Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Acting ❯ The Decision ( Chapter 3 )
Kitsune Yarisha: Well you'll just have to wait and see how it goes! *huggles* (*V*) Thank you SSSSSSSOOOOOOOO much for the 10/10 rating! *huggles* <3 Hopes you likes this chappie!
kawaii yasha: Hmmmmmmm. It would help but now I have my evil plan already. I just need to type it all. Until then here's something to munch on. ^u^
Thanks to every one who took the time to review this fic! I really apperceive it!
Hakkaru: Kweeeee! Keeeww. Kee kee kwe. (Please R&R! Warnings and declaimer in last chapter. Hope you like it.)
The weekend arrived and at breakfast we discover that Ayame is still alive and with out too many injuries. Strangely Shigure also appears to have some injuries.
After breakfast Ayame leaves and both boys disappear to brood in there preferred places. And in this way Saturday passed with out incident. Sunday began much the same as the pervious day except that after breakfast both boys disappeared entirely. Kyo wasn't on the roof and Yuki wasn't at his base. Tohru was worried about them but Shigure told her that it was probably best not to worry and leave them be.
( Some where deep in the woods)
"Damn it!" Kyos' fist collides with a tree leaving a small crater. "I don't want to do this." Kyo punches the tree again causing a larger crater and a crack to appear on the poor tree. Yuki glares at Kyos' back. "You think I want too? I don't see any other way!" Kyo turns and punches at Yuki who doges. "I know that!" Yuki returns the favor and Kyo just doges. "Then stop," another punch, "complaining!" Kyo goes for a kick. "Ether we think of a way for this to work," the fight goes on and becomes faster and more aggressive, " or we can get stalked for the rest of the school year!" At this point both have landed some punches. After going at it for a few more minutes both calm down and the fist fight ends.
They both sank to the ground and were silent for a while. "I still hate this but nothing we can do about it. Have any ideas on how were going to pull this off?" Kyo asked as he looked up from the ground. Yuki thought about it for a minute. "Well we could..." And with that they began plotting on how they would do this.
On Monday Yuki and Kyo seemed to be walking a little closer together then usual. Tohru decided that they must have decided to go with Ayames' idea. So she just walked quietly in front of them smiling.
The first to notice the change was the 'Prince Yuki fan club'. They never seemed to be able to get a chance to corner him because he was walking in the halls with Kyo almost all the time. And they seemed to be talking a lot with out fighting like they normally did. And this was not normal but they decided that it would be normal tomorrow. The next to notice were Uo, Hana, Haru, and Momiji who KNEW this wasn't really right. O, they knew that Yuki and Kyo got along better now but for them to spend this much time together with out arguing was unheard of. But they too decided to wait to see how tomorrow turned out.
However tomorrow was no better. And now the classes noticed some what because Kyo didn't make any out burst or objections to the things Yuki said. Uo and Hana decided to ask Tohru if she knew any thing. She wasn't really sure she should tell them but she thought they should know something so she told them that the boys were trying something to see if they could get the girls at school to stop bugging them so much. Haru and Momiji went straight to the source and asked Yuki and Kyo what was going on. They told Haru and Momiji exactly what was going on. Momijis' brown eyes widened then he begin to giggle and hop around (pun intended) and make little jokes till Kyo punched him on the head yelling "would you stop being so damn irritating" and Momiji started crying and saying "Kyo hit me" or "Kyo's picking on me" over and over again while Kyo threatened him more. Haru just blinked a few times and his mouth formed a small "o" before going Black, throwing his arm around Yuki, and declaring "So...what have you two been up too?" Yuki looked ready to hit Haru and Kyo was still yelling at Momiji as they all left that day.
By Friday the 'PYFC' had had it! Three groups of them some how surrounded Kyo when he was all alone and 'defenseless' and began demanding to know why he had been hanging around the "Prince" so much. They looked dangerous but Kyo wasn't even fazed. He calmly replied "Because I want to and I don't see how it's any of your business so get out of my way." He then took the time to glare at each one of them making some of them cringe and back away. He then walked through a gap between two of the cowering girls.
That day Tohru had work and Haru and Momiji decided to come by Shigures' place so they all walked there together. With Haru and Momiji teasing/talking the whole way there. Kyo and Yuki sighed and wondered if they were going to be able to keep this act up. Then something Haru said really struck a nerve for Kyo and he went ballistic. Haru went Black and they both started fighting but Kyo was so mad that Haru didn't really stand a chance. He got to Shigures' being supported by Yuki and Momiji.
Well this is getting fun!
Ryo: I hope you aren't planning to do anything to cruel to them.
Of course I'm not! <.< >.>
Ryo: Right... For some reason I don't believe you.
I'm serious! I won't do anything really bad to them. Now stop chastising me!
Ryo: Itai. >.O Stupid fan.
Hakkaru: Keew kee. Keeewww kwweee keew! Kweeee keee kwee kee!(Ignore them. Please review and tell us what you think! But no flames unless they are intelligent!)