Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Lost My Sister in San Francisco ❯ A Walk on the Boardwalk ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N - 07/04/06 Okay, I’m typing this at 2:33 in the morning, with a hurt left ring finger. How did it get hurt? Well I was going to my room and my finger got caught between the door and the wall. Again. So earlier I was having a fight with a friend of mine and she let it slip that she thinks my writing sucks. (But we were very angry, so I don’t know if she meant it. Though I think she did.) And it hurt because I value her opinion very much when it comes to my writing. BUT I can’t let that get me down (even though I already did earlier)! Well in this chapter, let me tell you something. The boardwalk does NOT exist. Not that I know of, at least. I just made it up because...I’ve only been to San Francisco once (or was that LA?), and boardwalks are always fun for “dates”. (That and it’s part of my perfect dream date, but you don’t know about that.) Happy reading! n.n


“Boardwalk. Why do I feel like I’m playing Monopoly?” Kippei pondered aloud, walking next to Kasumi as they walked down the boardwalk that Kasumi had led them to. There were lots of people, a bunch of couples, and a few families. “What do you do at a boardwalk?”

“Play games, eat, have fun.” Kasumi smiled, taking his hand in hers. She pulled him with her farther down, getting ahead of the others.

Kyou’s developing older brother senses were going off the hook. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to have let Kasumi date just yet. Try when she was around twenty-five, maybe thirty. He had that itching burn to stand between the two, but he held back.

“Hard, huh?” Kokoro whispered. “Watching your baby sister date?” She sighed, looking to Kippei. She remembered the first time Kippei ever went on a date, but that was a long time ago. Some girl from their old high school near the beginning of the previous school year. Kokoro laughed to herself as she remembered following him out of the house and throughout the date until Mizuko sent Jon to take her home. All-in-all, it didn’t work out.

“Don’t wander too far off, Kasumi.” Shigure warned.

“Gotcha.” Kasumi half saluted playfully. She turned back to Kippei and nodded. “Come on!” She lead him away.

“Well aren’t they cute?” Sachiko laughed lightly, watching Kasumi and Kippei wander off like little kids in a place they’d never seen before. She heard something ringing inside her pocket. She reached in and pulled out her cell phone. She opened it up and put it to her ear. “Hello?”

They stopped walking to wait for her. Sachiko couldn’t be trusted walking and talking on the phone at the same time. There were a lot of “uh huh”s and “um”s, not to mention the occasional glance at Kokoro. Finally there was a “okay, hold on” as Sachiko took the phone from her ear and looked to Kokoro.

“Mizuko has your dad on the other line, do you want her to tell him to call your cell or you’ll talk to him later?” Sachiko whispered to Kokoro.

“I didn’t realize it was their day to call.” Kokoro blinked. “Yeah, tell him to call me.”

“You sure?” Sachiko asked. “You can always talk to him later. You don’t have to talk to him right now. I mean if you–.”

“Sachiko, I’m a big girl, I can handle it.” Kokoro smiled lightly. There was a sadness to that smile, but she tried to conceal it. She got her phone out after Sachiko hung up hers and waited for it to ring.
Kyou watched Kokoro watch her phone. It was gonna be the same as always, and then Kokoro would be mad and depressed at the same time. He couldn’t let that happen. No, Kokoro was his...friend. Friend, why was it so hard to say that she was his friend? What made him choke on the word at the back of his mind as he tried to define his relationship with her. Friends. He shook off the feeling and snatched Kokoro’s cell phone from her hand. He quickly turned it off and put it away.

“Kyou! I was wait–!” Kokoro started. She reached for her phone.

“Is this how we’re gonna spend our ‘date’? With you on the phone with your dad? If that’s the case, I’ll leave.” Kyou said, holding the phone away from her.

Kokoro blushed brightly at the words ‘our date’ came out of his mouth. Crap, did he know that she liked him? Was it that obvious?! In any case, she couldn’t very well retrieve her phone easily from him. But still! She was waiting for an important call! How rude of Kyou to take her phone from her and turn it off! “Fine.” She grumbled. “Can I at least have it back?”

“No.” Kyou simply replied.

“Ky–!” Kokoro began.

“Hey!” Kasumi called, running back over to them with Kippei. “Come on, there’s this cool restaurant down the boardwalk! It looks awesome! And they have a karaoke thing inside too!”

Sachiko signaled Kasumi to stop after she said ‘karaoke’. When Kasumi stared at her bewildered, she simply pointed to Kokoro and shook her head quickly.

“Sachiko!” Kokoro crossed her arms. “My singing is fine!”

Sachiko stifled a laugh, turning her head to the side.

“Sachiko, you’re not being very nice.” Shigure laughed lightly.

“Come on, I’m starving!” Kippei whined. “We didn’t get to leave before we left the ranch, remember? Two certain people insisted that we leave quickly.” He turned to Kyou and Kokoro.

“We were having some problems.” Kokoro quickly explained. It was her usual way of explaining things. Quick, simple, out of the way. But Kippei never let her get off that easy.

“Who’s ‘we’? You and Anita going at it again?” Kippei questioned.

“None of your business.” Kokoro half-glared.

“Betcha it was.” Kippei crossed his arms.

Sachiko sighed. There they went again. She couldn’t help but smile though. She was glad that she didn’t have children of her own. In any case, she had to stop them from arguing before they began to really fight. And she was pretty sure Kokoro could kill Kippei if she really wanted to. She put her fingers to her lips and let out a piercing whistle.

Kokoro and Kippei stopped instantly, covering their ears a bit late. They stared at Sachiko with a ‘What-did-I-do?’ look. Naturally, she responded with a ‘You-know-what-you-did.’ look of her own.

“Come on!” Kasumi urged. “If it makes any of you go faster, I’m paying!”
“And where do you get money?” Kyou questioned. Well, it was kinda obvious. A job. But Kasumi never mentioned anything about having a job. Still, she never seemed to go. She was always with Kyou and the others.

“I work at a café down the street from the school.” Kasumi smiled. “It’s a pretty fun place. The owner’s nice.”

“Does she wanna adopt you too?” Kokoro mumbled under her breath. Who was it that Dawn had mentioned? The Hainsworths’, Miss Cambridge...anyone else?

“Oh no, not Emily.” Kasumi laughed lightly. “Emily’s more of an older sister to me than a parent.”

“Another one? How many are there?” Kokoro asked.

“That’s it. Oh, but then Michael acts like an older brother.” Kasumi smiled.

“Who’s Michael?” Kyou immediately asked. Not that he was concerned about Kasumi having guy friends. No, of course not. He just had to know who they were and how they knew his little sister, that’s all. Yeah, doesn’t an older brother have the right to know who all his little sister’s friends are?

“Just a friend.” Kasumi blinked. “He lives with his uncle. He used to live in Texas, but there were some family problems and he was sent to live here. He goes to a public school across town.”

“And how do you know him?” Kyou questioned.

“Kyou, let her have her friends. It’s not like she does anything illegal with them, right Kasumi?” Shigure said.

“It depends...” Kasumi walked a couple of feet away, then turned around to face them. “Is selling drugs on the street illegal?”

Kyou knew she was kidding. She was kidding...right? Of course she was. Kyou knew Kasumi better than that. With a slight smirk on his face, he ran towards Kasumi. “Get over here.”

“Eek!” Kasumi yelped and ran down the boardwalk, Kyou chasing after her. “Don’t worry, Kyou-oniichan! Michael’s nothing compared to you!” She laughed, leading Kyou to the restaurant she and Kippei had been talking about. By then the rest of the group had followed after them.

“Not a bad place.” Kokoro said, looking around. “Oh look! A bar! Sa–!” She began to look to Sachiko.

“No.” Sachiko interrupted her. “You’re not old enough.”

“But–!” Kokoro started.

“Nope.” Sachiko shook her head. “Look, here comes the hostess.”

“Great, teenagers.” The hostess mumbled annoyingly as she caught sight of the six teenagers waiting to be seated. She paid virtually no mind to the two adults accompanying them.

“Yuki,” Kasumi called in a whisper. She lifted herself onto her tiptoes and whispered something in his ear. The others stared at them, wondering what Kasumi was telling him. She let herself down and nodded to him, a smile across her face.

“I don’t know, Kasumi...” Yuki began.

“I bet it’ll work.” Kasumi assured with another nod. “Do it.”

Yuki sighed and looked at the hostess. “Excuse me,” He smiled kindly at her. “Is there any tables in a place that’s not so crowded?”

She took one look at him and...”Of course!” she instantly beamed. “My name’s Danielle, I’ll be your hostess and waitress for the evening!”

“No, I’ll be your waitress!” A waitress nearby yelled. “My name’s Delilah, everyone’s favorite waitress!”

“Liar!” Danielle screamed.

“And just how did you know that would happen?” Yuki asked, looking to Kasumi.

Kasumi just smiled. “Because...everyone loves Prince Yuki, no matter what country he’s in.” She looked to the two battling waitresses. “Well, take your pick. I’m sure as soon as any other waitress gets a glimpse of you, they’ll want to serve you as well.”

“Why don’t we just seat ourselves first?” Yuki suggested.

“Alright.” Kasumi shrugged. She lead them past the crowds, searching for a table or booth that wasn’t too crowded with people.

“Found one.” Kyou called, sitting in a large booth enough to fight them all. There weren’t many people around. It was the corner of the restaurant near the back, where people never went. And if they did, they were usually mafia leaders and hitmen, planning who to take out next.

“Awesome.” Kokoro smiled, taking a seat. Kokoro sat next to Kyou. Kyou sat on the other side of Kasumi, whom was sitting on the other side of Kippei. On Kippei’s other side was Sachiko, next to Shigure. On Kokoro’s other side sat Tohru, who sat next to Yuki. Lovely, everyone got to sit next to their ‘date’.

“What can I get you?” A waiter came with a pen and pad in his hand. He looked friendly.

“Thank god, a male.” Kokoro sighed in relief. She didn’t like the whole ‘Obsessive-Yuki-Fangirl’ thing. She looked up at the waiter. Suddenly she had to take a moment to catch her winded breath.

Tall, smooth, semi-long black hair with bangs cut somewhat uneven but it was so sexy that no woman could resist, forest green eyes, a nicely built frame. He was wearing a white t-shirt and a black vest, a black and white checkered tie hanging loosely around his neck. Around his wrist was a black wristband. Something was on it, but from the angle, Kokoro couldn’t tell what it said. His jeans were a little ripped and baggy, covering most of his white converse shoes. Three or four chains were hanging from his jean pockets and a name tag that said “Devon”.

“Thank god, a male.” She breathed.

“Miss?” Devon blinked, looking to Kokoro. “Can I get you anything?”

You can get me your number. Kokoro thought, still staring at him in awe. Sure you can get your–.

“Kokoro,” Sachiko called. She knew what her niece was thinking and didn’t plan on letting her finish that thought.
“Huh?” Kokoro blinked, looking to Sachiko. “Did you say something?”

“What do you want to eat?” Sachiko asked.

The hot waiter standing in front of me. Kokoro continued on in her head. “A Pepsi and a burger.” She said the first of her major food groups that came to her mind. “Well done, hold the onions and lettuce, and the shirt.”

“What was that last one?” Devon asked, looking up from his notepad.

“Mustard. I said mustard. Hold the mustard.” She quickly defended.

“Kokoro, you love mustard. You could live off mustard.” Kippei commented. So now his sister had a new object of affection. Maybe Kokoro finally realized Kyou was out of her reach (not really out of her league, just reach). But still, so was this guy by the looks of it. Or maybe Kokoro still liked Kyou and she was just infatuated with this new guy.

“And you can live off ketchup, so shut up.” Kokoro growled lightly. She looked back to Devon and smiled. “Hold the mustard.”

“Alright.” Devon nodded, writing it down on his notepad. “You, sir? What would you like?” He looked to Kyou.

For you to get the hell out of here. Kyou thought, watching Kokoro watch Devon. Wait, why was he feeling jealous? Over Kokoro! What the hell was all this?! Why was he suddenly glad over the fact that Devon lived across the Pacific ocean from Kokoro and they all were only there because they were visiting Kasumi and would be leaving in a week or two?

“Excuse me,” Devon called again. “What do you want?”

“You fired.” Kyou mumbled gruffly under his breath. No one heard him though. There went the jealous feeling again. Why was he feeling jealous that Kokoro was now fascinated with some guy they just met. A waiter. Why did he care?!

“He wants a plate of ribs and a soda.” Kasumi said for Kyou. She felt somewhat irritated at how long it took Kyou and Kokoro to order. But the feeling was overcome with a sense of humor as she realized what was really going on. Kokoro had feelings for Kyou, but the new guy swayed her affections in another direction, and Kyou was just realizing that it was possible that he had feelings for Kokoro just as she did for him, causing Kyou to get jealous. “I’ll have an iced tea, a burger and some french fries. Sweetened, well done, hold the onions, and that’ll be all for me.”

Devon left after taking the rest of the orders, taking part of Kokoro’s heart with him.

“Well done?” Kippei questioned, looking past Kasumi and Kyou to Kokoro.

“Yes he was.” Kokoro sighed dreamily.

Kyou cleared his throat loudly, drawing Kokoro away from her fantasy land back to reality.

“Huh? Oh!” Kokoro laughed nervously.

“This is gonna be a long date.” Kippei sighed.

Kasumi nodded in agreement. But she couldn’t help but smile, maybe it would turn out to be a lot of fun later on.


A/N - 07/12/06 Are you effin’ serious?! It took me eight ferkin’ days to write this?! O rly? Ya rly. NO WAI!!! ;>> Sorry, just some stuff between me and some friends. n.n;; Anyway, I’m starting to really really like this fic. Ah, the jealousy, the hypocrisy, the teenage-isy. Anyway, Devon is copyright of mine, and my friends Abby and Tai’s minds. I asked them to help me describe a hot guy, and that’s our idea of one. n.n;; Apparently for Kokoro too. Anyway, I’m tired out. I was so panicked because the computer froze before I could save the file, but luckily it saved on it’s on. Most of it anyway. Well, I think thanks to Abby and Tai, my writers’ block (or writers’ rainbow triangular prism, as my other friend calls it) is cured. n.n Stay tuned!