Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Winds of Fate ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Winds of Fate

A FF8 fanfic by Brenton Braswell

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the series of the Final Fantasy series. They all belong to Squaresoft and are being used without permission. All original characters, Lisa Hawkwind, Daniel Kunteais and others are copyrighted by the author and are not to be used by anybody without my permission. If somebody has a problem with that, all I could say is, tough luck.

Before anybody thinks this is a sequel to "Blades of Destiny", I'll say it is not. Even though I've used Lisa and Dan before, I decided to use them one last time. If you want to read my other fic, just type in the title or click on my penname.

Also, if anyone wants to use any of my original characters, just email me and ask. My email is

I'd like to dedicate this fic to Ginger Ninja, Lady Aliena, Destiny, and Sasha Janre.

Character direct thoughts are in parentheses

In the last chapter, after learning of her legacy, and being told what was expected of her, Zechariah started training, Lisa, Dan and Sasha in some techniques that has been passed down through the Hawkwind family.

As they trained, Kale was making plans of his own. He was taken to a small camp and met the small army that his warriors gathered for him. He was impressed and introduced himself. Kale then made plans to get rid of the Hawkwinds living in Timber.

Meanwhile in Dollet, Jakob had just gotten there. After asking directions, he finally found Sahara Hawkwind, one of the threats to Kale. After a little talking, Sahara led Jakob away from her house and started battling with him. As soon as they used their powers, Zechariah, Lisa, Sasha, and Dan relized that something was afoot in Dollet. Taking quick action, Headmaster Cid was able to assemble a little team to go to Dollet. On the way there, they got a call saying Timber was under attack. The group of ten had to split up.

After being dropped off in Dollet, Lisa, Zechariah, Zell, Dan, and Quistis was soon confronted by Narrak, Jakob, Mei-Len and some ex-Galbaldian soldiers. They all fought an impressive battle and at the end of it, Lisa unleashed an impressive show of power and skill. After knocking out Jakob, she summoned the Phoenix to take care of Narrak and Mei-Len. Kale's warriors then retreated.

Almost at the same time, Kale, Jaden and some soldiers were attacking Timber while they were hunting down the Hawkwinds that lives there. Brian Hawkwind, his wife Claire and daughter, Elizabeth was able to avoid Kale for a little while, but their luck didn't hold out. Kale soon confronted them and ordered some men to Kill Claire and Elizabeth. Suddenly, Seifer Almasy came out of nowhere and saved the two from being killed. As Seifer and Brian were about to fight Kale, some explosions came from around a corner real close to Kale. The cause of the explosions was Sasha and Jaden fighting real intensely until Squall, Irvine, Rinoa, and Selphie shown up.

After being told to fall back, Jaden stepped out of the way as Kale faced the seven people. I was an intense and one-sided battle as the seven fought against Kale. In no time, only Sasha remained to defend Brian Hawkwind from certain death. Kale then used a technique that fooled Sasha and Kale made a vicious attack against Sasha, leaving her in pain and unable to defend Brian. After Sasha was out of the way, Kale then picked Brian up by the neck and plunged his sword through his gut and out of his back. After a few seconds, Kale tossed Brian aside like a sack of potatoes, and didn't think Claire and Elizabeth posed a threat to him. He and Jaden then left Timber. That was where the last chapter left off. Find out what happens next in chapter 5.

Chapter 5: "So, you must be Lisa Hawkwind."

Sasha slowly pushed herself from her slumped position on the wall and shakily stood on upright. She had really a nasty bump on the back of her head when she hit the wall and was a little woozy. Sasha then shook her head and looked up to refocus on the battle. She looked up to see everyone on the ground and Kale Akaisura walking over to the fallen figures of Seifer and Brian. She picked up her gunblade and de-materialized from her position. She then rematerialized a few feet in front of Seifer and Brian.

Kale stopped his progress toward the two fallen foes as he saw the young woman with dark hair with blonde bangs in a SeeD uniform, and a blue gunblade appear a few feet in front of him. "So I see you're very skilled in that technique," commented Kale. "Are you Lisa Hawkwind by any chance?"

"No," answered Sasha while holding a battle stance. "My name is Sasha Janre, and I won't let you kill these two."

"Janre?" Kale asked. He then laughed. After he was finished, he said, "I see fate has mysterious ways of working. I would have never guessed the descendant of Celestine Janre would help the Hawkwinds fight against me. Well, he was one of Alexander's close friends, and I guess it must be a strange coincidence that his descendant would be fighting against me. Let's see if your power is as great as your ancestor's. He would see through this trick easily, but I still want to see if your power is developed enough to be a threat to me." Kale then glowed white and split into three. "Which one am I?" The one on the right said. "Am I this one?" Added the one on the left. "Or is it me?" The one in the middle said while crossing his arms. "If you're good enough, you will be able to sense me and attack the right one," the three Kales' said.

Sasha's brow furrowed as all three of the figures of Kale talked. (Okay, I have to sense which one he is. I can't use my eyes to make the decision, because this technique he's using can deceive my eyes.) She then closed her eyes for a few seconds and reached out with her sensing technique. All three of them had power, but only one was real. She then opened her eyes. (He must be the one in the middle because he has more power than the other two.) She then rushed the one in the middle and slashed at him in an overhead slash. The gunblade just went through him. The one in the middle and the right faded.

"Wrong choice," said Kale being directly to Sasha's Left. During the slash, Sasha swung real hard and her back was turned toward Kale. Kale concentrated energy into his sword and then quickly slashed her in the back as Sasha tried to jump forward to avoid it. It wasn't fatal, but she felt the searing sting of the cut on her back and felt blood trickle out of the wound. The dark haired mercenary lay hurt on the ground with her gunblade not too far away. She looked on as Kale then walked over and picked up Brian Hawkwind by the neck with inhuman strength and ease. "Now, you die," Kale, said while smirking at the blonde man. He then plunged the broadsword into Brian's gut and smiled as blood gushed out of the wound. He looked at the look of shock and pain on Brian's face and saw as blood seeped from his mouth. Everyone's eyes widened as they saw this.

Claire saw this and was terrified. "BBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN!" Claire screamed while struggling in the hold that Fujin had her in.

Elizabeth then turned around from having her head against Raijin's shoulder. She saw her father in the air being held up by the neck and a sword sticking out of his back. "DDDDDAAAAAADDDDDDDYYYYYYY!" She quickly looked away and tightly hugged Raijin while crying.

Kale then took out his sword from Brian's gut and threw him to the side like a sack of potatoes. He looked at the hysteric woman and crying girl. (I guess I did what I came to do. They're of no concern to me.) "Jaden, let's go back to camp," said Kale. Jaden nodded and both disappeared in a flash with magic.

Fujin had finally let Claire go and she rushed over to Brian's bleeding form while crying. "Brian, Brian, speak to me!" Claire cried hysterically. "She then looked over to Sasha who was getting up and slowly walked toward them. "Please help him!"

"I'll try my best," Sasha reassured Claire. She then kneeled down by Brian and saw that he was barely alive, but his breaths were coming in raspy gasps. "Curaga!" Sasha yelled as she cast the spell on him. It didn't work. "Curaga!" Sasha tried again, but with the same results. (I have to really concentrate this time.) She then closed her eyes and concentrated some of her energy and then yelled, "Curaga!" It still didn't work. (Damn, this injury is too fatal for any cure spells to work.) Sasha then gave up and looked down with a disappointed look.

"Try again, it has to work!" Claire Pleaded.

"I'm sorry, that last one was the most powerful one that I'm able to cast," Sasha said in a saddened voice. "His wound is too fatal to be cured with magic." Sasha didn't want to be the bearer of bad news, but some facts couldn't be ignored. Brian's injury was too bad to be healed by magic. The sword hit some vital organs and Brian only had a few moments, a minute at the most to live.

"Claire," Brian said weakly.

"Brian," she replied.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't fight Kale," apologized Brian. Brian then coughed up some blood. Claire decided to let Brian talk and say his last words. "Claire, don't forget me, and take care of Elizabeth. Make sure she grows into a beautiful and strong woman like yourself," Brian whispered.

"Please don't leave me," Claire cried while cradling him.

"I'm sorry Claire," Brian whispered. He then took one more breath and held it. After a moment, he exhaled and didn't take any more breaths.

Claire looked down and saw Brian's eyes close and saw that his chest stopped rising and falling. (No, No, No.) Claire silently cried. "BBBBBBBBRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNN!" Claire screamed. She then cradled him and cried onto his lifeless body while hugging it.

This was heart-wrenching sight to Sasha. She then looked as the young girl let go of Raijin and ran over to her father's body while crying. She then ran to Sasha and hugged her. Sasha returned the hug and let the tears flow freely from her eyes. (Damn, if I wasn't so much of a novice, I could've saved Brian and stopped this from ever happening.) Sasha silently cursed herself. "That's it honey, let it all out," Sasha said in a soothing voice to Elizabeth.

Seifer then came up to Sasha and cast a curaga spell on her. "That should stop the bleeding. Are you okay Sasha?"

Sasha released Elizabeth and watched her run over and hugs her mother. She got up while saying, " Yeah, if only I had been stronger, I could have gotten back up and stopped this from happening." She then looked down and to the side with a disgusted look.

Seifer already knew what Sasha was going through. "Sasha, don't say that," Seifer said firmly. "Don't think of yourself as weak. You're one of the strongest SeeDs that I know. You're one of the people I respect, and that's really gotta say something since I don't respect many people."

"I still couldn't prevent this from happening," Sasha said while wiping away some tears. She looked up to see that Squall, Rinoa, Selphie and Irvine had cured themselves and were walking over. She could see tears spilling from Selphie's eyes.

"So want do we do now?" Irvine asked Squall.

Just as Squall was about to say something, some police cars, fire trucks and ambulances pulled up. "Are all of you alright over here?" A policeman asked.

"Almost everyone," whispered Sasha.

The policeman looked confused until he saw Claire holding a lifeless Brian. "Oh god, Medics, there's somebody down over here!"

Two paramedics rushed over to Brian's body and checked it out. "You're too late," stated Squall. "He died just before you came. The wound he had was real bad, and I don't think you could have made a difference."

"Squall!" Rinoa scolded. "Don't talk like that when these two are grieving over the one they loss," whispered Rinoa.

"I'm just stating the facts," replied Squall. "I want you to keep this man's body well preserved. I'm sure his family will want to have a proper burial at a later date," Squall told the paramedics as they put Brian's body in a body bag. He then looked at Claire and Elizabeth. "I'm commander Squall Leonhart. The ones with me are Selphie, Irvine, Rinoa, and Sasha," he announced to Claire while motioning to the people.

"I'm Claire Hawkwind, and this is my daughter, Elizabeth," Claire replied.

"I'm very sorry we couldn't save your husband," he continued. "I think we should get you to Balamb Garden so Kale won't come after you again."

Claire nodded and looked at Seifer, Raijin, and Fujin. "Are you forgetting about those three?"

"Those three aren't with us," Squall stated while giving Seifer a glare. Seifer just returned it. Everyone there could see that there was no love lost between the two.

"So, I see that becoming commander made you forget about manners," Seifer told Squall. He, Raijin, and Fujin then walked up to Claire and Elizabeth. "I'm Seifer Almasy, and these two are Raijin and Fujin."

"We'll let's go," said Squall. Everyone then started walking down the street.

"We're coming with you," demanded Seifer.

"I don't see why. You're not a SeeD, and how do I know you weren't working for Kale Akaisura," Squall said while stopping and turning around.

"I'm not," retorted Seifer. "You can believe what you want to Puberty boy, I'm not working with that man. There's something going on and I want to help stop it."

"I believe Seifer," said Claire. "Before you five came, Elizabeth and I were going to be killed by some soldiers. Seifer came in the nick of time to save us. I think he should come with us, right Elizabeth?" Elizabeth didn't say anything and just nodded.

Squall then looked at the two and then focused on Elizabeth. (I guess there would be no harm in taking Seifer, Fujin and Raijin with us. Elizabeth seems very attached to the three since they saved her life.) Squall then hoped that the little girl wasn't going to be traumatized for life, because seeing one's father die in front of their eyes could have that affect on people. "Yeah, I don't see any harm in them coming with us," he answered. Elizabeth then smiled at the news. (Good. At least she's still smiling.) He then walked up to Seifer. "I guess you'll be coming with us, I guess it'll be up to Headmaster Cid whether you're allowed back into garden."

"That's fine with me," said Seifer. Both scarred rivals just glared at each other. Neither could forget what transpired between each other over a year ago.

"Let's go back to the Ragnarok," Squall finally said after turning away from Seifer. The ten people then walked to the Ragnarok and took off for Dollet to pick up their other comrades.

(Date: July 13, 4018 AC. Place: Kale Akaisura's camp.)

Kale and Jaden had just arrived at his little makeshift camp. Kale was just smiling at getting rid of one the Hawkwinds that knew how to use their power. (One thorn out of my side. That was a good exercise; too bad they didn't last as long as I would have hoped. Maybe I should have killed Janre while I was there, she may prove to be a nuisance in the future.) As he walked through the camp, he noticed that something was amiss. He then came upon Narrak, Mei-Len, and Jaden. To say the least, they looked worst for wear, especially Jakob, who sported a scar on his chest. "I take it that you three failed?"

"I'm sorry master," apologized Narrak while bowing along with Jakob and Mei-Len. "We were not expecting the strength that Lisa Hawkwind and Daniel Kunteais showed."

"Kunteais? As in Jeremiah Kunteais?" Kale questioned. Narrak nodded. The three then got up. "This is rich. The descendants of Jeremiah Kunteais and Celestine Janre are comrades with the descendant of Alexender Hawkwind," laughed Kale. "The winds of fate work in mysterious ways. It may have brought those three together, but that will not help in the fight against me."

"Excuse me my lord," said Jaden. "When we meet them again, I wish to have permission to take care of Sasha Janre. That bitch made me look bad today, and I'll make her pay for it with her life."

"Permission granted," said Kale.

"While you're giving out favors Kale, I ask permission to kill Lisa Hawkwind the next time we meet," Jakob asked. "She's the one that gave me this scar on my chest and knocked me out. I want to make her suffer before I kill her."

Kale then started rubbing his chin. "So, that's who gave you that scar," commented Kale. "Permission denied. If she's strong and powerful enough to do that, just wonder how strong she'll get if given the chance. Her power may even surpass Alexander's and become a real threat to us. I'm going to be the one to kill her."

Jakob wanted to argue that he should be given the chance, but didn't. He knew that Kale would have none of it and probably would have killed him if he tried to undermine his authority. "Yes, my lord."

"So, where is my tent in this camp?" Kale questioned. Jaden led him to the biggest one there. Once he was inside, he was a little bit impressed by the way it looked. He looked around and saw a nice bed, a drawer for smaller things such as clothes and items, a lamp, and map of the world, a desk with a chair and hanger stand for his black trench coat. "I guess this will do," Kale quietely commented.

"I'm glad it's to your liking Kale," Jaden said. "So, I guess one of the Hawkwind clan is dead. Do you have plans on killing the others? I know they'll take the others back to Balamb Garden."

"Yes I do, and I think there is another Hawkwind out in the world," Kale informed Jaden. "Since Narrak is good at tracking down powers, I want him to try to pinpoint where it is coming from. He won't have to leave here, but I think he would have a hard trying to track it down. It's probably weaker than all of the others."

"Yes sir," Jaden saluted and was on his way to give the order to Narrak.

"Wait a minute," Kale immediately said. Jaden walked back into the tent. "I wanted to know if you knew about there being a sorceress among the people that we fought?"

"There was?" Jaden said dumbfounded.

"Yes," the black clad warrior said. "I'm going to try to get her to join our side, if not by her own will, then through means of magic. I want you to tell the others to prepare to move out tomorrow."

Jaden nodded. "Excuse me sir?" Kale looked at him. "I was thinking that we should probably look for another place for a camp. I say this because if all of our attacks keep happening on this continent, it's going to be a matter of time before they find this place."

"Hmmm… You've brought up an interesting point there," said Kale. "Where would you consider we make it?"

"I say the Centra Ruins," answered Jaden with a certainty in his voice. "That is the place where Odin resided, and I don't think they would look for us there anytime soon."

"That idea has it's merits, but it also has it's flaws in it," Kale pointed out. "That would probably be the first place they look. That's not a bad idea though I'll have to think about it. I plan on making a certain city my base of operations soon, but I'll keep your suggestion in mind. Also, I want some men to go into town and buy me some more back shirts and pants. You're dismissed."

"Yes sir," bowed Jaden before leaving.

(Now all that is left now is to acquire a bigger army to take over this world.) His thought then went to the raven-haired young sorceress that he saw in Timber. (Not a bad looking young woman if I say so myself. After she joins me and we take over this world, she'll be the one to produce my heirs. My sons and daughters will be more proficient in magic and their powers seeing as their mother is going to be a sorceress.) He smiled at the thought. He wanted to rule world and have his heirs rule it long after he is dead.

Without Warning, Mei-Len walked into his tent with her sexy body, that many men have fallen prey to her charms, and paid for it with their lives. Kale then looked at the way her body nicely filled out the tight purple fighting dress she had on. (I think I know what she has in mind. I'm all up for it.) "Is there anything you want Mei-Len?"

Mei-Len then smiled seductively. "I was just wondering if you were up for a little exercise before you retired for the day?" The dark hair woman asked. "I've already warned the soldiers that they are not to disturb us in here. If they do, I'll kill them."

"You know I'm always up for enjoying hours of pleasure with you," replied Kale. The two warriors then came together and kissed while undressing each other.

Outside the tent, Jaden just shook his head. He knew Kale for a long time, and he knew if there was one thing Kale is notorious for, it was the way he always had a woman to have sex with. (He is always going to be a ladies man and still one of the meanest warriors in the world. The lucky bastard, I hope he and Mei-Len have a good time. I might go into Deling city and find me a woman to sleep with tonight. I just know whatever Kale is planning will be big and I probably won't get this chance until Kale's plans to dominate the world is complete. Well, I should inform Narrak of his orders.) He then walked off around the camp to find his ninja comrade and relay their commander's orders.

(Date: July 13, 4018 AC. Place: Entrance of Dollet.)

Daniel Kunteais along with the rest of his comrades and three extra people stood just outside the entrance of Dollet. After stopping the attack earlier, Sahara, Zechariah, Lisa and he got the biggest shock. They had felt the battle going on in Timber because of the powers that Brian Hawkwind, Kale Akaisura, and Sasha Janre were using. The shock was when they unexpectedly felt Brian's lifeforce get weak and disappear.

Dan looked over at Lisa, and her aunt, Sahara and her children, Bobby and Maria. He knew they were probably going through the worst time of their lives. He also felt sad that Kale killed Lisa's uncle, and helped calm down Lisa, Sahara, Bobby and Maria. (Damn that bastard, Kale Akaisura. Why is he so intent on killing of all the Hawkwind family? Why does he have this hatred for anyone with the Hawkwind bloodline?) These questions baffled Daniel. (I know both Lisa and I are SeeDs. I know we have to expect losing friends, comrades, and loved ones alike, but this is too much.)

The tall dark haired mercenary then looked over to Zechariah. (I know that look from anywhere. I hope Zechariah isn't planning on doing anything foolish.) Dan commented. He remembered when they all felt Brian's Life force fade away. Zechariah looked shocked and let a few tears fall from his eyes, but after his tears were gone, a cold hard look replaced the calm exterior that Dan saw earlier in the day. He comforted Lisa and Sahara, but that he looked like a changed man. To Dan, he looked like a man that would be out for vengeance in the near future. The kindly wise old man that he met earlier looked to be gone and replaced by someone different. Dan truly hoped he wouldn't do something foolish in the near future.

He looked at Zell and Quistis and they looked sad, but not as sad as Lisa looked. He hated seeing Lisa like this. (I swear if Kale comes after the woman that I care about, he'll have to go through me to get to her!) He silently proclaimed with a hard look on his face.

Lisa walked up to Dan and asked, "Is something wrong Dan?"

Dan looked toward Lisa and smiled. (Yeah, Kale making your life miserable.) "Nah, nothing Lisa," Dan lied. Dan looked at Lisa with eyes of concern. "Are you going to be alright?"

Lisa nodded, "Yeah, I'm going to be alright. It's Claire and Elizabeth that I'm worried about."

"Claire and Elizabeth?" Dan curiously question.

"My uncle's wife and daughter," Lisa replied while looking down. "They're probably taking this the hardest of all."

"Damn that bastard, Kale Akaisura," spat Daniel. Both then looked into the air and saw the Ragnarok coming from Timber. In a few moments, it landed not too far away from the group of eight. "Well everybody, let's go," Dan told everyone. He looked on as Sahara and her children carried gym bags with some changes of clothes. It was Quistis who suggested that they take them back to garden to stop this from happening again. Zechariah agreed with her and told them they are probably doing the same with Claire and Elizabeth.

After everyone else was in after walking up the stairs, Lisa and Dan were the last ones to go in, and the sight of Seifer and Sasha waiting for them met their eyes. "What the hell???!!!!!!" Zell exclaimed while jumping into a fighting stance after seeing Seifer. The Ragnarok then took off into the air after the stairs and ramp was up.

"Nice to see you too, chicken wuss," smirked Seifer while crossing his arms.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!!!!!" Zell screamed while shaking in anger.

"Oh lord, well, I can see our trip isn't going to be a quiet one," Dan whispered to Lisa. Lisa just nodded.

"Tch," spat Zell. "What the hell is he doing here Sasha?" Zell asked with an angered look.

"He's coming back with us to garden," Sasha answered. She then saw the raised eyebrow Zell gave her. "He saved Brian's wife and daughter when some Galbaldian soldiers were going to kill them." She then looked down after mentioning the late Brian Hawkwind, who in her mind, she failed to save.

"What's wrong?" Zell asked while putting a hand on her back. Sasha cringed in pain when Zell touched the wound on her back. He didn't notice the torn uniform under his glove until he saw the look on Sasha's face.

Seifer then yanked Zell's arm away from Sasha's back. "Damned Chicken Wuss! Keep your hands off of Sasha's back! That's were she has a very nasty injure," growled Seifer.

Then Zell got in Seifer's face and warned, "If you call me Chicken Wuss one more time, you're going to be in a world of hurt, you damned lapdog."

(Oh fuck.) Dan silently cursed. Lisa and He then had to pull the two apart as they saw the murderous look appear on Seifer's face. Dan was glad that Sahara, Zechariah, Bobby and Maria weren't here to see this little tiff. "Chill you two, or else I'm going to have to kick both of your asses," Dan stated.

"Like you would be able to do that Kunteais," Seifer said with his trademark smirk on his face.

Then Dan let a sly grin come on his face. "You would be surprised what I can do," said Dan. "If you seen Sasha use her powers in Timber, let me just say that Lisa and I have a similar power." When Seifer was back in garden, he and Dan didn't see eye to eye after one of the SeeD exams that Seifer failed. He remembered when Seifer disobeyed one of his orders about falling back, but Seifer charged head forward into the fray and almost got himself killed. Seifer was lucky that he and Lisa was there to yank Seifer's butt out of trouble. Even after that incident, he was ungrateful and said that he didn't need their help. Seifer disobeying orders was the main reason he failed that one exam.

"Whatever," said Seifer. "I'm getting away from this pack of losers," Seifer said to Sasha. He then strode off into another part of the Ragnarok.

Lisa then put an arm on Sasha's shoulder. "What's wrong Sasha?"

"I'm sorry Lisa," Sasha immediately said. "I'm sorry I couldn't save your uncle from being killed by Kale." Sasha then let a tear fall from one of her eyes.

"Don't be sorry," the blonde haired young woman said. "I'm sure you did everything you could to save him."

"But he still died," said Sasha while looking down.

"Don't worry," said Lisa. "I don't blame you for his death. I blame Kale Akaisura, and I'm really going to make him pay when we meet," proclaimed Lisa Hawkwind. Sasha then looked up. "We're going to make him pay." She then put her hand down, in front of Sasha. Dan, Zell and Quistis put their hands on top of Dan and Lisa's. "What do you say?"

She then put her hand over the other fours hands and smiled. "Yeah, we're going to kick his ass good before we kill him."

"Then it's agreed," said Lisa. "I swear upon my family name that I'll fight with all that I've got, and make Kale Akaisura pay for all the pain that he's caused, with his life."

"Same here," said Dan.

"Yeah, I'm game," claimed Zell.

"Anything to stop this madman," said Quistis.

"I'm with you all," stated Sasha.

They all nodded and separated hands. The oath was made and the five will fight against Kale Akaisura and his warriors with all that they've got. The five then walked to the deck when they spotted Rinoa looking down and waiting for the five to get to her. "Hey Rinoa," said Dan. "You look like you've got something on your mind.

"Yeah," said Rinoa while looking up. "You four don't mind if I talk to Sasha alone do you?"

"No," said Zell. "Go ahead."

The four then walked off and only Rinoa and Sasha were left in the cargo bay, and both felt awkward and were looking down. Sasha knew this was about what happened in the gym earlier that day. She looked up and said, "Look Rinoa, I'm sorry about what happened in the gym. I knew I should have taken it easier on you, and some of those comments from me were uncalled for."

"I'm sorry too," apologized Rinoa. "I'm sorry about kneeing you in the ribs after Lisa told me not to. I'm sorry that I kept coming after you." Sasha nodded. "How are you ribs feeling?"

"Even after all the cure spell from Lisa, they still ache a little bit," answered Sasha.

"Here, let me try with a spell," said the raven-haired sorceress. She then cast a curaga spell on Sasha. "I hope that helped with the pain and with the cut on you back."

Sasha shyly smiled, "Yeah, my ribs don't hurt anymore, but this wound on my back is still in pain, but not as much as before."

"Well, let's go see what everyone else is doing," said Rinoa. Sasha nodded and the two young women walked up to the passenger deck. The sight of a crying Claire Hawkwind, and Sahara and Lisa trying to calm both her and Elizabeth down was what Sasha and Rinoa saw. The rest of the trip was an uneventful one since Seifer decided to stay away from Zell.

(Date: July 13, 4018 AC. Place: Balamb Garden.)

In the Headmaster's office, Squall, Lisa, Quistis, and Sasha were giving their reports to Cid. They didn't have to tell what happened, Cid saw part of the damage caused on television to a part of Timber.

"Sir, I think Galbaldia may be working with Kale Akaisura," said Squall. "When we were in Timber, we had to take care of a few soldiers there."

"Now this is a very interesting speculation," commented Cid. "If they are working with Kale Akaisura, I would think he would have wanted to take over Timber. I'll have to contact the headmaster of the Galbaldia Garden to come conclusion if they are working with him or not."

"Excuse me, sir?" Lisa asked. "Why don't you just call the government of Galbaldia and ask them if they're working for Kale?"

"You see Lisa," Cid said. "If they are working with Kale, they would try to deny any accusations made against them. That's not to say that they are working with him. I just hope this doesn't become a repeat performance of when Ultimecia was alive." This got a blank look from Lisa. "What I'm talking about is when Ultimecia had Edea under her control. When they finally announced Edea as the new ambassador for them, She ended up killing Vinzer Deling by control of Ultimecia." Cid just hoped that this isn't the case with them working with Kale. Knowing the government of Galbaldia, they would want to try to prevent something like that incident from happening again.

"In any case, I think we should try to stay at the ready to move out at a moment's notice," Cid said. "Also, I'm sorry about what happened to your uncle Lisa."

Lisa looked down while saying quietly, "Thanks for the concern Headmaster."

"Will you show our guests to some empty dorm rooms Quistis?" Cid asked.

"Certainly, Headmaster," said the blonde SeeD.

"That is all, you're dismissed," said Cid while saluting.

The four SeeDs returned the saluted and walked out of the office and to the elevator. After they were down, Quistis escorted the others of the Hawkwind family to some empty dorm rooms. "Well, let's go get you to the infirmary to get you patched up," Lisa said to Sasha. Sasha nodded and both walked to the infirmary with Zell joining the two.

Once they walked in they saw doctor Kadowaki sitting at the desk again. "Oh my, is it the ribs again Sasha?"

"No, doctor Kadowaki," said Lisa. "She received this bad slash on her back in a battle that took place today."

"Okay, sit on the examining bed and take you uniform jacket off," ordered the robust woman. Sasha did as the doctor said and was siting on the table with her jacket off and in a red bra and still had her skirt on. Doctor Kadowaki then looked at the wound. "I see you've used some curaga spells on this, but they didn't heal it right," She said while examining the red slash mark on her back. "This could have been a paralyzing blow if the cut was any deeper," drawled the doctor. "Well, it'll heal in no time, but it'll leave a scar there."

"I see doctor," said Sasha. "I guess I have expect injuries like this being a SeeD."

"Yes, I guess you should," mused the doctor. "Well, we just need to put some ointment on it." Doctor Kadowaki then walked over to a cabinet and took out some cream. "This'll hurt when I put it on, but I think you can take the pain." Sasha nodded and the doctor gently applied the ointment to her back, but it still hurt like hell for Sasha. Then she put on some bandages to cover up the wound. "Come back tomorrow morning so I can apply a little more ointment to your back."

"Yes ma'am," said Sasha while hopping off the table. The doctor then walked to her desk and started writing something. Sasha then picked up her uniform jacket and examined the ripped material on the back. "Well, that's one uniform ruined,"

"Well, you can get it replaced," said Lisa. "Don't you have a replacement?" Sasha shook her head. She then put on the ripped jacket and walked out with Lisa and Zell. "Well, let's go get you one."

"You're not up to some sparring now, are you Sasha?" Zell wondered.

"Sorry Zell, not right now," Sasha replied. "Is Zechariah going to show us some more techniques today?"

Lisa shook her head, "No, not today, but in the morning."

"Okay," said Sasha. "Well, I'll be off to the supply room and get a replacement."

Lisa nodded and watched as Zell and Sasha walked off. She then stood there in her SeeD uniform wondering what she should do right now. Lisa knew it was late in the afternoon and soon will be night. (Well, I'll go get Claire and Elizabeth for dinner, so they won't miss it. I just hope Elizabeth will be all right. She is lot younger than me when I lost my mother and father.) So Lisa got them and took them to the cafeteria for dinner. She was glad that Elizabeth is still talking and smiling. She suspected it was because of Raijin. From what she heard from Sasha, all during the battle, Raijin stayed with the girl and kept her safe.

After dinner, Lisa decided to retire early and went to her dorm to change and get ready for bed. She just changed into a bra, panties, and an oversized t-shirt. She then got in bed and started to think about what little she remembered of her uncle, Brian Hawkwind. Even though the Guardian Forces erases some of your memories, there are some memories that a person can never forget. She remembered after her parents died in a boating accident, Brian offered to take Lisa in while he was still dating Claire. She smiled at the faint memories of the good times she had with him, and her grandfather. She especially remembered the times when she was being trained in the usage of the katana. (Oh uncle Brian, I should have been there to save you.) She then silently cried herself to sleep.

Later that night, something was going on, something that no one could stop unless they wake up the person it was happening to.

(Rinoa's Dream)

Everywhere Rinoa looked around, thick fog was everywhere she could see. (What's going on?) She was starting get this scared feeling as she stood in the deep fog. "Squall?" She called out. As she spoke her voice sounded ethereal and could hear it echo in the distance. "Hello?"

She looked in the distance and saw a big shape in the fog. In the direction she was looking, the fog was thinner, but it still remained. After a few seconds of pondering, she decided to walk in the direction. As she got closer and closer, the fog started to lift and dissipate. When she was closer she could almost make out the shape. (It looks like a castle, but I'm not sure.)

After she was about fifty feet from it, she felt some wind lightly blowing in her direction. She also saw the fog slowly blow toward her. In a few seconds, the wind started to blow violently and Rinoa had to turn away and cover her face. After it stopped blowing, she opened her eyes and saw some sunlight. She squinted them and let them adjust to the light. She then turned around and looked in the direction to see a huge castle in front of her. Around it, she saw some forests and a moat. Upon further inspection, she saw that the drawbridge was down. (Should I go in?)

After a minute of thinking, she came to the conclusion that nothing would harm her. She then started walking forward, and after about two minutes, She was at the drawbridge. She then looked up to see how huge the castle really looked. (Whoa. Well, I guess I better go in.)

After she walked in the castle and past the courtyard, she came to some big doors. They suddenly swung open, and the sight of a woman with brown hair in a black dress is what greeted Rinoa. "Welcome to the castle, my lady," the woman in black said while curtsying.

Not really knowing how to respond to a greeting like that, Rinoa said, "Umm… Hi," while nodding.

"The master is waiting for you," said the maid. "Please follow me."

"Master?" Rinoa asked. "Of this castle?"

The maid nodded, "Yes, please follow me." The woman then turned around and started walking. When she felt that Rinoa wasn't following her, she turned around and waited for Rinoa to move. "Please follow me, the master is waiting," droned the woman.

Rinoa nodded and she just followed the maid into the castle. As she was walking through it, she saw that there was no one else in it. It looked like a splendid castle, but it was devoid of human presence. "Why isn't there anyone else here?"

"That doesn't matter, the master is waiting for you," answered the maid in a monotone voice. She then led Rinoa up some stairs and down a hallway. They stopped at a door, "Wait out here." After going in, the maid came out a few seconds later saying; "The master will see you now." She then stepped to the side of the door and waited for Rinoa to step in.

(Well, I guess I better not keep this master waiting. Whoever he is.) "Thank you," bowed Rinoa. The maid just returned the bow and continued standing by the door. Rinoa then walked into a spacious ballroom. She looked around and saw many decorations, and tables with chairs around. In the middle was a huge open place where lots of people could dance. When she looked up, she saw a crystal chandelier. Looking around, she didn't see anyone until she looked across the room and outside on a balcony, she saw a man sitting in a chair. She couldn't make out anything except the clothing he had on had a regal flair to it. She then started to walk across the room and felt disturbed by the hollow sounds her footsteps were making in the empty room. Once she was at the opening of the balcony door, she saw that the man wore royal blue regal clothes and that he had brown hair. "You've been waiting for me?" Rinoa asked.

"Yes I have," said the man while his back was turned to her.

Rinoa thought she recognized that voice. (It can't be him, can it?) Rinoa feared. "Are you…?"

"Yes, I'm Kale Akaisura," he interrupted by turning around. "You have nothing to fear from me young sorceress."

Rinoa stepped a few steps back in fear. She didn't see his sword, but he was just as powerful in magic. "How do you know that I'm a sorceress?"

"Because I can sense the magic and power within you," Kale answered. "May I ask your name?"

"It's Rinoa," she said nervously. "What do you want with me?"

"Rinoa, what a lovely name," commented Kale. "I want to ask you to join me in my quest to conquer this world. You can be by my side as my queen after I become ruler of this world."

"What?" Rinoa asked. "Why would I want to be the queen to a murderer like you?" Rinoa spat.

"Because it is your fate to rule alongside of me," Kale informed her.

"Fate?" Rinoa pondered. "That's nonsense. I don't want to rule the world; I just want to live in it with the man I love and my friends. I want to get married and have children with Squall, and ruling the world in not what I had in mind."

"Tell me," said the regal clad man. "Is Squall the one in black that fought me in Timber?"

"Yes he is," stated Rinoa. "And I would be crazy to join you in you quest for world domination."

"He's weak," Kale retorted. "I don't think he is worthy of a sorceress's love. Sorceresses are meant to rule the weak, and here you are living among them. Join me, and you can be the woman to bear my children and conquer this world."

Rinoa was mad at Kale calling Squall weak. "I'll never join you or bear your children!" Rinoa shouted. "I love Squall, and he loves me. You or anybody else won't stop me from loving him. I don't want to join a sadistic killer bent on ruling the world. I'd rather jump in a lake."

Kale closed his eyes and shook his head. After he opened them, he said, "That is such a shame. I didn't want to resort to using this tactic." He then disappeared and appeared behind Rinoa. As Rinoa was turning around, Kale cast some magic on her. She then felt woozy. "Tomorrow, in the middle of the day, you will travel to Timber and then to Deling city. Before you leave, I want you to leave a note for Squall telling him where you went. When you get to Deling city, I want you to go the Park. Wait for me there my love."

Rinoa was in a dazed state and couldn't get her thoughts together. "Yes my love," said a hypnotized Rinoa.

"When you wake up," commanded Kale. "You will not remember this dream, but you will do as I instructed you to. You'll act like there is nothing wrong with you." Rinoa lazily nodded. He then kissed Rinoa long and hard. Once he released her, he said, "Now, Awaken!" Everything, plus Kale suddenly disappeared.

Rinoa woke up like something was wrong. She looked around and saw that she was in her assigned dorm room. It was dark and it was nighttime. (That's strange. Why did I wake up? I guess it doesn't matter.) She then layback down in her bed and went back to sleep after a few minutes.

On the great Galbaldian Plains, Kale sat in a meditative position in a chair. He suddenly opened his eyes and smiled. (Now all I have to do is wait for tomorrow night. I'll destroy Squall, and this Lisa Hawkwind when she accompanies him. Everyone else destroyed is a bonus.) He then climbed into bed beside of the beautiful resting form of Mei-Len and drifted off to sleep.

(Date: July 14, 4018 AC. Time: 07:00 hours. Place: Balamb Garden.)

Lisa Hawkwind had just woken up and felt a little sore from the battle that she fought in the previous day. She really hoped whenever she met and faced Kale Akaisura, she would not let her emotions take over and make her fighting reckless.

Lisa got up from her bed and mightily stretched her arms over her head. (I guess that was a nice rest. I'm glad I didn't have any nightmares.) Her mind then went to her late uncle and she looked down. She pushed painful memory of feeling his life force disappearing into the back of her mind. (I have to be strong. If not for myself then for Claire and Elizabeth.)

She then walked over to the cases where she kept her katana swords and pulled out Alexander's. She never really had a chance to admire the workmanship on the sword and now she had a chance. It was in a black sheath, and the hilt of it was gold colored. She then unsheathed the sword and saw a little design of the Phoenix on the blade and close to the hilt. Upon further examination, she saw the same small design on the hilt of the sword. (I can't believe this sword is over four thousand years old and still looks brand new.)

The shorthaired blonde mercenary walked over to her desk and pulled out some polish and a white clothe. Lisa then went upon the task of polishing the katana passed down through the generations of Hawkwind family. (I wonder what Alexander named the sword? Maybe grandfather would know. I'll ask him in a few minutes.) After about seven minutes of polishing, wiping it off and repolishing the sword, Lisa was finally finished in her task. She then got up, and went to take a shower and got dressed in her SeeD uniform. (Knowing grandfather, he would not want to train us this morning. I guess Brian's death affected him just as hard as it did Claire and Elizabeth.) She then sheathed and put the katana of Hawkwind legacy on a belt and snapped the belt around her slender waist.

Lisa walked out the dorm room and locked the door and went to the dorm room that her grandfather occupied. Upon arrival, she knocked on the door and waited for about a minute. There was no answer. (Maybe he left or something?) She then tried the door and saw that it was unlocked and walked in.

She came upon the sight of Zechariah Hawkwind in a meditative position, sitting down with his legs crossed and his eyes closed. She then looked at him for a minute. She always liked how her grandfather had his white hair and beard long, but not gets in the way. Another thing, she liked all the old traditional clothes that he wore. She had a few in her wardrobe, but only wore them at special occasions.

It looked like he was sleep, but Lisa knew from past experience that he wasn't. "Grandfather?"

"Good morning Lisa," said Zechariah while opening his eyes. "It's nice to see you in your uniform once and a while. About training, I'll show you, Dan, and Sasha a few more techniques after breakfast. We'll strengthen the ones that you already know too."

Lisa nodded. "Um… Grandfather? I was just wondering what Alexander called this katana I have right here?"

"I see," said Zechariah. "He left it unnamed. Even though he wielded it for a long time, he never named it. He wanted the person who was going to use it to defeat Kale Akaisura to name it."

"That's strange," commented Lisa. "To have a sword for a long time and not name it, that really is strange. So I guess the name of the sword is up to me, huh?"

Zechariah nodded. "Do you have a name picked out?" Lisa shook her head. "That's understandable, for you just learned the katana you now wield doesn't have a name."

"Well," started Lisa. "I'm off to get some breakfast, are you going to join me?"

"No," said Zechariah. "I'll get breakfast in due time, but right now, I'd like to be alone."

Lisa nodded and left. She then took off her belt and left the katana in her room and went to the cafeteria. When she got there, she was pleased to see that Claire and Elizabeth, along with Dan and Sasha were there.

After they ate breakfast and changed, they went to work on some new techniques and strengthen the one they already knew. They trained for well into the early afternoon. Zechariah seemed a little harsher when he was training the three, but they could understand why. Zechariah also tested their fighting ability. He was impressed by all three, but still said they needed improvement, but not a whole lot. When lunchtime came around, the four decided to take a break.

As they walked to the cafeteria, they came upon Rinoa. "Hey Rinoa," said Sasha. Rinoa just nodded and kept on walking. "That's weird, we apologized yesterday. I wonder what going on?"

"It's probably nothing," answered Dan. "Come on, let's get something to eat, my stomach demands it."

"I swear Dan," started Sasha with a grin. "If that stomach demanded you to jump off a bridge, you would probably do it." Dan then put his hand on his chin and thought for a second. He then nodded. The four then laughed and continued onto the cafeteria.

Later in the day, the four was finished training and took showers and changed into their uniforms. As Lisa, Dan, and Sasha were going to the library, they saw Squall, Selphie and Zell run past them and into the parking lot. "Do you think its trouble?" Lisa asked.

"Hell, I know its trouble," said Dan. "Nobody would be in that much of a hurry if something wasn't wrong. Let's follow them." The three then ran to the parking lot to see the Ragnarok starting up and the ramp and stairs rising. They quickly got on the Ragnarok before it took off.

"I wonder where these three are going in such a hurry?" Pondered Sasha.

Lisa Shrugged. "I don't know, but let's find out since we're going with them." The three then walked from the cargo hold to the elevator, and then to the bridge. Zell and Selphie was a little surprised when they heard the platform lowering and coming back up, but was relieved when they saw Lisa, Dan, and Sasha. "Where are we going?"

"To Deling city," said Squall with a little bit of anger in his voice. "It seems that Rinoa left and is meeting with Kale Akaisura there. Why? I don't know, but I'm going to find out and bring her back to garden."

"How do you know?" Sasha asked.

"She left this note in her room," Squall said while handing it to Sasha.

Sasha then started to read it out loud. "Dear Squall, I'm sorry, but I don't love you anymore. The new love of my life now is Kale Akaisura, the man I'm going to take over the world with. I'm going to Deling city to meet with him in the park. I'm sorry and goodbye. Rinoa."

"That's strange," said Lisa. "That doesn't sound a bit like Rinoa. I wonder why she would do that?"

"I don't know," replied Dan while rubbing his chin. "You know, earlier today, Rinoa did look spaced out a little bit when we saw her."

"WHAT!" Squall shouted while grabbing Dan by the collar. "YOU SAW RINOA LEAVING AND YOU DIDN'T STOP HER?"

"Chill Squall," said Zell while with the help of Lisa, held Squall back. "They didn't know anything about Rinoa going to Deling city. None of us knew something was wrong with her."

Squall then calmed down and Zell and Lisa let him go. "What time did you last see her?"

"About around one," Dan said.

"I'm guessing she's almost to Deling city by now if she left by one," added Selphie while piloting the Ragnarok.

"You know, I think something happened last night," mused Sasha. "My guess is that she's probably under some sort of hypnosis. Kale probably did it last night."

"You know this has trap spelled in big bold letters," stated Lisa.

"I don't care," said Squall with a scowl. "I'm going to get Rinoa and make Kale pay if he even harmed one hair on her head."

"Squall, I don't think you should fight Kale," Lisa said. "You remember what my grandfather said about you having a major disadvantage, right?"

"I know, but I don't care," Squall answered. "As your superior, I'm telling you to stay back, because I'm going to fight Kale."

"You can't be serious Squall!" Sasha added. "You remember what happened in Timber, right?"

Squall nodded. "I was surprised, this time, it'll be different. I'm telling you to stay back and let me fight Kale, or else I'll bust you three down to level seven SeeDs."

"Fuck the rank," said Lisa. "You're not meant to fight Kale and you know it. He'll probably want to kill you this time."

"I'll fight Kale," ordered Squall angrily. "I want to be the one to kill that fucking bastard. It's not your girlfriend that he hypnotized and is manipulating."

"Fine," said Lisa. "As soon as you get in trouble, we're stepping in."

"Agreed," said Squall. The rest of the ride to Deling city was quiet. The Ragnarok speedily flew to Deling city in the nighttime sky.

(Date: July 14, 4018 AC. Time: 19:00 hours. Place: Deling city.)

Kale Akaisura waited in the park for his new recruit in his army. He knew that having a sorceress on his side could work to his advantage. He also knew that none of the SeeDs would hurt her because they were friends with her. Kale smiled at the thought of them being killed by their own friend, but that would have to wait for another day.

Some impatient shifting around was heard from Kale's right. "How long does it take for that girl to get here?" Jaden impatiently complained. "I want to continue fighting Janre. I guess this will be, what they say in boxing matches, round 3."

"Don't worry," stated Kale. "It won't be that long, I can feel her getting closer by the minute. Jakob, as soon as the fighting starts, I want you to take the girl, Rinoa, back to camp."

Jakob shifted uncomfortable where he was sitting. "Yes sir," he answered after a few seconds of silence.

Kale then looked at Jakob for a few seconds. (I'm sorry, but Lisa Hawkwind is mine.) "When I get back to camp, I'll put a more stronger spell on the sorceress, and she'll do my bidding without question." He turned toward Narrak. "Narrak, I want you to take care of any other visitors that we have."

"Yes my lord," said the ninja while leaning against the tree.

"It won't be long now," assured Kale.

At the same time, the train that Rinoa was in just arrived at Deling City station, and the Ragnarok was a mile away from Deling city.

Rinoa got off the train not paying mind to any of the people that talked to her. She was determined to get to the park. (Got to get to Kale, my love.) Rinoa thought. That was what Rinoa repeated over and over to herself. A few times, the hypnosis that Rinoa was under was almost broken, but Kale's words came back to her everytime. She then walked to the park.

Just outside of Deling City, the Ragnarok had finally landed.

"It's about damn time," complained Squall. He then got on the platform and Lisa and Dan hopped on too. Squall was planning to take it down without anyone and confront Kale alone, but Dan and Lisa weren't having any of it. "Remember, Kale is mine." They then got off the platform and quickly ran to the ramp and stairs that were lowering.

Lisa just narrowed her eyes and nodded. (Doesn't Squall see this is what Kale want? I'm going to be ready to jump in at a moment's notice) "I still think you should leave Kale to one of us." Squall said nothing and ran down the ramp and took off full speed into the city. Lisa looked back to see Zell, Sasha, and Selphie out of the Ragnarok and closing the ramp. She then quickly turned around and followed Dan and Squall as they sprinted through the entrance.

Squall was sprinting through the city and past people almost running into them. Squall really didn't care; the burning desire to save Rinoa overruled worrying about who got knocked down in the process. (Don't worry Rinoa; I'm coming to get save you from that madman, Kale Akaisura.) Squall, Dan and Lisa had finally gotten to the park when they saw four figures walking toward Rinoa. "Rinoa!" Squall yelled, but she didn't turn around. When the figures came into the light he saw Kale, and Jaden. The other two, he hasn't seen before. When Rinoa and Kale was close enough, Kale took Rinoa into his arms and both kissed each other. Squall then stopped along with Dan and Lisa behind him. (That fucking bastard!) Squall angrily fumed.

After they were finished, Kale turned the three new arrivals. "So, you must be the sorceress's knight," smirk Kale.

"You're fucking right about that," growled Squall. "What did you do to Rinoa?!" Squall angrily asked.

"I put her under a weak hypnosis spell," replied Kale. "It should be wearing off about… now."

Rinoa's head then slumped and she raised it and shook it. "Uhhhhnnnn… Squall?" She then looked up at the smiling face and waited for the blurriness in her vision to clear up. After her vision cleared, he eyes widened at fear at who was holding her. Kale then cast a spell and she was going into a heavy sleep.

Kale then handed the sleeping form of Rinoa to Jakob. "Take her back to camp," commanded the black clad warrior. Jakob nodded and disappeared in a flash of magic.

"RINOA!" Squall cried out.

"If you want her back, you'll have to defeat me first," said Kale. "I'll enjoy killing you."

Jaden then stepped forward as he saw Sasha Janre ran forward and stop behind Squall. "So, are you ready for round 3, Janre!" Jaden Yelled while taking the nunchukus off of his belt.

"Anytime!" Sasha retorted while unsheathing her Lion Heart Gunblade. Both then stepped a few feet away from their respective groups and ran toward each other with weapons clashing together.

Everybody looked as the two battled and got further away. After a few seconds, both groups then locked eyes with each other again. Kale then noticed the blonde shorthaired young woman in the SeeD uniform behind Squall. He then noticed the sheath of the sword she had on her side. (That's Alexander's sword. So at last, we meet.) "So, you must be Lisa Hawkwind."

"Yeah," said the blonde female mercenary. "That's me."

"So, are you prepared to fight?" Kale asked her.

"She's not fighting you," said Sqaull. "I am. I'll make you pay for what you did to Rinoa!"

"Very well," Kale said while grabbing hold of his broadsword. "If you're that eager to die, then you'll get you wish." He then unsheathed his broadsword while Squall unsheathed the Lion Heart. "Narrak, you can take care of the other three at you discretion."

Dan unsheathed the Demon hunter katana blade. He then motioned for Zell and Selphie to get closer to him. They did and he whispered, "Let's try to lead him away from Squall and Lisa, and give them some room to fight." Zell and Selphie nodded and Selphie took out her big nunchuku weapon. They then started to walk away from the two as Narrak did with Kale. They then heard an explosion from the way that Sasha and Jaden came from. (Well, I should have expected them to start tearing shit up after a few minutes.) In an instant, Zell, Selphie, and Dan rushed at Narrak and started fighting against him.

After looking for a few seconds. Kale asked Squall, "Are you ready?"

Squall's answer was charging at Kale with his sword in a ready striking position. Kale just smiled as Squall did this. The SeeD then came at the black clad tyrant with an overhead slash. This was easily blocked, and Kale returned with a horizontal slash, and the two blades clashed together. Both went into a sword lock. Kale was stronger and was pushing Squall back and to the ground, but Squall suddenly pulled the trigger of the gunblade. A small explosion from the gunblade knocked Kale backwards a little, but he quickly recovered as Squall went into a mad fury of swings. Kale was on the defensive and skillfully blocked the strikes. After Squall was finished Kale then went into his own offensive of strikes and Squall had trouble blocking.

A few feet away from Squall and Kale, Lisa Hawkwind looked on as the two warriors battled. She knows that she would have to jump in because once Kale gets tired of toying with Squall, he'll use his powers and her superior will really be in trouble. (Damn it Squall, this isn't the time to act like a hot head. You better back off when you get in trouble.)

Squall and Kale was matching each other slash for slash. (Shit! He's better than I would have imagined.) After a minute of this, both jumped apart and charged at each other again. They did overhead slashes at each other and the two weapons met. As they were pushing against each other, Squall noticed Kale's free hand was glowing. (Not this time.) Squall disengaged from the sword lock and jumped to the side as Kale threw his hand forward. A black ball of energy shot out of it and Squall dodged it, and so did Lisa as it came her way. An explosion occurred not too far away from Lisa.

Kale then rushed Squall and did another overhead slash. Squall raised the light blue transparent gunblade up an in a horizontal position. He blocked it but was unprepared when Kale kneed him in his unprotected stomach. With his left foot, Kale then tripped Squall to the ground and slashed at him.

Squall had just brought his gunblade up to block the blow and rolled to his feet. (I'm tired of this; I'll end it now.) Squall then cast Aura on himself and rushed into his renzokuken limit break. On every strike, Squall pulled the trigger of the gunblade, but was surprised when Kale was able to block them. After he finished that, he jumped back and gathered energy for the Lion Heart. In an upward slashing motion, he was able to hit Kale in the chest and launched him into the air. Squall jumped up and started slashing wildly and skillfully. Kale blocked these also but was getting hurt from the explosions. The last hit, he was able to block also, but the big explosion afterward really hurt him. Kale then fell to the ground on his back.

(My turn!) Kale then surprisingly jumped to his feet. He then jumped high into the air and did a forward somersault in the air with his sword in an overhead slashing position. Squall brought his sword up and was ready to block the blow. Kale came down and hit the ground with his broadsword in front of Squall and black wave of energy flew from the sword and impacted at point blank range against Squall.

Lisa looked on as the energy hit Squall and sent him flying and hitting the ground hard. (I'm stepping in now.) "That's enough Kale!" Lisa shouted while unsheathing her katana.

"So," started Kale. "You finally want to fight. I'll get to you once I've finished this one off."

"Don't tell me the mighty Kale Akaisura is too coward to fight me," quipped Lisa.

Kale stopped advancing on the fallen form of Squall and turned toward Lisa. (So, she thinks she can goad me into leaving this one alone. Well, she did, and I'll really enjoy this battle.) "So be it," Kale replied. "After I'm finished with you, he's next."

Lisa and Kale then walked toward each other and stopped about seven feet away from each other. Lisa then did a few swings and got into her fighting position. (So, just like Alexander did before he would fight.) "I know you aren't the strongest of the Hawkwinds right now," commented Kale. Lisa raised an eyebrow. "I sensed another power that is just above yours, but not by much."

(He must mean Grandfather.) "I don't care, I'm going to pay you back for killing my uncle," Lisa angrily said. She watched as Kale he got into his fighting stance also. Lisa and Kale quickly rushed each other and went into a fury of slashes, blocks and parries. Without warning, Kale jumped back. Lisa then concentrated her energy and created to balls of fire that appeared by her shoulders. She pointed at Kale and the fireballs speedily went toward Kale. Kale jumped over them but was confused when Lisa smiled. Kale turned around and saw the two fireballs were doing a u-turn, and was heading straight for him.

"So you've made up some techniques," said Kale while shooting a black ball of energy at the fireballs. After they collided, Kale turned around to see Lisa in the air coming down in an overhead slash and her Katana on fire. Kale jumped back and Lisa swung at the place he was just a second ago. She then swung the sword in an upward sweeping motion and the fire from the katana dropped to the ground and swept along it quickly at Kale. Kale jumped to the side and avoided it. "So, you are skilled in your power. Let's see if you can see through this technique." Kale then split into three. "Which one am I?" The three Kales said.

"I don't have time for foolish games," said Lisa. She then concentrated power into her right hand as she held the katana with her left. She cocked her hand back and swept it toward the three Kales. A column of fire suddenly erupted from the ground and engulfed the three figures of Kale. Kale was then thrown back from the fire and hit the ground.

(So, I shouldn't underestimate this young woman. I'll go somewhere she won't be able to use her power without hurting anyone.) Kale thought as he got up. He then ran toward the shopping arcade with Lisa close on his tail. Both was in the middle of the street and the cars in front of them and behind the stopped as they saw the two fighting. The people around them stopped to look at the two fighting.

Slashing diagonally at Kale, Lisa then suddenly did a spin kick that caught Kale in the face. Kale shot a ball of energy at Lisa as he was falling. Lisa wasn't expecting this and was hit and thrown back to the hood of car behind her. Kale then smirked as he was getting up and started throwing balls of energy at the people around them watching. "Stop it!" Lisa yelled as she saw a few people get engulfed in an explosion. People were scattering and running for their lives. "I SAID STOP IT!" Lisa yelled while rushing toward Kale as he threw a few more fireballs at some more innocent bystanders. In her swing, Kale instantly turned and threw a black ball of energy and hit Lisa, thus throwing her back about fifteen feet.

"So this is the mighty Lisa Hawkwind that gave one of my warriors a scar?" Kale gloated.

Lisa got up slowly. She then let the red haze of the Limit break engulf her form. Fire instantly went over her body and then went to the ground, forming the symbol of the Phoenix. "Rage of the Phoenix!" She then rushed forward and cast a flare spell that caught Kale before he jumped away. Kale was getting up and saw Lisa was upon him. Lisa then when into a series of slashes like the renzokuken combo and added a few kicks in it. Kale was able to block the slashes, but was hit by the kicks. Lisa then caught Kale with a flying jump kick and watched as slid back along the ground. The sword then caught on fire and she did a forward flipping somersault in the air and came down in an overhead slash. Kale jumped back and avoided the slash aimed for his chest. In an upward swing, she unleashed a crescent wave of fire that Kale couldn't avoid and was hit and thrown back.

"Heh," Kale grunted. "You're almost as good as Alexander."

Lisa and Kale noticed some military vehicles pulling up behind them. "Freeze!" A soldier shouted as he jumped out and pointed his machine gun. After a moment, about twelve soldiers were out and pointing their machine guns at the SeeD and the black leather clad man.

"It was nice fighting you for now Hawkwind," said Kale. "I've already got what I came here for, so until next time we meet. I'm expecting a greater battle." Kale then cast some magic and disappeared in a flash.

The soldiers then looked dumbfounded as Lisa narrowed her eyes. (Yeah, until next time Kale.)

"Drop your weapon!" A familiar voice yelled. Lisa then slowly sheathed the sword and unhooked the belt from around her waist. She turned around and dropped the katana and belt on the ground and raised her hands. "SeeD Hawkwind?" The commanding soldier in red said.

"Sir, we have a few people dead over here!" Shouted a soldier in blue. One soldier then rushed over and picked up the belt and katana.

"I'm sorry, but we have to put you under arrest for murder, SeeD Hawkwind," said the soldier in red.

As the soldiers were handcuffing her Lisa protested, "I didn't do this. It was the man I was fighting."

As she was being escorted into one of the vehicles, the commanding officer stopped the men. "Don't worry Ms. Hawkwind," said the soldier in red. Lisa then recognized him as the one in charge of the operation Dan and Lisa participated in over two days. "I know you didn't do this, we'll find some witnesses and clear your name." Lisa nodded and was then hauled into the vehicle.

(Fucking rat bastard. He probably planned for something like this to happen.) She cursed as the vehicle drove off. Lisa would have never thought something like this would happen. (Now Kale has Rinoa, and I'm being blamed for murdering people. This really isn't my day. Kale Akaisura, when we meet again, you're going to pay for this and everything you did. Especially for murdering my uncle!) Lisa Hawkwind silently proclaimed.

Author's notes: Whoa, now that was a long chapter. I guess I would give you one since the outage experienced was long as hell. Well, it seems things just keep getting worst and worst for the good guys. So far, Kale has killed Lisa's uncle, and kidnapped Rinoa. Doesn't that just beat all? Anyway, I hoped you liked this chapter. Don't forget to review before you hit that back button or go somewhere else. I'd like to thank everyone in advance for the reviews. The reviews will really make my day. Well, stay tuned for chapter 6.