FLCL Fan Fiction ❯ Friend Or Fooly Foe ❯ Mamimi's Rickenbacker and her unknown Ablities ( Chapter 7 )
Chapter 7
Mamimi's 330 Rickenbacker
And Her Unknown Abilities
Dia-oki's Screen
(Side note)
[N.O. transmission] {transmitter}
unknown character speech
Sorry People I've had super bad writer's block
+ Half way through our power went out and I lost everything.
Iris rena Trio try to Email me again.
Day after Dia-oki arrival
It was about 1:20 in the afternoon when Naota and Haruko persuaded Mahjong to allow Dia-oki to stay and help at the bakery. "Alright Haruko you go teach this thing to work" Mahjong said. "Yes sir, Dia-oki you heard him come on" Haruko called to the robot as she walk to the kitchen. Dia-oki obeyed. Down the hall in the guestroom Naota was file a report to Amarao via Cam [So a robot has appeared with the MM Label]{Amarao} [Yeah But, thus far it has been useless]{Naota} [Okay, Kits has just finished putting your report in the database and Mamimi has some thing important to talk to you about. You and Raharu have to meet her the alley behind the Café at 7:00.]{Amarao} [Understood, Nandaba out.]{Naota}
Naota came out to the Kitchen to a familiar phrase. "No, you have to roll the dough smooth or the bread will be lumpy like this" Haruko was Talking to Dia-oki the same way she did to Canti back in Mabase. "You call that bread" (this is one of the differences between Canti and Dia-oki) Instead of having a somewhat embarrassed look on his screen Dia-oki flipped Haruko off displayed on his screen: LAY OFF IT'S MY FIRST TIME.
Which had Haruko reaching for her guitar. "No Haruko" Naota said sternly. (you know one of those cold voices that mentally says "OR ELSE") Haruko got the message she calmly set the guitar back down. "Haruko we have to go see Mamimi at seven" Naota said.
It was about 6 o'clock now. Naota was getting ready. `I better check if I a hat' Naota walked outside and it was pretty cool that evening. So he wore a cap. (the one that Haruko dubbed his Ugly Hat) "Oi, Takun why don't you wear your headband?" haruko asked. (the tan thing he wore in Fire Starter with the flaps) "Well wore it the week after you left Mabase but It disappear some time after that I haven't since" Naota answered thinking about the day she left. "Well we better head Takun" "Agreed". So they headed to the Café.
When they got there they headed to back alley. Mamimi you here. Naota said. "Right here Chief" Mamimi said coming out of the shadows, and she was wearing Naota's headband. "It was YOU who took my headband huh!" He said with an upset look on his face. Mamimi looked embarrassed "Sorry Takun I took it to remember you when I left home, But if you want it back here." As she removed the headband Naota's eyes widened. Haruko basically had the clueless look. Mamimi just looked at their faces saying "Huh, Takun, Haru-san what's wrong." After a minute of trying to get a hold of himself Naota finally said "Ummmm, Mamimi have you seen yourself lately?" "No why, is there something on my face" Naota didn't know what to say so he winged it "No there's nothing ON your FACE" Haruko decided to chime in "as apposed to in your head." As she has has done many times before with her guitar Haruko pulled a mirror out of nowhere. Mamimi had a horn coming out of her head "Where did that come from. For the first time Haruko and Naota asked each other in unison "Did you hit her with your guitar?" Haruko seemed less angry when she asked then Naota was.(big Surprise) The horn began to rise and colorize. The part the was sticking was black and It had the word Rickenbacker. Naota and Haruko said in unison again "It's a guitar?" Mamimi was pretty calm considering what was going on. "Please just get it out." She said this with a "let's just get this over with" tone in her voice. Haruko cracked her knuckles saying "okay" she grabing the neck of the materializing guitar pulled (the same way she did with Naota) As it came out all Mamimi could say was "OOOOOWWWWWWWWW!" When the guitar was free from Mamimi forehead It had the number 330 along the edge of the body. Mamimi got right up after have the guitar extracted from her. Then all of a sudden an air raid siren sounded. All three individuals mentally said "Uh Oh" They looked toward the Medical Mechanica plant which at this time was glowing. But there was a robot emerging from it and Haruko just said "Now there is something new." It resembles a The Shredder From Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles except it is robotic instead of human and it was 3 stories tall. Naota and Haruko got there fighting stances "Takun you ready" Haruko said grabing her guitar. "Ready". "Wait Haru-san Takun Let me have this one" Mamimi had a menacing look on her face she picked up the Guitar fresh from her own head. "But Mamimi you have never…" and Mamimi put her hand up. Then seeming as if she had Haruko's Attitude Mamimi said "Takun, You think ever since I left home all I did was take pictures?" Naota didn't answer. Mamimi looked toward the robot and south pawing(Holding some thing left headed) the guitar saying to Naota "Well let me show you were." (Sorry but I forgot After they said Uh Oh they headed to the plant they and they are right in front of the robot)
Mamimi jumped so high she was at eye level with the robot. She simple looked at the MM Machine and said, "Alright let's dance,"(like Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat). Despite it's size this robot is lightning fast. In less then a nanosecond it was behind Mamimi aiming straight for her. Naota saw this and yelled "MAMIMI LOOK OUT BE…"<CLANG> "Huh!" Mamimi just blocked the giant's hand with the new guitar. Mamimi was still airborne. This robot tried pummeling Mamimi but just by turning her wrist she countered each attack blow by blow. She then just glared at the robot which at this looked like it was running low on power. "Ya Finished Yet?!" It took a few more shots at her and missed each one. The robot seem unable to attack again. Mamimi just floated there. "Ha, That my friends is the rope-adope" she the the guitar one handed and smack robot against an abandoned building.
Mean while Naota and Haruko were watching in disbelief. Haruko finally asked Naota "aaaahhh, Takun did you know she could do this?" Still watching Mamimi Naota answered "I had no Idea." All of a sudden Mamimi was holding the guitar like a baseball bat "LETS HEAT THIS UP" The Guitar was engulfed in flames that seem to come straight from the guitar itself. "What is going on" Naota said watching this strange event. "NO WAY" Haruko could not believe it `how id she doing this'. The robot finally got up and tried to stay balanced. Mamimi zoomed toward the robot. She swung the guitar "FIRE STARTERRRRRRRRRRHA!" <BANG> The robot fell to the ground and it burst into flames. When Mamimi landed almost on cue the robot turned to ashes. "See I told you I could handle it." She said. "Wow I guess you can"
When Haruko and Naota finally came to they got on their Vespas and headed to the bakery. Then from out of the Shadows a figure with a red jacket and a strange mask came into view. Well I knew that Naota would be big trouble, as well as the info I've received about this Raharu. But that Mamimi, I never thought she'd be a problem. Oh well, I know just how to take care of her.
End chapter
Naota: No Way
Haruko: Who is this guy
Figure: There you are Mamimi
Mamimi: How do you know who I am?
Figure: I hope you know me too.
Haruko: Next On FLCL chapter 8
Mamimi's Attacked
Figures identity revealed
Haruko: So you're the guy I was told about.