Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Aishiteru, Itsumo ❯ A surprise ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

KC:I can't take it anymore,I've got some many damn ideas in me head that I just have to let them out.So,yes,another story, Kyoux(it's a surprise!)(I don't care on Kyou pairing so long as it's not oc or Yuki,Shigure...)Meaning I'm `no' when it come to yoai and makes me shudder,well,there is this one fic..........................................I don't know,but this might end up an angsty story,we'll see what happens....
A scream.That's what caught the attention of the young man.He spun around,the scream made his stomach churn,he knew that voice,albeit he had never heard her scream,but he knew it was her.A fresh scream pierced the night and the young man took off at a run towards the sounds source,his orange hair flying with the wind,crimson eyes narrowed.
It was late,there was no one on the streets as Sohma Kyou ran,no one else there to hear her scream.Again she screamed,driving Kyou's legs to move faster,taking him into the forest that actually wasn't to far from where he lived.In what seemed like hours of running,but was only minutes,he was in a clearing and he saw an all to familiar figure,laying motionless of the cold earth.He ran to her and dropped to his knees beside her still body.He slowly turned her over so he could see her face.Deep bruises were already forming on her pale heartshaped face,with a cut running from just below her right temple to her jaw,one eye swelled shut.Her long wavy dark tresses were full of twigs and leaves and a little matted with blood.But what caught his attention was what she had been laying in;it looked like she was in a puddle of her own blood.Thinking quickly,he tore a long strip from her cloak and did his best to stop the bleeding coming from a gash on her torso.
Slowly,her good eye opened slightly,revealing a dark orb. “K-Kyou?”Her voice was soft,so soft he could hardly hear her. “Hanajima what happened?!”Kyou exclaimed,lifting her up slightly,using an arm to support her. “My-my waves had no effect.They didn't work.”There was a hint of shame in her voice. “Who did this to you?”Kyou asked softly,his voice laced with concern. She opened her mouth to respond,but was pulled back into the dark bowels of uncousiousness. “Hana!HANA!”Kyou shook her lightly,but she wasn't waking.Doing the only thing that came to mind,Kyou picked her up bridal style,careful to adjust her so he wouldn't transform into his cat form.The hospital was much to far away so he started towards Shigure's,thanking Kami that he had found her and was so close to the house.
“Where is that baka neko?”Sohma Yuki's question was answered as the door slid open and Kyou walked in the living room,carrying an uncounsious Saki Hanajima.Shigure and Tohru were instantly with Yuki in front of Kyou,demanding to know what happened. “Shut up!I'll explain if you'll let me put her down!”Kyou yelled angrily.They moved out of his way and the neko made his way up the stairs and to his room.Yuki put a reassuring hand on Tohru's shoulder when a few tears rolled down her cheeks.
Kyou gently placed Hanajima on his bed and looked down sadly at her. “Who did this to you?”He said softly,not expecting an answer.He brushed her bangs out of her eyes and looked down at her a moment longer before heading back downstairs,swearing to get revenge on whoever had hurt her.
“What happened to Hanajima-san?”Yuki asked quietly when Kyou came down,still trying to comfort Tohru,who looked a bit more calm. “I was walking when I heard her scream.”He said,sitting across form the other three,leaning forward,his hands together and elbows resting on his knees.The thought of Hana screaming surprised the three,she was so quiet,plus her waves would keep her safe. “I ran as fast as I could,but she had screamed at least three times and was uncousious by the time I found her in a clearing.”Kyou looked like every word that came out of his mouth pained him. “She woke up when I turned her over and said her waves hadn't worked,whoever attacked her wasn't affected by them.Then she passed out again and I brought her here.Did you call Hatori?”He looked to Shigure,who nodded, “I called him,he'll be here soon.” “There was something else,blood,lots of it,her hair is matted with it.”He took off the jacket he was wearing and they gasped,there was crimson splashed over it. “I stopped the bleeding as best as I could.”They nodded,that must have been a grusome sight,seeing her laying there in her own blood and then trying to stop the bleeding.
Not five minutes later Hatori's car pulled up the drive.He came in and looked at Kyou and saw the blood. “C'mon.”Kyou said,standing up,before Hatori could say anything. Hatori asked about the injuries then went in to examin the severity of the wounds inflicted upon Saki Hanajima,leaving the others waiting anxiously outside Kyou's door. Near half an hour passed when Hatori came out. “Kyou did a good job stopping the bleeding,she'll be fine.I bandaged her and explained that she would need to take it easy,she has a few bruised ribs as well.”Tohru looked to be on the point of a breakdown again. “You can go in a visit her one at time.She asked to see you first Kyou.”Hatori said,casting his gaze to the neko.
Kyou nodded and slowly entered the room while Hatori ushered the others downstairs.Hanajima was sitting propped up against some pillows.He slid the door shut and stood there uncertainly.They stayed like that for several minutes before the silence was broken. “You saved my life Kyou-san.”She said quietly,looking down at her hands. “Are you okay Hana?”He asked,crossing the room and sitting next to her on a stool usually kept in his closet. “I shall be fine.I can't say that would be the case if you hadn't showed up though.”She replied,turning to look at him. “Who did this?”He asked,his voice barely a whisper. “I don't know.His waves where very sinister and grabbed me before I turned around.When I attempted to use my waves he laughed and hit me.He was completely unaffected.”She said,her voice as low as his.
Saki was confused by Kyou's waves.Yes,they were sad,full of concern,but you could tell that by looking at his face.What confused her was something else,something fighting with the chaos that ruled his waves.She couldn't quite place her finger on what it was,but it was strong and threatning to overthrow the chaos.She looked away,she couldn't keep staring at him,now was not the time.Instead she looked out the window, “Thank you.”She said softly.
Kyou took this as his cue to leave.As he stood he paused.Plucking a twig from her hair he spoke. “Don't worry Hana-san,it's going to work itself out.”And left,saying he'd tell Tohru she could come up.
Hana sighed.No matter how hard she tried,these feeling wouldn't go away.Talking with Kyou had caused them to bubble up once more.When he plucked the twig out of her hair her heart had started pounding against her chest so loudly she feared he would hear it.But he hadn't,he had left,saying he'd send up Tohru. This was both a relief and a letdown,confusing her.She'd never had these feeling before and didn't know what to do about them.A soft knock and Tohru's voice brought her out of her reverie.Calling in Tohru,she perpared to face her friend's tears.
Morning had come and Hatori was preparing to leave after giving Hanajima a final examination.He had offered to drive her home but she said she'd stay and depart later.Tohru had made a huge breakfast and both Yuki and Kyou had to help bring out all the food.They got the feeling that cooking had been Tohru's way of comforting and calming herself.At first,Hana said Tohru needn't do all this for her but finally gave in and began eating,occasionally glancing at Kyou,who was sitting across her.Actually she thought it was amusing when Yuki fell asleep while standing and practically fell against Kyou,who froze,if he moved he'd get hurt and he knew it.
Since it was a Sunday there wasn't any school.Hana had called her parents to explain why she never came home and the conversation puzzled the Juunishi members and Tohru;
Saki:Hello Megumi.Is mother or father home?
“Hello Mother.Yes I know.No, I didn't.”
“Yes,no effect.Yes,yes,quite sinister.”
“Alright,I shall inform them.Then let you talk.”
She turned to them. “Mother says if we get a name Megumi will take care of it.She knows what happened and wishes to speak to you Shigure-san.”She said and handed him the phone.Shigure help the phone to his ear,
“Moshi Moshi,Sohma Shigure speaking.”
“Of course,we'd love to!”
“Alright,I'll send someone over right away.”
He hung up the phone with a smile. “It's final,Hanajina-san will be staying with us until she's better.”He said in a sing-song voice. “I'll have to prepare a room!”Tohru exclaimed and rushed off. “Well since Tohru-kun's busy,will you go and get Miss.Hana's things Kyou?You know where she lives right?”Shigure asked.Kyou just grumbled something about wanting a nap but nodded.
Five minutes later he was walking through the path in the forest,wishing Shigure had made Yuki go instead.Well at least he could get some quiet thinking time ont the way.Getting on the subway a short while later brought back the memory of the last time he had visited the Hanajima household
Kyou nervously rang the bell and was greeted by a boy looking almost scarily like Hanajima. “Are you a friend of Saki's?”He had asked. “Yes,Megumi,he's a friends from school.”The door opened to reveal Hana with a blanket wrapped around her and her hair falling in waves a little messed up.Kyou would never admit it,but,he actually thought she looked nice. “Uh,I brought your homework and some soup from Tohru.”He said,holding up a textbook and a container of homemade soup.
Megumi had returned to his room,Kyou was grateful,he was kinda creepy, even more so than Hanajima.Hanajima had just finished her soup and was watching Kyou sip at some tea. “Thank you Kyou-san.”She said after a moment. “It's nothing.”He said and stood up. “I'll put these in the sink.”He said and picked up her empty bowl.When he came back he took a seat next to her and watched her stare at the table. “It's hard isn't it?”She asked.He nodded.She was talking about Yuki and Tohru,who were now together. “It is,but at least I never fell in love with her,I liked her,but not loved.”She looked at him, “Tohru was my first friend,I never wanted to share her,but now...”She trailed off and rested her head on Kyou's shoulder, seemingly without realizing she was doing so.Kyou looked at her,what was this feeling?He couldn't figure it out but suddenly she was looking at him and he felt himself leaning forward.They were centimeters apart when Megumi came out. “What's going on?”He asked placidly as Kyou pulled back quickly. “N-nothing.I-I'll see you tomorrow at school.Feel better.'And he was gone.
End flashback
“I can't believe I almost kissed her!What was I doing?!”Kyou thought as he stood in front of Hanajima's house.He shook his head and went up to the door and rang the bell.Megumi answered and opened the door for him. “Your here to get Saki's things?”He asked and Kyou nodded.A woman who could only be Hanajima's mother came in.She looked just like Hanajima only with straight hair. She handed him a large bag with which was full of Hana's things no doubt. “Tell Saki the spirits are looking.”She said as he took the bag. “You have the spirital sense?”He asked,using the term Hana had used when they had visited Tohru's mother's grave. “Yes,she will understand.”Her mother said and smiled at something. “The spirits will inform me of Saki's condition.They'll watch her.”She said after a moment.
Saki too,was reflecting on the events of that day nearly a month ago.She knew he was about to kiss her,and would have if Megumi hadn't shown up.This seriously made her wonder about Kyou's feeling for her,he hadsaid he never loved Tohru so she didn't think he was using her as a rebound.That's also what her denpa said.She looked around,Tohru was making lunch,Shigure was hiding from some woman named`Mit-chan' and Sohma-kun was out somewhere.Leaving her to her own devices.So she sat in the living room waiting for Kyou to return.She missed him,though he had only been gone forty-five minutes.A door sliding open told her that Kyou had returned.Standing,she brushed herself off and went to greet him.
“Hanajima-san what happened?!” “Are you alright Hana-san?”There was a small crowd surrounding Hanajima,Tohru,Kyou andYuki. “Leave her alone would you!She's not something you can gawk at!”Kyou finally yelled once he noticed Hana looking like she wanted to zap someone.Scared,they group dissapated, leaving Tohru and Yuki to stare at the steaming neko. “Thank You Kyou-san.”Hana said as Arisa appeared. “At least you can do something right Orange top.”She said as she pulled Hana in a gentle hug so as not to hurt her. “I heard you got beat up Hana.What happened?”Hana calmly explained what she told Kyou about being attacked from behind and how Kyou probably saved her life. “I take back what I said Orange Top.Your not completely worthless.”Arisa said after Hana finished.
Kyou didn't know if he should be glad for the compliment or angry about the insult,so he settled for grunting and heading in the classroom.Class went as usual,so when lunch came he went up to the school roof,perfectly aware that Hanajima was following at a distance.
Kyou sat,leaning back using his arms to support his weight as Hanajima appeared on the roof. “Did you want something?”He asked as she took a seat next to him.She looked at him. “I thought I would join you.”She replied simply,tossing her braid behind her shoulder.He wished she would wear her hair down,it looked so nice. “You could get hurt,you're still recovering ya know,”He said.She shrugged, “I'm capable.”She said and stood up,walking over to the side and looking over the railing wall.Kyou got up and stood next to her,watching all the people far below.Before either of them realized what had happened,Hana was balancing on the wall and Kyou was holding her waist to keep her from falling. “What are you doing?”Kyou asked once he realized what was going on. “I do this quite often.” “You have bruised ribs!” “But I'm not on my ribs as you can see.” “There's a gash on you!” “I'm not on that either.”He sighed,if she insisted. “Fine,but I'm not moving,I won't let you fall and die.”He said,slightly tightening his grip around her waist.
Saki smiled inwardly and a little on the outside since Kyou couldn't see her face.She knew he was using this as an excuse to be near her,thats what both her common sense and denpa told her.She hadn't been expecting the bell to ring though and was pulled back by Kyou before she fell over,putting her right in his arms,their bodies only a few inches apart.Kyou's eyes widened and began blusing,Hana's eyes going wide as well,but no blush appeared,she had better control over her emotions.Neither pulled away,they stayed like that,just staring at each other,when...
“What's going on here?”They turned to see Sohma Haru staring at them from the ladder.They pulled away in embarressment,a blush finally creeping onto Hanajima's cheeks. “It's nothing Haru.Shouldn't you be in class?”Kyou said. “Shouldn't you?Instead of trying to suduce Tohru's friend?”Kyou wanted to push Haru right off the ladder. “It's not like that,I almost fell over the edge and Kyou-san merely pulled me back.Thats all.”Hana said.Haru shrugged and went back down saying “Tohru was wondering where you where.”And disappeared.
Yuki and Tohru offered to wait for Saki after school since she needed to make-up a test but she said she'd be fine and would just walk with Kyou,who was currently in the office for some reason or another, probably for that fight he got in with some kid from Class E. “I'll see you tonight,I don't know how long I'll take so don't worry if we're late.”Saki said before she went in the classroom.
Kyou saw Hana come out of the classroom and jogged up to her. “Ready?”He asked and she nodded.They procedded to the forest path that lead to Shigure's,early signs of night already appearing.After a quarter of an hour Hana stopped.Kyou turned to look at her, “Something wrong?” “I can't go any further.” She said,hand holding her side.Kyou was silent a moment before walking up to her and scooping her up bridal style. “It's getting dark and you'll catch cold if we wait for you to feel better.”He said before she could ask.She nodded, “I see.”She said as he started walking,resting her head against his chest as he walked along.
They were almost to the house when Hana asked Kyou to put her down. “I feel much better,besides I wouldn't want Tohru-chan to worry.”She said. “`K.”He said and gently put Hana back on her feet.They stared at each for a moment before Kyou spoke. “Wanna talk for a while before we get home?” “I supposse.” They walked off the trail into the dense foliage,Kyou making sure to keep close to Hanajima so she didn't get lost.After chatting a little they upon a small clearing,only a about five or so feet around.
It was dark now,a star filled sky visible from the clearing.Hana looked around,amazement barely managing to show on her face. “It's peacful.”She said. “Yeah,I come here when I wanna get away,no one else knows about here.”He said and she stood beside him. “Are you sure you want to show me a place no one knows about?”She asked,looking up at him. “I don't mind if you know,I don't know why,but I know I can trust you.”He said,letting his gaze fall on the dark haired girl.He turned to face her, “I trust you,do you me?”He asked.She stared him right in the eye,right in the crimson eyes she loved so. “I trust you as well.I trust you more than anyone.”She said. “Tell me Hana,what do you think of me?”He asked,voice barely audiable,she could feel his breath on her face,making that strange feeling start bubbling up again.Before she had given thought to her words,she did something very uncharacteristic of herself,she blurted out an answer. “I love you.”
“Really, do you love me?”He asked,not looking surprised,instead there was a softness in his eyes. Realizing her words rung true,she nodded slightly, “Yes,I'm in love with you Kyou Sohma.”She said softly. His face was centimeters away for her,his breath on her face was intoxicating somehow to Hana. “Well,Hana,I'm in love with you too.”He whispered the words just before their lips touched.Hana's eyes widened but quickly closed as she relaxed and put her arms around his neck.Then,as quickly as it happened,he pulled back,a grin tugging at his lips.
“W-we should get to the house.”Hana said,trying to appear calm,but the stutter revealing her emotions. “Yeah,everyones gonna be worried.”Kyou agreed.Hana smoothed the creases in her shirt and looked to him,he had to lead her out after all. “Alright c'mon.”Kyou said,taking her hand and leading her back to the pathway.He didn't realize he hadn't transformed until they were on the porch.He decided not to say anything incase it had been some sort of fluke.So he led her inside and said they were so late because Hana had needed to stop for a while to rest,which was partly true.Yuki asked if she was okay and she nodded. “I'm quite fine now.Thank you for your concern Sohma-san,I'm just tired now.I think I'll go to bed after dinner.”Hana said placidly.As if on cue,Tohru's head popped out of the kitchen. “Oh!Your home! Dinners ready.”And began to bring out food,Yuki scurrying to help her.
Kyou was unusually quiet throughout dinner that night,his mind reeling.Why hadn't he transformed when he and Hana's bodies touched?It didn't make sense,the curse made it so that whenever a girl hugged him or came in close contact he was suppossed to turn into a small cat.It didn't make sense. “Hello?Earth to Kyou.”Shigure was waving his hand in front front of Kyou's face.Kyou turned and glared at him. “I'm going to bed.Goodnight.”He said and stood up and disappeared upstairs. “I think I shall go to bed as well.”Hana said a few minutes later,setting down her chopsticks on her empty plate. “Goodnight Hana-chan.” “Sleep well Hanajima-san.” “Sweet dreams our little rose bud.”Shigure had started calling her thats,saying she was just like a rose waiting to bloom. “Goodnight.”She said,bowing her head and going to her room upstairs right across from Kyou's,right next to Tohru's.
Nearly a week had passed since Kyou had found Hanajima uncounsious and beaten in a forest clearing.The cut on her face was nearly completely healed,most of the bruises where gone and her ribs had greatly healed according to Hatori who had come to check up on her two days ago.Though it would still take some time for them to heal completely.The gash on her torso was healing nicely but would take a few weeks to completely heal,probably leaving a scar.It was Saturday morning and they were walking to school when Hana said she couldn't go any further.Yuki and Tohru had been at a loss of what to do when Kyou had picked her up on his back. They stared at him as he started walking.“What?We're going to be late if you don't hurry up!”Kyou yelled at him as he walked and they hurried to catch up.Of course,Arisa wanted to know why Hana was riding on Kyou's back,and Yuki explained she had gotten too tired to walk so Kyou carried her.As Hana slid off his back and sraighten her skirt,Arisa slapped his back. “You better not be taking advantage of our Hana-chan Orange Top!”She said laughing. “Who said he was taking advantage?”Hana asked in her flat voice.They all stared at her,and Arisa had suddenly thrown Kyou to the ground as she took a step closer. “Your joking right?”She asked. “I was half joking.”She said smiling. “So you were half-serious?” Yuki and Arisa asked in unison.She just smiled her small smile and walked away.Instantly Arisa was holding a handful of Kyou's orange hair. “Is there something between you and Hana?”She asked threateningly. “Your not going to get an answer out of me that way.I can hardly breathe.”He choked out.True,she had gotten him in a deadly headlock,cutting off his air supply.
Hana found Kyou on the roof during lunch again.She could sense his waves from the gates.He looked up when she climped onto the roof but said nothing,they quietly ate lunch together.It had become something they did everyday.Never really saying anything,just sitting together in a comfortable silence.
That night once everyone had gone to bed,Kyou heard a knock at his door.He opened the door and saw Hana standing there, almost uncertainly in her pajamas.Her hair was down and fell in waves nearly to her waist and was dressed in a simple black nightdress that Kyou thought brought out her curves,unlike her uniform and some of the other things she wore.To be put simply,he thought she looked she looked nice. “May I come in?”She asked,her voice,as always,unrevealing of her emotions or thoughts. “Sure.”He said and stood aside,wondering what she wanted this late at night as she entered the room.
Saki sat on his bed and looked at him. “I couldn't sleep and noticed your light still on.”She said simply as if to answer his unspoken question. “What do you want to talk about?”He asked as he sat down next to her. “Monday.When you kissed me.”She said,not looking at him.
“Oh,well um,what about it?”He asked,becoming nervous.She looked at him, “Why?”.Kyou stared at her.Why?Quite frankly he didn't completely know himself. “I-I don't know,I just,did.I wasn't lying when I said I loved you.”He said,a blush creeping iup his face.
Saki was taken aback,she hadn't expected that response,but according to his waves,he spoke the truth. “Your telling the truth,thats what the waves say.”She said looking at him. “ `Course I am.”He said. “Was that all you wanted to know?”She nodded and Kyou stood up.Before he could go anywhere,Hana had grabbed his wrist.Looking at her,he noticed her eyes were pleading with him, “I don't wish to be alone.”She said, looking up at him,almost looking helpless as she tightly gripped his hand. “Okay,you can stay.”Kyou said,sitting back down next to her.
Kyou looked at her as she let go of his wrist,looking ashamed of herself.He placed a finger under her chin and turned her face to look up at him.”Don't feel ashamed of yourself.”He said softly.Her eyes widened slightly then they softened. “But I'm weak,I can't even be alone right now.”She said. “You're not weak. Everyone has their weak moments,you've just never really had one.”He said and pulled her close to him,and again,nothing happened.Kyou decided not to question why the gods were allowing him to hold her,lest he should fall out of their favor and transform.
Saki was shocked by his words and actions.She just decided to just let him hold her,clutching onto his shirt. “But I'm not supossed to be weak.”She said,deciding to allow her emotions take over,something that was rarely done.
“It's okay to be weak once in a while.”Kyou said,his hand slowly beginning to stroke her hair.They stayed like that a while,presently Hana fell asleep in his arms.Kyou smiled gently and leaned back,hugging her close to him.Kyou soon fell asleep,arms wrapped around Hana's waist,his head resting in the hollow of her neck.Hana,still lightly holding onto his shirt in her sleep,head turned and resting against his.
As usual,Kyou woke early.He lifted his head from the hollow of Hana's neck and looked at her,smiling softly.He lifted a hand and twirled a long tress of dark hair around a finger.She stirred slightly but didn't wake.He layed his head back down and gently traced a finger along her cheek.Her eyes opened slightly, “Good morning.”She said sleepily,blinking the sleep from her eyes. “Mornin'”He said,eyes never leaving her face. “What time is it?”She asked,failing to supress a yawn. “About four-thirty.”Kyou answered. She looked at him before smiling and shaking her head. “It's far too early,I'm going to go back to sleep.”The words had barely left her lips as she fell asleep.Kyou couldn't help but grin as he brushed some hair from her eyes and placing his arm back in place around her waist,pulling her close to him and falling asleep,his head resting on her chest just below her collarbone.
Tohru woke up a late,it was almost seven.She jumped out of bed and got dressed,hurrying to make breakfast.With breakfast on the table,she realized Kyou wasn't up yet.That was odd,he was ususally awake before her. Telling a half awake Shigure she'd be right back,she went up to Kyou's room to investigate.She lightly knocked on his door and when no one answered she slid open the door.Shocked was an understatment when she saw Kyou with Hana,arms wrapped almost possessivly around her waist,head resting on her chest,Hana's arm slung over his neck,the other clinging to his shirt.She just stook there, unmoving, watching as Kyou shifted in his sleep,pulling Hana close and nuzzling his head against her.Hana muttered something and clutched tighter to him.Tohru heard Yuki coming out of his room and shut the door quickly.
“Is something wrong Miss.Honda?”Yuki asked,seeing Tohru start and close Kyou's door. “O-oh,it's n-nothing.I was just going to tell Kyou breakfast is ready but he's still asleep,Hana too.”She said,smiling nervously.Yuki decided not to question her and followed her downstairs.
Hana woke up,hearing voices outside the door.According to the waves she was recieving it was Tohru and Yuki,Tohru was nervous about something and Yuki was half asleep.As they left she cast her attention to the orange haired boy holding her.She lifted a small hand and started stroking his head gently,he stirred very slightly but settled back down so she continued.It was odd,she realized,that she felt such feelings for him,he was like her opposite;loud,outgoing,and very active and outspoken,where she was quiet,calm,and placid.Maybe thats what had first drawn her to him,but now that was only part of it.It was strange,watching him sleep.He was so calm,peaceful,serene even.She watched him sleep,wondering what he was dreaming about.
Kyou slowly opened his eyes and lifted his head to see Hana with her eyes closed,smiling about something.He sat up and looked at her. “Good morning.”She said,leaning her head on his shoulder. “What time is it?”Kyou asked,noticing how bright it was outside. “Almost seven-thirty.”She said,pointing to his alarm cloak.That late?Kyou was usually up before five-thirty. “Think maybe we should get up?”He asked,detatching himself from her to run a hand through his hair. “Yes,I think that would be a good idea,I'll see you at breakfast.”She said and got up,leaving for her room to get dressed.
Sooooooo,what'd ya guys think?This chapter shatters my last longest chapter by about 3500 words.My disk which holds all my stories got stuck in my laptop last night and I had a minor freak out,now I can't use my laptop(saved the disk though)so chapters will take longer after chp 3.Oooooh,I have a feeling this sotry is going to have plenty of angst,give it until next chapter.This wasn't to the best of my angst writing abilities so...yeah.But I've really wanted to do a Kyou/Saki,it's fun to write those.I typed for like 6 hours,stopping only to eat and edit it,I was typing until 1:00am.Well,I must start updating other stories and then this one,so,
Ja Ne,