Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Kinden no Panse ❯ kinden no panse part 1 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kinden no Panse

Part 1

Chapter 3


Tohru stared out the kitchen window for what would seem like the hundredth time. She had been past her limits of worry long ago when the two women left.


The blonde woman had told her that she was going to cure the zodiac, Kyo, and Akito. Tohru didn't believe her, but she was willing to believe her.


She knows she should be happy that the curse was going to be lifted, but it was how the curse was to be lifted that killed her nerves.


Tohru had asked how the curse was going to be killed, but the blonde's answer was frightening, on some level.


"We can't get rid of the curse without killing their spirits," she had said.


It was morning now, and all that had happened the day before. Kyo, Yuki, Shigure, and Hatori should be back soon - Hatori because he was the one who drove.


She poured herself another glass of herbal tea, and slowly drank it, keeping her eyes glued to the outside of the window. She was so glued that she almost didn't realize Hatori's car pulling up.


Shigure sighed. "I wish we didn't have to bring her to her home," he said.


Hatori sighed. "We've been through this, she wanted to go home, Shigure, get over it. She wasn't yours to take care of."


Kyo sighed. "Why are we still having this conversation?"


"She was cute," Yuki said. "You remember where she lives, don't you? Why don't you visit her sometime?"


Shigure smiled and nodded tiredly. "Maybe I will!"


They all got out of the car, Hatori and Yuki immediately going to the trunk of the car to unload. Shigure and Kyo slowly trudged to the front door. Just because they were allowed in the light didn't mean that they didn't need their sleep.


Tohru opened the door. "You're home! I'm so happy!" she moved aside to let Shigure and Kyo in. She followed them as they slowly made their way up the stairs. "Did you have fun? Did you stay up late? Did you eat enough?" she asked in a rush.


The two grunted in response, and went to their rooms, closing the door behind them.

Tohru looked at their doors, and turned around and went to meet Yuki and Hatori. She repeated her earlier questions.


"I enjoyed myself, Miss Honda," Yuki replied. "I'll tell you all about it."


Tohru helped the two unpack, and, after Hatori left, helped Yuki unpack his things.


"Well, it all started out nice," Yuki began. "It was sunny out. Kyo disappeared after lunch, and I didn't see him again until this morning. Lunch, yesterday was wonderful, by the way."


Tohru blushed, and thanked him, soon after ushering him to continue.


"Well, I spent my time with Hiro and Kisa and Kagura, who was sad that Kyo disappeared.


"After supper, we all took it easy, talking slightly. Shigure left to gather more firewood; for he wanted to roast some marshmallows, and we didn't have enough firewood…Hatori caught Ayame eating all the marshmallows. Hatori, therefore, sent him to his tent, as Shigure returned with enough wood and sticks to last a lifetime, honestly. However, he wasn't alone, which added more to the lifetime supply of wood and sticks. He had a little girl with him. He was talking to her, but we couldn't see her. I asked who he was talking to, he said that he found her, and I heard Haru say, `We're all looking for a girl…how did he get fortunate enough to actually find one?' Then, he disappeared into Rin's tent.


"Shigure took the girl into his tent, and he didn't leave after that. The girl looked about Kisa's age, and she was extremely shy. Akito went in Shigure's tent a little after, having heard that Shigure brought a stranger into the camp.


"Well, after Shigure and the girl left, Momiji disappeared. Hatori, Kisa, Hiro, Ritsu, and Kagura left into their tents. It was getting late about now. Kureno went to Akito's tent, and came out a few minutes later, and went into Shigure's tent. I think they were having a party in there or something.


"When Momiji came back, he went straight to Shigure's tent."


"Sounds like they were having a party," Tohru said, as the two made their way down to the kitchen. She was going to make them some tea.


"He came out a little later, the girl following him. I met her, her name is Shii. She was cute. After I met her, I went to bed.


"This morning, Momiji, Kyo, Shigure, and the girl were worn out. Akito had a frightening spark in his eye, and Kureno seemed a little pale. We packed up, and left. Hatori dropped everyone off, and we took a detour to take Shii home. Shigure and Kyo were beat the whole way."


Tohru gasped.


"They were tired," Yuki added immediately. "They were so tired, they slept. That's why they're in their rooms now." He sighed and accepted a cup of tea Tohru offered him.


"Shigure did seem reluctant to let the girl go."


"I wonder what a small girl was doing in the middle of the woods…" Tohru said.

"Shigure said she was out with her aunt when they were separated."


"Poor thing," Tohru whispered into her cup. She took a sip when a knock was heard. She got up, making Yuki believe that he had to rest also, and walked to the door. When she opened it, she couldn't help the gasp that escaped her lips. It was the same black haired vampire that had pretended to be her. The vampire's name was Mimiru.


"Hello…Tohru was it?" the black haired vampire said. She pulled Tohru out the door, and closed it. She pinned Tohru against the wall. "Remember the blonde vampire?" she asked.


Tohru nodded.


"Well, did you get a good look at what was inside the potato sack?"


Tohru shook her head. "She kept it tied shut."


"A man by the name of Shigure lives here, doesn't he?"


The mortal gasped. "What do you want with Shigure?"


"He stole someone from us. A little girl by the name of Shii, ever heard of her"


"Yuki told me they took her back to her home."


Mimiru eased off Tohru. "Fuck! She's already at the shrine." She sighed, and smiled at Tohru. "On a lighter note, how's Kyo?"


"He's sleeping, as is Shigure."


Mimiru nodded. "And Yuki how is he?"


"He's taking it easy today." Tohru didn't seem to know how Mimiru knew them, but the mortal didn't show any concern towards it.


The vampire nodded again. "Getting ready for school tomorrow?"


Tohru nodded as well. "Has the curse gone?"


Mimiru smiled. "Four curses, 3 spirits. However…" her face scowled and her voice was dangerously low "…three curses didn't go as planned. That will all change." She became light hearted again. "I am sending Crystal to attend your school. If she can't convince Yuki to take her to the shrine, then you'll have to do it."


"Take her to the shrine?"


"No, influence Yuki."


Tohru gulped at the look Mimiru gave her. "Why can't s-she go by herself?"


"Tohru, dear, vampires can't enter a home without being invited first. Shii knows Crystal is sent to kill her. No way will they let her in unless someone from inside invites her in."


"I thought it was that vampires aren't allowed to enter shrines…"


"Are you testing me? Because, if you are, I have news for you, deary. Without being invited, I found out, stepping foot into the shrine will kill a vampire on the spot. But being invited has the same affect as a normal house. Everything will be fine." The vampire winked at Tohru, and disappeared.



Next chapter: to the shrine we go!


Notes for this chapter:

If there are any errors…I AM SO SORRY!

I hear tons of rumors that Rin and Haru had a "History" together, so I added that in.

I told you this was rated for language!

Mimiru gets the wrong idea about Yuki and Tohru. Later, for the sake of the story, I will explain why the two are just really, really, really good friends. They must admit, they were smitten with each other at one time…but for the sake of the story…it just can't be so! Sorry to all you Tohru/Yuki fans out there…

I got the information about vampires not being able to enter a house uninvited from that Disney movie, `My mom's dating a vampire'.