Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Dancing Rain ❯ Sweet Rain ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Dancing Rain

By Hatori's AnGeL

Author's Notes: Thanks again to my one and only reviewer Tsukitani-san! Yes, I included

Shigure just for you (hehehe). Sorry if I made him like that though but do expect to see him some more after this chappie… *grins* I've got plans for him… oh and the uhm get laid part, well I leave that job to you *bows* I think you'd do a better job with him than me! *chuckles…* Shigure and I are too alike (I was born in the year of the dog ^,^) and he'd probably too difficult to read and handle… now Hatori-san… *grin* HIM I can handle anytime… *grins* ok… anyway, I hope you'd still like this chappie even though you don't like shounen ai and yaoi…. (warning to other readers as well)… so if you can stomach this kind of pairings, go ahead and read on… ^,^

Disclaimer: I do not own Ha-san or Aki-kun (T,T) or the other Fruits Basket characters. I all borrowed them by the great genius Natsuki Takaya *bow* Please do not sue, I swear its not worth it! ^,^ Besides, I don't have any money… (T,T)

Warning: Lemony content (gasp! My first… >,< gomen if it kinda sucks…) Expect some slight OOC in both characters.

Chapter 3: Sweet Rain


Hatori could hear someone call his name faintly.

"Ha… to… ri…"

He eyes was still closed and felt heavy… he didn't feel like opening them. He was feeling too lazy to even answer. Perhaps if he kept silent, that someone would go away.


His whispered name sounded closer. He sighed and slowly opened his eyes to see the person who insisted on disturbing him.

"Ohayo… Hatori-san…" Akito tilted his head and gave him a slow smile. Akito was half-kneeling and half sitting in front of Hatori. He was wearing a black turtleneck sweater and dark pants. And his eyes never left Hatori face.

Hatori was too shocked to answer, much less than move. What was Akito doing here, was his first thought. How did he get here… why… WHY was he here? And most importantly, why is Akito seated in front of him… *smiling* at HIM for goodness sake… his panicked thoughts were silenced by Akito's next statement.

"I've missed you Hatori. Did you miss me?" was the clan head's soft query. Akito's eyes looked wistfully at him.

Hatori was silent. He tried to speak but nothing… absolutely nothing came out of his mouth. His jaw opened and closed several times… but his voice remained loudly mute. He couldn't say a goddamn thing. His mind could not comprehend what Akito just said. His mind was blank… empty… he had no idea… absolutely no idea how to respond to this… this madness!!!

Hatori shifted and moved back slightly on the place where he was sitting. He was seated on the floor, his back supported by the couch. Hatori found himself pressing backwards more as Akito moved closer and closer to him. Akito then placed both of his knees in such a way that he half-straddled-half-sat on Hatori's lap. He then reached out his hands and gently caressed Hatori's face.

"Hatori-san, do you still hate me?" Akito whispered as his right hand still caressed his face while his other hand rested on Hatori's chest.

"Gomenasai… Hatori-san." Akito whispered softly while he leaned forward slowly to Hatori, letting his upper body slowly make contact with Hatori's chest. Then Hatori found himself being kissed softly… sweetly by the clan head of the Sohma family. Hatori looked at the eyes of the younger man before him as he slightly moved away after the kiss was broken. He was shocked when he found himself staring at a pair of eyes that showed hunger, longing, and something else…

With Hatori still mesmerized by his eyes, Akito placed his arms at Hatori's sides, caging him in. Hatori then snapped out of his semi-stupor, and just as he opened his mouth to demand an explanation for what just occurred, Akito's mouth was on his again and was giving him a mind-blowing kiss. Akito's tongue darted in and out seductively… enticingly in Hatori's mouth. Hatori couldn't remain motionless and impassive any longer. Not with that luscious lips and tongue doing such things on him. Hatori moaned and surrendered himself to the sweet temptation of licking, sucking, and nibbling back in return to Akito's onslaught. Hatori finally admitted to himself that he had always wanted to do this… to Akito… then his body shook in pleasure as Akito continued to do naughty and shocking things with his mouth, tongue, and body.

Akito was still straddling Hatori now with his lower half directly on top of Hatori's aching groin… and Akito was slowly rocking against it as they were kissing. He was hard… so damn hard and the friction of the rubbing of their clothes felt like a pleasant itch that desperately needed to be soothed. Hatori found his body reacting by thrusting his hips up in response to Akito's pelvic activities. Akito broke their kiss and gasped at Hatori's thrust. They both froze and each looked at the other's eyes in wonder, in hunger, and both in mutual lust.

Akito let a very rare genuine smile appear on his lips. Then he blatantly circled and deliciously rubbed his hips over their hard arousals while his lips branded Hatori's neck and crawled up and settled on nibbling the sensitive shapely ear. His harsh breathing had Hatori shuddering as it sent delightful shivers down his spine. Then Akito started to unbutton the front of Hatori's shirt, intent on exposing Hatori's chest. His hands ran appreciatively over those lean hard muscles displayed for his pleasure. Then he leaned up and gave an open-mouth kiss leaving Hatori slightly panting.

Meanwhile, Hatori was rubbing his hands up and down Akito's back, soothing and massaging him. Hatori's hands soon found their way under the black turtleneck, and he started to caress the satin like skin of Akito's back. Akito broke their kiss again and arched his back in pleasure to the cold fingers running up and down his spine. The sweater was now becoming an obstacle to their goal… Hatori tugged it upward and Akito helped by raising his arms and removing it impatiently, making them now both naked from the waist up.

An icy cool breeze swept the room, causing their hot flushed skin to pimple. Then the both of them could hear the soft pitter-patter of the rain. It was raining again. Just like the last time that it rained that led them to an awareness of each other. But unlike last time, Akito now was giving him his full attention and concentration… evident by his hungry unfaltering gaze and aroused state. Akito was definitely fascinated with Hatori… and moved his hands up to caress those chest and pebble-like nipples that had been aroused by the wind from the rain. Akito then bent his head and took Hatori's right nipple with his mouth and started to suck then tug the nipple using his teeth… hurting it slightly. He soothed the hurt by alternately kissing it sweetly then biting it slightly all the while his other hand twisted and tugged its twin.

Hatori groaned in response and impatiently hauled Akito closer to him-hugging him fiercely to his chest. His mind was weak with want and hunger. And a warm heady feeling was spreading over him It has been such a long time since someone paid such lavish attention to him… making him feel very much wanted and cherished. It broke his reserve and all the barriers he had put up to keep everyone away from his real feelings. He had always silently hoped that someone would come and take the hurt away, heal him, and love him… without the complications it had with Kana. Yes, Tohru has also played a part in melting the barrier of ice in his heart but no one was able to completely touch him and soothe him completely in this manner… ever since Kana. That is why *this* was so unexpected… he never thought that he would end up feeling like this for the man who destroyed him and Kana. He couldn't even understand why he was feeling this, or even condoning what they were doing right now. It was wrong… but it felt sooo right.

Confused by the riot of emotions that he was going through, he pushed Akito's hands and lips away and grabbed his head and tilted it so that he could see those eyes. A flash of lightning lightened the now dimmed room… making it easier to satisfy Hatori's need to see the emotion in Akito's eyes. He could see the same exact emotion that was probably glittering in his eyes as well. Lust. Hunger. Longing. Passion. And perhaps something else… love?… but he pushed that thought aside. He shook his head. This was not the time to analyze feelings and emotions. All he wanted to do now is just to go with the flow and just feel. Feel. To feel was just enough. Even if for just this night. This surreal moment. A loud clap of thunder reverberated the room, urging Hatori to action.

Akito found himself being ravished and devoured by the now aggressive dragon. Hatori's lips and tongue would go back and forth from his ear, to his neck, then back to his mouth. Then Hatori found his nipples and gave the same treatment that he did to Hatori. He moaned in approval.

Akito's moans was making Hatori heady with pleasure. Feeling and receiving was one thing… but giving was such a pleasure also. He smiled inwardly. *He* was doing this to the clan head. He was making Akito moan and gasp in pleasure. Something that Akito must have never experienced before. HE was giving the clan head *pleasure* He stopped what he was doing and looked at Akito again, wandering how Akito would respond or react to what he has in mind… He let his hands drop to Akito's lap and made a move to unbutton his jeans.

Akito was evidently faster than him on this one because the next thing he knew or felt rather was Akito sliding the zipper of his pants down, freeing him from its uncomfortable confines. His arousal now was able to move more freely… having only his boxer shorts to keep it in check. He bit back a moan as Akito gently took him in his hands and rubbed him through his boxers. Akito smiled back at him as he continued to gasp and shudder as his quivering member grew into unspeakable proportions. He felt heat radiate all over his body… a contrast to the weather outside where the rain continued to rain softly and sweetly… the rain sounding like a sweet melody between them as Akito continued to palm him through his boxers while his hands rubbed Akito's back in encouragement.

Hatori laid his head on Akito's right shoulder, gasping and shuddering. He felt like he was going to explode in any minute-and Akito hadn't even started to touch him with his hands yet. Kami, if he didn't do something, he'd come then and there like some unschooled young boy… he tried to warn Akito or at least do something to counter this from happening…

"Akito… onegai… Akito…" Hatori pleaded in between gasps. Damn, he couldn't even say what he wanted to say. Akito's hand was distracting him… making him wild and weak inside. He mind, his thoughts floundered as pleasure was mounting and building up… He nearly gave a loud yelp when he suddenly felt Akito's hands on him. Akito's hand had slipped inside the garter of his boxers and was now really driving him completely insane with pleasure. He gave up fighting it and concentrated on breathing and on the hand that was showing him how heaven could feel like.

Hatori, with eyes now closed tightly in pleasure, was nearly at the brink. He could feel his orgasm about to gush forth when Akito nuzzled his neck, then licked and blew on his ears and whispered,

"I love you Hatori-san…."

A loud clap of thunder masked Hatori's shout of pleasure. The room thundered and shuddered with him as he could feel his essence spurt out of him. He heard some glass crack, shatter, and break into a thousand pieces. Still feeling the aftershocks of his passion, his eyes flew open in surprise, looking for Akito and to see what had broke in Shigure's study.

The now silent empty room greeted him blankly. Hatori blinked several times. He was still seated on the floor of Shigure's study and he was all alone. Lightning flashed in the room, making it light enough to see himself. He noticed that only some of his buttons were undone. He was still wearing his shirt, with his chest only slightly exposed. He then realized that his hand was inside his already unbuttoned and unzipped pants, holding his now limp member. He also noticed that he just made a big mess at his pants.

Hatori shook his head in confusion… Where's Akito? He looked around the room and noticed his now shattered mug on the floor… its contents staining the floor. He started to shudder and shake violently as the truth dawned on him. It was all a dream. A goddamn dream. Akito… and him… a dream. My god, his mind was betraying him… showing him subconsciously what he desired and craved. Hatori buried his head on the throw pillow on the couch and thumped his hands on it in violent frustration and anger. He could feel tears slowly falling from his eyes. He didn't know if it was in relief or frustration. A crash of thunder shook the room again as the rain started to fall hard. He could hear the rain thrashing down in anger and frustration… echoing his present feelings. He sobbed… drowning himself in tears and in the sound of the rain.

AnGeL-san: *blushes* well, that's it for now! If I write another hot passionate paragraph of Akito and Hatori… I'd melt as well!

Hatori: *sulks in corner, mumbles something incoherently*

AnGeL-san: Aw c'mon Tori-san, stop pouting! I did let you *ahem, cough cough* come *cough cough* in the end right, even though it was a dream! *giggles*

Hatori: *looks murderously at AnGeL-san, opens mouth to speak. Too speechless to answer back bitingly, he snaps his mouth shut and just glares angrily at her. *

AnGeL-san: O,o *whispers softly* You don't like it? *bottom lip quivers… eyes glitter with unshed tears*

Akito: I liked it.

AnGeL-san: ….. (x,x)

Hatori: ….. (X,X)

Akito: *smiles strangely at the both of them*

AnGeL-san: O,O really? Wahhhh, I just got complimented by Aki-kun!!! Woooohoooo! *hops and dances around the room*

Hatori: I am being punished by Kami though I don't know why. I thought *she* was sent to be my GUARDIAN angel. They sent a harpy to torment me instead. She's worse than Shigure and him *looks at Akito's direction* combined. I'm taking a break before I really go insane. *walks out to cool head off*

AnGeL-san: *sobs* Ha-san! Wait!!! *runs after Hatori*

Akito: *smirks, rubs hand together* I can't wait for the next chapter. Don't forget to review and let me know what I should do to Hatori the next time we *meet.* *laughs his head off like a madman*