Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Kinden no Panse ❯ kinden no panse part 1 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kinden no Panse

Part 1

Chapter 2


Kyo stared at Shigure's tent. He found a new tree that kept him hidden, but he could keep an eye out on the camp. Akito had walked in Shigure's tent about ten minutes ago, having gotten word about the girl the dog found, and had yet to come out; Momiji disappeared somewhere, and had yet to return. However, as much as Momiji disappearing and no one noticing did worry Kyo a little, what was going on in Shigure's tent actually caught his attention.


"So, where is the little snot-nosed brat?" someone said under his branch. He looked down and saw Momiji talking to a blonde.


The cat looked back at the tent, not worried about the little boy anymore now that he's safe. Kyo still kept his ears open though.


"In that tent, unless they moved her," Momiji said.


"The one in the middle?" the blonde asked.


"No, that's the food tent."


"Oo…I'm hungry, speaking of which."


"If we keep standing here, there'll be nothing left."


"How long have you known Mimiru?"


"A couple months."


"And you haven't even met Theme…Shit, you're starting to sound and act just like those two. Please stop."


"Not the middle tent, the one that's five tents to the left."


"This is a big family you have. You have a food tent god damn it!" The blonde slowly counted the tents. "So? Go get her. If there's any problem, contact me. I'm older than every vampire in this camp put together, I can handle it."


"Then why don't you go in?"


"Are you scared?"


"No, it's my family, why should I be scared? This just isn't my problem. You and Mimiru lost her, not me."


The blonde sighed and wiped her hair out of her eyes, pretending to space out, which isn't hard for her. "I see a reward given to the vampire who gets the girl."


"Then why don't you go get her?"


The blonde stepped forward. "Damn right! I don't want to lose that reward!"


Momiji grabbed her arm. "Quiet! Y-you can't barge in there like you know them. L-let me go. They know me, it'll be easier."


"Oh, well, if you're sure…"


"I'm already gone."


"That's a good Momo!" she whispered. "You'll definitely get rewarded!"


The blonde chuckled as Momiji walked towards the tent. "A gullible little boy." She leaned on the tree.


Kyo looked down at her. Did she just say…vampire? He looked back up at the tent that Momiji had just entered. How many vampires did she was here? Momiji…no, not Momiji! And Shigure and Akito…


The blonde and the little girl were bad news, and didn't want anyone, especially him, to become vampires. He gathered up his courage and strength, and jumped down onto the blonde vampire.


Momiji opened the tent flap, and walked in, putting his cheery face on.


"Shigure! Why are you hiding the little girl? We want to play with her!" He smiled at the little girl, who hid behind Akito when Momiji came in.


Shigure smiled at the girl. "Would you like to play with Momiji and the others?"


She looked at Momiji, hugged her bear close, and clenched Akito's sleeve, Momiji suddenly feeling a pang of jealousy. (Akito never lets anyone so close to him!) Akito stared at Momiji, and knew why she was scared of him.


Akito leaned down at Shii, and whispered in her ear. "Would you like me to take care of him?" he asked.


Shii shook her head, and whispered in Akito's ear. Akito nodded and looked at Momiji.


"Bring them in."


Momiji jumped, giving off the impression he was surprised. "All of them?"


Akito nodded. Shigure looked at Shii. "I know you mean well, but can my tent hold everyone?"


"Bring them in two at a time," Akito argued.


Shii stared at Momiji as he looked between Shigure and Akito as they argued.


"But wouldn't the others get suspicious?"


"Suspicious of what?" Momiji asked, looking clueless as to what they're talking about.


"See? Momiji is already suspicious," Shigure said.


"No thanks to you," Akito growled, curling his lip.


Shii put her hand on his sleeve before his lips revealed too much, and calmed him down. "I'll go," she whispered.


Shigure protested. "But you're condition…"


Akito sent him a look that told him to stop talking. "If she wants to go…" he looked down at her. "Let her go, Shigure. Do you not trust your own family to care for her?"


Shigure sighed. He smiled at her. "Have fun. Be back here in ten minutes!"




"Fine," Shigure sighed. "I'll come get you later…"


Shii nodded at him, and followed Momiji out of the tent, Momiji humming his song. "I should teach you my song," Momiji said as they left the tent.


Shigure waved off Shii as Akito stared at him. The dog turned to Akito.


"You like being this way, don't you?" Shigure asked, a serious expression on his face.


"If I could pass the chance to live forever, would you think I would? I was hoping all of my zodiac could be this way."


Shigure nodded. "Shii told me there's another clan."


"We have clans?"


"Her father is the leader of our clan."


"I am under someone's rule?"


"Don't like the price?" The dog gave Akito a clueless look. "You didn't know that?"


Akito growled. "How could I know that?" he snapped. He sighed and looked away from Shigure. "I'm in a foul mood, Shigure, forgive me if I snap."


"What's wrong, Akito?"


"How do we know if we're in different clans? If Momiji was turned into one of us by another vampire, would we know if he's in our clan? What's the deal with clans? Are we enemies now?"


"I don't know. You should ask Shii. She'll be able to tell you, I'm sure."


"Repeat after me," Momiji told Shii. "Yuhi you yamani…"


Shii repeated in her soft, shy voice, and Momiji cheered. "Teru-teru Momiji…"


Again, Shii repeated.


Momiji smiled and nodded. He looked back at where he left Crystal. `Where are you?' He had been trying to contact Crystal ever since he walked out of Shigure's tent.


"Is that all?" Shii asked, noting his hesitation, and breaking his thoughts.


"Nope, there's more. It isn't long, don't worry."


"I'm not." She smiled at him. "Yuhi you yamani, teru-teru Momiji…" She repeated the line until she sang it fluently without Momiji's help.


`Crystal!' Momiji looked around. The others had gone to bed a few minutes ago, leaving Momiji and Shii alone. `Crystal, where are you?'


`*Pant…Pant…* you called, Momo?'


`Crystal! Where were you?...Momo?'


`Nickname. Don't you worry about where I was; what's important now it that I'm here.'


`Well, I have her, and we're alone.'


`*GASP!* Dirty, dirty boy, Momo! Bring her to me, same place.'


Momiji stopped Shii in the middle of the verse. "Want to go for a walk?"


Shii looked at him, and then at Shigure's tent. "I think I hear Gure calling me…" She stood up and began walking to his tent, but Momiji stopped her again.


"I'll teach you the rest of the song."


The girl smiled, and agreed to go with him immediately. She followed him into the woods, Momiji teaching her the next line.


`She's a little girl, all right,' Momiji thought. `I tell her that I'll teach her the song, and she'll do whatever I want. I wander how old she is…' He looked around. `Are you here?'


`I'm behind you…'


Momiji stopped, and turned around, Shii too absorbed in the song to notice. Crystal stood behind them, Kyo behind her. Momiji gasped. "Kyo?" he asked out loud.


Shii stopped and turned around. At seeing Crystal, she hid behind Momiji. Kyo glared at Momiji blaming the rabbit for the cat's misfortunes. Momiji looked back at Kyo. Crystal smirked, and stepped forward. Shii saw her, and tried to run away, but the tall, blonde vampire grabbed her hair.


"You are a nuisance," Crystal growled, pulling Shii towards her.


The girl clutched her bear and gasped at the force pulling her. She opened her mouth to call Shigure or Akito, but Crystal covered her mouth before sound came out.


`Shigure! Help!'


`Shii? Where are you?'


`I'm in the woods. Momiji and two others are taking me away!'




Crystal smirked, and intercepted Shii's mind linking. "Can't have you calling for help, can we?" She turned her head, and smiled at Momiji. "Momo, Mimiru will proud of you."


Momiji walked behind them. Shii opened her eyes and looked at him.


"Uh, Crystal?" he said, staring back at her.


"Yes, Momo?"


"Should you be handling her like that?"


Shii squeaked again as Crystal tightened her hold so the girl didn't fall. "Of course," she replied. "She's going to die anyway."


Shii shook her head. She looked back at Momiji and Kyo, but found they weren't looking at her, and she couldn't get through their minds, which meant they weren't from her father's clan, and she knew the only clan who wanted her dead was Theme's clan, the `Cursed'.


Crystal sighed, and stopped walking. "This should be far enough." She looked down at Shii. "Now, you be a good girl…" She dropped the little girl on the ground, and took out her silver dagger, and she was the only one who didn't seem affected by the silver. The metal made Kyo and Momiji uneasy.


Crystal raised her dagger over her head and brought it down. Shii yelled for Shigure, since she knew her father wouldn't come (he's in France!), and suddenly, all went silent.


Momiji and Kyo had turned their heads away, not wanting to witness the death of the girl. However, when all silent, they looked at Crystal and Shii, expecting Shii to be a bloody corpse…


They groaned. "I think I'm going to be sick," Kyo said.


"What happened?" Momiji asked.


When they turned their heads, they didn't see what they expected to see.


The dagger lay lifeless on the ground, next to Shii, who was being hugged by Crystal; not strangled or smothered, but hugged.


"Isn't she just the cutes thing ever saw?" Crystal squealed. "I want to keep her. How many vampires are little girls, honestly? Can't I keep her?"


Momiji was about to speak, but someone interrupted him.




"Awe, but Mimiru! Look at her!" Crystal eased off Shii a little so Mimiru could see. "It's no wonder Theme couldn't kill her!"


Mimiru walked passed Momiji and Kyo, having appeared from behind them.


Shii looked up at Mimiru, he black hair a mess after being smothered (which Shii would describe it) by Crystal.


Mimiru sighed. "Yes, she is cute, but we have to take care of her the way Theme wanted!"


Crystal hugged Shii again; and, again, Shii thought she was being smothered. "You have such a black heart, Mi! Theme doesn't have to know."




"Shii," came another vampire voice from behind Kyo and Momiji. The `Cursed' vampires looked at who spoke, Kyo and Momiji thinking it sounded strangely like Akito. Sure enough, it was Akito, accompanied by Shigure. Kyo's predictions were true.


Crystal slowly loosened her grip on Shii, after having seen what Shigure and Akito looked like. She smiled at them. Shii took that moment to run out of Crystal's grasp, and ran to the two who came for her. She hid behind Shigure, who put his hand on her shoulder.


Akito glared at Kyo. "It's no surprise to see you here; I would have guessed you would do this…but, Momiji? I'm disappointed…going against me…"


Momiji shifted uncomfortably. "Would it make any difference if I was to tell you that you weren't supposed to go with her?" He meant Shii.


Akito grunted, and the three vampires of the clan `Re-born' turned and walked away, Akito in front, and Shii and Shigure behind him. Shii held on Shigure's hand, her little bear held limply at her side.


She turned her head and watched as the other four vampires stared at them, Mimiru shaking, Crystal staring at the men with starry eyes, Momiji looked sad, and Kyo not even looking at her.



Next Chapter: Yuki explains his time at the picnic with Tohru…


Me: This is a long chapter story, I apologize…that's why I have one and a half of a notebook filled to the last line…damn those long chapters! Here's notes on the chapter:

Momiji has been a vampire for a while.

Kyo isn't happy about becoming a vampire.

Rene isn't a very good father, but you probably already knew that.

Akito is even scarier and loves to take advantage that he gets to live forever.

Crystal is psychic…she's 200+ years old, having lost count at 200. She possess special powers that is given to a vampire over time. True immortality is give to those who are 5000+ old, which is why they are called `Ancients'.

Momiji hasn't changed from his happy self, he's just a little more grown up.

I forgot, until Ayames_girl reminded me that Momo is the name of Momiji's little sister, and, to fix any confusion, you won't have to worry about being confused, for I don't think the real Momo will be making an appearance. Sorry.