Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Aishiteru, Itsumo ❯ A most unexpected surprise ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Fruits basket does not belong to me. I do own the first 5 manga's but that doesn't mean the story is mine. I do however own this plotline-Aishiteru no matter what-and a few future phases. Oh and I own the attacker guy, and some Kyou fan girls...
KC: Okay, chapter two. I'm so nice I'm updating so soon Woot.......yeah. You made a good point, in the manga their mother doesn't have any powers but this is my fic so for those of you who are gonna bitch and moan about it then get over it!
Kyou was already finishing his breakfast when Hanajima came to the table. “Oh, good morning Hana-chan.” Tohru said, cheery as always. “Good morning Tohru-chan.” Hana said said she took a seat beside Kyou, the only one left. Kyou noticed Tohru's eyes dart between himself and Hana then to her plate, making him uneasy.
Later on in the day Kyou was sitting on the couch taking a nap and Hana was in the chair beside him reading one of Shigure's books. Occasionally she would look over at him and wondered how he could sleep during a thunderstorm like the one raging outside. Yuki had rushed out right before the storm, saying something about his `base', Tohru running after him carrying a jacket for him. Shigure had disappeared to his study and that left Hana and Kyou. He had collapsed on the couch saying he was exhausted and cursing the rain when he fell asleep. It was getting late and Yuki and Tohru had yet to return,making Hana worry slightly. She picks up their waves just barely but they seemed fine so she pushed her worry from her mind and returned to the book.
The lights flickered then went out. She sighed but smiled when Shigure's sobs over lost work reached her ears. She set down her book and stood up and went down the hall to see if Shigure was okay, he was still sobbing. Knocking then slowly sticking her head in, she looked to where she believed his desk to be, the source of sobs. “Shigure-san, is everything alright?” She asked calmly. “Mit-chan is going to kill me! I was almost finished!” He exclaimed and Hana decided to leave him to sob.
Lifting Kyou's head gently after finding her way back to the living room,she sat down on the couch and laid his head down on her lap.
Kyou's eyes opened to complete darkness as he felt a petite hand on his head, then realized his head was on someone's lap. He turned his head up but couldn't see because of the darkness. A roll of thunder and strike of lightning revealed it to be Hanajima. He laid his head back down, “How long was I asleep?” “Nearly two hours.” she replied. He sat up and scooted next to her. “Where is everyone?” He asked. “Shigure-san is sobbing in his study, and Sohma-san and Tohru-chan are out are the `base' I believe.” She said placidly. He nodded, though she couldn't see it.
Saki froze. She could sense him, the man who had attacked her,he was close,somewhere in the forest.Half of her wanted revenge, including her denpa, but the other half wanted to run and hide.There was something she hadn't told anyone and didn't plan to tell any time soon,this little fact is what made her want to hide.Kyou had obviously felt her tense cause she heard him shift so he was looking at her, “Hana,what's wrong?”He asked,voice laced with worry. “The one who attacked me,he's in the woods.Heading in the direction of Tohru and Sohma-san's waves.” She said,failing to keep the fear out of her voice.Kyou wrapped his arms around her, “What do you want to do?”He asked,obviously not wanting to make her any more uncomfortable. “We need to warn Tohru and Sohma-san.I won't let my fears put them in danger.”She said with resolve.He nodded and let go of her.They went to the door and quickly pulled on their shoes and jackets,Hana her cloak,and took off out the door.
Running through the forest,Kyou felt his heart in his throat,he could only imagine how Hana felt.Three minutes of running they were almost there when Hana stopped dead.Kyou turned to her to see her rooted to the ground.He went to her side. “Hana?”He asked. “Oh so that was her name.”A deep voice rang out.Hana's eyes got huge and her pupils became little violet specks and Kyou looked around,seeing little sparks in the air,Hana's denpa.A large,slightly muscular man stepped out of the dense foliage.Hana took a step back,slightly behind Kyou. “Think that kid can protect you,witch?”He said and laughed. “Leave her alone you bastard!”Kyou yelled at him,pulling Hana further behind him. “Now that's no way to talk to your elders.”The man said,looking angry. “Someone who beats someone half their size doesn't really deserve respect.”Kyou spat.
Saki tightly gripped the sleeve of Kyou's jacket,finding it hard to control her denpa waves as her last encounter with that man flooded her brain;
Hana froze.There were very sinister waves coming at her.As she turned around,an arm shot around her neck from behind,choking her.Her first instincts were to fight and that resulted in a blow to the head.She slumped and tried to use her waves,but,without any air getting to her brain from the chokehold,nothing happened but a few weak sparks. “What's this bitch?What are you,a witch?!”Her attacker exclaimed and she felt something sharp slash through her torso and was filled with excruciating pain.He laughed and threw her to the ground, kicking her squarly in the ribs and she whimpered but refused to cry out.He grabbed a fistful of her hair and smacked her across the face. “Don't act so high and mighty witch.This will teach you a lesson.”He said angrily and hit her across the face again,this time it looked like her eye would swell shut and she glared up at him. “You need to learn some manners witch!”He yelled and everything else she had blocked out of her memory,the only thing she remembered was screaming several times then losing conciousness.The next thing that came to her mind was Kyou lifting her up and asking what had happened,looking scared.
End flashback
Hana shuddered visibly at the memory and shut her eyes and tightened her grip on Kyou. The man noticed this and laughed. “Looks like your little girlfriend is remembering last week.”He said,his laugh ringing throughout the area. “What you do to her?!”Kyou yelled at him,holding Hana with on arm,looking ready to make her run. “Inquisitive one aren't we?I just had some fun with her,squirmy little thing she is.”He laughed. Kyou looked disgusted at the man and heard Hana let out a sob. “Your sick.”Kyou said,pulling a sobbing Hana close. The man took a few step closer,a threatening look on his face. “Wanna run that by me again punk?”He asked in a low voice,almost a growl. “Hana,find Tohru and Yuki,I'll be fine.”He whispered and looked back at the man, “Yeah I do.You're a sick bastard!”He yelled and the man lumbered forward.Kyou shoved Hana out of the way and ducked the punch. “Hana go!Find the others!”He yelled and she took off as he evaded another attack.
Hana tore through the forest,following her waves.She burst into a clearing minutes later and saw Tohru and Yuki,both soaked,trying to gather their things. “Hana what are you doing out here?!”Tohru exclaimed. “The man...who attacked me..he's out there.Kyou is holding him off,he told me to warn you.”She gasped and Yuki and Tohru were soon racing behind Hana back to Kyou.
“Kuso!”Kyou slammed against a tree.This guy fought dirty,he had pulled a knife on him.Cuts adorned his face as he looked up and rolled away just before the knife was brought down on him.Instead of hitting it's mark,the knife hit his right leg.It was deep and Kyou could hardly stand.He new he didn't stand a chance,he had been slashed across the stomach,stabbed in the leg and thrown relentlessly against trees,but Hana had gotten away and would get the others out safe so keeping this man busy was his only thought.His hands shot out on instinct as the man brought down the knife,catching his wrist,but it only severed to once again make the knife miss it's mark.Instead of hitting his heart,it plunged into his left shoulder.Kyou yelped,almost sounding like a dying cat.Something caught the man's attention and he looked down at Kyou's wrist and Kyou felt his blood run cold. “I can't stand guys like you,wearing jewlery.”He said,grabbing his wrist and Kyou suddenly felt remewed energy,he couldn't let those Buddha bead come off his wrist.Just before the beads were ripped off,something tackled the man,knocking him off Kyou.Turning his head with what little energy was left in his body,Kyou saw Yuki jump off the man and look past him to Tohru and Hana who had rushed to Kyou's side.Tohru looked like she was going to be sick and Kyou realized the knife was still in his shoulder.In one swift,albeit painful moment,Kyou had plucked the knife from his shoulder and plunged it into the ground.
Seeing Kyou like that,covered in mud and bleeding terribly, made tears jump to Hana's eyes.He was like this because he had held the man off so she could escape.Filled with a sudden rage,she stood and looked at the man struggling to his feet.In one moment she had let loose more denpa waves on him than anyone in her entire life,even when she hadn't had control of her power.The man looked like he had just been struck by lightning then fell to the ground uncouncious.She then dropped to her knees beside Kyou,leaning over him and wiping the mud and rain from his face.
Getting Kyou home without worsening his injuries had proved difficult,being stabbed just above the heart and in the leg then slashed across the stomach left him pretty much helpless.Yuki and Hana had to support him between themselves as they made their way to Shigure's house.When they got their,Shigure had already called Hatori,having seen them coming up the drive and had looked exteremly pale. They all fell quiet when Kyou looked to Hana from the couch,barely concious,and opened his mouth,forcing the words out, “Why didn't you tell me?”
Hana felt everyone's eyes on her as she got on her knees beside him,making herself level with him. “I don't know.I blocked it out of my mind.”She said,a hint of saddness and shame in her voice. At that moment,Hatori burst through the door,he must have sped the entire way. “What exactly happened?”He asked,looking to Hana,Tohru,and Yuki. “Th-they weren't there.”Kyou said weakly,spitting out a little blood,Tohru had to be led out of the room by Shigure. “Alright,Kyou I need you to not talk and keep still.”Hatori said,sitting on the inn table beside the bloody neko.
Hatori had told Hana and Yuki to leave him to bandage and clean Kyou's wounds,Hana didn't want to go and stood her ground firmly but finally left the dragon to care for him. “Hanajima-san,what's going on?”Yuki asked,looking at her determined to get an answer. “That man was the one who attacked me.He started threatening me and Kyou told me to run and find you and Tohru-kun while he kept him busy.”She said calmy. “His main concern was making sure we all were safe,we origionally went out because I could sense his waves and he was heading directly for you and Tohru-kun.”
An hour later they were allowed to see Kyou,Hatori said he was lucky he didn't need to go to the hospital,he would have to stay home for two days and then take it easy afterwards.His cuts on his face had been cleaned and there were bandages covering his chest down to his his hipbone and around his left shoulder,his right leg just below the knee had been bandages as well.Everyone visited with Kyou for a while before Hatori said he needed rest.He and Shigure helped Kyou to his room and then left,saying he'd be back in the afternoon the next day to change Kyou's bandages.
Kyou sighed and leaned back on his pillow.The next two days were going to kill him.The rain had worsened and Kyou soon fell asleep despite himself.
Hours later,he had no idea exactly how long,Kyou was woken by a knock at his door.He could think of two people who would be at his door this late,and Tohru seemed the least likely of the two,he had the feeling she felt guilty and was avoiding him.So that left one person... “Come in.”He said and the door slid open, confirming Kyou's suspicions. “Yes Hana?”She came over to him,appearing to glide across the floor. “I was wondering if I might stay here.”She stated flatly.He wasn't surprised,after the incident today he couldn't blame her from wanting some company,why she didn't go to Tohru he wasn't sure. “You know what happened,Tohru has no clue.”She added as if she had read his mind.That made sense. “Sure you can stay.”He said,moving over a little so she could sit on the bed. She sat down beside him and looked at him . “I apologize for not telling you about what happened.Also for what happened to you,it was my fault you fell to harm.”She said after a moment. “It wasn't your fault.You shouldn't blame yourself.”He said stubbornly and put his unharmed arm around her waist and laid his head on her lap. “Your not at fault in the least Hana.”He said and fell asleep.
Hana watched him for awhile, absentmindedly stroking his hair.He wasn't usually this thoughtful,at least,he never had been at school or the times her and Arisa visited Tohru.He had matured,there was no doubt about that,but what had caused it?She didn't know and went back to her room pondering this.
Hanajima wasn't at breakfast the next morning and was going to be late so Yuki went to go check on her.Her room was empty and she wasn't anywhere to be found.At a loss,Yuki cracked open Kyou's door and saw Hanajima,already dressed and ready,placing a wet rag on Kyou's forehead. “He's developed a fever.I'll be down momentarily.”she said and he nodded and left.
After Tohru and Hana had given Shigure instructions on taking care of the sleeping neko, the three set off for school. When they got there they were getted by Arisa Outani as usual. “Hey, where's Orange Top?” She asked once she noticed he wasn't there.Before Yuki or Tohru could answer, Hanajima had taken Arisa over to a nearby tree and quietly explained his situation. In class, Yuki had given a note from Hatori to the teacher explaining Kyou would be absent for today and the next due to injury.Of course,the class had been in an uproar,the newly formed Kyou Sohma fan club had almost gone into hysterics. “Hmm,guess Orange Top is more popular then we thought.”Arisa commented,rolling her eyes as two Kyou-fangirls comforted each other.
After school Yuki had to stay for a student council meeting so Hana and Tohru walked home by themselves despite Yuki's protests that they should go with someone,especially after the incident yesterday. They went anyway,worried about Kyou,his fever had returned before they had left that morning.
As soon as the two arrived they saw Shigure sitting in the living room,wringing his hands,his usual cheerfullness gone.He looked up as they entered the room an stood up quickly. “I don't know what's wrong.Kyou's been calling things out in his sleep and awake,he seems to be in a lot of pain.Harri's up their right now.I heard him call you several times Hana-san.”His voice was rushed and fearful.In an instant, Hana was at Kyou's door,peeking her head in.Hatori looked at her while trying to hold the boy still. “Come here,I need you to hold him down.”He said hurridly and she crossed the room and grabbed Kyou's jerking arm.Applying all the presure she could,an throwing some of her weight on it,she kept his arm still long enough for Hatori to inject some medicine into his bloodstream to sedate him.
Hatori leaned back and wiped his brow. “There was something on that knife,a poison of some kind thats making him sick like this.”He said looking at the now motionless neko. “I gave him some medicine but I can't stay with him if this happenes again and I don't think that Shigure can handle it.”Hatori then said, looking at Hana now. “I'll stay with him.”Hana said,looking down at Kyou. “Alright,let me explain what you need to do if this happens again...”
Once Hatori had finished explaining how to properly care for Kyou they went back downstairs. “I-is Ky-kyou-k-kun o-kay?”Tohru asked between hiccoughs. “He;ll be fine if he is properly cared for.He was having a seizure due to something that was on that knife.I've already explained to Miss.Hanajima the proper way to care for him.”Hatori said. “A seizure?”Shigure said and Hatori nodded. “I'll be staying here to watch Kyou-san.”Hana said flatly.
Ever since Hatori left Hana had been constantly at Kyou's side.She hadn't even heard Yuki come home but he must have come home hours ago because it was pitch-black outside.Once he had woken up but had been too medicated to really be aware of anything around him.His fever had just recently broke and now he just mumbled incoherently in his sleep.Looking at his alarm,Hana realized it was already three in the morning.A movement caught her attention and she turned back to him and saw two crimson eyes staring at her. “Wha happen'd?”He mumbled,seeming to have trouble moving his lips. “You had a seizure.Hatori-san had to sedate you.There was some sort of poison on the knife.”She said as she felt his forehead.The fever hadn't returned.
After four days Hatori announced Kyou would be allowed to go about the house,he'd have to stay home for another two days just to be safe though.It was also the day Hanajima got a call from home.
“Hello Father.”
“I'm quite alright,there's no need to worry about me.”
“I'm taking care of a friend.He was attacked by the same man.”
“Yes we informed the police.”
“No,there has been no arrest.”
Her face fell, “I understand.”She hung up the phone. “My father wishes for me to return home now that I've recovered.He's said I may stay another two days until Kyou-san is no longer in need of my attention.”She said,hiding the saddness in her voice his perfected skill.
That night she went to check on Kyou who had retreated to his room claiming he was tired.Slidding the door open she spotted him leaning against the wall on his bed.His eyes opened and closed again when he saw who it was,just motioning for her to join him.
“So your leaving soon.”He said flatly as she sat down.She nodded, “Yes,my father wishes for me to return home.”She said softly,placidly. “Everyone's going to miss you ya know.”He said,slipping an arm around her waist. “It indeed seems that way.”She replied,resting her head on his shoulder. “How'd we end up like this so quickly?”Kyou asked,pulling her closer. “I don't know,sometimes there is simply a connection immediently between two people.”She said softly.
He nodded,there was most certainly a connection between them.He leaned his head against hers and sighed. “I'm going to miss you too.”He whispered. “We'll still see each other at school.”She said,but Kyou could sense her saddness,spending so much time together had resulted in them being able to tell the others feelings no matter how well they hid it. “You know it's not the same.”He said.
She was silent.There wasn't anything else to be said so they just sat there quietly. “It's getting late.You should get some sleep,you have to go to school tomorrow.”Kyou said,noting the time. “Alright.” She got up and exited the room and Kyou laid down,thinking about how he'd have to adjust to not having Hana there with him everyday.The door opened and Kyou looked up.
There was Hana,standing there in the same nightgown from that first night,though this was the first time he really took in her appearence.It was a simple black gown falling a little past her knees with a black lace hemming,the sleeves quarter cut,stopping right after her shoulder and was loose,yet form fitting.She had left her hair in her braid instead of letting it down like last time.
Hana crossed the room and climbed in the bed next to Kyou. “Goodnight.”She said and seemed to instantly fall asleep.Kyou stared at her in amazement before settling down,wrapping an arm around Hana and falling asleep.
Tohru was busy cleaning the breakfast dishes while Yuki helped and Hana prepared their things. Kyou was in the living room waiting to see them off. “Goodbyyyyyyyyye!”Shigure called,waving comically as Tohru and Yuki went out the front. Hanajima bowed to Shigure and once again thanked him for allowing her to stay in his house and turned to Kyou. “May you feel well Kyou-san.”She said and followed after Tohru and Yuki
Shigure turned to Kyou,an all-to-familiar smirk on his face. “Oh Kyou-kun,I do believe you've stolen our little Hana's heart.”He said,looking almost smugly at the neko. Kyou hit him upside the head,he was too tired to really do much else. “You look way too much into things.”He said and went to the kitchen,leaving a grinning inu standing in the doorway rubbing a bump on his head.
Arisa had decided to come over to see how Kyou was that afternoon. “Damn Orange Top,you look like crap.”She commented,looking at him.It didn't help that he had just been given medication perscribed by Hatori less then half an hour ago. “Leave me alone ya damn Yankee.”He said flatly,he was on painkillers for his shoulder and stomach making him a little slower to react. “I'll let that slide since your on meds.”She said looking at him threateningly. “Are you coming back to school tomorrow?A few of your fangirls have gone crazy since you've been gone.”She added. “According to Hatori I can go tomorrow.”He replied as Hana sat next to him. “You'll be going to school on my last day then.”Hana said and he nodded. “Yeah,at least I don't have to put up with that KUSO HENTAI INU!”Kyou shouted the last three words and they all heard Shigure call back: “Your so mean Kyou!”followed by a fake sob.
The next day Kyou was up early as usual and carefully put on his uniform and went downstairs soundlessly trying not to wake Hanajima. “Oh Kyou your up!”Tohru exclaimed when he walked into the kitchen,making a beeline for the refrigerator. Pulling out a carton of milk he looked at her. “I'm always up early,I was just knocked out by those drugs.”He said a took a drink. “Um,Kyou-kun,can I ask you something?”Tohru asked,looking down at her feet nervously. “What is it?” “Ano...t-the other day I saw you Hana-chan-uh-ano....Why didn't you transform?”She blurted out,embarressed.Kyou froze,then looked around and out the door. “Okay,look Tohru,nothing happened okay?”She nodded,fasinated by her shoes. “I don't know why I didn't transform,I've just decided not to question it,I think it might have something to do with her denpa waves though.”He said,blushing slightly.She nodded and bowed her head. “Gomen Nasai Kyou-kun,I don't mean to pry.”She mumbled. “It's okay Tohru,just don't tell anyone okay?”She nodded as Yuki stumbled into the kitchen,shortly followed by Hana.
At school it was Hana's turn to save Kyou.just as the people started closing in,she gave them one of her glares,which sent them running.In class he recieved several stares from classmates and even the teacher,all looking at him like he might collapse any moment.
Hana could sense that Kyou's waves were very tense and when lunch finally came she crossed the room before he could be surrounded by cooning fangirls. “This isn't all your nervous about.”She said when she reached him,recieving puzzled stares from those brave enough to get close enough to hear her soft voice.
“Yeah,Tohru knows.From that first time.”He answer just as cryptically,further confusing everyone who listened. “That would explain why her waves were so hectic.”She said,more to herself than Kyou.
Kyou nodded,she had acted strange at breakfast that one morning.After school Hana and Kyou both had to make up the work they missed,Hana taking just as long as Kyou even though he had been gone longer,he had a feeling it was so she wouldn't have to wait out in the hall.All those days missed had their price,it was already six when the two finally left school.The walk home was completely silent until Shigure's had come into view. “Do you want help getting your things together?”Kyou asked. “I didn't bring much,It's all together.”She said.He nodded and they continued the rest of the walk wordlessly.
Dinner was a quiet affair,no one wanted think of this as Hana's last dinner with them.After school tomorrow,she was to head straight home.After dinner Hana pulled Kyou aside, “Kyou-san I need to discuss something with you.”She said and led him outside to the porch. “Is something wrong?”He asked as she slid the door shut.She nodded and leaned against the railing and began to talk.
Kyou stared at her,unable to believe what she was saying.She looked at him, “It's a strong possiblity Kyou-san.”She said. “Want me to call Hatori to find out?”He asked softly. She nodded and he gave her a reasurring hug and led her back inside,beelining for the phone. He picked up the reciever,quickly dialed Hatori's phone and waited for him to pick up,Hana standing next to him with her hands clasped together.
“Sohma Hatori speaking.”
“Hatori,it's Kyou.I need a favor.”
“Is something wrong with your injuries?”
“No,it's Hana.It's important.”
“Is there something wrong with her?”
“Maybe,we'll explain when you get here.The sooner the better.”
“I'll be right over.”
“Thanks.”He hung up the phone,by now having caught the attention of everyone else in the house. “Is something wrong with Hana-chan?”Tohru asked looking worried. “Maybe,Hatori-san will be over to find out.Don't worry Tohru-kun,it's nothing life threatening I assure you.”Hana said and went to sit down,Kyou following closely after her then began speaking together in hushed voices. “What's going on with them?That baka neko looks worried about Hanajima-san.”Yuki commented to Shigure,who just shrugged in reply.
Thirty minutes later Hatori pulled up the drive. As he came in Kyou jumped up and pulled him aside,whispering something to him,Hatori's face growing grim. “Alright,Miss Hanajima follow me.”He said and she stood.He led her upstairs to a spare room.
As soon as they were gone,Yuki and Shigure rounded on Kyou,Yuki mainly,Shigure just nodded along. “What's wrong with Hanajima-san?”He asked. “It's none of your damn busieness you kuso nezumi.” Kyou shot back. “She'll tell you if she wants to!It might be nothing she just wants to be sure.”He added and fell back onto the couch,wringing his hands.Yuki and Shigure exchanged worried looks and sat down as well,they'd just have to wait.
After what seemed like an eternity to Kyou,Hatori led Hana back downstairs.He stood and rushed over to them, “Is she?”He asked Hatori anxiously.He said nothing,nor did Hana,she just walked up to him and threw her arms around him,a small sob heard only by him.This seemed to answer his question and he slowly stroked her hair,muttering words of comfort.Everyone else stared,why hadn't he transformed?She pulled away,stubbornly wiping away a tear. “Would you like me to tell them?”Hatori asked once she had regained her posture, which was rather quickly. She shook her head, “No,first I'd like to tell Shigure so we might work things out.”She said and he nodded. “Shigure,we have something to discuss.”Hatori said and Shigure scurried forward and Hatori opened a door to the Shigure's study so they could have some privacy to talk.As Kyou went in Hatori stopped him, “You know what's happeing,are you th-”Kyou cut him off, “No,it's that bastard.”He said sharply and Hatori took that to mean the man who had attacked Hana and then Kyou.He nodded and let him in,leaving Yuki and Tohru standing in confusion.
Hatori sat at Shigure's desk across from the others,and looked gravely at Kyou and Hana. “Kyou,why didn't you..”He trailed off,he wasn't sure if Hana knew about the curse. “I don't know,for some reason I never do.”He said with a shrug. “Well that raises my next question; If that's the case,and you and Miss.Hanajima are together then how do you know your not-” “Because that never happened.”Kyou said heatedly. “Alright,do you want to tell Shigure or would you rather?”Hatori asked,turning his attention to Hana. “I shall tell him.”She said and turned to Shigure. “Shigure-san,might I...move in here?My father will disown me if I return home according to my mother,she thinks it would be best if I stay here.”She said. Shigure raised his eyesbrows, “Of course you can stay with us,what is so wrong that you will be disowned?” He asked,for once serious.
Hana looked at her hands folded in her lap and sighed. “Lately I haven't been well and had some suspicions as to why.When I told Kyou-san he convincd me to call Hatori-san to confim or deny it.He told me my suspicions were correct and we called my mother to tell her.She wants me to stay here because Father will disown me if he finds out,Hatori-san agrees it would be best to stay here as well.”She stopped,unable to continue.Kyou placed a hand on her shoulder, “It's okay if you don't want to say it.”She shook her head, “I can do it.”She said and looked at Shigure. “Shigure-san,I'm pregnant”
I bet you weren't expecting that!Well yes,more detail on Hana's situation next chapter.Before I forget,for those wondering why Hana can hug Kyou,in a later chapter you'll find out,I thought it was a nifty I idea but then again I came up with it...;;But anyways,reviews are appreciated!I know Kyou was kinda occ in parts but,think of the situation,or I should say `situations' that have been taking place.Well I'm not really one for long A/N's so review to make me happy!