Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Prince ❯ Chapter 8
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Dark Prince
Chapter Eight
Tohru waved to the two older ladies before the elevator doors closed. With a sigh, she leaned back against the thin wall. She was exhausted, having worked a double shift. One of the ladies couldn't come in due to a fever so Tohru had offered to work her shift as well as her own.
She looked up as the elevator doors opened up into the lobby. Kyo stood by the revolving doors, his hands thrust in his pockets. Tohru gave him a surprised smile. She hadn't expected him to be there.
“It's about time,” he muttered as he turned and exited the building. Tohru immediately felt bad for keeping him waiting. “I'm sorry! I didn't know you were coming,” she said, untying the blue bandana from around her head. Kyo shrugged, glancing over at her.
“Whatever,” he replied. He continued walking, a troubled look on his face. Tohru didn't want to ask him too much, knowing how much he hated to be questioned. She risked his ire and asked, “Is anything bothering you, Kyo?”
He looked at her out of the corner of his eye, not answering right away. In truth, Kyo didn't know whether or not to tell her the truth. He was afraid of what her reaction would be.
“Nothing really,” he said vaguely. Tohru seemed to accept his answer as they continued walking in silence. Kyo frowned, irritated that he couldn't bring himself to tell her the truth. Why did it bother him so much?
`Because you're not sure she's really over him.'
Kyo stopped in his tracks, a startled expression on his face. Tohru realized that Kyo was not walking with her and stopped, looking back. He stood frozen to the spot. She hurried to him, placing a hand on his arm.
“Kyo, what's wrong?”
He looked down at her. Her sapphire orbs were full of worry…for him. Kyo brought his hand up to cup her cheek. How could he doubt her feelings for him? Didn't she show him in all the ways that counted how much she cared for him? He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. Her breath caught in surprise. He brushed his thumb across her cheek, the gesture tender.
“Nothing's wrong,” he said quietly, leaning back. A blush spread across Tohru's face as he grabbed her hand, resuming their walk. She couldn't help smiling. Every once in a while he managed to catch her off guard.
“I was just talking to Haru this afternoon and he was telling me that he thinks Yuki's back.”
The moment the words left Kyo's mouth, he knew that she wasn't over Yuki. He could feel it in the way her hand tightened around his; the way she stumbled slightly the minute he said his name. He felt a stabbing pain in his chest.
`Idiot, you should've known better.'
“O-oh really?” Tohru responded, her voice shaky. She'd tried hard not to think of Yuki the past week, but to no avail. He would sneak into her thoughts unbidden, refusing to go away. Even now, here with Kyo, she remembered the feel of Yuki's hands on her hips, his lips pressed firmly against hers.
She chanced a glance at Kyo, but he was staring straight ahead, his jaw tense. She hadn't told anyone of Yuki's reappearance. She especially hadn't wanted to tell Kyo.
“So…why does Haru think Yuki's back?” She asked, trying to keep the tremor out of her tone. Kyo sighed.
“He said he saw someone that looked like him leaving Akito's place early this morning.”
“Oh,” Tohru responded. So no one else knew Yuki had returned. Why was he being so secretive about it? Did it have something to do with the curse? Didn't he want to see his family and let them know he was safe? Didn't he even miss them? Had he even missed her?
All these questions flew around in her head in a dizzying tailspin, making her frustrated.
Kyo noticed Tohru's lack of response. He stopped and looked down at her. She was staring at the ground, seeming to be lost in her own thoughts. Was she thinking of him? Was she thinking about how she couldn't wait to see him?
Frustrated, he yanked his hand from her grasp, stuffing his hands back in his pockets.
“Come on,” he mumbled, walking ahead of her. Tohru looked up at the sound of his voice, nodding her head dumbly. “Ok,” she said, hurrying after him. She didn't notice the look of pain on her companion's features as they walked on in silence.
Akito was in a foul mood. He was feeling particularly under the weather today and it hadn't helped matters any when Yuki had come to him with his news. Although Yuki had taken up residence in Akito's quarters since arriving back from the states, he'd decided that he wanted his own place…a place that didn't include being in the Sohma compound.
Akito had hit the roof when the little rat had calmly told him that he'd already put in a deposit for a small loft in the city.
“And just where do you think you'll get money for rent? Do you think I'm actually going to pay for it?” Akito spat, his eyes flashing his anger. Yuki sighed, a slightly irritated expression on his face.
“Of course not, Akito. I wouldn't expect you to do something so selfless.” A slight smirk lit his lips. Akito's anger flared ten-fold. Did he really think he would stand for much more of his insolence?
“You'd do well to watch your tongue, Yuki.” Akito hissed, making sure the boy saw the subtle crimson gleam in his eyes. He was rewarded when Yuki's cockiness faltered, a hint of the scared little boy coming to the surface. He wasn't so stupid after all. He knew who was in command here. He may have been surprised by his show of power before, but now Akito was ready to regain control of the situation.
“Now, why don't you put this whole moving out business out of your head and just be content with what you have.” He reasoned, taking a step toward the younger man. For a moment, Yuki looked frightened, his eyes widening as he took a step back. Akito wondered what was going through his mind.
“Little mouse…” The sentence trailed off as Akito saw the sudden change in Yuki's expression. It was like watching a storm rolling in, his features darkening as lightning flashed in his eyes.
“I told you not…to…call…me…that,” Yuki whispered, moving closer to Akito. Akito took a startled step back. Yuki's fist moved in a flash, landing a sharp jab to the older man's abdomen. Akito doubled over, clutching his stomach as he buckled to his knees.
Yuki grabbed a fistful of hair, yanking hard. Akito's neck snapped back, his eyes wide.
“Your little mindfuck games won't work on me anymore,” he said harshly, his mouth set in a thin line. “You're weak, Akito, and your powers have diminished.”
With a sigh of disgust, he released his grip, watching as Akito slumped to the floor.
“You're a fucking leech who lives off others. What kind of life is that?” The storm passed and Yuki's expression turned to one of bored impatience. “You'd do everybody a favor if you just…died.” With that said, he turned to leave.
“Oh, and I'll send someone for my things.”
Even now, Akito felt the rage that had surged through him. He'd never been so humiliated in his life. To be told of his weakness and to know that he was losing his hold over the mouse…Akito was frantic. To have Yuki be the one to dole out the degradation…that was unforgivable.
“You'd do everybody a favor if you just…died.”
He wouldn't let it go unpunished. Akito went over to the cordless phone and punched in a series of numbers.
“Hello, Hatori? It's me. I need to see you immediately. There's something that needs to be…taken care of.”
A/N: I just want to thank all my reviewers…u guys really keep me going! Thanks for bearing with me and being patient with my long updates! U guys kick ass!