Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Kinden no Panse ❯ Kinden no Panse part 1 ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Me: Okay, This has to be the longest story I've ever written…so far it's planning on becoming a 3-part story, with part 1 explaining the vampires, part 2 being some vampirism action, and part 3 being all the romance, violent, lemony stuff. The rating will change when it has become part 3, but, for now, just enjoy part 1, and I'll try to get off my lazy ass to type the story up…Yeah, it's written in, so far, two notebooks, and it's fairly long as it is. ^^;; heh. So, hope you enjoy, and please, please, please leave a review. If you seriously want me to continue, I won't until I get at least 5 for the prologue. At least, then, I'll know that people like it, and I'll continue. Just 5 for the pro is all I ask! You can ignore me from then on! But don't forget to check up on updates! I seriously will try to update as much as I can with this story. Well, without further adieu, I give you part 1 of Kinden no Panse (which means Forbidden Thoughts in Japanese, which is why that's what part 1 is called). I have no ownership to anything Fruits Basket related, but the vampires are mine…its hard making up names, bear with me! I have full copyright on all the vampires, unless I say otherwise, so no touchy! Unless you ask permission, then I'll probably consider letting Arkade spend the weekend with you…but that's all!


Kinden no Panse


In a dark forest, deep in the French country, in the province of Tours, a thunderstorm raged; lightning flashing through the sky, to illuminate the land around from miles, about every ten seconds.


In an old, abandoned château-fort, hidden by trees, a piercing scream filtered the air.


The château-fort towered high above all around, blending with some of the tallest trees. Three stoned towers climbed the sky, stretching in to the heavens. A large wall surrounded the property about ten miles in radius, preventing any strangers from trespassing.


One would think, with such tall towers, such big walls, and a loud scream, how could this château-fort hide in only trees?


Magic…magic from the ancient vampires; who were properly called `Ancients'. There are only about 50 `Ancients' left and a good majority live in France. This one château-fort holds 3 of the oldest.


Rene, the leader of the 2nd most powerful vampire clan, is 2nd oldest himself. He is one of the two vampires who ruled their clan from halfway across the world. His clan, the `Re-born', travel from country to country, raising hell to any unsuspecting villages.


Theme, the 3rd oldest, also has a clan like Rene's. However, because of Theme and Rene's rivalry, their vampire clans quarrel as well. Her clan, the `Cursed', follow Rene's clan, picking fights. They have no interest in mortals other than the blood. However, they lust for the blood of a vampire as well.


Arkade, the leader of the French vampires, takes amusement in the rivalry between Theme and Rene. He doesn't have a clan, being the king of the French vampires.


There were 27 others who lived in Paris, the largest city in France.


Now, back to the scream…


Arkade sat on his high throne, smirking down at the writhing body about 10 feet away from him. Rene sat to his right his head resting on his hand, which rested on the arm of the chair; he had his eyes closed and he was practically sleeping. Theme sat on Arkade's left, picking at the invisible dirt under her crystalline fingernails, occasionally looking up at the tortured male.


Arkade was a tall vampire, with a lean, muscular body. He never messed with his raven black hair, and that caused it to be rough, but yet it still held its shimmer. His eyes were blank, and black, like most of the vampires.


Rene was also tall, but he was skinnier than Arkade, and had less muscles. His long, blond hair fell down to just passed his waist and he had it in a ponytail. His eyes were a soft gray, but they were also blank.


Theme was smaller than the other two, being a woman, and she was leaner than the both of her partners. Her hair was in tight, silvery white curls that never fuzzed, and was never crunchy; like she had just soaked her hair in gel…her hair was naturally tightly curly. Her eyes were black like Arkade's.


Arkade waved his hand, indicating for the vampire to stop his mortal tortures.


The young man, who was the tortured, painfully looked up at Arkade, who held the man's life in his hands.


Arkade leaned forward in his chair, looking as if he were to stand up. Rene opened his eyes at the change, but only to close them again when Arkade leaned back, seeming to change his mind.


He smirked and let out a cruel laugh. "Tell me, Jean, how does it feel when you question authority? Hurts…doesn't it? Isn't that right, Rene?"


Rene nodded, keeping his eyes closed. "Yes, sir."


Arkade nodded at Jean. "Now, I am authority - you know this. When you don't pay me back - and run - gives me no choice but to punish you. Although I don't get paid when you're dead, this torture is so much better than any Euro, right, Theme?"


Theme continued picking at her nails. "Whatever."


Arkade slowly turned his head towards her, glared, and leaned her way. He growled at her.


Theme stopped picking at her nails, and looked at the powerful vampire to her right.


Rene opened his eyes and smirked at her from over Arkade's shoulder.


Theme saw Rene, glared at him, and then smiled as sweet as she could at Arkade. "Of course, Master," she said.


Arkade nodded, and turned back to Jean.


Rene glared at Theme, who glared back. A sound of Arkade clearing his throat brought the two back to the moment.


He looked at Rene. "It's Shii," he said.


Rene looked towards the double doors of the hall, and sighed.


Arkade didn't mind if she watched what went on in the hall, but Rene didn't want her to be exposed to mortal's pains.


Rene stood up, and walked towards her.


A little girl, about the age of 12 in mortal years, looked up at, him as he approached her, with big, dark violet blank eyes. Her long, black hair cascaded down her back, and her small arms embraced a small pink, blue, and gray panda teddy bear. Her gaze moved from Rene to Arkade (who smiled at her), to Theme (who glared deadly at her), to Jean (the poor mortal man whose screams she heard earlier).


Rene saw her staring at Jean, who stared back at her, and tried to usher her out of the hall, not once touching a hair on her head.


Once she was fully out, he closed the doors. He kneeled down in front of her.


"What's wrong?" he asked her.


Shii looked back at him. "I woke up," she said in a small voice.


Rene nodded. He stood up, and was about to say something more, but Jean's screams were continued, and he decided this was not the place for this girl. He started walking down the corridor, Shii running after him.


"Why is that man screaming?" Shii asked him.


"He made Arkade angry."




"Why do you want to know?" he asked, not unkindly.


Shii ignored his question. "Why does Mademoiselle Theme hate me so much?"


"That…" Rene stopped. He didn't want to tell her that it was because Theme hated him. No, that would just raise more questions he did not want to answer. "She doesn't hate you."


"Yes she does! She even told me that she hated me. She told me, that if she had anything to do with it, she would make sure I joined Mama soon."


This raised Rene's blood pressure. "She said that to you?"


Shii nodded.


Rene stared down at Shii, glaring at her, but not at her. He was glaring at Theme.


He continued walking. "She didn't mean it." Shii opened her mouth to protest, but Rene cut her off. "No more questions," he said. Shii obeyed him, and closed her mouth.


He led her back to her room, told her to get back in bed. She did as she was told.


"Go back to sleep," he said, smiling at her from the door. "I'll come back when I'm done, okay?" He turned to go, but Shii stopped him.


"Papa, can I have a hug?"


Rene turned towards her, his heart stricken. Seeing her reaching to him, her bear lying motionless next to her on the bed. He couldn't help himself - he turned around and shut the door behind him.


Shii lowered her arms, and immediately hugged her bear.


Rene walked back to the hall, Shii's face imprinted in his mind. Her eyes were what stuck out mostly…some said she was the daughter of the great Arkade, but she wasn't. Those eyes and her hair belonged to her mother. What she was, a half mortal vampire was given to her by her father.


He tried, he really did. He wanted to be her father, like he was supposed to be. However, ever since her mother was killed, he hadn't been able to lay a finger on her.


Theme watched as Rene walked back into the hall. He was hurt enough without Shii bothering him. Theme was willing to relieve him of his hurt, but she enjoyed it. If anything, she was willing to take the little brat away and cause him more pain.


An evil spark in Theme's eyes proved that she was formulating a plan. However, she had to wait until Arkade was through with his fun to carry it out.


"Rene, you coward, talk to me," Theme said.


Rene sat still in his chair as Arkade and the other vampires carried the lifeless body away. His face set in a scowl, and this, Theme pretended not to see. If anything, he was scowling at Shii's intrusion earlier.


When the room was empty, she turned to him. He was clutching the arms of the chair until his knuckles throbbed…and he continued clutching. He was mad.


"I just want to tell you that I heard some of your vampires talking," Theme said.


Rene shot his head towards her, glaring silver daggers, that he knew wouldn't kill her, at her; it was still nice to vision her body being torn apart by millions of daggers, and her screaming in agony and pain.


Theme saw this in his eyes, but mentally shrugged it off and continued.


"They were talking about Shii."


"Which reminds me," he said in a low, menacing tone. "We had an interesting talk today, Theme."




"Yes. I have a question for you…" He shifted in his chair so he fully faced her. "Why did you tell Shii that you hated her?"


"I was in a horrid mood," Theme replied, unfazed. Why should she lie? He'd know! "She was bugging me, so I yelled the first thing that came to mind. It worked, and she left me alone. Now, about your vampires-"


"Do you hate her?"


YES! She hated the little bitch with every fiber that wasn't already reserved for Rene! She rolled her eyes, and looked away from him. "It's kind of hard to hate her. She's so cute that even I adore her! Do you know how much that bugs me? She's your fucking daughter, and I can't hate her!" She cleared her throat and looked back at him. "But a couple of your vampires aren't fazed by her cuteness." She smirked.


`Crystal! Damn it, where are you?'




`Where have you been?'


`My communication bit of my mind was being used.'


`Anyway, she's coming to your neck of the woods.'


`Who's coming?'


`Rene's brat.'


`I don't have woods that have necks.'


`She's going to live with her mortal cousin…in Tokyo! You're there, aren't you?'


`Of course! Where else should I be?'


`Well, knowing you, you could get lost in your own back yard.'


`Where does he live?'




"Shii's cousin.'


`How did you know it was a boy?'


`Well, let's see, a few years ago, you sent me to get dirt on Shizuo's family. I had forgotten where they lived, however…'




`Nope, no dirt. They're good people. I remember they lived in a shrine…'


`Shii won't last a minute in there.'


`Are you sure? Her mother did live there.'


`Why would Rene…I want her dead. When Shii arrives, take her into the dark part of the forest, and kill her!'


`Yes, captain!'


`And stop calling me that!'


End of Prologue


Next Chapter: The zodiac goes on a picnic/camping trip, and Shigure finds a little lost girl…