Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Middle-High ❯ First Day Mornings ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hello minna-san! I'm very sorry about my other stories but I am a very lazy person especially when I don't have motivation. Well stories are only for my free time so all that homework doesn't help. This is a self insertion with me and my friends so they are to keep me in line. So a few notes:
---Japanese will me translated at the end of each chapter
---This story is very awkward
---The Hyde Park mentioned is not the one in Europe but rather one in the USA, Nevada were I went to for 6th grade.
So now onto the story.
Kyo: Finally!
Don't interrupt Kyonkyon (1)!
Kyo: Don't call me that!
Yuki: Ignore him Sakura-chan. Please continue.
Arigato Yuki-kun! *glomp*
Another boring first day of school.
I've been here for 5 years and it gets boring. No, I didn't get held back…This is a Middle-High. (2) Grades 6-12 come here to Hyde Park and I've been here since 6th grade, now I'm supposed to be in 11th grade, a junior.
As I walked to my locker I noticed I knew most all students here.
`Of course,' I thought, `me and my friends had to be SO smart we got the PLEASURE to be teachers while all of them went on vacation!' Note the sarcasm. I groaned as I slammed my locker shut and took a sip of my coffee.
I've been working here for 3 years and I was very well known. I was the math teacher here (Only me, yippee. -_-) so I got to know every single student. Surprisingly they were all very respectful.
As I absentmindedly walked down the hall to my classroom I bumped into someone. We both fell down, me on top of him. I heard a gasp but I ignored it. As I went to apologize he beat me to it…sort of.
Miharu ikeike!” he growled out. I stared, not because he had insulted me (although I was offended) but because he did it in Japanese.
“Kyo!” a brown haired female exclaimed as he literally pushed me off of him, making me land painfully on my side. Bekarazu iwaku anna! Sumimasen. Kyo, watashitachi beki ikihajimeru.” `Kyo' grumbled and walked off with her.
This year was going to be interesting.
Then the bell rang. `SHIT!' I picked up my bag, coffee (which did not spill thanks to my awesome thermos. *o*) and purse and ran to class.
AND CLOSE! That was great peoples!
Shigure: Why are you yelling?
Because I can
Hiro: Oi! Don't you have to say something?
But he does have a point.
Kyo has a nickname that some (Ayame) call him. I think its Kyonkyon. If its not or its spelled incorrectly please tell me.
Middle-High, I made it up but if it's a real adjective word thingy I didn't know and all it means its grades from middle, junior and high school.
Also the Japanese might sound weird but I used an English to romaji dictionary.
Japanese: (literal)
Miharu ikeike: Look out bitch!
Bekarazu iwaku anna: Do not say that!
Sumimasen: Sorry.
Watashitachi beki ikihajimeru: We must get going!