Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ A Night With You ❯ The long night ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own FB or any of it's characters ^.^
AN: hmmmm.....slightly ooc but hopefully a delicious little slice of lemon for you!
Kyo turned uncomfortably on his bed, shifting the thick blanket which covered the lower half of his body. It was so noisy, but he couldn't tell where the sound was coming from.
With one arm resting on the pillow above his head, he glared at the window. He hated the morning. He liked the sun. He liked the warmth of the sun. But the sun was never warm in the morning. There was always the chill of the moon in the air from the night before. He hated morning. This morning, in particular.
Morning had come to signify the end of things to the neko. He sighed bitterly. Normal people looked at the morning as the start of something brand new. He opened one eye, as he heard the sound again. Quietly, he sat up in bed, careful to keep his lower half enveloped in the warm blanket. He had to strain to hear it, but it sounded like an intense argument.
Between Hatori and some youthful sounding woman, whose voice he could not place.
Kuso! How he wished that he was able to concentrate on understanding what was being said. With a groan, he flung himself down on his bed again. His eyes focused on the ceiling. He half closed his eyes, wishing that he knew why he was feeling so awkward.
Suddenly, a movement beside him stirred him out of his reverie with a start. He turned quickly to see what had happened.
He saw Tooru smiling up at him, arching her body lazily as she stretched her muscles.
"Good morning, Kyo-kun" she murmered.
Kyo felt a panicky feeling. Why was Tooru in his bed? Thoughtfully drawing into his own mind, Kyo looked at the wall, but saw nothing. How did Tooru end up here? Not that he minded - in fact, he FAR from minded. But, it troubled him, because when he tried to think, he couldn't remember anything that happened last night. And especially with Tooru, he wanted to remember everything, had always thought that if this happened, he would remember everything that led them to this point. But he couldn't put his finger on it.
Tooru frowned, looking at him in concern. She brought her hand up near to Kyo's back, and with one finger, lightly trailed the exposed bump of his spine. He shivered. He looked at her again, first in surprise, then in curiousity. He couldn't be cruel and ask her bluntly what she was doing in his bed. Hell, the vision of her bare flesh pretty much indicated what they had done in his bed.
"Tooru..." Kyo let his voice trail off, leaving the question that he wanted her to answer up in the air. Never voiced but implied. He involuntarily closed his eyes as Tooru's finger did another exploration of his back.
"Kyo... What we did last night..."
Kyo looked at her quickly, not knowing what to expect. Tooru continued.
"I want to do that again. With you." Tooru was smiling demurely, which bothered Kyo in a way that was not entirely unpleasant. Slowly, he eased back to the bed, and was laying flat on his back again. Tooru was quick enough that she seemed to sense this movement, and adjusted her body so that she was laying close enough to him to feel his body heat, and yet, far enough that their skin never touched.
With her hand, she roamed across Kyo's youthful chest. He was more built than she would have expected from one so young. And yet, there was something vital there. Something that inspired deep need within her.
Kyo closed his eyes tightly and gulped back his surprise. He let Tooru continue her exploration, until she hit a spot just between his hip and navel. When she touched that, it was like she flicked a switch within him and his whole body came alive. He became painfully aware of how much he had loved her for so long now. But he was still scared that this was a dream. That this Tooru was not real.
Whatever Tooru hadn't seen, she had definitely seen his manhood stand at attention, saluting her. She started breathing irregularly. Kyo noticed, and turned to see her face flushed with need.
Suddenly, something seemed to possess Kyo, as he moved one hand to her breast. He licked his lips anxiously as he carressed her. She grabbed his hand and gently, but urgently, moved it down her stomach to her pelvic area. She rested his hand on the area of skin between the navel and the pubic region, just before the curls began.
He left his hand where she had placed it, as he gingerly moved to rest on his elbow, so that he could get a better look at her.
Her hair was mussed and spilling out over the pillow onto the bed. Her cheeks were flushed, as she stared back at him with eyes that seemed to spell exactly what she wanted to do. She closed her eyes, as if willing him to remember how he had taken complete control the night before, and had made her his so completely.
He brought his face lower to hover just above hers. He trailed kissed down from her forehead, to her nose, finally to rest his lips on hers with a restrained detachment, as though unsure of how to proceed. Tooru moaned softly, trying to open his lips with her tongue.
Kyo half-smiled. He wouldn't give into her until he was good and ready to. And he wasn't ready quite yet.
With his lips still resting on hers, he moved the hand that rested on Tooru's stomach slowly down, over the mound, as he found her clit.
Kyo was surprised and nearly brought his hand back. It was so hot down there. He allowed himself to get used to the warmth before proceeding. He lifted his face to look at Tooru. He was slightly amused with this situation. He could tell that she was about to go crazy with frustration, because his fingers were just resting with slight movement over her folds. The warmth was beginning to intoxicate him, as he began to move his fingers around the clit at a feverish pace.
Tooru arched her back as she let out a soft moan.
Kyo moved his fingers away from her warmth and moved to sit at her feet on the bed. His hands were perched on each of Tooru's legs, as he slightly added pressure. Tooru's legs obeyed, bending at the knee.
Gently, Kyo placed himself between her thighs, as he looked down at her nether-regions. He resumed his exploration of her pleasure spot, this time using both hands. While his left thumb was rubbing around the clit, his right hand was massaging Tooru's folds. He didn't have to massage for very long, because she was already dripping off of his fingers. Carefully, he inserted two fingers.
With one finger maintaining depth, the other finger bent to trace Tooru's innerwalls.
He eased another finger in, once Tooru began to react to that movement. Her movements excited him, as he felt his desire emanating from his manhood. He withdrew his fingers slowly.
Keeping his left hand rubbing the clit, he moved his body up towards Tooru. He lunged for her mouth, and finding it, plunged his tongue inside. Her tongue met his and tangled in an erotic dance. Without leaving the kiss, Kyo moved his left hand to the bed on the other side of Tooru, so that he could brace himself.
He gingerly moved his body to settle over hers, spreading her knees with one hip. He began to lower his erection into her depths, but stopped when he was at the entrance. He didn't want to go too fast, no matter what his need was telling him. He wanted to enjoy this. He looked down at Tooru, who looked back with eyes filled with need and desire. He would do it. He would give it to her hard and fast.
Slowly he positioned his hips so that he could enter her easily. He had Tooru in a kiss, so that he could feel her scream of ecstacy against his teeth. His tongue met hers in a twisting tango. He lifted his face from hers momentarily, without letting go of her lips. She closed her lips around his tongue. Unexpected, he closed his eyes wondering at this new sensation in his loins.
He began to rise and fall into her, each time seeming to go further inside. Every thrust felt like his body was on fire, emanating from the heat within her body. She grabbed his buttocks, to stay him, to get every bit of him inside of her that she could.
She clenched her lips around his manhood, and then released. Each time, it seemed to get tighter, hotter.
He couldn't stop his thrusts. They started to come faster and harder. And he didn't want to stop them. But he was already getting tired. He realized that this must have been the case last night, but for some reason he was able to go for much longer then.
With a loud groan, he felt a release, withdrew, and he moved off to the side. Panting, he collapsed on the bed by Tooru. Tooru. Tooru...
Tooru who was looking at him with such love. Tooru who was looking at him with desire still. Tooru who was....Tooru. He smiled lovingly at her. He couldn't believe it.
Nezumi hadn't gotten her. Inu hadn't gotten her. He had. The cat. The most accursed out of all of the cursed Soumas! Still looking into her eyes, he found her hand with his and entwined their fingers together.
Tooru propped herself up on her elbow as she watched Kyo stare back at her. She curled her lips in a seductive smile, as she snuggled as close as she could without transforming the cat.
Kyo sighed. This was why he had hated this morning. He hadn't wanted to wake and find this a dream. But he still couldn't remember last night. Try as he might, whatever he had had to drink last night blocked it. But now, he had a new reason to like mornings. Though the sun wasn't as warm, he knew something else was very hot.
Tooru smiled at him as she traced his nipple with her fingernail. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, before laying her head back on the pillow.
"Happy birthday Kyo-kun!" Tooru loudly said.
As if on cue, the door to his bedroom opened, as Shigure and Ayame burst in.
Kyo jumped in angry surprise. What the hell?
Ayame was the first one to speak, but Shigure was just nodding. "Did you like our present to you?"
"Wh-what present?" Kyo was thoroughly confused. Ayame just grinned.
Tooru tapped his shoulder lightly.
"I was the present, Kyo-kun"
Ayame and Shigure burst into laughter, while Tooru smiled sweetly.
Kyo fell off of his bed, landing on his head.
Tooru looked over at him. "Kyo-kun? Kyo-kun are you all right?"
Suddenly, Kyo was aware of a feminine hand shaking his shoulder.
Slowly he opened his eyes to see a concerned Tooru standing over him. Fully dressed, and holding a tray of food for the neko.
Holding his head in agony, he sat up in bed.
"Happy birthday Kyo-kun! I know you weren't feeling well after that sake last night, so I made you breakfast in bed!"
Kyo closed his eyes, stammering out his thanks.
It had all been a dream.
Tooru set the tray down in front of Kyo and turned to leave. She paused at the door and looked back at Kyo.
"I want to thank you for last night...."
Kyo looked up in surprise. Had it not been a dream after all?
"...If you hadn't said something to Hatori-san, he wouldn't have talked to me about what was going on." Tooru smiled widely. "Hatori-san's taking me to dinner tonight! I'm so excited! Thank you again!" Tooru bowed low and left Kyo alone, closing the door behind her.
AN: hmmmm.....slightly ooc but hopefully a delicious little slice of lemon for you!
Kyo turned uncomfortably on his bed, shifting the thick blanket which covered the lower half of his body. It was so noisy, but he couldn't tell where the sound was coming from.
With one arm resting on the pillow above his head, he glared at the window. He hated the morning. He liked the sun. He liked the warmth of the sun. But the sun was never warm in the morning. There was always the chill of the moon in the air from the night before. He hated morning. This morning, in particular.
Morning had come to signify the end of things to the neko. He sighed bitterly. Normal people looked at the morning as the start of something brand new. He opened one eye, as he heard the sound again. Quietly, he sat up in bed, careful to keep his lower half enveloped in the warm blanket. He had to strain to hear it, but it sounded like an intense argument.
Between Hatori and some youthful sounding woman, whose voice he could not place.
Kuso! How he wished that he was able to concentrate on understanding what was being said. With a groan, he flung himself down on his bed again. His eyes focused on the ceiling. He half closed his eyes, wishing that he knew why he was feeling so awkward.
Suddenly, a movement beside him stirred him out of his reverie with a start. He turned quickly to see what had happened.
He saw Tooru smiling up at him, arching her body lazily as she stretched her muscles.
"Good morning, Kyo-kun" she murmered.
Kyo felt a panicky feeling. Why was Tooru in his bed? Thoughtfully drawing into his own mind, Kyo looked at the wall, but saw nothing. How did Tooru end up here? Not that he minded - in fact, he FAR from minded. But, it troubled him, because when he tried to think, he couldn't remember anything that happened last night. And especially with Tooru, he wanted to remember everything, had always thought that if this happened, he would remember everything that led them to this point. But he couldn't put his finger on it.
Tooru frowned, looking at him in concern. She brought her hand up near to Kyo's back, and with one finger, lightly trailed the exposed bump of his spine. He shivered. He looked at her again, first in surprise, then in curiousity. He couldn't be cruel and ask her bluntly what she was doing in his bed. Hell, the vision of her bare flesh pretty much indicated what they had done in his bed.
"Tooru..." Kyo let his voice trail off, leaving the question that he wanted her to answer up in the air. Never voiced but implied. He involuntarily closed his eyes as Tooru's finger did another exploration of his back.
"Kyo... What we did last night..."
Kyo looked at her quickly, not knowing what to expect. Tooru continued.
"I want to do that again. With you." Tooru was smiling demurely, which bothered Kyo in a way that was not entirely unpleasant. Slowly, he eased back to the bed, and was laying flat on his back again. Tooru was quick enough that she seemed to sense this movement, and adjusted her body so that she was laying close enough to him to feel his body heat, and yet, far enough that their skin never touched.
With her hand, she roamed across Kyo's youthful chest. He was more built than she would have expected from one so young. And yet, there was something vital there. Something that inspired deep need within her.
Kyo closed his eyes tightly and gulped back his surprise. He let Tooru continue her exploration, until she hit a spot just between his hip and navel. When she touched that, it was like she flicked a switch within him and his whole body came alive. He became painfully aware of how much he had loved her for so long now. But he was still scared that this was a dream. That this Tooru was not real.
Whatever Tooru hadn't seen, she had definitely seen his manhood stand at attention, saluting her. She started breathing irregularly. Kyo noticed, and turned to see her face flushed with need.
Suddenly, something seemed to possess Kyo, as he moved one hand to her breast. He licked his lips anxiously as he carressed her. She grabbed his hand and gently, but urgently, moved it down her stomach to her pelvic area. She rested his hand on the area of skin between the navel and the pubic region, just before the curls began.
He left his hand where she had placed it, as he gingerly moved to rest on his elbow, so that he could get a better look at her.
Her hair was mussed and spilling out over the pillow onto the bed. Her cheeks were flushed, as she stared back at him with eyes that seemed to spell exactly what she wanted to do. She closed her eyes, as if willing him to remember how he had taken complete control the night before, and had made her his so completely.
He brought his face lower to hover just above hers. He trailed kissed down from her forehead, to her nose, finally to rest his lips on hers with a restrained detachment, as though unsure of how to proceed. Tooru moaned softly, trying to open his lips with her tongue.
Kyo half-smiled. He wouldn't give into her until he was good and ready to. And he wasn't ready quite yet.
With his lips still resting on hers, he moved the hand that rested on Tooru's stomach slowly down, over the mound, as he found her clit.
Kyo was surprised and nearly brought his hand back. It was so hot down there. He allowed himself to get used to the warmth before proceeding. He lifted his face to look at Tooru. He was slightly amused with this situation. He could tell that she was about to go crazy with frustration, because his fingers were just resting with slight movement over her folds. The warmth was beginning to intoxicate him, as he began to move his fingers around the clit at a feverish pace.
Tooru arched her back as she let out a soft moan.
Kyo moved his fingers away from her warmth and moved to sit at her feet on the bed. His hands were perched on each of Tooru's legs, as he slightly added pressure. Tooru's legs obeyed, bending at the knee.
Gently, Kyo placed himself between her thighs, as he looked down at her nether-regions. He resumed his exploration of her pleasure spot, this time using both hands. While his left thumb was rubbing around the clit, his right hand was massaging Tooru's folds. He didn't have to massage for very long, because she was already dripping off of his fingers. Carefully, he inserted two fingers.
With one finger maintaining depth, the other finger bent to trace Tooru's innerwalls.
He eased another finger in, once Tooru began to react to that movement. Her movements excited him, as he felt his desire emanating from his manhood. He withdrew his fingers slowly.
Keeping his left hand rubbing the clit, he moved his body up towards Tooru. He lunged for her mouth, and finding it, plunged his tongue inside. Her tongue met his and tangled in an erotic dance. Without leaving the kiss, Kyo moved his left hand to the bed on the other side of Tooru, so that he could brace himself.
He gingerly moved his body to settle over hers, spreading her knees with one hip. He began to lower his erection into her depths, but stopped when he was at the entrance. He didn't want to go too fast, no matter what his need was telling him. He wanted to enjoy this. He looked down at Tooru, who looked back with eyes filled with need and desire. He would do it. He would give it to her hard and fast.
Slowly he positioned his hips so that he could enter her easily. He had Tooru in a kiss, so that he could feel her scream of ecstacy against his teeth. His tongue met hers in a twisting tango. He lifted his face from hers momentarily, without letting go of her lips. She closed her lips around his tongue. Unexpected, he closed his eyes wondering at this new sensation in his loins.
He began to rise and fall into her, each time seeming to go further inside. Every thrust felt like his body was on fire, emanating from the heat within her body. She grabbed his buttocks, to stay him, to get every bit of him inside of her that she could.
She clenched her lips around his manhood, and then released. Each time, it seemed to get tighter, hotter.
He couldn't stop his thrusts. They started to come faster and harder. And he didn't want to stop them. But he was already getting tired. He realized that this must have been the case last night, but for some reason he was able to go for much longer then.
With a loud groan, he felt a release, withdrew, and he moved off to the side. Panting, he collapsed on the bed by Tooru. Tooru. Tooru...
Tooru who was looking at him with such love. Tooru who was looking at him with desire still. Tooru who was....Tooru. He smiled lovingly at her. He couldn't believe it.
Nezumi hadn't gotten her. Inu hadn't gotten her. He had. The cat. The most accursed out of all of the cursed Soumas! Still looking into her eyes, he found her hand with his and entwined their fingers together.
Tooru propped herself up on her elbow as she watched Kyo stare back at her. She curled her lips in a seductive smile, as she snuggled as close as she could without transforming the cat.
Kyo sighed. This was why he had hated this morning. He hadn't wanted to wake and find this a dream. But he still couldn't remember last night. Try as he might, whatever he had had to drink last night blocked it. But now, he had a new reason to like mornings. Though the sun wasn't as warm, he knew something else was very hot.
Tooru smiled at him as she traced his nipple with her fingernail. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, before laying her head back on the pillow.
"Happy birthday Kyo-kun!" Tooru loudly said.
As if on cue, the door to his bedroom opened, as Shigure and Ayame burst in.
Kyo jumped in angry surprise. What the hell?
Ayame was the first one to speak, but Shigure was just nodding. "Did you like our present to you?"
"Wh-what present?" Kyo was thoroughly confused. Ayame just grinned.
Tooru tapped his shoulder lightly.
"I was the present, Kyo-kun"
Ayame and Shigure burst into laughter, while Tooru smiled sweetly.
Kyo fell off of his bed, landing on his head.
Tooru looked over at him. "Kyo-kun? Kyo-kun are you all right?"
Suddenly, Kyo was aware of a feminine hand shaking his shoulder.
Slowly he opened his eyes to see a concerned Tooru standing over him. Fully dressed, and holding a tray of food for the neko.
Holding his head in agony, he sat up in bed.
"Happy birthday Kyo-kun! I know you weren't feeling well after that sake last night, so I made you breakfast in bed!"
Kyo closed his eyes, stammering out his thanks.
It had all been a dream.
Tooru set the tray down in front of Kyo and turned to leave. She paused at the door and looked back at Kyo.
"I want to thank you for last night...."
Kyo looked up in surprise. Had it not been a dream after all?
"...If you hadn't said something to Hatori-san, he wouldn't have talked to me about what was going on." Tooru smiled widely. "Hatori-san's taking me to dinner tonight! I'm so excited! Thank you again!" Tooru bowed low and left Kyo alone, closing the door behind her.