Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Prince ❯ Chapter 14
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Dark Prince
Chapter Fourteen
Tohru frowned as she looked down at the vegetable selection. She'd been standing in front of the vegetable display for the past fifteen minutes trying to decide what to get. She wanted to make a special dinner for Yuki, but nothing seemed good enough. She let out a heavy sigh, about to give up on making a vegetable dish when a voice stopped her.
“You should go with the leeks. They may not be my favorite, but that damn rat seems to like them.”
Tohru gripped the basket she was holding, not wanting to turn around. She knew it was cowardly, but she didn't want to see the betrayal that would surely be shining in those fiery orbs.
A few moments of awkward silence elapsed, but the world around them continued on. Tohru heard the sound of people talking and laughing, enjoying the beautiful day even as the two of them stood without words, without anything. Tohru wanted to say something, anything to break the horrible silence, but she was afraid of what he'd say to her. She was afraid to hear the truth.
“Kyo, I'm -”
“Please don't say it, Tohru.” Kyo's voice was soft, pleading. Slowly, she turned to face him. Kyo stood a few feet away, his hands stuffed into his pockets. He was looking beyond her, gaze fixed, jaw tense. She wanted desperately to reach out to him, comfort him, but she knew it wasn't what he wanted. He was still hurting.
“How have you been?” Tohru asked hesitantly, trying for a light tone and smile to match. She knew the gesture was phony but would do anything to dispel the uncomfortable silence between them.
After a few moments in which Tohru was sure he would simply walk off, Kyo finally looked at her. His gaze was careful, slightly strained as he shifted.
“Good,” he replied shortly. Tohru nodded dumbly. She didn't know what to say next and that made her laugh softly. Kyo immediately took offense.
“What's so funny?”
Tohru glanced at him and shook her head as her laughter deepened. Kyo was frowning at her, his expression one of confusion and slight irritation. He repeated his question, this time with more impatience. Tohru immediately stopped laughing, although there was a telltale sparkle in her azure gaze.
“It's nothing really,” she explained quietly. “I was just thinking that it was weird that I couldn't think of anything to say to you when my problem is usually not knowing when to shut up.”
Kyo grunted and turned his head, but not before Tohru saw a slight tugging at the edges of his mouth. She ducked her head, hiding her smile. Maybe there was hope for them yet.
“Do you want to take a walk with me?”
Tohru was as surprised as Kyo by her impulsive invitation. He looked at her, his gaze guarded. She held her breath, already anticipating his answer. Maybe she was trying to hard too fast or maybe things were far worse than she thought…
Tohru couldn't suppress the delighted grin that curved her lips, making her eyes sparkle like the ocean on a clear day. Kyo was suddenly mesmerized, taken aback as he always was by her natural beauty. He shook his head slightly, breaking the spell he'd been under. It still hurt, looking at her, talking to her and yet remaining an outsider. He really should just walk away, stay as far away from her as possible to save himself the heartache, but…
`Why is the sun so clear and beautiful and near yet so far…just out of reach?'
He didn't realize he was staring at her so intently until she reached out to lay a hand on his arm, her touch burning through to his skin. He closed his eyes and fought the urge to grab her and drag her to him, kissing away any memory of his cousin.
Instead he locked the pain away and met her worried gaze, giving her just the barest hint of smile. “Let's go.”
Yuki opened the door and stood aside so Jade could enter ahead of him. He walked behind her into the small but efficient hotel room. The corridor led into a large space that served as both bedroom and kitchen, a full size bed against one wall and a tiny kitchen area in the space across from it. Off to the right of the kitchen was a short hallway that Yuki assumed led to the bathroom.
He placed Jade's single medium-sized suitcase on the bed while she dropped the travel bag at her feet. She glanced around the hotel room speculatively. “It's a little…economical, don't you think?”
Yuki shrugged, keeping his gaze neutral. She wasn't here for a vacation and he wasn't spending any more money on her than was absolutely necessary. “It will do,” he said shortly. Jade glanced at him but didn't reply. Instead, she let out a heavy sigh.
“So should I go straight into the details or is it too much to ask for something to eat?” Her voice held a teasing edge, although the anxiety was still there, just not as prevalent. Yuki sighed and nodded, knowing that he couldn't be so cruel as to deny her food after flying all the way from the states. As she looked over the hotel's sparse menu, Yuki sat in one of two chairs facing each other by the window looking out over the busy streets below.
His mind wandered back to the first day he'd met Jade, a meeting that would change his very being.
It was cold and wet, flurries of snow falling to the ground silently. As Yuki hurried to his next class, he took care not to make a false move and slip on sidewalks that were rapidly becoming iced over. So intent was he on watching his step that he didn't notice the red-head walking at a clipped pace beside him. She stepped on a patch of fresh ice and flailed about, trying to regain her equilibrium.
Yuki looked up at the shouted expletive just as one of the wayward arms caught him in the chest. His eyes widened as he felt himself falling backward, his books flying from his startled grasp.
He landed with a hard thud on his butt, the girl landing next to him on her back. He glanced over at her, his own welfare temporarily put on hold. “Are you alright?” He leaned over her, worried that she may have sprained an arm or ankle. After a few moments of deep breathing, she turned her gaze to him, her bright emerald eyes laughing up at him before he heard the ripple of laughter.
“You know, this is the second time today I've managed to fall flat on my ass, although it's my first taking somebody down with me.” She sat up. “And it seems I took down a very cute somebody.”
Yuki frowned and climbed to his feet quickly, brushing at his clothing. “Well, since you seem to be fine, you should really consider slowing down for your sake,” he replied tersely. “And everyone else's.” He muttered the last part under his breath. Gathering his wet books from the snow-covered grass, he scowled at the condition they were in. Not only was he going to be late for class but his books were most likely destroyed.
Without a backward glance, he continued on his way, glancing at his watch. He still had five more minutes, plenty of time…
“Hey, what's your name?”
Yuki didn't bother answering, annoyed that the girl seemed to be following him. He quickened his pace, hoping she'd take the hint. Apparently, taking hints wasn't her forte. She strode right along beside him.
“My name's Jade in case you're wondering. Jade Saunders.” She looked over at him, trying to peer through his shaggy bangs. He didn't look her way as he answered, “I wasn't.”
Jade was slightly taken aback by his aloof attitude. Most guys fell over themselves just trying to get a name out of her and here she was practically stalking this guy just to get another glance at those amazing gray eyes. They'd taken her breath away.
“Where you heading?” She tried again, determined to get him to look at her. Jade wasn't one to give up so easily and today was no exception. He heaved a sigh of pure irritation and finally stopped dead in his tracks. He turned to her, his expression one of extreme annoyance. Those gray eyes were as clear and crisp as the winter day they were now experiencing.
“If you must know I'm going to a philosophy class. Happy?” Jade's face brightened in spite of his brusque tone. “Me too!” She exclaimed. Yuki's expression clearly conveyed his doubt. She reached into her shoulder bag and produced a leather-bound book entitled “Great Minds of Philosophy: Thoughts and Theories”.
Yuki rolled his eyes. “Let me guess. You're taking Professor Litman too.” Jade nodded happily, a bright smile on her face. Yuki scoffed and turned abruptly, heading for the Harriman Building. Jade hurried after him, becoming slightly irritated with his standoffishness.
“Look, I don't know how good you're doing in the class, but my grades are top notch. In fact, I'm doing a paper for Professor Litman on the plausibility of metaphysical -”
Yuki stopped again, glancing at her. Truth be told, he wasn't doing so hot in philosophy and despite his present annoyance with the girl, she might be able to help him.
“Jade, is it? My name's Yuki Sohma.” He held out his hand and she took it, knowing she'd hooked him. “Just as I thought, Yuki Sohma,” she said as she linked her arm through his and led him down the path. “This is the start of a beautiful friendship.”
“Hey, you want something?”
Yuki looked up, blinking his eyes as the memory of that day faded before him. He shook his head. He was wound so tight that he wouldn't be surprised if anything he tried to eat went straight to the pit of his stomach like a brick. Jade shrugged and finished her order, hanging up the phone when she was finished.
“What's got you in such deep thought?” Jade asked, although she already knew the answer. Yuki continued staring out the window, wishing he was at home with Tohru with his arms wrapped securely around her where nothing could touch them.
“I tried to stop it, Yuki.”
He glanced over at her on the bed, her arms hugging her knees to her chest. She looked so frightened and alone that he was tempted to go to her, comfort her, but he didn't. Jade would take it the wrong way and things would progress down a road where he didn't want to go. So he sat there, waiting for her to continue.
“I did everything according to the teachings…followed every rule to the tee. I don't understand how things went wrong.” Jade's gaze sharpened as she met Yuki's cool look. “As good as I was, am, you knew what would happen in the case that things went south. You knew.” Her voice was accusing, spitting blame at him. “It came with a price that you just couldn't resist.”
Yuki took a deep breath, keeping a tight reign on his anger. He didn't want to hear this, any of this. There was enough blame to go around, but Jade seemed content with letting him take both their shares. He wasn't going to let that slide so easily.
“You're not blameless in this, Jade.” He reminded her quietly, his tone at odds with the heat burning in his gaze. “Not only did you satisfy your need for mastering the metaphysical transitions, you also got the one thing you've wanted since the day we met: me.” He saw her flinch at the naked truth in his words. They both remained silent, lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Jade decided to break the tense atmosphere.
“I really did do it for you,” she whispered softly, her gaze lowered to the maroon bedspread. “I couldn't bear seeing that pain in your eyes, that pain that seemed to be a part of you. I would have done anything to take it away.”
Yuki relented with a gentle nod of his head. He knew that as much as she'd wanted him, she'd ultimately done what she'd done for him. He gazed out the window.
“Do you remember what you said to me the first time you found out my secret?” He heard her chuckle softly and couldn't help the slight upturn of his lips at the sound.
“I said `How cute',” she replied. She, too, was thinking back to that first time.
“Litman entered my paper for the Annual Academia Review!”
Yuki was sitting at a table in the back of the library, virtually deserted at this time of night. He was studying for a particularly difficult exam and was taking advantage of the isolation. Jade had called him fifteen minutes earlier to ask where he was. Now she was practically running toward his table, heedless of library etiquette, even though the librarian was nowhere to be seen and Yuki was the only person at this end of the library.
He glanced up, the words `Congratulations' on the tip of his tongue when Jade threw herself at him, hugging him tightly.
Yuki sighed as he looked up at Jade, her arms hanging loosely in midair. He would have laughed if he weren't presently in his mouse form, his clothes in a pile around him. She looked down in astonishment, her green eyes going as round as saucers, her arms still suspended as if they were attached to invisible strings.
“Yuki?” She sounded uncertain, as if he'd somehow run and hid from her, leaving a small gray mouse in his absence. She even glanced around as if searching for him.
“I'm here,” Yuki responded, looking up at her with huge eyes. Her mouth opened and Yuki expected a scream to erupt or even a torrent of curse words. Nothing prepared him for what came out.
He was floored. No one had ever reacted like this to his transformation... except Tohru. The thought caused a small ache in his tiny heart and he gazed at her, trying to convey his confusion. “Aren't you the tiniest bit frightened or at least disgusted?” He asked, recalling Akito's words from childhood that always seemed to haunt him. Jade reached down tentatively and touched a finger to the tip of his nose.
“Why should it?” She responded, clearly in awe. “Believe me, I've seen some pretty strange things…” she trailed off, sensing his curiosity. Yuki's little brow knit in what could pass for animal confusion, although it was unclear.
“Like what?”
Jade frowned slightly, still touching him. She ran a finger down his smooth, furry back. “Well, I'm into some stuff that people would normally think strange.” She sighed before blurting out, “Stuff like witchcraft.”
Yuki was suddenly interested, although a little skeptical, no longer bothered by his sudden transformation. Jade was handling it better than he'd expected and he was learning something new in the process. He had to pass the time somehow until the transformation wore off.
“Witchcraft?” He repeated, enjoying Jade's gentle ministrations. An odd look came over her face, a mixture between fascination and excitement. “Yeah, I mean I've only been dabbled in it for a couple of years, but I've gotten pretty good at conjuring and concealment spells. I haven't really had the time for the big stuff.”
Yuki was surprised to learn this about Jade and she must have sensed it because she suddenly stopped and smiled, her emerald eyes glittering with the gesture. “It's something I don't really tell people because they tend to look at me differently but…” she paused, eyeing Yuki playfully. “Somehow I don't think you'll feel that way.”
“I never would have guessed,” Yuki admitted. “You seem so studious that it doesn't seem like you really have time for anything else.”
Jade looked at him indignantly. “I'm not a total nerd. I do have a social life outside of school.” Yuki shrugged and remained silent. “Besides,” she added, “Witchcraft isn't really a hobby, it's more like a way of life. It influences almost everything I do.”
“So it would seem that we've both been keeping things from each other,” Yuki mused. Just as he finished the sentence, he returned to his human form in a poof of smoke. When the smoke cleared, Jade stared at him, her cheeks holding a slight blush.
“Oh my god! You're naked!” She quickly turned around. Yuki calmly gathered his clothes, slipping into them. When he was finished, he tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around, eyeing him curiously. “You know, maybe I can help you with this condition of yours.”
Yuki eyed her incredulously. “This `condition' as you put it is actually an ancient family curse that isn't so easy to get rid of.” His voice was hard, remembering the many times he'd prayed for the curse to be lifted. Needless to say, his prayers were never answered. He gathered his books, taking her by the arm. “Well, since you've broken my concentration for the rest of the night, why don't we grab a late dinner and you can tell me a little more about your…special talents.”
“Yeah, and you can tell me more about this family curse,” Jade said. “I'd like to learn a little more about it because you never know what might happen.”
“I wish I could go back to that day,” Jade said quietly. She sighed and threw her legs over the side of the bed, standing up quickly. “I can't talk about this now. First I eat, then we talk.”
Yuki watched her walk across the room to the hallway leading to the bathroom. He closed his eyes. They couldn't turn back time no matter how much they wanted to. All they could do now was deal with the present, whatever it may be.