Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ At the Edge of the Lake ❯ A Rowdy Kiss ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers and Stuff: You all know them. I own nothing. I make nothing.
** = internal thoughts
“” = speech
The rest is just filler to make my nonsense make sense.
At the Edge of the Lake
CHAPTER 9: A Rowdy Kiss
***Forget Kyo? I don't think I'll ever forget my first love. I may not ever have the relationship with Kyo that I'd dreamed of as a child, but I'll never forget the love I have had for him. Even now I still love him, but it's different.*** Kagura was dazed as she let Haru lead her towards the bed rooms.
She couldn't be sure if her body was reacting to thoughts so familiar of Kyo or if she was responding to the well muscled young man in a towel determined to take her to bed. It wouldn't be the first time Kagura had allowed her lust to release itself on Haru.
The first and last time had also been after a fight between them. Kagura had taken solace in his arms when she'd finally understood that her future was not at Kyo's side. She'd gone to the dojo to work off her sorrow and found an equally determined sparring partner in Haru.
It had been a stormy day then as well. They'd never spoken about it since. It was all a silent and mutual understanding. Since then Kagura had been able to establish an easier relationship with Kyo, even if it was a bit strained on both their parts. It was getting better every time they saw each other.
Kagura was broken out of her thoughts as her towel was yanked off of her. Haru was leering at her like he might just take her there on the floor of the hallway. “Which room is ours? I need to get you to bed before you catch a cold standing there.”
Black Haru was enjoying himself. Kagura felt her temperature rise despite the chill against her skin. On her way past Haru to the corner room she'd chosen for herself, she gave his towel a hard yank.
Smiling sweetly at the naked young man, she snapped him right on the ass with his own towel and turned to run into the bedroom.
Haru caught her at the door. “Now that wasn't very nice,” he pinned her against the wall with his body and slammed the door behind them, “if you wanted to see it that badly all you had to do was ask.”
He boosted her higher against the wall and fitted himself between her legs. Black Haru kissed so hard that Kagura was soon gasping for breath as she raked her hands up his neck.
He was all hardness. Kagura could feel all of his muscles tighten as he moved his hands to cup her face. The muscle between his legs was hard against her folds. It felt to Kagura as if `It' was what was keeping gravity from taking her to the floor.
“Kagura…” Her name sounded as a growl as their lips met. Theirs was a savage selfish passion; each sucking the last drops of lust that the other could give.
Haru slipped one of his hands between them and found her clit hardened and waiting for him. Reveling in the contact that being with another member of the zodiac could provide; Kagura wiggled her wet folds over his member.
That was all the foreplay that either needed. Haru lifted Kagura by the hips and thrust her onto his waiting cock.
His hands left her hips and traveled up her sides, stranding her by all laws of nature on top of him. Haru took control of the pace and pulled Kagura's arms high over her head.
Her petite body was stretched taut and the feel of Haru's warmth touching her inside and out was driving her crazy with desire. “Harder! I need to feel you deeper, Ah yes! Haru!”
As he felt Kagura's orgasm start, Haru struggled with the need to release as well. Crushing her hair against the wall behind her, Kagura arched and rocked him deeper inside of her. He let her arms fall back around his neck and as the tension left her, he moved them towards the bed.
Now more slowly working Kagura over his erection, Haru sat them down on the edge of the bed. Kagura was beginning to take control and even when he was “Black” and shrouded in lust, Haru knew when he'd better not argue with her.
Haru laid back to watch Kagura in action. She rode him hard and fast; wringing the sweat mercilessly from their bodies.
Grinding his teeth didn't help Haru control his body for very long. As Kagura's tiny body slapped down on him and finally began another crest of orgasm, Haru's black aggression snapped.
His eyes sparkled dangerously as he quickly pinned Kagura's hips to his. Mounted as she was, Kagura snapped to attention as Haru lifted his upper body and maneuvered his legs to the bed for more control.
He pounded into her body as her muscles grabbed and dragged against him. When they finally collapsed across each other sated, they instantly fell asleep.
Across the lake, just before dawn…
Kyo woke when he heard something rustle next to him. He started when he remembered all that had happed in the last 12 hours. As a blush raced across his cheeks, he smacked his hand to his forehead.
Starring up at the filthy cabin was not what Kyo felt like doing. He slid gently away from Uo so as not to wake her. His mind was reeling, but his body was once again aware of her nearness.
Sometime during the night the storm had passed and the stars had come out. Kyo slipped his pants on and sat down on the porch to watch the dawn sky brighten. He hoped the sunrise would bring some peace to his mind.
Kyo's musings
***What in the hell was that last night? Sure I've known that Uo had a nice body and stuff, well especially for a Yankee. Why wasn't I able to control myself? I shouldn't have just taken her like that! Even if she wanted it, this isn't exactly a nice place. I really must be a monster. There's no way I can face her now! She must think I'm a total asshole. No, I can't just run and hide! I have to be a man and face her when she wakes up! I'll tell her… WHAT THE HELL DO I TELL HER! I don't even know what to tell myself.*** “Damn it!” Kyo jumped off the porch and took off at a run towards the lake.
Uo woke when she heard Kyo swear and tear away from the cabin. Pulling his shirt over her head, she sat up and stared into the warm coals of their fire.
Uo's musings
***Where the hell is he headed to? The sun isn't even up yet! Oh well, I can guess he's thinking about the same thing I am. Damn! That was so unexpected. I never even saw it coming. Orange Top was so mature and kind,… and so `right'. I can't believe I'm even considering that we could work out! Ha! That's a laugh! I just can't forget about it either. There was something about him that hasn't been there before, and I liked it.***
Uo stirred the coals for awhile and then curled up on the futons again. Soon she had drifted off to sleep again.
Kyo had returned to the cabin after his run, in a fury! He'd taken his run along the lake to see if he could find the lake house.
He found it in no time at all. They weren't even half a mile from it! As Kyo got closer he could see the telescope on the porch was pointed directly at the cabin. There had been no way with the storm yesterday that either he or Uo would have spotted the house with its peeping Tom *or Tom's* Kyo thought with a glare.
He snuck up to the porch and looked through the lens. In the pre-dawn glow he could see right in the smashed front door of the cabin. He could see Uo sitting with her knees drawn up to her chest poking at the coals with a chair leg.
Kyo looked around and saw the ashtray and the 2 empty cups. ***That damn Dog! I'm gonna kill him, and the snake too! They have gone too far this time!***
Kyo jumped off of the porch and ran back to the cabin. ***I was having trouble finding the words to say to her before, but now I have to tell her that someone else was watching us! She'll kill me! Well, I guess I don't have to tell her about Shigure and Ayame, but I still need to talk to her… What am I gonna say?***
Uo had dozed off by the time Kyo stood panting in front of the cabin. He stepped quietly onto the porch and sat back against the door frame. He was not looking forward to seeing his older cousins. Kyo couldn't remember a time when he'd been this pissed off at them!
Watching Uo curled up in his shirt sleeping like there wasn't a care in the world brought a small smile to Kyo's lips. ***Hmph, maybe it won't be so bad. I could have sworn that I was pissed off until I saw her looking like that…***
The sun was creeping up across the lake. The gentle warmth on her face woke Uo. She could see Kyo sitting in the doorway, he was back lit by the sun and looked so peaceful. Uo didn't move. She didn't want to let him know she was awake just yet.
Maybe they could spend just a little bit more time in the cabin.
End of Chapter 9
Yay another chapter but wait… what's this… there's still no progression in the story? I'd better get my act together! OK, there's a little progression, just not as much as I'd had in mind originally… This is gonna be a really long story!
Please, please, please review… I wanna know what you think of it!