Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Winds of Fate ❯ The Calm before the storm ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Winds of Fate

A FF8 fanfic by Brenton Braswell

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the series of the Final Fantasy series. They all belong to Squaresoft and are being used without permission. All original characters, Lisa Hawkwind, Daniel Kunteais and others are copyrighted by the author and are not to be used by anybody without my permission. If somebody has a problem with that, all I could say is, tough luck.

Before anybody thinks this is a sequel to "Blades of Destiny", I'll say it is not. Even though I've used Lisa and Dan before, I decided to use them one last time. If you want to read my other fic, just type in the title or click on my penname.

Also, if anyone wants to use any of my original characters, just email me and ask. My email is

I'd like to dedicate this fic to Ginger Ninja, Lady Aliena, Destiny, and Sasha Janre.

Character direct thoughts are in parentheses

In the last chapter, the day was a time of sadness and morning for all of the Hawkwind family. After being gutted by Kale Akaisura's sword, Brian Hawkwind was tossed aside. He was able to say his last words to his wife before he passed into the great beyond. The ones who took his death the hardest was Zechariah, Brain's father, Claire and Elizabeth, Brian's wife and daughter. Not wanting anything similar to happen, Squall decided to take the widow and child of Brian Hawkwind to Balamb Garden. They did the same thing for Sahara, and her children in Dollet.

On the Ragnarok, There was a little disagreement between Zell and Seifer. Also, Rinoa and Sasha forgave each other for what happened in the second floor gym. Things were really looking bad for the good guys. Upon arrival at garden, the report was given to Headmaster Cid about what happened in Timber and Dollet. There was also a speculation made that Galbaldia was working Kale. After being dismissed, everyone went about their day, but those of the Hawkwind family were still down about the death of a loved one.

Things didn't look like they could get any worst, but they did. During the night, Kale sent Rinoa a dream that he controlled through meditation. In the dream, Kale wasn't able to convince Rinoa to join his side convincingly, so he used a form of hypnosis on here. During it, he instructs her what to do to meet him the following day. The following day started of like the rest. Lisa came to learn the sword she wields has no name and it was up to her to name it. For a better part of the day Zechariah taught Lisa, Dan, and Sasha some better techniques while strengthening the ones they already know. In the middle of it, they noticed Rinoa acting a little strange but shook it off, as it was nothing.

Unknown to everyone else, Rinoa was under a weak form of hypnosis and was going to Timber and then Deling City to met up with Kale. It wasn't until later that Squall discovered she was gone and left a note. Squall, Selphie, and Zell boarded the Ragnarok, but Lisa, Dan, and Sasha also boarded before it took off. They had learned that Rinoa was going to meet with Kale and Squall wanted to take Kale on himself. Lisa agreed to his order to stay back but not without some protest. Once they got to Deling city, they found Rinoa and Kale kissing. This enraged Squall, but Squall was able to control himself from rushing blindly into battle. Rinoa came out of the hypnosis that was placed on her and Kale put her under a sleep spell. He then instructed Jakob to take Rinoa back to camp and both disappeared in a flash. Jaden and Sasha continued fighting while Narrak fought against Dan, Selphie and Zell. Squall then fought against Kale and the battle looked even until Kale attacked Squall with a surprising move. Before Kale could finish Squall, Lisa stepped in and challenged Kale. When they battled, Kale was a little impressed by the strength that Lisa shown. Kale then moves the fight from the park to the shopping arcade of Deling city. Upon using this tactic, Lisa was reluctant to use her techniques and powers in fear of hurting the innocent bystanders. That didn't stop Kale from doing that though, and her attacked and killed a few and hurt Lisa enough that she can use her Limit break, Rage of the Phoenix. After she finished her attack on Kale, she was ready to continue fighting against Kale when the Galbaldian military finally showed up at the scene. Kale then disappeared, leaving Lisa at the scene of chaos and death. Lisa was then put under arrest for murder of innocents. That's the last place that the story left off. Now to find out what happens in this chapter of Winds of Fate.

Chapter 6: The Calm before the storm

(Date: July 14, 4018 AC. Time: Let's just say nighttime. Place: Deling City)

Jaden and Sasha were fighting more intensely as ever. It had been a few minutes since they've started, and it didn't take long for Jaden to blow up some cars as the fight was taken into the middle of a street.

(Shit. I got to block the next few fireballs he sends at me. If I dodge them, people are going to start getting hurt.) Sasha silently cursed while blocking a few more strikes sent her way. After he backed off, both warriors then started to circle each other with their weapons at the ready. As she saw Jaden twirling his nunchukus, she was able to look at the people scattering behind him. (Man, being in the middle of this street will no doubt attract the Galbaldian military.)

Sasha then charged at Jaden and did an overhead strike at Jaden. The blonde haired warrior had to put up both chained weapons and stretched them out horizontally to block the gunblade from hitting him. Once both weapons were together, Sasha pushed down her gunblade to disarm Jaden of his nunchukus. With surprising strength Jaden was able to push back up enough that he was standing up straight and kick Sasha in the abdomen. Jaden smirked as he felt the pressure that was put upon his weapon ease up a little and looked at the pained expression Sasha had on her face. (Now you'll pay for Timber, bitch!) He mightily pushed the gunblade off of his weapon and swung and struck Sasha in the face with one of his weapons.

Sasha then fell backwards and on her back. She felt the sting of the blow and knew there was a red mark where the nunchuku hit her. She then rolled to the side and jumped back to her feet, thus dodging the strike aimed to crush her head. Both were back up, facing and circling each other in their battle stances. (Damn! If only I could use some of my techniques against him.) The dark haired SeeD with blonde bangs wished. Earlier when they started fighting, Sasha used her instant teleport technique against Jaden, but was surprised when Jaden quickly turned around and nearly nailed her in the side the head. She didn't want to repeat that mistake again. She also knew that he was too close to start casting magic against. It would take probably two or three seconds to complete the spell, but at the distance they were fighting, Sasha would get knocked out of the casting of a spell.

The SeeD narrowed her eyes and instantly struck out at Jaden. She started slashing horizontal and diagonal slashes at Jaden and blocking some strikes in the process. To any onlooker, it would look like the two warriors were choreographed fighters doing a scene for a movie. After ducking a strike aimed for her head, she then jumped back to avoid the swing of the other weapon. Sasha then went into a crescent moon kick and caught Jaden on the temple dazing him for a short period. The female warrior was about to take advantage, but was stopped when she heard a few vehicles pulling up behind of her. She then heard people jumping out of the vehicles and she glanced backwards instantly. "Drop your weapons!" A Galbaldian soldier yelled while pointing a machine gun at them.

"Well, I guess play time is over," said Jaden while putting his nunchukus back on his belt.

"I said, drop you weapons!" The soldier repeated. Jaden then disappeared in a flash. The soldiers looked surprised by sudden disappearance of the man in the red jacket and white pants. They were brought out of it by Sasha sheathing her gunblade and said, "Drop you weapon, and put your hands up!" Sasha looked annoyed but did as they said. She unhooked the belt that her gunblade was strapped to from around her slender waist, put it on the ground and raised her hands. Then a soldier in red started speaking. "We'll have to place you under arrest for destruction of property and disturbing the peace. We were not informed that a SeeD operation going on, or to expect any. So you'll have to come with us. Confiscate her weapon." A soldier then moved forward and grabbed her weapon from the ground. "Handcuff her."

"You better be careful with that gunblade," Sasha warned the soldier handling it.

"Be quiet," said the soldier handcuffing her. "You're in no position to make requests."

She was then put in one of the vehicles and they drove off. (Damn it! I hope the others didn't get arrested. I need them to get me out of this situation.) She then slumped down in the seat while waiting to get to her destination.

Not too far away in the park, Dan, Zell and Selphie were still fighting Narrak. Fortunately, neither Dan or Narrak fired off any kind of energy attacks that would draw attention, but the sound of fight will.

Dan stood there panting and sweating, along with Selphie and Zell behind him. He also saw that Narrak was panting and sweating. (Damn. He's one hell of a fighter. I'll have Zell and Selphie back off so I can finish this.) Dan then saw Narrak turn his head to the right and sheath his sword while looking back. "What's wrong? Are we too much for you?" Dan asked.

"Hardly," quipped Narrak. "There is some unexpected company coming our way. I would suggest you get out of here. Until next time." Narrak bowed and then left after casting some magic.

"That was strange," commented Selphie. "What did he mean by unexpected company?" Selphie and Dan then put up their weapons.

Dan then thought for a moment. "He means the Galbaldian military," answered Dan. "With all the fighting we've been doing, that was bound to attract the authorities. Plus, I bet this has something to do with all those explosions we heard earlier."

"If what you say is right, let's get out of here!" Zell exclaimed. "Let's go check on Squall, I'm sure he's probably hurt after hearing what Sasha told me about Kale."

So the three SeeDs ran through the park and back to the original spot they started at. On the ground in a kneeling position was Squall. "Hey Squall! You okay?" Dan yelled while getting closer.

"Yeah," answered Squall. "I couldn't defeat Kale." He instantly said. "Rinoa." Squall looked toward the ground.

"Don't worry Squall," started Zell. "We'll get her back. Before we do that, I think we have to get out of here for right now."

"Yeah," said Dan. "Zell's right. If we don't get out of here, we won't get a chance to save her."

Zell and Selphie helped Squall up and each had one of his arms around their necks. They walked as quickly as possible, and avoided the Galbadian soldiers that came to the position they were just at a few minutes after they left. "Let's go back to the Ragnarok and hope Lisa and Sasha are there," said Selphie.

"Good idea Selphie," said Zell. The four then walked outside of Deling city and they had a chance to rest. Zell then cast three doses of curaga on Squall and healed him almost to full health. "Well, let's get to the Ragnarok."

So the four walked a short distance to the Ragnarok and went inside to see that Lisa or Sasha wasn't inside of it. When they went up to the cockpit, the saw the console panel flashing because of incoming communication. Selphie went over to it and pressed the button, "Ragnarok here, go ahead with your message."

"It's about time you got there," came the headmaster's voice with a tone they didn't hear that often from him. "Do you know how much of a mess you six caused in Deling city?"

"No headmaster," said Dan.

"Well, I've been informed that Sasha and Lisa have been taken into custody," Cid started. "They told me that those two are responsible for lots of damage, and they say that Lisa is accused of murder."

"What!?" Dan said surprisingly.

"Yes, they're holding them right now in jail there," Cid replied. "Is there a good reason why you six decided to go there?"

"I can answer that," said Squall. "Last night, Kale put Rinoa under some sort of hypnosis. He made her go to Deling city and kidnapped her right in front of us."

"Oh, I see," said the headmaster. "Well, next time you should inform me or Xu of the situation going on and not just run off with the Ragnarok."

"Yes headmaster," Dan, Zell, and Selphie said.

"I've cleared it with the government there to release Sasha," said Cid. "Lisa will have to stay there a little longer until they can find some witnesses to clear her name. You can go pick her up right now." He then cut communications.

"Damn!" Dan shouted. "I know Lisa wouldn't hurt kill any innocent bystanders. Kale probably set it up that way so this can happen like this. This must be part of one of his plans."

"Well, let's go," said Zell. The four then walked to the police station that they had them in. As they walked there, Zell noticed that Squall hasn't said anything since they were on the Ragnarok. (Damn. I hope he doesn't go back into his shell since Rinoa is gone.)

(Place: Deling city First Precinct Police Station.)

After getting arrested, Lisa and Sasha have been taken to a jail nearby. Sasha has only been accused of disturbing the peace and destruction of property. Lisa has been accused of multiple murders. So far, no witnesses have come by to identify Lisa as the murderer or clear her name. The two SeeDs just waited in the jail cell hoping that someone would get them out of there.

"Man, this is some BS!" Lisa exclaimed in the jail cell. "I didn't kill anybody, Kale did."

"I know you didn't kill anyone," said Sasha. "Those Galbaldian soldiers still won't believe you." She then looked down. "I hope we get out of here soon."

"Yeah me too," said Lisa sitting beside Sasha. "I know we can blow this wall to pieces, but I don't want to be a fugitive and ruin my reputation."

"Oh well," Sash said dejectedly.

Then some guards followed by Squall, Dan, Selphie, and Zell came to the door. "SeeD Sasha Janre, you're free to go," said one of the guards while opening the door. Sasha looked back at Lisa before going through.

"What about me?" Lisa Hawkwind asked.

"I'm sorry, we still haven't found any witnesses to clear your name," said another guard. After closing the door, the guards walked away to give the five sometime alone with Lisa.

Lisa then got up and walked to the bars. "You're not going to leave me here are you?" She asked the five.

Dan then walked close to the bars and grabbed one of Lisa's hands while looking into her eyes. "I won't ever leave you here Lisa," Dan said. Lisa smiled.

"Thanks Dan," smiled Lisa. "You're a true friend."

"I wish I was something more," Dan whispered to Lisa. Lisa knew what he was talking about and just smiled.

"I do too," said Lisa. (I'm glad Dan feels the same way that I do. I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship.)

Dan then reluctantly let go. The six walked out of the holding area and into the main area to sit down. Sasha then had her Lion Heart gunblade returned to her. After a few minutes, a soldier in blue came up to the five SeeDs. "Excuse me, one of the witnesses that seen the incident has come forward. If you'll follow me, I'll take you in the room to see him and watch as he identify SeeD Hawkwind and set the records straight."

They were then escorted to the room where a few men in suits and a man in a gray business suit was. One of the detectives then opened the shade to reveal Lisa and five other women. "Okay, can you identify any of these women from what happened in Deling shopping arcade?"

The man nodded and pointed to Lisa. "Is she responsible for any of the murders that happened there?"

"No," said the man.

"Could you repeat that?" Asked one of the detectives.

"I said no," the man repeated. "She didn't kill anyone. The young woman and this man were fighting in the street. When she was thrown back by some kind of attack from the man, the man in black then started to throw something at us bystanders. Just before I got out of there, I heard her yelling for the man to stop it. She tried to stop him, but was hit by something and knocked back again. That's the last I saw before I left."

The detectives then conversed among themselves for a moment before saying, "Thank you for your cooperation." The man then left. "Well, it seems as though she's innocent."

Dan nodded and smiled. "Well, what are you waiting? Release her and return her weapon," he demanded.

They were then taken out to the main area and waited for Lisa. In a few minutes, Lisa came out with her weapon in its sheath. "Are you okay?" Dan asked as Lisa hugged him.

"Yeah, I'm okay," replied Lisa while releasing the hug.

"Let's go," Squall said coldly.

Everyone expected Squall to change since Rinoa's been kidnapped, but they didn't expect it this soon.

So they all walked back to the Ragnarok. As they walked back, Sasha noticed that Dan and Lisa were really close together. She could have sworn that she seen them holding hands for a second there. (It's about time those two got together. I was wondering what they were waiting for? An invitation? I guess they'll probably put this on hold until we defeat Kale Akaisura and his minions.) The six mercenaries then got on the Ragnarok and headed back to Balamb garden having failed what they went to do.

(Date: July 15, 4018 AC. Time: 08: 23 hours. Place: Great Plains of Galbaldia, Kale Akaisura's camp.)

Kale smiled as he looked at the sleep form of Rinoa. (Now my plans should go a little bit smoother. With the power of a sorceress on my side, my plans should go somewhat easier.) Kale thought to himself.

Rinoa then started to stir. She moaned a little bit. "I see that you're finally awaken," Kale commented. Rinoa then opened her eyes all the way and she instantly saw Kale Akaisura.

The young sorceress looked around to see that she was in some kind of tent, and was lying on a bed. Rinoa tried to sit up, but some unknown force is holding her down. "Why can't I move?"

"That's my doing," replied Kale. "I don't want you moving or trying to escape. In case you didn't know, you're real powerful and I want you to use that power for me."

"I'll never do anything for you!" Rinoa screamed. "Anyway, I'm not that strong of a sorceress."

"Feisty one, aren't you?" said Kale. "You are and you don't know it. You've probably don't use your magic and powers all too much for fear of being like Ultimecia and Adel, am I right?" Rinoa's answer was her turning her head away. "Well, that is going to change."

Kale then started casting some magic on Rinoa. Rinoa started to feel light headed again. "What… are? You doing?" She said before closing her eyes.

"I'm just preparing you for what I need to do," smirked Kale. Kale's face then turned serious. "I want you to listen to me Rinoa. You, Rinoa Heartilly, will listen to me, and only me. You will not listen to the one named Squall Leonhart or Lisa Hawkwind. You will listen only to me. I am your master and your lover. You will not listen to anyone else but me."

"Yes my love," answered Rinoa.

"Now awaken," said Kale. Rinoa opened her eyes and her eyebrows creased as she looked at Kale. Rinoa had a mean look on her face. (So I see she'll have that look, I guess it would suit a sorceress.) Rinoa then got up and stood beside Kale. "Come here my love." Rinoa then came to him and he kissed her as she closed her eyes. After the kiss was finished, Kale said, "Hmmm… not as good as Mei-Len, but you'll have to do. Follow me." Both of them then walked outside and toward Kale's main tent. All the soldiers knew to stay out of Kale's way. One soldier wasn't paying attention to his surroundings and walked right into Rinoa. Rinoa narrowed her brow more and raised her hand. The Soldier then started to rise with Rinoa's hand. She then threw him across the camp with the magic. "Temper, temper my love." Rinoa didn't say anything and continued following Kale.

When they got to his tent, Jaden, Jakob, Mei-Len was outside of it. "I see that it was a success Kale," Jaden said.

"Yes," replied Kale. "I'd like you to meet my new recruit and the bearer of my children, Sorceress Rinoa Heartilly."

Mei-Len looked surprised at hearing that she's going to be the one to have Kale's children. "What do you mean by the bearer of your children?"

"Just what I said," Kale stated. "After I have taken over this world, Ms. Heartilly and myself will have children together. The children will be strong because of my blood and her enhanced magic ability in them. Don't worry, she'll never be able to replace you Mei-Len."

These words comforted Mei-Len a little bit, but she was still uneasy about not being able to bare Kale's children. She remembered the fact that she was barren, and couldn't have any. Mei-Len just walked off with out saying anything. "I wonder what's her problem?" Jakob wondered. "So Rinoa, will you not betray us in the future?"

"She won't answer you unless I tell her to," Kale pointed out. "Rinoa might talk on her own, but she might not do it that often. Also, she won't listen to you unless I tell her to."

"Yes sir," said Jaden. "Is there anything else that we need to know?"

"When she is walking, I'd suggest you stay out of her way," said Kale. "Not too long ago, she sent a man flying across the camp for bumping into her. Okay, feel free to go about your business, but in a hour, we leave for Deling city."

"I was wondering why that man was flying through the air," Jaden laughed. The two warriors then walked off.

"As for you Rinoa, You can walk around the camp or do what you like for now," ordered Kale. Rinoa nodded and walked off. As she walked through the camp, the soldiers knew to keep clear of her. At seeing this, Kale smiled. (That's the kind of fear and respect a sorceress should command.) Kale then went into his tent.

On the far side of the camp in Mei-Len's tent, the female warrior lay down on her bed. (I wish I wasn't barren and could be the one to produce Kale's children. He'll finally see the love that I have for him. I just wish I could go back to that moment and change what happened that day.)

The painful memory that Mei-Len was talking about was one when she was only ten years old. It was a memory that still is fresh in her mind.

Mei-Len was a cute little girl walking along getting some things for her mother at the time at the market place. Mei-Len wanted to will the painful memory to the back of her mind, but she couldn't. After picking up the necessary things for her mother, she walked home. During the walk home, Mei-Len was forced into an alley and stripped of her clothing by a man of muscular proportions. The man then brutally beat and raped her. At this point in the flashback, Mei-Len shed a tear at remembering the pain that she was put through. From that point on, her life was changed and she was told that she could never have children. Mei-Len then tightly closed her eyes at the memory of being told that. She then remembered snippets of her life and what she went through until she met Kale. (Kale, my love, I wish I were the one to bear your children, but I guess fate had something else in mind.) She then wiped her face of the tears that escaped her eyes. (I shouldn't be so weak. Kale would think that I was weak for crying over the past.)

Mei-Len then walked out of the tent, "You, get me some water!" The soldier saluted her and instantly ran off and came back a few minutes later with a bucket of water. Once she had the water, she then went about washing her face. After she was finished, she walked to the edge of the camp and looked out at the scenery while thinking. (Kale, I'll always love you, even if you don't love me back. I'll even let another woman bear your children. As long as you let me stay by your side.)

Meanwhile, on the other side of the camp, Rinoa just stopped and looked on as she saw Narrak. He was on the ground with his legs crossed under his body in a meditative position, and meditating. In an instant, Narrak opened his eyes because he felt somebody watching him. He then got up and bowed to Rinoa. "Good morning Sorceress Rinoa," the ninja said.

"What were you doing?" Rinoa questioned.

"I was trying to find the one Hawkwind that isn't in Balamb Garden," Narrak answered. "I'm trying to pinpoint where he is, but it is very hard."

Rinoa nodded and said, "You can go back to doing that, I won't disturb you." She just looked on as Narrak got back into his position and closed his eyes. She then decided to sit on the ground and look at the nothing in particular. "Maybe this will help you," she said out of the blue. Rinoa then cast some magic on Narrak.

Narrak felt his sensing technique sharpened. "Many thanks sorceress," Narrak said while still in his meditative position. (Now I should be able to find this Hawkwind easily.) Narrak went back to concentrating and waited until he felt the weak power or Kale told them to move out.

(Date: July 15, 4018 AC. Time: 09:20 hours. Place: Balamb Garden.)

Zechariah Hawkwind had woken up and already eaten breakfast. He remembered last night when the six SeeDs when out to save the girl, Rinoa. (That was a foolish thing to do. They could've have gotten killed and all hope would have been lost.)

During the morning he also told Lisa, Sasha, and Dan there was nothing else that he could teach them. (Yes, it's true that there is nothing else I can teach them. They've been taught all the techniques that I know. Except one.) Zechariah then got up from his meditative position on the floor and walked out the dorm room.

He then walked out of the dorm section and toward the elevator. Zechariah took it up to the third floor. When he stepped out of it, the sight of Xu greeted him. "Good morning Xu," said Zechariah.

"Good moring Mr. Hawkwind," replied Xu. "Do you want to see Cid?"

"Just call me Zechariah," answered the elder Hawkwind. "Yes, is he busy?

"No, you can go right in," said Xu while sitting back down at her desk.

"Thank you Xu," Zechariah nodded. He then opened the doors and walked in the office. "Good morning Cid."

"Good morning Zechariah," Cid welcomed while getting up from the desk. "What can I do for you?"

"I need you to deploy Dan and two other SeeDs to Fisherman's Horizon," said Zechariah. "I want them to pick up my other son, Thomas."

"You have another family member out there and didn't tell me?" Cid questioned.

"Yes," answered Zechariah. "I didn't think the threat of Kale Akaisura was going to be this great. The reason I didn't tell you about him earlier is because he turned his back on his legacy. He adamantly refused to be taught to use his powers and not learn how to use the sword. He thought all of this talk about a warrior from the past was nonsense, and refused to fight against it when it came."

"I see," commented Cid. "I guess I could say he is the black sheep of the family." Zechariah nodded. "Does Lisa know about him?"

"No she doesn't," replied the old warrior. "I didn't want her knowing about how cowardly of an uncle that she had. She'll find out when he comes here."

Cid nodded. He then went over to the intercom system and turned it on. The three chimes rung and Cid spoke, "SeeDs Kunteais, Tilmitt and Kinneas please report to the bridge. I repeat, SeeDs Kunteais, Tilmitt, and Kinneas please report to the bridge. That is all." Cid then shut off the intercom.

In a few minutes' time, the three SeeDs that were called were in the office saluting. "At ease," said Cid. "I have a mission for you three. I want you to go to Fisherman's Horizon and find Thomas Hawkwind and bring him back.

"Thomas Hawkwind sir?" Dan questioned.

"Yes, he's another of my sons," answered Zechariah. "I thought the threat of Kale wouldn't be as great and he would just overlook Thomas. I guess that's out of the question. He wants to kill all of us Hawkwinds. I'm wondering when he'll try to attack Balamb Garden."

"I'm sure he won't do it anytime soon," said Cid. "He would be foolish to try to do it now."

"I hope you're right," said Zechariah.

"Well, you have your orders," stated Cid. "You're dismissed and may carry them out."

The three saluted and took the elevator and rushed to the Ragnarok.

(Date: July 15, 4018 AC. Time: 09:25 hours. Place: Great Plains of Galbaldia, Kale's camp.)

Kale had called told some soldiers to prepare some jeeps and told mostly everyone to get ready to go to Deling city. He remembered to keep some soldiers here in case his plan didn't work and they had to come back to the camp. He wanted the camp to remain intact and not have it torn up by some of the monsters that roam around the plains.

Just as Kale, Jakob, Jaden, Mei-Len, Rinoa and some troops were getting in some jeeps, Narrak came running toward them. "Excuse me master, I have some news that you would like to hear."

"Well, what is it?" Kale inquired.

"I have just found the main place where the weakest Hawkwind resides," said Narrak. "He's in Fisherman's Horizon. I ask your permission to take care of him for you."

"Permission granted," Kale said. "Mei-Len, accompany Narrak. I'm sure you'll probably get some unexpected visitors."

"Yes sir," Mei-Len nodded while jumping out of a jeep. When she was by Narrak's side, they both disappeared.

"Now let's move out," ordered Kale.

(Time: 10:15 hours. Place: Deling city.)

The jeeps that Kale and his warriors were in had finally made it to Deling city. Kale ordered some of the troops to wait outside the city and to protect the jeeps from your occasional monster.

"You have your orders," commanded Kale. He then turned to Rinoa, Jaden, and Jakob. "Well, let us be on our way."

The three nodded and walked into Deling city, Rinoa beside of Kale and Jaden and Jakob behind them. After walking for a little while, they were nearly upon their destination. "When we get there, I want you two to only knock out the soldiers or cast sleep spells. We're going to need them in the future," Kale told Jaden and Jakob.

In a few minutes, they were finally at their destination, the presidential residence. Once they came to the gates, Kale was the one to speak. "I demand entrance to talk to the president," Kale demanded.

"Name?" One of the soldiers asked from the other side of the gate.

Kale decided to humor the soldiers. "Kale Akaisura."

"I'm sorry, if you're not on the list, we can't let you in," replied the soldier holding the clipboard.

"Yes, you are going to be sorry," Kale smile. He then snapped his fingers. With some impressive agility, Jaden and Jakob jumped over the fence and surprised the two soldiers. Jaden knocked out the one with the clipboard with a left to the gut and a spin kick to the temple. Jakob threw an uppercut to the other one and he was knocked out. The soldiers by the door were shocked at seeing this, but couldn't do anything when both Jaden and Jakob cast some sleep spells on them.

"Open sesame," said Jaden while working the controls that opened the gate. "I'll wake up one of those soldier and get him to tell me how to get to the president."

"You do that," nodded Kale. He and Rinoa then walked into the courtyard.

Jaden went over and grabbed one of the soldiers by the collar and picked him up. He shook him awoke and asked, "Where can we find the president?"

"I'm not telling you," spat the soldier.

Jaden saw right through the soldier's bravado and wasn't impressed. He then grabbed him by the neck and lifted the soldier up. "You know, I could easily break your neck and kill you, and we don't want that, do we?" The soldier shook his head. Jaden lowered him and said, "Tell me now." The soldier told Jaden how to reach him and that he'll never get past the security in the building. Jaden promptly knocked the man out. "I know the way, my lord."

"Good, you and Jakob are to take point," ordered Kale.

As they went through the building, Jaden and Jakob was constantly battling and knocking out soldiers. They made sure not to kill them. Kale could tell they were getting closer to the president, because of the security being tighter. When they were finally to the office, Kale and Rinoa went in first followed by Jaden and Jakob. The all noticed that it was a spacious office. "So, you must be the president," commented Kale. Kale then looked at the man. He was a young man, looked around early thirty's, had long black hair tied in a tail behind him, and in a dark blue suit.

"Who are?" The president said frantically. "Some assassins sent by the Rebel factions of Timber?"

"Hardly," retorted Kale.

"Guards, security?" The man said frantically into a phone. "So, I see that you took care of all the security. I'm impressed. Not even a small group of SeeDs can do that without sustaining any injuries." The president got up from around his desk and stood in front of it. "My I ask what your names are and what you're doing here."

"You have not right to…" started Jakob before he was silenced by Kale raising his hand.

"My name is Kale Akaisura," announced Kale. "This is sorceress Rinoa Heartilly, Jaden Knightstar and Jakob Krentac." Kale said while gesturing to the three that accompanied him. "I'm here to make a proposition to you."

"Well, my name is President Marlon Kansenington," said the man in the dark blue suit. "What proposition did you have in mind?"

"One that you would be very interested in," smirked Kale. "You heard about what happened in Timber and Dollet?" Marlon nodded. "Well, that was my work."

Marlon's eyes widened at hearing the news, but he quickly regained his composure. "So I see that you were the one who did that. I guess those dead Galbaldian soldiers found at the scene were part of the ones that defected over a year ago."

Kale nodded. "Yes they were. How do you feel about world domination?"

"I'm all for it, but there's the little problem of Esthar and SeeD," stated Kansenington.

"That's the beauty of it all, the destruction of them both," replied Kale. "If you make me the general of the Galbaldian military and we join forces, I can overtake Dollet and Timber. After we do that, SeeD will be the next to be eliminated."

"Sounds interesting, but you would have to have tremendous power or something to eliminate SeeD," the president commented.

"I see a little demonstration is in order of my power to convince you," said Kale. "Do you have anything that needs to be demolished?"

Marlon then guided Kale over to a big window and pointed at a rundown building. "That building is one of the buildings due for demolishing."

"Okay, stand back one step and watch," said Kale. He pointed his palm at the building and instantly shot a ball of black energy at it. It sped toward and impacted with the building, thus destroying it in a mighty explosion.

Marlon was wide-eyed after seeing the surprising display of power. "Akaisura, you've got yourself a deal," said Marlon Kasenington. The two then shook hands.

(Enjoy this moment while you can Kansenington, after I take over most of this world, you can say goodbye to your life.) Kale thought as he shook his hand.

"There is the problem of the current general of the Galbaldian military though," said Marlon. "Caraway and the soldiers that are loyal to him will be taken care of too. I'll also, have to clear up this little problem between the soldiers in the building and you four. That should be nothing for you to worry about." Kale nodded. "We just need to take care of the other politicians below me."

"Consider it done," Kale pointed out. "Just call all of them for a meeting, and I'll take care of the rest."

(Time: 10:38 hours. Place: Balamb Garden, Headmaster's office.)

"Are you sure that Kale Akaisura won't be able to convince the president of Galbaldia into joining with him?" Cid said to the videophone.

"I'm positive," said General Caraway. "I was sure of him when he was chosen to be the new president."

"Well, if there is any trouble, don't hesitate to call me," said Headmaster Cid.

"I won't Cid," replied the general. Suddenly, the sound of a door being kicked open was heard. General Caraway stood up and still had the videophone on. "What's the meaning of this?"

"You, General Caraway are hereby relieved of your position by orders of the President," said a voice. Cid wished Caraway would swing the monitor around so he can see who was saying that, but chose to remain quiet. "You are no longer the general of the Galbaldian Military."

"What!?" Caraway exclaimed. "Who is going to be my replacement then?"

There was some muttering from the backround. After it stopped the same voice said, "Kale Akaisura."

At hearing this, Cid's eyes widened, but he still chose to remain quiet.

"I'm sorry, but you are to be taken into custody, and thrown into prison," said another voice. Cid then saw two pairs of arms encircle Caraway's arms. Cid instantly turned off the videophone.

He knew that if they discovered that Caraway was speaking to somebody prior to their intrusion, what Cid was going to do, the time would be shortened. Cid then leaned back in the chair and looked up. (I guess Caraway was wrong, and the president wasn't as trustworthy as he thought. Well, I guess I have to do this now, or all that we fought for will be jeopardized.)

Cid then looked down and dialed the number to Galbaldia Garden. After a few seconds, the monitor snapped to life and the sight of a woman with brown hair in a gray business suit greeted Cid. The secretary instantly recognized Cid, "Good morning Headmaster Cid."

"Good Morning Jennifer," said Cid. "I need to speak to Headmaster Vincent. It's of great importance that I do."

"Okay Headmaster Cid," smile Jennifer. She then picked up a made a call into the office. A moment later, "I'm transferring you to his videophone right now."

The screen went black for a second and then was replaced by the image of a middle-aged man with black hair, and brown eyes. He had on the same uniform that Martine had on before the second sorceress war. "Good Morning Headmaster Cid," greeted Vincent. "I wonder is this a call to just check up on how I'm running this Garden?"

"If only it could be that simple," replied Cid. "You should call back any SeeDs that you have on undercover missions in Deling city, Timber, and Dollet."

"Why should I do that?" Vincent questioned.

So Cid explained the threat of Kale Akaisura, what he's done so far, and what just happened a few minutes ago to General Caraway. "That's why it is imperative that you call back the SeeDs and immediately move Galbaldia Garden. We don't want a repeat of what happened during the second sorceress war, and Galbaldia Garden being taken over by the military."

"I'll do that," said Vincent. "I'll keep some SeeDs posted out and warn us if they see any sign of the military coming this way. We'll take off as soon as we get the word."

"That's good," said Cid. "I'll be doing the same and contact Trabia Garden. I'm sure Trabia Garden isn't in immediate danger, but they need to know anyway. If any of your SeeDs cannot get back to the Garden in time, tell them to come here. I would say try to station all of your SeeDs in Timber, but that would be a foolish move."

"Yes it would," commented Vincent. "No matter how many SeeDs that we have here, I don't think we'll be able to defend Timber from a strong and big regimen of Galbaldian troops. They would have quantity on their side."

"Well, when they announce Kale as the new general, and I know they will, the whole world will know the threat," said Cid. "Well, I wish you good luck in this and I'll contact you later about what we're going to do about this."

"And Good luck to you too Cid," said Vincent. The screen then went to static and to black as Cid turned off the device. He then contacted Headmistress Jill of Trabia Garden and told her the same thing. "I hope Trabia Garden will be able to defend itself if Kale decides to attack.

A woman with light brown hair that was cut short in a light blue and black uniform said, "Of course we'll be able to defend ourselves."

"That's good to hear, I'll contact you later on what we should do to about this," said Cid. "I wish you good luck."

"Thank you," said the headmistress. The communications was then terminated between them.

(Hyne, I hope this won't be more devastating then what happened over a year ago.) Cid then pressed the intercom button on his phone. "Xu, I need to see you in my office."

"I'm coming Headmaster," said Xu from the phone. After Xu was in the office, she asked, "Did you want anything Headmaster?"

"Yes, I need you to get in contact with all SeeDs that are on missions in Deling city, Dollet, or Timber and tell them to report back to Balamb Garden," Headmaster Cid ordered.

"Yes Headmaster," nodded Xu. "But why?"

"Let me call up Squall, Lisa, Zechariah and a few more people," said Cid. "I really don't want to repeat this anymore times than I should."

Cid called the said individuals to the bridge and waited for them to arrive there. He really didn't like being the bearer of bad news, but he had to.

(Time: 11:40 hours. Place: Fisherman's Horizon)

Mei-Len and Narrak have been searching FH for quite sometime now, and haven't had too much luck in finding the Hawkwind that lives there. Also, the Ragnarok had just landed by the mayor's house. Neither of the two parties searching for Thomas Hawkwind knew the other was there.

Mei-Len looked around with an annoyed look. "This Hawkwind is really weak," she commented. "I can't believe how much time we're wasting try to find him."

"Give me a few more seconds," Narrak told Mei-Len. The ninja in the green then closed his eyes and concentrated on sensing the weak power. "I think I know which way to go."

"Well, then," started Mei-Len. "Lead the way. I want to really make this Hawkwind suffer before we put him out of his misery. That'll teach him for being so weak." The ninja and the woman in the tight purple fighting dress then walked down the street.

Elsewhere, Daniel Kunteais, Selphie Tilmitt, and Irvine Kinneas had just got off the Ragnarok. They were currently walking up the long flight of stairs from the mayor's house to the other parts of the city.

"So everyone of the Hawkwind bloodline, Sasha and yourself are the only ones that can fight Kale?" Irvine asked Dan.

"Yeah," Dan replied. "Squall found out the hard way last night. He was at a big disadvantage when he was fighting Kale."

"Umm," interrupted Selphie. "How are we going to find this Thomas Hawkwind?"

"Don't worry," said Dan. "I should be able to find him with this sensing technique. Zechariah told me it would be hard if he because he never used his power, and that it's very weak. I don't know if this is going take a little while or not." Selphie and Irvine nodded. "Okay, here goes nothing." Dan closed his eyes and concentrated. He remembered what Zechariah said about this technique. He felt the power that was flowing throughout the area and tried to channel his senses into anything unusual. He then felt a weak power that was coming from a direction and place not to far away. (What's this?) Dan also felt two stronger powers approaching the weak one. (This could be trouble.)

Once Dan opened his eyes, Selphie asked, "Did it work?"

"Yeah," said the dark haired young man. "He's in this direction. Let's go." Dan, Selphie and Irvine then started to walk in the direction that he pointed in. "I think we should hurry, because I felt somebody else in that direction." The three SeeDs then broke out into a sprint.

Meanwhile, Narrak and Mei-Len just came to a house that didn't look too big. "I think he's in here," announced Narrak. He stepped back and waited for Mei-Len to kick open the door. He was slightly surprised when she knocked on it.

In a few moments, a skinny blonde haired man with glasses in black jeans, shoes, and a white t-shirt opened the door. "Yes may I help you?" Asked Thomas Hawkwind.

Mei-Len and Narrak exchanged glances for a second before addressing the weak man in front of them. "Yes," smiled Mei-Len. "I wanted to know are you a Hawkwind?"

Thomas's eyes widened at hearing that question. (Oh god! It can't be! I thought that was all nonsense that father was talking about.) He then noticed the outfits the two people were wearing. One was in a green ninja outfit, and the woman was in a tight purple fighting dress. He took a step back, but was instantly grabbed by Mei-Len and thrown out into the street. Thomas landed on his stomach and lost his glasses in the process.

"You don't mind if I have a little fun before you finish him off, do you?" Mei-Len asked Narrak. "I know you wanted to fight a worthy opponent, but we find this weakling here."

"Do as you wish," Narrak nodded. "But let me get the finishing blow."

Mei-Len nodded and jumped out into the middle of the street. She noticed all the people around watching and smiled. Mei-Len knew that there would be no heroes among the crowd to come save this Hawkwind. From what she heard, all the people that live in FH talked their problems out instead of resorting to violence. (A bunch of weaklings.) She then grabbed Thomas by the collar of the shirt, and pulled the hurt man up the rest of the way. "You do know this is personal for having us look for you for a long time." Mei-Len then punched him hard in the gut and let him go.

Thomas fell down to his hands and knees gasping for breath. "Why do you want to kill me?" Thomas said in between breaths.

"Because it was ordered by my lord, Kale Akaisura," smirked Mei-len. "So, are you going to just let me kill you without fighting?" Thomas's answer to this question was getting up and throwing a sloppy punch at the female warrior. Mei-Len easily caught his fist, "Pathetic." She let go of his hand and threw a few hard lefts and rights that connected with Thomas's face. He fell on the ground bleeding and was really dazed.

(Damn! I knew I should have not turned my back on Alexander's legacy.) Thomas then shakily got up and tried to run, but was to hurt to go too far.

Mei-Len grabbed the back of his shirt and spun him around. She side kicked him to the stomach real hard and Thomas bent over to grasp his stomach. Mei-Len then concentrated her energy into her fist and did a wicked uppercut to Thomas, which sent him flying back a couple of feet. After he landed on his back, Thomas twitched a couple of times before closing his eyes. "Well, Narrak, you can finish him now."

"STOP IT SICK BASTARDS!" Dan screamed as Selphie, Irvine and himself ran down the street after seeing Thomas get knocked out. (Damn it! I wasn't fast enough. I hope he's not dead.) Dan would have shot an energy blast at the two, but he noticed all of the people around. They stopped about fifteen feet away from Narrak, Mei-Len, and the unconscious and bloodied form of Thomas Hawkwind. "All of you, Get out of here now!" Dan shouted at the frightened bystanders. "I said, get the fuck out of here! You don't want them to start coming after you, do you?" This got the reaction that Dan was looking for and the small crowd of spectators ran.

"We met again Daniel Kunteais," said Mei-Len. "I guess you three are here to stop us from killing this Hawkwind here."

"That's right," said Dan. "You sick bastards are going to pay for what you did to him." Dan said angrily while looking at the Thomas. (They're going to pay for hurting Lisa's uncle that she hasn't even met.) Dan then unsheathed his katana and got into a fighting stance. Selphie and Irvine also unsheathed their weapons and got on both sides of Dan and a little bit behind him.

"Now it's my turn to have a little fun," Narrak pointed out to Mei-Len. "I gave you the pleasure of injuring this Hawkwind, so I get to fight Kunteais." The ninja then unsheathed his katana.

Mei-Len looked like she was going to protest, but she didn't. "Fine, I'll take the two beside him," said Mei-Len while getting into a fighting stance.

Irvine then shot some shots at the two and they jumped to the side. Narrak then jumped over the SeeDs with great agility and landed a few feet behind them. Dan instantly turned around and charged the ninja. Both had their swords clashing together in the first strike. The two warriors circled each other while their katana's were still together. Narrak instantly pushed Dan's katana back, and came at him with a spinning slash. Dan blocked this and while Narrak's katana was still on his, he did a spin kick to Narrak's stomach. Dan then swung toward his neck, and Narrak ducked and jumped back to avoid the diagonal return slash.

Selphie and Irvine saw this before turning their attention back to Mei-Len. Mei-Len was smiling and looked at Irvine. "Hey, pretty boy, that little toy of yours won't work against me."

"We'll see," said Irvine. He then unloaded a full clip at Mei-Len and watched as a shield appeared in front of her and blocked the bullets. Irvine then quickly reloaded. Selphie swung her big nunchuku at the female warrior and Mei-Len simply dodged it.

"I don't think it's fair it being two against one," Mei-Len stated. "Let me even up the odds." She then concentrated and turned white. Instantly she split apart into two.

Irvine thought his eyes was deceiving him, but they weren't. Both Mei-Len's rushed the two SeeDs. Selphie and Irvine instantly moved away from each other. He shot at her, but the same shield came up. She was suddenly upon him and punched him two times in the face and spin kicked him to the ground, thus making him drop the Exeter. (I may not know martial arts, but this bitch ain't going to kill me.) Irvine got up and ducked a punch aimed for his head and sent an uppercut to the Mei-Len facing him. She was reeling back and fell on her butt. She then smiled and got back up and charged Irvine.

Meanwhile, Narrak and Dan were still going at it. They were matching each other slash for slash and didn't get any hits off of each other. Dan swung for Narrak's neck again. Narrak ducked under the slash and sent a slash to Dan's midsection. Dan jumped back in time, but had a little of his uniform cut and noticed the small pain coming from his stomach.

Dan then thrust his sword at Narrak. Narrak saw the move and did a technique. When the sword almost hit Narrak, in a puff of smoke, Narrak disappeared and was replaced by a straw dummy. Dan's sword plunged into the dummy. Narrak then appeared above Dan about ten feet in the air and was coming out of the air with his sword in an overhead slash position. Dan quickly took his katana out of the dummy and jumped out of the way while charging energy into his hand. Narrak then swung and missed. From a crouching position, Dan threw his hand forward and shot out and orange ball of energy.

(He wants to play it like that eh?) Narrak sword glowed a greenish color and slashed it upward and hit and dispelled Dan's ball of energy. In a down swing of the katana, he shot a green wave of energy that went along the ground.

Dan quickly rolled out of the way of the energy, and watched as it kept going. "Watch out Selphie!"

The energy was headed for Selphie and she heard Dan scream a warning. She turned around and saw the wave. The petite young woman then jumped out of the way. (I forgot about Mei-Len!) She turned around and was instantly spin kicked in the face and fell down to the ground. She rolled over and swung her nunchuku in a sweeping motion to catch Mei-Len if she tried to attack Selphie as she was getting up. Mei-Len jumped back. Selphie then looked in Irvine's direction to see him getting pummeled in the face and floored with a spinning jump kick. "Irvine!" She then got up and ran over to Irvine while swinging her nunchuku and making the other Mei-Len back off. That did the trick and she was away from Irvine. Selphie then got close to Irvine and cradled his head in her lap. "Are you okay Irvine?"

A dazed Irvine replied, "Yeah babe." Irvine then fell unconscious.

The two Mei-Lens' then came together, and she was whole. "A better workout than I expected with him. Too bad, he didn't last long."

Selphie then was shaking and looking down. "YOU BITCH!" She gently laid Irvine's head down. She then got up and charged Mei-Len in a mad rage. The green-eyed SeeD skillfully swung her nunchuku at Mei-Len, but Mei-Len dodged everytime. Mei-Len retaliated with a kick to Selphie's side, a punch to her face, and a spinning back fist, which floored the young woman in the short yellow suspender dress. As she was getting up, Mei-Len did a back flip kick that caught Selphie's chin, and knocking her into darkness.

From where Dan and Narrak were fighting, Dan could clearly see Selphie get knocked out. "Damn it!" Dan shouted while swinging a horizontal slash at Narrak. Narrak avoided it with a back flip, and flipped over to Mei-Len. He then rushed over to the prone forms of Selphie and Irvine and kept his guard up for any moves from Narrak and Mei-Len. (Good, they're still breathing.) He then looked at Thomas. (Damn! I hope he wakes up when I try to. He was hit by a really wicked uppercut from Mei-Len.)

"And then there was one," pointed out Mei-Len. "You might as well say goodbye to this life. You won't be able to beat us both Kunteais."

"Oh yeah," retorted Dan. "Well, see about that." (I know Zechariah said not to use that much energy in this technique, but I'm going to have to if I want to survive, and help these three.) He started walking toward Mei-Len and Narrak, and then broke out into a run. Both warriors got into fighting stances. Dan then concentrated a tremendous amount of energy into his Katana and did a forward somersault toward the two. After he hit the ground and slashed his sword and hit the ground in front of the two warriors, a mighty explosion occurred that engulfed and threw back the ninja and the dark haired woman.

After the smoke cleared Dan was on the ground panting, and looked on as Mei-Len was unconscious and Narrak getting up slowly. "I wasn't expecting this kind of power, I see that I will have to stop underestimating you SeeDs," Narrak said while picking Mei-Len up. "Next time, I won't make the same mistake and you'll be dead." Narrak and Mei-Len then disappeared with some magic.

After a few moments, Dan stood up and cast a triple dose of Curaga on Selphie and Irvine. The two then got up groggily. "Oh, somebody's playing a rock concert in my head," complained Selphie about the headache she had.

Dan then cast curaga on Thomas and didn't see him get up. The dark-haired young man then checked the older man's pulse. (It's weak, but he's still alive.) Dan then started shaking him, but didn't get any response. "I think he's really hurt. One of you two, go try to get help so we can take him to a hospital." Irvine nodded and ran off.

"You don't think he's dead, do you Dan?" Selphie questioned.

"No, he's got a pulse," Dan pointed out. "But he's not responding to anything I do." (Damn! Of all the missions, this is one that I really messed up on.) Dan really hoped that Thomas was going to be all right. (Please don't have anything like brain damage, or be in a coma.) Selphie and Dan waited for Irvine to get back with help. They tried many things, but none of them worked, and Thomas still was unconscious on the ground.

A few minutes later, a hospital truck came and helped Thomas, Dan and Selphie to a hospital. It's been over a half an hour since that happened and Thomas was getting patched up.

In the waiting room, Dan, Selphie and Irvine were waiting for any word on the condition of Thomas Hawkwind. In a moment, a doctor came into the waiting room and the three SeeDs stood up. "What's his condition doctor?" Dan immediately asked.

"I'm sorry to say, with the injuries that Mr. Hawkwind sustained," the doctor started. "He's in a deep coma."

A deep shock ran through Dan. He then looked down. (Fuck! I was too slow in getting to him, and I failed in my mission.) "FUCK!" Dan shouted. When he calmed down, he asked the doctor, "Can we go see him."

"Yes, if you would just follow me," said the doc. The three SeeDs then followed the doctor to the room that Thomas was being kept in. "I'm sorry to say this, but I don't know if he'll ever come out of this coma. I'll leave you alone."

"Man, I wasn't fast enough in getting to him," Dan stated. "Now Lisa and Zechariah will hate me for not being able to save him."

"Dan," started Selphie. "You can't blame yourself for what happened. You did everything you could to get to him as fast as you can."

"Still," said Dan. "If I had only threw an energy blast once I saw Mei-Len, I could have stopped her from delivering that blow. I didn't because I didn't want to hurt those people around them." He then sat down in the chair beside the bed looking at the bandaged form of Thomas Hawkwind. (Damn, if only I could have been faster.)

Irvine looked at the guilt ridden Daniel Kunteais and felt sorry for him. He then looked at the Television in the room and noticed that it was on a Galbaldian station and some music was playing with people running off screen out. It was Cactus Jack, Galbaldia's national anthem. He also noticed the podium. Irvine then decided to turn up the TV and watch as a man came on the screen in front of the podium. That got Selphie and Dan's attention and they watched the screen also.

(Time: 12:15 hours. Place: Deling city; Galbaldian television studio.)

"I, President Marlon Kansenington, am here to make an introduction," said the president to the camera. "I'd like to introduce Galbaldia's new general, Kale Akaisura."

Kale then took that as his cue to walk up by the podium in front of the camera. President Kansenington stepped down from the podium. Kale then took his place. "I, Kale Akaisura, will lead this world and the Galbaldian nation into a new era," announced Kale. "The other countries of the world are ruled by weak leaders and that makes the world weak, thus making the Galbaldian nation stronger. In the Galbaldian nation's name, I declare war on the world. I will lead the world to an era where only the strong survive, and the weak destroyed. Lisa Hawkwind, Daniel Kunteais, Sasha Janre, SeeD, all of you will be destroyed."

Author's notes: Well, that's chapter 6 for you. I have to say, things just keep getting worst and worst for the good guys. Thomas Hawkwind is in a coma, General Caraway has been thrown into prison, and Kale just declared war on the world in the Galbaldian nations name. Did you like the chapter? Tell me in a review. Thanks in advance to all those who plan on reviewing. Okay, I have something important to say. Work on Winds of Fate will really be slowing down. I'll still work on this, but it will be on the bottom of my priority list. I'll try my best to work on this, but school and studying comes first. If you want, I can email you whenever I update this story. My email address is I'll make a list of people that wants to know when this is updated. Take care.