Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Love lies in the darkest places ❯ Be Mine Or Be Dead ( Chapter 3 )
Chapter 3
I wonder how long it will be until anyone misses the Monkey. And I wonder if anyone will miss him at all. Heh seems he was right; he WAS just an empty use of space and time. How pathetic. He spent all of his time saying how unless he was, hoping someone would care, when he really was useless. He's been gone for 4 days now, and no one has even noticed.
He was invisible to everyone, just like I am to you. Does this mean if I died, no one would care?
It's Ironic hey.
How you can spend your life thinking something is true, only to find out that it is true.
Life's a bitch like that.
Yuki, it kind of reminds me, of the time, when I started hating you. How I knew I was loved, yet told myself, that she could never love Me. Only to find out, that it really way true…
So Yeah I guess I do have a reason, to hate you. I'm not the type of person to just hate someone for the hell of it.
Well, unless they annoy me of course.
By Yuki, the sad thing about me is, that you might not even realise how I feel about you. This love, or this hate. You are, totally blind. Just like everyone else.
Your so perfect Yuki, and its all your fault that I feel this way. Because if you weren't so perfect….
She….would still….love me.
I used to have that love.
The way you love.
The way that when you pass them, you look into their eyes…and know that everything's going to be okay.
And you fucking took it from me.
You killed the love that I had! You and your perfect fucking ways!
You…took away my life.
You took HER away from me…
I loved her. Wanted her. Would have done fucking anything for her. Just to hold her. And I thought that she loved me.
I mean she showed it, I showed it. It was all perfect, sweet. Until I found out that, she never really loved me anyway.
I mean I can why, why have me when she might have you? She told me Yuki, that she loved you, that she didn't want me. I lost the only person that loved me…because of fucking you. Because…your so, fucking perfect.
I remember, so clearly that moment, that you wrecked my fucking life. When she stood in front of me, looking at me for the first time, without love in her eyes. Telling me, that she loved you, and that we shouldn't, be together anymore. The moment I felt my heart shatter, and I knew.
I had to kill you.
But…once again, you screwed everything up.
I started to watch you Yuki, watched you to see, what the hell she might have seen in you.
To find out, why I was thrown away, all for you. All because there was a chance of you. To try and see, what the hell, others must see. Because I couldn't.
You where just another fucking low life Soma, one of my family members that where too many, and that I care too less about.
Not like gave a shit about me anyway.
So I watched, and waited.
And it all backfired on me.
I stalked you, watched you hated you. But the more I watched, the more I saw what the others saw. The kindness, the beauty, and the brains.
The more I watched, the more I found myself drawn to you. Until, I realised that I didn't just want to kill you anymore, I wanted to hurt you, but, I also wanted to love you.
I loved you.
And I hate you for it.
And you deserve everything you get from me.
I will kill you. It will kill me as well, but you need to die Yuki. You need to see how much you've hurt everyone. How you've ignored me, how you shattered, and totally fucked up my life.
And you will pay, my dear, sweet love.
And you will pay, by my blood stained hands.
Blood, it smells oh so sweet.
Nothing like flowers, of the perfume, others talk about. Its pure, red, thick. So different, from the taste of it, that coppery metallic taste. It smells like nothing I have every smelt, the smell so thick, I can feel it, in my veins. It's the smell that I crave to have.
And it's the only smell, I want on Yuki.
That's what I dreamt of last night. Of blood. Of my Yuki, covered in blood.
He was in my room, on my bed. His hair, fanning around his face. So beautiful.
His eyes, where wide in pain, in fear as he looked up at me. I remember smiling down at him, my fingers running across his soft skin, his face, and his neck. I remember the soft silky feel of him, as he shuddered under me, arching, trying to draw away.
His skin was unmarked, so sweet and all mine.
I remember he was asking me to stop, to let him go, to not do this.
In my dreams he always begs me…
I remember, in my dream, how I kissed him, the soft lips against mine.
How my teeth bit into his lip, and how that blood, tasted in my mouth. How I bit him, roughly on his neck, chest. Not on his face, oh no.
That was mine to look at, to admire as he cried, sweet hot tears.
His pain was mine to see.
I remember the look on his face as I took out that shining knife. As I craved my name into his chest, how I drew bloody love hearts over his skin, how while he bleed, over my pure white sheets.
I remember the sound of his voice as threw that knife to the ground, and thrust myself into him. Into his sweet, perfect body. Breaking him, making him bleed. Claiming him, taking him, making his mine. I remember the cries that he made, I remember the heat I was in, how perfect he felt, how tight he was.
I remember it all.
I remember after I had him, after I cum inside of him, how I pulled out and kissed him softly.
How I held him lovingly in my arms, how I stroked his wounds, as I kissed his forehead, and told him I loved him.
I remember the look of pleading on his face, as I got that knife, and thrust it into his heart, making him feel like I did.
And I remember, his look of love, as he slipped into death, with my arms around his beautiful body….
I heard Shigure on the phone, about 3 weeks, after I had buried the Monkey. Heh Buried the monkey. Sounds like fucking safe sex commercial. What a joke.
Shigure was talking to the lady that owned the hot spring.
Annoying bitch.
I almost wished I had killed her instead of her son.
But he was much more beautiful, then she was. Much more like Yuki.
And she wouldn't have looked half as nice, lying dead on my floor.
It seems Ritsu's mother was worried. Wow, someone did care. Or so it seemed.
Shigure had seen me come down the stairs as he hung up the phone. He looked worried as well.
Well isn't that fucking sweet?
Someone did care about the dumb monkey after all.
I guess he'll never know anyway.
"Are you sure he left okay" Shigure stared at me, and I just shrugged, informing him that he had. He nodded and picked up the phone, dialling the number, he knew best.
I watched him for a while, as he informed our good doctor of the families' new problem. I really didn't give a flying fuck about Ritsu. I just hoped they wouldn't find out before I got to Yuki.
I needed him first.
Needed him to be mine, before anything else happened.
Needed him to be mine.
Needed him…more then anything.
Yuki…your mine…