at Jakob. Jakob was surprised, but jumped up to avoid the energy wave as it sailed past him and hit a car. Another explosion happened. Coming down from the air, Jakob had his weapon in an overhead slash position and came down slashing at Sahara. Sahara immediately put her katana in a horizontal position above her head and blocked the incoming weapon. (Great, now these explosions will get the attention of the Dollet soldiers, and they're going to interfere and get killed.) She then mightily pushed the halbard off of her katana and sent a spin kick that caught Jakob in the stomach and sent him back a few feet.

"So, this will be more enjoyable than I thought," Jakob said out loud. He then put his halbard back on his back and started concentrating. His hands started to glow yellow a little bit. "Let's see if you can avoid this." He then threw one of his hands forward and shot out a ball of yellow energy at Sahara. Sahara saw this and jumped to the side, dodging it. He immediately threw his other hand forward trying to catch her off guard, and Sahara had to jump to the ground to avoid the second ball of energy. He then did a little motion with his arms and hands, and then thrust them forward again shooting blast after blast like a machine gun.

In an instant, Sahara immediately got up and started running and rolling side to side to avoid the blasts. There was explosion after explosion as the blast hit the ground, various buildings and parked cars around them. She then jumped toward a wall and sprung off it to avoid some of the blasts. As she was coming down, a blast nailed her in the chest and threw her back to the ground violently. She was really hurt and reached in her pouch on her belt as she was getting up. She took out a small marble sized green bead. She enclosed in her fist around it and concentrated as the green flair of magic surrounded her body. She did a motion with her arms and thrust them forward.

Jakob was immediately hit by a strike of thundaga from overhead. He was thrown back, but got up a little faster than Sahara did a moment ago. After casting the magic, the bead disappeared from Sahara's hand. Both were hurt, Sahara more than Jakob, and they got back into fighting stances with weapons at the ready.

(In the Ragnarok heading toward Dollet.)

The Ragnarok, piloted by Selphie was just two or three minutes away from Dollet when an unexpected transmission came from Balamb Garden. Selphie pressed the button and the radio sparked to life. "Ragnarok, do you read me?" Headmaster Cid's voice came from the radio.

Selphie replied, "Loud and clear, Headmaster Cid, go ahead with your message."

"Right," said Cid. "We just got a transmission from a resistance group in Timber that some Galbaldian soldiers and two men suddenly appeared in Timber and started causing havoc. I think that is probably some of Kale's warriors."

"Aww shit," said Lisa. "They're going after uncle Brian and his family."

"Also, we just got a communication from Dollet saying there are multiple explosions in one part of the city," said Cid. "I think you should split up into two teams."

"We'll do that Headmaster," said Squall.

"Good, I wish you all Godspeed, " said Cid. He then cut communication.

"Okay, who's going where?" Squall pondered.

"Well, I know I'm going to Dollet to help out aunt Sahara," Lisa blurted out.

"I'm going as well," said Zechariah.

"I'm going to Timber," informed Rinoa.

"Okay, Dan, Zell, and Quistis will accompany you to Dollet," announced Squall. "Rinoa, Selphie, Irvine, Sasha, and myself will go to Timber." As they got closer and closer to Dollet, they could see a black plume of smoke rising up from it.


After another exchange of slashes and thrust between Sahara and Jakob, they backed off on and other once again. The street they were fighting on was filled with fire and destruction. They both looked real tired and hurt. "So, I guess you were trained well," Jakob said. "I enjoyed this so far, but now it's time to stop playing and get serious."

Just then, some jeeps with Dollet military soldiers pulled up behind Sahara. The men jumped out pointed their guns at Sahara and Jakob. "Don't move, you're both under arrest for destruction of property and disturbing the peace," said the commanding officer.

(Not now, they're going to get in the way and get themselves killed.) Sahara silently worried. She glanced over her shoulder to look at the soldiers. "All of you should get out of here, if you don't, you'll die," warned Sahara.

"Sahara?" The commanding soldier questioned. "What are you doing?"

Sahara then put her attention on Jakob again and said, "What does it look like I'm doing?!! I'm fighting for my life!"

"Well, let's see," said the leader. "Fucking up part of Dollet could be one thing! I'm surprised no one was hurt yet."

"So you've brought reinforcements," commented Jakob.

"They're not my reinforcements," replied Sahara. "Leave them out of it."

"Stand back while we take care of this Sahara," said the commanding officer of squad of soldiers. The ten soldiers then ran in front of Sahara and pointed their machine guns at Jakob. "Give up and come quietly, or we'll have to open fire."

"Go ahead, your puny weapons won't hurt me," smirked Jakob.

The soldiers looked at one and other with confusion. "Fire!" The leader yelled and the soldiers opened fire.

Without warning, a purple transparent shield surrounded Jakob and blocked the bullets. The soldiers were surprised, but keep firing and reloading until they ran out of ammunition. "Are you finished?" Jakob asked in a bored tone.

"What the hell is he?!!" One of the soldiers said frantically.

"Well, I guess it's my turn!" Jakob yelled. He then shot a ball of yellow energy at Sahara and the soldiers. Sahara jumped out the way, as the soldiers were shocked at what they just saw.

After the blast hit and exploded, it threw the soldiers into the air and violently back to the ground, Jakob just smiled. Sahara then went over to one of the burnt and bloodied soldiers. She knelt down, and felt his neck for a pulse. It was weak and then it stopped. She looked down and started to shake a little bit, letting the anger she felt for Jakob show itself. She turned toward Jakob and yelled, "YOU MONSTER!" Sahara got up and got her sword in a ready position and started running toward Jakob. She suddenly stopped when a red draconic looking ship appeared from above and started kick up dirt with high winds because of the engine. She looked up and saw as five people repel on a line from it, and to the ground. The red ship then gained Altitude and took off to the southeast. (What the hell is going on?) She then looked at the five and recognized two of the people. (Dad? Lisa? What are they doing here?)

They then ran beside Sahara. "Are you alright aunt Sahara?" Lisa immediately asked. Sahara nodded. "Well, stand back, we'll take care of this."

Jakob then felt power from three of the people who came out of the ship. (So, the old man, the young woman and man must have Hawkwind blood in them.) "Tell me, are the three of you Hawkwinds?" Jakob directed the question toward Lisa, Zechariah, and Dan.

"Just Lisa and Zechariah here, I'm part of the Kunteais family," retorted Dan.

(I see. So he must be the descendant of Jeremiah Kunteias. If his descendant is with the Hawkwinds, I can just guess that Janre's descendant is working with them as well. I guess destiny and fate has mysterious ways of working.) "Now your chances of beating me have rose woman," said Jakob. "But not that much."

Instantly, Mei-Len, Narrak, and about four soldiers appeared out of nowhere in a flash of magic. Jakob smiled as he saw them. "Sorry to interrupt you Jakob," said Mei-Len. "Just thought we would push the odds more in our favor." She then motioned the four soldiers to attack, and the four unsheathed their swords.

They then charged forward at Lisa, Zechariah, Zell and Dan. The four instantly got out their weapons and got into fighting stances. Lisa was the closest one to them so she swung her sword in a horizontal slash and the soldier blocked it. The soldier started going into a furious frenzy of slashes toward Lisa, but she was able to block, parry and dodge them. During the frenzy, Lisa slashed her katana mightily at her opponent's sword, thus knocking him off balance, and then quickly stabbed him in the gut. She pulled it out and let the soldier fall to the ground and he died slowly. (Damn, that was tougher than I expected.)

Zell and Dan were working together to take out two of the soldiers. When they came at Dan and Zell, both jumped back and dodged the multiple slashes sent their way. After dodging a slash aimed for his neck, Zell punched the soldier in the stomach and did a fast uppercut to his chin. He looked over to Dan and saw that he was having a little trouble. "Duck Dan!" Zell yelled while running from behind Dan. Dan ducked and Zell did a flying jump kick over Dan and to the soldier's face. The soldier flew back and was knocked down, but got up slowly. (What the Hell! I guess these aren't your regular Galbaldian soldiers.) Dan then turned around and took the soldier that Zell knocked down just a moment ago, while Zell confronted the soldier in front of him. After dodging a few more slashes, Zell threw a left and a right that connected, and finished up with a spinning roundhouse kick to the side of the head. This dazed the soldier, but he still got up. (Well, I didn't want to do this, but I have no choice.) The soldier then clumsily thrust the sword toward Zell's chest; Zell dodged it, and skillfully got around the soldier, and grabbed him and put him in a sleeper hold. He then twisted the soldier's neck to the side until he felt a snap. He let go of the man and let him fall in down dead.

Dan skillfully dodged the sword slashes sent at him and slashed the soldier in the back after a clumsy thrust move. The soldier fell down dead.

The soldier that rushed Zechariah never had a chance. Zechariah skillfully did an upward slash that was so powerful; it disarmed the soldier of his sword. He followed up with a downward slash across the man's chest. The soldier yelled in pain before the darkness overtook him.

"I thought they would have put up a better fight," commented Mei-Len.

"So, who's going to take who?" Lisa asked everyone by her.

"I'll take the woman in the tight purple outfit and boots," said Zell.

"I'll assist Zell," whispered Quistis.

Without warning, Mei-Len rushed the group and threw a spin kick, which everyone avoided. The group was now scattered. Dan decided to stay with Sahara because she looked like she was in bad shape. Zell and Quistis faced Mei-Len, while not too far away; Zechariah confronted Narrak, and Lisa against Jakob. Zell and Mei-Len started going at it. Zell sent a few punches her way, those were blocked, and she sent some of her own. She then did a foot sweep on Zell and as Zell was on the ground, she punched at Zell's head. Zell saw the move just in time and moved out the way, as her fist hit the concrete and made some cracks. Quistis immediately snapped her whip and caught Mei-Len in the back. She was about to do it again, but Mei-Len turned her attention toward Quistis and caught the whip. Still having in it in her grasp, She raised her other arm and blocked a spin kick and side kicked Zell in the chest. She then pulled Quistis to her and sent her reeling back with an uppercut. Zell then got back up and cast a Firaga spell that Mei-Len dodged. She did just what Zell wanted and was surprised when Zell flew at her with a jump kick. He hit her in the chest, but she recovered fast and both was punching and kicking at each other.

When Zechariah faced Narrak, he bowed as he unsheathed the katana from his back and Zechariah returned the bow. Then both got in their battle stances. They then rushed at each other and started really going at it. They matched each other slash for slash, until Narrak jumped back and sent a crescent wave beam slash from his katana. Zechariah easily jumped to the side and avoided it. He then rushed and slashed at Narrak. Narrak expertly blocked it and returned with some of his own slashes.

"So, you must be Lisa Hawkwind," pondered Jakob "I know Kale wants to take care of you himself, but I don't think he would mind if I kill you."

"Yeah, well, you could try," quipped Lisa. "But you won't be able to do it."

Both then ran and slashed their weapons at each other. Once they clashed, they immediately went in a lock. Suddenly Lisa felt some power being shot off behind her. She then disengaged for the lock and jumped to the side, Jakob followed suit. "Sogenta!" Yelled Lisa as she threw a fireball at Jakob. Jakob dodged this but was surprised as Lisa jumped in the air and came down with her katana on fire. In an overhead slash, she caught Jakob in the arm, and Jakob retaliated by skillfully hitting her with the blunt end of the halbard in the stomach. Being off guard for a while, Jakob then kicked Lisa in the face and floored her. She rolled out the way as Jakob tried to stab her on the ground.

Meanwhile, Zell and Mei-Len still was going at it. After missing a spin kick, Zell was kicked in the stomach and spin kicked to the head. Quistis immediately jumped in and started snapping and swinging her whip wildly at Mei-Len. After dodging the whip for a few seconds, she immediately rushed Quistis and kneed her in the stomach. As Quistis as bending over from the pain, Mei-Len did a scissor kick that hit the Quistis in the back of the neck. Quistis was then knocked unconscious. Mei-Len turned her attention toward Zell and concentrated energy into her fists. Zell then came at Mei-Len with a few punches aimed for her gut. She blocked these and instantly retaliated with some powered-up punches. Zell was able to block a few with his forearms, but the ones he blocked really did some damage. In a surprising move, Mei-Len instantly punched Zell in the stomach, Zell dropped his guard, and she instantly sent him reeling with a right cross. Before Zell fell to the ground, Mei-Len grabbed his arm and pulled him back up, and did a spinning backfist that knocked Zell unconscious. "Pathetic," Mei-Len commented.

"Shit," exclaimed Dan as he watched Zell and Quistis get knocked out. "Will you be alright alone Sahara?" Sahara nodded and Dan charged toward Mei-Len with a murderous intent. He managed to drive her away from the unconscious forms of Zell and Quistis with some sword slashes.

Not too far away, Lisa and Jakob was dodging, parrying, and attacking each other. Surprising Jakob, Lisa did a foot sweep and tripped him to the ground. Jakob rolled out the way as Lisa attempted slash him on the ground. Lisa then was caught off guard by a kick to the stomach and an uppercut. Lisa was dazed and got up slowly. "So, it seems Kale didn't have anything to worry about with you," Jakob gloated.

Lisa then got up and a red haze surrounded her form, and got into a ready position. "Rage of the Phoenix!" She rushed forward going into her limit break. Jakob was surprised at the surprising speed she displayed. Lisa then when into some sword slashes that was blocked. She then did some side kicks and spin kicks that caught Jakob in the head. Getting up slowly from the kicks, Jakob was the caught with a flying jump kick to the chest that really staggered him. Lisa then jumped up in the air and came down with her sword flaming. In an overhead slash, Lisa slashed Jakob in the chest and threw him back about ten feet.

Getting up slowly, Jakob noticed that he was bleeding and had a scar on his chest. "Fucking Bitch. You'll pay for that!" He then rushed Lisa. Lisa concentrated some power into her katana and did a downward diagonal slash that released a light blue crescent beam wave. It hit the rushing big man and threw him back and into unconsciousness.

Mei-Len and Narrak sensed Jakob go into unconsciousness and disengaged their opponents and jumped over to Jakob's side. They then looked at the young blonde woman that wore a white tank top, black pants and shoes and wielded a familiar sword. At closer inspection, Narrak noticed the katana. (So, she is the one of the Hawkwind clan that wields Alexander's sword.) "So you're the one that Kale wants to kill personally," said Narrak. "Not if we kill you first."

Lisa yelled, "Eternal Flame!" Thus summoning the Phoenix. The majestic bird of flame descended from the sky and stopped just a few feet off the ground. The Phoenix then flew over Lisa, Dan, Zell, Quistis, Sahara and Zechariah and casting curaga spells. Zell and Quistis were back to consciousness and were on their knees. Coming around, the Phoenix then transformed into its fiery form and flew straight at Narrak and Mei-Len with the quickness. Mei-Len and Narrak was not able to avoid the phoenix's path and was engulfed in the explosion of fire that followed the phoenix's path.

Now both were physically hurt and on their knees panting. "You may have won this round," panted Mei-Len. "But you haven't won the war." She then cast some magic and the three warriors disappeared in a flash.

"Is everyone alright?" Lisa immediately asked.

"Yeah," said Dan. "You were awesome back there."

"Thanks," said Lisa.

"It's too early to celebrate," Zechariah added. "I feel that a fierce battle is going on in Timber."

Dan and Lisa concentrated for a little while and then sensed a great power, along with Sasha's power being used. "That must be Kale Akaisura's power," said Dan. "He's more stronger than I imagined." They also felt another power.

"That must be uncle Brian's power," Lisa said surprised. "Why does it feel so weak?" Lisa silently cursed herself and wished she had gone to Timber.

"I guess the only thing we can do now is hope for a good outcome," said Zechariah. (Yes, that's the only thing we can do. Please make it through this Brian.) Zechariah silently hoped.

(Date: July 12, 4018 AC. Place: Timber.)

Brian Hawkwind, along with his wife, Claire, and his young daughter, Elizabeth, ran through the fire-filled streets of Timber. (Damn, this is probably the danger that dad told us about.) He then quickly rushed his wife and daughter into an alley as he heard some gunfire going off just around the corner. (Fuck, I didn't think it would be this bad.) He then heard some screams not too far away and tightly held on to his wife and five year old daughter. "Don't worry, I'll get us out of here. I'll protect both of you from harm," Brian reassured the two. His wife and daughter just held him tighter. It hurt him to see them crying and being this scared. He knew that the soldiers were after him and he would have fought them without fail. But he knew he couldn't do that. He was putting his wife and daughter's safety ahead of his. He had a responsibility to them, and he would keep it.

Brian had blonde hair, blue eyes, and wore a white t-shirt, and green army pants with black boots. He had a broadsword sheathed on his belt. Claire Hawkind, Brian's wife, a beautiful woman that had raven hair, and brown eyes, and she wore a long purple dress that went down to her calves. Elizabeth was a young girl with dark blonde hair in a ponytail, and wore a pretty red dress.

Brian then lead them further into the alley and reluctantly let go of them. It really hurt him to see them like this. "Stay here for right now. I'm going to check to see if the coast is clear. If it is, I'll call you to come on." Claire nodded while holding her weeping and scared daughter close to her. Brian then ran to the entrance of the alley with one hand on the hilt of his Broadsword. He cautiously looked left and right and saw the death and destruction that was caused. Fortunately, no soldiers were in sight. (Kale Akaisura, damn that fucking bastard. He's a monster to cause this much death and destruction just to find my family and me.) He then motioned for his wife and daughter to come forward.

After they were out of the alley, the started running down the streets. "So you must be the Hawkwinds that reside here," said Kale as he came around a corner not too far from them.

Brian, Claire, and Elizabeth stopped. Fear clutched Brian's heart as he felt the power. (No, not now.) The three then turned around and saw a muscular man with brown hair, and he wore black pants, a black shirt, black boots, and a long black leather trench coat that was open, and black gloves. They also saw the sight of the sheathed broadsword on his belt. "Damn!" Brian exclaimed. "You must be Kale Akaisura."

"That, I am," answered Kale while crossing his arms over his chest. "You know, you three were very hard to find here. Now it's time to kill you"

Brian took a few steps away from Claire and Elizabeth and unsheathed his broadsword and got in to a battle stance. "I won't let you hurt my family," pointed out the blonde-haired man. He then turned his head to the side and looked at Claire. "Claire, I want you to take Elizabeth and get out of here! I don't want you two hurt, and if he kills me he'll come after you next!"

"No Brian, I don't want to leave you," pleaded Claire.

"Forget about me and run as far away from here as you can!" Brian yelled. "RUN!" Claire obeyed Brian and scooped up her daughter in her arms and started running down the streets.

Kale saw this and just snapped his fingers. Two soldiers instantly came around the corner and blocked Claire's path. Claire stumbled and fell to her knees while still holding Elizabeth. "Kill Them!" Kale ordered the two soldiers.

"NNNNNNOOOOOOO!" Brian screamed as he ran toward them. He looked on as the soldier raised the sword above his head and saw Claire turn with her back facing him to protect Elizabeth from the strike. He knew he didn't have time to concentrate enough power for an energy blast and that he was too far away.

Claire bent down to cover Elizabeth and braced herself to feel the pain of the blow that was going to take her life. She closed her eyes and waited for it.

As the soldier had his sword above his head and was pausing to make the scene all the more beautiful, he smiled and then started his downswing.

Without warning, a blonde figure in a gray trenchcoat, black pants, navy vest, black gloves, and gunblade came rushing around the same corner the soldiers came from and did a spinning slash to the swinging soldier. That stopped the downward slash of the sword and instantly killed the soldier above the cringing woman and young girl. He then quickly followed up with an upward diagonal slash of the gunblade to the other soldier before he had time to react. Both men died screaming. (Fucking Galbaldian soldiers.) Seifer Almasy silently cursed.

"Thank god!" Brian exclaimed as he saw the unexpected act of heroism.

Just a few seconds after he killed the two soldiers, a young woman in with gray hair, an eye patch, in a blue shirt and black pants and boots came running around the corner and stopped just a few feet away from him. Following her was a dark-skinned young man with black hair, in a navy blue vest, really baggy pants, and black boots and a red staff weapon stopped just behind the young woman. "SEIFER, HURT?" Fujin asked.

"No, I'm not Fuj," answered Seifer. Seifer then put his gunblade in his holster, and kneeled down beside the woman and young girl. "Are you two alright?"

Claire then opened her eyes and looked at the young man with the scar on his forehead. "We're all right," smiled Claire. "Thank you for saving my daughter and I."

Seifer nodded and help the woman and the young girl to their feet. "Get my wife and my daughter out of here, please!" Yelled Brian.

Seifer turned and looked at the speaker to see that he was a blonde man wearing a white t-shirt, green army pants and black boots. He also noticed that the man held a broadsword in his left hand. Seifer nodded at the man and saw as the man turned toward the muscular man in all black and got into a battle stance. "Raijin, Fujin, take care of these two, I'm going to see if that man needs my help. I'm also going to find out what in the hell is going on." Raijin and Fujin nodded.

"Sure Seifer," said Raijin. "Take care, ya know."

Kale watched as the young man in the gray trench coat and gunblade, unholster his weapon and walked over to him and Brian Hawkwind. (So he wants to interfere with my plans of killing the Hawkwinds. After I finish with this Hawkwind, he'll be my next victim.)

Brian looked at Kale and noticed his eyes were straying to the side and looking at something else. He glanced over his shoulder and saw the young man who saved his wife and daughter just a minute ago, walking and stopping by him just a few feet away. "Thanks you for saving my wife and daughter," Brian thanked.

"No problem," replied Seifer. "Who's this bastard and what the hell is going on?"

"Well, he's Kale Akaisura," informed Brian while keep both hands on his sword and having it pointed at Kale. "He's the one that caused all this death and destruction in this part of Timber. He did it all to find and kill my family and I."

Now Seifer really heard some farfetched things in his life, but this one had to take the cake. Brain looked like he was about to say something again, but Kale decided to add his two-cents. "Yes, I'm the one who caused all of this," smirked Kale. "I did it to hunt down the Hawkwinds that reside here. They are the biggest threats to my plans of world domination if I allowed them to live."

(Hawkwind? Where have I heard that name before? Now, I remember, this man must be related to Lisa Hawkwind. But why the fuck would he want to hunt down this man and his family?) "Why the hell hunt down this man and his family? Why is he so important?" Seifer asked.

"You're a curious fellow," added Kale. "I guess telling you now won't matter after I kill both of you." He saw Seifer's eyebrow rise in annoyance. "He along with all the other Hawkwinds in the world has the power, that if developed right will be able to rival my own, thus making them a threat to my plans. I'll eliminate all of them, one by one if need be. My biggest threat seems to be a SeeD named Lisa Hawkwind. I'll enjoy killing her another day, but for now, killing you two will suffice." Kale then unsheathed his sword and held it down by his side casually.

(Power? Lisa Hawkwind? Now I remember her, I don't know what all that mumbo jumbo about world domination is about, but he chose the wrong person threaten.) "Okay then," said Seifer. "Bring it on." Seifer then got into his unique battle stance with the Hyperion held out in front of him. He also saw as the Kale get into a battle stance with broadsword held at mid level.

Suddenly, there were some explosions. They were not too far from them and seem to be just around the corner, and behind Kale. A few seconds later, there were a few more explosions, and Kale turned around to see what was all the commotion about. Brian and Seifer were already wondering what that was. After another explosion, a figure in a red jacket and white pants jumped from around the corner and went into a roll and stopped in a crouch. (What the hell is going on here?) Seifer pondered. In an instant, a female with light skin, dark hair with two blonde bangs in a SeeD uniform came rushing from around the corner. In a side ready swinging position, Seifer noticed that she had a blue gunblade; he instantly recognized it as the Lion Heart. She also had some red fighting gloves on her hands. He also noticed her shapely body. She was charging toward the man in red with the metal nunchukus. She then swung fast and skillfully at the man in red and white and saw as the man got up and started dodging the slashes. After about dodging about four slashes, the man then attacked the young woman with some vicious swings of both pair of nunchuku. Surprisingly, she was able to parry the blows with her gunblade and unexpectedly did a spin kick that connected with the man's head and threw him back. (Okay, there's only one person that I know that fights with a gunblade and adds in martial arts while fighting. Sasha Janre.)

Sasha smirked as she saw Jaden getting up and wiping the blood from his mouth. She then caught sight of some figures behind Jaden, and saw three familiar ones. Those three hasn't been seen by anyone in Balamb Garden since the second sorceress war over a year ago. (Seifer, Fuijin, Raijin? Who's that with them?) She then notices a muscular man in all black, a man standing beside Seifer in a white t-shirt, green pants and a broadsword. By Fujin and Raijin was a woman with dark hair in a purple dress and a little girl with dark blonde hair in a pretty red dress.

Jaden then notice that his opponent was a little distracted by looking at something behind him. He suspected that she was trying to trick him into looking to see what's so important. After his attention was elsewhere, she would then attack him from behind. (I guess I could get a quick glance at what she's looking at. She's far enough, so I'll be able to hear when she makes any moves toward me.) He turned to the side and looked. He instantly recognized Kale, and saw two men behind him. (So one of them must be a Hawkwind. I guess this is going better than I would have thought.) He then heard running footsteps coming from around the corner that he and his opponent came from. He turned his attention and saw the other four people that accompanied her. They stopped just a few feet behind Sasha.

Kale also saw this. (So they think they can overwhelm us with numbers, do they? Well, it won't work.) "Jaden, fall back!" Kale commanded. Jaden then put his nunchukus in his belt and did an impressive display of backflips to Kale's side. He saw as the five people started to walk toward him and stopped about fifteen feet away. Jaden then stepped away and leaned on a wall. He knew Kale probably wanted to take care of them. Jaden knew not to interfere in one of Kale's battle unless it is necessary. He remembered sometime ago when one of his soldiers in the past did so. After Kale had taken care of his enemy, he then killed the soldier that interfered. Jaden didn't want know if he would do something similar if he interfered, but he wasn't going to take that chance. "So, I guess you're here to stop me from killing these three Hawkwinds."

"Yeah," informed Sasha. "We're also here to make you pay for all the death and destruction you've caused so far."

"Is that so?" Kale questioned. Kale then threw his right hand in the direction of the five and shot a black ball of energy.

Sasha and Squall instantly saw the ball of energy heading toward them and jumped to the side. Rinoa, Selphie and Irvine were shocked at what Kale did and didn't move fast enough. They were then engulfed in the blast and threw them back a few feet.

"Rinoa!" Squall exclaimed. He instantly ran to her over to her.

Sasha then focused back on Kale to see that he was attacking Seifer and the man beside him.

Brian was really trying his hardest to defend against the sword slashes that Kale furiously sent against him and Seifer, but he was lacking a little bit. After blocking another of Kale's strikes, Seifer then unleashed some of his own and Kale blocked those. He then thrust his hand at Seifer and shot him with a small energy blast. Seifer was immediately knocked backwards. Brian then charged and slashed a crescent beam wave at Kale. Kale was real quick and charged his energy into his sword and quickly batted the attack aside and into a building. It exploded and Kale smirked and jumped to the side to dodge an attack from behind. Sasha then started doing horizontal and diagonal slashes at Kale, but all of these were blocked. Kale tried the same tactic of shooting an energy blast at close range, but Sasha skillfully de-materialized and re-materialized behind him. She swung in an overhead slash and it was blocked as Kale turned around quickly blocked it by raising and putting his sword in a horizontal position. After blocking it, he shoved her gunblade up and kicked her hard in the chest, and she flew back and hit a wall.

Squall then tried to sneak attack Kale from behind by rushing while his back was turned. Kale swiftly turned around slashing, and released a crescent wave of black energy at Squall. Squall eyes widened as the energy swiftly came at him. He tried to jump to the side, but he was to slow and was hit and thrown back.

A firaga spell then hit Kale in the back and threw him forward stumbling a few feet. When he regained his balance, he turned around to see the young man with the gray trenchcoat and gunblade holding his hand outward. (So that's how he wants to play like that eh. Time to take out two birds with one stone.) Kale silently said as he saw Seifer by Brain Hawkwind. He quickly cast some magic and an ultima spell was gathering in front of the two. They tried to run, but was engulfed in the explosion of the green magic and was thrown backwards.

Claire saw this. "Brian!" She then tried to run forward, but Fujin held back the hysteric woman from rushing into the battle.

Raijin also had to hold the little girl from running to it also. Raijin kneeled down and let the girl hug him and cry. He really felt sorry for the little girl and her mother. (They shouldn't have to watch this battle. I hope they get back up.)

Sasha slowly pushed herself from her slumped position on the wall and shakily stood on upright. She had really a nasty bump on the back of her head when she hit the wall and was a little woozy. Sasha then shook her head and looked up to refocus on the battle. She looked up to see everyone on the ground and Kale Akaisura walking over to the fallen figures of Seifer and Brian. She picked up her gunblade and de-materialized from her position. She then rematerialized a few feet in front of Seifer and Brian.

Kale stopped his progress toward the two fallen foes as he saw the young woman with dark hair with blonde bangs in a SeeD uniform, and a blue gunblade appear a few feet in front of him. "So I see you're very skilled in that technique," commented Kale. "Are you Lisa Hawkwind by any chance?"

"No," answered Sasha while holding a battle stance. "My name is Sasha Janre, and I won't let you kill these two."

"Janre?" Kale asked. He then laughed. After he was finished, he said, "I see fate has mysterious ways of working. I would have never guessed the descendant of Celestine Janre would help the Hawkwinds fight against me. Well, he was one of Alexander's close friends, and I guess it must be a strange coincidence that his descendant would be fighting against me. Let's see if your power is as great as your ancestor's. He would see through this trick easily, but I still want to see if your power is developed enough to be a threat to me." Kale then glowed white and split into three. "Which one am I?" The one on the right said. "Am I this one?" Added the one on the left. "Or is it me?" The one in the middle said while crossing his arms. "If you're good enough, you will be able to sense me and attack the right one," the three Kales' said.

Sasha's brow furrowed as all three of the figures of Kale talked. (Okay, I have to sense which one he is. I can't use my eyes to make the decision, because this technique he's using can deceive my eyes.) She then closed her eyes for a few seconds and reached out with her sensing technique. All three of them had power, but only one was real. She then opened her eyes. (He must be the one in the middle because he has more power than the other two.) She then rushed the one in the middle and slashed at him in an overhead slash. The gunblade just went through him. The one in the middle and the right faded.

"Wrong choice," said Kale being directly to Sasha's Left. During the slash, Sasha swung real hard and her back was turned toward Kale. Kale concentrated energy into his sword and then quickly slashed her in the back as Sasha tried to jump forward to avoid it. It wasn't fatal, but she felt the searing sting of the cut on her back and felt blood trickle out of the wound. The dark haired mercenary lay hurt on the ground with her gunblade not too far away. She looked on as Kale then walked over and picked up Brian Hawkwind by the neck with inhuman strength and ease. "Now, you die," Kale, said while smirking at the blonde man. He then plunged the broadsword into Brian's gut and smiled as blood gushed out of the wound. He looked at the look of shock and pain on Brian's face and saw as blood seeped from his mouth. Everyone's eyes widened as they saw this.

Claire saw this and was terrified. "BBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN!" Claire screamed while struggling in the hold that Fujin had her in.

Elizabeth then turned around from having her head against Raijin's shoulder. She saw her father in the air being held up by the neck and a sword sticking out of his back. "DDDDDAAAAAADDDDDDDYYYYYYY!" She quickly looked away and tightly hugged Raijin while crying.

Kale then took out his sword from Brian's gut and threw him to the side like a sack of potatoes. He looked at the hysteric woman and crying girl. (I guess I did what I came to do. They're of no concern to me.) "Jaden, let's go back to camp," said Kale. Jaden nodded and both disappeared in a flash with magic.

Author's notes: Well, that's the end of chapter 4. Can you say Cliffhanger? Good, I knew you could. Well, this seems to be a really nasty one. After a little bit of training, Lisa, Dan, and Sasha mastered some of the techniques handed down through the Hawkwind family. They wouldn't have thought something like this happening. Frankly, neither did I, even though I'm the author. Well, the next chapter will be about the aftermath of this incident, and how Kale will further his plans. Also, you'll see the way all of the Hawkwind family reacts to this unfortunate event. There is also another Hawkwind that Kale has yet to go after. Well, the next chapter will come out soon. Look out for it. Well, what did you think of this chapter, liked it, hated it. Review it before you click that back button or go somewhere else. Once again, Flames will not be tolerated and will be deleted. Thanks in advance to all those who review!