Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Cat and Rat: Was it Meant To Be? ❯ One True Person ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The next four days went extremely slow for Yuki and Kyou. They avoided eachother completely, and didn’t even see eachother at all, even though they lived in the same house.

After the encounter in Yuki’s room. It was obvious that the two were developing some feeling for eachother, although both teens were to much in denial to admit it.

After all the years of getting the fact that the cat and rat were supposed to hate eachother get pounded into their heads, they began to believe it. And gave up trying to be friends, gave up caring for one another. Gave up everything. And just simply avoided eachother.

Akito, realizing this was pleased. He knew that if he kept them together as friends, it would definitely turn into more. and Yuki was his, and Akito wasn’t the type to share.

Though they have been avoiding eachother on purpose, to prove that they hated eachother, they both...missed eachother.


Passing by Yuki’s room one night, on his way to the bathroom, Kyou stopped in front of the other boys door, and walked inside, hearing sounds emitting from it.

“N..No! Stop it! Please stop it! It hurts.” Yuki whimpered, tossing and turning in his bed, grasping his blanket over him.

Kyou looked at him, and sighed. He walked over to Yuki and placed his hand on the rats forehead and letting it run down his face, gently caressing his warm skin.

“Damn rat.” Kyou said as he watched the other boy sleep. He seemed to be calming down a bit by Kyou’s touch, his breathing was normal, and he stopped moving, although, he was still whimpering a little.

“What the hell am I doing in here?” Kyou asked himself as he got up and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.


What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I care what happens to him, why do I care how he feels? I give up on becoming his friend. I can’t do it. It just won’t happen.

But for some reason I just can’t stay away from him! What the hell is wrong with me?


New Years Eve

“Hurry up you two. We have to get to the main house, or did you forget that tonight was New Years Eve?” Shigure yelled from the stairway, both boys were sulking in their rooms.

“I’m not going!” They both yelled, causing Shigure to sweatdrop. He didn’t want a repeat of last year. Tohru was with her friends, so there was no reason for them to stay home.

“Come on, you don’t want Akito to get mad do you?” He asked. And both boys came out of their rooms, not paying the least bit of attention to eachother.

“I don’t see why I have to go, I’m an outcast aren’t I?” Kyou said.

“Yes, but you have to be there for the greetings, now let’s go! It’s Ha-san’s year to dance, and I can’t wait to see his costume!” Shigure said cheerfully, leading the boy’s out of the room and into the dark streets.

Quietly they walked to the main house, not speaking a word to eachother. Shigure kept looking at both of them, wondering why they were both acting so distant lately.

Upon arriving at the main house, the trio walked to Akito’s room, to tell him that they arrived.

“You two may go, but Yuki, stay here, I want to speak to you.” Akito said, he sat by the window, starring out at the darkness.

Kyou could almost see Yuki’s fear. He knew that it had probably increased after he...

Kyou gave one last look at Yuki, before following Shigure out of the room.

“Yuki, you left so quickly Christmas eve. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to you. And you didn’t take your gifts home. That hurt Yuki, unless, you’d like to put them to use again tonight.” Akito turned to him, taking his face within his cold hands.

Someone knocked at the door.

“Akito, we are greeting now.” Hatori said.

“We’ll finish this later Yuki.” Akito got up and walked out.

The greeting ceremony was just as important as the zodiac banquet and dance. Each persons name was announced, and each of the Juunishi, including Kyou, would greet them.

It was the most boring thing that they went through. They already knew everyone, but Akito insisted that it was to be done.

After the greetings were completed, Akito threw Kyou out of the house. He wasn’t part of the zodiac, so he had to leave.

And when he was thrown out, he always went to the roof, until he was allowed to go back, after everything was over.

For the past few days, Kyou found it hard not to think about Yuki. He didn’t even know why. He kept thinking how much pain he was in, and how well he hid it. Seeing his pained face Christmas morning.

Yuki was strong. Not just with strength, but with feelings. He was able to keep a straight face, and look happy, while inside he was dying.

All these years, Kyou had to put up the pain of being the cat, and the pain of being blamed for his mothers death, but he had someone that helped him through it.

The fact that Kazuma adopted him was proof in itself that he wasn’t completely hated.

But Yuki.

Who did he have? His mother was banished, his brother hated him. All he had was Akito.

Sure, now his brother came to his senses. But what about before? Why did he hate him so much? Poor Yuki suffered so much during the years.

“Yuki. I’m sorry.” Kyou said silently.

“Sorry about what?” A voice said, causing Kyou to jump in surprise.

“What the hell are you doing here kuso nezumi? Why aren’t you at the banquet with everyone else, don’t you want to be with them? Having fun?” Kyou asked as he sat back down, and Yuki sat next to him.


That night, when Kyou came into Yuki’s room. Yuki knew he was there, he felt Kyou’s gentle hands caress his face, it was so soothing.


“Kyou. To tell you the truth. The one true person I want to be with tonight.” Yuki paused. Searching in his heart if he truly meant it.

“Is you.”


Awww ^-^ Isn’t that so cute? *Silence* Well, I thought it was sweet. What will Kyou’s reaction be?

Isabelle Adamowtiz: Hope you had fun in Germany ^.^ and welcome back! Ano..lemon in the next chapter? No! Lol, I wasn’t even planning it. The lemon won’t happen for a long time! This fic is far from over, and this is only the first part! The lemon prolly won’t happen till the end ^.^

Thnax everyone else for the reviews, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!