Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Acting ❯ A Boar and A Kiss ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 4: A Boar and a Kiss
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So it's once again the weekend. Our boys managed to get through a week of acting. The end week had been harder then the beginning. Between dodging out raged `PYFC' members and Haru and Momiji's teasing Yuki and Kyo were really stressed out. But they still had a long way to go.
Everyone was sitting at the main table seeing as it was just after breakfast. However, rather then sitting opposite each other at the table Yuki and Kyo were sitting on the same side of the table; partially for practice and partially because you never know jus who will show up these days.
Not that it really mattered seeing as the person who materialized outside the door was just Ayame who received two glares for just being there, “Hello Tohru, Shigure, Yuki and Kyo!”, and didn't even realize it.
The man is oblivious to most things.
“So how did your week go boys?” he asked happily.
More glaring and a grunted, “Fine.”
“Oh, that's good! See it wasn't such a bad idea was it?”
If glares were guns then Ayame would be facing a double firing squad armed with machine guns.
“Anyway, I came to see how everyone is doing and talk with you, Shigure.”
And he still hadn't noticed.
Tohru, being the kind person she is, asked if Ayame would like something to eat or drink.
“No, but thank you ever so much for asking; however, that reminds me. Shigure would you like to come have lunch with me and Hatori later? We can have a Blossom Trio reunion and reminisce about the good old days.”
“I'd love to Aya!”
Kyo, who was reclining with his hands resting on the floor behind him, said something about stress management and training. Since he spoke towards Shigure and Ayame he had to crane his head around Yuki's. When Kyo spoke it caused a shiver to run down Yuki's spine as the warm breath hit bare skin.
That was odd. Like someone else's voice…great, now I'm going crazy.
“Oh Kyo, before you disappear I thought you might like to know that Kagura's planning to come by tomorrow.”
Kyo bristled slightly before stalking off without a word. Soon Tohru left also for a day with her friends followed by a sleep over at Hanas' place. Yuki took this opportunity to disappear up to his room. Ayame and Shigure continued talking for about ten minutes before they left to meet Hatori.
Meanwhile somewhere in the woods…
Crunch “I” Crunch “am so” Crunch “not ready” Crunch “to deal with” CrunchHER!” Crack Creek Swoosh CRASH
Another tree fell. He'd punched down 5 trees and kicked 2 more down in the 30 minutes since he'd gotten to the clearing. He sat down and leaned against the tree he had just knocked down and closed his eyes.
I can't believe that Kagura is coming over so soon. We'll have to do some major acting to convince her that we really are together and Yuki and I will probably have to fight her.
I'm going to hurt on Monday, that's for sure.
Suddenly, a shadow fell across him, “Brooding? Care if I join you?”
Kyo didn't even open his eyes. “Yeah, I'm brooding, but I don't really care if you sit here. We have to talk anyway or the jig is least for me.” Kyo suddenly looked sadder then after Tohru saw his true form. Yuki felt a pang of sympathy towards him as he sat down next to Kyo and stared at the ground.
Kyo opened his eyes and stared at the sky. “You do realize, Nezumi, that we will probably have to fight with Kagura.”
Yuki stiffened, but nodded. “Yes, Neko, I realize that. But before we can get to that scene we need to show VERY obvious signs that we're together.”
Kyo closed his eyes in frustration and sigh again, “Like what? You sitting in my lap or something?”
Yuki shook his head, “Maybe, maybe not, but we'll probably have to sit like we were this morning to start with.”
Yuki got up and headed over to one of the tree at the edge of the clearing. He glared at it for a bit before punching it as hard as he could. Large cracks ran up, down, and around the tree creating splintered bits of wood the size of a baseball bat. He then savagely kicked the tree a little to the side of where he had punched it. The tree groaned in protest before joining the seven Kyo had knocked down.
“Feel better now?” Asked Kyo.
Yuki whipped his head around to glare at him. His eyes met Kyo's sympathetic ones and both felt a hitch in their breathing, but tried to ignore it, not really wanting to think about why it had happened.
He sat back down and they talked on and off, but eventually got up and returned home.
When they got there they found a note that Shigure had left. It read:
Yuki and Kyo,
We're probably going to be out until very late so don't expect to see me until late tonight or early tomorrow. Also, my editor is coming by today so could you give her the manuscript that I left in the manila envelope on my desk? Thanks. Hope you two know what you're doing tomorrow. Good Luck in advance.
Could you two try not to break my house today? I'd really appreciate it.
It was signed with a little dog picture with the word “Inu”
The boys sighed and wondered off to get something to eat. They spent the rest of the day sulking, planning, and practicing there last resorts. The only break in the routine was to give Shigure's crying editor the manuscript. Apparently, Shigure had been up to his usual antics until someone made him call her and tell her where she could get it.
>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>. >.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>. >.>
Mid-morning, the next day…
Shigure sat reading the paper and looked very pleased with himself for some reason. Yuki and Kyo were sitting close enough that their hips touched. This combined with the small accidental touches was giving both boys the oddest case of goose bumps. Tohru, who had just gotten back, was in the kitchen making snacks. Then the ground started to shake. Kyo sighed and Yuki scooted even closer to him. He loosely wrapped both arms around Kyo's waist and lay his head on Kyo's shoulder and put on a happy/content face. For some reason it didn't seem all that forced to Yuki.
Maybe it's the practice. He mused.
Kyo wrapped an arm around Yuki's waist and tilted his head until it rested against Yuki's and put on a smile and for all the world looked happy about the fact that he and Yuki looked as if they were in mid-cuddle. Shigure's ears twitched. He could have sworn that the boys' hearts had just skipped a beat.
I would hate to be in their shoes.
Tohru came out with the snacks as the house really started to rattle. Suddenly, as quickly as it had started, the shaking and quaking just stopped and Tohru went to the door.
The boys sighed and Kyo picked up a jelly bun while Yuki whispered “Here we go.”
Kyo nodded and offered Yuki a bite of the jelly bun which was accepted.
Kyo cringed slightly at the call but remained where he was. Kagura entered the room and probably would have leapt the table if not for what she saw; Kyo and Yuki cuddling and sharing a jelly bun.
“Good morning Kagura.”
“Hey Kagura.”
Tohru came in after Kagura and could tell that the older girl was very confused, “Kagura? Why don't you sit and have a jelly bun and we can talk.”
Kagura slowly sunk to ground near the edge of the table across from Yuki and Kyo. She blindly took a jelly bun and started eating it but you could tell that she was lost in thought.
What's going on? Why are they sitting like that? Kyo never sat with me like that. So why is he doing it with Yuki? And they both look so happy but they can't...I thought...I thought...
Kagura looked up at Kyo with tears in her eyes, “Kyo ... I ... I thought ... th ... ... l… loved me.”
She watched him hoping that what her eyes told her was a lie. Kyo bit his lip then turned his head so he wasn't looking right at her, “I'm sorry Kagura, but I don't love you. I never loved you and I told you that many times. The truth...the truth is I am not really interested in girls.” He said very gently.
Kagura shook her head. She looked to Tohru her face clearly saying `It's not true, is it?'
Tohru bit her lip and nodded once. Kagura turned her head down so that her hair was in front of her eyes and she sat very still. After a couple of seconds Shigure reached out to put a hand on her shoulder and whispered “Kagura?” in a soft but worried voice. Just before Shigure actually touched her she smacked the hand away and fled the house through the open door to the woods. As she left they could see the tears beginning to fall.
The four at the table stared after her for a while. Tohru spook first.
“I feel bad about doing that to her. She looked so sad and hurt.”
Shigure nodded, “I agree. That was really hard on her. It will take a while for her to get over it, if she ever does, we should give her some time alone.”
Everyone agreed.
“Hey Yuki, let's go for a walk.” Yuki looked as if he would have asked why except that Kyo's face clearly said `we need to talk…now' so he simply nodded and stood.
Kagura saw Yuki and Kyo walk out of the house and into the woods. They looked like a couple out for a stroll at first glance, but Kagura could tell that there was something else. She had already begun to convince herself that what she'd just witnessed couldn't have been the truth. She decided to follow them to see if they were just fooling everyone because she just couldn't believe that Kyo didn't love her.
She followed them to a clearing a few miles into the woods were the two sat down with there back to a newly fallen tree. She hid behind another tree not to far away and strained her ears to her what they were saying.
Yuki glanced over at Kyo, “So, what did you want to talk about?”
“I…,” Kyo hesitated as if unsure, “I wanted to know if you had the same strange feelings I do when we're acting.” He finished in a rush.
Kagura looked up sharply, a small gasp on her lips.
They were pretending earlier.
Yuki blinked at him before turning to look at the ground. Kyo thought he saw a bit of red as Yuki turned away, “Yes I do and … I think I know what it means.”
What?! Kagura exclaimed.
Kyo also blushed slightly as he turned to look at the ground. “Yeah, I think I know what it means as well.”
Kagura carefully peeked over the edge of the log.
They both looked up and their eyes met. There was a hitch in their breathing and all that they were trying to say in word, but couldn't was told, `I love you'. And their lips met in a soft, but passionate kiss.
Well there ya go. That seems like a good place to stop.